
Alumni Library - New Books - August 2016

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Alumni Library - New Books - August 2016
Alumni Library - New Books - August 2016
Reference Number
REF 370.973 ALMANAC 2014-15
REF 610.1423 DANNER 2013
REF 959.23 ROUTLEDGE 2014
001.4223 SHANK 2014
001.94423 GODFREY 2014
004.16752 BAIG 2015
016.79143 BARSANTI 2015
025.1223 FERULLO 2014
026.80883 BAKER 2015
028.90941 MILLER 2014
Godfrey, Linda S.
Baig, Edward C.
Barsanti, Chris, author.
Ferullo, Donna L., 1957- author
Baker, Jennifer S., 1953- author.
Miller, Andy.
070.19509 WELLER 2014
Weller, Sheila author
155.2823 RUDDER 2014
158.23 BROWN 2012
Rudder, Christian, author.
Brown, Brene̕
Danner, Horace G., author.
Gajda, Amy, author.
Shank, John D.
170.23 MORAL 2015
The almanac of American education.
A thesaurus of medical word roots
Routledge handbook of Southeast Asian history
The First Amendment bubble : how privacy and paparazzi threaten a free press
Interactive open educational resources : a guide to finding, choosing, and using what's out there
to transform college teaching
American monsters : a history of monster lore, legends, and sightings in America
Iphone for dummies, 8th edition
The sci-fi movie guide : the universe of film from Alien to Zardoz
Managing copyright in higher education : a guidebook
The readers' advisory guide to historical fiction
The year of reading dangerously : how fifty great books (and two not-so-great ones) saved my
The news sorority : Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric, Christiane Amanpour -- and the (ongoing,
imperfect, complicated) triumph of women in TV news
Dataclysm : who we are when we think no one's looking
Daring greatly : how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and
Moral development in a global world : research from a cultural-developmental perspective
170.99923 MILLIGAN 2015
181.11223 SCHUMAN 2015
200.97323 MANSEAU 2015
204.23 SHA 2014
Milligan, Tony.
Schuman, Michael.
Manseau, Peter.
Sha, Zhi Gang.
211.823 BAYER 2014
Bayer, Lex, 1978-
Nobody owns the moon : the ethics of space exploitation
Confucius : and the world he created
One nation, under gods : a new American history
Soul mind body science system : grand unification theory and practice for healing, rejuvenation,
longevity, and immortality
Atheist mind, humanist heart : rewriting the ten commandments for the twenty-first century
248.23 LAMOTT 2014
277.3082 ESPINOSA 2014
296.723 FEINSTEIN 2014
Lamott, Anne.
Espinosa, Gasto̕
Feinstein, Edward, 1954-
Small victories : spotting improbable moments of grace
Latino Pentecostals in America : faith and politics in action
The chutzpah imperative : empowering today's Jews for a life that matters
297.23 RENARD 2015
297.63 MUHAMMAD Ali 2014
302.23023 CAREERS 2014
304.6223 IS 2014
305.40922 FULLER 2015
305.48896 RAE 2015
305.50973 CLASS 2014
305.90097 WILSON 2015
306.09472 POMERANTSEV 2014
306.76823 TRANSGENDER 2015
320.47304 GOVERNMENT 2015
320.94723 MICKIEWICZ 2014
323.44097 NEWMAN 2015
323.44323 ROSE 2014
324.09732 POLARIZED 2015
324.97309 De SIO 2014
325.23 ILLEGAL 2015
325.23 TRUAX 2015
327.7323 HASTEDT 2015
327.7323 KAY 2014
327.7323 US 2015
330.23 CHANG 2014
330.97309 LEVINE 2015
331.11445 ARUM 2014
331.54409 MIGRANT 2015
331.70223 WHAT 2015
332.75097 BANKRUPTCY 2015
333.79097 ANSOLABEHERE 2014
333.79423 DIESENDORF 2014
333.9123 PIPER 2014
333.9223 WIND 2015
Renard, John, 1944Ali, Kecia.
Fuller, Alexandra, 1969Rae, Issa.
Wilson, Carter A.
Pomerantsev, Peter.
Mickiewicz, Ellen Propper
Newman, Rick, 1965Rose, Flemming, 1958De Sio, Henry F., 1962-
Truax, Eileen.
Hastedt, Glenn P., 1950Kay, Sean, 1967Chang, Ha-Joon.
Levine, Adam Seth, 1981Arum, Richard, author.
Ansolabehere, Stephen.
Diesendorf, Mark.
Piper, Karen Lynnea, 1965-
The handy Islam answer book
The lives of Muhammad
Careers in communications & media
Is the planet full?
Leaving before the rains come
The misadventures of awkward black girl
Class lives : stories from across our economic divide
Metaracism : explaining the persistence of racial inequality
Nothing is true and everything is possible : the surreal heart of the new Russia
Transgender people : [at issue]
Government gridlock : [opposing viewpoints]
No illusions : the voices of Russia's future leaders
Liberty for all : a manifesto for reclaiming financial and political freedom
The tyranny of silence
Polarized politics : the impact of divisiveness in the US political system
Campaign inc. : how leadership and organization propelled Barack Obama to the White House
Illegal immigration : [opposing viewpoints]
Dreamers : an immigrant generation's fight for their American dream
American foreign policy : past, present, and future
America's search for security : the triumph of idealism and the return of realism
US foreign policy : [opposing viewpoints]
Economics : the user's guide
American insecurity : why our economic fears lead to political inaction
Aspiring adults adrift : tentative transitions of college graduates
Migrant workers : [at issue]
What are the jobs of the future? : [at issue]
Bankruptcy : [opposing viewpoints]
Cheap and clean : how Americans think about energy in the age of global warming
Sustainable energy solutions for climate change
The price of thirst : global water inequality and the coming chaos
Wind farms : [at issue]
338.47629 TILLEMANN 2015
338.47641 DOBROW 2014
Tillemann, Levi, author.
Dobrow, Joe.
338.76292 ROTHFEDER 2014
340.02373 CAREERS 2014
342.73044 FISHER 2014
342.73066 COOPER 2014
342.73082 FREYER 2014
Rothfeder, Jeffrey.
342.73085 MCCORD 2013
344.73046 BARRETT 2014
McCord, Gretchen.
Barrett, Paul (Paul M.) author.
344.73078 LEE 2015
Lee, Philip, 1975- author.
345.7445 BAKER 2015
346.73017 BAKER 2014
Baker, Emerson W., author.
Baker, Amy J. L., author.
347.73263 SOTOMAYOR Biskupic
353.48092 STEVENSON 2014
355.00922 SHERMAN
Eisenhower 2014
355.03357 HAGEDORN 2014
355.34709 MILITARY 2014
Biskupic, Joan, author.
362.123 FREUDENBERG 2014
363.12465 BELZER 2015
363.45097 DRUG 2015
364.15323 SHER 2014
364.16823 COLEMAN 2014
Freudenberg, Nicholas, author.
Belzer, Richard. author.
370.11223 ZAKARIA 2015
371.10223 AYERS 2014
Fisher, Louis, author.
Cooper, Phillip J., author.
Freyer, Tony Allan, author.
The great race : the global quest for the car of the future
Natural prophets : from health foods to whole foods -- how the pioneers of the industry
changed the way we eat and reshaped American business
Driving Honda : inside the world's most innovative car company
Careers in law, criminal justice & emergency services
Constitutional conflicts between Congress and the President
By order of the president : the use and abuse of executive direct action
The Passenger Cases and the commerce clause : immigrants, blacks, and states' rights in
antebellum America
What you need to know about privacy law : a guide for librarians and educators
Law of the jungle : the $19 billion legal battle over oil in the rain forest and the lawyer who'd
stop at nothing to win
Academic freedom at American universities : constitutional rights, professional norms, and
contractual duties
A storm of witchcraft : the Salem trials and the American experience
The high-conflict custody battle : protect yourself and your kids from a toxic divorce, false
accusations, and parental alienation
Breaking in : the rise of Sonia Sotomayor and the politics of justice
Stevenson, Bryan, author.
Just mercy : a story of justice and redemption
Eisenhower, John S. D., 1922-2013. American general : the life and times of William Tecumseh Sherman
Hagedorn, Ann.
Sher, Abby, author.
Coleman, E. Gabriella, 1973author.
Zakaria, Fareed.
Ayers, Rick.
The invisible soldiers : how America outsourced our security
Military chaplains in Afghanistan, Iraq, and beyond : advisement and leader engagement in
highly religious environments
Lethal but legal : corporations, consumption, and protecting public health
Someone is hiding something : what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight 370?
Drug legalization : [current controversies]
Breaking free : true stories of girls who escaped modern slavery
Hacker, hoaxer, whistleblower, spy : the many faces of Anonymous
In defense of a liberal education
Teaching the taboo : courage and imagination in the classroom
371.2623 KAMENETZ 2015
Kamenetz, Anya, 1980-
The test : why our schools are obsessed with standardized testing-but you don't have to be
371.71323 DIKEL 2014
371.82997 INDIAN 2014
373.7323 GEIGER 2015
Dikel, William.
392.123 NYANGWESO 2014
423.123 RUBINSTEIN 2014
Nyangweso, Mary, author.
Rubinstein, Marvin, author.
507.223 SCIENTIFIC 2015
513.523 ACZEL 2015
570.23 De QUEIROZ 2014
576.54223 MONOSSON 2015
590.75223 MARBURY 2014
591.4723 EMLEN 2014
608.273 DOCTOROW 2014
612.64018 JENSEN 2015
Aczel, Amir D., author.
De Queiroz, Alan.
Monosson, Emily author
Marbury, Robert, author.
Emlen, Douglas John, 1967Doctorow, Cory author.
Jensen, Frances E.
The teacher's guide to student mental health
Indian subjects : hemispheric perspectives on the history of indigenous education
The history of American higher education : learning and culture from the founding to world war
Female genital cutting in industrialized countries : mutilation or cultural tradition?
American English compendium : a portable guide to the idiosyncrasies, subtleties, technical
lingo, and nooks and crannies of American English
Scientific research : [opposing viewpoints]
Finding zero : a mathematician's odyssey to uncover the origins of numbers
The monkey's voyage : how improbable journeys shaped the history of life
Unnatural selection : how we are changing life, gene by gene
Taxidermy art : a rogue's guide to the work, the culture, and how to do it yourself
Animal weapons : the evolution of battle
Information doesn't want to be free : laws for the Internet age
The teenage brain : a neuroscientist's survival guide to raising adolescents and young adults
613.6923 KOSTIGEN 2014
Kostigen, Thomas.
National Geographic extreme weather survival guide : understand, prepare, survive, recover
613.90712 ZIMMERMAN 2015
616.51523 LYNDSEY 2015
616.99449 STARK 2014
Zimmerman, Jonathan, 1961Lyndsey, Anna.
Stark, Lizzie.
Too hot to handle : a global history of sex education
Girl in the dark : a memoir
Pandora's DNA : tracing the breast cancer genes through history, science, and one family tree
618.9285 WHITELEY 2014
Whiteley, Paul, 1972-
618.92858 CAIN 2013
618.92858 LIBUTTI 2015
631.5823 BLOOM 2015
636.70887 BRANDOW 2015
Cain, Barbara S.
Libutti, Andrea, 1966Bloom, Jessi.
Brandow, Michael, 1959-
636.70896 GILBERT 2014
641.30223 ORGANIC 2015
641.5973 MYSTERY 2015
Gilbert, Matthew, 1958-
Autism : exploring the benefits of a gluten- and casein-free diet : a practical guide for families
and professionals
Autism, the invisible cord : a sibling's diary
Awakened by autism : embracing autism, self, and hope for a new world
Practical permaculture for home landscapes, your community, and the whole earth
A matter of breeding : a biting history of pedigree dogs and how the quest for status has
harmed man's best friend
Off the leash : a year at the dog park
Organic food : [at issue]
The mystery writers of America cookbook
Geiger, Roger L., 1943-
641.81523 BERANBAUM 2014
643.12097 BRAY 2015
643.12097 BRAY 2015
650.123 HUFFINGTON 2014
658.40922 BAZERMAN 2014
658.40922 POLLAK 2014
658.4523 BOOHER 2015
658.81223 FLEMING 2015
741.60232 GREEK 2015
745.59422 BLUHM 2015
770 FISHER 2015
Beranbaum, Rose Levy.
Bray, Ilona M., 1962Bray, Ilona M., 1962Huffington, Arianna
Stassinopoulos, 1950Bazerman, Max H., author.
Pollak, Lindsey.
Booher, Dianna Daniels.
Fleming, Noah.
Greek, Joe, author.
Bluhm, Lisa, 1969Fisher, Robert.
781.123 DURKIN 2014
782.42164 EDWARDS 2015
Durkin, Andrew.
Edwards, Paul, 1982-
791.43019 ZACKS 2015
Zacks, Jeffrey M.
791.43023 ALTMAN Altman 2014 Altman, Kathryn R.
The baking bible
Nolo's essential guide to buying your first home
Selling your house : Nolo's essential guide
Thrive : the third metric to redefining success and creating a life of well-being, wisdom, and
The power of noticing : what the best leaders see
Becoming the boss : new rules for the next generation of leaders
What more can I say? : why communication fails and what to do about it
Evergreen : cultivate the enduring customer loyalty that keeps your business thriving
A career in computer graphics and design
Creative soldered jewelry & accessories : 20+ earrings, necklaces, bracelets & more
The mobile photographer : an unofficial guide to using Android phones, tablets, and apps in a
photography workflow
Decomposition : a music manifesto
The concise guide to hip-hop music : a fresh look at the art of hip-hop, from old-school beats to
freestyle rap
Flicker : your brain on movies
791.43095 FISCHER 2015
Fischer, Paul.
792.02823 THOMSON 2015
796.32309 BLACK Black 2015
796.33264 CREPEAU 2014
811.54 HACKER 2015
811.5422 LAUGHLIN 2014
811.5423 GRAHAM 2015
811.5423 SMITH 2014
811.5423 WIMAN 2014
813.423 LEVY 2015
814.623 HAMID 2015
891.7142 MAYAKOVSKY Jangfeldt
909.04924 SCHAMA 2013
Thomson, David, 1941Black, Martha Jo, 1969Crepeau, Richard C., 1941Hacker, Marilyn, 1942Laughlin, James, 1914-1997.
Graham, Jorie, 1950- author.
Smith, Charlie, 1947Wiman, Christian, 1966- author.
Levy, Andrew, 1962Hamid, Mohsin, 1971- author.
Jangfeldt, Bengt, 1948- author.
A Kim Jong-Il production : the extraordinary true story of a kidnapped filmmaker, his star
actress, and a young dictator's rise to power
Why acting matters
Joe Black : more than a Dodger
NFL football : a history of America's new national pastime
A stranger's mirror : new and selected poems, 1994-2014
The collected poems of James Laughlin, 1935-1997
From the new world : poems 1976-2014
Jump soul : new and selected poems
Once in the West
Huck Finn's America : Mark Twain and the era that shaped his masterpiece
Discontent and its civilizations : dispatches from Lahore, New York, and London
Mayakovsky : a biography
Schama, Simon
The story of the Jews : finding the words : 1000 BC-1492 AD
909.23 HARARI 2015
937.07092 AUGUSTUS
Goldsworthy 2014
940.45142 LARSON 2015
940.53177 RUSSELL 2015
941.50821 FOSTER 2014
Harari, Yuval N.
Sapiens : a brief history of humankind
Goldsworthy, Adrian Keith, author. Augustus : first emperor of Rome
Larson, Erik, 1954Russell, Jan Jarboe, 1951-
Dead wake : the last crossing of the Lusitania
The train to Crystal City : FDR's secret prisoner exchange program and America's only family
internment camp during World War II
Foster, R. F. (Robert Fitzroy), 1949- Vivid faces : the revolutionary generation in Ireland, 1890-1923
944.05092 JOSEPHINE Williams
954.9123 SHEEHAN 2015
955.05409 FATHI 2014
958.10474 GOLEMBESKY 2014
Williams, Kate, 1974- author.
Ambition and desire : the dangerous life of Josephine Bonaparte
Sheehan, Sean, 1951Fathi, Nazila, 1970Golembesky, Michael.
The lonely war : one woman's account of the struggle for modern Iran
Level zero heroes : the story of U.S. Marine Special Operations in Bala Murghab, Afghanistan
973.09923 WATSON 2014
Watson, Robert P., 1962- author.
The presidents' wives : the office of the first lady in US politics
973.70922 STANTON Marvel
973.71309 McPHERSON 2014
973.91109 LEMBECK 2015
Marvel, William.
Lincoln's autocrat : the life of Edwin Stanton
McPherson, James M.
Lembeck, Harry, 1944-
973.92423 PERLSTEIN 2014
976.40309 JOE Jackson 2015
Perlstein, Rick, 1969Jackson, Ron, 1966Fountoulakis, Konstanthos N.
Schwartz, Pepper, author.
Embattled rebel : Jefferson Davis as commander in chief
Taking on Theodore Roosevelt : how one senator defied the president on Brownsville and shook
American politics
The invisible bridge : the fall of Nixon and the rise of Reagan
Joe, the slave who became an Alamo legend
Bipolar disorder [electronic resource] : an evidence-based guide to manic depression
DVD 940.3 WORLD 2006
DVD 940.54 WORLD 1998
F ADAMS Colin Conrad Z
F COBEN Harlan S
F COBLE Colleen H
Adams, Colin Conrad, author.
Bowen, Rhys, author.
Box, C. J.
Chiaverini, Jennifer.
Coben, Harlan, 1962- author
Coble, Colleen.
50 great myths of human sexuality [electronic resource]
World War I [videorecording] : the "Great War"
World War II [videorecording] : a military and social history
Zombies & calculus
The edge of dreams
Endangered : a Joe Pickett novel
Mrs. Grant and Madame Jule : a novel
The stranger
A heart's disguise
F Del REY Lester L
F EVANS Richard Paul M-1
F EVANS Richard Paul M-2
F EVANS Richard Paul M-3
F EVANS Richard Paul M-4
F JANCE Judith A. C
F JENSEN Janet Kay G
F JOYCE Rachel L
F MORAN Michelle R
F STEEL Danielle P
Del Rey, Lester, 1915Diamant, Anita.
Evans, Richard Paul.
Evans, Richard Paul.
Evans, Richard Paul.
Evans, Richard Paul.
Gruen, Sara.
Henderson, Dee.
Hess, Joan.
Jance, Judith A.
Jensen, Janet Kay.
Joyce, Rachel.
Kelly, Carla, author.
Keneally, Thomas.
Levine, James, 1963Macomber, Debbie author
McKinlay, Jenn.
McKinlay, Jenn.
McKinlay, Jenn.
Michaels, Fern author.
Modesitt, L. E., Jr., 1943
Moran, Michelle.
Perry, Anne.
Renehan, John, author.
Salvatore, R. A., 1959- author
Steel, Danielle.
Steinhauer, Olen.
Willett, Marcia.
Lester Del Rey collection
The Boston girl : a novel
Michael Vey : the prisoner of cell 25
Michael Vey : rise of the Elgen
Michael Vey : battle of the Ampere
Michael Vey : hunt for jade dragon : book four of seven
At the water's edge : a novel
Full disclosure
Pride v. prejudice
Cold betrayal : an Ali Reynolds novel
Gabriel's daughters : a novel
The love song of Miss Queenie Hennessy : a novel
Summer campaign
Shame and the captives : a novel
Bingo's Run : a novel
Marriage of inconvience
Book, line and sinker
Books can be deceiving
Read it and weep
In plain sight
Madness in Solidar
Rebel queen : a novel
The angel court affair : a Charlotte and Thomas Pitt novel
The Valley
Vengeance of the iron dwarf
Prodigal son : a novel
All the old knives
Postcards from the past
Fly UP