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Idowu MK, Oyedele JD, Adekunle OK, Akinremi OO, and Eilers B. 2014. Effects of Planting
Methods and Seed Density on Vegetable Yield and Nutrient Composition of Solanum
macrocarpon and Solanum scabrum in Southwest Nigeria. Food and Nutrition Sciences 5: 11851195
Olatuyi, S.O., D. Kumaragamage, O.O. Akinremi and L. Grieger. 2014. Heavy-Metal
Fractions in Solid and Liquid Separates of Swine Slurry Separated using Different Technologies.
J. Environ. Qual. 43:1779–1789
Adesanwo, O.O., D. V. Ige , L. Thibault , D.N. Flaten and O.O. Akinremi 2013 Comparison of
Colorimetric and ICP Methods of Phosphorus Determination in Soil Extracts, Communications
in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 44: 3061-3075
Grant, C., Flaten, D.N., Tenuta, M., Malhi, S. and Akinremi, O.O. 2013. The effect of rate and
Cd concentration of repeated phosphate fertilizer applications on seed Cd concentration varies
with crop type and environment. Plant Soil 372:221-233
Kumaragamage D., O. O. Akinremi, and L. Grieger 2013. Phosphorus Fractions in Solid and
Liquid Separates of Swine Slurry Separated Using Different Technologies. J. Env. Qual. 42:
Manimel Wadu, M., V.K. Michaelis, S. Kroeker and O.O. Akinremi. 2013. Exchangeable
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Nikièma, P., K.E. Buckley, J.M. Enns, H. Quang and O.O. Akinremi. 2013 Effects of liquid hog
manure on soil available nitrogen status, nitrogen leaching losses and wheat yield on a sandy
loam soil of Western Canada. Can. J. Soil Sci. 93: 573–584.
Kumaragamage, D., D. N. Flaten, O.O. Akinremi, C.A. Sawka, D. Ige, and F. Zvomuya 2012.
Impact of Manure Phosphorus Fractions on Phosphorus Loss from Manured Soils after
Incubation. J. Env. Qual. 41:845-854
Olatuyi, S. O., O.O. Akinremi, D.N. Flaten, and D. A. Lobb, 2012. Solute transport in a
hummocky landscape: I. Two-dimensional redistribution of bromide. Can J Soil Sci 92: 609–629
Olatuyi, S. O., O.O. Akinremi, and X. Hao, 2012. Solute transport in a hummocky landscape:
II. Vertical and seasonal redistribution of bromide and 15 N-labelled nitrate. Can. J. Soil Sci. 92:
Woyengo, T. A., O.O. Akinremi, B. Rossnagel and C. M. Nyachoti 2012. Performance and total
tract nutrient digestibility of growing pigs fed hulless low phytate phosphorus barley. Can J.
Anim Sci. 92: 505-511
Ige, D.V. O. S. Abioye, O.O. Akinremi, C. M. Nyachoti, and D. N. Flaten. 2011 Phosphorus
solubility in Manitoba soils treated with pig manure from phytase supplemented diets Can. J.
Soil Sc. 91:947-955.
Kumaragamage D., D. Flaten, O.O. Akinremi, C. Sawka, and F. Zvomuya 2011. Soil test
phosphorus changes and phosphorus runoff losses in incubated soils treated with livestock
manures and synthetic fertilizer. Can. J. Soil Sc. 91: 375-384,
Ojekanmi A., D.V Ige, X. Hao, and O.O Akinremi. 2011 Phosphorus mobility in a soil with
long term manure application J. Agric. Sci. 4:25-38.
Akinremi, O.O., B. Ajiboye and Z. He. 2011. Metal speciation of phosphorus derived from
solid state spectroscopic analysis. In: Environmental Chemistry of Animal Manure (Z. He,
editor), Nova Science Publishers, pp.301-324
Abioye S., D.V Ige, O.O. Akinremi, D.N. Flaten and C.M. Nyachoti 2010 . Characterizing fecal
and manure phosphorus from pigs fed phytase supplemented diets. J. Agric. Sci. 2: 3-12.
Andreassen, L.D., U. Kuhlmann, J.W. Whistlecraft, J.J. Soroka, P.G. Mason, O.O. Akinremi,
N.J. Holliday 2010. Spring emergence of Canadian Delia Radicum and synchronization with its
natural enemy, Aleochara bilineata Can. Entomol. 142: 234–249
Ige D., E. Kiarie, O.O. Akinremi, B. Rossnagel, D. Flaten, and C.M. Nyachoti. 2010. Energy
and nutrient digestibility in a hulless low-phytate phosphorus barley fed to finishing pigs. Can. J.
Anim. Sc. 90: 393-399.
Xiao, J.,S.V. Ollinger, S. Frolking, G.C. Hurtt, D.Y. Hollinger, K.J. Davis, Y. Pan, X. Zhang, F.
Deng, J. Chen, D.D. Baldocchi, B.E. Law, M.A. Arain, A.R. Desai, A.D. Richardson, G. Sun, B.
Amiro, H. Margolis, L. Gu, R.L. Scott, P.D. Blanken, and A.E. Suyker. 2014. Data-driven
diagnostics of terrestrial carbon dynamics over North America. Agricultural and Forest
Meteorology 197: 142-157.
Fu, D., B. Chen, H. Zhang, J. Wang, T.A. Black, B.D. Amiro, G. Bohrer, P. Bolstad, R. Coulter,
F. Rahman, A. Dunn, J.H. McCaughey, T. Meyers, and S. Verma. 2014. Estimating landscape
net ecosystem exchange at high spatial–temporal resolution based on Landsat data, an improved
upscaling model framework, and eddy covariance flux measurements. Remote Sensing of the
Environment, 141: 90-104.
Fraser, T.J. and B.D. Amiro. 2013. Initial carbon dynamics of perennial grassland conversion for
annual cropping in Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93: 379-391.
Hanis, K.L., M. Tenuta, B.D. Amiro, and T.N. Papakyriakou. 2013. Seasonal dynamics of
methane emissions from a subarctic fen in the Hudson Bay Lowlands. Biogeosciences. 10,
4465-4479, doi:10.5194/bg-10-4465-2013.
Kasischke, E.S., B.D. Amiro, N.N. Barger, N.H.F. French, S.J. Goetz, G, Grosse, M.E. Harmon,
J.A. Hicke, S. Liu, and J.G. Masek. 2013. Impacts of disturbance on the terrestrial carbon
budget of North America. J. Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 118: 1-14.
Maas, S.E., A.J. Glenn, M. Tenuta, and B.D. Amiro. 2013. Net CO2 and N2O exchange during
perennial forage establishment in an annual crop rotation in the Red River Valley, Manitoba.
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93: 639-652.
Taylor, A.M., B.D. Amiro, and T.J. Fraser. 2013. Net CO2 exchange and carbon budgets of a
three-year crop rotation following conversion of perennial lands to annual cropping in Manitoba,
Canada. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 182-183: 67-75.
Zha, T.S., A.G. Barr, P.-Y. Bernier, M.B. Lavigne, J.A. Trofymow, B.D. Amiro, M.A. Arain,
J.S. Bhatti, T.A. Black, H.A. Margolis, J.H. McCaughey, Z.S. Xing, K.C.J. Van Rees, and C.
Coursolle. 2013. Gross and aboveground net primary production at Canadian forest carbon flux
sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 174-175: 54-64.
Brümmer, C., Black, T.A., Jassal, R.S., Grant, N.J., Spittlehouse, D.L., Chen, B., Nesic, Z.,
Amiro, B.D., Arain, M.A., Barr, A.G., Bourque, C.P.-A., Coursolle, C., Dunn, A.L., Flanagan,
L.B., Humphreys, E.R., Lafleur, P.M., Margolis, H.A., McCaughey, J.H., and Wofsy, S.C. 2012.
How climate and vegetation type influenceevapotranspiration and water use efficiency in
Canadian forest, peatland and grassland ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 153:
Chen, B., Coops, N.C., Fu, D., Margolis, H.A., Amiro, B.D., Black, T.A., Arain, M.A., Barr,
A.G., Bourque, C.P.-A., Flanagan, L.B., Lafleur, P.M., McCaughey, J.H., and Wofsy,
S.C. 2012. Characterizing spatial representativeness of flux tower eddy-covariance
measurements across the Canadian Carbon Program Network using remote sensing and footprint
analysis. Remote Sensing of the Environment 124: 742-755.
Coursolle, C., Margolis, H.A., Giasson, M.-A., Bernier, P.-Y., Amiro, B.D., Arain, M.A., Barr,
A.G., Black, T.A., Goulden, M.L., McCaughey, J.H., Chen, J.M., Dunn, A.L., Grant, R.F., and
Lafleur, P.M. 2012. Influence of stand age on the magnitude and seasonality of carbon fluxes in
Canadian forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 165: 136-148.
Glenn, A.J., Tenuta, M., Amiro, B.D., Maas, S.E., and Wagner-Riddle, C. 2012. Nitrous oxide
emissions from an annual crop rotation on poorly drained soil on the Canadian
Prairies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 166-167: 41-49.
Bond-Lamberty, B., Gower, S.T., Amiro, B. and Ewers, B.E. 2011. Measurement and
modeling of bryophyte evaporation in a boreal forest chronosequence. Ecohydrology 4: 26-35.
Chen, B., N.C. Coops, D. Fu, H.A. Margolis, B.D. Amiro, A.G. Barr, T.A. Black, M.A. Arain,
C.P.-A. Bourque, L.B. Flanagan, P.M. Lafleur, J.H. McCaughey, and S.C. Wofsy. 2011.
Assessing eddy-covariance flux tower location bias across the Fluxnet-Canada Research
Network based on remote sensing and footprint climatology modeling. Agricultural and Forest
Meteorology 151:87-100.
French, N.H.F., de Groot, W., Jenkins, L.K., Rogers, B.M., Amiro, B., de Jong, B., Goetz, S.,
Hoy, E., Hyer, E., Keane, R., McKenzie, D., McNulty, S.G., Ottmar, R., Perez Salicrup, D.,
Randerson, J., Robertson, K.M., and Turetsky, M. 2011. Model comparisons for estimating
carbon emissions from North American wildland fire, Journal of Geophysical Research 116:
G00K05, doi:10.1029/2010JG001469
Glenn, A.J., Amiro, B.D., Tenuta, M., Wagner-Riddle, C., Drewitt, G., and Warland, J.
2011. Contribution of crop residue carbon to total soil respiration at a northern Prairie site using
stable isotope flux measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151: 1045-1054.
Hanesiak, J.M., Stewart, R.E., Bonsal, B.R., Harder, P., Lawford, R., Aider, R., Amiro, B.D.,
Atallah, E., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., Bullock, P., Brimelow, J.C., Brown, R., Carmichael, H.,
Derksen, C., Flanagan, L.B., Gauchon, P., Greene, H., Gyakum, J., Henson, W., Hogg, T.,
Kochtubajda, B., Leighton, H., Lin, C., Luo, Y., McCaughey, J.H., Meinert, A., Shabbar, A.,
Snelgrove, K., Szeto, K., Trishchenko, A., van der Kamp, G., Wang, S., Wen, L., Wheaton, E.,
Wielki, C., Yang, Y., Yirdaw, S., and Zha, T. 2011. Characterization and summary of the 19992005 Canadian prairie drought. Atmosphere-Ocean. 49: 421-452
Amiro, B.D., A.G. Barr, J.G. Barr, T.A. Black, R. Bracho, M. Brown, J. Chen, K.L. Clark, K.J.
Davis, A.R. Desai, S. Dore, V. Engel, J.D. Fuentes, A.H. Goldstein, M.L. Goulden, T.E. Kolb,
M.B. Lavigne, B.E. Law, H.A. Margolis, T. Martin, J.H. McCaughey, L. Misson, M. MontesHelu, A. Noormets, J.T. Randerson, G. Starr, and J. Xiao. 2010. Ecosystem carbon dioxide
fluxes after disturbance in forests of North America. J. Geophys. Res. 115, G00K02,
Amiro, B.D. 2010. Estimating annual carbon dioxide eddy fluxes using open-path analysers for
cold forest sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150:1366-1372.
Glenn A.J., Amiro B.D., Tenuta M., Stewart S.E., and Wagner-Riddle C. 2010. Carbon dioxide
exchange in a northern prairie cropping system over three years. Agricultural and Forest
Meteorology 150: 908 – 918.
Ojo, E.R, Bullock, P. R., L’Heureux, J., Powers, J., McNairn, H., and Pacheco, A. (2015).
Calibration and Evaluation of a Frequency Domain Reflectometry Sensor for Real-Time Soil
Moisture Monitoring. Vadose Zone Journal. doi: 10.2136/vzj2014.08.0114
Ojo, E.R., Bullock, P. R., and Fitzmaurice, J. (2015). Field Performance of Five Soil Moisture
Instruments in Heavy Clay Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 79(1), 20-29.
Cardillo, M. J., Bullock, P.R., Gulden, R., Glenn, A. and Cutforth, H. 2015. Stubble
management effects on canola performance across different climatic regions of western Canada.
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 95:149-159
Rawluk, A., Crow, G., Legesse, G., Veira, D., Bullock, P.R., Gonzales, L., Dubois, M., and
Ominski, K. 2014. Off-Stream Watering Systems and Partial Barriers as a Strategy to
Maximize Cattle Production and Minimize Time Spent in the Riparian Area. Animals 4:670-692
Manns, H., Berg, A., Bullock, P.R. and McNairn, H. 2014. Soil physical controls on surface
soil water content variability over agricultural fields. Hydrological Processes 28: 4340-4351.
Satchithanantham, S., Sri Ranjan R. and Bullock, P.R. 2014. Protecting water quality using
controlled drainage as an agricultural BMP for potato production. Transactions of the American
Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 57(3): 815-826
Cicek, H., Entz, M.H., Thiessen Martens, J.R. and Bullock, P.R. 2014. Productivity and
nitrogen benefits of late season legume cover crops in organic wheat production. Canadian
Journal of Plant Science 94:771-783
Bullied, W.J., Bullock, P.R., Van Acker, R.C. and Flerchinger, G. 2014. Process-Based
Modeling of Temperature and Water Profiles in the Seedling Recruitment Zone: Part II. Seedling
Emergence Timing. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 188:104-120
Bullied, W.J., Flerchinger, G., Bullock, P.R. and Van Acker, R.C. 2014. Process-Based
Modeling of Temperature and Water Profiles in the Seedling Recruitment Zone: Part I. Model
Validation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 188:89-103
Rowlandson, T.L., Berg, A.A., Bullock, P.R., Ojo, E.R., McNairn, H, Wiseman, G. and Cosh,
M.H. 2013. Evaluation of several calibration procedures for a portable soil moisture sensor.
Journal of Hydrology 498:335-344.
Bullied, W.J., Bullock, P.R., and Van Acker, R.C. 2012. Modelling soil water retention for
weed seed germination sensitivity to water potential. Applied and Environmental Soil Science
2012, Article ID: 812561 (online, doi:10.1155/2012/812561)
Mkhabela, M.S. and Bullock, P.R. 2012. Performance of the FAO AquaCrop model for wheat
grain yield and soil moisture simulation in Western Canada. Agric Water Manage 110:16-25
Bullied, W. J., Van Acker, R. C. and Bullock, P. R. 2012. Review: Microsite characteristics
influencing weed seedling recruitment and implications for recruitment modeling. Canadian
Journal of Plant Science 92: 627-650
Bullied, W.J., Van Acker, R.C. and Bullock, P.R. 2012. Hydrothermal modeling of seedling
emergence timing across topography and soil depth. Agronomy Journal 104: 1-14
Gervais, M.D., Mkhabela, M., Bullock, P.R., Raddatz, R.L. and Finlay, G.J. 2012. Comparison
of standard and actual crop evapotranspiration estimates derived from different methods on the
Canadian Prairie. Hydrological Processes 26:1467-1477
Hanesiak, J.M, Stewart, R.E., Bonsal, B.R., Harder, P., Lawford, R., Aider, R., Amiro, B.D.,
Atallah, E., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., Bullock, P.R., Brimelow, J.C., Brown, R., Carmichael, H.,
Derksen, C., Flanagan,L.B., Gachon, P., Greene, H., Gyakum, J., Henson, W., Hogg, E.H.,
Kochtubajda, B., Leighton, H., Lin, C., Luo, Y., McCaughey, J.H., Meinert, A., Shabbar, A.,
Snelgrove, K., Szeto, K.,Trishchenko, A., van der Kamp, G., Wang, S., Wen, L., Wheaton, E.,
Wielki, C., Yang, Y., Yirdaw, S. and Zha, T. 2011. Characterization and summary of the 19992005 Canadian Prairie drought. Atmosphere Ocean 49: 421-452
Mkhabela, M.S., Bullock, P.R., Raj, S., Wang, S. and Yang, Y. 2011. Crop yield forecasting in
the Canadian prairies using MODIS NDVI data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151: 385393.
Bullied, W.J., Bullock, P.R., and Van Acker, R.C. 2011. Modeling the soil water retention
characteristic with pedotransfer functions for shallow seedling recruitment. Soil Science 176(2):
Nadler, A.J. and Bullock, P.R. 2011. Long-term changes in heat and moisture related to corn
production on the Canadian Prairies. Climatic Change 104(2): 339-352.
DePauw, R.M., Malhi, S.S., Bullock, P.R., Gan, Y.T., McKenzie, R.H., Larney, F., Janzen,
H.H., Cutforth, H.W. and Wang, H. 2011. Wheat production in northern high latitudes –
Canadian example. In World Wheat Book, Volume 2 (Bonjean, A., Angus, W.J. and Van
Ginkel, M. eds.) Lavoisier Publishing, France, p. 607-651.
Guo, X.W., Fernando, W.G.D., Bullock, P.R. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2010. Quantifying cropping
practices in relation to inoculum levels of Fusarium graminearum on crop stubble. Plant
Pathology 59: 1107-1113.
Gervais, M.D., Bullock, P.R., Mkhabela, M., Finlay, G.J. and Raddatz, R. 2010. Improvements
to the accuracy of modelled soil water content from the 2nd generation Prairie
agrometeorological model. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 90: 527-542.
Mkhabela, M.S., Bullock, P.R., Gervais, M.D., Finlay, G.J. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2010.
Assessing indicators of agricultural drought impacts on spring wheat yield and quality on the
Canadian prairies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150: 399-410.
Bullock, P.R., Shaykewich, C.F., Nadler, A.J., Padbury, G.A., Cutforth, H.W. and Malhi, S.
2010. Soil-climatic conditions in agro-ecological regions of the Northern Great Plains of North
America. In Recent Trends in Soil Science and Agronomy Research in the Northern Great
Plains of North America (Malhi, S., Gan. Y., Schoenau, J.J., Lemke, R.H. and Liebig, M.A.,
eds.), Research Signpost, Kerala, India, p. 1-31.
Farenhorst, A., Andronak, L.A., McQueen, R.D.A. (2015). Bulk deposition of pesticides in a
Canadian city: Part 2. Impact of malathion use within city-limits. Water, Air and Soil Pollution,
226: online 1-8 (DOI 10.1007/s11270-015-2342-5)
Farenhorst, A., Andronak, L.A., McQueen, R.D.A. (2015). Bulk deposition of pesticides in a
Canadian city: Part 1. Glyphosate and other agricultural pesticides. Water, Air and Soil
Pollution, 226: online 1-11 (DOI 10.1007/s11270-015-2343-4)
Gagnon, P.; Sheedy, C.; Farenhorst, A.; McQueen, R.; Cessna, A.; Newlands, N., 2014. A
coupled stochastic/deterministic model to estimate the evolution of the risk of water
contamination by pesticides across Canada. Integrated Environmental Assessment and
Management, doi: 10.1002/ieam.1533.
Messing, P., Farenhorst, A., Waite D.T. and Sproull, J.F. 2014. Air concentrations of currently
used herbicides and legacy compounds in the Canadian prairies, subarctic, and arctic. Journal of
Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 49 (5), 338-343.
Messing, P., Farenhorst, A., Waite D.T. and Sproull, J.F. 2014. Current-use herbicides in air as
influenced by their estimated agricultural use at various distances from six sampling locations.
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (in press).
Rose, K. P. and Farenhorst, A. 2014. Estrone and 17 B-estradiol mineralization in liquid swine
manure and soil in the presence and absence of penicillin or tetracycline. Journal of
Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 49 (5): 331-337.
Singh, B., Farenhorst, A., Gaultier, J., Pennock, D.J., Degenhardt, D. And McQueen, D.A.R.
2014. Soil characteristics and herbicide sorption coefficients in 140 soil profiles of two irregular
undulating to hummocky terrains of western Canada. Geoderma (in press)
Messing, P., Farenhorst A., Waite D., Sproull, J., 2013. Influence of Usage and ChemicalPhysical Properties on the Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Pesticides to Agricultural
Regions of Manitoba, Canada, Chemosphere, 90, 1997–2003
Caron, E., Farenhorst, A., Hao, X., Sheedy, C. 2012. Solid beef cattle manure application
impacts on soil properties and 17ß-estradiol fate in a clay loam soil. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part
B., 47, 495-504.
Degenhardt, D., Humphries, D., Cessna, A.J., Messing, P., Badiou, P., Raina, R., Farenhorst,
A., and Pennock, D.J. 2012. Dissipation of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in water
and sediment of two Canadian prairie wetlands. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B., 47, 631-639.
Singh, B., Malley, D.F., Farenhorst, A., Williams, P. 2012 Feasibility of using Near-Infrared
Spectroscopy (NIRS) for rapid quantification of 17β-estradiol sorption coefficients in Soil.
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 60(40): 9948-9953.
Sura,S., Waiser, M., Tumber, V. and Farenhorst, A. 2012. Effects of herbicide mixtures on
microbial communities in prairie wetland ecosystems: A whole wetland approach. Sci. Total
Environ., 435/436, 34-43.
Degenhardt, D. Cessna, A. J. Raina, R. Farenhorst, A. Pennock, D. J. 2011. Dissipation of six
acid herbicides in water and sediment of two Canadian prairie wetlands. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry; 2011. 30(9):1982-1989.
Messing, P. G. Farenhorst, A. Waite, D. T. McQueen, D. A. R. Sproull, J. F. Humphries, D. A.
Thompson, L. L. 2011. Predicting wetland contamination from atmospheric deposition
measurements of pesticides in the Canadian Prairie Pothole Region. Atmospheric Environment;
2011. 45(39):7227-7234.
Shymko, J. L. Farenhorst, A. Zvomuya, F. 2011. Polynomial response of 2,4-D mineralization
to temperature in soils at varying soil moisture contents, slope positions and depths. Journal of
Environmental Science and Health. Part B 46(4):301-312.
Caron, E., Farenhorst, A., Gaultier, J., Goddard, T. and Sheedy, C. 2010. Regional Variability
in the Sorption of Four Estrogenic Compounds in Alberta Soils. Geoderma, 155: 19-30.
Caron, E., Farenhorst, A., Mc Queen, R., Sheedy, C., Goddard, T. and Gaultier, J. 2010.
Mineralization of 17ß-estradiol in 36 Surface Soils from Alberta, Canada. Agriculture,
Ecosystems & Environment; 2010. 139(4):534-545.
Caron, E., Sheedy, C., Farenhorst A. 2010. Development of Competitive ELISAs for 17βEstradiol and 17β-Estradiol+Estrone+Estriol using rabbit polyclonal antibodies. J. Environ. Sci.
Health, Part B. 45(2):145-151.
Cessna, A.J., Sheedy, C., Farenhorst, A., McQueen, D.A.R. 2010. Chapter 15 Pesticides in: W.
Eilers, R. MacKay, L. Graham and A. Lefebvre (eds). Environmental Sustainability of Canadian
Agriculture: Agri-Environmental Indicator Report Series — Report #3. Agriculture and AgriFood Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 101-107.
Farenhorst, A., Ibrahim, S. M., Goh, T.B., and McQueen, R. 2010. The important
characteristics of soil organic matter affecting the sorption of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
sorption along a catenary sequence. J. Envir. Sci. and Health Part B 45:1-10.
Singh, B., Farenhorst, A., Malley, D. 2010. Feasibility of using NIR spectroscopy for predicting
the behaviour of agricultural herbicides in agricultural soils. Near Infrared Spectroscopy News,
Vol.21, Issue 6, 7-9.
Xu, D., A. J. Cessna, R. Raina, D. J. Pennock, and A. Farenhorst. 2010. Trace level
determination of selected sulfonylurea herbicides in wetland sediments by liquid
chromatography-positive ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. J. Environ. Sci. Health,
Part B. 45, 11–24.
Gao, X., Asgedom, H., Tenuta, M. and Flaten, D.N. 2015 Enhanced efficiency urea sources
and placement effects on nitrous oxide emissions. Agronomy Journal 107: 265-277.
Liu, K., Elliott, J.A., Lobb, D.A., Flaten, D.N. and Yarotski, J. 2014. Conversion of
conservation tillage to rotational tillage to reduce phosphorus losses during snowmelt runoff in
the Canadian prairies. Journal of Environmental Quality 43: 1679-1689.
Liu, K., Elliott, J.A., Lobb, D.A., Flaten, D.N. and Yarotski, J. 2014. Nutrient and sediment
losses in snowmelt runoff from perennial forage and annual cropland in the Canadian prairies.
Journal of Environmental Quality 43: 1644-1655.
Bernier, J.N, Undi, M., Ominski, K.H., Donohoe, G., Tenuta, M., Flaten, D., Plazier, J.C.,
Wittenberg, K.M. 2014. Nitrogen and phosphorus utilization and excretion by beef cows fed a
low quality forage diet supplemented with dried distillers grains with solubles under thermal
neutral and prolonged cold conditions. Animal Feed Science and Technology 193:9-20.
Asgedom, H., Tenuta, M., Flaten, D.N., Gao, X., and Kebreab, E. 2014. Nitrous Oxide
Emissions from a Clay Soil Receiving Granular Urea Formulations and Dairy Manure.
Agronomy Journal 106(2):732-744.
Karamanos, R. E. Flaten, D. N. Stevenson, F. C. 2014. Real differences - a lesson from an
agronomist's perspective. Canadian Journal of Plant Science; 2014. 94:433-437.
Plaizier, J. C. Legesse, G. Ominski, K. H. Flaten, D. 2014. Whole-farm budgets of phosphorus
and potassium on dairy farms in Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Animal Science; 2014. 94:119128.
Ackerman, J. N., Zvomuya, F., Cicek, N. and Flaten, D. 2013. Evaluation of manure-derived
struvite as a phosphorus source for canola. Can. J. Plant Sci. 93: 419–424.
Adesanwo, O.O., D. V. Ige , L. Thibault , D.N. Flaten and O.O. Akinremi 2013 Comparison of
Colorimetric and ICP Methods of Phosphorus Determination in Soil Extracts, Communications
in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 44: 3061-3075
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oxide emissions from feces and synthetic urine of cattle grazing forage grass fertilized with hog
slurry. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 177:225-236.
Gao, X., Tenuta, M., Flaten, D.N., and Grant, C.A. 2011. Cadmium concentration in flax
colonized by mycorrhizal fungi depends on soil phosphorus and cadmium concentrations.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 42(15):1882-1897.
Gao, X., Flaten, D.N., Tenuta, M., Grimmett, M.G., Gawalko, E.J., and Grant, C.A. 2011. Soil
solution dynamics and plant uptake of cadmium and zinc by durum wheat following phosphate
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impact of application timing and forage harvest strategy on nutrient utilization and accumulation.
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2010. Nitrous oxide and methane emission from a coarse-textured grassland soil receiving hog
slurry. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 138: 35-43.
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R. Ominski, K. H. 2010. Pasture productivity, cattle productivity and metabolic status following
fertilization of a grassland with liquid hog manure: a three-year study. Canadian Journal of
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Moulin, A.P., A. Glenn, M. Tenuta, D.A. Lobb, A.S. Dunmola, P.I. Yapa. 2014. Alternative
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Liu, K., Elliott, J.A., Lobb, D.A., Flaten, D.N., Yarotski, J. 2013. Critical factors affecting
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Janzen, H.H., P. Fixen, A.J. Franzluebbers, J. Hattey, R.C. Izaurralde, Q. M. Ketterings, D.A.
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Li, S., D.A. Lobb, B.G. McConkey, R.A. MacMillan, A.P. Moulin, W.R. Fraser. 2011.
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Li, S., J.A. Elliott, K.H.D. Tiessen, J. Yarotski, D.A. Lobb, D.N. Flaten. 2011. The effects of
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Li, S., R.A. MacMillan, D.A. Lobb, B.G. McConkey, W.R. Fraser. 2011. Lidar DEM error
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Lobb, D.A. 2011. Understanding and managing the causes of soil variability. In: Recent
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Moulin, A.P., Tenuta, M., Lobb, D.A., Dunmola, A.S., and Yapa, P. 2011. Probability
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landscape in western Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91(2):303-307..
Tiessen, K.H.D., J.A. Elliott, M. Stainton, J. Yarotski, D.N. Flaten, D.A. Lobb. 2011. The
effectiveness of small headwater storage dams/reservoirs on stream water quality and quantity in
the Canadian Prairies. J. Soil Water Conservation, 66: 158-171.
Dunmola, A., Tenuta, M., Moulin, A., Prinantha, Y., and Lobb, D. 2010. Pattern of greenhouse
gas emission from a Prairie Pothole agricultural landscape in Manitoba, Canada. Canadian
Journal of Soil Science (in press).
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Lobb, W.H. Schlesinger. Global prospects are rooted in soil science. Soil Science Society
America J. (in press).
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repeated sampling approach of the 137Cs technique in soil erosion estimation. Geoderma (in
Li, S., D.A. Lobb, K.H.D. Tiessen, B.G. McConkey. 2010. Selecting and applying 137Cs
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Li, S., D.A. Lobb, K.H.D. Tiessen, B.G. McConkey. Selecting and applying 137Cs conversion
models to estimate soil erosion rates in cultivated fields. J. Environmental Quality, 34: 204-219.
Tiessen, K.H.D., J.A. Elliott, J. Yarotski, D.A. Lobb, D.N. Flaten, N.E. Glozier. Conventional
and conservation tillage – influence on seasonal runoff, sediment and nutrient losses in the
Canadian Prairies. J. Environmental Quality, 39: 964-980.
Tiessen, K.H.D., F.M. Sancho, D.A. Lobb, G.R. Mehuys. 2010. Assessment of tillage
translocation and erosion by the disc plow on steepland Andisols in Costa Rica. J. Soil Water
Conservation, 65: 316-328.
Tiessen, K.H.D., F.M. Sancho, D.A. Lobb, G.R. Mehuys. 2010. Erosión por labranza con arado
de disco en suelos volcanicos de ladera en Costa Rica. Agronomia Costarricense, 33: 205-215.
Tiessen, K.H.D., J.A. Elliott, M. Stainton, J. Yarotski, D.N. Flaten, D.A. Lobb. The
effectiveness of small headwater storage dams/reservoirs on stream water quality and quantity in
the Canadian Prairies. J. Soil Water Conservation (in press).
Gao, X., Asgedom, H., Tenuta, M. and Flaten, D.N. 2015 Enhanced efficiency urea sources
and placement effects on nitrous oxide emissions. Agronomy Journal 107: 265-277.
Tenuta, M., Madani, M., Briar, S., Molina, O., Gulden, R. and Subbotin, S.A. 2014
Occurrence of Ditylenchus weischeri and Not D. dipsaci in Field Pea Harvest Samples and
Cirsium arvense in the Canadian Prairies. Journal of Nematology 46: 376-384.
Stewart, A.A., Alemu, A.W., Ominski, K.H., Wilson, C.H., Tremorin, D.G., Wittenberg, K.M.,
Tenuta, M., and Janzen, H.H. 2014. Whole-farm greenhouse gas emissions from a
backgrounding beef production system using an observation-based and model-based approach.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 94:463-477.
Asgedom, H., Tenuta, M., Flaten, D.N., Gao, X., and Kebreab, E. 2014. Nitrous Oxide
Emissions from a Clay Soil Receiving Granular Urea Formulations and Dairy Manure.
Agronomy Journal 106(2):732-744.
Brewin, D.G., Kulshreshtha, S., Undi, M., Wittenberg, K., Tenuta, M., and Ominski, K.H.
Integration of forage, beef, and hog production systems in Western Canada: An economic
assessment. Agricultural Systems 127: 1-8.
Gao, X., Tenuta, M., Buckley, K.E., Zvomuya, F. and Ominski, K. Greenhouse gas emissions
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Canadian Journal of Soil Science 94(2): 149-155.
Gao, X., Rajendran, N., Tenuta, M., Dunmola, A., and Burton, D. L. 2014. Greenhouse Gas
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Agricultural Landscape. Soil Science Society of American Journal 78: 805-817.
Bernier, J.N, Undi, M., Ominski, K.H., Donohoe, G., Tenuta, M., Flaten, D., Plazier, J.C.,
Wittenberg, K.M. 2014. Nitrogen and phosphorus utilization and excretion by beef cows fed a
low quality forage diet supplemented with dried distillers grains with solubles under thermal
neutral and prolonged cold conditions. Animal Feed Science and Technology 193:9-20.
Gilmanov, T.G., Baker, J.M., Bernacchi, C.J., Billesbach, D.P., Burba, G.G., Castro, S., Chen, J.,
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J.L., Heuer, W.L., Howard, D.M., Leclerc, M.Y., Loescher, H.W., Marloie, O., Meyers, T.P.,
Olioso, A., Phillips, R.L., Prueger, J.H., Skinner, R.H., Suyker, A.E., Tenuta, M., and Wylie,
B.K. 2014. Productivity and carbon dioxide exchange of leguminous crops: estimates from flux
tower measurements. Agronomy Journal 106(2):545-559.
Gilmanov, T.G., Baker, J.M., Bernacchi, C.J., Billesbach, D.P., Burba, G.G., Castro, S., Eugster,
W., Fischer, M.L., Gamon, J.A., Gebremedhin, M.T., Glenn, A.J., Griffis, T.J., Hatfield, J.L.,
Heuer, W.L., Howard, D.M., Leclerc, M.Y., Loescher, H.W., Matamala, R., Meyers, T.P.,
Phillips, R.L., Prueger, J.H., Suyker, A.E., Tenuta, M., and Wylie, B.K. Carbon dioxide uptake
and ecophysiological parameters of the leguminous crops of North America: Estimates from
flux---­‐tower measurements. Agriculture Ecosystems Environment 164: 162-175.
Molina, O.I., Tenuta, M., El Hadrami, A., Buckley, K., Cavers, C., and Daayf, F. Potato Early
Dying and yield responses to compost, green manures, seed meal and chemical treatment.
American Journal of Potato Research DOI 10.1007/s12230-014-9365-0.
Moulin, A.P., A. Glenn, M. Tenuta, D.A. Lobb, A.S. Dunmola, P.I. Yapa. 2014. Alternative
transformations of nitrous oxide soil flux data to normal distributions. Can J Soil Sci. 94(1):105108.
Gao, X. Tenuta, M. Nelson, A. Sparling, B. Tomasiewicz, D. Mohr, R. M. Bizimungu, B.
2013. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer rate on nitrous oxide emission from irrigated potato on a clay
loam soil in Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93: 1-11.
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W. Hollinger, S. E. Howard, D. M. Matamala, R. Prueger, J. H. Tenuta, M. Young, D.G. 2013.
CO2 uptake and ecophysiological parameters of the grain crops of midcontinent North America:
estimates from flux tower measurements. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment; 2013. 164:
Grant, C., Flaten, D.N., Tenuta, M., Malhi, S. and Akinremi, O.O. 2013. The effect of rate and
Cd concentration of repeated phosphate fertilizer applications on seed Cd concentration varies
with crop type and environment. Plant Soil 372:221-233
Hanis, K.L., M. Tenuta, B.D. Amiro, and T.N. Papakyriakou. 2013. Seasonal dynamics of
methane emissions from a subarctic fen in the Hudson Bay Lowlands. Biogeosci.10, 4465-4479
Maas, S.E., A.J. Glenn, M. Tenuta, and B.D. Amiro. 2013. Net CO2 and N2O exchange during
perennial forage establishment in an annual crop rotation in the Red River Valley, Manitoba.
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93: 639-652.
Bell, L.W., Sparling, B., Tenuta, M., and Entz, M.H. 2012. Soil profile carbon and nutrient
stocks under long-term crop and alfalfa-crop rotations and management, and re-established
grassland. Agriculutre, Ecosystems and Environment 158:156-163.
Briar, S.S., Barker, C., Tenuta, M., and Entz, M.H. 2012. Soil nematode responses to crop
management and conversion to native grasses. Journal of Nematology 44:245-254.
Ferris, H., Griffiths, B.S., Porazinska, D.L., Powers, T.O., Koon-Hui, W., and Tenuta, M. 2012.
Reflections on Soil Nematode Ecology: Past, Present and Future. Journal of Nematology 44:115126.
Glenn, A.J., Tenuta, M., Amiro, B.D., Maas, S.E., and Wagner-Riddle, C. 2012. Nitrous oxide
emissions from an annual crop rotation on poorly drained soil on the Canadian
Prairies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 166-167: 41-49.
Jiang, Y., Tang, S., Wang, C., Zhou, P., Tenuta, M., Han, G., and Huang, D. 2012. Contribution
of urine and dung patches from grazing sheep to methane and carbon dioxide fluxes in an Inner
Mongolian desert grassland. Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 25:207-212.
Mahran, A., Tenuta, M., Shinners-Carenelly, T., Mundo-Ocampo, M., and Daayf, F. 2010.
Prevalence and species identification of Pratylenchus spp. in Manitoba potato fields and host
suitability of cv. Russet Burbank. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 32:272-282.
Tremorin, D.G., Tenuta, M., Mkhabela, M., Flaten, D.N., and Ominski, K.H. 2012. Nitrous
oxide emissions from feces and synthetic urine of cattle grazing forage grass fertilized with hog
slurry. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 177:225-236.
Gao, X., Tenuta, M., Flaten, D.N., and Grant, C.A. 2011. Cadmium concentration in flax
colonized by mycorrhizal fungi depends on soil phosphorus and cadmium concentrations.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 42(15):1882-1897.
Gao, X., Flaten, D.N., Tenuta, M., Grimmett, M.G., Gawalko, E.J., and Grant, C.A. 2011. Soil
solution dynamics and plant uptake of cadmium and zinc by durum wheat following phosphate
fertilizerion. Plant and Soil 338:423-434.
Glenn, A.J., Amiro, B.D., Tenuta, M., Wagner-Riddle, C., Drewitt, G., and Warland, J.
2011. Contribution of crop residue carbon to total soil respiration at a northern Prairie site using
stable isotope flux measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151: 1045-1054.
Kirk, A.P., Entz, M.H., Fox, S.L., and Tenuta, M. 2011. Mycorrhizal colonization, P uptake and
yield of older and modern wheats under organic management. Canadian Journal of Plant
Sciences 91(4):663-667.
Moulin, A.P., Tenuta, M., Lobb, D.A., Dunmola, A.S., and Yapa, P. 2011. Probability
distribution functions for short-term daily nitrous oxide fluxes in a prairie pothole agricultural
landscape in western Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91(2):303-307.
Tenuta, M., and Sparling, B. 2011. A laboratory study of soil conditions affecting emissions of
nitrous oxide from packed cores subjected to freezing and thawing. Canadian Journal of Soil
Science; 2011. 91(2):223-233
Tenuta, M., M. Mkhabela, D. Tremorin, L. Coppi, G. Phipps, D. Flaten, and K. Ominski.
2010. Nitrous oxide and methane emission from a coarse-textured grassland soil receiving hog
slurry. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 138: 35-43.
Turmel, M. S. Entz, M. H. Tenuta, M. May, W. E. LaFond, G. P. 2011. The influence of a longterm black medic (Medicago lupulina cv. George) cover crop on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal
colonization and nutrient uptake in flax (Linum usitatissimum) under zero-tillage management.
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 91(6):1071-1076.
Wilson, C. Undi, M. Tenuta, M. Tremorin, D. Coppi, L. Flaten, D. Wittenberg, K. M. Ominski,
K. H. 2011. Utilization of liquid hog manure to fertilize grasslands in southeast Manitoba:
impact of application timing and forage harvest strategy on nutrient utilization and accumulation.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 91:155-171.
Dunmola, A., Tenuta, M., Moulin, A., Prinantha, Y., and Lobb, D. 2010. Pattern of greenhouse
gas emission from a Prairie Pothole agricultural landscape in Manitoba, Canada. Canadian
Journal of Soil Science 90(2):243-256.
Gao, X., Akhter, F., Tenuta, M., Flaten, D., Gawalko, E., and Grant, C. 2010. Mycorrhizal
colonization and grain Cd concentration of field grown durum wheat in response to tillage,
preceding crop and phosphorus fertilization. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 90:750758.
Glenn A.J., Amiro B.D., Tenuta M., Stewart S.E., and Wagner-Riddle C. 2010. Carbon dioxide
exchange in a northern prairie cropping system over three years. Agricultural and Forest
Meteorology 150: 908 – 918.
Mahran, A. Tenuta, M. Shinners-Carenelly, T. Mundo-Ocampo, M. Daayf, F. 2010. Prevalence
and species identification of Pratylenchus spp. in Manitoba potato fields and host suitability of
'Russet Burbank'. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 32(2):272-282.
Tenuta, M., M. Mkhabela, D. Tremorin, L. Coppi, G. Phipps, D. Flaten, and K. Ominski.
2010. Nitrous oxide and methane emission from a coarse-textured grassland soil receiving hog
slurry. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 138: 35-43.
Wilson, C. Undi, M. Tenuta, M. Wittenberg, K. M. Flaten, D. Krause, D. O. Entz, M. H. Holley,
R. Ominski, K. H. 2010. Pasture productivity, cattle productivity and metabolic status following
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