
Head’s Up! Graduate STAR Award Thank you, Faculty of Arts!

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Head’s Up! Graduate STAR Award Thank you, Faculty of Arts!
Head’s Up!
Department of Psychology
May 1, 2015
Thank you, Faculty of Arts!
Oh, the places you’ll go …!
Congratulations to the recipients of
Graduate Student Conference Travel
and Dean’s Office Awards
Canadian Psychology Association/
Brooke Beatie, Matthew Bernstein,
Sarah Germain, Jennifer Klauninger,
Karen O’Brien, Matthew Quesnel, Ben
Digestive Disease Week/ Washington,
Clove Haviva
International Meeting for Autism
Research/ Salt Lake City
Roxanne Boily, Lindsay McCombe
Association for Psychological Science/
New York
Erin Buckels, Kristene Cheung
International Conference on
Comparative Cognition/ Melbourne,
Dawson Clary
International Convention of
Psychological Science/ Amsterdam
Ivanna Lukie, Dr. Richard Kruk
Graduate STAR Award
Congratulations to Sarah Germain,
winner of the Graduate Student
STAR Award in Psychology for
2015. The award recognizes
outstanding academic
performance together with
demonstrated excellence in
service, teaching, and research.
W. N. Ten Have Award
Congratulations to Sarah Froese
(advisor: Dr. Jacquie Vorauer),
winner of the W. N. Ten Have
Award for the most outstanding
honours thesis in Psychology in
Canadian Psychological Association
Certificates of Excellence
For outstanding achievements made by
students at all levels of study, in each
Canadian department of psychology.
Certificates are awarded each year to
recognize the best undergraduate,
masters and doctoral theses.
Congratulations to honours students
Sarah Froese, Janique Fortier, and
Jeremiah Buhler; masters students
Katelin Neufeld, Tiffany Lazar, and
Patricia Parker; and doctoral students
Amy De Jaeger, Brenda Stoesz, and
Natalie Mota on these awards.
Head’s Up!
Department of Psychology
May 1, 2015
The Latest Findings
Congratulations to Doug AlardsTomalin, Alexander C. Walker, Alexa
Kravetz, & Launa C. Leboe-McGowan
on their recently accepted paper:
Numerical Context and Time
Perception: Contrast Effects and the
Perceived Duration of Numbers.
The Latest Theses
Congratulations to the following
students who successfully defended a
thesis or proposal in April, 2015!
Jaime Leung, Shaping Phonetic
Performance in Second Language
Learners, Final M.A. defense, April 8
Christine Sousa, “Development of a
Computerized Task to Examine
Differential Acquisition of Operant
Responding in Autism Using Social and
Non-social Discriminative Stimuli,”
Final M.A. defense, April 20
Sarah Germain, “Animal-Assisted
Therapy: A Meta-Analysis,” Ph.D.
proposal defense, April 27
Ben Schellenberg, “Passionately
Motivated Reasoning,” Final Ph.D.
defense, April 28
Next Up ...
Chrissy Chubala, “Scale Invariance of
Distributed Learning,” Ph.D. thesis
proposal, Thursday, May 21, at 9:30 am,
in P412 Duff Roblin
Prairie Undergraduate
Conference Presenters
The University of Winnipeg Psychology
Department held its 34th Annual Prairie
Undergraduate Research Conference on
April 24. Our department co-sponsored
the event, which featured presentations
by the following U of M students:
Elena Bilevicius, Julie Comte, Jeremiah
Buhler, Allison Dyck, Sarah Froese, Jona
Frohlich, Charlotte Leferink, Katrina
McKenty, Lindsey Nadon, Marcello
Nesca, Trinda Penniston, Corey Petsnik,
Kevin Solar, Alexis Unrau, and Bernardo
The next issue of Head’s Up! will
appear on Monday, May 18, 2015.
News to relate? Don’t hesitate!
Send it to Sue at
[email protected]
Head’s Up!
Department of Psychology
May 1, 2015
Scenes from the Psychology Honours
Celebration Dinner, April 24, 2015
Fly UP