
Head’s Up! Out and About – Conference Presentations! In press …

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Head’s Up! Out and About – Conference Presentations! In press …
Head’s Up!
Department of Psychology
September 22, 2014
In press …
Congratulations to Jonathan
Marotta and colleagues,
and to Erin Buckels and
colleagues on their recently
accepted, high-impact journal
Szturm, T., Sakhalkar, V., Boreskie, S.,
Marotta, J.J., Wu, C. & Kanitkar, A. (In
Press). Integrated computerized
testing of standing balance, gaze
performance, and cognition: Testretest reliability and construct validity.
Gait and Posture.
Buckels, E.E., Beall, A.T., Hofer, M.K.,
Lin, E.Y., Zhou, Z., & Schaller, M. (in
press). Individual differences in
activation of the parental care
motivational system: Assessment,
prediction, and implications. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology.
Now Presenting … Jeremy
Hamm, Ph.D. Thesis Proposal,
Tuesday, September 23, 10:00, P412
Duff Roblin. “Promoting Academic
Achievement and Psychological and
Physical Health in University Students
Facing Challenging Obstacles: The
Benefits of Motivation-Focused
Out and About –
Conference Presentations!
Canadian Psychological Association
Vancouver, BC (June, 2014)
Johnson, E. A., & Neufeld, D. C. Are you as smart
and creative as you think? An examination of
self-assessment validity in intelligence and
Neufeld, D. C., & Johnson, E. A. What does the
overclaiming questionnaire really measure? The
OCQ Bias and Accuracy indices in relation to
self-reports and actual performance, selfenhancement-linked traits, values, and
Wang, Y., & Johnson, E. A. The role of explicit
standards in enhancing self-assessment among
clinical psychology students.
Society for Text and Discourse
Chicago, IL (July 2014)
Singer, M., & Spear, J. (2014, July). Phantom
recollection of bridging and elaborative
Society for Personality and Social Psychology,
Long Beach, CA (February, 2015)
Morry, M. M., Sucharyna, T. A., Legge, M. The
impact of relationship social comparison
interpretations on dating relationship quality
over time.
Sucharyna, T. A., & Morry, M. M. Destiny or
Hard work?: An analysis of destiny and growth
beliefs and how they affect relationship social
comparison interpretations.
Head’s Up!
Department of Psychology
September 22, 2014
More Student Awards!
Congratulations to …
Alison Cox, Raymond F. Currie
Graduate Fellowship
Ryan Nicholson, major funding
awards from Manitoba Gambling
Research Program and Manitoba
Gaming Commission
Tamara Sucharyna, Tri-Council
Top-Up Award from the Faculty
of Graduate Studies, University
of Manitoba and Society for
Personality and Social
Psychology Student Travel Award
The next issue of
Head’s Up! will appear
on Monday, October 6,
2014. News to relate?
Don’t hesitate! Send it
to Liana Di Noto at
[email protected]
Making a difference …
Dr. Ed Johnson was interviewed by Manitoban
writer Katy MacKinnon about controversial
changes that broaden the definition of trauma
in diagnoses of PTSD in DSM 5 and how that
affects who is eligible for treatment. You can
link to content in the Manitoban here:
Did you know…?
Increasing recognition of Psychology as a
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics) discipline is a principal
strategic goal of the American
Psychological Association. Link here to
Dr. Steven Breckler’s essay on “Calling
Psychology Education what is is: STEM”
(http://www.apa.org/monitor/2014/0708/sd.aspx). At issue is the Classification
of Instructional Programs, used by the
American National Center for Education
Statistics and by Statistics Canada. The
system classifies many program areas of
Psychology as STEM disciplines, but not
the general undergraduate degree. APA is
lobbying to make this change, in
recognition of the contents of the typical
undergraduate degree. Our department
regularly offers courses in all of the
relevant areas, leading to the
undergraduate B.A. and B.Sc. degrees.
Fly UP