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Document 2005804
 Program Outcomes and Assessment
Electrical Engineering 6 J une 2 013 Program Outcomes Because of requirements of our engineering accreditation commission (ABET), the program outcomes are divided into 2 levels of detail. The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) for the Electrical Engineering program are that graduates of this program will: 1. Be disciple leaders with a strong testimony 2. Maintain a broad and rigorous understanding of the fundamentals of electrical engineering 3. Possess well developed design and problem solving skills 4. Continually develop and learn 5. Possess strong communication and interpersonal skills 6. Make a positive difference in their family, their workplace, and their community These PEOs are further detailed as Student Outcomes. The Student Outcomes for the EE program are identical to the ABET outcomes labeled (a) thru (k). They are that students will attain the following: a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility g) an ability to communicate effectively h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-­‐long learning j) a knowledge of contemporary issues k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice The mapping between the EE outcomes and the University Outcomes follows EE Program Objectives BYUI Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 1: Disciple Leaders with a strong testimony X 2: Broad and rigorous understanding X X X 3: Design and Problem Solving Skills X X X 4: Continually Develop and Learn X X 5: Communication and interpersonal skills X 6: Positive Difference X Assessment Plan The Electrical Engineering program uses 4 main methods to assess these outcomes. These include: 1.
Alumni Survey Employer Survey Analytical Measurement of Specific Student Work Internship Evaluations Assessment Data and Analysis 2
Distinguished Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory 1: Disciple Leaders with a strong testimony Alumni Survey Results 76% 24% 0% 0% Employer Survey Results 80% 20% 0% 0% Internship Evaluations 55% 41% 4% 0% 2: Broad and rigorous understanding Alumni Survey Results 54% 46% 0% 0% Employer Survey Results 40% 40% 20% 0% Internship Evaluations 59% 36% 4% 0% 3: Design and Problem Solving Skills Alumni Survey Results 38% 54% 8% 0% Employer Survey Results 40% 40% 20% 0% Internship Evaluations 59% 36% 4% 0% 4: Continually Develop and Learn Sum 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Alumni Survey Results 42% 58% 0% 0% Employer Survey Results 40% 40% 20% 0% Internship Evaluations 59% 36% 4% 0% 5:Communication and interpersonal skills Alumni Survey Results 65% 31% 4% 0% Employer Survey Results 60% 40% 0% 0% Internship Evaluations 59% 36% 4% 0% 6: Positive Difference Alumni Survey Results 73% 27% 0% 0% Employer Survey Results 40% 60% 0% 0% Internship Evaluations 59% 36% 4% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Distinguished: Excellent level of achievement; exceeds expectations Proficient: Good level of achievement; meets expectations Developing: Fair level of achievement; minimally meets expectations Unsatisfactory: Low level of achievement; fails to meet expectations The analytical data collected did not have the student granularity to be able to put them in the above categories. The following is the data collected and the data mapping. Course Assessment Title Student Outcome Mapping A B C D E F G H I J K ECEN Counters lab X Audio Amplifier X Exams X Final Exam: Game Controller X 1
0 ECEN 2
0 ECEN 2
0 ECEN 2
0 ECEN Test 2 – Comp Arch X Lab 6 Part C – Add to pipeline X Technical Presentations X Research Project X Hearing Aid Project X Ethics Exam X Peer to peer networking lab X FSK mod/demod X Midterm Exam: FPGA based Simple Graphics Controller X Final Exam: Design of Simple Graphics Controller IC X 3
4 ECEN 3
4 ECEN 3
0 ECEN 3
0 ECEN 3
0 ECEN 3
8 ECEN 4
0 ECEN 4
0 ECEN 4
0 ECEN 4
0 ECEN Engineering Economics Assignment X Lab X Final Project X Final Project X Combined Exams X Cumulative Labs X Final Exam: Biometric identification X Leadership Quiz X Peer Evals X Final Report X 4
0 ECEN 4
0 ECEN #1: Selection Microprocessor of Multimedia 4
0 ECEN 4
0 ECEN 4
0 ECEN 4
0 ECEN 4
0 ECEN 4
9 ECEN 4
9 ECEN 4
9 The following data are the results of the analytical assessments. All scores are recorded as percentages. Following is data for Student Outcome A Course Assessment Item Student Outcome Score ECEN 250 Exams 77.2 ECEN 480 Cumulative Labs 97.0 Aggregate Score 87.1 Following is data for Student Outcome B Course Assessment Item Student Outcome Score ECEN 250 Audio Amplifier 96.0 ECEN 440 Peer to peer networking lab 91.7 Aggregate Score 93.9 Following is data for Student Outcome C Course Assessment Item Student Outcome Score ECEN 260 Final Exam 92.0 ECEN 350 Hearing Aid Project 92.4 ECEN 499 Final Report 93.6 Aggregate Score 92.7 Course Assessment Item Student Outcome Score ECEN 450 Final Exam: Design of Simple Graphics Controller IC 94.0 ECEN 499 Peer Evals 97.0 Aggregate Score 95.5 6
Following is the data for Student Outcome D Following is the data for Student Outcome E Course Assessment Item Student Outcome Score ECEN 160 Counters lab 82.0 ECEN 450 Midterm Exam: FPGA based Simple Graphics Controller 81.0 ECEN 470 Combined Exams 68.0 Aggregate Score 77.0 Following is the data for Student Outcome F Course Assessment Item Student Outcome Score ECEN 398 Ethics Exam 85.1 ECEN 499 Leadership Quiz 83.0 Aggregate Score 84.1 Following is the data for Student Outcome G Course Assessment Item ECEN 340 Technical Presentations ECEN 460 Final Project Aggregate Score Student Outcome Score 87.3 87 87.2 Following is the data for Student Outcome H Course Assessment Item Student Outcome Score ECEN 450 Engineering Economics Assignment 82.0 ECEN 480 Final Exam: Biometric identification 85.0 Aggregate Score 83.5 7
Following is the data for Student Outcome I Course Assessment Item Student Outcome Score ECEN 340 Research Project 82.0 ECEN 460 Lab #1: Selection of Multimedia Microprocessor 100 Aggregate Score 91.0 Following is the data for Student Outcome J Course Assessment Item Student Outcome Score ECEN 324 Test 2 – Comp Arch 83.3 ECEN 324 Lab 6 Part C – Add to pipeline 90.0 Aggregate Score 86.7 Course Assessment Item Student Outcome Score ECEN 440 FSK mod/demod 100.0 ECEN 460 Final Project 87.0 Aggregate Score 93.5 Following is the data for Student Outcome K With this mapping, it was calculated that each student outcome has a rating of 8
Outcome A – 87.1% Outcome B – 93.9% Outcome C – 92.7% Outcome D – 95.5% Outcome E – 77.0% Outcome F – 84.1% Outcome G – 87.2% Outcome H – 83.5% Outcome I – 91.0% Outcome J – 86.7% Outcome K – 93.5% As can be seen, all outcomes were calculated to be over 77% on average. This data indicates that our students are showing above average evidence of attaining the knowledge and skills described in the Student Outcomes. Based on this feedback from internship employers, the analytical assessment measurements, and feedback from our industrial advisory committee, fundamental changes were made to both the curriculum and specific courses. These program level changes include: •
ECEN 150/250 – Split the 5-­‐credit ECEN 250 into two separate courses (ECEN 150 and 250). This allows students to work with electric circuits during their very first semester instead of waiting until they are in their third calculus course. ECEN 160 Fundamentals of Digital Systems – Changed the course number from ECEN 224 to ECEN 160. This course was renumbered to encourage students to start taking Electrical Engineering courses earlier in their education (rather than have them wait till their 2nd semester sophomore year. This helps students to determine whether they really are dedicated and motivated to enter an engineering field before taking too many courses. In addition, it allows students to experience engineering related courses earlier in their education. ECEN 260 Microprocessor System Design – Changed the course number from ECEN 360 to ECEN 260. This course was renumbered to encourage students to take at least one Electrical Engineering course each semester of their education. This helps students to stay motivated and allows students to experience engineering related courses earlier in their education. ECEN 380 Signals and Systems – New optional course added to curriculum. ECEN 390 Electricity and Magnetism – New optional course added to curriculum. ECEN 420 RF Electronics – New optional course added to curriculum. ECEN 430 Power Electronics – New optional course added to curriculum. Also, based on this same feedback, many changes have been made to individual courses within the curriculum. A sampling of these changes include: •
ECEN 150 Electrics Circuits I – Moved circuit proto-­‐typing out of ECEN 160 and into ECEN 150. This allowed time for students to delve deeper into digital systems during the introductory digital course. ECEN 150 Electrics Circuits I – Started using oscilloscopes earlier in the course (during DC labs) to improve student proficiency at using this instrument (previously waited until AC labs). ECEN 150 Electrics Circuits I – Increased coverage of remedial trigonometry. Because of the nature of the student body, one-­‐fourth to one-­‐third of the entering Freshmen had taken little or no trigonometry in high school. This made the AC portion of the class much more difficult for them. ECEN 150 Electrics Circuits I – Converted the lab exercise on capacitor charging/discharging from a “follow the directions” format to an “invent an experiment to demonstrate this principle” format. This was partly in response 9
to the evaluation of one internship supervisor who wrote that one of our students was unable to create experiments to test a hypothesis. It also requires students to think a little more critically in selecting appropriate methods/instruments instead of simply being told what to do. ECEN 160 Fundamentals of Digital Systems – Developed a lab for how to use a DMM and how to troubleshoot digital circuits ECEN 160 Fundamentals of Digital Systems – Re-­‐worked the final project to have the students do the project on the Digilent FPGA boards instead of using CircuitMaker ECEN 324 Computer Architecture – Added a one-­‐day overview of a simplified processor architecture to try to give them “the big picture” at the start of the semester. ECEN 324 Computer Architecture – Developed a “PC Architecture” lab where the students get hands-­‐on experience in installing an operating system, adding memory, adding a disk and identifying parts on a motherboard. ECEN 340 Advanced Digital Design – More emphasis on hardware implementation in Verilog labs. Students were good at simulation, but had trouble in subsequent courses that interfaced external HW to the FPGA. ECEN 350 Semiconductor Design – Incorporated formal design reviews of the hearing aid project. This provided a structured forum for students to share their ideas with the class and solicit help if needed. ECEN 350 Semiconductor Design – Was revamped to provide more time on CMOS transistor design and less on BJT design. ECEN 398R Internship – Placed more emphasis on engineering ethics by adding substantial ethics content. ECEN 440 Data and Computer Communications – Including more wireless into a PC-­‐to-­‐PC communication lab that use FSK modems ECEN 440 Data and Computer Communications – Revised the TutorTIMS lab and OPNET lab to provide for better learning experiences. ECEN 470 Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems – Added control software to laboratories to include RSLogix 5000, LabVIEW as well as MATLAB/Simulink. Acquired Loop-­‐Pro® Training software to demonstrate automatic PID gain tuning. Redesigned and built 4 ball-­‐and-­‐beam experiments ECEN 480 Introduction to DSP – Updated several labs to focus more on the application of the principles of DSP into real life situations. ECEN 499 Senior Project – Added FranklinCovey Leadership Foundation™ content to the class. Successfully acquired company sponsored senior projects. CS 124 Introduction to Software Development – Developed online version of the course to allow flexibility in student scheduling. CS 124 Introduction to Software Development – Created custom textbook. CS 345 Operating Systems -­‐ Added more material on parallel programming. CS 345 Operating Systems -­‐ Substantially revised the RAID lab CS 460 Data Communications – Dropped a routing lab and added a lab where the class needs to define a protocol, as a class, to be able to have their servers and client interoperate. CS 460 Data Communications – Added an OPNET to the course University Outcomes (For Reference) The purpose of a BYU-­‐Idaho education is to help students to become 1. Disciple leaders 2. Lifelong learners 3. Creative and critical thinkers 4. Effective communicators 5. Skilled professionals 6. Engaged citizens 11
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