Synar Coverage Study 2015
Synar Coverage Study 2015 PIHP: Number of Tobacco Retailers: LOCATION: (City, County) MAP LINK USED FOR ROUTING: OROSC recommendation is Identify all that you use. . BUSINESS MAP LINK USED FOR ROUTING: NOTE: This was used to locate likely areas for business locations. Not all business opt to have their locations on the Google mapping system. ROUTE: Describe starting point and procedural route. Type the word “END” at your stopping point. (See attached “SAMPLE” for assistance. Use in conjunction with CS Protocol guidance.) You may NOT refer to the current Master Tobacco Retailer List at any time before or during this exercise 1 Synar Coverage Study 2015 (Sample) CA: Kalamazoo # of Tobacco Retailers: 16 LOCATION: Hastings City, Barry County MAP LINKS USED FOR ROUTING: Kalamazoo CA/Barry County Hastings is between Charlotte and Kentwood,+MI&mrt=all&sll=42.64002,85.292358&sspn=0.565726,1.194763&ie=UTF8&radius=36.39&split=1&rq=1&ev=zo&hq=Hasting,+MI&h near=&ll=42.64002,-85.292358&spn=0.565726,1.194763&z=9 BUSINESS MAP LINK USED FOR ROUTING: This was used to locate likely areas for business locations. Not all businesses opt to have their locations on the Google mapping system. This feature was combined with Google Satellite. All of these routes are only as good as the map and the route creator.,+MI&mrt=all&sll=42.481 972,-83.117752&sspn=0.070895,0.149345&ie=UTF8&hq=Hasting,+MI&hnear=&radius=15000&z=11 ROUTE: Once the provided route has been completed in an area, you may zigzag through any businesses sections which may have been overlooked. You may NOT refer to the current Master Tobacco Retailer List at any time before or during this exercise. BEGIN: At 43/Broadway and W. State Street (Note: There are East and West State STREETS and State ROADS; and 43 goes N/S as well as W with 37/179/West State St./Chief Noonday Rd.) S on Broadway, E on E Green, N on S Hanover, E on State ST, S on Church, E on Nelson, N on S Jefferson, E on State ST, S on Michigan, W on W South, N on S Young, E on W Grand, N on Broadway, W on Walnut, S on Cass, E on Clinton, N on S Market, E on W Walnut, N on Michigan, E on Green, S on Jefferson, W on Marshall, N on Washington, E on W Clinton, N on S Church, E on Center, S on E State ST, W on Clinton, N on East, E on Walnut, S on Dibble, E on Hubble, N on Montgomery, NW on E State ST, W on E Green, S on S Hanover, E on Marshall, N on Hays, W on Grand, N on Dibble, NW on State ST, W on W Apple, S on Washington, N on N Park , W on Green, N on Market, curve onto Mill, S on Washington, E on Court, N on 43/Broadway, E on Mill, N on Michigan, E on E Thorn, N on Boltwood, W on Colfax, S on N Michigan, E on E Blair, S on Boltwood, W on E State Rd, N on Broadway/43, E on E. North, S on N East St, W on Woodlawn, N on Michigan, W on E North, S on Jefferson, W on Woodlawn, N on N Church, W on W North, S on 43/Broadway, W on W State ST>179>Chief Noonday> Gun Lake Rd., reverse at Gun Lake Rd and go E on State ST. to N Broadway; W on State RD, to Woodschool . 2