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Warden's Word
New Café Entrance
Prairie Conference
Development Notes
Alumni News
In Memoriam
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a swimming pool!
No, it's construction at
St John's College.
Godfrey Mawejje ('97)
responds to a 'Roast'
By Janet Hoskins, Interim Warden
As I write this, we have
just begun a new academic
term. It is a natural time to
become reflective about the
past and to make
resolutions for the future.
It has been a very
interesting year at St John's and, in many
ways, very satisfying. We've been fortunate
to have had the opportunity to make a
number of enhancements to our buildings.
The most obvious one is the Café entrance.
Before the snow fell, the exterior door and
three large windows went into the east wall
of the Café and we now have natural light
flooding in. What a wonderful change! The
patio bricks have been laid outside and most
of the contouring has been done. The east
stairs from the Residence to parking lot A
have been completely rebuilt and a proper
loading dock has been put in. In the spring,
when we add grass and trees, we should
have a wonderful new patio and green
space. It has been amazing the extent to
which this building project has caught the
interest and excitement of folks from all over
In the Residence, we’ve covered or removed
all of the wood walls, ending a tradition of
students developing a very special
relationship with their “wood wall
neighbours” who could hear pages turning
in the next room. We also have a great new
oven/steamer in the kitchen so that Ian Park
and his staff can continue to prepare the
marvelous food for which they’re becoming
well known.
We’ve had a significant number of personnel
changes over the past year as well. At the
end of December, Mary Lee retired as
Director of the Centre for Christian Ministry
and Alison McLean ('90) has left her
position as Theology secretary to pursue a
career in desktop publishing. We welcome
Geoffrey Woodcroft as our new Chaplain/
Dean of Residence on February 1, and I'm
pleased to announce the appointment of
Iain Luke as the new full-time Director of
the CCM starting July 1st, 1999.
I had the good fortune to meet most of the
heads of other Anglican colleges at a
meeting in June and also visited with a
number of grads and friends of St John’s
College on recent trips to Toronto,
Vancouver and Victoria. Those trips were,
for me, inspirational. It was a delight to hear
people’s stories of their College years and
the wonderful friendships that they made.
The affection with which folks view the
College is a tremendous tribute to how well
the College mission has been carried out
over the past years.
As we begin this year, it is my resolution, on
behalf of St John’s College, to continue to
develop our facilities and programs, to
provide the best possible educational
environment for our students and scholars
while, at the same time, maintaining the
warmth and humanity which have set this
community apart for over a century. I hope
to have the opportunity to visit with as
many old and new friends of St John’s as
possible and to hear more colourful College
stories. My very best wishes to you and your
families for a richly rewarding new year.
In Lumine is published three or four times per year as the official alumni journal of St John's College.
Design and layout by Alison McLean. Editing by Derek McLean and Alison McLean.
Thank you to this issue's contributors: Janet Hoskins, Derek McLean, Kathryn Young,
and of course our alumni and friends.
Comments, submissions and alumni updates and photos are welcome.
Dysart Road
With the help of the architectural firm Gaboury, Préfontaine, and Perry, what began as plans for a new fire
exit turned into a new entrance and patio for the Daily Bread Café at St John's College. College alumnus
David Perry (BES '82, MArch '92) has donated a lot of
time to the development of the project and believes it will
add a whole new appeal to the Café. The food already
draws people from all over the campus and the added
natural light, as well as the attraction of the outdoor patio
will increase business even further.
Phase I of the project, which has already been completed,
was funded primarily by the University of Manitoba, the
Pan Am Games and the Sifton Foundation. The second
phase which includes adding greenery and furniture to
the patio, will be funded by donations to the College. For
more information on how to contribute, please contact
Derek McLean (204) 474-9350.
The nearly completed patio as viewed from the
Steps to the residence from A Lot were
replaced and a loading dock added.
View from inside the Café while the windows were
being installed.
There are too many memories to rehearse here —
although I must mention the faculty lunch table,
elegantly presided over usually by the then
Warden, Father Landon, the tallest short man
I’ve ever met. I remember the time he subjected
us to his wife’s school intelligence test for Gr. 3,
which we, after he had philosophically
problematised the questions, collectively failed.
Suffice it to say that St John’s was, and continues
to be, a wonderful component of my life.
Nevertheless, as these things happen, the time
during which I had very little contact with the
College stretched into many years, and it was
therefore with some trepidation that I approached
the prospect of the College reunion a year and a
half ago. I should have known better; it was a
splendid occasion and (although I still think that
Professor Waterman and I soundly defeated
Professor Fox-Decent and Archbishop Crawley
in the debate that was for some reason declared a
draw) it was tremendously heartening to see
evidence that the unique spirit of this place is just
as alive today as it was then, that it is still a place
that nourishes and fosters the development of the
whole person, spiritually, emotionally and
Prof. Melvin Wiebe ('60) was made an
Honourary Fellow and gave the Convocation
address. Pictured here with Dr. Janet Hoskins
(right) and The Rt. Rev. Patrick Lee ('57) (left).
1998 Convocation Address
During the first weeks of school, I made myself scarce
around the college, anticipating some sort of bizarre hazing
rituals… but there was actually, to my knowledge, no
hazing. On the contrary, I was elected as First Year Rep' on
the Student Council, and given the key to a room with a
couch, phone and computer.
1998 Convocation Luncheon Address
Even coming from the largest high school in Winnipeg, it's impossible not to be
overwhelmed by [the university]. The normal reaction to this experience is, in my opinion,
to direct your energy inward, cutting yourself off from the enormous place around you.
People are often so intimidated by their environment that they don't take advantage of the
opportunities around them. One of the most important things St John's does for me is to
make me feel more comfortable at university because I'm part of a smaller community…
St John's makes it easier for me to be myself [at the College], and around the University in
1998 Convocation Luncheon Address
Dr. Peggy Sellers being awarded her Doctor of
Canon Law at home.
You do not need me to paint a picture of the bleak future faced by liberal education
today. Not only are there the overwhelming forces of materialistic commercialism
threatening to turn the institutions of higher education into appendages of the
multi-national corporations, but the academies internally are infected by a malaise
of nihilistic relativism so that, to many, such traditional concepts of education as
“the search for truth” are now meaningless. The question as I see it is whether the
traditions that have brought us this far are still relevant to the world that is taking
shape today.
1998 Convocation Address
St John’s College and Canadian Studies
hosted “Defining the Prairies: A
Multidisciplinary Conference on the
Canadian Prairies” September 24 - 26,
1998. The event attracted participants
from Japan, Poland, Germany, France,
the United States and other parts of
donation from a private benefactor as
well as money from the Senator Norman
M. Paterson Foundation are also
contributing to the project. Beginning in
January, Michael Moosberger from Dafoe
Archives, will oversee cataloguing of the
collection, producing finding aids and an
inventory. The collection includes printed
material from the 1860’s, banners,
badges, College pins, as well as
photographs. The project will be a
valuable resource of the history of the
College, as well as the Diocese of
Rupert’s Land. Sincere thanks to all who
have contributed in some way to the
fulfilment of this initiative.
Robert Kroetsch and David Arnason at the Prairies
Conference held at St John's College in September.
Key note speakers, Gerald Friesen
(History) and Robert Kroetsch (English
Literature) set the stage for lively
discussions with their presentations of
“Why the Prairies Don’t Exist” and
“Don’t Give Me Any More of Your Lip;
or The Prairie Horizon as Allowed
Mouth”. All aspects of the prairie
condition were explored from poetry to
the environment in a range of academic
panels. Publication of the proceedings
will take place in the summer of 1999.
On November 21st friends from the
Diocese and the College were invited to
Roast and Toast Godfrey ('97) and Agnes
Mawejje. They and their five children
arrived in Winnipeg from Central
Buganda six and a half years ago. They
lived in Fisher Branch where Godfrey
was priest to a three-point parish while
completing his BTh at St John's College.
Godfrey and Agnes are returning to their
home diocese where they will continue
their unique and special ministry. The
roasters included Barbara Andrews ('97),
Pat Ferris, Barry Bear, Aubrey
Hemminger ('93), Mary Lee and Gloria
Ferguson. As a farewell gift, the
Mawejjes were presented with a set of
stoles donated by the David Scott ('56)
family for use by Godfrey or another
priest in Central Buganda.
The Anglican Foundation has granted
the College’s request for funds to
continue the SJC Archives project which
was initiated in the fall of 1996. A
at St John's College
for catering and
food services
(204) 474-6826
by Derek McLean, Development Officer
We speak a lot about community here at
St John’s. I was recently reminded of this
quote from John McKnight at
Northwestern University in Chicago,
from his book The Careless Society:
Community and its Counterfeits:
“To some people, community is a
feeling, to some people it’s
relationships, to some people it’s
a place, to some people it’s an
But the definition he prefers is:
“Community is a place where
people prevail.”
The following have made a provision
for St John's in their will, through life
insurance or an annuity:
Six Anonymous Donors
Alice Cheatley '64
Nancy (Boles) Cullen '62
John Deacon '63
Diane Guilford
Orde Morton '61
William Pickering
Eva Rogers
Doug Rowland '61
Idella (Aikins) Setter '58
George Sigurdson '70
Marjorie (Webster) Ward
Laurie Wilmot '31
If you would like to know more about
how to make a planned gift to the
College, including possible phrases for
your lawyer to use in your will, please
contact Derek McLean at (204) 4749350. Thank you.
I like all of those
sentiments, and agree with
his preference. And at
St John’s that has always
been the case, and certainly
continues to be today.
We had a lovely visit in
Vancouver before Christmas
with Helen Landon, mother
of Eric and Eirene ('58) and
widow of former Warden
C.C.’Tich’ Landon (’30); she
is 92! She told us a
delightful story of her
husband: “Sir”, said one of
his students, “how are
we to convey this to our
parishes?” “Son”, he
replied, “I just wholesale
it, it’s up to you to retail it!”
We recently
with a gift
from the
estate of
(’42). It was nice of her to remember the
College and we will miss her.
We’ve been able to visit this fall with
many alumni and friends of the
College. Included in those visits were
seeing friends like Grace D’Arcy, whose
father Septimus Ryall was a grad of
1898! And Mary Bonnycastle (a U
of M grad of 1927) and Betty Richards
(mother of Rob Richards ’65), sisters
who were nieces of the late James Frost
‘Johnny’ Cross. (‘Uncle Frost’ as
he was known to them.)
The College is currently considering
joining the University of Manitoba in
its upcoming Millennium Capital
Campaign. We’ll have more information
on this in future, but would be interested
in your reaction.
We love to hear from you with your
news and do drop by the College if you
are able. I can be reached by phone at
(204)474-9350 or by email at
[email protected]
Congratulations to Johnian Sara Kreindler who has been awarded the prestigious Rhodes
Scholarship. Sara, 19, is a fourth year Honours student in Psychology and will be putting
Law School on hold to continue her studies at Oxford University in the fall. The scholarship
covers tuition and some living expenses for two years with the possibility of renewing for a
third. Since 1996 she has received the Irvine Graham Undergraduate Scholarship, as well as
the Burman/Drewry and Malcolm Scholarships. Sara has been actively involved in politics
and also enjoys music, dance and theatre.
SJC Daily Bread Café
Artwork by Jordan Miller, Johnian and 2nd year Arts student
February 22nd - March 5th, 1999
These photos of siblings appeared in our 1997-98 Residence yearbook. The Miller sisters
come from a long line of Johnians: father Drew Miller (’76), mother Norma (Greenham)
Jones (’77), aunt Linda (Miller) Martin 1960s, aunt Grace (Greenham) Burlock (’80), and
aunt Leigh Miller (’82).
This year, we have at least 7 pairs of siblings in Residence, including the: Bourgoins,
Dalgarnos, Gillis’, Nicolls, Perches, Patzers (father Ken Patzer ’72), and Taylors. In addition
to that, we also have at least 17 more pairs in our Day students, including the: Andres,
Ballances, Boults, Campbells, Craigs, Currahs, Marxs, Mathers, Millers, Muirs, Olsens,
Rosenthals, Sediles, Vauses, Waddells, Weticks, and Zasadas.
That’s a total of 24 pairs of siblings (and we may have missed a few!).
Congratulations to Bret Nickels
(Interdisciplinary PhD program) for
receiving the Clarence Bogardus Sharpe
Memorial Scholarship for the student
ranking highest in the U of M Fellowship
competition. Bret completed his MA in the
spring with his thesis “The Perceived Factors
Affecting the Survival of Traditional Moose
Skin Preparation Procedures of the Nelson
House Rocky Cree.”
In the fall of '98, the College welcomed Anne
Schlegel, an MA student from the
University of Griefswald. Anne joins the
College as a Visiting Student until May, 1999.
She will be researching and writing her
thesis under the supervision of David
Arnason. Anne, like Mareike Terheyden,
came with a prestigious Government of
Canada Award from the International
Council of Canadian Studies.
Congratulations to Derek McLean whose
contract has been extended until June 30,
2004. Derek has made significant
contributions to the College in the last
three years and has recently taken on the
responsibility of public relations.
Many thanks to the Rev. Mary Holmen
('75) who has been overseeing the
chaplain’s duties since Jamie Howison left
to become the parish priest at St. Bede’s,
and Rick LeBlanc who has been Acting
Dean of Residence.
17th Annual
8 pm, Feb. 26th, 1999
St John's College Chapel
‘51 Archbishop Walter Jones and his wife
Marilyn have moved to South Dakota.
‘64 Janice (Morgan) Horton (BA, BSW ‘65)
and her husband Don (BSc, ‘65) retired two
years ago but continue to work in Ottawa as
consultants. They have three adult children:
Hugh teaches in the Department of
Chemistry at Queen’s. David is a Software
Engineer at Nortel Networks, and Katie
teaches at Elmwood School for Girls.
‘64 Shirley Render wrote No Place For A
Lady: The Story of Canadian Women Pilots
which was published in 1992. She has
written another book called Double-Cross:
The Story of James A. Richardson and
Canadian Airways Limited which she
anticipates will be out this fall. Shirley is
also a Winnipeg MLA.
Mildred (Toews) Beach has embarked on
a vacation business venture. Her son Peter
and daughter Melanie were also Johnians.
‘67 Pat Jacobsen has been appointed as
the Chief Executive Officer of the
Manitoba Workers Compensation Board.
She is returning to Manitoba after 22 years
in the Ontario public service. She was also
continued on page 10
‘80 The Rev. Gladys Spurll retired to
Montreal to be near family, but is also
helping out at the Cathedral.
Lisa also sent us news about Kim
(Wowchuk) Campbell and her husband
Barry who are living in their home town of
Cowan, Manitoba. They are the proud
parents of 2 year old Jayvin and the owners
of Campbell Construction. And
congratulations to Krista (Horning) Mask
who got married this past August. Krista is
the Sales Manager for Place Louis Hotel in
Winnipeg where Valerie Peers also works as
the Assistant Manager of Services.
'82 Peggy Noble-Cappie (BEd) married
Robert Cappie (BAg, U of Guelph) in 1995 in
Toronto. They now live in Kindersley,
Saskatchewan, with Colleen (13) and James
(10), where she teaches Grade 5 at Westberry
School. She writes that she’d like to hear
from anyone who lived in residence from
1979-81 ([email protected]);
especially those who might remember the
late night coffee breaks at Country Kitchen.
‘92 Estaphanos Debru dropped by the
a senior executive at two international
insurance companies in Toronto.
‘73 Sister Dolores Schneider is back in
Winnipeg and is doing liturgy and music at
St. Mary’s Cathedral.
‘85 Leslie (Taylor) White (BEd) and her
husband Andrew are delighted to announce
the arrival of their boys Gosaye David (6)
and Biniyam John (5) from Ethiopia on
September 8th. Leslie writes that “Meghan
(6) and Lauren (3) are usually delighted with
their new siblings, and we’re enjoying a fresh
look at the world as the boys share their
fascination with just about everything”.
‘88 Lisa Wallace Markesteyn is living in
Regina with her husband Mike. Lisa teaches
the hearing impaired and Mike teaches
Grade 7 & 8. They are also the proud parents
of a 3 year old lab named Gus - their only
boy! She has some vivid memories about the
boys of ‘84 residence for whom she had this
question: “Remember when we put an end to
“tubbing” by dismantling your bathroom?
Great times, weren’t they?!”
Anyone care to reply…?
Congratulations to Jo DaviesStuchbery and Nick Stuchbery ('87) on the
arrival of Spencer Lloyd Ian Stuchbery on
November 27th.
College in August to buy a piece of the
infamous woodwall. He is in the third year
of his medical internship in Calgary.
Heather-Anne Mattson is studying Russian
at Dalhousie University. She is excited about
spending this term in Russia and is
considering doing a Master’s in Russian
Studies at the European University of
St. Petersburg.
‘93 Congratulations to former rezzies Ross
Glanfield and Anne-Lise Costeux who were
married on October 4th, 1998.
‘93 Darla Armstrong has moved to
Powerview, Manitoba as a full time physical
education teacher. She is also a Head Envoy
for the Pan Am games this summer and will
be looking after the Cayman Islands when
they come to stay in Winnipeg.
‘93 Kevin Forkheim is currently
completing his residency in radiology at
continued on page 11
'42 Dr. Marjory (Peters) Seeley Rogers
died October 7,1998 in Toronto, age 77. She
was a member of the championship ladies
hockey teams at St John's, and worked and
taught in Social Work. She received her
Doctor of Canon Law from St John's in 1974,
and was the founding Principal of Lady
Eaton College at Trent. Widow of RSK
Seeley, St John's Warden 1941-43 and former
Provost of Trinity College.
‘47 Helen (Williamson) Battershill, wife
of George William Battershill Sr. (‘51),
died peacefully at home on November
23rd, 1998. She is also survived by her son
Bill (‘76), and daughter Judy (‘78).
‘89 Dale Ernest Iwanoczko died on
September 15th, 1998, from Hodgkin’s
Disease. Dale was an accomplished athlete,
participating on the Canadian Junior
National volleyball team that competed at
continued on page 12
Forkheim ('93) at the
NASA Labs in
Kennedy Space
Centre in Nov. '98.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
UBC, but his
experiments are
actually in outer
space. The launch
of the space shuttle
Discovery at the end of October marks the
third time in three years that one of
Forkheim’s experiments has gone into
space, but this time, U.S. Senator John
Glenn is one of the test subjects. This
particular study examines whether drug
therapy can affect the onset of
‘94 Mike Koshel graduated as an
electrical engineer and has spent the last
year working at a pulp mill in Squamish,
‘97 Barbara Andrews (BTh) was
ordained to the diaconate on October 19,
‘94 and '98 Rasekh Rifaat completed
his MSc in Computer Engineering. He
spent last term in Bielefeld, Germany for a
four month work exchange. He can be
reached by email at
[email protected]
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Share your news with other Johnians and keep in contact
with us. We would welcome brief descriptions of some of your memories of St John's, and we appreciate comments,
suggestions and address changes as well. Please drop us a line - photos are also welcome!
NAME ____________________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS ________________________________________________________
______________________________________________ PHONE ____________________
DEGREE AND YEAR OF GRADUATION ________________________________________
OTHER INFORMATION ______________________________________________________
Mail to Development Office, St John's College, University of Manitoba, 92 Dysart Road, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M5;
E-mail to [email protected], fax 204-474-7610, phone 204-474-9350 or contact us via our
World Wide Web site at http://www.umanitoba.ca/colleges/st_johns.
the 1991 Pan Am Games, and winning the
1991 national volleyball championship with
the Manitoba Bisons. He managed to balance
his passion for volleyball with his academic
life. In addition to his BSc (Dean’s Honour
Role) in 1989, Dale received his medical
degree in 1993 along with the Family
Medicine Award. He was diagnosed with
Hodgkin’s disease in August, 1997. Despite
gruelling chemotherapy treatments,
including a bone marrow transplant in June,
Dale was well enough to attend sister
Dana’s (‘97) wedding in August, 1998. The
cancer returned however, and Dale died
with family at his side, two days after his
30th birthday.
The Rev. Wilfred F. Butcher, who attended
St John’s in the 30’s, died on June 27, 1998.
On October 6th, 1998, C. Norman Robson
died peacefully at Deer Lodge Centre. He
attended St John’s College in the 30’s.
Lawrence Christopher Bonnycastle died at
home on October 9th, 1998. He was 90 years
old and is survived by his wife Mary (James
Frost Cross’ niece). He was a Rhodes scholar
and attended St John’s in the 20’s.
Former Supreme Court Judge Chief Justice
Brian Dickson died in his sleep on
October 17th, 1998, at the age of 82. He
presided over the Supreme Court just after
the Charter of Rights was passed and has
been praised by many of his colleagues for
his progressive rulings. Dickson was called
to the bar in 1940 and then served with the
Royal Canadian Artillery in the Second
World War. When the war ended, he
practiced law and taught at the University
of Manitoba Law School until 1963 when
he was appointed to the Court of Queen’s
Bench. After serving on the Manitoba
Court of Appeals, he was appointed to the
Supreme Court in 1973 and made Chief
Justice in 1984. After his retirement in June,
1990, Dickson was awarded the
Companion to the Order of Canada in
1991. He was Chancellor of the Diocese of
Rupert's Land from 1960-71 and received a
Doctor of Canon Law from St John’s
College in 1965.
David J. Wood died on October 26th, 1998.
He received his BSc in Electrical
Engineering in ‘65, and lived in St John’s
College Residence from ‘62 - ‘63.
Robert Paul Wilson died on November
14th, 1998, at the age of 78. He attended St
John’s College in the 30’s.
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