
eastern Inside this issue: E A S T E R N

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eastern Inside this issue: E A S T E R N
Inside this issue:
Congressional hearing held
at EAC
Alumni Receive Coaching
New Donor Scholarships
Mary Kim Titla Scholarship
Meghan Lynne Hammer Memorial
Clara Curtis Bennett Scholarship
Mark J. Green Excellence in
Spanish Award
EAC Reunions
Wedding Bells
In Memoriam
2004-05 Scholarship Recipients
Honor Roll of Donors
2004 Arizona College • Alumni Association1Newsletter • Volume 20 Number 1 Fall
EAC hosts congressional hearing
on the Endangered Species Act
U.S. Representative from Arizona
and EAC alumnus Jeff Flake, ’81
returned to campus in September when
the College hosted a group of four U.S.
Congressmen from the Subcommittee
on Forests and Forest Health for a field
House Committee on Resources.
In attendance at the hearing
were Rep. Renzi, Rep. Pombo,
Rep. Jeff Flake, and Rep. Greg
Walden, R-Oregon, Chairman of the
Representative Rick Renzi coordinated the
event at EAC as a way to give the public more
access to their government.
hearing relating to the Endangered
Species Act (ESA) of 1973. The public
hearing, held in the College’s Fine Arts
Auditorium, drew a large crowd of
students and community members.
Representative Rick Renzi, RArizona, coordinated the event at EAC
in Thatcher as a way to give the public
more access to their government.
“These field hearings allow people who
are actually affected by laws such as
the Endangered Species Act to testify,”
explained Representative Richard
Pombo, R-California, Chairman of the
The hearing opened with the posting of
the colors by Safford Boy Scout Troop
5023 from the First United Methodist
Church and the National Anthem sung
by EAC’s Men’s and Women’s Quartets.
Thatcher Mayor Bob Rivera and EAC
President Mark Bryce each gave a brief
Witnesses giving sworn testimony
regarding the ESA were Harv Forsgren,
Regional Forester of the USDA Forest
Service; Dale Hall, Regional Director
for Fish & Wildlife; the Honorable
Jake Flake, Speaker, the Arizona House
of Representatives; Mark Herrington,
member of the Graham County Board
of Supervisors; Peter Warshall, Ph.D.,
of Peter Warshall and Associates; Jan
Holder, Executive Director of the Gila
Watershed Partnership; and Buddy
Powell, Director of Mt. Graham
International Observatory.
Testimony at the hearing concerned
species such as the Mt. Graham red
squirrel, the Mexican spotted owl, the
willow flycatcher, among others, and
how the ESA functions in practice, on
the ground, and in communities.
There were moments of levity,
however, such as when Rep. Flake
quipped that his motivation for
attending the hearing was to try and
convince his EAC English instructor,
Joyce Flamm, to raise his English grade
from 23 years ago.
Testimony from the hearing can
be found on the House website at
Alumni recognized for their ability to
coach and inspire high school students
Herman “B.B.” Andrews, ’72
was honored at the National Coaches
Awards Ceremony in Las Vegas,
Nevada on June 24, 2004. B.B.
received this award for being the
nation’s best girls track and field coach
for 2004. He had been nominated
three times, but the fourth time was a
The award wasn’t B.B.’s first this
year. He had already been awarded
the National High School Coaches
Association 2003 State Coach of the
Year Award in February and in May
was inducted into the Arizona High
fall 2004
Coaches Hall
of Fame.
During his
27 years with
the Safford
District, B.B.
has coached
Herman “B.B.”
both boys and
girls to 27 state
championships including 13 straight
from 1985 through 1998 for the
Bulldogs’ girls program tying a national
record. His teams were runner-ups
three times (in 1985, 1999 and 2001),
and regional champions 17 times.
The award was a result of the
number of victories and awards
received throughout his career and his
community service record. B.B. has
a 98 percent winning record with the
girls program and has won more than
1,000 and lost fewer than 30, which
made him eligible for the award.
See Coaches, page 5
The Eastern Arizona College Foundation
announces new scholarships
The purpose of the EAC
Foundation is to raise private funds to
support the College. During the past
38 years the Foundation has primarily
provided student scholarships. This
school year, eighty-five students have
received scholarship assistance. The
EAC Foundation also gives support
to specific programs at the College
and projects like the Alumni Library,
the Fine Arts Center, the Gherald
L. Hoopes Jr. Activities Center, the
Mary Kim Titla
Carillon Tower and Middle Campus
Several new student scholarships
were established this year including the
Mary Kim Titla Scholarship, Meghan
Lynne Hammer Memorial Scholarship,
Clara Curtis Bennett Scholarship and
the endowment of the Mark J. Green
Excellence in Spanish Award.
Mary Kim Titla started her higher
education at Eastern Arizona College
and found that she had the ability to
succeed within her. She soon became
active in the many clubs and activities
fall 2004
available at EAC including
the Oasis Staff, Newman
Club, Intertribal Club,
and Pom Pons. After
Eastern, she continued
her education and built a
fine career as a television
journalist. Most important
is her family and the inner
peace of knowing who she
is and the desire to help
others. The scholarship
Meghan Lynne Hammer (right front) in
will be
Eastern’s marching band.
given to Native
and Globe high schools who want to
students enrolled fullfurther their education in music at
time at EAC pursuing a
degree in journalism.
Clara Curtis Bennett was raised
The Meghan
in the Gila Valley and attended Gila
Lynne Hammer
Junior College. She had very fond
Memorial Scholarship
memories of her College experience
was established by
and enjoyed coming back to Thatcher
her parents, Forrest
to visit friends and family. Clara and
and Debra Hammer,
her husband Max shared an enjoyable
and other family and
life together. In their travels, they were
community members
impressed by comments from Russian
near Claypool, AZ.
citizens who expressed that children
Meghan enjoyed her
were the country’s future and education
college experience at
was the key
Eastern, especially
to improving
her involvement with
the future of
the Gila Monster
their country.
Marching Band.
Though Meghan’s
this same goal
life was short, she
for America,
dedicated herself to
Max Bennett
pursuing a career
began this
in music to be a
scholarship as
therapist, to help
a memorial to
others live a better
his wife, Mrs.
Clara Curtis Bennett and
life through music.
Clara Curtis
Max Bennett.
This scholarship is
awarded annually
to graduating seniors from Miami
See Scholarships, page 9
gila gram
Class of 1954 – 50th
Anniversary Reunion
On May 7, 2004 members of the Class
of 1954 gathered at the EAC Student
Services building. After 50 years, the
campus had really changed. A bus
tour of the campus was followed by
an enjoyable dutch-oven luncheon on
Mt. Graham where alumni had the
opportunity to share their memories
of EAJC. Did you know it was pretty
hard to run through a glass door? And
drinking pop from bottles with a straw
while they’re still in the machine was
pretty fun until caught by Mr. Lundell?
The members of the Class of 1954
were fun and wonderful guests of the
College. They were also honored at the
2004 Annual Alumni Banquet and the
EAC Commencement.
Members of the Class of 1954 pose for a photo at the 50th Anniversary Reunion. Front
Row (left to right) – Verena Stradling Dargie, Ruth Ann Woods Crandall, Wanda
Zumwalt Gomez, Al Boyd, Naomi Hoopes Ellsworth, Dolores Ornelas Bertoldo,
Wanda Hancock Pease, and Joanna Bryce Weech.
Back Row (left to right) – Ivan Goodner, Terry Bingham, Jerry Robinson, Jim
Hamilton, Lot Smith, J. B. Hoopes, Ellsworth Merrell, Dennis Cluff, Dalton
Overstreet, and Carl Wheeler. Not pictured is Ruben Burrell.
Classes of 1963-65 Homecoming Reunion
It had been over 40 years since they
attended EAJC, but their enthusiasm
and friendships were still strong.
Members of the classes of 1963-65
met on Friday, October 29, 2004 to
rekindle friendships made from years
past. It was as if they had never left.
The next morning the alumni
gathered for brunch prior to the
dedication of the restored Gila Hank
Mosaic by the classes of 1963-65.
After a dinner at the Gherald L.
Hoopes Jr. Activities Center, the
classmates went on to cheer for the
Gila Monsters, who played Mesa
Community College.
A post-game gathering concluded
a fabulous weekend including
entertainment provided by returning
alumnus, Terry McCollum.
A special thanks goes to Molly &
fall 2004
Kurt Steffens, Terry McCollum, Dennis of too many Americans has given impetus to the
rise of extremist groups which have tragically
Roberts, Sally Gal, Gail Cully, Doug
undermined our country’s basic idea of a
Williams, and Dianne Green.
Excerpt from a speech written by John
Friend and Terry McCollum while
attending EAC in 1964:
Because of the era we live in and the fact
that we have not been exposed to oppression
of any kind or dictatorship of any form,
we the general public tend to shrug off
the problems facing our country as being
insignificant. Today many Americans for the
first time are truly realizing the importance
of meeting these problems realistically.
It is common knowledge that in our
Democratic way of life we are in contact
with organizations that tend to corrupt and
twist the original meaning of our country
and what it stands for. Apathy on the part
united people striving for freedom, justice and
the equality of man not only ideologically but
through conscientious effort as well...
Reunion Facts
Are you interested in having a reunion
with your classmates? Homecoming
reunions can be organized for any
group: single class year, several
class years, music groups, athletic
groups, etc. Fiftieth-year reunions
are traditionally held at the end of the
spring semester on the same day as
commencement. We make it easy
for you! Just contact the EAC Alumni
Association at (800) 445-2472 or
(928) 428-8295. Give us a call…we’d
love to hear from you!
Upcoming Events
Class of 1955 in 2005
The Class of 1955 is invited back to
their 50th reunion on May 13, 2005
where they will have the opportunity to
see classmates they might not have seen
for half a century.
Just like the song sung by Perry
Como, It’s Impossible, it’s been 50 years
president of the College and Dwight
Eisenhower was president of the
United States. The world has seen
many changes and advances since 1955
so it’s time to catch up with fellow
classmates, teammates, and roommates.
Mark your calendar and set aside the
date of May 13, 2005. You’ll be glad
you came!
game days in the Fall of 2005. For
more information contact the EAC
Alumni Association at (800) 445-2472
or (928) 428-8295.
Ladd Mullenaux
Reunion –
Homecoming 2005
Eastern Arizona Junior College Class of 1955
Student Council
since classmates of 1955 graduated
from EAJC. Paul Guitteau was
“Hooray, Gila Monsters!” This
was a common expression heard
as teammates headed towards the
opposing team while under the
direction of Coach Ladd Mullenaux.
Teammates from the classes of 19641978 are gathering again to relive their
Assistant Coaches Jess Pease (left) and Dalton
Overstreet (right) stand beside Head Coach Ladd
Mullenaux during the 1966 football season.
After a lifetime of coaching, Marland “Honk” Norton,
‘53, a former Fort Thomas Apaches High School basketball
Continued from page 2.
coach was inducted into the National High School Coaches
Hall of Fame during a ceremony held June 23, 2004, at the
After guiding the Duncan Wildkats to a state
Harrah’s Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.
championship, the first-year basketball coach, Andrew
Even though Honk sits on the board of directors for the
Larson, ’87, was named the 2004 1A Coach of the Year by
Coaches Hall of Fame, the nominating committee
his associate 1A coaches and was also presented the Small
was able to keep his nomination a surprise.
School Coach of the Year by the Arizona Republic. He
As a teacher for 30 years and a basketball coach from
credits his success to his players for their willingness to work
1959-71, he instilled strong work ethics in his players.
hard and learn and to their parents for their support in
Having several Native American student-athletes wanting
providing an atmosphere necessary to rear champions.
to play basketball, he motivated and
taught them to play a fast game, to
Andrew Larson credits his success to his players
give more than 100 percent. He
for their willingness to work hard and learn
started what is now known as the
EAC Holiday Tournament.
Since graduating from Northern Arizona University in
the president of the Arizona Coaches
1999 with a master’s degree in earth science and education,
Association and currently sits on the board of directors
Andrew has taught math and science for five years, three of
which were in Duncan. Andrew and his wife, Josephine have for the Arizona Coaches Hall of Fame. In 1997, he was
inducted into the Arizona Coaches Hall of Fame.
three children.
fall 2004
gila gram
Monster Alumnotes...
Eric C. Bellmann, ’59, Tucson, Arizona,
retired in 1999. He sold his business of 23
years, B&B Business Forms & Computer
Supply. He went to work for Bashas’ and
AJ’s Supermarkets in January 2001. He
currently has a new job as a Sales/Design
Consultant with Beck Office Systems, Sales of
Modular Workstations & Office Furniture S.
AZ. His first sale was made to Phelps Dodge
Corporation, Safford, Arizona.
Maxine Layton Cannaday, ’60, Thatcher,
Arizona, went on to graduate from Arizona
State University. She then moved to Southern
California to teach elementary school. She
spent her first two years in the Los Alamitos
School District and the last 35 years in the
Anaheim City School District. She retired in
2000 and moved back to Thatcher to care for
her mother. She misses the hustle and bustle of
the city life.
Iris J. Hoopes McCleve, ’60, Tempe,
Arizona, went on to earn her B.A. and M.A.
from Arizona State University after attending
EAC. Iris married Norman McCleve, ’59, who
earned a B.S. in Business Finance, worked for
Valley National Bank/Bank One for 32 years.
Norman passed away June 6, 2003.
They have three daughters. Two have M.A.
degees, and the third daughter has a B.S. degree
and is working toward becoming a dental
Alegaro Cuellar, ’61, Phoenix, Arizona, is
now retired from Arizona State Department of
Economic Security.
Janice Mitich, ’64, Tucson, Arizona,
recently received the American School
Counselor Association’s 2004 Advocate
of the Year award for her efforts to ensure
that elementary students from the Marana
Unified School District have access to a school
counselor. The year prior she received the same
advocacy award from the association’s Arizona
With over 40 hours of graduate-level
course-work in counseling, Janice has a
good understanding of the role of the school
counselor and knows a counselor can make a
difference. When she first joined the Marana
Unified School District governing board in
1989, she was shocked to find the school didn’t
have a counselor. Janice felt problems needed
to be stopped in elementary school so they
didn’t carry over to high school. She also knew
it was important for students to have access to
a counselor especially after discussions in class
fall 2004
on sensitive subjects. There were runaways,
those living in group homes and those who
were dealing with family problems, all of which
needed help.
As a board member, she was able to
influence the board to allow for a counselor in
the budget. The first counselors were parttime and would split their time between all the
schools. Now, thanks to Janice’s efforts, every
school in the Marana Unified School District
has a counselor.
Robert Vuletich, ‘72, Phoenix, Arizona,
has been working for Farmers Insurance since
1986 as a supply clerk in their regional office.
Johnnie Foster, ’73, Pima, Arizona, has
been married to Cheryl Callahan since 1981.
They have four children and one grandson
living in Pima. Their daughter, Tracy Foster,
’04, attended EAC for two years. Johnnie has
been working at Graham County Electric for
over 17 years.
Wendy Bryce, ’75, Pima, Arizona, married
a local farmer. She has driven everything
on the farm since that time. She has taught
preschool in her home for five years, raised six
kids, and took medical assistant classes at EAC
in 2002. She is as happy as can be.
Sandra Marquez, ’76, Thatcher, Arizona,
is busy doing the “grandma thing” with her
three grandchildren. All four of her children
attended EAC. Shon Marquez, ’99, who is a
police officer for Gila River, Jennifer Marquez
Oriero, ’00, is a mother of three, Jessie
Marquez, ’02 works for Alltel, and Angela
Marquez, ’03 is currently looking for a job in
the Phoenix area.
R. Kim Finch, ’77, Eagar, Arizona, has
raised a family in the White Mountains since
graduating from EAC. He has worked for Salt
River Project at the Coronado Generating
Station for 20 years. His son, Kenyon Finch,
is currently playing football with the Gila
Robert Jones ’79, Willcox, Arizona, was
recently promoted to Area Manager for USDA,
Rural Development (formerly Farmers Home
Administration). He supervises four locations
(Nogales, Safford, Tucson, and Willcox). He
has worked for this agency for 21 years, 20
of which was in the Safford Local Office.
Rural Development is a federal agency, which
provides services to local communities, such as
low-income housing loans (to build or purchase
a home) and grants (to repair homes). They
also provide funding for infrastructure (sewer
and water systems), public services (fire stations
and equipment, hospitals, day-care, and other
small businesses) and help build low-income
apartment complexes in rural communities.
Jan Barney Venzor, ’79, Solomon, Arizona,
has taught general music, band, choir and is
currently teaching orchestra for the Safford
Unified School District.
Ernest DeLeon, ’80, Safford, Arizona,
met his wife at EAC. They have raised four
children, three boys and a girl. He currently
works for the Arizona Department of
Dolores Battraw Brumage, ’81, Pima,
Arizona, is currently a substitute teacher for the
schools in the Gila Valley.
Becky Wook Householder, ’82, Thatcher,
Arizona, has returned back to EAC and is
currently in the nursing program. She and her
husband, J. D. Householder, have five children.
Gary A. Georges, ’83, Sierra Vista,
Arizona, graduated EAC with a degree in
Administration of Justice. He is now retired.
Alonzo M. Coronado, ’85, Thatcher,
Arizona, has been enjoying retirement for over
20 years now.
Thomas Smith, ’85, Safford, Arizona, is
currently teaching at the Arizona State Prison
in Safford and working on a second novel.
Gregg Norton, ‘86, St. Johns, Arizona,
married LaNae Turley in June of 1986 and
moved to Provo, Utah, graduating with a B.S.
degree from BYU. He has worked for the U.S.
Department of Agriculture for 14 years. Gregg
and LaNae have five kids ranging in age from
one to 16 years.
Randolph “Randy” Owen, ’87, Safford,
Arizona, is finishing up his 2nd masters degree
at Northern Arizona University and teaching
at the Arizona State Prison Complex at Safford
and Fort Grant.
Sheryl Ford Reidhead, ’87, Thatcher,
Arizona, and her husband, John Reidhead, ’89,
started Mt. Graham Supply, a local business
in Safford providing plumbing and electrical
supplies. They have two children.
Kassandra A. Keyes Foster, ’89, Safford,
Arizona, got married in 1992. She and her
husband, Jon, have two children – Jake, 10
years old and Mikah, eight years old. Her
husband is a minister at Harvest Tabernacle in
Lonnie R. Lunt, ’89, Pima, Arizona,
Continued on next page
graduated from Northern Arizona University
with B.S. and M.A. degrees in education.
Mariam Onsurez, ’90, Safford, Arizona,
after receiving her teaching license in 1999,
taught at the Safford Beauty College for four
years. She is currently a stay-at-home-mom for
her 11 year old and one and a half year old.
Darrin Webb, ’90, Thatcher, Arizona,
is married with five kids and is a paramedic/
firefighter. He is an instructor at EAC teaching
EMS/FRS/CPR and First Aid.
Phillip L. James ’91, Taos, New Mexico,
enlisted in the U. S. Army and spent the
next four years in West Germany and Fort
Sill, Oklahoma. After being discharged from
the Army he enrolled in classes at Northern
Arizona University and graduated in 1999
with a B.S. degree in biology with an emphasis
in fisheries and wildlife management. He is
currently employed as a ranch manager in the
mountains of northern New Mexico.
Virginia Solis Ruiz, ’92, Thatcher,
Arizona, and her husband, Gilbert Ruiz, ’77,
both graduated from EAC. They have been
married for 27 years and have three children.
By the end of the 2005 school year, two of their
sons will have graduated from EAC.
Julia Bashaw, ’93, Safford, Arizona,
received her bachelors and masters degrees in
Biblical Counseling from Trinity College in
Newburgh, Indiana in 2003. In 1998, she
started a crisis pregnancy center in Safford,
which began with 70 women and has grown
to 2,000 this year, including 500 children.
The center is a non-profit ministry called “We
Brenda Foster Leavitt, ‘94, Sierra Vista,
Arizona, is a stay-at-home mom taking care of
three kids with number four on the way! Her
husband is a dentist.
Cindi Reyes, ’94, Thatcher, Arizona, has
worked at EAC in the ASPIRE Program since
1996. Cindi says, “I love my job and am very
proud to be part of EAC’s family.”
Davis Romney ’94, Ruckersville, Virginia,
married Tanja Maxwell ’92, in 1994. A few
years later he earned a bachelors degree at the
University of Arizona. He was then accepted
to medical school at the University of Virginia
in Charlottesville, VA. Davis graduated from
medical school in 2002 and is now doing his
five-year residency in Radiation Oncology.
When his residency is completed, Davis hopes
to practice medicine in Arizona.
Tanja received her Bachelors degree from
the NAU education program offered on the
EAC – Thatcher Campus. She then earned her
masters degree from the University of Arizona.
fall 2004
Davis and Tanja are the happy parents of five
children: Camry, Kennedy, Chandler, Mason,
and Brooklyn.
Don Larson, ’95, Mesa, Arizona, after
graduating from EAC, Don and his wife,
Michelynne Donaldson Larson, ’95, moved
to Mesa, furthering their education at Arizona
State University. In May 1998, he graduated
with a B.S. in finance. He first worked for
Bank of America, then Charles Schwab. He
became a registered stockbroker and furthered
his education with the University of Phoenix
to become a Certified Financial Planner. He
then started his own financial advisory business
with two other partners, Steele Larson &
Associates. They’ve been in business for about
one and a half years. He is currently furthering
his education with ASU in their Certificate of
Accountancy program and next year will take
the CPA exam.
Don and Michelynne have two children:
Kade - age four and Marlyse - age 20 months.
Becky Blackburn Plumb, ’97, Thatcher,
Arizona, is currently employed at Thatcher
Building Supply as an administrative assistant.
She married Justin Plumb, ’96. They have two
children, Shyanne - six years old, and Branson
- 10 months old.
Michael Romano, ’99, Pennsville,
New Jersey, graduated with honors from
Wilmington College in Wilmington,
Delaware, with a masters degree in community
counseling. He was recently inducted into
the Sigma Chi Iota Counseling and Academic
Honor Society. He is currently employed
by the State of Delaware as a Community
Counselor while pursuing a Ph.D. in
psychology. While attending EAC, Michael was
a member of EAC’s basketball team coached by
Chuck LaVetter during the 1997-98 season.
Anna Arriaga, ’01, Safford, Arizona,
just became employed at Holladay’s Photo
Emporium in Safford.
Frank Fritz, ’01, Safford, Arizona, works
for H&R
Block, is
an assistant
and has hiked
the Grand
Caldwell, ’02,
received the
Monty Caldwell, ’02 and
Kendra Crockett Caldwell,
award when
’00 with their daughter Leslie he left EAC,
which allowed him to continue his education
at Arizona State University. He applied for
ASU’s Business Marketing Program and
started in August of 2002. After two semesters
and summer school, he was able to graduate
“Summa Cum Laude” with a 3.95 grade point
average. In August of 2003, he and his wife,
Kendra Crockett Caldwell, ’00, moved to
the White Mountains. He partnered with his
father in a Mexican food restaurant called “El
Cupidos.” They have 2 restaurants, which are
located in Pinetop and Snowflake, Arizona.
Monty and Kendra are the proud parents
of Leslie ‘Reagan’ who was born May 6 of
this year. Monty had this to say about EAC.
“Receiving an education has been a great help
for my wife and I, which has introduced many
new and exciting opportunities. I personally
want to thank EAC for providing the
beginning building blocks for a bright future.”
Teresita M. Olmos, ’02, Hayden, Arizona,
is married to Fire Chief Gilbert Olmos. She
has a 23-year-old son, Jude. Teresita is an
assistant teacher at Superior Head Start and a
co-facilitator for AZ Kith N Kin Project. She is
also vice-president of the Board of Adjustment
for the Town of Hayden and is a mentor for
Project Carino – ASC. Both Teresita and her
husband are actively involved in the church
Emily Ellerman Curtis, ’04, Thatcher,
Arizona, graduated in May 2004 and is
continuing her education through the
Northern Arizona University Distance
Learning Program.
Rebecca “Becky” Turnbull, ’04, Flagstaff,
Arizona, is currently attending Northern
Arizona University pursuing her goal to
become a speech therapist.
Send us your news for the Alumnotes—
the best read section in the Gila Gram!
Tell us what’s new . . . jobs, promotions,
milestones. Please type or print your
information clearly and include a photo (if
you like) so we can share your news with
your fellow classmates and friends.
Send to:
Alumnotes, EAC Alumni Association
P. O. Box 769
Thatcher, AZ 85552-0769
or by e-mail at: [email protected]
gila gram
Wedding Bells Rang...
January 3, 2004 - Jennifer Dianne Agee ’03 & Jacob Samuel Williams ’03
January 9, 2004 - Amber J. Ward & Bryan Dean Stradling ’04
January 10, 2004 - Kari Lynn Cleland & Kyle Reese Hull ’99
January 16, 2004 - Shawnna L. Bolinger ’03 & Joseph B. Peterson ’03
January 24, 2004 - Amanda Watson & Jamie Woodside ’01
January 31, 2004 - Amanda C. Shedd ’04 & Danny C. McEuen ’02
April 2, 2004 - Wendy Kay Ferrin ’02 & Nathan Riggs
April 9, 2004 - Janiel Udall ’04 & Clifton Reed McNeill ’04
April 10, 2004 - Jody Jansen ’01 & Bobby Balda
April 17, 2004 - Kelli Nicole England ’03 & Donald Carl Werner III
April 24, 2004 - Sarallyn Harris ’01 & Alden Mackie
May 1, 2004 - Valerie Marie Gonzales & Michael Jon Ybarra ’99
Jody Jansen ’01 & Bobby Balda
married April 10, 2004
February 5, 2004 - Heather Reynolds ’04 & Clint Layton
February 21, 2004 - Donna Nicole Stradling ’03 & Edward H. Burgoyne ’03
February 27, 2004 - Amanda Haymore ’03 & James Garet Goodman ’04
February 28, 2004 - Shannon Dale Scott & Gary Lee Gray ’94
March 5, 2004 - Jill Nicole Green ’04 & Justin Lee Bryant ’04
March 5, 2004 - Brandi Lee Nicholls ’03 & Bruce Joseph Bryce ’04
March 6, 2004 - Catherine Janet Allred ’03 & Richard Ervin Winkler III ’03
March 6, 2004 - Sheree Lynne Suprak ’04 & Justin Charles Burrell ’04
March 6, 2004 - Lecia Dawn Brown ’01 & Jordan Watson ’04
March 9, 2004 - Aubrey Angle ’04 & Jeffrey Jay Larson ’03
March 20, 2004 - Amanda Parnell ’03 & Christopher Ray Lunt ’03
March 27, 2004 - Tami Lee Tobin ’99 & Aaron Theo Peterson ’99
April 2, 2004 - Sandi Lynn Montierth ’01 & Preston Huang
Tami Lee Tobin ’99 & Aaron Theo Peterson ’99
married March 27, 2004
fall 2004
Hannah Mmen Udom ’01 & Jeremy John Lee
married June 12, 2004
May 4, 2004 - Marilee Rose Morris ’04 & Clint Andrew Bingham ’04
May 8, 2004 - Dawn Cochran ’92 & Nathan Burgess
May 14, 2004 - Rebecca Dawn Woods ’02 & Brett Alan Maclay
May 15, 2004 - Bethany Bryce ’04 & Jorden Bryan Marble ’04
May 15, 2004 - Tammy Jolene Price & Bradley John Barney ’01
May 15, 2004 - Mary Louise Savage ’98 & Maulik Jayant Mistry
May 21, 2004 - Kimberly Chantel Meikle ’04 & Steven Curtis Allen ’04
May 23, 2004 - Cassandra Joy Marcum & Jonathan Blaine Lawson ’98
May 28, 2004 - Amber Linn Westover ’03 & Charles Lorenzo “Ren” Bryce
May 30, 2004 - Jennifer Ruth Johnston ’04 & Sean Robert Wenham ’01
June 1, 2004 - Katrina Fae Kelly & Garret McEuen ’04
June 3, 2004 - Erin Marie Foree ’04 & Dustin Paul Watson ’04
June 4, 2004 - Stephanie Ann Liljenquist ’04 & Jason R. Howard ’02
June 4, 2004 - Brenna Marie Gavin ’04 & Cody Branden Castaneda ’04
June 4, 2004 - Tara Joy Ross ’03 & Charles Alton Eady ’03
June 5, 2004 - Crystal Handy Brown ’01 & Erik Lehmann
June 11, 2004 - Shara Whitmer ’99 & John M. Garrett ’99
June 11, 2004 - Kelly Payne & Jason W. Edington ’99
June 12, 2004 - Heidi Belnap ’03 & Dan Anderson
June 12, 2004 - Hannah Mmen Udom ’01 & Jeremy John Lee
June 18, 2004 - Lisl Brigitte Reed ’04 & Stephen L. Quinn ’04
June 18, 2004 - Heidi Farnsworth ’04 & Jason Alan Bingham ’04
June 19, 2004 - Jennifer Wright ’02 & Rob Delancy
June 19, 2004 - Leah Udall ’02 & Douglas B. Davis ’00
June 24, 2004 - Tiffany Ellsworth ’04 & Clinton L. Woods ’04
In Memoriam
Floydene Bull Ziegler Hansen ’69 – January 10, 2004
Carol Green Claridge ’52 – January 12, 2004
Linda Jo Bowman Allen ’67 – January 15, 2004
Kenneth A. Crockett ’47 – January 20, 2004
Miguel D. Valdez, ’92 – January 27, 2004
Clara Curtis Bennett ’42 – January 30, 2004
Lillie Naomi Rice Heward ’60 - February 7, 2004
Theresa Burrell Moody ’37 – February 10, 2004
Thomas Kirkham ’38 – February 10, 2004
J. N. McEuen ’38 – February 14, 2004
Michael Patric Wray ’72 – February 17, 2004
Spencer Kent Layton ’55 – February 22, 2004
Meghan Lynne Hammer ’04 – February 28, 2004
Lesley Eugene Riddle ’55 – March 1, 2004
John Adams Butler ’33 – March 4, 2004
Alton Elwyn Montierth ’34 – March 14, 2004
Michael Anthony Paiz ’86 – March 20, 2004
Carl Leeman Green ’41 – March 22, 2004
E. Walter Scott ’60 – April 3, 2004
Nelma Richardson Bitter ’35 – April 7, 2004
Matthew L. Proto ’04 – April 18, 2004
Daniel Wilford Colvin ’19 – April 20, 2004
Mary Alice Ellsworth Smith ’47 – April 23, 2004
Wilma Matthews Lee ’51 – April 25, 2004
Jeffery C. Beals ’99 – May 9, 2004
Rexann Barney Lindsay ’73 – May 18, 2004
Rickey Lee Baxter ’68 – May 30, 2004
Larry M. Noline ’02 – June 1, 2004
Milton William “Buck” Edington ’60 – June 2, 2004
Keith Wade Donaldson, ’76 – June 3, 2004
Bryce A. Sanders ’77 – June 5, 2004
Rex Marshall Holgerson ’56 – June 11, 2004
Clyde I. Pace ’49 – June 11, 2004
Frances Bencomo Lopez ’86 – June 12, 2004
Judith Ann Cavalli Belliston ’69 – June 26, 2004
Jeana Lines ’37 – June 29, 2004
In the news...
Continued from page 3.
The Mark J. Green Excellence in Spanish Award is a
scholarship established by Max and Nathalene Green in
loving memory of their son, Mark J. Green. Mark suffered
blindness and a steady loss of faculties resulting from
Gifts and donations come to the Foundation in many
forms: cash, marketable securities, real property, bequests
and gifts-in-kind. Some individuals have benefited from
arrangements that provide an annual income to the donor
as well as provide a charitable benefit to the College.
Provisions in the tax code give opportunities for individuals
and their heirs to retain more of their assets as well as make
meaningful gifts for the
non-profit organizations
they wish to support. The
EAC Foundation staff is
pleased to share how you
could benefit financially as
well as the College in your
planning for the future.
Thanks to the generous alumni, service clubs, businesses
and other friends of the College that have enabled so
many students to achieve their goals and dreams through
education. If you would like more information about how
you can invest in the future of our students, please contact
the EAC Foundation at (800) 445-2472 or (928) 428-8295.
So many students have been successful in
achieving their goals thanks to the generosity
of our alumni and friends.
Multiple Sclerosis. Mark was a great example of cheerfulness
throughout his life as he taught others to look at the
positive rather than dwell on the negative. This scholarship
recognizes students who have excelled in learning the
Spanish language as Mark did.
So many students have been successful in achieving their
goals thanks to the generosity of our alumni and friends.
We continue to strive to help as many students as possible,
but there are still more, well qualified students who need
financial assistance.
fall 2004
gila gram
2004 Annual Scholarship Banquet
The annual Scholarship Banquet brought scholarship donors and recipients together, sharing in the purpose of the
scholarships and commending the students on their progress in continuing their education.
Receiving the Clara M. Drobka Memorial Scholarship (above left), is Ricardo Villalba with presenter Diane Drobka. The Catholic Daughters of the
Americas presents this scholarship in memory of Clara M. Drobka, a leader instrumental in the establishment of their local organization. The Alumni
Association Scholarship recipients (above center) are, left to right on back row: Bianca Hall, Adrianna Curtis, William Pollock, Jace Merrill, Marcus
Taylor, Marquette Richins, William J. Bone (presenter). Left to right on front row: Renesa Pacheco, Candace Evans, Leslie Wilkins, Teona Gibbons, Mary
Anne Kovacs, Sally Rogers. Dr. Gary Sorensen, EAC’s Registrar and Director of Enrollment Management, is shown (above right) with Wyatt Jones, recipient
of the Dallace Butler Scholarship. Dallace Butler was a former Dean at Eastern known for his love of students. He played a significant role in the creation
of the Micronesian Project.
Recipients of the 2004-2005 Donor Scholarships
Allen H. & Marie A. Cress Music Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Erin Bristol
Alumni Association Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Kovacs, Candace Evans,
Teonna Gibbons, Renesa Pacheco, Jace Merrill, Adrianna Curtis,
Marquette Richins, Marcus Taylor, Leslie Wilkins,
William Pollock, Bianca Hall, Sally Rogers
Alumni Library Staff Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alisha Ferrin
Anna Deane Millett, Don & Carlotta Pace Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Holly Haralson
Arizona State Savings & Credit Union Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kristen Herbert
Ashley Marie Beals Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marguerite C. Williams
Bank One Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Henson Taylor, Chase Norton
Belle & Arnold Greenbaum Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly Skillen
Bette N. Smith Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melissa Baldwin
Bill & Naoma McGlocklin Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anne Skinner
Chief Yellowhorse Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matthew Dini, Vanessa Parker
Clara Curtis Bennett Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Levi Black
Clara Drobka Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ricardo Villalba
College Park Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tamzon Baysinger
Dallace Butler Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wyatt Jones
Debra Mullenaux Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler Hatch
Dr. David Lunt Endowed Music Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Katie Bishop
Dr. Dorine Chancellor Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cassandra Clegg, Holly Haralson
Dr. Pamela Rule Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Robin Aker
Douglas Michael Loeb Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Collin Claridge
EAC Faculty Association Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elyssa Hoopes
Eldon & Lucille Palmer Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott Turley
Elizabeth Louise Loeb Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ricardo Villalba
Ella T. & J. David Lee Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Laura Villalba
Emil Crockett Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adelle Skinner
Follett College Stores Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicole McBride
Fred & Olga Pace Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mandy Barton
George R. Bingham Jr. Memorial Drama Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . Brieanna Breckenridge
Glenn West Memorial Art Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura Haws
H. Greg Brockmeier Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tiffanie Barton
Helen Johnson Bone Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bonnie Rose
Ingebritson Family Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angela Peck
Jacqueline McFadden Lee & E. James Lee Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . Hunter Alan Bennett
James Smith Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chelsea Curtis
Jesse & Betty DeVaney Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Elyssa Green
John Mickelson Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jody Tulk
Kathryn Murphy-Spencer Kimball Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leeann Shumway
Keita James Smith Memorial Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrew Gomez
Keith & Kathleen Crockett Family Alumni Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brittney Jones
Ladies Auxiliary to the VFW Post 10385 Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . .Christopher Gonzales
Latter-day Saint Student Association Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emily Bulloch
Mark J. Green Excellence in Spanish Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dawnee Durson
Marla Mullenaux Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Juliann Hatch
Mary Kim Titla Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beth Hinton
Meghan Lynne Hammer Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . Erica Huffsitler, Raleigh Dewey
Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center Board of Directors
Nursing Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cassandra Clegg
Mt. Graham Regional Medical Nursing
Center Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jason Beals, Kimberly Grigsby Randall,
Marjean Poindexter, Travis Jones, Kerri Sanders
Newman Club Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loren Keisling
Ora DeConcini-Martin Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christina Delgado
Phyllis Martin Lord Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monica E. Ibarra
Pizza Edge Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephanee Povatah
Ralph & Cindi Orr Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Pugmire
Russell U. & Leola Lundell Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elyssa Jo Hoopes
Ruth Merrill Moeller Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lisl Reed Quinn
Safford Business & Professional Women’s Club Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . Cassandra Clegg,
Tawna L. DeSpain
Safford Lions Club Drafting Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jessica Gonzales
Safford Rotary Club Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brooklyn Norton
Sarah Lamoreaux Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melissa Baldwin
Tony Bernstein Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeremy Green
Virginia Rae Barr Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Makiea Shreeve
Wilford Stailey Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andre Brown
William D. Smith Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BreeAnna Farley
William J. Bone Scholarship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ryan Ellis
William N. “Billy” Stroud III Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly Hancock
The Woman’s Club of Safford Math/Science Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angelina Mendivil
The Woman’s Club of Safford Music Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stephen Quinn
We extend our appreciation to those whose gifts to the Foundation made these scholarships possible.
fall 2004
EAC Foundation Donors
Our thanks go to alumni and friends who have
given generously to support the College in its efforts
to provide quality instruction to its students. We
appreciate your desires to share and your confidence
in the faculty and staff at Eastern. The following
Donor Gifts were received between January 1 and
June 30, 2004.
Donors of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest & Debra Hammer
Donors of $1,000 or more
Arizona State Savings and Credit Union
Mr. Max Bennett
Mrs. Stella Cosper
Mr. Gerald Deabel
EAC Faculty Association
Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Diane Justice
Mr. George Lord
Mrs. Anna Deane Millett
Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center
Board of Directors
Safford Business & Professional Women’s
Safford Rotary Club
Ms. Beverly Thurber
Mr. & Mrs. Max & Nathalene Green
Mr. & Mrs. Var Green
Mr. & Mrs. Philip & Samantha Hess
Dr. & Mrs. Virgil & Virginia Howe
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Janette Jack
Mr. Larry Keenan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & LaRee Kempton
Mr. & Mrs. Grant & Jeneveve Layton
Memorial Gifts
In Memory of...
Meghan Lynne Hammer
Phyllis Martin Lord
In Honor of...
Donors of $500 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. D. Booth, Jr.
EAC LDS Student Association
Emil Crockett Agency, Inc.
Mr. Edward Kelly III
Mr. & Mrs. William R. & Naoma
Newman Sustaining Board
Mrs. Margaret Schade
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Dorothy Stroud
Donors of $250 or more
Mr. Gary Agnew
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Mr. & Mrs. Delmar & Jean John
Miami Band Booster
Mrs. Joanna Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Ron & Vickie Winkel
Woman’s Club of Safford
Donors of $100 or more
Mr. Newell Barney
Mr. & Mrs. Ebbie & Ara Bryce
Mr. & Mrs. Ross & Fawn Bryce
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy & Peggy Bryce
Ms. Connie Callaway
Mrs. Marilyn Claridge
Mr. Donald Colvin
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence & Jewel Crandall
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Nancy Curtis
Mr. David Curtis
Mr. Alex Felix
fall 2004
Mr. & Mrs. Brady & Sabrina Bryce
Mr. & Mrs. Carl & Marva Bryce
Mr. & Mrs. Lavar & Glenna Bryce
Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Deberrah Bryce
Ms. Margie Bryce
Ms. Sarah Bryce
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney & Joan Cardon
Ms. Timilie Carragher
Mrs. Verna Carter
Mrs. Mary Celix
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Chaidez
Dr. & Mrs. Lee & Sandra Clark
Mrs. Shirley Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Sandy & JoAnn Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Mickey Corso
Mrs. Elaine Dallas
Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Jan Damron
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar & Jeri Denenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Alan & Leisa DeWitt
Mr. & Mrs. Arlen & Sybil Draper
Mr. & Mrs. Dick & Paula Elliott
Mrs. Laurel Ellsworth
Mr. Thomas Farmer
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Charlotte Farr
Olga K. Pace
Mr. & Mrs. Deon & Marilyn Layton
Mr. & Mrs. Ruben & Nina Lehr
Mr. & Mrs. Norman & Linda Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. George & Betsy Manning
Mrs. Esther Martin
Mrs. Carolyn McCormies
Mr. & Mrs. Art & Denise Mullenaux
Mr. & Mrs. Derald & Kay Mullenaux
Mr. & Mrs. Stan & Norma Natividad
Mr. & Mrs. David & Vicki Nelson
Mr. James Ollerton
Mr. & Mrs. Lamont & Kay Redford
Mr. & Mrs. F. Dennis & Migdalia Roberts
Mrs. Alice Skousen
Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Etta Smith
Mrs. Barbara Stailey
Mrs. Leslie Taylor
Tucson Cooperative Warehouse
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Diane Valdez
Mrs. Norma Walton
Donors up to $100
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Margerie Ables
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Verlene Anderson
Mrs. Lavona Connolly Areghini
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace & Lanette Bienz
Mr. & Mrs. Ray & Cathy Bigler
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin & Ida Birtcher
Ms. Sherrie Lynn Blake
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Suzanne Blakemore
Mr. Russell Boland Jr.
Mr. Bobby Bryce
Mr. Miguel Federico
Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Louann Fitzgerald
Ms. Joyce Flamm
Mrs. Eva Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Wanda Foote
Mr. & Mrs. David & Nancy Frankland
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Suzanne Fruth
Mr. & Mrs. Otto & Sally Gal
Msgt. & Mrs. Salvidor & Lupe Gandara
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin & Diane Goutcher
Ms. Cindy Lee Grainger
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall & Martha Gresham
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Dorothy Hammer
Mr. Byron Hanchett
Mr. & Mrs. John & Geri Heffron
Mrs. Julia Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Carl & Edith Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Carl & Carrol Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. John & Sandra Judd
Mrs. Betty Kankiewicz
Dr. & Mrs. Ron & Connie Keith
Mr. Neil Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin & Linda Lamoreaux
Mrs. Earline Layton
Mrs. Karen Layton
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Gwen Lewis
Dr. Christopher Lines
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne & Marilyn Lines
Mr. Michael Long
Ms. Rebecca Lopez
Ms. Patricia Lunt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Melissa Lunt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Viola Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Carl & Dorothy McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Donna McGaughey
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond & Myrna McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Elaine McWaters
Mrs. Margaret Mendoza
Mr. & Mrs. Adair & Mary Merrell
Ms. Genelle Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & JoAnn Miranda
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert & Linda Molitor
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Judith Moorhead
Mrs. Kathryn Morgan
Ms. Mary Ellen Munn
Mrs. Corene Peterson
Mrs. Marcia Peterson
Dr. William Purdy
Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Kim Rapier
Mr. & Mrs. C. L. & Janell Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs. A.P. & Virginia Rios
Mrs. Vivienne Neubauer Romans
Mrs. Rosemary Rooney
Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Virginia Ross
Mr. & Mrs. William & Genevieve Roten
Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Amelia Sainz
Dr. & Mrs. Samuel & Denise Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. John & Therese Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Everett & Sandra Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Dick & Barbara Spining
Mr. & Mrs. Leland & Judith Stevens
Mr. Dennis Stevenson
Mr. Darrell Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory & Lynda Unsicker
Mrs. Lydia Upshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Doug & Linda Versaevel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Sharon Wehle
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald & Joy Wester
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Kathleen Wire
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald & Tina Withers
Mr. & Mrs. Rod & Patrice Yarbro
Matching Gifts
Exxon Education Foundation
Thanks Allan Palmer
IBM Corporation
Thanks John T. Mickelson
Intuit Foundation
Thanks Cheryl Lord-Hernandez and
Carlos Hernandez
The Raytheon Company
Thanks Andrew Furry
IMACA Education Foundation
Ingebritson Family Foundation
The Evo-Ora Foundation
Fred & Olga Pace
Gary & Bettie Sorensen
gila gram
EAC alumnus and U.S. Congressman Jeff Flake
(seated center) attends a congressional hearing on the
Endangered Species Act held at Eastern Arizona College
in Thatcher.
Directors, EAC Alumni Association:
William Bone, ’50, President
Becky Johnson, ’70, Secretary
Bryan Allred, ’93, Treasurer
Mark Bryce, ’74,
EAC President & Alumni Advisor
Keith Crockett, ’53
Nathalene Green, ’68
Lois Ann Moody, ’58
Cindy DeVaney Olvey, ’74
Nellie Plasencio, ’45
Larry Rapier, ’57
William Reed, ’62
Dudley Welker, ’52
Alumni Association
P. O. Box 769
Thatcher, Arizona 85552-0769
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 1010
Provo, Utah
Directors, EAC Foundation:
Dudley Welker, President
Keith Crockett, Vice President
Deanna Brockmeier, Secretary
Lex Zerwas, Treasurer
Joel Biggs
William Bone
Mark Bryce
John Wayne Lines
Lois Ann Moody
Joann Mortensen
Emeritus Directors, EAC Foundation
E. James Lee
Fred Pace
David K. Udall, Executive Director
Becky Norton, Secretary
Todd Haynie and Lori Dugan,
Issue Editors
Jeb Earl, Graphic Design
fall 2004
Fly UP