[Re] [In] scaling an Attentive Body
Viewing a ‘shifted’ peripheral horizon. Registering a labouring body. [Re]scaling an [In]Attentive Body Traversing the Peripheral Depth of Architectural Space This thesis is broadly examining how architectural space can be anticipated through a suspended state of physical and psychological attentiveness. Specifically, the work seeks to engage three states of experiencing space that operate simultaneously when traversing space through time. These are: an inner unconscious depth; a surface of inter-subjectivity; and peripheral space. These territories will be engaged through the development of ‘navigational’ instruments that seek to explore the physical and psychological dimensions of attentiveness as they relate to an experiencing self. The instruments were completed in the first semester and are informed by a phenomenal investigation of a site located at the Spirit Sands in Manitoba. They seek to draw out of this site the anticipation of another site that has not yet been experienced but will soon be selected at the Open City in Ritoque, Chile. The particular instrument readings of the local/immediate site will form the basis for navigating and selecting the specific distant/peripheral site. It is expected that the results of the instrument readings will then be translated into a series of embodied spatial maps that will operate between the two sites and inform further architectural investigations. In summary, the overall intentions of this design thesis are to firstly investigate how the presence of a distant/peripheral site might be anticipated through a direct engagement and experience of a local/immediate site, and secondly, to develop an architecture that is both sensitive to its immediate physical reality but simultaneously [re]positions the body to an [in]attentive spatial realm characterized by a peripheral condition. By critically questioning how architecture is consciously perceived, this design thesis desires to develop an architectural proposition that [re]orients its being by attending to various dimensions and scales of experience that will implicate two sites in terms of their phenomenally proportionate spatial, physical, and psychological realities. Lee Halwa Advisor: Nada Subotincic Navigational Instrument -- [Re]orienting the periphery. Navigational Instrument -- [Re]focusing of attentiveness. Details -- Registering the surface of my body.