
Creating SurfAid Reports. SurfAid Workshop: Reports

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Creating SurfAid Reports. SurfAid Workshop: Reports
SurfAid Workshop: Reports
Creating SurfAid Reports.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How do I find a URL or specific page in SurfAid
You can use the Search for Resources… feature to find page views on a
specific URL.
Step 1: Open the Data Analysis screen and then from the Control pane select ‘Content
Category’ in the Area of Analysis tab.
Control Pane
Area of Analysis tab
Content Category selection.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How do I find a URL or specific page in SurfAid
Step 2: Click the Filters tab from the Control Panel. Select a category under the Content
Category categories that you wish to use to narrow your search. From here, there are two ways to
access the Search for Resources… feature.
1) Right mouse click and select Search for Resources… from the pop-up menu
2) Select Control Panel –> Search for Resources… from the Tools menu.
Search for Resources…
Search for Resources…
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How do I find a URL or specific in SurfAid
Step 3: A Search dialog will pop-up.
In the Matchstring: text box enter the URL that you wish to search on.
Note: Always use a relative path. Do NOT include http://www.michigan.gov
Uncheck the Case Sensitive check box and then click the Go button to save your
search criteria.
Enter URL here.
Note the relative path.
Uncheck the Case Sensitive
check box
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How do I find a URL or specific in SurfAid
Your Filter tab should look something like this. (The panel is expanded for this
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How do I find a URL or specific in SurfAid
Step 4: From the Measurements tab, check Page Views and then from the
Dates tab select a date range.
Measurements tab.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
Dates tab.
How do I find a URL or specific in SurfAid
Step 5: Click the Update button on the bottom of the Control Panel to perform
the search. Once the search is complete the result will appear in the Data Panel.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
Where are people coming from?
Visitors can access any Michigan.gov site from anywhere around the world.
You can see where people are coming from by running a Visitor Geography report.
The steps that follow are an example of finding a Visitor Geography report for the
Budget site:
Step 1: Open the Data Analysis screen and then from the Control pane select ‘Visitor
Geography’ from the Area of Analysis tab.
Control Pane
Area of Analysis tab
Visitor Geography
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
Where are people coming from?
Step 2: Next, click the Filters tab from the Control Panel. From the drop-down
menu select Content Category.
Filters tab
Select Content Category
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
Where are people coming from?
Step3 Select a category under the Content Category list that you wish to use to
narrow your search. For this example BUDGET is selected.
Select a category to
narrow your search.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
Where are people coming from?
Step 4: From the Measurements tab, check Page Views and then from the
Dates tab select the date range.
Measurements tab.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
Dates tab.
Where are people coming from?
Step 5: Click the Update button and bottom of the Control Panel to perform the
search. Once the search is complete the result will appear of the Data Panel
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How to find Marketing URLs (redirects)
Marketing URLs show up in SurfAid as a
Redirect under Traffic Types.
The Marketing URLs are format in SurfAid as:
You can find the instruction for generating a
report at:
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How to find Marketing URLs (redirects)
Instruction for using SurfAid to find the number of hits that a redirect(s) has received.
(Note: The following instructions assume that you are already familiar with using the Data Analysis tool in SurfAid.)
1. Log in to SurfAid and then open the Data Analysis tool.
2. From the Control panel, select ‘Traffic Type’ from the
Area of Analysis tab.
Area of Analysis tab
Traffic Type
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How to find Marketing URLs (redirects)
3. Click the Measurements tab and select ‘Hits’
Select ‘Hits’ for Measurements.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How to find Marketing URLs (redirects)
6. Next, from the Tools menu, select Control Panel and
then ‘Search For Resources…’
“Search for Resources…”
menu item.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How to find Marketing URLs (redirects)
7 From the Search dialog box, enter your matchstring; For
example (/Redirect*/familyhistory).
Next, Uncheck the Case Sensitive box.
8. Click the Go button to save your matchstring.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How to find Marketing URLs (redirects)
9. Now click the Update button at the bottom of the
Control Panel pane to submit the query.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
How to find Marketing URLs (redirects)
10. When the query finishes the Data Panel should show
results similar to the graphic below.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
Things that SurfAid Cannot do
What SurfAid cannot do is:
track a user’s path throughout your site or tell you how many unique
visitors you have.
Because we don’t use cookies, we have no way of tracking a
visitor’s activity through your site.
track traffic on external servers that are not already in SurfAid.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
Page Views and Hits
The difference between Page Views and Hits
Page Views are the number of times a page was viewed.
Hits are all resources that requested from the web server from a
given page.
A hit can include pages, graphic images, redirects, frames,
and other server resources.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
Saving and archiving reports
Data is only stored in the SurfAid Database for 13 months.
If you wish archive the data you will need to either:
Export the data in SurfAid to a report.
After you export a report you can save the csv file to a
network drive
Copy the Data Table and then paste the results into Excel.
If you want to see specific URL in a report you must expand the
results in the Data Table before exporting it to a report.
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
Support and Training
Getting assistance with SurfAid:
SurfAid has a Support menu that contains a lot of information about
how to use SurfAid
Support menu
You can also contact Anne Nolan or Deb Christensen
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
Support and Training
SurfAid Training:
SurfAid has offer Live Online training
The class schedule can found in the Support menu
Training classes
eMichigan also offers SurfAid classes.
The class schedule can be found the eMichigan website
The next SurfAid classes is Jul /19/05 1:00 - 4:30
Department of Information Technology
e-Michigan Web Development
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