
Alumni Newsletter 100 Graduation

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Alumni Newsletter 100 Graduation
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Alumni Newsletter
S P R I N G 2 0 07
100th Graduation
Wraps Up Celebration
The final event of our AgCentennial celebrations will be the 100th
Diploma Graduating Class convocation and dinner on May 4,
2007. The convocation ceremony
for the 2007 graduates will be
held in the afternoon, followed by
a special banquet at the Fort Garry campus. All alumni and friends
of the Faculty of Agricultural and
Food Sciences are invited to join
us. Banquet tickets are $50 and
can be reserved by contacting
[email protected] or
calling us at 474-9435.
Guest speakers Don
(BSA/66) and Elaine
Triggs (BHEc(Hons)/66)
entertain alumni at
welcome ceremony
of a Century!
Marc Boulanger (BSA/98) and
daughter Peyton enjoy the barbecue
at Kelburn Farm.
The AgCentennial celebrations held last
summer drew close to 600 Aggie and
Home Ec. alumni and guests. The weekend kicked off with individual class
reunions on the Friday night. On Saturday, visitors attended a welcome
ceremony on the Fort Garry campus that featured special guest speakers
and alumni Don and Elaine Triggs of Jackson-Triggs Vintners.
Tours of campus and the Faculty’s two research farms were held Saturday
afternoon. And on Saturday night, the grads two-stepped to the Foster
Martin Band at a traditional Manitoba social held at the Victoria Inn. A pork
barbecue was held at Kelburn Farm just south of Winnipeg on Sunday,
with horse-drawn wagon rides and children’s activities.
Donors to the AgCentennial Scholarship Fund were recognized at a special
reception on November 6, 2006, the 100th anniversary of the opening of
the Manitoba Agricultural College. The $300,000 fund, from agribusiness
and private donors and matched by the Province of Manitoba, will create
the AgCentennial Scholarships aimed at students entering the Faculty of
Agricultural and Food Sciences degree and diploma programs.
Join us at the 100th Diploma Graduation banquet on May 4, 2007
Your Copy Today!
The Faculty of Agricultural and
Food Sciences is publishing a 100th
Anniversary Book entitled “Times
of their lives - Milestones, memories and mischief” that documents
the Faculty’s significant events
and notable people over the last
100 years. The cost of the book is
$39.95 plus GST and shipping. For
more information or to order a copy,
contact (204) 474-9435 or email
[email protected].
Please take a few moments to peruse
this year’s Alumni Newsletter. Read
about the significant developments
in our education and research programs, and some of the exciting new
infrastructure we now have. Discover
the staff, students and alumni of the
Faculty who have been recognized for
their academic, research and community accomplishments.
Our centenary year was a busy one
and is indeed still ongoing. We were
proud to host the AgCentennial celebration last summer - it was a great
party! Our alumni had the opportunity
to get together and to help us mark
the great accomplishments of the
Faculty. We were also delighted with
the amazing fundraising efforts that
created the AgCentennial Scholarship
Fund, a $300,000 endowment that
will ensure that future generations
of Aggies walk through our doors.
I cannot thank the donors to that
fund enough for their foresight and
generosity. I invite you to join us for
the final celebration of the AgCentennial, the 100th Diploma Graduation on
May 4, 2007. All alumni, degree and
diploma, are welcome to take part in
this special, once-in-a lifetime event.
In other developments this past
year, I am happy to report the completion of the first stage of facilities
for the National Centre for Livestock
and the Environment located at the
Glenlea Research Station south of
Winnipeg. We kicked off the official
fundraising campaign for the Centre,
which includes the second phase for
Glenlea Farm Education Centre. The
Richardson Centre for Functional
Foods and Nutraceuticals, located
in Smartpark on the Fort Garry
Campus, was officially opened last
spring. Another highlight this summer was the renaming of the Animal
Science Research Unit to the T.K.
Cheung Centre for Animal Science
Research, in honor of alumnus Dr.
Stan Cheung.
In September 2006 our enrolment
rose by 4%, but we are beginning
to feel the crunch of declining youth
population, a phenomenon reflected
across the country. Meanwhile, the
job market is flooding with opportunities as baby boomers begin early
retirements. There has never been
a better time to be in the Faculty
of Agricultural and Food Sciences
and yet we are struggling to fill the
increasing employment demands of
the agrifood industry. Simply stated,
we need more students and as part
of that imperative, we are now looking
abroad for potential candidates. We
do continue to enthusiastically market
the Faculty to young people around
Manitoba and I thank you for your own
efforts in spreading the good word
about the education and career opportunities we offer.
I enjoyed meeting so many of you
this past year during the AgCentennial
and I continue to be impressed by the
immense pride which is expressed by
our alumni. I thank you for your continued support of your alma mater, and
look forward to seeing many of you at
the 100th Diploma Grad!
Michael Trevan
Dean, Faculty of Agricultural
and Food Sciences
Livestock Research Centre
Takes Shape at Glenlea
The Stars
The special events of this past summer brought together the Faculty’s
deans past and present. From left to
right, Harold Bjarnason (1999-2004),
Michael Trevan (2004-present), Jim
Elliot (1989-1999) and Bob McGinnis
Warm Welcomes
Dr. Fawzi Razem
was appointed
Assistant Professor in the
Department of
Plant Science last
September and
will be an integral
Dr. Fawzi Razem
part of the new
research initiative on the development of high yielding winter wheat as
a feedstock for ethanol production.
Fawzi also brings additional molecular and physiological expertise to the
department for its undergraduate and
graduate teaching programs.
Dr. David Levin
joined the Department of Biosystems
Engineering as an
Associate Professor
in September as a
key player on the
Husky Energy
NSERC biofuels
Dr. David Levin
research team. His expertise in molecular biology, functional genomics, and
biotechnology will be used to enhance
ethanol and H2 production from
wheat starch or cellulosic agricultural
residues. David also has expertise in
molecular virology and biosensors and
will be working with the Canadian
Food Inspection Agency to develop
dispersion models for avian influenza
Walt Nilsson (BSA/80) has joined the
Faculty on a part-time basis to manage the new Internationally Educated
Agrologist Pilot Program. The IEA
program will offer training and work
experience for new immigrants to
Manitoba who have formal education in agriculture in other countries
and want to work in the agriculture
industry in Canada. First intake of participants into the program is planned
for September 2007. Walt is also
instructing a public relations course for
diploma students.
The past summer also brought
changes to the Dean’s Office.
Dr. Karin Wittenberg has been appointed Associate Dean (Research) to
replace Dr. Rachael Scarth, who is
on leave at the University of Victoria.
Dr. Merv Pritchard has been appointed Associate Dean (Academic)
to replace Dr. Bernie Dronzek, who
retired in August. Merv also continues
to serve as the Director of the School
of Agriculture.
Fond Farewells
In August, Dr. Bernie Dronzek retired
from the Faculty after an impressive
44 years of service. During that time,
he made outstanding contributions as
professor, Associate and Acting Head
of the Department of Plant Science,
and for the last 17 years as Associate
Dean (Academic). His guidance and
support of our students and academic
programs has been invaluable. Bernie’s
dedication to the University of Manitoba extended beyond the Faculty to his
service for University governance and
St. Paul’s College. His encyclopedic
knowledge of all things administrative
was legendary - if you had a question,
Bernie almost always had the answer!
We wish him all the best in his welldeserved retirement.
In June, Dr. Jim MacMillan retired
from the Department of Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics.
Jim’s research has focused on many
aspects of international and Canadian
agricultural economics. Jim served as
Department Head for 11 years and as
Director of the Solomon Sinclair Farm
Management Institute for five years.
Dr. Lloyd Campbell, Animal Science, retired in July after 35 years
with the Faculty. An active teacher
and researcher, his studies focused
on evaluation of canola meal, feed
energy determination, and use of
enzymes to improve feeds. Lloyd has
been appointed as senior scholar in
the Department of Animal Science.
In Memoriam
Professor Herb Lapp, who
retired from the Faculty in 1986
after 33 years, passed away in
March 2006. He served as head
of the Department of Biosystems Engineering (known at
that time as Agricultural Engineering) from 1958 to 1967.
Herb was well-known for his
work on international projects
in Nigeria, Thailand and Peru.
He was also an authority on
alternative fuels long before it
was fashionable, in particular
studying methane gas extracted
from animal waste.
Building Renamed
to Honor Cheung
In recognition of the generous contributions to the Department of Animal
Science and agricultural research in
the Faculty by alumnus Stan Cheung,
the Animal Science Research Unit on
the Fort Garry campus was recently
renamed the T.K. Cheung Centre
for Animal Science Research. At a
dedication ceremony on July 21, a
new sign and plaque for the building
were unveiled. Stan received his BSA,
M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of
Manitoba and also received an honorary doctorate of laws in 1991.
President Emoke
˝ Szathmáry and Stan
Cheung in front of the T.K. Cheung Centre
for Animal Science Research
of a Century!
LEFT: Earl Geddes, (DipAgric/72)
on left and Jim Downey,
(DipAgric/64); Michael Trevan
and President Emoke
˝ Szathmáry
unveil AgCentennial plaque
on November 6, 2006; Wendy
Kramer, (BSc(Agribus)/01) on left
and Lorne Hamblin (BSA/75);
Howard (BSA/52) and Violet
Motheral, and Alice (BA/52) and
Ted Poyser (BSA/48); honorary
chair Dr. Peter Kondra (BSA/34,
MSc/43); wagon rides at Kelburn
Centre Opens
The Richardson Centre for
Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals held its grand opening in May
2006. This $31-million facility
will enable researchers to identify
and enhance health-promoting
compounds in prairie crops and
develop them into marketable
food supplements and products.
Many of the Faculty’s researchers, especially in the Food Science
area, are involved in the Centre’s
research program. As well, two of
the Faculty’s former administrators, Harold Bjarnason and Digvir
Jayas, were driving forces in the
Centre’s conception and development.
The Push for Charity
The 25th annual Aggie Bed Push was held on a beautiful fall weekend to
raise funds for the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba. Each year,
Agricultural and Food Science students push a custom-made bed on wheels
over 200 km from Brandon to Winnipeg to support a community charity. This
year, they raised $4,500 to support the pediatric medical research, equipment
and programs at the Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg.
Canola Genomics
Gets a Boost
Dr. Genyi Li, right, describes his canola
genomics project to Genome Prairie
president and CEO Jerome Konecsni
Last June, the Province of Manitoba
announced $600,000 in funds for
canola genomics research at the
University of Manitoba. The genomics research team, led by Dr. Genyi Li
of the Department of Plant Science,
will be working to improve canola
seed for animal feed applications. The
funding adds to research support received from Genome Prairie for a total
of $1.2 million research residing at the
University of Manitoba.
Special Thanks to Our Alumni
We would like to acknowledge the people who alone or as part of a corporation have pledged to put their money to work
for the Faculty. They’ve told us to use it for scholarship and bursary funds or to put it in the Faculty Endowment Fund and
use it when we need to. All of their gifts are generous and most appreciated.
This money has made a big difference to the Faculty – it has, for instance, helped students struggling to pay their education
bills, paid for new research equipment, refurbished classrooms, purchased projectors and sent students on field trips.
Think about joining this very special club. Check Development and Advancement Service’s website at www.umanitoba.ca/admin/dev_adv/, call 204-474-9195 or 1-800-330-8066 or email [email protected].
Ag-Quest, Inc.
Agrico Canada Limited
Agricore United
Animal Nutrition Assoc of
Can Manitoba Div
Bayer CropScience Inc
Brightstone Colony Farms Ltd.
Canada Iceland Foundation Inc.
Canadian Dairy Commission
Canadian Imperial Bank of
Canadian Wheat Board
Cargill Limited
Clearview Colony
Credit Union Central of MB
Crystal Spring Colony
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Decker Colony Farms Ltd.
Donner Canadian Foundation
Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc.
East-Man Feeds
Elite Swine Inc.
Elm River Colony
Faculty of Agricultural & Food
Sciences Students
Farm Credit Canada
Feed-Rite Ltd (Division of Ridley Inc)
Glenway Colony Farms Ltd.
Greenwald Colony Farms Ltd
Hog Days Committee
Hollmfield Colony Farms Ltd.
Integrated Crop Management
Services Inc.
Iris Meck Communications Inc.
James Richardson & Sons, Limited
Keystone Agricultural Producers
Lakeside Colony
Landmark Feeds Inc.
Manitoba Ag Days
Manitoba Egg Producers
Manitoba Pork Council
Manitoba Pulse Growers
Association Inc
Manitoba Turkey Producers
Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
Money Concepts
Monsanto Canada Inc.
New Rosedale Colony Farms Ltd.
Newdale Colony Ltd.
Nutri-Health Group
Oak Bluff Colony Farms Ltd.
Penner Farm Services
Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited
The Puratone Corporation Ltd.
Quarry Intergrated
Communications Inc.
Richardson Foundation Inc.
Ridgeland Colony
Riverbend Colony Farms
Riverside Colony Ltd.
Souris River Colony
Spring Valley Colony
Springhill Colony Farms Ltd.
Starlite Colony Farms
Steinbach Credit Union Limited
Steve’s Livestock Transportation Ltd
Sunnyside Colony
Syngenta Crop Protection
Canada Inc
TD Canada Trust
Wingham Colony Farms Ltd
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange
Winnipeg Livestock Sales Ltd.
David G. Abbott
Tyler S. Adamson
Lola L. and Wayne R. Anderson
Dr. Margaret J. Anderson
Stewart C. Anderson
Gerald S. and Mary B. Ashcroft
Mrs. H E. Bagnall (estate) and
Herbert E. Bagnall
Edward M. and Phyllis M. Bailey
J. David Baker
F. A. Ball
Dr. G. Murray and
Dallas L. Ballance
Jean Barnabe
Glenn and Kathryn Bartmanovich
Stanley C. Bear
Elizabeth Bigelow-Sellick and
Dr. Charles C. Bigelow
Janice Blair
Raymond D. Bollman
Sijgje Borstlap
Marc J. J. and
Lindsay L. Boulanger
Bryan A. Bowden
Alvin M. Bracken
William B. Braun
GailAnn Breese and
Curtis N. Johnson
Garry A. Brown
Gordon E. and Mona G. Brown
Robert J. Bryson
Garth F. Butcher
Helen E. Butcher
Allan R. G. Calder
Murray D. Cameron
Bruce D. and Lesley L. Campbell
Colin J. Campbell
D. Allan Campbell
Mavis E. and Dr. A. Barrie
Campbell, O.C.
Monica H. and Jared Carlberg
John M. Chang
Darren M. Chapman
Dr. Hsin K. Chen
Dr. Stan T. K. Cheung
Lloyd N. Chiykowski
Kevin R. Chorney
Stephen C. and
Cynthia D. Cohlmeyer
Lorne K. Colpitts and
Catherine I. McKinnon
George A. and Lorraine Comrie
Scott E. Corbett
Johannes F. M. Corbey
Dr. Murray Cormack
Michael G. and Karen Costello
Lindsay R. Coulthard
G. Resby Coutts
Muriel Cowan
Georga D. Crichton and Dr. Alistair
M. Shafto
Gordon J. Daman
Hilary E. M. and Marc A.
Ronald De Ruiter
Trevor S. DeCorte
Nadia N. Deen
L. G. Delichte
Murray N. Depape
Raymond E. Dowbenko
Jennifer W. Dronzek
David J. Drozd
Ron Dubinsky
Milton C. J. Dueck
Michael Duguid
Danielle M. and Kent Dunbar
Charles D. Dyck
Kenneth R. Einarson
Bernhard Eisele
Adeline A. Elias
Beverley A. and Douglas J. Emek
Abram E. Ens
Esther Eva (estate)
Betty Ewenson
Sandra M. and David G. Falk
I. John Fedorkiw
J. Douglas Fehr
Dr. Adam I. Fengler
Petra G. Fiore
F. Michael Fisher
Frederick N. Fisher
Robert G. Fisher
Dr. Donald N. Flaten and
Tanis Minish
David A. Forster
Dora Y. K. Fox and Dr. Stephen
L. Fox
Dr. Karen J. and Charles
Donald A. Fraser
Gerald E. Friesen
Charles J. Froebe
Jocelyn G. and Harold E. Froese
D. Glenn Fulton
Erin M. Galbraith
Damien M. Gallop
William E. Geddes
Drs. Margaret L. and
Francis G. Giesbrecht
Willy Ginter
Donna L. Gislason
Fredrick D. Gould
Yvonne L. and
William G. Grabowsky
Perry E. Graham and Louise
Robert P. Graham
Dr. J. Rodrique P. Gregoire
Eric B. Gregory
Lana L. Grenier
Douglas B. Grossart
Calvin R. Gust
Daniel J. R. Hacault
Michelle R. and
Robert H. Hagborg
Mrs. R L. Halstead (estate) and
Dr. Ronald L. Halstead
John S. G. Hare
Elizabeth Hassan
Allan W. Heaman
Glenda Hedin
John and Gloria Hedin
Karl A. Hedlin
Allan D. Heise
C. S. Henderson
Curtis R. Hiebert
William H. Hildebrandt
Prof. Neil J. Holliday
Merianne L. and
Frederick A. Holm
Heinrich B. Hueging
Sheri L. and Todd J. Hyra
Claudia G. and John A. S. Isfeld
William G. H. Ives
Donna M. Jensen
Donald J. and Daphne J. Johnson
Elaine F. and Dr. Kenneth C.
Stephen R. Johnson
William E. P. Kaminsky
Mark D. Keating
Christopher D. and Alana J.
Christopher J. Kelly
Michael J. Kelly
Elaine M. Kendall
Dr. Won K. Kim
Ronald C. and Dawn L. Kirbyson
Ryan G. Klym
Rose and Dr. Peter A. Kondra
Dr. Juanita C. Kopp
Kenneth L. Kovacs
Daniel N. Kraft
Myrna L. Kraft and Dr. Daryl F.
Kraft (estate)
John W. Kroeker
Anastasia M. Kubinec
Guy J. Lafreniere and Marion E.
Lafreniere (estate)
Neal K. Larson
James S. Lawrence
John E. Lawson
Jean A. Le Sann
Raymond R. LeBlanc and Mary A.
De Pauw
Larry T. Lenton
Joel P. LeSann
Douglas H. A. Lindberg
Shawn L. Livingston
Shirley E. and Dr. William H.
Loewen, C.M., C.A., F.C.A
James C. Lowe
D. G. Lumgair
Victor and Elvira J. Lysack
Jeffrey W. Macdonald
William R. Macklem
Hugh M. MacLean
Dr. David H. MacLennan, O.C.
Beryl M. and Larry N. Maguire
Alan A. Malcolmson
Holly L. Mayer
Stephen L. Mazur
Owen J. McAuley
Mark A. McDonald
James A. McFadden
Margaret and
Donald J. McFadden
Lawrence G. McFarlane
Dr. W. D. McGinnis
The Hon. Pearl McGonigal, C.M.
and Norm Coghlan
G. W. G. and Lorna L. McGregor
James R. McGregor
Fraser W. McIntosh
J. Gordon James and and
Christine D. McKenzie
David G. H. Mclellan
Patricia C. McNabb
Adrian Measner
Steven G. and Coral A. Meggison
Dr. Vinay K. Mehrotra
Dr. William O. S. Meredith (estate)
Prof. Gordon F. Mills
J. Bruce Mollison
Garry R. Moore
Gerald W. and Carol Moore
David L. Morantz
Toby E. Morantz
John R. Murray
Hans G. Nass (estate)
Barbara F. and
Dr. Donald L. Nelson
Lesley W. J. Nernberg
Dr. Xianzhou Nie
Trenton Nowosad
Dr. Loreen A. Onischuk
Glen G. Orsak
Paul S. and Patricia L. Orsak
Thomas Page
David B. Parker
Jason L. Parker
Robert J. Parker
G. Keith Patterson
Twylla K. Pawlinsky
John R. A. Peach
Ted T. Peluk
Leonard J. and Carol Penner
P. Otto Penner
Ronald A. Petch
Siegried C. Peters
Arthur Petkau
David R. Petkau
Terry M. Petrow
Ronald G. Pettitt
Allan J. Philip
Calvin C. Pitura and
Barbara J. Strath-Pitura
Carolyn J. and
Lawrence J. Porhownik
James G. Potter
Dr. Mervyn K. Pritchard
Stewart G. Pugh (estate) and
Eva M. Pugh (estate)
Sandra L. and Robert M. Raeburn
Beverley A. and A. Brian Ransom
Donald E. Ransom
Douglas K. Redekop
Todd R. Reichardt
Andrew J. Reimer
Darrell I. Reschke
Donald B. Richmond
Diane L. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. J. Alden Robertson
Lorne M. Robson
Mark S. Roed
Robert Romain
Alex A. Romanyk
Hugh T. Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Rowland
Dr. Gabriel L. Roy
Jeannette Rubinyi
Harold R. Rudy
Richard W. and K. Joan Rue
Philippe R. Sabourin
Tracey M. Salamondra and
Jonathan P. Whetter
Michael C. Sanders
Lloyd O. A. Sandmoen
Dr. Lee M. Sanford
Allison Schoofs
Derek R. Schoonbaert
Erica Schultz and
Archimedes G. Gamvrelis
Gloria E. and Prof. Marvin E. Seale
Dr. J. Lawrence Sernyk
Laura and Dr. Leonard H. Shebeski, O.C.
Daryl L. and Marianne H. Shirtliff
Shirley and Brian P. Shirtliffe
Kim M. Shukla
Edna Siemens
Dr. Leonard B. Siemens
Steven G. Siemens
Jeffrey D. Sigurdson
Mark E. Simmons
Grant G. and Valerie L. Sissons
Norman D. Sissons
Dr. Kenneth D. Sloik
C. Bruce Smirl
Dr. C. Beverley Smith
Dr. Robert J. Soper
Reginald L. Speers
Dr. Allan L. Steinhauer
Arthur F. Stewart
Heather J. and Colin J. Stewart
Roslyn L. and Alexander W. Stewart
John M. Stiver
Colin F. Stockhausen
Welland Stonehouse
Dr. Elwood W. Stringam and Gabrielle
M. Stringam (estate)
Richard B. Stringham
Brenda Suderman and Albert J. Siemens
Vivian M. Sullivan
Patricia A. and Dr. E. Maitland Sundmark
Hoang V. Tang
Gordon and Deborah Taylor
Arthur N. Tennenhouse
Leona and R. Real Raphael Tetrault
Normand Therrien
Drs. Karl H. and A. Christine Tibelius
Dr. Khusi R. Tiwari
Barbara M. and William H. Toews
Garry A. and Ethyl L. Tolton
Glen A. Torgerson
James N. Townsend
Dr. James S. Townsend
G. E. Trott
Shelley M. and Gary C. Turnbull
Robert W. Turnock
Emmanuel R. and
Susan M. Van De Velde
David J. and Dianne L. Varga
Henry D. Verhoeven
Fr. Daniel Wach
Jeffrey A. Wardrop
David G. Warner
M. J. Warwick
Herbert J. Watson
Ian W. and Barbara D. Watson
Margaret J. Watt
Sandi and Dr. Noel D. G. White
Wayne R. and Faye M. White
Delmont R. Whiteside
D. Leonard and Phyllis Wiebe
Garry R. Wiebe
Ernie A. Wiens
Sidney D. Wilkinson
Dwight C. C. Willoughby
John K. Wilmot
Helen J. and Dr. Arthur G. Wilson
Dr. Maria K. Wittenberg
Christine Wolf
D. Diane Wreford
Edward J. Wytinck
Douglas S. Young
Ivy and Norval C. Young
List includes donors of $100+ to Faculty
of Agricultural and Food Sciences
affiliated funds. Information provided
by Development and Advancement
Services for the period of January 1,
2006 through to December 31, 2006.
Several noteworthy awards were bestowed upon staff, students and alumni in the past year…
Alumnus Bruce Campbell (BSA/58)
was recognized by the Association of
Fundraising Professionals, Manitoba
Chapter, as the 2006 “Outstanding
Philanthropist”. This award is presented to a Manitoban with a proven
record of exceptional generosity. Bruce
has been a strong supporter of the
Faculty and the University of Manitoba,
and in 2005 he and his wife Lesley
established the Bruce D. Campbell
Bursary award for degree and diploma
Ying Chen, Biosystems Engineering
received the Glenn Downing Award.
This award is presented annually to the
CSAE/SCGR member who has produced outstanding work in industry,
teaching, research, or extension in the
area of Power and Machinery.
the Spot Award from United States
Department of Agriculture for outstanding service to the US National Sclerotinia
Research Initiative. He was also named
a University of Manitoba 2006 Outreach
Award winner.
Rick Holley, Food Science, was selected
as a University of Manitoba 2006 Outreach Award winner, given to recognize
exemplary contributions to the broader
Digvir Jayas, Biosystems Engineering
and Associate Vice-President (Research)
for the University, was named an Agricultural Institute of Canada Fellow. AIC
Fellowships are granted to persons of
integrity with noteworthy accomplishments in various areas of Canadian
agriculture including scientific achievement, scholarship, leadership, breadth of
knowledge and experience.
reducing greenhouse gas emissions
from soil and reducing dependence on
synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Mario was also received a 2006 Rh Award
from the University of Manitoba, given
to researchers who display exceptional
innovation, leadership and promise in
their fields.
Our students:
Biosystems Engineering M.Sc. student
Khizar Mahmood won the “Top
Manitoban” submission in the 2006
Sustainable Development Research
Competition put on by Engineers
Without Borders, the International
Institute for Sustainable Development
and Manitoba Hydro.
A team of Food Science students
won the 2006 Canadian Institute of
Food Science and Technology Marvin
Gary Crow, Animal Science, was preTung Cup Challenge. The challenge,
sented with the 2006 Teaching Award The late Dr. Eugene Lange was inductwhich tests knowledge of food science
of Merit from the National Association ed into the Manitoba Agricultural Hall of
and related subjects, pitted the U of M
of Colleges and Teachers of AgriculFame in July 2006. Dr. Lange was best
team against six other top Canadian
known as the first Director for the School universities.
of Agriculture.
Martin Entz, Plant Science, was
Two University of Manitoba students
selected as a 2006 Merit Award winner Danny Mann received the Young
Richard Cuthbert, Ph.D student in
by the American Forage and GrassEngineer of the Year of CSBE, given to
Plant Science and Suresh Neethiraland Council, presented to recognize
recognize the outstanding work of a
jan, Ph.D student in Biosystems Engisuperior contributions in some phase
young engineer of the Society for his/her neering - were among the five
of forage and grassland agriculture.
outstanding contributions to Canadian
Canadian Wheat Board 2006-07
agricultural, food, and/or biological
Dilantha Fernando, Plant Science,
Graduate Fellowship recipients.
is the recipient of the USA/Sri Lanka
The Canadian Association of ProfesFoundation 2006 Life Time AchieveMario Tenuta, Soil Science, was named sional Apiculturists awarded Entomolment Award. This award is given to an a Canada Research Chair in Applied Soil
ogy Ph.D. student Rassol Bahreini
individual who has contributed to the
Ecology. His research into improving soil
the Student Merit Award, given to
world through exceptional scientific
management practices and developing
recognize outstanding achievement by
contributions. Dilantha also received
bio-indicators of soil health is aimed at
a student in the field of apiculture.
Fundraising Kicks Off for NCLE
A $9 million fundraising campaign was launched in July 2006 for the University of Manitoba’s new National Centre for
Livestock and the Environment, an innovative agricultural research facility located at the Glenlea Research Station south of
Winnipeg. Ted Bailey (BSA/66), Chair of the Fundraising Committee, reports that a total of $4.5 million has been raised to
support the new National Centre, which in addition to serving as a multi-disciplinary research site will house the Glenlea
Farm Education Centre. Initial infrastructure funding for the Centre was through grants from the Canada Foundation for
Innovation and Manitoba Research and Innovation Fund. The fundraising campaign’s lead donor, Manitoba Pork Council,
has provided $1,360,000 in support. To contribute to the campaign, contact Dr. Karin Wittenberg at 474-6082 or km_
[email protected].
MAGA Update
The Manitoba Agriculture Graduates Association (MAGA) is a nonprofit organization representing both
alumni and students of the faculty. If
you’re a grad of the U of M’s Faculty
of Agricultural and Food Sciences,
you should think about joining.
MAGA’s main objectives include providing scholarships for both diploma
and degree students and acknowledging alumni who have made significant contributions to the industry
with a Certificate of Merit. MAGA
also sponsors the Diploma Teacher
of the Year awards. MAGA is able to
support these awards through its annual and lifetime memberships.
Endowment Fund Provides
Teaching Resources
The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Endowment Fund receives contributions from alumni, students, staff and friends of the Faculty, and stands at
over $1.3 million to date. Each year, the interest generated by the Fund is used
to provide teaching and other resources for the Faculty. In 2006, the Endowment Fund committee approved 29 projects with a total value of $90,000 in the
form of computer equipment and software, classroom enhancements, teaching
materials, and assistance for field trips and visiting lecturers. As well, funds were
allocated for bursaries to assist diploma, undergraduate and graduate students.
The Endowment Fund committee welcomes proposals from students, staff and
alumni for projects consistent with the Faculty’s academic goals. For more information on the Fund, please contact the committee chair, Dr. Karin Wittenberg
at (204) 474-6082, or visit www.umanitoba.ca/afs/staff/endowment.html.
This year, MAGA has added to its
objectives to serve as a “social club”
for graduates of the Faculty. The organization organized a very successful AgDaze Social at the Canad Inns
in Brandon during the 2007 Ag Days
show, and plans are already underway for a similar event next year.
To join MAGA, visit the website at
and click on “Join” to access an
application form, or, make out a
cheque payable to “MAGA” ($20.00
for an annual membership, $100.00
for a lifetime membership) and mail
it along with your name and contact
information to: Mary Phillips,
1329 Rosser Ave. East, Brandon, MB
R7A 7J2
From left to right, certificate of merit recipients Cam Brown, Herb Watson and MAGA
president Lyle DePauw
Certificates of Merit Awarded
Faculty News and
Events Online
If you would like to stay current with
the happenings of the Faculty of
Agricultural and Food Sciences, check
out the biweekly e-newsletter staff.
matters archived at www.umanitoba.ca/afs/staffmatters/. It features
quick highlights of upcoming events,
staff and student news in the Faculty.
You can also sign up to receive the
newsletter via email by contacting us
at [email protected].
The Manitoba Ag Grads Association
presented Certificates of Merit to Cam
Brown and Herb Watson at the
Faculty’s diploma graduation ceremony
last spring. Cam and Herb are alumni
of the Faculty who received the certificates in recognition of their outstanding
contributions to Manitoba’s agricultural
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
Email: [email protected]
Cam Brown graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in 1952
and a Master of Science in 1955.
He spent much of his career in grain
marketing, and today runs a consulting business. Herb Watson graduated
with a Diploma in Agriculture in 1966
and is a recognized hog and potato
producer near Treherne, MB.
University of Manitoba
(204) 474-9295
Website: www.umanitoba.ca/afs/
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