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Document 2005743
 Program Outcomes and Assessment
Psychology—I/O Emphasis February 2 014 Program Outcomes Program Outcome 1-­‐Students will be prepared to find employment and to be an effective employee. [University Outcome-­‐Skilled Professional] (COURSES: Psy 112, Psy 201, Math 221C, Psy 302, Psy 311, Psy 322, Psy 350, Psy 355, Psy 361, Psy 365, Psy 370, Psy 378, Psy 384, Psy 435, Psy 485, Psy 498) Program Outcome 2-­‐Students will be prepared for further education and training in the areas of Industrial/Organizational psychology, Human Resource, and Organizational Behavior. [University Outcome-­‐Skilled Professional] (COURSES: Psy 111, Psy 112, Psy 201, Psy 240, Math 221C, Psy 302, Psy 310, Psy 311, Psy 322, Psy 341, Psy 350, Psy 355, Psy 361, Psy 365, Psy 370, Psy 378, Psy 384, Psy 435, Psy 485, Psy 498) Program Outcome 3-­‐Students will build a common intellectual experience in Industrial/Organizational by partnering with the following departments: business, communication, and health sciences. [University Outcome-­‐Skilled Professional] (COURSES: Psy 111, Psy 201, Psy 240, Math 221C, Psy 302, Psy 310, Psy 311, Psy 322, Psy 341, Psy 350, Psy 355, Psy 361, Psy 365, Psy 370, Psy 378, Psy 384, Psy 435, Psy 485) Program Outcome 4-­‐ Students will apply research methods in Industrial/Organizational psychology including research design, data analysis, and interpretation to benefit the Rexburg community. [University Outcome-­‐Skilled Professional] (COURSES: Psy 111, Math 221C, Psy 302, Psy 322, Psy 350, Psy 355, Psy 365, Psy 370, Psy 378, Psy 384, Psy 435, Psy 485) Program Outcome 5-­‐ Program Outcome 5-­‐Students will use critical thinking and the scientific approach within a gospel framework to solve organizational problems. [University Outcome-­‐Lifelong Learner, Creative and Critical Thinker] (COURSES: Psy 112, Psy 201, Psy 240, Math 221C, Psy 302, Psy 310, Psy 311, Psy 322, Psy 341, Psy 350, Psy 355, Psy 361, Psy 365, Psy 370, Psy 378, Psy 435, Psy 485) Program Outcome 6-­‐ Students will be able to weigh evidence, understand worldviews different their own, tolerate ambiguity, act ethically/morally in Industrial/Organizational psychology within the framework of the gospel. [University Outcomes-­‐Engaged Citizen, Disciple Leader] (COURSES: Psy 201, Psy 240, Math 221C, Psy 302, Psy 310, Psy 322, Psy 341, Psy 355, Psy 378, Psy 435, Psy 485, Psy 498) Program Outcome 7-­‐Students will demonstrate the ability to use technology, including Excel and SPSS, for many purposes. [University Outcomes-­‐Skilled Professional, Lifelong Learner] (COURSES: Psy 111, Psy 302, Psy 310, Psy 311, Psy 322, Psy 341, Psy 355, Psy 361, Psy 378, Psy 435, Psy 485, Psy 498) Assessment Plan Program Outcome 1: EMPLOYMENT DIRECT MEASURE: Alumni Survey administered annually asking students who have graduated in the past year their employment status. INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey administered to Senior Students at the end of the semester asking students regarding future plans for work. Program Outcome 2: FUTURE EDUCATION DIRECT MEASURE: Alumni Survey administered annually asking students who have graduated in the past year about their graduate school status. INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey administered to Senior Students at the end of the semester asking students regarding future plans for graduate school. Program Outcome 3: COMMON INTELLECTUAL EXPERIENCE DIRECT MEASURE 1: Psychology Field Test (a standardized nationally normed psychology knowledge test) administered to Senior Students the semester before they graduate. DIRECT MEASURE 2: Grades in Relevant Courses. INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey administered to Senior Students at the end of the semester asking students if they feel they gained a good deal of knowledge during their time in the psychology program. Program Outcome 4: RESEARCH METHODS DIRECT MEASURE 1: Judges Rubric from Research and Creative Works Conference (Experiencing Research) DIRECT MEASURE 2: Major Field Test administered to Senior Students the semester before they graduate. Subtest questions regarding Statistics and Research Methods INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey administered to Senior Students at the end of the semester asking if they feel they have a good understanding of research methodology. Program Outcome 5: CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS DIRECT MEASURE: INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey administered to Senior Students at the end of the semester asking if they feel they developed critical thinking skills during their time in the program. Program Outcome 6: VALUES DIRECT MEASURE: INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey administered to Senior Students at the end of the semester asking if they feel they established values in psychology that do not conflict with their understanding of the gospel. Program Outcome 7: INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY LITERACY DIRECT MEASURE: INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey administered to Senior Students at the end of the semester asking if they feel they developed skills in accessing information through technology. 2
Assessment Data Summarize the assessment data that your plan has generated this year. Where possible, report the data in terms of the percentage of students who met the program outcomes at the levels described below. If some of your assessment results do not match this format (as with certain types of indirect measures, for example), simply use an appropriate alternative format to summarize the results. The cumulative percentage for each outcome is based on the actual counts combined from each objective, not the average of the percentage. Data primarily comes from students graduating in Fall of 2013. Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory Sum 50% 25% 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Program Outcome 9* 25% Program Outcome 10* 100% Program Outcome 1* Program Outcome 2* Program Outcome 3* Program Outcome 4* Program Outcome 5* Program Outcome 6* Program Outcome 7* Program Outcome 8* 100% *Data Incomplete Distinguished: Excellent level of achievement; exceeds expectations Proficient: Good level of achievement; meets expectations Developing: Fair level of achievement; minimally meets expectations Unsatisfactory: Low level of achievement; fails to meet expectations Program Outcome 1: EMPLOYMENT DIRECT MEASURE: Alumni Survey Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory Program Outcome 2: FUTURE EDUCATION DIRECT MEASURE: Alumni Survey Distinguished INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey 3
Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory Program Outcome 3: INTELLECTUAL EXPERIENCE DIRECT MEASURE 1: Psychology Field Test Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory 25% 50% 25% 0 Developing Unsatisfactory DIRECT MEASURE 2: Grades in Relevant Courses Distinguished Proficient INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory Program Outcome 4: RESEARCH METHODS DIRECT MEASURE 1: RCW Judging Rubric Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory DIRECT MEASURE 2: Major Field Test-­‐Statistic and Research Methods Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory Developing Unsatisfactory Program Outcome 5: CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS DIRECT MEASURE: Distinguished Proficient INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey Distinguished 4
Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory Developing Unsatisfactory Program Outcome 6: VALUES IN PSYCHOLOGY DIRECT MEASURE: Distinguished Proficient INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory Program Outcome 7: INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY LITERACY DIRECT MEASURE: Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory INDIRECT MEASURE: Exit Survey Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory Outcomes: We currently have little data with respect to the I/O major. However, some
interesting results from the field test have emerged. See Table below:
These data come from the first three field tests administered during 2013. Note that in most
areas, the I/O majors do as well as the general psych majors with two exceptions: Perception
Sensation Physiology and Clinical Abnormal Personality.
This is significant as the classes associated with these two areas are not required courses in the
I/O program. This indicates that the courses do make a difference in terms of student
Analysis and Improvement Plan Action Plan: Thus far, in our data collection processes, we have not adequately separated out the
industrial/organizational majors from the general psychology majors. We plan to focus on the
data collection needs for this emphasis in the coming year. One step in that direction has been to
incorporate the exit survey questions with the psychology major field test (that begins this
semester). This will serve two purposes: it will increase the number of respondents to the exit
survey and allow us to more carefully analyze the responses of the industrial/organizational
majors given that we have added a question in that survey asking students to indicate which
emphasis they are majoring in.
University Outcomes (For Reference) The purpose of a BYU-­‐Idaho education is to help students to become 1. Disciple leaders 2. Lifelong learners 3. Creative and critical thinkers 4. Effective communicators 5. Skilled professionals 6. Engaged citizens 6
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