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St John's College
The Wedding Issue
JUNE 2000
April 4th, 2000
Instead of the usual Warden's Word, following are
excerpts from Janet Hoskins’ Installation address.
As I stand before you this evening, I am
overwhelmed by the number of people who
have come here to participate in this
Installation service and to show their support
for St John’s College, and for me, as I
formally begin my ministry as Warden of the
My decanal and administrative colleagues
might be surprised by my use of the term
ministry, since one often thinks of ordained
clergy in the context of ministry and I am a
layperson; the first lay Warden, in fact, in our
134 year history. But ministry is much
broader than this…
It is instructive to turn for a moment to the
College statutes to see just what was written
about the position of Warden. There are 14
items listed under “Powers and Duties of the
Warden”, of which the first one is the most
significant. It is to “be the Head and Chief
Executive Officer of the College with overall
responsibility for the academic,
administrative, and spiritual life of the
College”. Altogether a pretty daunting task.
It should be noted that these are the same
statutes which
state that the
Warden “Shall
normally be a
Priest in Holy
Orders of the
normally, not
necessarily. So the founders of the College
and drafters of the statutes, back in the 19th
century, must have contemplated at least the
possibility that a lay Warden would be
entrusted with the spiritual health of the
College, as well as its fiscal and academic
well being.
How is all this to be done by one person?
The answer is by making use of all the
expertise and experience of the members of
the College community. We are told by
St Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthians,
that we all have various gifts that have been
given to us by God. The ministry of the
Warden of St John’s College is, I believe, to
help the members of the College community
to discern their gifts and to find ways in
which these gifts can be developed and used
for the good of the College, the University,
the Diocese and society as a whole.
In the first scripture reading, from the
Wisdom literature of the Apocrypha, we are
essentially counselled to seek out teachers
aggressively in order that we gain
knowledge and become wise. This reading
seems very appropriate for the installation
of the head of an institution of higher
education. As a professor, I have certainly
see Warden's Installation on page 4
In Lumine is published four times per year as the official alumni journal of St John's College.
Design and layout by Write You Are! Editing by Alison McLean and Derek McLean.
Thank you to this issue's contributors: Jane Duffy, Janet Hoskins, Derek McLean,
and of course our alumni and friends. Comments, submissions, alumni updates and photos are welcome.
Agreement # 1472372.
“… a boundless optimism, a faith in human potential, an
energizing belief in the power of transformation of all …”
Emöke Szathmáry
Following is an excerpt from greetings brought by Emöke Szathmáry, President of the University of
Manitoba, to Dr Hoskins at her Installation as Warden:
For its members, the installation of the
Warden as head of the College, is a special
occasion that calls upon us to remember and
reaffirm the purpose of this institution.
St John’s is a “people-place”, where the
young, and in our times, the not-so-young,
engage in the self-reformation that is
required to achieve intellectual maturity.
St John’s College there was and continues
to flourish, a boundless optimism, a faith
in human potential, an energizing belief
in the power of transformation of all,
whatever one’s ethnicity, sex or
socioeconomic class, transformation
through the process of learning and
discovery. Dr Hoskins, the Diocese of
Rupert’s Land and the College Council
have expressed their confidence in you,
and today we have witnessed your oath
to lead and to care for your college.
St John’s College has a long and
distinguished history. Its constitution of 1867
included among its aims, first “to train fit
persons for the
Sacred Ministry
and for
discharging the
duties of
Catechists and
Teachers in
Parishes and
Missions within
this Diocese of the
Past wardens, Murdith McLean (1980–1997), and
Church of
Jim Brown (1970–1980) with newly inducted Warden,
Janet Hoskins.
As well, St John’s
College aimed “to provide instruction in the
higher branches of education, usually taught
in the Universities, for such students as may
be desirous of the same; and thought fit for
prosecuting them”.
Long before there was any commitment on
the part of other Colleges in western Canada
to educate aboriginal men to a high level,
St John’s College was doing so, especially in
the Ministry. Women were admitted too,
four enrolling as students in 1892. At
I want you
to know
that the
courage in
accepting the challenges you will face.
And if I may add a personal observation,
you will find respite in reflection each
night, that our successes and solutions to
our trials occur by the will of Him, in
Whom we live, and move, and have our
being. We stand with you in affirming the
power, the beauty, the value of the
learning that St John’s College with the
University of Manitoba imparts.
Congratulations, my dear colleague.
The 12th Bishop of Rupert’s Land, the Rt Revd Donald D. Phillips of Regina was elected on
March 25, 2000 on the fourth ballot. His service of consecration and installation was held on
May 23, 2000, just prior to Provincial Synod. St John’s is pleased to welcome him as
Chancellor of the College. We were delighted that he chose to live in our Residence for
several weeks in May and June before he and his wife Nancy, and their sons David and
Peter, moved into a house here in Winnipeg. Welcome!
In April, the Ven Don Phillips talks with Mrs Hazel Birt
at Janet Hoskins' reception.
Right: (r. to l.) The Revd John Caird,
the Revd Canon Ann Goodwin, and Mrs Lynn Pate.
Warden‘s Installation
continued from page 2
devoted much of my life to formal
education, first acquiring it and then
imparting it.
I have also, throughout my life, had the
benefit of many teachers. Some of these have
been teachers of formal classes; some have
been mentors who have recognized potential
and encouraged it; some have been fellow
travellers on life’s journey whose contact has
left a significant and lasting impact; and
some have simply been experiences, not all
of them positive, that have caused me to
grow and develop both intellectually and
In my ministry as Warden of St John’s
College, I seek to make this College truly a
place where scholarship and learning of the
highest calibre are promoted, where
Fellowship is fostered and where people of
all faiths find a place where they feel
respected and valued. May the power of
God, working in me and the members of
this community, make this goal a reality.
GRAD 2000
Going out with style: Outgoing Vice-Stick Robyn
Young ‘00 and incoming Vice-Stick David Corby at
Grad 2000.
Outgoing Senior Stick
Jennifer Muir ‘00 hands
over her responsibilities
to incumbant Kevin
Toyne at the Spring
From left to right: Chaplain and Dean of Residence, Geoff Woodcroft,
Registrar, Erin McShane, and Receptionist, Lesley Cowan‘98.
Chris' dad, Ed Thain (DD
‘83), performed the first
chapel wedding, assisted by
Laurie Wilmot and Blake
Wood (pictured left). Outside
the chapel with a brown bag
(!) is Doug Rowland ‘61,
who was an usher with Jack
Greenhalgh ‘60. Jim
Fergusson ‘58 was the Best
Man and Stuart Niermeier
‘60 played the organ.
St John's College
Chapel Weddings
Jean MacBain & Chris Thain, December 18th, 1959
“Except for the groom forgetting the boutonnières and one
other glitch, the wedding took place as planned. The other
glitch was that I had neglected to tell dad that the wedding
was being recorded. He assumed the microphone was for a
sound system in the chapel and, never one to use a mike
when he considered it unnecessary, he moved it to one
side.” ❧ Chris (see Alumni News for update)
Pat Gilchrist & George Robb, July 27, 1964
Leigh Black & Brian Hilton
September 5, 1964
Peter Kains ‘62 was the Best Man and is pictured on
the steps behind the happy couple.
Leigh and
Brian live in
They are
(right) at a
surprise party
thrown by
their children,
Lindsay, and
David, on
their 35th Anniversary.
Cynthia Forde & Stirling Walkes
October 30, 1964
Pictured below with Blake Wood who
performed the ceremony. Duncan Wallace
‘60 & ‘65 played the organ.
Diane Mainman & Tom Boyd
July 15th, 1967
Mary Warriner & Duncan Wallace
January 23, 1965
“Would you buy a used car
from either of these people?”
❧ Duncan ‘60 & ‘65
In addition to being on the
cover of this issue of In
Lumine, Mary ‘65 & ‘76 and
Duncan are also the parents
of Lisa Wallace Markesteyn
Lynne Holmes & Don Paterson
May 10, 1969
“It was a hot day and we were
feeling warm and nervous as the
ceremony began. However, Dean
(Blake) Wood put us at ease as he
seemed more nervous and sweaty
than we did!” ❧ Tom ‘65
Lynne ‘64 and Don ‘65
are the parents of
Heather ‘97, Duncan
‘99, and Andrew.
Diane and Tom are the parents of
Kevin Boyd ‘95 who is a flight
attendant for Air Canada. (See
Alumni News for update on Tom.)
Anita Carroll & Eric Cox, September 25, 1971
Gail Taylor & Johann Schnabl
June 22, 1974
Terry Birt & Terrance Hollier
November 30, 1973
Father Jack Gibbons (left) presided at the
wedding of Terry ‘73 and Terrance. They live
in Selkirk with their children John, David,
and Kathryn, and are both resource teachers
in Lac Dubonnet and Selkirk. Our thanks to
Hazel Birt for sending us this photo.
Ellen Basler & John Bissett
July 29, 1978
Gail ‘64 and Johann are pictured here with
John Wortley in the chapel when the
coloured glass was still in the chapel
windows. Over time the change in
temperature outside caused the glass to fall
out! Gail and Johann are the parents of
Peter Schnabl who has just finished his
third year of Arts and is a member of the
Ellen ‘71 & ‘73 and John's son Julian is currently in
residence at St John’s.
“So the first thing we noticed when we brought Julian
to residence was that the spot where we had our
wedding pictures taken was excavated away [to make
way for the new Café Patio]! At least the staircase in this
picture is still there.
So 21 years later we’re still married, in Regina, and have
the aforementioned Julian plus Ariadne (in grade 8).
John is a technical analyst at Sasktel and I’m a librarian
with Saskatchewan Education… I still keep in touch
with my Maid of Honour, Heather Campbell ‘69 &
‘70.” ❧ Ellen
Merle Kearns & Derek Abrahams, December 14, 1990
Pictured with Father Doug Fenton. Our
thanks to Leanne Mathes ‘89, the Maid of
Honour, for the picture.
Alison McLean & Randy Fransoo
August 10, 1991
This story doesn't come from the couple but
from those at the College who knew them.
As near as we can remember, Derek and
Merle were already engaged when he left
South Africa to stay and study in St John's
College Residence. With the help of their
Winnipeg sponsor family, Merle soon
followed and they decided to get married
here. The couple had little money (a
common theme amongst many of you who
sent us pictures!), so the College staff and
students donated time and resources to
make it an event no one would forget. The
Chapel was filled with poinsettas, the
cloister and residence dining room with
balloons. And the small congregation was
as nervous and excited as the bride and
After Derek finished his studies they both
returned to South Africa to be teachers.
Needless-to-say, we hope you're doing well,
and we'd love to hear from you!
Angie Pook & John McLean
August 8, 1992
Alison ‘90 and Randy now have two
children (inset): Benjamin 3 1/2 yrs,
and William 10 months.
Sandi Friesen & Wolfgang Herwig
April 4, 1992
Tanya Gregory & David Thomlinson
December 10, 1994
Grace Nunn & Laurie Wilmot
January 21, 1995
“The Chapel looked so beautiful - it was
sunny and light was streaming through the
windows. That more than made up for the
fact it was also one of the coldest days of
the year!” ❧ Tanya ‘89
Vona Guiler & Phil Veldhuis, July 1, 1995
Chapel construction
photos taken in 1959
by David Carter ‘58.
Murdith McLean ‘63 wasn’t married in the College Chapel,
but he performed several wedding services in his capacity as
Warden of the College. After Phil and Vona's wedding,
Murdith and a few of those in attendance, accompanied the
bride and groom on an unscheduled tour of the Residence.
In the spirit of things, they spouted off a few stories about
their residence experiences, some of which might have
surprised Warden McLean, were he not a former rezzie
Phil and Vona with their son
Timothy, and dog Pokey. See
Alumni News for update.
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r Janet Hoskins, Warden of St John’s
College, is pleased to announce the
appointment of the Revd John Stafford as
Dean of Theology.
John has a BSc (Hons) in Production
Engineering from the University of
Strathclyde and an MSc in Welding
Technology and Management from the
University of Aston, as well as a MDiv and
ThM from the Winnipeg Theological
Seminary. He is currently in the PhD
programme in Religion at the U of M, where
his research and teaching interests involve
textual and literary research in the Old
Testament. Since his ordination, he served in
parishes in Portage Plains, Elm Creek and
Carman, before coming to St John's as
Acting Dean of Theology in 1997.
In his capacity as Acting Dean, John
established the Summer Institute of
Theology, a programme of U of M courses
related to the study of Theology that are
taught in the College during the summer
session. This is part of ongoing discussions
with the U of M to include Anglican
Studies as part of the Department of
Religion and create more active links with
the Winnipeg Theological Consortium.
The Faculty of Theology is also exploring
collaboration with Henry Budd College,
The College of Emmanuel and St Chad
and the Centre for Christian Studies.
In addition, the Institute of Anglican
Ministry with the Revd Ian Luke as
Director, has been established with a view
to providing training for the Total Ministry
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eginning in 1978, the St John’s College Rare Books Collection of 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th
century imprints began being housed at the University of Manitoba Libraries Archives
and Special Collections due to that facility’s capacity to store and preserve such fragile
Among the titles in this unique collection are 17th century Books of Common Prayer,
manuscripts of Erasmus’ Commentaries on New Testament (London, 1551-1552), and Isaac
Watts’ The Improvement of the Mind, or, A Supplement to the Art of Logic (London, 1789). The
number of volumes in this collection continues to grow with thanks to currently active
donors such as Dr Mary Kinnear and Dr John Wortley.
While the Rare Books remain under the excellent stewardship of Archives and Special
Collections, interest has been expressed in making their existence known to the broader
academic community. Plans are currently being formulated by the College and its
Librarian, Jane Duffy, to both publicize and increase access to these rare print resources
through the development of a World Wide Web-based bibliography, by the Fall of 2000.
by Derek McLean, Development Officer
Rather than my words, and
since we have once again
run out of space in this
edition, allow me to share
Art Braid’s Toast to the
College, at Laurie Wilmot’s
93rd birthday April 27:
“Tonight we are assembled
to honour a living
institution but, at the same
time, we are also, in a way,
here to pay tribute to
another institution Honour Roll
one that is even more
of Planned Gifts
ancient than our
Many thanks to the following who
honoree, albeit only
have made a provision for
by forty years! Of
St John's in their will, through life
course, I am referring
insurance or an annuity:
to St John’s College
Ellen Basler '71
Derek with the new Senior Stick,
Kevin Toyne.
Alice Cheatley '64
Nancy (Bole) Cullen '62
Marjorie Dance '47
John Deacon '63
Keith Eastwood
Diane Guilford
Miriam Hutton
Ruth (Wells) Goring Johnston ’34
Walter Jones '51
Derek McLean
Orde Morton '61
Sadie Nelson '35
Barbara Black Peden '64
William Pickering
Eva Rogers
Doug Rowland '61
George Sigurdson '70
Marjorie (Webster) Ward
Laurie Wilmot '31
Six Anonymous Donors
If you would like to know more
about how to make a planned gift
to the College, including possible
phrases for your lawyer to use in
your will, please contact Derek.
Derek McLean (204) 474-9350
[email protected]
... let me briefly reflect
upon to whom we
will be drinking when
we toast the College.
St John’s is neither
bricks nor mortar, nor
a place on the map. It
is a living institution
with corporeal
identity. Let me
explain; what is
St John’s College?
It is the members of Council and Assembly
who provide governance in accordance with
the Statutes of the College. It is the officers
and staff who, on a daily basis, ensure that
the programs, policies and mission of the
College are carried out. It is the alumni who
generously give to the College their human
and financial support. It is the residents and
students who are the College’s raison d’etre
and who give the College its vitality. It is the
fellows who are the academic heart of the
College and who give it its soul and its
spirit. It is also the many friends of the
College who understand and support its
place in the community.
These are the very human constituents who,
within the context of the history and
traditions of this venerable institution, make
it much more than the sum of its parts and
who embody the College in its spiritual and
temporal aspects...”
Simpson's Folly provided music at Laurie
Wilmot's 93rd Birthday Celebration.
Laurie's grand-daughter, Sarah Crawley ‘94, her mother, Louise
Wilmot, and her aunt, Hope Wilmot, who are also Johnians.
‘24 Winnifred (Ablett) Johnson, of Barrie,
Ontario, is one of four remaining College
graduates from the 1920’s, and became a
great-grandmother for the first time with the
birth of Liam. Winn will be 99 on December
12! Amy (Best) Wadley ‘49 called to tell us
this news. Her late mother Evelyn (Barrow)
Best ‘24 was a great friend of ‘Auntie’
Winn’s. Congratulations!
‘42 Arthur Wilcox (BA, LTh ‘47) turned 80
on March 12 and son John preached at St
Barnabas in Calgary as a birthday present.
He and his wife Enid (née Havard, also a
Johnian of 1946-47) were sorry to read about
Jeanie Morgan.
‘43 & ‘44 Had a call from Bernice
(Gostick) Ellor (BA, Dip SW) of Winnipeg
who'd ‘found’ Margery (Douglas) Plewes
(BA ‘44, Dip SW ‘46), also of Winnipeg. Both
were Lady Sticks, although they said during
the war there wasn’t anyone else around to
take the position!
‘48 John Towart called from Port
Coquitlam, BC, to tell us his wife Connie
(Hackforth) is in a long term home with
Alzheimer’s. She got her degree in Library
Science from U of T in about 1953 and took a
job at the New Westminster Reference
Library. Connie and John met at Arthur
Murray dance classes and were married in
1955. They have two daughters, Joy and
Laura, and six grandchildren ages 8-17.
1950’s Doug Crane, who was here in
1954-55 and was involved in the infamous
water-bombing of the Bishop and Warden on
Broadway, recently married Susan Davies on
April 8, 2000, in Toronto. Congratulations
Doug! More about this water-bombing
incident to follow…
‘51 Bill Battershill, brother of Frank and
Jim ’44, uncle of Thomas ’64, and father of
Bill ’76 and Judy ’78 (that’s quite a list!),
wrote: “I have just received the latest copy
of In Lumine, and am very interested to see
the picture of William Aldridge. My father
and Bill Aldridge worked together in the
City Engineer’s office in the early years of
the century, and were life-long friends.
“Uncle Bill” as I called him, was my
Godfather, and I still remember the
Christmas and Birthday presents, which
arrived every year - mostly the works of
Charles Dickens. I’m sure he was partly
responsible for my love of good
‘52 Revd Dick Welsh (LTh) emailed us
from Portland, Oregon, with an update on
his activities since leaving St John’s on
Broadway. He was ordained Deacon in
1951 and ordained Priest in 1952. Both
ordinations took place at St John’s
Cathedral in Winnipeg, with the Most
Revd Louis Ralph Sherman, Archbishop of
Rupert’s Land, officiating. Dick married
Helen Vrooman and after working in
parishes in Canada and the US, took a 17
year ‘sabbatical’ during which he was
director of PR for the University of
Minnesota, then Morris for eight years,
and in private business in Seattle and
Portland. He returned to active priesthood
in the Diocese of Oregon, and conceived,
designed and was president of St Aidan’s
Place, a state of the art residence for those
living with Alzheimer’s disease and
related dementia. In 1994 he retired at age
72. Two years later his wife died of AD.
He now lives in an Independent Living
facility, “enjoying life and missing old
friends. I look forward to receiving In
Lumine. My health is so-so for a man of 77
years who has not always kept good care
of himself! Best regards to all at St John’s.
We were fortunate to have some excellent
professors and also a gang that had a lot of
fun on occasion.” Dick's email address is:
[email protected].
’58 David Carter emailed lots of news and
sent us the pictures of the chapel being built,
as well as a couple of pictures from 1954 of
Freshie Days which we are saving for a
future issue. “Am currently very busy
researching two projects: 1) 20 abandoned
cemeteries in this general area which a
friend and I have located and now maintain.
I’m working on the history of the settlement
of the area and the forgotten church sites of
various denominations; 2) RAF World War 2
pilot training base Medicine Hat which
operated under the British Commonwealth
Air Training Plan. See http://
And if you want to visit the tiny church/
The last issue of the In Lumine prompted Katherine
Binding '93 to send us an update. After graduating
she continued to work with the Winnipeg Jets until
their ultimate departure. She travelled in Europe and
South Africa and lived and worked in Jasper for 6
“Presently I am an Aromatherapist (and the
manager) at Ambrosia essential oil Apothecary in
the Corydon Avenue area of Winnipeg. I started
taking classes on the subject 4 years ago, and
quickly discovered that working with plants for
improved health and well-being was my passion.
On a more personal note, I am fixing up a house
and making a life with David Therrien (BSc ’91)
who is presently starting up his own business in
the Alternative Energy field (solar power, wind
power, etc.).
I love receiving In Lumine, and always go right to
the back pages to see who I might know, and
what they are up to. Congrats to Laura McMaster
on her baby! I just have one question: Exactly
how many years did Mike Butt play cards
around the college? I must have been a part of the
later years! Anyone who wants to contact me can
do so at: [email protected] ”
cemetery which we have restored http://
www2.memlane.com/djcarter click on
‘David Carter’ then click on ‘Anglican
clergyman’ and you should arrive almost at
my doorstep.”
1960’s Tom Stemshorn of Pasadena,
California, was in Residence here for a
month in May while finishing his MA. Tom
was a rezzie in the1960’s, taking Science. He
has fond memories and many stories of
St John’s.
‘60 Chris Thain emailed: “My six and a
half years as coordinator of health care
labour adjustment came to an end on March
31 (I retired for the second time in my life). I
have been hired by Manitoba Labour on a
contract basis to provide labour adjustment
services for the employees of Pelican Lake
Centre which will be closing by the end of
the year. That means that I will be spending
considerable time in Southwest Manitoba. I
also want to find time to get up to Saskatoon
to see a new grandson.”
Donna (Kennedy) MacKenzie called
to tell us she has retired and is moving from
Winnipeg to Belleville, Ontario, to be closer
to family.
‘65 Tom Boyd (BSc) worked for Merck
Frosst Canada for thirty-one years then
moved to Vancouver four years ago with a
new divison of the company as a Health
Science Associate in Pulmonary Diseases.
‘68 No sooner did we list how to listen to
Roger Currie on the internet, then he
announced his retirement from CJOB. He
and his wife Linda are moving to just east of
Kenora, where he will keep his hand in with
local station CJRL. Best wishes Roger!
1970’s MaryAnne (Luce) Look of
Yellowknife, NWT, who was in Residence
from 1975-77, came to stay at St John’s Rez
again this past May.
’89 Vona Guiler (BSc, BA ‘91) and Phil
Veldhuis (BA Hons ‘93, MA ‘99) emailed
that Timothy Rupert Veldhuis was born on
November 30, 1999. He weighed 8 lbs 1 oz
and was 20" long. “He is a very happy baby
and has been sleeping through the night
since January. We’re extra happy and
thankful to have him in our lives. Phil has
started taking his bees out of the wintering
shed. He’s been home all winter and
helping with the baby, so it’s been a nice
bonding time for all of us.” Vona is looking
forward to a fun & relaxing summer with
the baby and won’t go back to work until
the end of the summer. (See p10 for photos.)
’89 Kurt Rosentreter (BComm Hons) is
now Senior Vice President of the Berkshire
Group in Burlington Ontario.
’93 Michael Doig (BSc, HBSc Forestry
’98) recently moved to Keewatin, Ontario.
He married Jennifer Buchik, a French
language teacher, in October, 1999. Michael
works for Abitibi-Consolidated as an
Operations Forester and Jennifer is
teaching at Beaver Brae High School. His
e-mail is [email protected]
’93 After 11 long years, John Tajima
(BComm Hons) graduated this year with
his second degree in Computer
Engineering. He lived in Residence from
1989-93 & 1996-2000. He was also on staff
as Public Relations Officer for one year.
Best wishes John, it will be unusual not to
have you around the College.
’00 In the “will-wonders-never-cease”
department, Brock Fecio has finally
graduated with his BSA (Economics).
Brock was Senior Stick in 1994-95 and has
a part-time job with the Wheat Board
(which explains the delay…). Brock
reports that we haven’t seen the last of
him. His sister Tannis is also a Johnian and
graduated in 1999.
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Share your news with other Johnians and keep in contact with us. We welcome brief descriptions of some
of your memories of St John's, and we appreciate comments, suggestions and address changes as well.
Please drop us a line - photos are also welcome!
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Mail to Development Office, St John's College, 92 Dysart Road, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M5; email to
[email protected], fax (204) 474-7610, phone (204) 474-9350 or contact us via our website at
1920’s Revd Allan Cheales, 93, died in
Winnipeg in January, 2000. Allan attended
the College School in the 1920’s and later
took courses at the College. He was married
for 58 years to Edwaena who survives him.
They were posted in Norway House,
Rathwell, Alert Bay, Wyoming, Minnesota
and St Luke’s, Winnipeg.
1940’s Barry Parker, originally of
Saskatchewan, passed away February 14,
2000, in South Carolina. He attended the
College school from 1946-48 according to
Bill Birtles who remembers him. Dr Parker
was a chiropractor for 34 years in Sumter.
‘66 Barry Dunsmore (brother of Trudy
Dunsmore ’69), died of lung cancer in North
Vancouver on January 27, 2000.
1970’s The College was saddened to
learn of the passing of the Most Revd
Antoine Hacault, Roman Catholic
Archbishop of St Boniface, on April 14, 2000,
in Winnipeg. Archbishop Hacault was
awarded a Doctor of Canon Law by
St John’s in 1977. He was recently diagnosed
with lung cancer.
1990’s Tim Pechey died at the age of 48
on April 9, 2000, at Riverview Health
Centre in Winnipeg. He taught at several
schools in the River East School Division,
and in the 90’s took theology courses at St
John’s. In 1997 Tim began writing a book
called Soul Survivor: Reflections of one man's
journey beyond cancer which he completed
in 1999. He was the husband of Lesley
Valentine ’78, brother-in-law of John
Valentine ’76 and Guy Valentine ’85, sonin-law of the Rt Revd Barry Valentine ’69
and Carolyn Evans. He is also survived by
four children: Matthew, Beth, Mark and
Important Dates
Children of the Clergy Bursary Deadline
(up to $6 000) ✧ July 31, 2000
Other scholarships and Bursaries, see our
website www.umanitoba.ca/colleges/
St John's College 134th Annual
Convocation ✧ Sunday, November 5, 2000
for more info call (204) 474-9350
Canada Post Publications
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