
C o m m u n i t y ... P r o g r a m s

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C o m m u n i t y ... P r o g r a m s
M i c h i g a n D e v e l o p m e n ta l
Disabilities Council
C o m m u n i t y D e n ta l
This booklet contains listings of community programs that provide dental services to
individuals with special considerations. These resources are from the Michigan
Dental Association’s website, www.smilemichigan.com. These programs offer
services to seniors, low-income individuals, patients on Medicaid, persons with
disabilities, individuals with no dental insurance, children, individuals who are in
nursing homes or are homebound, and others in need of dental care they could not
otherwise afford.
To find out which programs are in your area, please refer to your county in the table
of contents. If you are unable to find a program under your county, please refer to
the "Statewide" listing or contact your local county health department for information
on resources available to you.
Disclaimer: These are community resources updated as of August 2009 by the
Michigan Dental Association. The Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council does
not guarantee that these programs still offer services as described. All programs
and services are subject to change. Please call your county programs for more
Page 2
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n ts
C l i c k o n t h e pa g e n u m b e r o f y o u r c o u n t y t o g o t o y o u r l o c a l
S ta t e w i d e P r o g r a m s
A l c o n a , A l g e r, A l l e g a n C o u n t i e s
Alpena, Antrim, Arenac, Baraga Counties
B a r r y, B a y, B e n z i e , B e r r i e n C o u n t i e s
Branch, Calhoun, Cass Counties
Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Chippewa, Clare Counties
C l i n t o n , C r a w f o r d , D e l ta , D i c k e n s o n , E a t o n C o u n t i e s
Emmett, Genesee, Gogebic Counties
G r a n d Tr a v e r s e , G r a t i o t , H i l l s d a l e , H o u g h t o n , H u r o n ,
Ingham Counties
Ionia, Iosco, Iron, Isabella Counties
Jackson, Kalamazoo Counties
Kalkaska, Kent Counties
K e w e e n a w, L a k e C o u n t i e s
L a p e e r, L e e l a n a u , L e n a w e e C o u n t i e s
Livingston, Luce, Mackinac, Macomb Counties
M a n i s t e e , M a r q u e t t e , M a s o n , M e c o s ta C o u n t i e s
Menominee, Midland, Missaukee, Monroe Counties
M o n t c a l m , M o n t m o r e n c y, M u s k e g o n C o u n t i e s
Newaygo County
Oakland County
O c e a n a , O g e m a w, O n t o n a g o n , O s c e o l a , O s c o d a C o u n t i e s
O ts e g o , O t ta w a , P r e s q u e - I s l e C o u n t i e s
R o s c o m m o n , S t . C l a i r, S t . J o s e p h C o u n t i e s
Saginaw County
S a l i n a c , S c h o o l c r a ft , S h i a w a s s e e , Tu s c o l a , Va n B u r e n
Wa s h t e n a w, Wa y n e
Wexford, Multiple County Resources
Page 3
S ta t e w i d e P r o g r a m s
(800) 292-2550
Medicaid provides health care coverage for low-income children under the age of 21. May be
limited adult emergency benefit.
University of Michigan Medical Center
Hospital of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
[email protected]
1500 E. Medical Center Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0018
888/707-2500 or 743/936-5941.
Patients must be medically compromised or have mental impairments. Must have conditions that
prevent treatment in routine setting. Payment Plans.
University of Michigan School of Dentistry
1011 N. University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078
888/707-2500 or 734/764-1558
Dental school and hospital clinic. Underserved population. All dental services. Reduced fees, all
major insurances.
University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry
2700 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48208
313/494-6700 or 313/494-6625
Low income residents. Preventive, restorative services. Private pay, insurance. Medicaid.
Kellogg Community College Department of Dental Hygiene Education
450 North Ave.
Battle Creek, MI 49017 616/965-3931 ext 2300
Page 4
Detroit Receiving Hospital/University Health Center
4201 St. Antoine
Detroit, MI 48201
313/494-6700 or 313/494-6625
Services are provided at a reduced fee since dental and dental hygiene students provide services
under the supervision of licensed faculty. General and specialized oral health care. Services
available to people with disabilities, seniors, children under 18, low-income. Reduced fees.
Michigan Donated Dental Services Program
PO Box 115
Jackson, MI 49204
866/263-4067 or 517/817-2372
All counties except Lapeer, Lenawee, Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, Monroe, St. Clair, Washtenaw,
and Wayne. Must be unable to afford dental treatment and have a permanent disability, chronically
ill or elderly. Must need extensive dental work, no routine or emergency care.
Mott Community College Dental Hygiene Clinic
1401 E. Court St.
Flint, MI 48503
Open September—June for preventive dental services at a reduced fee.
Michigan Department of Community Health
Dental Treatment Fund for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
P.O. Box 30195
Lansing, MI 4909
People with developmental disabilities who do not have other means of receiving dental care.
People must be referred by community mental health agency. Medically necessary dental care.
Mobile Dentists and Children’s Dental Health Foundation
25882 Orchard Lake Rd., #L-5
Farmington Hills, MI 48336
Two-chair mobile dental operatory vans fully equipped with portable dental equipment. Accessible
equipment. In-school programs, children and patients with developmental disabilities.
Page 5
Hope Dental Clinic
[email protected]
9 South Adams St.
P.O. Box 980311
Ypsilanti, MI 48198-0311
Free standing dental clinic with three operatories. U of M dental and hygiene student rotations.
Referrals to area specialists for further treatment. Low-income, no insurance, no Medicaid, children
and adults. Preventative, restorative services.
The School Dentist and The School Dentist Smile Foundation
31731 Arlington Drive
Beverly Hills, MI 48025
Statewide in-school program. Provides portable dental services for children in schools. Preventive,
exams, cleanings, sealants, digital x-rays and fluoride treaments. Medicaid, Healthy Kids, MIChild,
traditional insurance, reduced fees.
Children’s Dental Center
Jeffrey S. Goldenberg, DDS MS
6177 Orchard Lake Rd
West Bloomfield, MI 48322-2388
Specialists in pediatric dentistry accepting children with Medicaid coverage.
Mobile Care Group, Inc.
Network of dentists and doctors across Michigan offering on-site care to the homebound, those in
nursing homes and assisted living centers.
County Discount Dental Care Plans
Some counties offer a discount dental program for residents for a yearly enrollment fee. These
programs allow residents to obtain discounted dental services from local dentists. Contact your
local county health department to inquire if such programs are available in your area.
The United Way
Your local United Way may provide transportation assistance, financial aid or other health and
human services assistance. Contact your local United Way or call 2-1-1 for more information.
Page 6
County Programs
Alcona County
Alcona Health Center
Dental Services
5671 N. Skeel Ave.
Oscoda, MI 48750
(989) 366-4049
Medicaid, Medicare, uninsured, underinsured.
Comprehensive, basic and restorative dental
services. Offers sliding fee discount.
Alcona Free Health Center
1185 US 23 North
Alpena, MI 48707
(989) 356 – 4049
Alger County
Marquette County Health Department
Marquette Dental Clinic
989 W. Washington, Ste. 104
Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 226-9992
Hospital based care for special needs patients, in
house dental care in nursing home. Low-income,
Medicaid, Healthy Kids and MIChild eligible.
UP Association of Rural Health Services
220 W. Washington St., Ste. 430
Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 228-3656
Sawyer Dental Center
301 Explorer, Suite B
Gwinn, MI 49841
(906) 372-9267—Sliding scale, appointments.
West Mackinac Dental Clinic
W. 14034 Melville St.
Engadine, MI 49827
(906) 477-6090
Sliding scale – call for appointments.
Northern Menominee Health Center
16088 N. Balsam Ln.
Spalding, MI 49886
(906) 497-5263
Call for hours, evening and weekend
appointments available. Sliding Scale.
Northern Menominee Health Center South
805 First St.
Menominee, MI 49858
Call for hours, evening and weekend
appointments available. Sliding scale.
Allegan County
Grand Rapids Community College Dental
Hygiene Clinic
143 Bostwick NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Dental hygiene services for public. People with
disabilities, seniors, children under 18,
low-income, simple X-rays, sealants, fluoride
treatments, prophylaxis.
(Allegan County Cont’d on Next Page)
Page 7
Allegan County Con’t
Northern Dental Plan
Health Department of Northwest Michigan
Offers a reduced fee schedule plan for low
income adults under 200% above poverty in
Antrim, Charlevoix, Emmet and Otsego counties.
InterCare Community Health Network Pullman
Health Center
5498 109th Ave.
Pullman, MI 49450
269/236-5027 Fax: 269/236-0505
Arenac County
Three operatory clinics in same building with
other public health services. Bilingual staff. Lowincome children and adults, Medicaid. All general Sterling Area Health Center
dentistry services. Sliding fee, fee-for-service.
5095 Rifle River Trail
Lawrence, MI 48610
Alpena County
989/873-5152 Fax: 989/873-5913
Evening hours. Medicaid children, limited adult
Dental Clinics North
Medicaid, sliding fee, fee for service. All general
100 Woods Circle, Ste. 600
Alpena, MI 49707
Health Delivery Inc.
989/356-4898 Fax: 989/358-6599
3605 Davenport
Medicaid. Comprehensive oral health services.
Saginaw, MI 48602
989/754-7207 Fax: 989/792-2570
Alcona Health Center Dental Services
Summer Migrant Topical Fluoride program, works
5671 N. Skeel Ave. Oscoda, MI 48750
with Head Start and elementary, transportation
assistance, bilingual staff and providers, mobile
Medicaid, Medicare, uninsured, underinsured.
dental services. Adults and children, low-income,
Comprehensive, basic and restorative dental
dentally underserved, Head Start, migrant, Title I
schools, mobile dental program. Preventive,
Antrim County
restorative, endodontics, periodontal therapy,
prosthetics, oral surgery. Medicaid, private
insurance, sliding fee, fee-for-service.
Mancelona Family Resource Center
205 Grove St.
Mancelona, MI 49659
231/587-5052 231/587-5068 Fax: 231/587-5313
Medicaid. Comprehensive oral health services.
Dental Clinics North 209 Portage Dr.
Bellaire, MI 49615
231/533-8670 Fax: 231/533-8450
Medicaid. Comprehensive oral health services.
Baraga County
(See also Alger County Resources.)
Western U. P. District Health Department Dental
540 Depot St.
Hancock, MI 49930
906/482-7382, ext. 127 Fax: 906/482-9410
Children 3 years - grade eight with no Medicaid
and no dental insurance and whose family
income does not exceed 185 percent of the
federal poverty level. Enrollment fee charged per
Page 8
Dental Clinics North
2325 Garfield Rd. N, Ste. C
Traverse City, MI 49686
Barry County Free Clinic
231/932-7316 Fax: 231/922-2751
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral
1230 W. State Street
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
Hastings, MI
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
Fax: 269/945-9999
uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
Free non-emergency dental care to low income
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
and uninsured adults (age 18 & older). Volunteer home screenings.
staff. Schedule depends on availability of
volunteer dentist.
Berrien County
Barry County
Bay County
Health Delivery Inc.
3605 Davenport
Saginaw, MI 48602
989/754-7207 Fax: 989/792-2570
Summer Migrant Topical Fluoride program, works
with Head Start and elementary, transportation
assistance, bilingual staff and providers, mobile
dental services. Adults and children, low-income,
dentally underserved, Head Start, migrant, Title I
schools, mobile dental program. Preventive,
restorative, endodontics, periodontal therapy,
prosthetics, oral surgery. Medicaid, private
insurance, sliding fee, fee-for-service.
Benzie County
Dental Clinics North
449 River St. Manistee, MI 49660
231/398-9305 Fax: 231/398-9304
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
home screenings.
InterCare Community Health Network
697 Weld Street
Benton Harbor, MI 49022 269/927-5400
Mobile Dental Van
Mobile dental van visits rural schools, senior
centers, clinics, the Department of Human
Services and migrant camps.
Eight operatories, bilingual staff, mobile dentistry.
Children through outreach/migrant, emergency
care for migrants and adults, low-income without
Medicaid, community. Preventive and emergent
care, restorative, removable prosthetics, oral
surgery, periodontics, mobile dentistry. Medicaid,
sliding fee scale, fee for service, insurance
Kalamazoo Valley Community College Dental
Hygiene Program
Texas Township Campus
6767 West O Ave. P.O. Box 4070
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070
(Description continued on next page)
Page 9
Fourteen-chair clinic where students provide
dental hygiene services for the public.
Appointments are scheduled. People with
disabilities, seniors, institutionalized, homebound,
nursing home residents, children under 18,
low-income, preventive care, unemployed, no
insurance, referrals, veterans, and homeless.
Simple X-rays, exams, denture care, portable
equipment, sealants, fluoride treatments, bus
system. Payment plans, reduced fees. Fee
schedule and hours available at Web site.
Branch County
St. Peters Free Health Clinic
Dental Program
44 S. Broad St.
Hillsdale, MI 49242
(517) 437-4041
Patients must qualify through St. Peters Free
Health Clinic or be enrolled in the Branch/
Hillsdale/St. Joseph Health Plan. Patients seen
Monday through Wednesday 9a.m. – 1 p.m. and
2 – 5 p.m.
Calhoun County
Calhoun County Health Department Nursing
Clinic of Battle Creek
34 Green St.
Battle Creek, MI 49014
269/962-6565 Fax: 269/962-8360
Freestanding medical clinic with two operatories.
Low-income, no income, homeless, and uninsured. Simple fillings, extractions, oral exams.
$10 flat fee.
Family Health Center of Battle Creek Healthy
[email protected]
181 W. Emmett
Battle Creek, MI 49017
269/966-2625 Fax: 269/966-2627
Family Health Center of Albion
115 Market Place
Albion, MI
Ten operatories. Medical and dental services
combined. Medicaid patients of FHC of BC
established, foster care children of Calhoun
County, Calhoun County Senior Millage Program
and Head Start children of Calhoun County. All
general dentistry services. Medicaid. Portable
The Community Dental Access Initiative
Toll Free: 866/562-9812
[email protected]
Collaboration with the United Way, Calhoun
Health Plan and the Dentists’ Partnership. Basic
restorative, emergency and urgent services. Oral
surgery, crowns and prosthetics typically NOT
available. Assists with transportation, language
barriers, etc. Patients must meet requirements,
complete an oral health education class and
community service. Patients must be a resident
of Calhoun County, must NOT have dental
insurance, must meet income limits.
Cass County
Van Buren/Cass County District Health Department Michigan Community Dental Clinics
57418 CR 581 Hartford, MI 49057
269/621-3143 Fax: 269/621-2725
Borgess Lee Medical Group Pediatrics
Comprehensive dental care for infants and
toddlers (ages 0-3). Cleanings, fluoride
treatments and education. Private insurance,
Medicaid, discounts.
Page 10
Cass County Con’t
520 Main St.
Dowagiac, MI
Locations in Hartford, Paw Paw, Cassopolis and
Dowagiac. Emergencies, low income. Medicaid,
Healthy Kids, MIChild, reduced fees. Sealants,
fluoride, cleanings, extractions, fillings, stainless
steel crowns, extractions, prosthodontics.
Kalamazoo Valley Community College Dental
Hygiene Program Texas Township Campus
6767 West O Ave. P.O. Box 4070
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070
Fourteen-chair clinic where students provide
dental hygiene services for the public. Appointments are scheduled. Disabled, handicapped,
seniors, institutionalized, homebound, nursing
home residents, children under 18, low-income,
preventive care, unemployed, no insurance,
referrals, homeless, screenings, simple X-rays,
exams, denture care, portable equipment,
sealants, fluoride treatments, veterans, bus
system. Payment plans, reduced fees. Fee
schedule and hours available at Web site.
Charlevoix County
Dental Clinics North
601 Bridge St.
East Jordan, MI 49727
231/536-3000 Fax: 231/536-3033
Medicaid, reduced fees. Comprehensive oral
health services.
Northern Dental Plan
Health Department of Northwest Michigan
Offers a reduced fee schedule plan for low
income adults (ages 19 and over) under 200%
above poverty in Antrim, Charlevoix, Emmet and
Otsego counties.
Cheboygan County
Dental Clinics North Cheboygan Dental Clinic
825 South Huron
Cheboygan, MI 49721
231/627-8960 Fax: 231/627-9466
Medicaid. Comprehensive oral health services.
Chippewa County
(See also Alger County Resources)
Sault Tribal Health Center
[email protected]
2864 Ashmun Sault
Ste. Marie, MI 49783
906/632-5260 Fax: 906/632-5246
All Sault tribe members. Eight chairs. General
dentistry, prevention oriented. Federal/Tribal.
Bay Mills Medical/Dental Center
12124 W. Lakeshore Rd.
Brimley, MI 49715
906/248-5579 Fax: 906/248-5765
Serves Eastern Upper Peninsula – not limited to
tribe members. Full service dental clinic including
TMJ treatment and an on-site dental lab. Also will
take emergency walk-ins. Medicaid, Medicare,
most private insurances, fee-for-service, sliding
Clare County
Ferris State University Dental Hygiene Clinic
College of Allied Health Sciences
200 Ferris Dr. (corner or State Street and Ferris
Big Rapids, MI 49307 (continued on next page)
Page 11
Dental hygiene clinic. Services provided by
student dental hygienists under the supervision of
registered dental hygienists and dentists. Open to
the public, special populations welcomed. Teeth
cleaning, pit and fissure sealants, fluoride
treatments, dental X-rays. Reasonable fees,
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
home screenings.
Delta County
(See also Alger County Resources)
Care Free Dental Clinic
St. Vincent de Paul Service Center
Lansing Community College Dental Hygiene
115 N. 8th St.
Escanaba, MI
[email protected]
Uninsured, homeless and low income residents
500 N. Washington Sq.
of Delta County. Serves patients Wednesday
Lansing, MI 48933
afternoons from 1-5 p.m. and Friday mornings
517/483-1458 Fax: 517/483-9925
from 8 a.m. – noon. Emergency care. No bridges,
Preventive dental hygiene care by student dental crowns or orthodontics.
hygienists under the supervision of licensed
dentists and hygienists. Eighteen operatories.
Dickenson County
Low-income, families with no insurance,
minimum age 5 years. Prophylaxis, personalized
(See also Delta County resources.)
oral health care instructions, X-rays, preventive
sealants and fluoride, additional services as
Dickinson-Iron Dental Center
needed. Free dental health screenings when col- 211 S. Fourth St., Ste. B
lege is open for classes.
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
Mid-Michigan District Health Department
Sliding fee scale. Dentures, partials, crowns,
1307 E. Townsend Rd.
St. Johns, MI
Eaton County
Serves Medicaid eligible adults of Clinton and
Lansing Community College Dental Hygiene
Gratiot counties.
Clinton County
([email protected])
500 N. Washington Sq. Lansing, MI 48933
Dental Clinics North
517/483-1458 Fax: 517/483-9925
95 Livingston Blvd.
Preventive dental hygiene care by student dental
hygienists under the supervision of licensed
Gaylord, MI 49735
dentists and hygienists. Low-income, families
989/731-0961 Fax: 989/732-6899
with no insurance, minimum age 5 years. Free
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral
dental health screenings when college is open for
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
Crawford County
Page 12
Emmet County
Dental Clinics North
3434 Harbor-Petoskey Rd., Ste. B
Harbor Springs, MI 49740
231/348-3970 Fax: 231/348-3946
Medicaid, reduced fees. Comprehensive oral
health services.
Northern Dental Plan
Health Department of Northwest Michigan
Offers a reduced fee schedule plan for low
income adults (ages 19 and over) under 200%
above poverty in Antrim, Charlevoix, Emmet and
Otsego counties.
Genesee County
Mott Community College Dental Hygiene Clinic
1401 E. Court St.
Flint, MI 48503
810/762-0493 Fax: 810/762-5619
Open September - June for preventive dental
services at a reduced fee. Patients under age 18
must be accompanied by adult guardian/parent.
All patients must complete health history, which
is reviewed by faculty to determine patient acceptance for clinical procedures. Complete prophylaxis, fluoride treatment, nutritional assessment,
oral screening, periodontal evaluation. Sealants
and X-rays available for slightly higher fee.
Reduced fees.
Mott Children's Health Center Department of
Pediatric Dentistry Daniel Briskie, DDS, Director
[email protected]
806 Tuuri Place
Flint, MI 48306
810/767-5750 Fax: 810/767-4602
Non-profit multi-disciplinary children's health
center. 25 operatories. Pediatric dentistry
residency with the U of M and Hurley Medical
Center. Cleft palate team. Children 0-18 up to
200 percent of Federal Poverty guidelines.
Comprehensive services, preventive, sedation,
pediatric hematology/oncology dental care,
hospital/GA case, research, school-based
screening and sealant programs, Medicaid
Hamilton Community Health Network
G-5399 N. Saginaw
Flint, MI 48505
810/785-0863 or 810/787-5001 Fax: 810/7850865
Free standing dental part of Community Health
Center. Coordinator for homeless services.
Part-time oral surgeon. Works with Head Start.
Transportation assistance. Children, adults,
Medicaid, low-income, uninsured. Preventive,
restorative, emergency, prosthodontics, and
extractions. Fee-for-service, sliding fee.
Gogebic County
(See also Alger County resources).
Western U. P. District Health Department Dental
[email protected]
540 Depot St. Hancock, MI 49930
906/482-7382, ext. 127 Fax: 906/482-9410
Contractual dentists in private practice office.
Dental health education throughout five county
area schools. Children 3 years - grade eight with
no Medicaid and no dental insurance and whose
family income does not exceed 185 percent of
the federal poverty level. Preventive and limited
restorative. Enrollment fee charged per family.
Page 13
Grand Traverse County
Ingham County
Dental Clinics North
2325 Garfield Rd. N, Ste. C
Traverse City, MI 49686
231/932-7316 Fax: 231/922-2751
Preventive and restorative. Medicaid.
Ingham Community Health Center Dental Clinic
[email protected]
5303 S. Cedar
Lansing, MI 48911
517/887-4423 Fax: 517/887-4437
Five operatories located within County's Human
Services Building. Collaborates with Community
College hygiene program. Low-income adults
and uninsured. Preventive, routine restorative.
Fee-for-service, discounts.
Gratiot County
Mid-Michigan District Health Department
1307 E. Townsend Rd.
St. Johns, MI
Serves Medicaid eligible adults of Clinton and
Gratiot counties.
Hillsdale County
St. Peters Free Health Clinic
Dental Program
44 S. Broad St.
Hillsdale, MI 49242
(517) 437-4041
Patients must qualify through St. Peters Free
Health Clinic or be enrolled in the Branch/
Hillsdale/St. Joseph Health Plan. Patients seen
Monday through Wednesday 9a.m. – 1 p.m. and
2 – 5 p.m.
Houghton County
(See Alger County Resources.)
Huron County
Thumb Outreach Minority Services
P.O. Box 89 59 Moore St.
Sandusky, MI 48471
810/648-4237 800/542-1663 Fax: 810/648-4293
Must be a migrant or 60 years or older.
Emergency care referral.
Ingham Community Health Center Healthy
Smiles Dental Center [email protected]
2815 S. Pennsylvania #203
Lansing, MI 48910
517/272-4150 Fax: 517/485-1387
Six operatories located within medical office
building of local hospital. Child oriented. Collaborates with community college hygiene program.
Under 21 years of age with Medicaid or Healthy
Kids. Preventive, routine restorative. Discounts,
fee for service.
Lansing Community College Dental Hygiene
[email protected]
500 N. Washington Sq.
Lansing, MI 48933
517/483-1458 Fax: 517/483-9925
Preventive dental hygiene care by student dental
hygienists under the supervision of licensed
dentists and hygienists. Eighteen operatories.
Low-income, families with no insurance,
minimum age 5 years. Prophylaxis, personalized
oral health care instructions, X-rays, preventive
sealants and fluoride, additional services as
(Ingham County continued on next page).
Page 14
Ingham County Con’t
Alcona Health Center Dental Services
5671 N. Skeel Ave.
Oscoda, MI 48750
Medicaid, Medicare, uninsured, underinsured.
Comprehensive, basic and restorative dental
services. Collaborates with Head Start and U of
M Dental School. Offers sliding fee discount.
Care Free Dental Clinic
5135 S. Pennsylvania
Lansing, MI 48910
517/887-5922, ext. 8
Current Care Free Medical patients only. Must be
resident of Ingham County, uninsured, Medicaid.
Emergency care, extractions, cleanings, exams, Sterling Area Health Center – Dental
5095 Rifle River Trail
fillings, education. Does not provide dentures,
crowns, braces, root canals.
Lawrence, MI 48610
989/873-5152 Fax: 989/873-5913
Ionia County
Evening hours. Medicaid children, limited adult
Medicaid, sliding fee, fee for service. All general
Health Delivery Inc.
3605 Davenport
Saginaw, MI 48602
989/754-7207 Fax: 989/792-2570
Summer Migrant Topical Fluoride program, works
with Head Start and elementary, transportation
assistance, bilingual staff and providers, mobile
dental services. Adults and children, low-income,
dentally underserved, Head Start, migrant, Title I
schools, mobile dental program. Preventive,
restorative, endodontics, periodontal therapy,
prosthetics, oral surgery. Medicaid, private
insurance, sliding fee, fee-for-service.
Iosco County
Iron County
(See also Alger County resources.)
Dickinson-Iron Dental Center
211 S. Fourth St., Ste. B
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
Sliding fee scale. Dentures, partials, crowns,
Isabella County
Ferris State University Dental Hygiene Clinic
College of Allied Health Sciences
Dental Clinics North
200 Ferris Dr. (corner or State Street and Ferris
630 Progress St., Ste. 200
Big Rapids, MI 49307
West Branch, MI 48661
989/343-1496 Fax: 989/343-1498
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral Dental hygiene clinic. Services provided by
student dental hygienists under the supervision of
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
registered dental hygienists and dentists. Open to
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
the public, special populations welcomed. Teeth
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
cleaning, pit and fissure sealants, fluoride
uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
treatments, dental X-rays. Reasonable fees,
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
home screenings.
Page 15
Isabella County Cont’d
Nimkee Dental Clinic Saginaw Chippewa Indian
[email protected]
2591 S. Leaton Rd. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
989/775-4657 Fax: 989/775-4957
Eight operatories. Native Americans. Exams,
hygiene services, restorations, root canals, oral
surgery, preventive, prosthetics, oral health
education. Indian Health Services, Medicaid,
private insurance, certain patients pay lab fees.
Located in Kalamazoo County Health and
Community Services Dept. Bilingual staff. Mobile
dentistry. Kalamazoo county residents, Medicaid,
low-income. Diagnosis, emergency treatment,
restorations, extractions, preventive services,
crowns, dentures, partials, sealants. Fee-forservice, sliding fee.
Jackson County
Center for Family Health
817 West High Jackson, MI 49203
517/784-9385 Fax: 517/787-0852
Children ages 1 year through & including adults.
Prevention, restorative, oral surgery, root canals,
some crown prep, prosthodontics, limited
endodontics, emergency treatment. Medicaid,
reduced fees, sliding fee scale. Tuesday morning
emergency walk-ins for adults. Children with
emergencies walk in any time. Hours: 8 a.m. – 7
p.m. Monday and Wednesday; 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
First and third Mondays at the Department on
Aging, first floor, room 116.
First and third Fridays at the Health Department,
ground floor, room 005. Appointments are
appreciated by not necessary. Please bring
insurance or income information (last pay stub or
Kalamazoo County
Kalamazoo County Dental Office
[email protected]
3299 Gull Road PO Box 42 Ground Floor, Wing 1
Nazareth, MI 49074-0042
269/373-5028 Fax: 269/373-5176
Located in Kalamazoo County Health and
Community Services Dept. Bilingual staff. Mobile
dentistry. Kalamazoo county residents, Medicaid,
low-income. Diagnosis, emergency treatment,
restorations, extractions, preventive services,
crowns, dentures, partials, sealants. Fee-forservice, sliding fee.
Kalamazoo Valley Community College Dental
Hygiene Program Texas Township Campus
6767 West O Ave. P.O. Box 4070
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070
Fourteen-chair clinic where students provide
dental hygiene services for the public.
Appointments are scheduled. People with
disabilities, seniors, institutionalized, homebound,
nursing home residents, children under 18,
low-income, preventive care, unemployed,
Smiles on Wheels
no insurance, referrals, veterans, and homeless.
Simple X-rays, exams, denture care, portable
equipment, sealants, fluoride treatments, bus
Preventive care, cleanings, x-rays, fluoride, sealsystem. Payment plans, reduced fees. Fee
ants, referrals for additional care. Provides care
schedule and hours available at Web site.
to adults, children, and nursing home patients.
Private insurance, reduced fees, Medicaid. Unit
will be open from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at the
(Kalamazoo County Cont’d on next page)
county human services complex, 1715 Lansing
Ave., on the following days:
Page 16
Kalamazoo County Cont’d
Edison School-Based Health Center
924 Russell Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49006
269/349-2310 Fax: 269/349-2490
Children ages 4-13, Medicaid, private insurance,
no insurance. Cleaning, X-rays, sealants,
education, restorative.
Family Health Center
2030 Portage Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
269/342-0888, ext. 402
Fax: 269/342-0415
[email protected]
Comprehensive dental services for children and
emergent adult dental care. Medicaid, homeless,
First Presbyterian Church Health Clinic
2918 Portage St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
Dental referrals. Must be a Kalamazoo County
resident that is not eligible for Medicaid. All
services are free.
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
home screenings.
Kent County
Cherry Street Health Services
[email protected]
550 Cherry Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
616/235-7289 Fax: 616/235-7506
Preventive, restorative, emergency, extractions.
In cooperation with the GRCC dental assistant
program and U of M dental students. Also
Traveling School Health Program providing 40
area elementary and middle school students with
preventive care. Bilingual staff for Spanish and
Vietnamese speaking patients. Low income,
uninsured. Private insurance, MIChild, Medicaid,
sliding fee scale.
Westside Health Center
669 Stocking NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Kalkaska County
Serves city’s northwest community. Bilingual staff
Dental Clinics North Mancelona Family Resource
speaks Spanish.
205 Grove St.
Salvation Army Booth Clinic
Mancelona, MI 49659
231/587-5068 Fax: 231/587-5313
1215 E. Fulton St.
Medicaid. Comprehensive oral health services.
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Dental Clinics North
Preventive and restorative dental care for low in2325 Garfield Rd. N, Ste. C
come or uninsured pregnant women and teens.
Traverse City, MI 49686
231/932-7316 Fax: 231/922-2751
(Kent County cont’d on next page)
Page 17
Kent County Cont’d
Burton Health Center
2133 Buchanan SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49507
Located inside Burton Elementary and Middle
School. Serves all grades from K-8, as well as
children’s families and members of the
community. Preventive dental care. 24-hour
emergency care. Bilingual staff available for
Spanish speaking patients. Low income,
uninsured. Private insurance, MIChild, Medicaid,
sliding fee scale.
Union High School Health Center
1800 Tremont Blvd. NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
School based health center provides dental
services to high school students. Low income,
uninsured. Private insurance, MIChild, Medicaid,
sliding fee scale.
Belknap Commons Health Center
751 Lafayette NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Preventative cleanings, x-rays, and restorative
care. 24-hour emergency care. On-site daycare
for working families. Bilingual staff for Spanish
and Vietnamese speaking patients. Low income,
uninsured. Private insurance, MIChild, Medicaid,
sliding fee scale.
Ferguson Dental Health Center
101 Sheldon St. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Accepts all patients in need of dental care.
Emergency clinic registration begins at 7 a.m.;
cost is $20. For additional services hours are 7
a.m. – 5 p.m. sliding scale; proof of income
Clinica Santa Maria St. Mary's Health Services
730 Grandville, SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
616/913-8400 Fax: 616/742-1322
Two-chair operatories. Target Hispanic
population. Staff is bilingual. Low-income,
Medicaid, homeless, Head Start, preschool,
school children, teens, all adults, beginning age
2. Preventive, sealants, education, cleaning, root
canals, fillings, extractions, cancer screening,
dietician intervention, bilingual staff. Sliding fee
scale, private insurance.
Family Health Care
11 N. Maple
Grant, MI 49327
Nine operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns,
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics,
endodontics, limited TMJ treatment, limited
orthodontics. Medicaid, low income,
underinsured. Sliding fee, fee for service, private
insurance. Sealant program, in house pharmacy.
Mel Trotter Ministries
225 Commerce Ave. SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Underserved children and adults in the
community. Volunteer dentists provide free
cleanings, restorative care and preventive care.
Partnership of the Grand Rapids Dental
Hygienists Society and the West Michigan Dental
(Kent County cont’d on next page)
Page 18
Kent County Cont’d
Health Intervention Services
15 Andre S.E.
Grand Rapids, MI 49507
No health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. Bring
proof of income for everyone in the household
(pay stub). Minimum payment is $15 per office
visit plus additional fees for lab work and
procedures. Call for appointment.
Grand Rapids Community College
Dental Hygiene and Assisting Program
$25 for adults; $20 for children. Prophylaxis and
x-rays. Sealants.
Keweenaw County
Western U. P. District Health Department Dental
Program [email protected]
540 Depot St.
Hancock, MI 49930
906/482-7382, ext. 127 906/482-9410
Contractual dentists in private practice office.
Dental health education throughout five county
area schools. Children 3 years - grade eight with
no Medicaid and no dental insurance and whose
family income does not exceed 185 percent of
the federal poverty level. Preventive and limited
restorative. Enrollment fee charged per family.
Marquette County Health Department Marquette
Dental Clinic http://www.mqthealth.org
989 W. Washington, Ste. 104
Marquette, MI 49855
906/226-9992 Fax: 906/226-9982
Six-chair dental clinic, hospital based care for
special needs patients, in house dental care in
nursing home, preventive dental education
outreach to county schools and Head Start.
Low-income, Medicaid, Healthy Kids and MIChild
eligible, special needs. Preventive, restorative,
extractions, fluoride, limited orthodontics,
Lake County
Ferris State University Dental Hygiene Clinic
College of Allied Health Sciences
200 Ferris Dr. Big Rapids, MI 49307
Dental hygiene clinic. Services provided by
student dental hygienists under the supervision of
registered dental hygienists and dentists. Open to
the public, special populations welcomed. Teeth
cleaning, pit and fissure sealants, fluoride
treatments, dental X-rays. Reasonable fees,
Family Health Care
11 N. Maple
Grant, MI 49327
Nine operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns,
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodontics, limited TMJ treatment, limited orthodontics.
Medicaid, low income, underinsured. Sliding fee,
fee for service, private insurance. Sealant program, in house pharmacy.
Family Health Care
1035 E. Wilcox
White Cloud, MI 49349
231/689-1608 Fax: 231/689-3162
Five operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns,
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodontics, limited TMJ treatment, limited orthodontics.
Medicaid, low income, underinsured. Sliding fee,
fee for service, private insurance.
(Lake County cont’d on next page)
Page 19
Lake County Con’t
Family Health Care
1615 Michigan Ave.
Baldwin, MI 49304
231/745-2743 x549 Fax: 231/745-3690
Eleven operatories. Site for U of M dental interns.
Medicaid, low-income, underinsured. Restorative,
oral surgery, prosthodontics, limited orthodontics,
some TMJ therapy, endodontics, sealant
program. Same day lab services. Sliding fee,
fee-for-service, private insurance.
Lapeer County
Loving Hands Clinic
148 Maple Grove Road
Lapeer Township, MI
Volunteer hygienists screen and prepare patients
for follow-up care by local dentists who have
agreed to see patients in their own offices. Free
non-emergency services. Unemployed or
under-employed adults with no insurance. By
appointment only.
Leelanau County
Dental Clinics North
2325 Garfield Rd. N, Ste. C
Traverse City, MI 49686
231/932-7316 Fax: 231/922-2751
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
home screenings.
Bay Area Transportation Authority
(231) 941-2324
Provides rides for seniors to medical
Leelanau County Commission on Aging
Provides transportation for seniors to medical
Lenawee County
Lenawee Dental Clinic Inc.
128 S. Broad St.
Adrian, MI 49221
517/266-0651 Fax: 517/266-8476
Three operatories, digital X-rays. Handicapped,
children, adults, seniors, youths. General
dentistry, prosthodontics, extractions, fillings,
periodontal, emergency treatment by appointment only. Insurance, fee-for-service, Medicaid,
Delta Dental.
Center for Family Health
817 West High Jackson, MI
517/784-9385 Fax: 517/787-0852
Children ages 3-18 years (by appointment).
Preventive and restorative. Medicaid, reduced
Family Medical Center
130 Medical Center Drive
Carleton, MI 48117
Four operatories. Restorative, extractions,
prosthodontics, endodontics. Medicaid, pregnant
women, children. Fee for service, sliding fee,
private pay.
Family Medical Center
8765 Lewis Ave.
Temperance, MI 48182
734/847-3802 Fax: 734/847-3418
Three operatories. Medicaid, pregnant women,
children. Restorative, oral surgery,
prosthodontics, endodontics. Fee for service,
sliding fee.
Page 20
Livingston County
Clinical dental hygiene preventive services at low
cost. Age 2 1/2 years to adult. People with
disabilities, seniors, children under 18,
low-income, preventive care, unemployed, no
insurance, referrals, screenings, simple X-rays,
exams, sealants, fluoride treatments. Reduced
Detroit Institute for Children
5447 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48202
313/832-1100, ext. 285
Children and young adults with disabilities and
their family members. Initial examination, X-rays,
St. John Detroit Hospital Oral and Maxillofacial
prophylaxis, sealants, fluoride, restorations, and
Surgery Clinic
simple extractions. Medicaid, private insurance,
7815 E. Jefferson
sliding fee scale.
Detroit, MI 48214
Luce County
Oral and maxillofacial surgery residency training
program. Disabled, handicapped, seniors,
(See also Alger County Resources)
nursing home residents, children under 18, lowincome, referrals, extractions, exams, emergency
Bay Mills Medical/Dental Center
care. Medicaid, payment plans, reduced fees.
12124 W. Lakeshore Rd.
Macomb County Health Department Southwest
Brimley, MI 49715
Health Center
906/248-5579 Fax: 906/248-5765
27690 Van Dyke
Serves Eastern Upper Peninsula – not limited to Warren, MI 48093
tribe members. Full service dental clinic including 586/465-9152
TMJ treatment and an on-site dental lab. Also will Preventive and restorative treatment for low
take emergency walk-ins. Medicaid, Medicare,
income children and adults who are residents of
most private insurances, fee-for-service, sliding
Macomb County. Medicaid under age 21,
reduced fees. Monday through Friday 9 a.m. – 4
Mackinac County
Tri-County Dental Health Council
[email protected] 29350 Southfield Rd. #35
Lambert Health Center
Southfield, MI 48076
225 Waseh Dr.
248/559-7767 Fax: 248/559-7344
St. Ignace, MI 49781
Dental care is provided by volunteer dentists in
their own offices. Low-income, Medicaid, special
Four chairs, prevention oriented. All Sault tribe
needs. Referrals, emergency treatment, Dental
members. General dentistry, prevention oriented. Care Access Programs. Low cost, donated care.
(See Alger and Luce Resources)
Macomb County
Wayne County Community College Dental
Hygiene Program
8200 W. Outer Drive
Detroit, MI 48219
313/943-4040 Fax: 313/943-4025
Detroit Institute for Children
5447 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48202
313/832-1100, ext. 285
Children and young adults with disabilities and
their family members. Initial examination, X-rays,
prophylaxis, sealants, fluoride, restorations, and
simple extractions. Sliding fee scale.
Page 21
Manistee County
Michigan Community Dental Clinics (formerly
Dental Clinics North)
Manistee Dental Clinic 449 River St.
Manistee, MI 49660
231/398-9305 Fax: 231/398-9304
Medicaid, MIChild and uninsured. Comprehensive oral health services.
Family Health Care
1615 Michigan Ave.
Baldwin, MI 49304
231/745-2743 x549 Fax: 231/745-3690
Eleven operatories. Site for U of M dental interns.
Medicaid, low-income, underinsured. Restorative,
oral surgery, prosthodontics, limited orthodontics,
some TMJ therapy, endodontics, sealant
program. Same day lab services. Sliding fee, feefor-service, private insurance.
sealant program. Same day lab services. Sliding
fee, fee-for-service, private insurance.
Family Health Care
1035 E. Wilcox
White Cloud, MI 49349
231/689-1608 Fax: 231/689-3162
Five operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns,
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodontics, limited TMJ treatment, limited orthodontics.
Medicaid, low income, underinsured. Sliding fee,
fee for service, private insurance. Sealant
program, in house pharmacy.
Mecosta County
Ferris State University Dental Hygiene Clinic
College of Allied Health Sciences
200 Ferris Dr. (corner or State Street and Ferris
Big Rapids, MI 49307 231/591-2260
Dental hygiene clinic. Services provided by
Family Health Care
student dental hygienists under the supervision of
registered dental hygienists and dentists. Open to
1035 E. Wilcox
the public, special populations welcomed. Teeth
White Cloud, MI 49349
cleaning, pit and fissure sealants, fluoride
231/689-1608 Fax: 231/689-3162
Five operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns, treatments, dental X-rays. Reasonable fees,
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodontics, limited TMJ treatment, limited orthodontics.
Medicaid, low income, underinsured. Sliding fee, Family Health Care
fee for service, private insurance. Sealant pro11 N. Maple
gram, in house pharmacy.
Grant, MI 49327
Marquette County
Nine operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns,
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodonSee Alger County Resources
tics, limited TMJ treatment, limited orthodontics.
Medicaid, low income, underinsured. Sliding fee,
Mason County
fee for service, private insurance. Sealant
program, in house pharmacy.
Family Health Care
1615 Michigan Ave.
Baldwin, MI 49304
231/745-2743 x549 Fax: 231/745-3690
Eleven operatories. Site for U of M dental interns.
Medicaid, low-income, underinsured. Restorative,
oral surgery, prosthodontics, limited orthodontics,
some TMJ therapy, endodontics,
Page 22
Menominee County
Monroe County
Wayne County Community College Dental
Hygiene Program
8200 W. Outer Drive
Midland County
Detroit, MI 48219
Midland County Child Protection Council Adopt A 313/943-4040 Fax: 313/943-4025
Clinical dental hygiene preventive services at low
Child's Smile Program (ACSP) 5103 Eastman
cost. Age 2 1/2 years to adult. People with
Ave., Ste. 175
disabilities, seniors, children under 18,
Midland, MI 48640
low-income, preventive care, unemployed, no
insurance, referrals, screenings, simple X-rays,
Promote good oral hygiene and good dental
health for low-income children who do not qualify exams, sealants, fluoride treatments. Reduced
for Medicaid, MI Child or dental insurance.
Children under age 18 or still in high school from
Detroit Institute for Children
low-income families and not have dental
insurance or Medicaid. Must be a current resident 5447 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48202
of Midland County and have lived in the county
for one year before applying. Complete range of 313/832-1100, ext. 285
Children and young adults with disabilities and
dental services. Donated care, referral to other
their family members. Initial examination, X-rays,
funding sources.
prophylaxis, sealants, fluoride, restorations, and
simple extractions. Medicaid, private insurance,
Helping Hands Dental Center
sliding fee scale.
1509 Washington St.
Midland, MI 48640
Monroe County Health Department
[email protected]
Located in the Washington Square Mall next to
the Department of Human Services. Must be a
2353 S. Custer Rd.
resident of Midland County. Adult Medicaid. $20 Monroe, MI 48161
per visit fee. Exams, cleanings, fillings,
888/354-5500, ext. 7825
extractions. Appointments are necessary.
734/240-7825 Fax: 734/240-7838
Medicaid, children under 21, Healthy Kids. All
general dentistry procedures.
Missaukee County
See Alger County resources.
Dental Clinics North
521 Cobb St., Ste. A
Cadillac, MI 49601
231/775-7662 Fax: 231/775-7704
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
home screenings.
Family Medical Center
130 Medical Center Drive
Carleton, MI 48117
Four operatories. Restorative, extractions,
prosthodontics, endodontics. Medicaid, pregnant
women, children. Fee for service, sliding fee,
private pay.
(Monroe County cont’d on next page)
Page 23
Monroe County Con’t
Family Medical Center
8765 Lewis Ave. Temperance, MI 48182
734/847-3802 Fax: 734/847-3418
Three operatories. Medicaid, pregnant women,
children. Restorative, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodontics. Fee for service, sliding fee.
Montcalm County
Ferris State University Dental Hygiene Clinic
College of Allied Health Sciences
200 Ferris Dr.
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Dental hygiene clinic. Services provided by
student dental hygienists under the supervision of
registered dental hygienists and dentists. Open to
the public, special populations welcomed. Teeth
cleaning, pit and fissure sealants, fluoride
treatments, dental X-rays. Reasonable fees,
Minimum co-payment of $15, private insurance,
sliding fee scale. (Dental services to be added in
early 2008)
Montmorency County
Alcona Health Center Dental Services
5671 N. Skeel Ave.
Oscoda, MI 48750
Medicaid, Medicare, uninsured, underinsured.
Comprehensive, basic and restorative dental
services. Collaborates with Head Start and U of
M Dental School. Offers sliding fee discount.
Dental Clinics North
100 Woods Circle, Ste. 600
Alpena, MI 49707
989/356-4898 Fax: 989/358-6599
Medicaid, reduced fees. Full-array of dental
Dental Clinics North
95 Livingston Blvd.
Mid-Michigan District Health Department Stanton Gaylord, MI 49735
989/731-0961 Fax: 989/732-6899
Dental Care Center [email protected]
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
620 W. Main, PO Box 161
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
Stanton, MI 48888
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
989/831-7071 or 866/831-7071 Fax: 989/831uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
Medicaid, MIChild, Healthy Kids, and under 21.
Preventive, restorative, extractions.
Family Health Care
11 N. Maple
Grant, MI 49327
Nine operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns,
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodontics, limited TMJ treatment, limited orthodontics.
Medicaid, low income, underinsured. Sliding fee,
fee for service, private insurance. Sealant
program, in house pharmacy.
Montcalm Area Health Center
306 S. Maplewood St.
Muskegon County
Hackley Community Care Center Dental Services
[email protected]
2700 Baker St.
Muskegon Heights, MI 49444
231/737-8603 Fax: 231/737-9012
Fourteen operatories. On-site preventative, emergency and restorative dental care to people of all
ages, including children. School Dental Program
travels to area schools to make sure kids receive
the dental care they need.
(Muskegon County cont’d on next page)
Page 24
Muskegon County Con’t
Hackley Hospital Dental Health Services
1675 Leahy, Suite 407
Muskegon, MI 49442
231/728-4609 Fax: 231/728-5647
Dental care for a select pediatric patient group.
Patients are accepted only by referral from their
primary care dentist, dental clinic or primary care
physician. Treats children and adolescents that
cannot be managed safely in the regular dental
office because of age, behavioral problems,
cognitive disabilities, severe medical problems or
physical disabilities. Full range of diagnostic,
preventive, restorative and surgical dental care
under general anesthetic in the out-patient
Surgery Department. Currently only accepting
Medicaid patients under 17 years of age.
Family Health Care
11 N. Maple
Grant, MI 49327
Nine operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns,
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodontics, limited TMJ treatment, limited orthodontics.
Medicaid, low income, underinsured. Sliding fee,
fee for service, private insurance. Sealant program, in house pharmacy.
Newaygo County
Ferris State University Dental Hygiene Clinic College of Allied Health Sciences
200 Ferris Dr. (corner or State Street and Ferris
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Dental hygiene clinic. Services provided by student dental hygienists under the supervision of
Muskegon Family Care
www.mfc-health.org/programs_and_services.cfm registered dental hygienists and dentists. Open to
the public, special populations welcomed. Teeth
1700 Oak Ave., Ste. 010
cleaning, pit and fissure sealants, fluoride treatMuskegon, MI 49442
ments, dental X-rays. Reasonable fees, Medi231/767-9830 Fax: 231/767-9840
General dentistry for patients of all ages, including walk-in emergency care, dental hygiene visFamily Health Care
its. Specializes in providing care for children with
Medicaid. Adults without dental insurance are
11 N. Maple
accepted on a limited basis.
Grant, MI 49327
Muskegon County Health Department
Nine operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns,
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodon209 E. Apple Ave.
tics, limited TMJ treatment, limited orthodontics.
Muskegon, MI 49441
Medicaid, low income, underinsured. Sliding fee,
231/724-1283 Fax: 231/724-1290
fee for service, private insurance. Sealant
No clinic. Referrals for Medicaid. Adults and
program, in house pharmacy.
children, elementary school children with no
fluoride in water system, Medicaid/low income,
(Newaygo County cont’d on next page)
dentally underserved, Head Start. Resource
library provides educational materials to
community and dental professionals. School
fluoride rinse programs, in-services for nursing
homes, community dental health education.
Dental hygiene students provide community
Page 25
Newaygo County Cont’d
Family Health Care www.familyhealthcare.org/
1615 Michigan Ave.
Baldwin, MI 49304
231/745-2743 x549 Fax: 231/745-3690
Eleven operatories. Site for U of M dental interns.
Medicaid, low-income, underinsured. Restorative,
oral surgery, prosthodontics, limited orthodontics,
some TMJ therapy, endodontics, sealant program. Same day lab services. Sliding fee, fee-forservice, private insurance.
Family Health Care www.familyhealthcare.org/
1035 E. Wilcox
White Cloud, MI 49349
231/689-1608 Fax: 231/689-3162
Five operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns,
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodontics, limited TMJ treatment, limited orthodontics.
Medicaid, low income, underinsured. Sliding fee,
fee for service, private insurance.
Oakland County Health Division Dental Program
[email protected]
1200 N. Telegraph Rd.
Pontiac, MI 48341
248/858-1306 Fax: 248/975-4457 Attn: Dental
No on-site clinics. Clients are screened for eligibility and referred to their choice of contracted
private dental offices throughout Oakland County.
Financial application filled out to determine eligibility. Residents of Oakland County, no dental
insurance, no Medicaid, verifiable low-income.
Preventive, restorative, hygiene, routine extractions, prosthodontics. Registration fee, visit fee
and lab costs paid by patient.
Oakland Community College Dental Clinic
7350 Cooley Lake Rd.
Waterford, MI 48327
Associate degree in dental hygiene. Seniors, children under 18, no insurance, cleanings, simple
X-rays, exams, denture care, sealants, fluoride
treatments. Reduced fees.
Oakland County
Tri-County Dental Health Council
Wayne County Community College Dental Hygiene Program
[email protected]
8551 Greenfield Rd.
29350 Southfield Rd. #35
Detroit, MI 48228
Southfield, MI 48076
313/943-4040 313/943-4025
248/559-7767 Fax: 248/559-7344
Clinical dental hygiene preventive services at low Dental care is provided by volunteer dentists in
cost. Age 2 1/2 years to adult. Disabled, handitheir own offices. Low-income, Medicaid, special
capped, seniors, children under 18, low-income, needs. Referrals, emergency treatment, Dental
preventive care, unemployed, no insurance, reCare Access Programs. Low cost, donated care.
ferrals, screenings, simple X-rays, exams, sealants, fluoride treatments. Reduced fees.
Detroit Institute for Children
5447 Woodward Ave.
St. John Detroit Hospital Oral and Maxillofacial
Detroit, MI 48202
Surgery Clinic
313/832-1100, ext. 285
7815 E. Jefferson
Children and young adults with disabilities and
Detroit, MI 48214
their family members. Initial examination, X-rays,
prophylaxis, sealants, fluoride, restorations, and
Oral and maxillofacial surgery residency training simple extractions. Medicaid, private insurance,
program. Disabled, handicapped, seniors, nurs- sliding fee scale.
ing home residents, children under 18, lowincome, referrals, extractions, exams, emergency (Oakland County cont’d on next page)
care. Medicaid, payment plans, reduced fees.
Page 26
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
The School Dentist and The School Dentist Smile uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
home screenings.
31731 Arlington Drive
Beverly Hills, MI 48025
Sterling Area Health Center – Dental
248/646-1381 www.schooldentist.com
5095 Rifle River Trail Lawrence, MI 48610
Statewide in-school program. Provides portable
989/873-5152 Fax: 989/873-5913
dental services for children in schools. PrevenEvening hours. Medicaid children, limited adult
tive, exams, cleanings, sealants, digital X-rays
Medicaid, sliding fee, fee for service. All general
and fluoride treatment. Medicaid, Healthy Kids,
MIChild, traditional insurance, private pay,
reduced fees.
Ontonagon County
Oceana County
See Alger County Resources.
Family Health Care www.familyhealthcare.org/
Western U. P. District Health Department Dental
1615 Michigan Ave.
Baldwin, MI 49304
[email protected]
231/745-2743 x549 Fax: 231/745-3690
540 Depot St.
Eleven operatories. Site for U of M dental interns. Hancock, MI 49930
Medicaid, low-income, underinsured. Restorative, 906/482-7382, ext. 127 Fax: 906/482-9410
oral surgery, prosthodontics, limited orthodontics, Contractual dentists in private practice office.
some TMJ therapy, endodontics, sealant
Dental health education throughout 5 county area
program. Same day lab services. Sliding fee, fee- schools. Children 3 years - grade eight with no
for-service, private insurance.
Medicaid and no dental insurance and whose
family income does not exceed 185 percent of
Family Health Care www.familyhealthcare.org/
the federal poverty level. Preventive and limited
restorative. Enrollment fee charged per family.
1035 E. Wilcox
White Cloud, MI 49349
Osceola County
231/689-1608 Fax: 231/689-3162
Five operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns, See Newaygo County resources.
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodontics, limited TMJ treatment, limited orthodontics. Oscoda County
Medicaid, low income, underinsured. Sliding fee,
Dental Clinics North
fee for service, private insurance. Sealant pro630 Progress St., Ste. 200
gram, in house pharmacy.
West Branch, MI 48661
989/343-1496 Fax: 989/343-1498
Ogemaw County
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
Dental Clinics North
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
630 Progress St., Ste. 200
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
West Branch, MI 48661
uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
989/343-1496 Fax: 989/343-1498
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
home screenings. (Con’t on next page)
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
Oakland County Cont’d
Page 27
Oscoda County Cont’d
Alcona Health Center Dental Services
5671 N. Skeel Ave.
Oscoda, MI 48750
Medicaid, Medicare, uninsured, underinsured.
Comprehensive, basic and restorative dental
services. Collaborates with Head Start and U of
M Dental School. Offers sliding fee discount.
Otsego County
Dental Clinics North - Otsego Dental Clinic
95 Livingston Blvd.
Gaylord, MI 49735
989/731-0961 Fax: 989/732-6899
Medicaid. Comprehensive oral health services.
Preventive & emergent care, restorative,
removable prosthetics, periodontics, mobile
dentistry (summer only). Medicaid, sliding fee
scale, fee for service, insurance.
Family Health Care
11 N. Maple
Grant, MI 49327
Nine operatories. Preventive, restorative, crowns,
bridges, oral surgery, prosthodontics, endodontics, limited TMJ treatment, limited orthodontics.
Medicaid, low income, underinsured. Sliding fee,
fee for service, private insurance. Sealant
program, in house pharmacy.
Presque-Isle County
Northern Dental Plan
Health Department of Northwest Michigan
Offers a reduced fee schedule plan for low income adults (ages 19 and over) under 200%
above poverty in Antrim, Charlevoix, Emmet and
Otsego counties.
Alcona Health Center Dental Services
5671 N. Skeel Ave.
Oscoda, MI 48750 989/739-7927
Medicaid, Medicare, uninsured, underinsured.
Comprehensive, basic and restorative dental
services. Collaborates with Head Start and U of
M Dental School. Offers sliding fee discount.
Ottawa County
Dental Clinics North 100 Woods Circle, Ste. 600
Alpena, MI 49707
989/356-4898 Fax: 989/358-6599
Medicaid. Full array of dental services.
Ottawa County Health Department
[email protected]
12251 James St., Ste. 400
Holland, MI 49424
616/393-5771 Fax: 616/393-5659
Two-operatory mobile dental unit and portable
equipment. Head Start, Medicaid children, uninsured children, migrant children, low income children, disabled children. Preventive, restorative.
School fluoride program, oral health education for
Ottawa County schools.
InterCare Community Health Network
285 James Street
Holland, MI 49424
Four operatories, bilingual staff, mobile dentistry
(summer only). Children through outreach/
migrant, emergency care for adults and migrants,
low income without Medicaid, community.
Dental Clinics North
825 S. Huron St.
Cheboygan, MI 49721
231/627-8960 Fax: 231/627-9466
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
home screenings.
Page 28
Roscommon County
Dental Clinics North
630 Progress St., Ste. 200
West Branch, MI 48661
989/343-1496 Fax: 989/343-1498
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
home screenings.
simple extractions. Medicaid, private insurance,
sliding fee scale.
St. Clair County Community Dental Clinic
3037 Electric Ave.
Port Huron
810/985-7161 or 810/462-6350
Scheduled to open June 1, 2008. Low income
residents of St. Clair county. Sliding fee scale.
Baker College of Port Huron
Dental Hygiene Program
3403 Lapeer Rd.
Port Huron, MI 48060
St. Clair County
Reduced fees. Please call for an appointment.
St. Clair County Health Department Dental Clinic Cleanings, x-rays, fluoride treatments, patient
www.stclaircounty.org/offices/health/dental.aspx education.
[email protected]
3415 28th
St. Joseph County
Port Huron, MI 48060
Kalamazoo Valley Community College Dental
810/984-5197 Fax: 810/985-2150
Hygiene Program Texas Township Campus
Preventive, restorative, fluoride. Healthy Kids,
MIChild, Medicaid, no insurance ages 3-21. Must http://www.kvcc.edu
be St. Clair County resident.
6767 West O Ave. P.O. Box 4070
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070
St. Clair County Health Department School
269/372-5338 269/372-5458
Fourteen-chair clinic where students provide
3415 28th
dental hygiene services for the public. AppointPort Huron, MI 48060
ments are scheduled. Waiting Period: 1-2 weeks.
810/984-5197 Fax: 810/985-2150
Disabled, handicapped, seniors, institutionalized,
Portable equipment in schools. Pre-school
homebound, nursing home residents, children
through grade eight. Preventive, prophylaxis,
under 18, low-income, preventive care,
fluoride, nutrition education. Fee-for-service,
unemployed, no insurance, referrals, veterans,
sliding fee scale, Medicaid, Healthy Kids, MIand homeless. Simple X-rays, exams, denture
Child. Also provides dental cleanings and fluoride care, portable equipment, sealants, fluoride
treatments to children in the schools on a sliding treatments, bus system. Payment plans, reduced
fee scale and service is free to recipients of
Medicaid, Healthy Kids Dental and MIChild.
St. Peters Free Health Clinic
Detroit Institute for Children
Dental Program
5447 Woodward Ave.
44 S. Broad St.
Detroit, MI 48202
Hillsdale, MI 49242
313/832-1100, ext. 285
(517) 437-4041
Children and young adults with disabilities and
Patients must qualify through St. Peters Free
their family members. Initial examination, X-rays, Health Clinic or be enrolled in the Branch/
prophylaxis, sealants, fluoride, restorations, and Hillsdale/St. Joseph Health Plan.
(St. Joseph County Cont’d on next page)
Page 29
St. Joseph County Cont’d
Riverside Health Clinic
Riverside Church
[email protected]
207 E. Michigan Ave.
Three Rivers, MI 49093
Open Tuesday Evenings from 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Available for adults only (19 years and older) who
have no ability to gain dental help for themselves.
Saginaw County
Saginaw County Department of Public Health
Dental Services Division
1600 N. Michigan Ave.
Saginaw, MI 48602
989/758-3835 Fax: 989/758-3750
Ages 4-18, low-income, preschool. Preventive,
fluoride, sealants, referrals, education. Clinic in
city of Saginaw. Building satellite clinics in Birch
Run, Chesaning and St. Charles. Medicaid, patient donations.
children, low-income, dentally underserved, Head
Start, migrant, Title I schools, mobile dental
program. Preventive, restorative, endodontics,
periodontal therapy, prosthetics, oral surgery.
Medicaid, private insurance, sliding fee, fee-forservice.
Nimkee Dental Clinic Saginaw Chippewa Indian
[email protected]
2591 S. Leaton Rd.
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
989/775-4657 Fax: 989/773-2028
Eight operatories. Native Americans. Exams,
hygiene services, restorations, root canals, oral
surgery, preventive, prosthetics, oral health
education. Indian Health Services, Medicaid,
private insurance, certain patients pay lab fees.
Rehmann Health Center
147 South Saginaw Street
Chesaning, MI
Dental clinics are provided for Head Start checkups, preschoolers, and K-12 children. Call for an
appointment and request the Chesaning clinic.
Wadsworth Dental Clinic
Medicaid and donations are accepted.
2308 Wadsworth
Free adult dental clinic held each Tuesday
Saginaw, MI 48601
between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dental hygienists will
12 operatories. Serves urban area. Summer Mi- see patients on the first and third Tuesdays of
grant Topical Fluoride program, works with Head each month. Volunteer dentist will provide
Start and elementary, transportation assistance, treatment on the second and fourth Tuesdays.
Routine dental care, cleanings, fillings,
bilingual staff and providers, mobile dental serextractions. Must have no dental insurance and
vices. Adults and children, low-income, dentally
underserved, Head Start, migrant, Title I schools, meet financial requirements. Healthy Futures
representative will determine eligibility, call
mobile dental program. Preventive, restorative,
endodontics, periodontal therapy, prosthetics,
oral surgery. Medicaid, private insurance, sliding
St. Charles Health Center
fee, fee-for-service.
120 North Vine Street
St. Charles, MI
Bayside Dental Center
3884 Monitor Rd.
Dental clinics held on certain dates.
Bay City, MI 48706
Janes Street Academic Community Health
Fax: 989/686-0638
Seven operatories. Serves rural clients and
1522 Janes Street
migrants. Summer Migrant Topical Fluoride
program, works with Head Start and elementary, Saginaw, MI 48601
transportation assistance, bilingual staff and
Free dental clinic.
providers, mobile dental services. Adults and
Page 30
Salinac County
Thumb Outreach Minority Services
P.O. Box 89 59 Moore St.
Sandusky, MI 48471
810/648-4237 800/542-1663 Fax: 810/648-4293
Must be a migrant or 60 years or older. Emergency care referral.
Schoolcraft County
See Alger County Resources
Mobile Dental Van
Mobile dental van visits rural schools, senior centers, clinics, the Department of Human Services
and migrant camps.
Six operatories, bilingual staff, mobile dentistry.
Low-income without Medicaid, emergency care
for migrants and adults, migrant children,
community. Portable dental equipment,
preventive and emergent care, restorative,
removable prosthetics, oral surgery, periodontics,
bilingual staff. Sliding fee scale, fee-for-service,
insurance reimbursement.
Shiawassee County
Kalamazoo Valley Community College Dental
Hygiene Program Texas Township Campus
Mott Community College Dental Hygiene Clinic
1401 E. Court St.
6767 West O Ave. P.O. Box 4070
Flint, MI 48503
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070 269/488-4338
810/762-0493 Fax: 810/762-5619
Fourteen-chair clinic where students provide
Open September through June for preventive
dental hygiene services for the public.
dental services at a reduced fee. Patients under Appointments are scheduled. Disabled,
age 18 must be accompanied by adult guardian/ handicapped, seniors, institutionalized,
parent. All patients must complete health history, homebound, nursing home residents, children
which is reviewed by faculty to determine patient under 18, low-income, preventive care,
acceptance for clinical procedures. Complete
unemployed, no insurance, referrals, veterans,
prophylaxis, fluoride treatment, nutritional asand homeless. Simple X-rays, exams, denture
sessment, oral screening, periodontal evaluation. care, portable equipment, sealants, fluoride
Sealants and x-rays available for slightly higher
treatments, bus system. Payment plans, reduced
fee. Reduced fees.
fees. Fee schedule and hours available at Web
Tuscola County
Van Buren/Cass County District Health
Department Michigan Community Dental Clinics
Thumb Outreach Minority Services
P.O. Box 89 59 Moore St.
57418 CR 581
Hartford, MI 49057
Sandusky, MI 48471
810/648-4237 800/542-1663 Fax: 810/648-4293 800/210-1921
Must be a migrant or 60 years or older.
269/621-3143 Fax: 269/621-2725
Emergency care referral.
520 Main St.
Dowagiac, MI
Van Buren County
Locations in Hartford, Paw PawCassopolis and
Dowagiac. Emergencies, low income. Medicaid,
InterCare Community Health Network
Healthy Kids, MIChild, reduced fees. Sealants,
50 Industrial Park Dr.
Bangor, MI 49013
fluoride, cleanings, extractions, fillings, stainless
steel crowns, extractions, prosthodontics,
Page 31
Washtenaw County
University of Michigan Dental School
Wayne County Community College Dental
Hygiene Program
8551 Greenfield Rd.
Detroit, MI 48228 3
13/943-4040 Fax: 313/943-4025
Clinical dental hygiene preventive services at low
cost. Age 2 1/2 years to adult. Disabled,
handicapped, seniors, children under 18,
low-income, preventive care, unemployed, no
insurance, referrals, screenings, simple X-rays,
exams, sealants, fluoride treatments. Reduced
Community Dental Center [email protected]
406 N. Ashley
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
734/998-9640 Fax: 734/998-9647
Dental clinic with five operatories. Extension
program for U of M dental and hygiene students.
Grants available for low-income residents of
Washtenaw County. Age 3 years to adults,
low-income, Medicaid, homeless, Head Start,
handicapped, elderly. Preventive, restorative,
prosthodontics, extractions, anterior root canals,
periodontal therapy. Fee-for-service, reduced fee
and most insurance plans.
Center for Family Health
817 West High
Jackson, MI 49203
517/784-9385 Fax: 517/787-0852
Children ages 3-18 years (by appointment). Preventive and restorative. Medicaid, reduced fees.
Washtenaw Children's Dental Clinic
920 Miller Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
[email protected]
Located in Mack Elementary School. Two
operatories, school year only. Low-income
children (preschool - high school) with no
insurance nor Medicaid. Preventive and
restorative. Fee-for-service. By appointment only.
Wayne County
University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry
2700 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48208
313/494-6700 Fax: 313/494-6627
Dental School. Low-income residents.
Preventive, restorative, emergency, endodontic,
periodontic, orthodontic, oral surgery, pediatric
dentistry. Private pay, insurance. Not currently
accepting Medicaid for oral surgery.
Detroit Receiving Hospital
Dental Health Clinic
4201 St. Antoine, 1st floor, Room 2G
Detroit, MI 48201
Dental outreach clinics linked to dental school.
Low-income residents. Discounted basic and
emergency dental services.
Wayne County Community College Dental
Hygiene Program
8551 Greenfield Rd.
Detroit, MI 48228
Hope Dental Clinic [email protected]
9 South Adams St. P.O. Box 980311
Screenings, X-rays, exams, sealants, fluoride,
Ypsilanti, MI 48198-0311
preventive. Fixed fee schedule: $8-children;
734/480-9575 Fax: 734/480-9503
$10-$12 adults. Free Head Start exams. Referral
Free standing dental clinic with three operatories. to local dentists for follow-up care.
U of M dental and hygiene student rotations. Referrals to area specialists for further treatment.
(Wayne County Cont’d on Next Page)
Low-income, no insurance, no Medicaid, children
and adults. Preventive, restorative. Charge a $5
per person per visit contribution. Can only take
new patients twice per year.
Page 32
Wayne County Cont’d
St. John Detroit Hospital Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery Clinic
7815 E. Jefferson
Detroit, MI 48214
Oral and maxillofacial surgery residency training
program. Disabled, handicapped, seniors,
nursing home residents, children under 18,
low-income, referrals, extractions, exams,
emergency care. Medicaid, payment plans, reduced fees.
Tri-County Dental Health Council
[email protected] 29350 Southfield Rd. #35
Southfield, MI 48076
248/559-7767 Fax: 248/559-7344
Dental care is provided by volunteer dentists in
their own offices. Low-income, Medicaid, special
needs. Referrals, emergency treatment, Dental
Care Access Programs. Low cost, donated care.
Children's Hospital APDS - Dental Department
3901 Beaubien, 3rd floor
Detroit, MI 48201
313/745-5551 Fax: 313/745-5908
In-school clinic with three operatories. Medical &
dental combined. Site for community health
education. Low income children, school children.
X-rays, sealants, patient education, referrals,
exams. Medicaid, MIChild, all insurance.
Adult Dental Clinic
Herman Kiefer Family Health Center
1151 Taylor, 7th floor
Detroit, MI 48202
General dental services, oral surgery. Uninsured,
Detroit Institute for Children
underinsured. Sliding fee scale. Appointment
5447 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48202
313/832-1100, ext. 285
Detroit Healthcare for the Homeless
Children and young adults with disabilities and
Thea Bowman Community Health Center
their family members. Initial examination, X-rays,
20548 Fenkell
prophylaxis, sealants, fluoride, restorations, and
Detroit, MI 48223
simple extractions. Medicaid, private insurance,
313/255-3333 Fax: 313/255-4335
Four dental suites. Partnership with University of sliding fee scale.
Detroit Mercy for hygiene students and pediatric
Detroit Community Health Connection
dental education. Beginning a toddler dental
13901 E. Jefferson
program. Individuals in Detroit. Primary,
Detroit, MI 48215
preventive, dentures. Medicaid, private
313/821-2591 x 3115
insurance, MIChild. Walk-ins welcome.
Walk in emergency service. Linked to dental
Wayne County Health Department Wayne Health school. Medicaid, low income, underinsured, fee
for service, private insurance. Initial exam,
preventive, simple extraction, restorative, oral
33030 Van Born Road
surgery, nitrous oxide sedation.
Wayne, MI 48184
734/727-7100 Fax: 734/727-7005
Detroit Metropolitan Nursing Home Program Dr.
School fluoride program. Medicaid, Head Start
and low-income children. Preventive, restorative, Victor Yee, coordinator Detroit, MI 313/745-4305
Portable dental equipment. Linked to dental
endodontic, minor surgery. Sliding fee scale.
school. Nursing home residents. Preventive,
restorative, minor surgery, prosthetics, portable
Taylor Health Center
equipment. Medicaid, private pay.
26650 Eureka Road Taylor, MI 48180 734/9553900
School fluoride program. Medicaid, Head Start
and low-income children. Preventive, restorative, (Wayne County Cont’d on Next Page)
endodontic, minor surgery. Sliding fee scale.
Page 33
Wayne County Cont’d
5635 W. Fort St.
Detroit, MI 48209
313/849-3920 Fax: 313/849-0824
Two chairs, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri. All
individuals in service area (Detroit). Primary and
preventive. Medicaid, private insurance, sliding
fee scale, MIChild.
Detroit Community Health Connection - Eastside
7900 Kercheval
Detroit, MI 48215
Monday and Tuesday. Walk in emergency
service. Linked to dental school. Medicaid, low
income, underinsured, fee for service, private
Children’s Center Clinic 79 Alexandrine Detroit,
insurance. Initial exam, preventive, simple
extraction, restorative, oral surgery, nitrous oxide MI 48201 313/833-2895
Thirteen-chair clinic. Hospital dentistry. All
children. Comprehensive pediatric care, operation room dentistry, sedation services, handiDetroit Community Health Connection
capped/special needs patients, orthodontics, cleft
6550 W. Warren
Wednesday through Friday. Walk in emergency palate/lip management, craniofacial anomalies.
service. Linked to dental school. Medicaid, low
Pediatric Dental Clinic
income, underinsured, fee for service, private
Herman Kiefer Family Health Center
insurance. Initial exam, preventive, simple
extraction, restorative, oral surgery, nitrous oxide [email protected]
1151 Taylor 700-B
Detroit, MI 48202
Detroit Community Health Connection
313/876-4256 Fax: 313/871-1589
Nolan Center
City Health Dept. 7th floor dental clinic with three
7 Mile and John R. Nolan
operatories. Mon. - Fri., 6 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Early
Walk in emergency service. Linked to dental
morning appointments are very busy. Infants,
school. Medicaid, low income, underinsured, fee Head Start, preschool, school children, teens,
for service, private insurance. Initial exam,
pregnant mothers and new mothers, children/
preventive, simple extraction, restorative, oral
families. Comprehensive pediatric oral health.
surgery, nitrous oxide sedation.
Adult component - cancer screening & management, group oral health education.
Family Medical Center
130 Medical Center Drive
The Wellness Plan Clinics
Carleton, MI 48117
North Health Center
21040 Greenfield
Four operatories. Restorative, extractions,
Oak Park, MI
prosthodontics, endodontics. Medicaid, pregnant
women, children. Fee for service, sliding fee,
East Area Medical Center
private pay.
4909 East Outer Drive
Detroit, MI
Family Medical Center
8765 Lewis Ave.
Gateway Medical Center
Temperance, MI 48182
2888 West Grand Blvd.
734/847-3802 Fax: 734/847-3418
Detroit, MI
Three operatories. Medicaid, pregnant women,
Federally qualified health centers providing
children. Restorative, oral surgery, prosthodoncomprehensive dental care to uninsured and
tics, endodontics. Fee for service, sliding fee.
underinsured patients. Medicaid.
(Wayne County Cont’d on next page)
Page 34
Wayne County Cont’d
The Adopt a Smile Program
Local dentists volunteer free services to patients
with mental disabilities and other health
Dearborn Health Department
16301 Michigan Ave.
Dearborn, MI 48126
Cleaning and basic dental services for Dearborn
residents; open from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tuesdays.
Please bring photo ID and proof of income.
American Indian Health & Family Services
4880 Lawndale
Detroit, MI 48210
Dental services for low income Native Americans.
cleaning, pit and fissure sealants, fluoride treatments, dental X-rays. Reasonable fees, Medicaid.
Dental Clinics North
521 Cobb St., Ste. A
Cadillac, MI 49601
231/775-7662 Fax: 231/775-7704
Hospital dental treatment, pediatric specialty, oral
surgery specialty, early childhood prevention.
Head Start, Medicaid, AIS homes, local Native
Americans, Healthy Kids, MIChild, low income,
uninsured. Preventive, restorative, education,
school programs (screenings, fluoride), nursing
home screenings.
Children’s Center Clinic
79 Alexandrine
Detroit, MI 48209
Fax: 313/849-0824
Two chairs, 8:30 am-5:00 pm Mon.-Fri. All
individuals in service area (Detroit). Primary and
preventative. Medicaid, private insurance, sliding
fee scale, MIChild.
Detroit Health Care for the Homeless
2395 W. Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48208
Appointments and walk-ins. No fee for the home- Multi-County Resources:
less; discounts for the uninsured.
Detroit Donated Dental Services
P.O. Box 3405
Detroit Hope Hospital
Farmington Hills, MI 48333
801 Virginia Park
800/850-5913 or 248/489-2204
Detroit, MI
Private dental offices throughout the state donate
care. Must be unable to afford dental treatment
and permanently disabled, chronically ill or
Affordable community-based hospital, including
elderly. Must need extensive dental work - no
emergency and dental. Free transportation is
routine or emergency care. Currently unable to
accept applications from the city of Detroit.
Wexford County
Serves Counties: Lapeer, Lenawee,
Ferris State University Dental Hygiene Clinic
Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, St. Clair,
College of Allied Health Sciences
Washtenaw, Wayne
200 Ferris Dr. Big Rapids, MI 49307
Dental hygiene clinic. Services provided by
student dental hygienists under the supervision of
registered dental hygienists and dentists. Open to
the public, special populations welcomed. Teeth
Page 35
Health Delivery Inc.
3605 Davenport
Saginaw, MI 48602
989/754-7207 Fax: 989/792-2570
Summer Migrant Topical Fluoride program, works
with Head Start and elementary, transportation
assistance, bilingual staff and providers, mobile
dental services. Adults and children, low-income,
dentally underserved, Head Start, migrant, Title I
schools, mobile dental program. Preventive,
restorative, endodontics, periodontal therapy,
prosthetics, oral surgery. Medicaid, private
insurance, sliding fee, fee-for-service.
Serves Counties: Arenac, Bay, Gratiot,
Houghton, Huron, Ionia, Lapeer, Macomb,
Midland, Montcalm, Salinac, St. Clair,
Saginaw, Tuscola, Washtenaw,
Mott Community College Dental Hygiene Clinic
1401 E. Court St.
Flint, MI 48503
810/762-0493 Fax: 810/762-5619
Open September through June for preventive
dental services at a reduced fee. Patients under
age 18 must be accompanied by adult guardian/
parent. All patients must complete health history,
which is reviewed by faculty to determine patient
acceptance for clinical procedures. Complete
prophylaxis, fluoride treatment, nutritional assessment, oral screening, periodontal evaluation.
Sealants and X-rays available for slightly higher
fee. Reduced fees. Statewide Resource.
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