
News and Events 2016 Faculty of Architecture Department of City Planning

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News and Events 2016 Faculty of Architecture Department of City Planning
Faculty of Architecture
Department of City Planning
News and Events 2016
Message from the Head
The Department of City Planning continues to
flourish with Janice Barry and Orly Linovski
having joined our company over the last couple
of years!
We welcome David van Vliet back from his
six-month sabbatical, a good part of which he
spent travelling in Europe documenting urban
green infrastructure
As always, the Department appreciates its
ongoing relationship with MPPI (Manitoba
Professional Planners Institute). Several
members teach valuable courses. David Linton
teaches Urban Development, while Martin
Sandhurst continues to shape Professional
Planning Practice, this past year with Martin
March 2016), a two-day conference featuring
keynotes, speaker sessions, ample time for
student presentations, plus a breakout session
about the future of CAPS (Canadian
Association of Planning Students).
And we look forward to the return of Richard
Milgrom in the summer from his yearlong
sabbatical in Edinburgh, where he is continuing
his research on age-friendly issues in the UK.
He resumes his role as Head of the Department
in July.
Rae St. Clair Bridgman
Acting Head,
Department of City Planning
Our graduate students are excited to attend the
Ryerson University Planning Expo (11-12
Curriculum Changes
Beginning in 2016/17, students will have more studio choices, as we will once again be
offering City 7430 (Urban Design Studio). All 1st year students will continue to take City 7410
(Introductory Studio). Students will then pick two out the three remaining studios.
The three possible combinations will be:
City 7410 + City 7420 (Regional Studio) + City 7430 (Urban Design Studio)
City 7410 + City 7420 (Regional Studio) + City 7440 (Indigenous Studio)
City 7410 + City 7430 (Urban Design) + City 7440 (Indigenous Studio)
Faculty of Architecture
Department of City Planning
Studio News
M1 students present their work to studio partners CentreVenture and local practitioners (L) and final report (R).
City 7410 - Planning Design Studio 1 (taught
by Dr. Orly Linovski): Students in the first
s t u d i o w o r k e d i n co llab o r atio n w ith
C e n t r e Ve n t u r e , a C i t y o f Wi n n i p e g
development agency, to develop proposals for
the South Main Street Corridor. Students
focused on issues of housing, stormwater
management and transportation for the area,
drawing on input from municipal, non-profit
and business-sector stakeholders.
City 7420 - Planning Design Studio 2 (taught
by Dr. David van Vliet): The City-Region
Studio is working again with the Partnership of
the Manitoba Capital Region (PMCR) on the
theme “Critical Infrastructure and Planning for
Regional Resiliency.” Students have been
studying comparative metro region form,
evaluating metro region plans, undertaking GIS
analysis, and reviewing provincial land use
policies, together with a workshop on
subdivision planning and design. They've also
helped to facilitate an event involving a Dutch
delegation of experts on water, wastewater, and
waste to resource technology.
City 7440 - Planning Design Studio 4 (taught
by Dr. Janice Barry): In 2015, the Indigenous
Planning Studio deepened its partnership with
Brokenhead Ojibway Nation, which is
considering planning and development
opportunities for its Treaty Land Entitlements
in more urban areas. We welcomed a new
partner, Long Plain First Nation, which recently
embarked on a community planning process for
its reserve lands. City Planning students also
continued to work with Nisichawayasihk Cree
Nation in northern Manitoba on a land use plan
for its traditional territories.
M2 students meet with Long Plain First Nation
Faculty of Architecture
Department of City Planning
Faculty Research News
Dr. Janice Barry is pleased to announce that her book Planning for Coexistence?
Recognizing Indigenous Rights through Land-Use Planning (with Dr. Libby Porter,
from RMIT University in Australia) will be released by Ashgate/Routledge in May
2016. She also has a chapter in the forthcoming collection The Participatory City
(edited by Yasminah Beebeejaun, for release in May), and has been busy exploring
new collaborative research opportunities with colleagues in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Dr. Rae Bridgman’s two illustrated books for young adults featuring open-verse
long poems are in press – Angel: Homeless in Toronto and Jimmy Tattoo: Homeless
on the Streets of Toronto. As a way of reaching young children, she has also just
published V is for Victoria Beach and its sequel V is for Victoria Beach: Colouring
Book, both inspired by the small rural municipality of Victoria Beach, Manitoba.
Dr. Orly Linovski continues her SSHRC-funded research on the relationship
between bus rapid transit and development potential. Her recent work on
professional urban design expertise was published in the Journal of Planning
Education and Research and in Spatializing Politics: Essays on Power and Place
(Harvard University Press).
Dr. Richard Milgrom is currently on research leave, based in Edinburgh, building
networks with other researchers engaged in age-friendly and dementia-supportive
initiatives. He is presenting a paper - “Age-friendly Cities and Regions: Engaging
older adults, producing socially sustainable communities” - with Dr. Ryan
Woolrych of Heriot Watt University at the Urban Planning and Environment
Symposium in Lisbon, Portugal.
Dr. David van Vliet travelled to cities in Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden
and across Canada during his research leave in the fall term. He has been meeting
practitioners and documenting informative examples of multi-functional, intensive
land use and urban green infrastructure (particularly storm water management) for
enhancing urban resilience to climate change.
Faculty of Architecture
Department of City Planning
Upcoming Events
Crystal Legacy (RMIT, Australia)
“Is there a crisis of participatory
Thursday 17 March 2016
Jack Nasar
Harlyn Thompson Lecture Series
Tuesday 22 March 2016
Year End Exhibition
Friday 22 April 2016
**For other Department of City Planning news, please “like” our Facebook page**
Alumni and Recent Theses
We have graduated excellent students over the last year. Below are just a few examples of the student
research that has been recently completed in our department and where these graduates are now
Lea (Rempel) Hastie (Planning and Design Specialist, Chris Werner Consulting, Winnipeg, MB):
Caring for Those Who Once Cared for Us: Dementia-Friendly Planning for a Winnipeg, Manitoba
Rakvinder Hayer (Planning Consultant, Richard Wintrup & Associates, Winnipeg, MB):
Collaborative Planning with New Immigrants
Ryan Gilmore (Associate Planner, City of Surrey, BC):
Industrial Land Intensification: What Is It and How Can It Be Measured?
Vanessa Scarola (Planner, Scatliff+Miller+Murray Inc., Winnipeg, MB):
Reaching the Unreachable: Social Planning in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside and Winnipeg's
North End, Canada
Ryan Segal (Junior Planner, MMM Group, Winnipeg, MB):
Playfinding: Child-Friendly Wayfinding as a Tool for Children's Independent Mobility in the
Exchange District of Winnipeg, Manitoba
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