Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2005 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR Fact Sheet The Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is part of a nationwide surveying effort led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to monitor students’ health risks and behaviors in six categories identified as most likely to result in adverse outcomes. These categories include unintentional injury and violence, tobacco use, alcohol and other drug use, sexual behaviors that contribute to unintended pregnancy or disease, dietary behaviors, and physical inactivity. High response rates allow results of the 2005 YRBS to be generalized to all Michigan students in grades 9-12. Of Vital Concern: The National Perspective 2005 Survey Results Over half of all high school students have never had sexual intercourse. Among those who have had sexual intercourse, over a quarter were abstinent the previous three months (Figure 1). ♦ 1 Figure 12 17 Figure SB 1 Adolescent Sexual Behavior Percentage of MI H.S. Students Age at first intercourse and number of sexual partners is associated with increased risk for unwanted pregnancy and other sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection. Latex condoms, when used consistently and correctly, are highly effective in preventing transmission of HIV and can reduce the risk of other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Gonorrhea rates are highest among females between the ages of 15 and 19 (715.8 cases per 100,000) and males between the ages of 20 and 24 (589.7 per 100,000). Through 2002, 13% of persons diagnosed with HIV/AIDS were 13-24 years old at diagnosis. The percentage of high school students who ever had sexual intercourse decreased from 54% in 1991 to 47% in 2003, while condom use among currently sexually active students increased significantly from 46% in 1991 to 63% in 2003. In 2000, 73% of senior high schools taught HIV prevention education in a required health education course. Did not use a Condom* 11% Used a Condom* 18% Never Had Sexual Intercourse 58% * At last intercourse, among those who had sexual intercourse during the previous 3 months. For complete references, please log onto (Page 1 of 4) Michigan Department of Education Ever Had Sex 42% No Sexual Intercourse During the Previous 3 Months 13% Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey SEXUAL BEHAVIOR SEXUAL BEHAVIOR S h e e 100 t 2005 Survey Results 2 (continued) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Significantly more twelfth grade students than ninth and tenth grade students reported having sexual intercourse, multiple partners,1 and recent2 sex (Figures 2 and 3). Among those students who recently had sex, ninth and tenth graders were more likely than eleventh and twelfth graders to have used a condom. However, eleventh and twelfth grade students were more likely than ninth graders to have used birth control pills (Figure 3). 2 Recent means during the past 30 days. Contact Information Michigan Department of Education, Grants Coordination and School Support, Coordinated School Health and Safety Programs P.O. Box 30008, Lansing, Michigan 48909 Phone: 517-241-4284 Web: State of Compliance With Federal Law The Michigan Department of Education complies with all Federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination, and with all requirements and regulations of the U. S. Department of Education. 10,000 pieces printed at $.08 each, total cost $791.77. Michigan State Board of Education Kathleen N. Straus, President Carolyn L. Curtin, Secretary Nancy Danhof, NASBE Delegate Reginald M. Turner John C. Austin, Vice President Marianne Yared McGuire, Treasurer Elizabeth W. Bauer Eileen Lappin Weiser Ex-Officio Jennifer M. Granholm, Governor Michael P. Flanagan, Superintendent of Public Instruction 60 48 40 20 33 24 19 20 39 38 23 0 9th Graders* 10th Graders* 11th Graders* 12th Graders* Figure 9 SB 3 Sexual Activity and Risk Reduction 3 9th Grade Students 10th Grade Students 11th Grade Students 12th Grade Students 80 60 74 72 55 55 44 40 20 36 20 27 24 21 13 7 0 Had Sex During Previous 3 Months Used Birth Control Pills* Used a Condom*, ** * At last intercourse, among students who had sex during the previous 3 months ** These percentages do not represent statistically significant differences among grades. SB 4 Sexual Behaviors and Gender Nine in ten students had been taught about AIDS or HIV infection in school. Four or more people during their lives. Males Females 80 * These percentages do not represent statistically significant differences between genders. Males were less likely than females, and white students less likely than black students to have had discussions with their parents or other adults in their family about expected sexual behavior (Figure 4). 1 Percentage of MI H.S. Students Sheet Fact SB 2 Sexual Intercourse During Previous Three Months Percentage of MI H.S. Students Fact 2005 Figure 12 68 Families talked about expectations 74 6 Were forced to have sex 12 First partner was 3 or more years older* 4 20 Males Females 31 Had sex in the previous 3 months*** 28 31 36 Abstained from sex in the previous 3 months*, *** 24 64 Used a condom**, *** 60 0 20 40 60 Percentage of MI H.S. Students * Among those who ever had sexual intercourse ** At last intercourse, among those who had sexual intercourse during the previous 3 months *** These percentages do not represent statistically significant differences among genders. (Page 2 of 4) Michigan Department of Education 80 Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2005 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR Fact Sheet 2005 Survey Results (continued) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The numbers of students reporting ever having sex, recently having sex, and using condoms has not changed significantly since 1997. More females than males had been physically forced to have sexual intercourse, with one in eleven students reporting this experience (Figure 5). Figure 7 More black and Hispanic students than white students reported ever having sex and engaging in sexual intercourse under age 16.3 Approximately five times as many black and Hispanic students as white students had sexual intercourse prior to age 13. SB 5 Force or Questionable Consent and Sexual Intercourse 5 Females were more likely than males to have had first sexual intercourse with a partner who was three or more years older. Percentage of MI H.S. Students ♦ Trends 40 Males Females 33 31 29 30 26 20 20 12 10 6 19 9 4 0 Were Forced to Have Sex Had Sex Had Sex Before Age 13*** Before Age 16*** Used Alcohol or Drugs Before Sex**, *** First Partner Was 3 or More Years Older* * Among those who ever had sexual intercourse ** Among those who had sexual intercourse during the previous 3 months *** These percentages do not represent statistically significant differences among genders. Black and Hispanic students were more likely than white students to have had recent sex and to have had four or more partners during their lives (Figure 6). SB 6 Sexual Behaviors and Race/Ethnicity 37 67 Had ever had sex 56 ♦ ♦ ♦ Males and ninth graders were more likely than females and eleventh and twelfth graders to have abstained from sex in the previous three months. White students were more likely than black students to have used drugs and alcohol during last sexual intercourse, but were three times as likely to have used birth control pills. Four times as many black and Hispanic as white students had been pregnant or gotten someone pregnant. 3 According to current Michigan law (MCL 720.520), adolescents cannot give consent to sex under the age of 16. 3 19 16 Had sex before age 13 9 28 24 Had sex with 4 or more partners* 6 White Black Hispanic 26 Had sex in the previous 3 months 48 41 23 Used birth control pills** 7 NA 3 Had been pregnant or gotten someone pregnant 14 12 0 20 40 60 80 Percentage of MI H.S. Students * Among those who ever had sexual intercourse ** At last intercourse, among those who had sexual intercourse during the previous 3 months NA Data is not available due to small response group (Page 3 of 4) Michigan Department of Education 100 Michigan Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2005 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR Fact Sheet MI GENDER GRADE RACE/ETHNICITY SURVEY QUESTION American White Hispanic Indian 2005 M F 9 10 11 12 Black % of students who have ever talked with their parents or other adults in their family about what they expected them to do or not to do when it comes to sex 71 68 74 71 67 73 76 85 69 75 77 % of students who had ever been taught about AIDS or HIV infection in school 90 90 90 86 90 93 92 89 90 88 84 % of students who had sexual intercourse 42 43 41 34 34 49 57 67 37 56 46 % of students who had sexual intercourse for the first time before age 16 31 33 29 34 32 30 28 62 24 48 43 % of students who had sexual intercourse for the first time before age 13 6 9 4 9 5 4 5 19 3 16 15 % of students who had sexual intercourse with four or more people during their life 12 14 10 8 9 14 19 28 9 24 13 % of students who had sexual intercourse within the last 3 months 29 28 31 20 24 36 44 48 26 41 29 Of students who have ever had sexual intercourse, % not having sexual intercourse during the past 3 months 30 36 24 42 31 27 23 28 31 — — Of students who had sexual intercourse during the past 3 months, % who drank alcohol or used drugs before last sexual intercourse 22 26 19 22 20 20 25 14 25 — — Of students who had sexual intercourse during the past 3 months, % who used a condom during last sexual intercourse 62 64 60 74 72 55 55 66 61 — — Of students who had sexual intercourse during the past 3 months, % who used birth control pills during last sexual intercourse 19 14 23 7 13 21 27 7 23 — — % of students who had been pregnant or gotten someone pregnant one or more times 5 6 5 4 5 5 8 14 3 12 7 % of students who have ever been physically forced to have sexual intercourse when they did not want to 9 6 12 7 7 11 12 12 8 13 17 25 20 31 28 29 24 22 27 24 — — Of students who ever had sexual intercourse, % whose first partner was 3 or more years older For additional information on the YRBS results, please log on to (Page 4 of 4) Michigan Department of Education