
Curriculum Vitae Harry D. Sapirstein, B.Sc., Ph.D. September 2013

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Curriculum Vitae Harry D. Sapirstein, B.Sc., Ph.D. September 2013
Curriculum Vitae
Harry D. Sapirstein, B.Sc., Ph.D.
September 2013
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 3
PERSONAL .................................................................................................................... 4
EDUCATION ................................................................................................................... 4
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY .............................................................................................. 4
TEACHING EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................. 5
MEMBERSHIP IN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES .................................................................. 6
SERVICE TO UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY ..................................................................... 6
SERVICE TO BROADER SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY.................................................... 7
STUDENTS .................................................................................................................. 8-9
RECENT AND CURRENT RESEARCH ACTIVITIES.............................................. 10-11
RESEARCH GRANTS AND FUNDING SOURCES ................................................ 11-12
PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS ................................................................... 12-27
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Associate Professor, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Food
Sciences, University of Manitoba
Teacher of undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of baking science and
technology, cereal chemistry, food safety, food analysis, technical communications
Scientific and technical expertise in cereal chemistry, wheat quality for breadmaking,
structure and composition of gluten proteins, bran composition, phenolics and antioxidants,
in vitro digestion, digital imaging of grain and baked good products, applied multivariate
Managed more than $2.6 million in research grant projects as principal investigator
More than $3.0 million in research grant projects as co-investigator
Published 76 scientific papers including 49 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed
journals, 17 papers in conference proceedings, and 10 book chapters
Supervised 20 graduate student thesis projects; 19 theses published, 1 project ongoing
Presented over 100 papers at national or international scientific meetings including 19 invited
Developed or co-developed computer software for the following applications: wheat cultivar
identification based on protein fingerprints, grain inspection and grading by digital imaging,
crumb grain measurement of baked goods by digital imaging
Former Associate Editor, Cereal Chemistry
Former Chair, Canadian Prairie Section, AACC International
Former Chair, Protein Division, AACC International
Program Chair, 2001 Annual Meeting of AACC International
Member, Prairie Grain Development Committee
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Food Science
625 Waterloo Street
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada, R3N 0T2
Canada, R3T 2N2
Tel: 204/474-6481; Fax: 204/474-7630
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.umanitoba.ca/afs/harry_Sapirstein
B.Sc. (With Distinction). 1973. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
B.Sc. Agriculture (With Distinction). 1978. University of Alberta, Edmonton,
AB, Canada.
Ph.D. (Cereal Chemistry) 1985. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
 Supervising Professor: Dr. Walter Bushuk
 Thesis Title: Computer Based Quantification, Wheat Cultivar identification
and Comparative Analysis of Gliadin Electrophoregrams
1984-86 Research Associate, Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba
1986-95 Junior Chair, NSERC-United Grain Growers Industrial Research Chair in
Grain Technology
1986-97 Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science, University of Manitoba
Associate Professor, Department of Food Science, University of Manitoba
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Food Science
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2
All courses are 3 credit hours.
Undergraduate Courses
 78.429 Foods of Plant Origin (100%): 1993, 1994
 78.401 Food Processing II (10%): 1994
 78.453 Processing of Plant Food Products (100%): 1996
 78.412 Food Science Seminar (100%, a course in technical communications): 1997 present
 78.320 Baking Science and Technology (100%): 2001, 2003, 2006
 78.450 Food Safety and Regulations (33%): 2002, 2004; (50%) 2006
 78.4160 Food Analysis I, plus Lab (100%): 2006
 FOOD 4160 Food Analysis I, plus Lab (100%): 2007 - present
 FOOD 4500 Food Safety and Regulations (50%): 2007, 2008, 2010
 FOOD 4120 Food Science Seminar (100%), 2008 - present
Graduate Courses
 78.718 Food Science of Cereal Grains (100%): 1993, 1995, 1999, 2003-2005
 78.717 Physical Biochemistry (100%): 1993, 1994, 1998
 78.719 Advanced Food Science (50%): 1995-1997
 78.713 Food Science Seminar: (100%, a course in technical communications, both
oral and written): 1997-2006
 FOOD 7130 Food Science Seminar: (100%, a course in technical communications):
2007 - present
 FOOD 7180 Food Science of Cereal Grains (100%): 2008 - 2011, 2013
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
AACC International, Institute of Food Technologists
Committee Service
 Chair, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Library Committee, 2008
 Member, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Library Committee, 1996-2008
 Member, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Degree Program Committee for
Food Science, 1995-2009
 Member, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Research Committee, 1999-2007
 Member, Faculty Advisory Committee for Selection of Head of Department of Food
Science, 1999
 Chair, Department of Food Science Ad Hoc Committee on Curriculum Review, 19921996
 Member, Department of Food Science Committee for hiring Assistant Professor in
Food Science, 2010
 Chair, Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences Library Committee, 2010 – present
 Member, Faculty of Graduate Studies Programs & Planning Committee, 2011 – 2013
Chair of Ph.D. and M.Sc. Thesis Examinations
 Ph.D. Defense, Rodney Mailer, Department of Plant Science, 1993
 Ph.D. Defense, Leslie Fuller, Department of Soil Science, 1993
 M.Sc. Defense, Michael Peirson, Department of Food Science, 2002
 M.Sc. Defense, Shin Nam, Department of Food Science, 2002
 Ph.D. Defense, Patricia Cuthbert, Department of Plant Science, January, 25, 2008
 Ph.D. Defense, Florence Opapeju, Department of Animal Science, Dec. 17, 2009.
Member, Prairie Registration Recommending Committee for Grain/Prairie Grain
Development Committee, Wheat, Rye and Triticale Subcommittee, 1993-present
Member, Canadian Wheat Board Ad Hoc Committee on the Quality of Canada
Western Extra Strong Wheat, 1995-1999
Member, Canadian Wheat Board Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Bakery Products
Research, 1999
Member, Prairie Registration Recommending Committee, Ad Hoc Advisory
Committee on Fees for Wheat Quality Cooperative Testing, 1999
Member, Food Science Lead Committee of the Manitoba Agriculture Services
Coordination Committee, 1993-1998
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Chair, American Association of Cereal Chemists - Canadian Prairie Section,
Co-Chair, 11th Joint Conference - Association of Operative Millers/American
Association of Cereal Chemists, 1988.
Chair, Image Analysis Symposium, 1988 Annual Meeting of the American
Association of Cereal Chemists.
Member, American Association of Cereal Chemists, Local Sections Committee,
Associate Editor, Cereal Chemistry, 1989-1993.
Member, Organizing Committee, 4th International Workshop on Gluten Proteins,
Chair, Protein Division, American Association of Cereal Chemists, 1992/1993.
Chair, Grain Technology Technical Session, 1999 Annual Meeting of the American
Association of Cereal Chemists.
Program Chair, 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cereal
Member, delegation representing the International Scientific Cooperation Bureau of
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, to promote research and development activities in
cereal grain foods with China, October 18-22, 2006, Wuxi and Shanghai.
Member, NSERC Review Committee - University of Guelph Industrial Research
Chair in Cereal Science and Technology, 2006.
Associate Editor, Cereal Chemistry, 2005 - 2009.
Reviewer: Cereal Chemistry, Journal of Cereal Science, Canadian Journal of Plant
Science, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, etc.
Member, expert panel, 2008, to consult and advise on private industry commissioned
review on whole grain intake and cardiovascular disease and whole grain intake and
diabetes, Life Sciences Research Office, Bethesda, MD.
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Published Graduate Theses: 18 M.Sc., 2 Ph.D., 1 Undergraduate
 Kohler, J.M. 1991. Study of Commercial Grades of Canada Western Red Spring
Wheat By Digital Image Analysis. M.Sc. Thesis.
 Faraj, A.K. 1993. Wheat Flour Protein Solubility in Relation to Breadmaking Quality
of Different Genotypes. M.Sc. Thesis.
 Fu., B.X. 1996. Biochemical Properties of Wheat Gluten Proteins in Relation to
Breadmaking Quality. Ph.D. Thesis.
 Suchy, J. 1997. Physicochemical Studies of SDS Gel Protein and its Value for
Prediction of Wheat Breadmaking Quality. M.Sc. Thesis.
 Almonte, M.T. 1998. Effect of Dough Mixing and Relaxation on the Protein
Solubility and Composition of Bread Wheat. M.Sc. Thesis.
 Zghal, M.C. 1999. The Relationship between Bread Physical Texture and its
Structure Determined by Digital Image Analysis (co-supervised with Dr. M.G.
Scanlon, Food Science).
 Dupuis, B. 1999. Effects of Dough Mixing on Gluten Proteins. Ph.D. Thesis (cosupervised with Dr. W. Bushuk, Food Science).
 Lukie, C. 2001. Effects of Genotype and Environment on the Breadmaking Quality of
Canada Western Extra Strong Red Spring Wheat Cultivars. M.Sc. Thesis.
 David, P. 2003. Breadmaking Quality of Durum Wheat: Effects of Semolina Particle
Size, Fermentation Time and Glutenin Molecular Size. M.Sc. Thesis.
 Przednowek, D. 2003. The Effect of Pulse Crop Rotation and Controlled-Release
Urea on the Nitrogen Accumulation and End-Use Quality of Canada Western Red
Spring Wheat. M.Sc. Thesis (co-supervised with Dr. D. Flaten, Soil Science).
 Machet, A.-S. 2005. Effects of flour extraction rate and bran content on the protein
composition and functionality of Western Canadian Wheats. M.Sc. Thesis.
 Jarvis, C. 2006. Wheat Grade and Quality Responses to Growing Season Weather
Variation in Producer Fields Across the Canadian Prairies. M.Sc. Thesis (cosupervised with Dr. P. Bullock, Soil Science).
 Finlay, G. 2006. Genotype by Environment Interactions of Weather on Wheat Grade
and Quality. M.Sc. Thesis (co-supervised with Dr. P. Bullock, Soil Science).
 Mpofu, A. 2006. Genotype and Environment Variation in the Phenolic Antioxidant
Properties of Hard Spring Wheat”. M.Sc. (co-supervised with Dr. Trust Beta, Food
 Fernando, F. 2008. Effect of Wheat Genotype and Growing Location on Bread
Crumb Structure Measured by Digital Image Analysis. B. Eng. (co-supervised with
Dr. Jitendra Paliwal, Biosystems Engineering).
 Silvi Siddhu, M.Sc. 2010. Sensory analysis of refined and whole wheat breads made
from red and white wheat using electronic nose and GC-MS.
 Li Ni Qiao, M.Sc. 2010. Patterns of Accumulation of Wheat Gluten Proteins During
Kernel Development in Response to Weather Variation.
 Sirak Golom, M.Sc. 2012. Effects of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on
extractability of nutrient and bioactive compounds from wheat bran.
 Arshala Karunasena, M.Sc. 2011. Enhancing Antioxidant Activity and Extractability
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
of Bioactive Compounds of Wheat Bran using Thermal Treatments
Continuing Graduate Students: M.Sc.
 Yao Wu, M.Sc. Project title: Improving Improving Farinograph Absorption of Canada
Western Red Winter Wheat by Screening for Pentosan Content
Member of Graduate Student Advisory and/or Thesis Examining Committees
 Margaret Anderson, Ph.D., Department of Food Science, awarded 1992
 Lei Gao, Ph.D., Department of Food Science, awarded 1992
 Pankaj Shatadal, Ph.D., Department of Biosystems Engineering, awarded 1994
 Xiang Yang Luo, Ph.D., Department of Biosystems Engineering, awarded 1997
 Samir Majumdar, Ph.D., Department of Biosystems Engineering, awarded 1997
 Leslie Mitchell, M.Sc., Department of Soil Science, awarded 1997
 Maria Botero, M.Sc., Department of Biosystems Engineering, awarded 1997
 Marnie Hamill, M.Sc., Department of Plant Science, awarded 2002
 Kenton Hildebrand, M.Sc., Department of Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics,
awarded 2002
 Chun Wang, Ph.D., Department of Food Science, awarded 2003
 Elena Gomez Haro Aceves, M.Sc., Department of Food Science, awarded 2004
 Archie Mpofu, M.Sc., Department of Food Science, awarded 2006
 Keyur Mehta, M.Sc., Department of Food Science, awarded 2007
 Guillermo Bellido, Ph.D., Department of Food Science, awarded, 2007
 Xiaowei Guo, Ph.D., Department of Plant Science, awarded 2008
 Zhuo Zhang, M.Sc., Department of Food Science, awarded 2010
 Daiva Daugelaite, Ph.D., Department of Food Science, awarded 2011
 Yulia Borsuk, M.Sc. Department of Food Science, awarded 2011
 Filiz Köksel, Ph.D., Department of Food Science, continuing
 Melissa Thiessen-Dyck, M.Sc., Department of Food Science
 Lisa Davies-Hoes, M.Sc., Department of Food Science
 Lilei Yu, M.Sc., Department of Food Science
 Lin Yuan, M.Sc., Department of Human Nutritional Sciences
External Examiner – Ph.D.
 Mr. Timo Vuori, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia (1996)
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Structure and Functionality of Wheat Proteins in Breadmaking
The unique ability of wheat to produce leavened bread and a diverse array of other food products
depends primarily on the correspondingly unique and distinct viscoelastic nature of monomeric
gliadin and polymeric glutenin proteins in the starchy endosperm of the grain. It is the balance of
gliadin and glutenin properties that makes wheat unique for food. Glutenin is the key protein
which is the principle component responsible for the elastic properties of dough, and differences
in dough strength and end-use quality of different wheats. The main focus of this research is to
develop a better understanding of how and why glutenin and constituent subunits vary due to
genetic and non-genetic factors. Current focus is on non-genetic factors such as growing location
and weather on patterns of accumulation of wheat protein fractions (particularly glutenin
subunits) during kernel development and how quantitative variation in glutenin and subunits
relates to the processing quality of flour for baked goods. The project is utilizing wheat samples
generated in a recently concluded NSERC Strategic Project focused on CWRS wheat grade and
quality response to growing season weather variation in the prairie region.
Improving Farinograph Absorption of CWRW Wheat by Screening for Pentosan Content
Farinograph absorption (FA) is a standardized measure of flour water absorption and is one of
the most important breadmaking quality determinants. FA directly relates to the amount of
product that can be manufactured from a given weight of flour. Accordingly, hard wheat flours
possessing high FA and good dough strength are invariably preferred by millers and bakers. That
milling quality winter wheat on average has FA values 8-10% lower than CWRS wheat,
negatively affects demand for CWRW wheat and is the main reason for its significantly
discounted price compared to CWRS wheat. Also, increasing FA by breeding has been
problematic as direct measurement is expensive, slow and requires amounts of flour unavailable
in early generations. To address these problems, this project will apply a small-scale test of FA
based on flour pentosans (arabinoxylans, the predominant non-starch polysaccharide in wheat)
which are cell wall polysaccharides that are known to absorb water in disproportionate amounts.
The short-term goal of this project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of this pentosan assay in
relation to FA in order to quickly and efficiently screen lines at earlier generations when
farinograph testing is not possible. A related goal is to identify genotypes with high pentosan
content that could be used as parental material in a breeding program.
Wheat Quality Response to Growing Season Weather Variation in the Prairie Region
Wheat is Canada’s most important grain crop with a direct value to the economy of more than $8
billion annually. High wheat yield and freedom from disease are the principal concerns of
producers, However, it is the highly regarded processing quality of western Canadian hard spring
wheat that provides its marketing advantage. The grain crop region of western Canada is a vast
40 M ha, and experiences an enormous range of weather conditions every year. This weather
variability combined with genotype creates the potential for a wide range in protein content and
end use quality even for wheat of top milling grades relatively unaffected by disease and insect
damage. The goal of this research program is to understand the relationships between the
growing environment and genotype on wheat quality, particularly gluten strength of the CWRS
class in order to develop a better understanding of the physicochemical factors that affect wheat
quality and use this knowledge in the sourcing and marketing of wheat of more consistent
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Optimizing Wheat Bran for Food and Health
The increasing popularity of whole wheat bread and other foods containing whole grain reflects
the gaining importance with consumers of products that address positive nutrition and dietary
preferences and outcomes. Due to its distinct composition of bioactive components, consumption
of whole wheat has been consistently shown to be associated with reduced risk of heart disease,
type 2 diabetes, gastro-intestinal cancer, and obesity. The health-related functionality of whole
wheat is largely due to the bran fraction and bioactive constituents such as fibre and fibre-related
compounds, some of which have antioxidant and other compelling physiological properties. The
focus of this recently concluded project was to improve the functionality of wheat bran for food
and health applications. While bran is healthful, many consumers dislike the strong aroma and
flavour it lends to baked goods. Also, bran is challenging to manage from a processing
perspective; whole wheat doughs are relatively difficult to handle and lack mixing tolerance, and
the bread produced has lower volume, and coarser crumb grain. As part of this research, we have
investigated several treatments with potential to alter the physicochemical properties of wheat
bran. Among the hydrothermal treatments that were studied, we found that autoclaving
substantially increased the extractability/solubility of many bioactive wheat bran constituents
resulting in a product enhanced in shelf life, aroma, and biochemical properties compared to
traditional wheat bran. In particular, the soluble extracts of the modified wheat bran had
antioxidant activities increased by more than 400% compared to extracts from unprocessed
wheat bran. Dietary fibre solubility which is very limited in traditional wheat bran was
significantly increased as well. Cell and animal model studies undertaken to date have been
equally compelling, with results reflecting a remarkable range of important bioactivities for both
the modified bran and extracts. Results as a whole indicate that the nutritional and health benefits
normally ascribed to traditional wheat bran likely represent a fraction of its potential. Wheat
bran modified by autoclaving appears to have considerable value for whole grain food and health
applications far beyond what may be possible with traditional wheat bran.
Bushuk, W. and Sapirstein, H.D. (co-investigator). 1986-1991. NSERC-United
Grain Growers Industrial Research Chair in Grain Technology, $2.28 million total.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1988-90.Computer analysis of chemical and physical properties of
wheat in relation to end-use quality. NSERC Operating Research Grant,
Sapirstein, H.D. 1991-93. Computer analysis of chemical and physical properties of
wheat. NSERC Operating Research Grant, $25,440/annum.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1993-97. Chemical and physical properties of wheat in relation to
end-use properties. NSERC Operating Research Grant, $20,400/annum.
Bushuk, W., Sapirstein, H.D. (co-investigator), Lukow, W. and Townley-Smith, F.
1994-96. Properties and utilization of extra-strong Glenlea-type wheats. Coinvestigator, NSERC Strategic Group Grant, $97,000/annum.
Sapirstein, H.D. (principal investigator), Bushuk, W., Scanlon, M.G. and
Malcolmson, L.J. 1996-2001. Digital image analysis for quality assurance in
research and commercial baking. Principal investigator, NSERC Strategic Group
Grant, $485,000.
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Sapirstein, H.D. 1998-2002. Chemical and physical properties of wheat in relation
to end-use quality. NSERC Operating Research Grant, $22,484/annum.
Sapirstein, H.D. 2002. Effects of Flour Extraction Rate and Bran Content on the
Composition and Functionality of Wheat Proteins in Breadmaking: Towards the
Development of a New Diagnostic Test of Flour Refinement. Private industry
research grant from Warburtons Limited, Bolton, U.K., $21,000.
Sapirstein, H.D. 2002. Effects of Flour Prefermentation and Prehydration on Wheat
Protein Composition and Breadmaking Properties. Private industry research grant
from Warburtons Limited, Bolton, U.K., $35,000.
Sapirstein, H.D. 2002-2006. Structure-Function Relationships of Wheat Endosperm
Proteins in Breadmaking. NSERC Operating Research Grant, $18,000/annum.
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J., Sapirstein, H.D. (co-investigator) and Bassim, M.N. 20022007. Low Intensity Ultrasound for Measuring the Properties of Wheat Flour Dough
and Controlling its Manufacture, NSERC Strategic Project Grant, $649,855.
Sapirstein, H.D. (principal investigator), Bullock, P.R., Entz, M.H., Fernando,
W.G.D., Dexter, J.E., and DePauw, R.M. 2002-2007. CWRS Wheat Grade and
Quality Response to Growing Season Weather Variation in the Prairie Region –
New Knowledge for Production and Delivery of Uniform Quality Wheat to Market.
NSERC Strategic Project Grant, $1,399,860.
Sapirstein, H.D. (principal investigator) and Bullock, P.R. 2006-2008. Effects of
the growing environment on the quantity and quality of wheat proteins during grain
development. ARDI Research Grant, $81,367.
Sapirstein, H.D. (principal investigator) and Bullock, P.R. 2006-2010. Patterns of
variation of wheat gluten protein during kernel development and relationships to
weather. Canadian Wheat Board, $53,500.
Sapirstein, H.D. 2012 – 2016. Improving Farinograph Absorption of CWRW
Wheat by Screening for Pentosan Content ($161,540)
Computer-Based Quantification, Wheat Cultivar identification and Comparative Analysis
of Gliadin Electrophoregrams. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Manitoba. 1985.
Papers in Refereed Journals
Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1985. Computer-aided analysis of gliadin
electrophoregrams. I. Improvement of precision of relative mobility determination
by using a three reference band standardization. Cereal Chem. 62:372-377.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1985. Computer-aided analysis of gliadin
electrophoregrams. II. Wheat cultivar identification. Cereal Chem. 62:377-392.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1985. Computer-aided analysis of gliadin
electrophoregrams. III. Characterization of the heterogeneity in gliadin
composition for a population of 98 common wheats. Cereal Chem. 62:392-398.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1986. Computer-aided wheat cultivar
identification and analysis of densitometric scanning profiles of gliadin
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
electrophoregrams. Seed Sci. and Technol. 14:489-517.
Sapirstein, H.D., Neuman, M., Wright, E.H., Shwedyk, E., and Bushuk, W.
1987. An instrumental system for cereal grain classification using digital image
analysis. J. Cereal Sci. 6:3-14.
Neuman, M., Sapirstein, H.D., Shwedyk, E. and Bushuk, W. 1987.
Discrimination of wheat class and variety by digital image analysis of whole grain
samples. J. Cereal Sci. 6:125-132.
Scanlon, M.G., H.D. Sapirstein and Bushuk, W. 1989. Evaluation of the
precision of high-performance liquid chromatography for wheat cultivar
identification. Cereal Chem. 66:112-116.
Sapirstein, H.D., Scanlon, M.G. and Bushuk, W. 1989. Normalization of HPLC
retention times for computerized wheat prolamin chromatograms. J. Chromatogr.
Scanlon, M.G., Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1989. Computerized wheat
cultivar identification by high-performance liquid chromatography. Cereal Chem.
Neuman, M.R., Sapirstein, H.D., Shwedyk, E. and Bushuk, W. 1989. Wheat
grain color analysis by digital image processing. I. Methodology. J. Cereal Sci.
Neuman, M.R., Sapirstein, H.D., Shwedyk, E. and Bushuk, W. 1989. Wheat
grain color analysis by digital image processing. II. Wheat Class Discrimination.
J. Cereal Sci. 10:183-188.
Sievert, D., Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1991. Electrophoretic study of
some high molecular weight proteins of the acetic acid-insoluble residue of wheat
flours. Cereal Chem. 68:512-515.
Sievert, D., Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1991. Changes in electrophoretic
patterns of acetic acid-insoluble wheat flour proteins during dough mixing. J.
Cereal Sci. 14:243-256.
Inoue, Y., Sapirstein, H.D., Takayanagi, S. and Bushuk, W. 1994 Studies on
frozen doughs. III. Factors involved in dough weakening during frozen storage
and thaw-freeze cycles. Cereal Chem. 71:118-121.
Sapirstein, H.D., Roller, R. and Bushuk, W. 1994. Instrumental measurement of
bread crumb grain by digital image analysis. Cereal Chem. 71:383-391.
Inoue, Y., Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1995 Studies on frozen doughs. IV.
Effect of shortening systems on baking and rheological properties. Cereal Chem.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Kohler, J.M. 1995. Physical uniformity of graded railcar
and vessel shipments of Canada Western Red Spring wheat determined by digital
image analysis. Can. J. Plant Sci. 75:363-369.
Fu, B.X. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1996. A procedure for isolation of monomeric and
polymeric wheat flour proteins. Cereal Chem. 73:143-152.
Dupuis, B., Bushuk, W. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1996. Characterization of acetic
acid soluble and insoluble fractions of glutenin of bread wheat. Cereal Chem.
Fu, B.X., Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1996. Salt-induced
disaggregation/solubilization of gliadin and glutenin proteins in water. J. Cereal
Sci. 24: 241-246.
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Scanlon, M.G., Sapirstein, H.D. and Fahloul, D. 1997. Measure of fracture
toughness of bread crumb. Cereal Chem. 74:612-613.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Fu, B.X. 1998. Intercultivar variation in the quantity of
monomeric proteins, soluble and insoluble glutenin and residue protein in wheat
flour and relationships to breadmaking quality. Cereal Chem. 75:500-507.
Köksel, H., Sapirstein, H.D., Çelik, S. and W. Bushuk. 1998. Effect of gammairradiation of wheat on gluten proteins. J. Cereal Sci. 28:243-250.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Kohler, J.M. 1999. Effect of sampling and wheat grade on
the precision and accuracy of kernel features determined by digital image
analysis. Cereal Chem. 76:110-115.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Suchy, J. 1999. SDS-protein gel test for rapid prediction of
bread loaf volume. Cereal Chem. 76:164-172.
Sivri, D., Sapirstein, H.D., Köksel, H. and Bushuk, W. 1999. Effects of wheat
bug (Eurogaster maura) protease on glutenin proteins. Cereal Chem. 76:816-820.
Zghal, M.C., Scanlon, M.G. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1999. Prediction of bread
crumb density by digital image analysis. Cereal Chem. 76:734-742.
Scanlon, M.G., Sapirstein, H.D. and FAHLOUL, D. 2000. Mechanical properties
of bread crumb prepared from flours of different dough strength. J. Cereal Sci.
Zghal, M.C., Scanlon, M.G. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2001. Effects of flour strength,
baking absorption and processing conditions on the structure and mechanical
properties of bread crumb. Cereal Chem. 78:1-7.
Sivri, D., Sapirstein, H.D., Köksel, H. and Bushuk, W. 2002. Wheat intercultivar
differences in susceptibility of glutenin protein to effects of bug (Eurogaster
integriceps) protease. Cereal Chem. 79:41-44.
Zghal, M.C., Scanlon, M.G. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2002. Cellular structure of
bread crumb and its influence on mechanical properties. J. Cereal Sci. 36:167176.
Beta, T. Nam, S., Dexter, J.E. and Sapirstein, H.S. 2005. Phenolic content and
antioxidant activity of pearled wheat and roller mill fractions. Cereal Chem.
Mpofu, A., Sapirstein, H.D., and Beta, T. 2006. Genotype and environmental
variation in phenolic content, phenolic acid composition, and antioxidant activity
of hard spring wheat. J. Agric. Food Chem. 54: 1265-1270.
Wang, M., Sapirstein, H.D., Machet, A-S. and Dexter, J.E. 2006. Composition
and distribution of pentosans in millstreams of different hard spring wheats.
Cereal Chem. 83(2):161-168.
Opapeju, F.O., Nyachoti, C.M., House, J.D., Weiler, H. and Sapirstein, H.D.
2006. Growth performance and carcass characteristics of pigs fed short-season
corn hybrids. J. Animal Sci. 84 (10):2779-2786.
Sapirstein, H.D., David, P., Preston, K.R. and Dexter, J.E. 2007. Durum wheat
breadmaking quality: Effects of gluten strength, protein composition, semolina
particle size and fermentation time. J. Cereal Sci. 45(2):150-161.
Naeem, H. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2007. Ultra-fast separation of wheat glutenin
subunits by reversed-phase HPLC using a superficially porous silica-based
column. J. Cereal Sci. 46(2):157-168.
Finlay, G.J., Bullock, P.R., Sapirstein, H.D., Naeem, H.A., Hussain, A., Angadi,
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
S.V. and DePauw R.M. 2007. Genotypic and environmental variation in grain,
flour, dough and bread making characteristics of western Canadian spring wheat.
Can. J. Plant Sci. 87(4): 679–690.
Ragupathy, R. Naeem, H., Sapirstein, H.D. and Cloutier, S. 2008. Evolutionary
origin of the segmental duplication encompassing the wheat GLU-B1 locus
encoding the over expressed Bx7 (Bx7OE) high molecular weight glutenin
subunit. Theor. Appl. Genet. 116 (2): 283–296
Jarvis, C.K., Sapirstein, H.D., Bullock, P.R., Naeem, H.A., Angadi, S.V. and
Hussain, A. 2008. Models of growing season weather impacts on breadmaking
quality of spring wheat from producer fields in western Canada. J. Sci. Food
Agric.88 (13): 2357-2370.
Bellido, G.G., Scanlon, M.G., Sapirstein, H.D. and Page, J.H. 2008. Use of a
pressuremeter to measure the kinetics of carbon dioxide evolution in chemically
leavened wheat flour dough. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56(21): 9855-9861.
Saiyed, I. Bullock, P.R., Sapirstein, H.D. Finlay, G. and Jarvis, C. 2009. Thermal
time models for estimating wheat phenological development and weather-based
relationships to wheat quality. Can. J. Plant Sci. 89(3):429-439.
Mehta, K.L., Scanlon, M.G., Sapirstein, H.D. and Page, J.H. 2009. Ultrasonic
investigation of the effect of vegetable shortening and mixing time on the
mechanical properties of bread dough. J. Food Sci. 74(9): E455-E461.
Mkhabela, M., Bullock, P., Gervais, M., Finlay, G. and Sapirstein, H. 2010.
Assessing indicators of agricultural drought impacts on spring wheat yield and
quality on the Canadian prairies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150: 399410.
Guo, X.W., Fernando, W. G. D., Bullock, P. and Sapirstein, H. 2010. Quantifying
cropping practices in relation to inoculum levels of Fusarium graminearum on
crop stubble. Plant Pathology 59: 1107–1113.
Plank, D.W., Szpylka, J. Sapirstein H., Woollard, D., Zapf, C., Lee, V., Chen, O.,
Liu, R.H., Tsao, R., Dusterloh, A. and Baugh, S. 2012. Determination of
antioxidant activity in foods and beverages by reaction with 2,2′-diphenyl-1picrylhydrazyl (DPPH): Collaborative study first action 2012.04. Journal of
AOAC International 95(6):1562-1569.
Sapirstein, H.D., Aliani, M. and Siddhu, S. 2012. Discrimination of volatiles of
refined and whole wheat bread made from red and white wheat bran using an
electronic nose. Journal of Food Science 77 (11): S399-406.
Sapirstein, H.D. Wang, M. and Beta, T. 2013. Effects of debranning on the
distribution of pentosans and relationships to phenolic content and antioxidant
activity of wheat pearling fractions. LWT – Food Science and Technology.
Harding, S. Sapirstein, H., Rideout, T., Marinangeli, C. and Jones, P. 2013. (in
press). Consumption of wheat bran modified by autoclaving reduces fat mass in
hamsters. Journal of Food Science.
Papers in Published Conference Proceedings
Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1989. Quantitative determination of foreign
material and vitreosity in wheat by digital image analysis. Pages 453-474 in:
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
ICC'89 Symposium on Wheat End Use Properties. H. Salovaara, ed., University
of Helsinki, Department of Food Chemistry and Technology, Helsinki.
Bushuk, W. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1991. Modified nomenclature for gliadins.
Pages 454-458 in: Fourth International Workshop on Gluten Proteins. W. Bushuk
and R. Tkachuk, eds., American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1991. Discrimination of wheat grades and
determination of hard vitreous kernel content by digital image analysis. Pages
400-405 in: Cereals International. D.J. Martin and C.W. Wrigley, eds. Cereal
Chemistry Division, Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Parkville, Vic,
Sapirstein, H.D. 1993. Digital image analysis and its applications in cereal
science and industry. Pages 12-29 in Proc. 43rd Aust. Cereal Chem., C.W.
Wrigley, ed. Royal Aust. Chem. Inst., Melbourne.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1993. Instrumental measurement of bread crumb grain by digital
image analysis. Pages 188-194 in Proc. 43rd Aust. Cereal Chem., C.W. Wrigley,
ed. Royal Aust. Chem. Inst., Melbourne.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1995. Rapid instrumental objective analysis at the University of
Manitoba, Department of Food Science. In: Proceedings of the Rapid
Instrumental Objective Analysis Seminar. P.C. Williams, ed. Canadian Grain
Commission, Winnipeg.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1995. Quality control in commercial baking: machine vision
inspection of crumb grain in bread and cake products. Pages 23-33 in:
Proceedings of the Food Processing Automation Conference IV. American
Society of Agricultural Engineering. St. Joseph, MI.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Kruger, J.E. 1996. Instrumental Detection and measurement
of sprout damage in wheat by digital image analysis. Pages 42-47 in: Proceedings
of Manitoba Agri-Forum ’96 Conference. Manitoba Agri-Forum, Winnipeg.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Kruger, J.E. 1996. Rapid objective prediction of sprout
damage in wheat by digital image analysis of transilluminated kernels. Pages 7177 in: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Pre-Harvest
Sprouting in Cereals (Abishiri, Japan, June 1995). K. Noda and D.J. Mares, eds.
Center for Academic Societies, Osaka.
Fu, B.X. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1996. Evidence for the solubility of polymeric
glutenin in water. Pages 345-349 in: Proceeding of the Sixth International Gluten
Workshop, C.W. Wrigley, ed. Royal Aust. Chem. Inst., Melbourne.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Fu, B.X. 1996. Characterization of an extra-strong wheat:
functionality of 1) gliadin- and glutenin-rich fractions, 2) total HMW and LMW
subunits of glutenin assessed by reduction-reoxidation. Pages 302-306 in:
Proceeding of the Sixth International Gluten Workshop, C.W. Wrigley, ed. Royal
Aust. Chem. Inst., Melbourne.
Fu, B.X. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1996. Fractionation of monomeric proteins,
soluble and insoluble glutenin, and relationships to mixing and baking properties.
Pages 340-344 in: Proceeding of the Sixth International Gluten Workshop, C.W.
Wrigley, ed. Royal Aust. Chem. Inst., Melbourne.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Suchy, J. 1996. Physicochemical characterization of SDSgel protein and its value for predicting bread wheat quality. Pages 325-329 in:
Proceeding of the Sixth International Gluten Workshop, C.W. Wrigley, ed. Royal
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Aust. Chem. Inst., Melbourne.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Johnson, W. 1996. Spectrophotometric method for
measuring functional glutenin and rapid screening of wheat quality. Pages 494497 in: Proceedings of the Sixth International Gluten Workshop, C.W. Wrigley,
ed. Royal Aust. Chem. Inst., Melbourne.
Przednowek, D.W., Flaten, D.N., Entz, M.H. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2001.
Influence of pulse crop rotation and controlled release urea on protein
accumulation and quality of hard red spring wheat. Pages 183-184 in: Wheat
Quality - Aspects of Applied Biology 64, M.J. Gooding, S.A. Barton, and G.P.
Smith eds.The Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne, Warwick, UK.
Fernando, W.G.D., Guo, X.W., Bullock, P.R., Sapirstein, H.D., Dexter, J. and
Nowicki, T. 2003. Page 127 in: Interactions of weather factors and fusarium
head blight and its effect on wheat grain quality. Proc. 3rd Canadian Workshop
on Fusarium Head Blight, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Naeem, H.A. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2007. Comparison of analytical methods for
breadmaking quality prediction in a genotype by environment study: SE-HPLC
versus spectrophotometric measurement of HMW glutenin. Pages 129-133 in:
Gluten Proteins 2006. G.L. Lookhart and P.K.W. Ng, eds. AACC International
Press, St. Paul, MN.
Book Chapters
Sapirstein, H.D. 1995. Digital Image Analysis. Pages 91-130 in: Identification of
Food Grain Varieties, C.W. Wrigley, ed. Amer. Assoc. Cereal Chem., St. Paul,
Sapirstein, H.D. 1999. Imaging and Measurement of Bubbles in Bread, Pages
233-243 in: Bubbles in Food, G.M. Campbell, C. Webb, S. Pandiella and K.
Niranjan, eds. Eagan Press: St. Paul, MN.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Johnson, W. 2000. A rapid spectrophotometric method for
measuring insoluble glutenin content of flour and semolina for wheat quality
screening. Pages 307-312 in: Wheat Gluten. P.R. Shewry and A.S. Tatham, eds.
Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Fu, B.X. 2000. Evidence for varying interaction of gliadin
and glutenin proteins as an explanation for differences in gluten strength of
different wheats. Pages 425-429 in: Wheat Gluten. P.R. Shewry and A.S. Tatham,
eds. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Sapirstein, H.D. 2002. A Tree of Scientists Mentored by Walter Bushuk. Pages
48-49 in: Wheat Quality Elucidation – The Walter Bushuk Legacy, P.K.W. Ng
and C.W. Wrigley, eds. Eagan Press, St. Paul, MN.
Scanlon, M.G. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2002. Digital image analysis for quality
assurance in the wheat-to-bread supply. Pages 196-218 in: Wheat Quality
Elucidation – The Walter Bushuk Legacy, P.K.W. Ng and C.W. Wrigley, eds.
Eagan Press, St. Paul, MN.
Sapirstein, H.D. 2002. Probing the Pita Pocket Problem. Pages 110-112 in: The
Quirks and Quarks Question Book, McLelland and Stewart, Toronto.
Naeem, H.A. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2007. Comparison of Analytical Methods for
Breadmaking Quality Prediction in a Genotype by Environment Study: SE-HPLC
Versus Spectrophotometric Measurement of HMW Glutenin. Pages 129-133 in:
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Gluten Proteins 2006. G.L. Lookhart and P.K.W. Ng, eds. AACC International
Press, St. Paul, MN.
Mpofu, A., Beta, T. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2008. Effects of genotype, environment
and genotype x environment interaction on the antioxidant properties of wheat.
Pages 24-41 in: Wheat Antioxidants, Liangli Lu, ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hoboken, NJ.
Mpofu, A., Sapirstein, H.D. and Beta, T. 2008. Superoxide scavenging capacities
of wheat genotypes grown in different environments. Pages 165-178 in Vol. 21
Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values III of the Series Recent Progress in
Medicinal Plants. Studium Press, Houston, TX.
Published Abstracts (Conference Presentations)
Bushuk, W., Sapirstein, H.D. and Zillman, R.R. 1978. Wheat cultivar
identification by computer analysis of gliadin electrophoregrams. Cereal Foods
World 23:496. (Sixth International Cereal and Bread Congress, Winnipeg).
Sapirstein, H.D., Zillman, R.R. and Bushuk, W. 1980. The gliadin
electrophoregram: its use in genetic and quality studies. Cereal Foods World
25:520. (AACC 65th Annual Meeting, Chicago).
Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1984. Computer-aided analysis of gliadin
electrophoregrams: improved precision, new estimates of heterogeneity and data
base standardization. Cereal Foods World 29:506. (AACC 69th Annual Meeting,
Sapirstein, H.D., Bushuk, W., Wright, E., Neuman, M. and Shwedyk, E. 1985.
Wheat grading by computer image analysis. Cereal Foods World 30:563. (AACC
70th Annual Meeting, Orlando).
Sapirstein, H.D., Neuman, M., Shwedyk, E. and Bushuk, W. 1986. Classification
of cereal grains and wheat class by digital image analysis. Cereal Foods World
31:601-602. (AACC 71st Annual Meeting, Toronto).
Sapirstein, H.D., Dexter, J.E. and Bushuk, W. 1986. Quantitative determination
of vitreousness on whole grain samples of wheat by image analysis. Cereal Foods
World 31:606. (AACC 71st Annual Meeting, Toronto).
Sapirstein, H.D., Scanlon, M.G. and Bushuk, W. 1988. RP-HPLC of wheat
storage proteins: Chromatogram normalization for computerized wheat cultivar
identification. Cereal Foods World 33:689. (AACC 73rd Annual Meeting, San
Sapirstein H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1988. Application of image analysis as an
instrumental method for wheat inspection and grading. Cereal Foods World
33:668. (AACC 73rd Annual Meeting, San Diego).
Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1989. Wheat Classification by digital image
analysis of whole-grain samples. Cereal Foods World 34:756. (AACC 74th
Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.).
10. Sapirstein, H.D., Ng, P.K.W. and Bushuk, W. 1989. Computer-processing of
wheat endosperm protein electrophoretic patterns using digital image analysis.
Cereal Foods World 34:753-754. (AACC 74th Annual Meeting, Washington,
11. Sapirstein, H.D., Kohler, J.M. and Bushuk, W. 1991. Discrimination of
commercial grades of hard red spring wheat by digital image analysis. Cereal
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Foods World 36:685. (AACC 76th Annual Meeting, Seattle).
Sievert, D., Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1991. Changes in electrophoretic
patterns of acetic acid-insoluble wheat flour proteins during dough mixing. Cereal
Foods World 36:722. (AACC 76th Annual Meeting, Seattle).
Sapirstein, H.D., Inoue, Y. and Bushuk, W. 1992. Instrumental measurement of
bread crumb grain features by digital image analysis. Cereal Foods World 37:552553. (AACC 77th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis).
Sapirstein, H.D. 1993. Bread crumb scoring by digital image analysis. Cereal
Foods World 38:51. Cereal Foods Towards the 21st Century in Pacific Rim
Countries; an AACC Symposium, Honolulu.
Chen, X., Sapirstein, H.D., Lukow, O.M., and Bushuk, W. 1995. Use of
microwave energy for thawing frozen bread doughs. Cereal Foods World 40:696
(AACC 80th Annual Meeting, San Antonio).
Fu, B.X. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1995. Physicochemical studies of gluten proteins
isolated from an extra strong mixing wheat. Cereal Foods World 40:691 (AACC
80th Annual Meeting, San Antonio).
Suchy, J. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1995. A modification of a SDS-gel test for rapid
prediction of bread wheat quality. Cereal Foods World 40:691-692 (AACC 80th
Annual Meeting, San Antonio).
Sapirstein, H.D., Yamamoto, H., Worthington, S.T. and Ng, P.K.W. 1995.
Digital image analysis of cake crumb grain and the effects of flour chlorination
and cake type. Cereal Foods World 40:642 (AACC 80th Annual Meeting, San
Sapirstein, H.D. and Fu, B.X. 1997. The biochemical nature of the gluten
proteins of an-extra-strong wheat cultivar. Cereal Foods World 42:652 (AACC
82nd Annual Meeting, San Diego).
Fu, B.X., Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1997. Gluten strength and the rate of
gliadin solubility in water Cereal Foods World 42:653 (AACC 82nd Annual
Meeting, San Diego).
Scanlon, M.G., Sapirstein, H.D. and Fahloul, D. 1997. A measure of the fracture
toughness of bread crumb. Cereal Foods World 42:673 (AACC 82nd Annual
Meeting, San Diego).
Dupuis, B., Bushuk, W. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1997.Changes in gluten proteins
during mixing of flours of diverse breadmaking quality. Cereal Foods World
42:659 (AACC 82nd Annual Meeting, San Diego).
Sapirstein, H.D. 1998. Accuracy in digital imaging of bread crumb grain:
Towards a better understanding of bread structure, gas cell coalescence, and
product quality. Cereal Foods World 43:512 (AACC 83rd Annual Meeting,
Scanlon, M.G., Zghal, C.M. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1998. Quantifying the effect of
structure on the texture of bread crumb. Cereal Foods World 43:552 (AACC 83rd
Annual Meeting, Minneapolis).
Zghal, C.M, Scanlon, M.G. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1998. Prediction of bread crumb
density by digital image analysis of crumb grain. Cereal Foods World 43:519
(AACC 83rd Annual Meeting, Minneapolis).
Sapirstein, H.D. and Johnson, W.J. 1998. Spectrophotometric determination of
insoluble glutenin as a screening test of dough strength. Cereal Foods World
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
43:549. (AACC 83rd Annual Meeting, Minneapolis).
Sapirstein, H.D. and Roller, R. 1999. Instrumental detection of peak dough
resistance in real-time using a prototype mixer for experimental baking. AACC
84th Annual Meeting, Seattle.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Roller, R. 1999. A new high-resolution digital imaging
system for at-line measurement of crumb grain of baked goods. AACC 84th
Annual Meeting, Seattle.
Zghal, M.C., Sapirstein, H.D., and Scanlon, M.G. 1999. Relationship between
mechanical properties and structure of bread crumb. AACC 84th Annual Meeting,
Lukie, C. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1999. Effects of genotype and growing location
on the dough mixing characteristics, protein content and protein quality of extra
strong Glenlea-type wheats AACC 84th Annual Meeting, Seattle.
Zghal, M. C., Scanlon, M. G. and Sapirstein H. D. 2000. Relationship between
bread crumb texture and crumb grain uniformity determined by digital image
analysis. AACC 85th Annual Meeting, Kansas City.
Sapirstein, H. D. and Fu, B.X. 2000. Evidence for varying interaction of gliadin
and glutenin proteins as an explanation for differences in gluten strength of
different wheats. AACC 85th Annual Meeting, Kansas City.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Hussain, A. 2000. Evaluation of durum semolina dough
strength and relationships to glutenin composition and gluten strength prediction
by a new small-scale test. AACC 85th Annual Meeting, Kansas City.
Suchy, J. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2000. Rheology of SDS-protein gels in relation to
wheat breadmaking quality. AACC 85th Annual Meeting, Kansas City.
Sapirstein, H.D. 2001. What’s New in Wheat Quality Screening. Agriculture and
Agri-Food Canada Wheat Cultivar Development Network Meeting, February 27,
Saskatoon, SK.
David, P., Sapirstein, H. D. and Dexter, J. E. 2001. Effects of semolina particle
size on the breadmaking properties of durum wheats of diverse origin. AACC
86th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC
Sapirstein, H.D., Fu, B.X., Almonte, M.T., Suchy, J. and Dupuis, B. 2001.
Gliadin-glutenin interactions and relationships to dough properties. Walter
Bushuk Symposium: Wheat Quality Elucidation, AACC 86th Annual Meeting,
Charlotte, NC.
Sapirstein, H.D. 2001. The Walter Bushuk Mentee "Family Tree" - 30 Years of
Growth. Walter Bushuk Symposium: Wheat Quality Elucidation, AACC 86th
Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
David, P., Sapirstein, H.D., Dexter, J.E., and Preston, K.R. 2003. Breadmaking
quality of durum wheat: Effects of semolina particle size, fermentation time and
glutenin molecular size. AACC 88th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. [Online]
Beta, T., Nam, S. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2003. Phenolic content and antioxidant
activity of milled wheat fractions. AACC 88th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
[Online] http://www.aaccnet.org/meetings/2003/abstracts/a03ma139.htm
Przednowek, D.W., Sapirstein, H.D. Flaten, D.N. Entz, M.H. and Irvine, B.
2003. Effects of agronomics and growing location on wheat protein composition
and breadmaking quality. AACC 88th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. [Online]
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Jarvis, C., Bullock, P, and Sapirstein, H.D. 2003. Wheat Grade and Quality
Responses to Growing Season Weather Variation Across the Canadian Prairies.
Poster in Proc. Manitoba Agronomists Conference. 9-10 December, 2003. Univ.
of Manitoba, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, MB, Canada.
Sapirstein, H.D. 2003. Western Canadian Wheat Quality Assurance: Stresses on
an Over-Achieving System. Paper presented in FAFS Seminar Series, November
19, 2003.
Machet, A.-S., Sapirstein, H.D. and Dexter, J.E. 2004. Variation in Gliadin,
Glutenin, and Protein of Bran Origin in Wheat Millstreams. American
Association of Cereal Chemists 89th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.,
Wang, M. Machet, A.-S., and Sapirstein, H.D. 2004. Variation in the
Distribution and Structure of Pentosans in Wheat Milling Streams Among
Different Genotypes. American Association of Cereal Chemists 89th Annual
Meeting, San Diego, CA., September 19-22. Oral presentation. [Online]
Mpofu, A., Sapirstein, H.D. and Beta, T. 2005. A genotype by environment
study of wheat phenolic composition. Oral presentation. AACC International 90th
Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, September 11-14. [Online]
Mpofu, A., Ser, W.Y., Beta, T. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2005. Use of
chemiluminescence to determine antioxidant activity of wheats grown in several
locations. Poster. Institute of Food Technologists 2005Annual Meeting, New
Orleans, LA, July 15-20. [Online]
Williams, P.C. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2005. Prediction of wheat bread-making
quality factors using a FT-NIR interferometer. Oral presentation. AACC
International 90th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, September 11-14. [Online]
Finlay, G.J., Bullock, P.R., Sapirstein, H.D. and Angadi, S.V. 2005. Genotypic
variation versus environmental variation on yield, protein content and protein
yield of six Canadian hard spring wheat cultivars. Proceedings of the Manitoba
Agronomist Conference 2005, Winnipeg, Manitoba [Online]
Finlay, G.J., Bullock, P.R., Sapirstein, H.D. and Angadi, S.V. 2005. Weather
impacts on grain, flour, and dough mixing properties of bread wheat grown across
western Canada. Amer. Soc. of Agron. Abstracts, 69th Annual Meeting ASACSSA-SSSA, Salt Lake City, ID [Online]
Finlay, G.J., Bullock, P.R., Sapirstein, H.D. and Angadi, S.V. 2005. Genotypic
variation versus environmental variation on yield, protein content and protein
yield of six Canadian hard spring wheat cultivars. Amer. Soc. of Agron.
Abstracts, 69th Annual Meeting ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Salt Lake City, ID [Online]
Naeem, H., Sapirstein, H.D. and Bullock, P.R. 2005. Influence of varying
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
wheat protein content on protein composition in response to variation in field
growing environments in western Canada. American Association of Cereal
Chemists, 2005 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL [Online]
Finlay, G.J., Bullock, P.R., Angadi, S.V. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2005. Genotype
by environment interaction of weather on wheat quality: preliminary assessment.
Proceedings of the 48th Annual Manitoba Society of Soil Science Meeting,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, [Online] http://www.gov.mb.ca/ agriculture/news/
Jarvis, C., Naeem, H., Sapirstein, H.D., Hussain, A. and Bullock, P.R. 2005.
Variation in bread-making quality of CWRS wheat from producer fields in
western Canada 2003. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Manitoba Society of Soil
Science Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba. [Online] http://www.gov.mb.ca/
agriculture/news/ msss/index.htm
Guo, X.W., Fernando, W.G.D., Sapirstein, H.D., Bullock, P., and Nowicki, T.
2006. Prediction of deoxynivalenol in spring wheat on the basis of cropping
practices, and both rainfall and fusarium spores on a wheat head during the
flowering stage. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 28:351.
Sapirstein, H.D., Finlay, G.J. and Bullock, P.R. 2006. High density
measurement of environmental conditions during the growing season and its value
for predicting wheat breadmaking quality. AACC International 91st Annual
Meeting, World Grains Summit: Food and Beverages, September 17 – 20, San
Francisco, California. [Online]
Naeem, H. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2006. Influence of genotype and environment on
wheat gluten proteins and breadmaking quality predicted by small-scale analytical
methods. AACC International 91st Annual Meeting, World Grains Summit: Food
and Beverages, September 17 – 20, San Francisco, California. [Online]
Naeem, H. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2006. Comparison of analytical methods for
breadmaking quality prediction in G x E study: SE-HPLC vs spectrophotometry.
9th International Gluten Workshop. September 14-16, San Francisco, California.
[Online] http://www.aaccnet.org/meetings/2006/abstracts/p-148.htm
M. Wang, M., Sapirstein, H.D. and Beta, T. 2007. Effect of debranning on the
distribution and composition of pentosans of different hard spring wheats. AACC
International 92nd Annual Meeting, October 7-10, San Antonio, TX. [Online]
Ragupathy, R., Naeem, H., Sapirstein, H.D. and Cloutier, S. 2007.
Retrotransposon mediated duplication encompassing the wheat quality locus GluB1. Plant & Animal Genomes XV Conference, January 13-17, San Diego, CA.
[Online] http://www.intl-pag.org/pag/15/abstracts/PAG15_P05c_278.html
Ragupathy, R., Naeem, H., Sapirstein, H.D., Lukow, O.D. and Cloutier, S. 2007.
Evolutionary origin of the segmental duplication encompassing the wheat Glu-B1
locus for HMW glutenins. Canadian Crop Genomics Initiative Annual Workshop.
September 11-13, Penticton, BC.
Harding, S.V., Rideout, T.C., Marinangeli, C.P.F., Sapirstein, H.D. and Jones,
P.J.H. 2008. Poster. Normal and physiochemically modified wheat bran may
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
reduce fat mass and increase fat oxidation in a hamster model. Canadian
Federation of Biological Societies Meeting, June 17-20, Winnipeg, MB.
Wang, M. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2008. Genetic and environmental effects on flour
pentosan content in relationship to farinograph absorption. Cereal Foods World
53:A43; AACC International 93rd Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, September 2124, 2008. [online]
Harding, S., Sapirstein, H., Rideout, T., Marinangeli, C. and Jones, P. 2009.
Comparison of traditional and physicochemically modified wheat bran with
enhanced bioactive component solubility on body composition and energy
expenditure in a hypercholesterolemic hamster model. Cereal Foods World
De Moura, F., Lewis, K., Hoadley, J., Mares, J., Marlett, J. Sapirstein, H. and
Falk, M. 2009. Evaluating the effect of applying the FDA definition of whole
grains to health claims for risk reduction of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Cereal Foods World 54(2):OS32.
Harding, S., Sapirstein, H., Rideout, T., Marinangeli, C. and Jones, P. 2009. Comparison
of traditional and physicochemically modified wheat bran with enhanced bioactive
component solubility on body composition and energy expenditure in a
hypercholesterolemic hamster model. Cereal Foods World 54(2):OS17.
Sapirstein, H.D., Siddhu, S. and Aliani, M. 2011. Analysis of volatile and
nonvolatile content and composition of refined and whole wheat bread made from
red and white wheat bran by GC-MS. AACC International Annual Meeting, Oct.
16-19, Palm Springs, CA.
Sapirstein, H.D., Siddhu, S. and Aliani, M. 2011. Discrimination of aroma of
refined and whole wheat bread made from red and white wheat bran using an
electronic nose instrument. AACC International Annual Meeting, Oct. 16-19,
Palm Springs, CA.
Sapirstein, H. and Madapathage Dona, A.K. 2012. Novel wheat bran and extracts
with enhanced nutrient and bioactive properties. AACC International 97th Annual
Meeting, Hollywood, FL, September 30 – October 3, 2012. [Online]
Harding, S. Sapirstein, H., Rideout, T., Marinangeli, C. and Jones, P. 2012.
Consumption of wheat bran modified by autoclaving reduces plasma glucose and
increases lean body mass at the expense of fat mass in hamsters. AACC
International 97th Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, September 30 – October 3,
2012. [Online]
Published Reports
University of Manitoba, Department of Food Science, Page 19 in: Economic
Innovation & Technology Council State of Innovation Report for Manitoba 1994.
Sapirstein, H.D. Doughs from extra strong wheat. Pages 10-11 in: Wheat Gluten
- More Than Just Bread. NRC PBI Bulletin, September 1997, R. Gallays, ed.
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
National Research Council of Canada - Plant Biotechnology Institute, Saskatoon.
Unpublished or Internal Reports
Sapirstein, H.D. 1995. A Brief Review of the Technology and Science of
Baking, Prepared for the Winnipeg School Division No. 1 Mentorship in Math
and Science Program.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1996. Automated optical grain inspection by digital imaging current developments and future directions. Prince Rupert Grain Workshop on
Automated Optical Grain Inspection, Vancouver, March 21, 1996. Prepared for
Prince Rupert Grain Ltd.
University of Manitoba, Department of Food Science, B.Sc. (Food Science)
Degree Program Application for review by the Institute of Food Technologists,
February 1996.
McEwen, T.J., Bushuk, W. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1997. Grain and Grain Product
Quality Assessment - Directions for the Western Canadian Grain Industry.
Threshold Technologies Company. Commissioned by the Canadian Wheat Board.
1997. 133 p.
Sapirstein, H.D. 2004. Wheat: An Undervalued Nutraceutical Powerhouse.
Conference - Natural Health Products and Functional Foods - Research
Opportunities. February 16, 2004, University of Manitoba.
Jarvis, C. K. Bullock, P. R. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2004. Wheat Grade and Quality
Responses to Growing Season Weather Variation Across the Canadian Prairies.
Manitoba Soil Science Society Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, 3-4 March, 2004.
Poster presentation.
Bullock, P.R., Renwick, R., Angadi, S.V. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2004. Quantifying
Agricultural Water Stress Impacts on Wheat in Western Canada. Abstr. 68th
Annual Meeting of American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of
America - Soil Science Society of America, 31 Oct.-4 Nov., 2004, Seattle, WA.
Oral presentation.
Angadi, S.V., Renwick, R., Bullock, P.R. Sapirstein, H.D. 2004. Comparing
Models for Estimating Evapotranspiration by Wheat on the Canadian Prairie.
Abstr. 68th Annual Meeting of American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science
Society of America - Soil Science Society of America, 31 Oct.-4 Nov., 2004,
Seattle, WA. Oral presentation.
Jarvis, C.K., Sapirstein, H.D., Bullock, P.R., Angadi, S.V., Naeem, H., Wang, M.
and Hussain, A. 2004. Growing Season Weather Impacts on Bread-making
Quality of CWRS Wheat from Producer Fields in western Canada. Abstr. 68th
Annual Meeting of American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of
America - Soil Science Society of America, 31 Oct.-4 Nov., 2004, Seattle, WA.
Oral presentation.
10. Jarvis, C.K., Naeem, H., Sapirstein, H.D., Hussain, A. Bullock, P.R. 2004.
Variation in Bread-making Quality of CWRS Wheat from Producer Fields in
western Canada 2003. Abstr. 68th Annual Meeting of American Society of
Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America,
31 Oct.-4 Nov., 2004, Seattle, WA. Poster presentation.
11. Guo, X.W., Fernando, W.G.D., Nowicki, T., Jarvis, C.K. and Sapirstein, H.D.
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
2004. A Recent Investigation of Fusarium Head Blight Disease and Its Effect on
Wheat Grain Quality and Yield in Manitoba. Canadian Phytopathological Society
meeting, Ottawa, June 2004.
Invited Conference Papers
Sapirstein, H.D. 1986. Application of image analysis to grain grading. United
States Department of Agriculture - Wheat Classification Working Group, Kansas
City, October 28, 1986.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1988. Developments in image analysis research. The Canadian
International Grains Institute, Second Grain Quality Measurement Technology
Course, Winnipeg, February 8-12, 1988.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1989. Digital imaging for wheat grading. Seminar - Department
of Botany, University of Manitoba, February 24, 1989.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1990. Computer processing of wheat endosperm protein
electrophoretic patterns using digital image analysis. U.S. Spring Wheat Workers
Meeting, Fargo, January 16, 1990.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1990. Application of image analysis as an
instrumental method for wheat inspection and grading. United Grain Growers Ltd.
Field Day, Rosebank, June 23, 1990.
Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1991. Discrimination of wheat grades and
determination of hard vitreous kernel content by digital image analysis. Cereals
International Conference, Brisbane, Australia, September 9-13, 1991.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1992. Image analysis: some applications to the grain industry.
AACC Canadian Prairie Section, Winnipeg, February 26, 1992.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1993. Bread crumb scoring by digital image analysis. AACC
Cereal Foods Toward the 21st Century in Pacific Rim Countries Symposium,
Honolulu, Hawaii, March 7-10, 1993.
Sapirstein, H.D. 1993. Digital image analysis and its applications in cereal
science and industry. 43rd Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, Sydney,
Australia, September 12-16, 1993.
10. Sapirstein, H.D. 1993. Instrumental measurement of bread crumb grain by
digital image analysis. 43rd Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, Sydney,
Australia, September 12-16, 1993.
11. Sapirstein, H.D. 1994. Rapid instrumental objective analysis at the University of
Manitoba, Department of Food Science. Canadian Grain Commission Rapid,
Instrumental, Objective Analysis Seminar, Winnipeg, June 28, 1994.
12. Scanlon, M.G. and Sapirstein, H.D. 1994. Image analysis for bread crumb
scoring and for the potato processing industry. Image Analysis in the Food
Industry Meeting, Flour Milling and Baking Research Association, Chorleywood,
U.K., October 11, 1994.
13. Sapirstein, H.D. 1995. Applications of image analysis in quality measurements.
AACC Milling & Baking Division 25th Annual Spring Technical Conference,
Seattle, May 3-5, 1995.
14. Sapirstein, H.D. 1996. Automated optical grain inspection by digital imaging current developments and future directions. Prince Rupert Grain Workshop on
Automated Optical Grain Inspection, Vancouver, March 21, 1996.
15. Sapirstein, H.D. 1998. Imaging and Measurement of Bubbles in Bread in:
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Bubbles in Food, an International Conference, June 9-11, 1998, Manchester, UK.
Sapirstein, H.D. 2006. Analytical strategies for assessing the protein quality of
wheat for breadmaking: successes and limits. 1st International Forum on Cereal
Science, Cereal Foods – Cooperation and Opportunities Across Borders. October
18-21, Southern Yangtze University, Wuxi, China.
Harding, S., Sapirstein, H., Rideout, T., Marinangeli, C. and Jones, P. 2009.
(Poster) Comparison of traditional and physicochemically modified wheat bran
with enhanced bioactive component solubility on body composition and energy
expenditure in a hypercholesterolemic hamster model. C&E Spring Meeting 2009
– Whole Grain Global Summit. March 25-27, Newcastle, UK.
De Moura, F., Lewis, K., Hoadley, J., Mares, J., Marlett, J. Sapirstein, H. and
Falk, M. 2009. Evaluating the effect of applying the FDA definition of whole
grains to health claims for risk reduction of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
C&E Spring Meeting 2009 – Whole Grain Global Summit. March 25-27,
Newcastle, UK.
De Moura, F., Lewis, K., Mares, J., Marlett, J. Sapirstein, H., Hoadley, J.and
Falk, M. 2009. (Poster) Evaluating the effect of applying the FDA definition of
whole grains to health claims for risk reduction of cardiovascular disease and
diabetes. Experimental Biology 2009. April 18-22, New Orleans, LA.
Miscellaneous Conference Papers
Sapirstein, H.D., Scanlon, M.G. NG, P.K.W. and Bushuk, W. 1988. Computer
processing of electrophoretic and HPLC data for wheat cultivar identification and
comparative analysis. 8th International Cereal and Bread Congress, May 30-June
3, 1988, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Sivri, D., Koksel, H., Sapirstein, H.D. and Bushuk, W. 1998. Differential
susceptibility of glutenin of Turkish wheat cultivars to proteolytic bug damage.
16th ICC Conference, May 9-12, 1998, Vienna, Austria
Sivri, D., Sapirstein, H.D., Koksel, H., and Bushuk, W. 1999. Effects of Wheat
Bug (Eurogaster maura) on glutenin proteins. 17th ICC Conference, June 6-9,
1999, Valencia, Spain.
Naeem, H. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2006. Ultra-fast separation of wheat glutenin
subunits by reversed-phase HPLC using a superficially porous silica support
column. 9th International Gluten Workshop. September 14-16, San Francisco,
Bullock, P.R., Finlay, G.J. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2006. Quantifying growing
season moisture impacts on western Canadian spring wheat. European
Geosciences Union 2006 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
X.W. Guo, Fernando, W.G.D., Sapirstein, H.D., Bullock P.R. and Nowick, T.
2006. Models defining relationships between cropping practices, fusarium
inoculum on wheat heads and weather conditions in western Canada. 9th
European Fusarium Seminar, September 19 – 22, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
X.W. Guo, Fernando, W.G.D., Sapirstein, H.D. and Bullock P.R. 2006.
Prediction of deoxynivalenol in spring wheat based on cropping practices,
Fusarium spores on a wheat head and rainfall at the flowering stage. APS-CPSMSA Joint Meeting, Biological Interactions and Biological Crossroads, July 29 –
Aug. 2, Quebec City, Quebec.
Harry D. Sapirstein
Curriculum Vitae
Sapirstein, H.D., Siddhu, S. and Aliani, M. 2011. Discrimination of aroma of
refined and whole wheat bread made from red and white wheat bran using an
electronic nose instrument. AACC International Annual Meeting, Oct. 16-19,
Palm Springs, CA.
Sapirstein, H.D., Siddhu, S. and Aliani, M. 2011. Analysis of volatile and
nonvolatile content and composition of refined and whole wheat bread made from
red and white wheat bran by GC-MS. AACC International Annual Meeting, Oct.
16-19, Palm Springs, CA.
Bullock, P.R., Mkhabela, M.S., Nadler, A.J. and Sapirstein, H.D. 2011. Growing
Season Weather Implications for Spring Wheat Breadmaking Quality. 2011 ASACSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Oct. 16-19, 2011 San Antonio,
Fly UP