Phosphorus: World Wide Supplies and Efficiency
Phosphorus: World Wide Supplies and Efficiency Paul Fixen Sr. Vice President [email protected] 2009 Manitoba Agronomists Conference Winnipeg, Manitoba December 16, 2009 DAP Source: Heffer (IFA, Nov. 2009) Sept. 2009 Aug. 2009 Nature, Oct. 2009 June 2009 2008 Hubbert curve: production reaches a maximum when 50% of the resource is depleted and declines thereafter. Peak phosphorus … like peak oil?? 2030 White and Cordell, 2009. Economic and potentially economic phosphate deposits of the world Sedimentary deposits comprise 80% of RP production McClellan and Van Kauwenbergh, 2004. World phosphate rock production, 1981-2008 Rather flat at 120 to 165 MT per yr Others Former Soviet Union Brazil Jordan Tunisia China Morocco United States 11992-1997 2Year FSU includes Kazakhstan and Russia data; afterwards, Russia only. 2008 estimated. Compiled from USGC Mineral Commodities Reports, 1983-2009. About reserve and reserve base estimates • Definitions: – Reserves can be economically mined at the time of determination – Reserve base includes economic and some currently uneconomic resources • Estimates are plagued with uncertainty – Producers consider reserve information to be confidential – Published scientific papers and specific deposit reports are primary information sources – Should be viewed as general approximations World phosphate reserves* in 2008 Senegal Togo Total = 15 billion Tunisia Brazil Canada metric tons 1% 2% Others Egypt 6% 1% Syria Israel Jordan 1% 1% 6% Russia Morocco & W. 1% S. Africa Sahara 10% Australia 37% 1% U.S. 8% * Reserves can be economically mined at the time of determination. Data Source: USGS, 2009. China 27% World phosphate reserve base* in 2008 Tunisia Egypt 1% Brazil 1% Canada Others 5% 2% Syria Israel 2% 2% Russia 2% Australia 3% Total = 47 billion metric tons Jordan 4% S. Africa 5% U.S. 7% * Reserve base includes economic and some currently uneconomic resources. Data Source: USGS, 2009. Senegal Togo China 21% Morocco & W. Sahara 45% Phosphate mine reserve life and reserve base life World 291 93 Data Source: USGS, 2009 (based on 2007‐2008 production). Phosphate reserve and reserve base estimates • Great uncertainty exists in estimates. Examples: – USGS RP world estimates (billion metric tons): • In 2002 Reserves = 13; Reserve base = 47 • In 2009 Reserves = 15; Reserve base = 47 • After 7 yrs, 2009 estimates were 122% and 100% of 2002 estimates. – Sheldon world estimates (billion metric tons): • In 1987 Reserves = 15; same as 2009 USGS estimates • Resources (reserve base + inferred base) = 112 … a longevity of nearly 700 yrs based on today’s production. • Clearly, the world is not on the verge of running out of phosphate raw materials. • Just as clearly, RP is a non‐renewable natural resource of immense importance to food production and deserves are very best stewardship. Nutrient Use efficiency terminology Example: P applied (F) Grain yield (Y) P Uptake (U) P removal (UH) lb/A (P2O5) bu/A lb P/A lb P/A 20 (45) Y = 60 U = 20 16 0 Y0 = 50 U0 = 17 NUE Term Calculation Example Agronomic efficiency (Y-Y0)/F (60 bu/A - 50 bu/A) x 60 lb/bu = 600 lb grain 600 lb grain/20 lb applied P = 30 lb grain/lb P Recovery efficiency by difference (U-U0)/F (20 lb P/A -17 lb P/A) / 20 lb P applied = 15% Recovery efficiency by balance* UH/F 16 lb P/A / 20 lb P applied = 80% * Also referred to as “partial nutrient balance” or “removal to use ratio”. Influence of soil fertility on efficiency of P fertilizer use in wheat experiments in Argentina 28% 1st yr recovery by difference Near 0% recovery by difference Garcia, 2004. Recovery efficiency by balance method for P Better Crops 2009 (3) • Global review by Syers, Johnston and Curtin (2008). • When soils are maintained near the critical level for crop yield, P recovery efficiency by the balance method frequently exceeds 90%. Example of critical soil test level (as defined by Syers et al.) Critical level Availability and extractability of soil P pools Extractability by soil tests Johnston and Syers, 2009. As P is applied to soils only a portion ends up in soil test extractable forms Line representing 13% of added P remaining as Olsen P Other studies in North America show up to 20-25% remaining soil test extractable Johnston and Syers, 2009. Availability and extractability of soil P pools < 25% of applied P > 75% of applied P Extractability by soil tests Johnston and Syers, 2009. For most soils, much of this 75%+ enters the low availability pool … becomes plant available over time P Efficiency for Prairie Province Soils • Read et al (1973): Single applications of P to 4 Chernozems in MB and SK; 100, 200, and 400 kg P/ha – 3 yrs after applying P, surface soil collected and cropped in greenhouse to oats and barley, 19 crops – Avg recovery was 87%, 81% and 70% respectively • Sadler and Stewart (1974): “There is sufficient evidence to show conclusively that a considerable portion of fertilizer P (approximately 75%) not used by the first crop immediately following application, remains in chemical form which is available to succeeding crops, provided that the rooting distribution of the ensuing crop and critical growth factors permit it to be utilized.” • Doyle and Cowell (1993): “Most applied P will eventually be recovered by crops on the Canadian prairies.” Syers, Johnston and Curtin, 2008 (p 67). Another consideration when P recovery is assessed by difference • When crops do not receive P, they may be more efficient at acquiring soil P than those that do receive P • Causes: – More effective mycorrhizal associations – Great allocations of CHO from photosynthesis to grain when P is limiting – Uptake of P deeper in the soil profile when P in the surface is limited – Ability of the plant to change conditions in the rhizosphere in response to low levels of available soil P Syers, Johnston and Curtin, 2008 (p 68). Recovery efficiency by balance method in MT, ND, and SD (NuGIS, IPNI). Median Bray P, ppm P removal/use* ratio State 2001 2005 2002 2007 Average MT 12 14 0.91 1.04 0.98 ND 10 11 1.07 1.01 1.04 SD 11 14 1.06 1.00 1.03 * Use = Fertilizer P applied plus recoverable manure P. Replacing the P removed in the harvested portions of crops appears to be maintaining soil P as indicated by soil tests = Recovery efficiency by balance is near 100%. P-2007 U.S. 48 0.92 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.6 1.2 0.9 1.0 Inputs and outputs of N & P by managed pathways. Nutrient balances by region (kg/ha/yr) Western Kenya North China Midwest U.S. (low input (wheat/corn (corn/soy‐ corn‐based) double crop) bean) Inputs and outputs N P N P N P Fertilizer 7 8 588 92 93 14 Biological N fixation 62 Total agronomic inputs 7 8 588 92 155 14 Removal in grain and/or beans 23 4 361 39 145 23 Removal in other harvested products 36 3 Total agronomic outputs 59 7 361 39 145 23 Agronomic inputs minus harvest removals ‐52 +1 +227 +53 +10 ‐9 Removal to use ratio (partial nutrient balance or recovery by balance method) Vitousek et al. (Science, 2009). 0.88 0.42 IL Median Bray P in 2005 = 36 ppm 1.64 Summary • World P reserves and resources appear adequate for the foreseeable future; – Nutrient costs will rise over time as the most easily extracted materials are consumed. • An added incentive for continued refinement and implementation of fertilizer BMPs: – The resulting gain in efficiency will slow the increase in costs. • Wise stewardship of non‐renewable nutrient resources is a critical responsibility for the agriculture industry. • Global evidence indicates that maintenance of soil test P near the critical level results in P efficiency by the balance method frequently exceeding 90%.