STATE OF MICHIGAN RICK SNYDER GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES LANSING NICK LYON DIRECTOR MINUTES RECIPIENT RIGHTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 10, 2015 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Lewis Cass Building rd 3 Floor Conference Room Lansing, MI Our Mission It is the mission of the Michigan Department of Community Health Recipient Rights Advisory Committee to advise the Directors of the Michigan Department of Community Health and the State Office of Recipient Rights in order to ensure that the rights of individuals receiving public mental health services are protected and promoted. Our Vision It is the vision of the Michigan Department of Community Health Recipient Rights Advisory Committee that Michigan values a public mental health system in which individuals receiving services are treated with dignity and respect, enjoy full and fair access to the rights accorded them and are free to participate fully in all aspects of their lives. Present: Basil Scott, Darlene Logan, Liz O’Dell, Michelle Milligan, Mark Reinstein, Rosemary Allen, Margaret Stooksberry, and Sue Witting, Staff: John Sanford, Andy Silver, Cynthia Ward, and Raymie Postema Call to Order - 1:05 p.m. - Mark Reinstein, Chair Approval of Agenda – Basil Scott, Motion; Michelle Milligan, Second One correction was made to the July meeting minutes. On page two, “House Bill 4764” should be “House Bill 4674.” Motion/second to approve (Sue/Rosemary); the motion carried. The chair reminded members that his letter to DHHS Director Lyon on FY-16 budgeting had previously been distributed electronically. Open Meeting Law Review On the question of future training for the committee on open meetings law, it was moved and seconded (Michelle/Sue) that a future 30-minute training session be organized. The motion carried. John addressed his appointment to a new state task force on guardianship issues. 320 SOUTH WALNUT STREET LANSING, MICHIGAN 48913 517-373-3740 KPH Update Raymie updated issues with KPH. Several arbitration hearings have been scheduled, and summary revised reporting has been completed. Raymie suggested this no longer needs attention each meeting from the committee. Nominating Committee Report Michelle gave a nominating committee report. It was agreed that election of a chair and vicechair would take place next meeting. Staff said that open meetings law will require that every member’s vote be public. Candidates for chair are Darlene, Michelle and Wayne. For vice-chair, candidates are Basil, Darlene, Margaret, Rosemary, Sue. {NOTE: Margaret’s name subsequently withdrawn.} Director’s Report Possible department adoption of post-KPH recommendations related to rights (no final decision yet). Possibility of a new internal department committee on rights. Continued communication with LARA on possible RR involvement with hospital licensing (nothing definitive yet). An upcoming presentation John will make to a department leadership panel on ORR budget needs. Given this development, members felt it best at this time not to send a letter to various parties re FY-17 budgeting. It was moved and seconded (Basil/Sue) that the chair send a note to the department leadership panel reinforcing what was in the FY-16 budget letter to Mr. Lyon. The motion carried Reports from other staff were received, reviewed and discussed. The chair reviewed major changes to existing assisted outpatient treatment law proposed by HB 4674. Public Comment Public comment was made on the new guardianship task force and HB 4674. There was also written public comment that the committee should remove the chair from his post. Darlene suggested that our future agendas have an item for “additional (new) business.” She also asked if the committee has an obligation to respond to questions raised in public comment. Cynthia said there is no obligation and it’s the chair’s discretion on this. Next Meeting November 12, 2015 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Lewis Cass Building 3rd Floor Conference Room Lansing, MI 48933 Adjournment 3:15 p.m.