Realistic Expectations of Foliar Fungicides for Management of FHB Scott Henry M.Sc.
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Realistic Expectations of Foliar Fungicides for Management of FHB Scott Henry M.Sc.
Realistic Expectations of Foliar Fungicides for Management of FHB Scott Henry M.Sc. Seed Treatment & Foliar Fungicide R&D Manager, Bayer CropScience Factors that influence FHB fungicide performance (which should influence your expectation) FHB is a very difficult to manage disease 1. Fungicide choice – Inherent differences amongst products 2. Crop / Variety choice – Fungicide performance differs amongst the different cultivars and even crops 3. Application Quality – parameters influencing coverage influence efficacy – nozzle choice, configuration, water volume 4. Application Timing – narrow window, susceptibility of host and presence of inoculum 1. Fungicide Choice Background • 3 fungicides commercially available in Canada with label claims for protection against FHB – Folicur, Proline and Bravo – All 3 product labels essentially claim “suppression” against FHB – a couple more fungicide options may become available in Canada in near future What is suppression? • The term “suppression” is defined by PMRA as “consistent” control at a level which is “not optimal” but is still of “commercial benefit”. • The threshold (%) of acceptable disease reduction for this claim depends on the disease and crop, the efficacy of alternative control measures, and the expected impact of a proposed fungicide product on crop yield or quality. • “Suppression” is not used for products which show highly variable performance between trials. A product with low efficacy would require a detailed rationale to demonstrate that the product has value. Public Fungicide Evaluations - USA • USWBSI has funded a uniform fungicide test protocol since 1998. – tests and treatments carried out by various Land Grant Universities – Winter, spring wheat and barley evaluated • 15-25 tests annually – Uniform treatments (within a given year) and disease / DON ratings – 17 fungicides and/or combinations and many rates of these have been evaluated since 1998 – Results summarized annually for distribution at USWBSI’s National Head Blight Forum Most studies inoculated. Most studies mist-irrigated to encourage disease Efficacy of Folicur 432F based on 66 Uniform Fungicide Trials (USWBSI 1998-2003) Percent Control Relative to Untreated Treatment Rate fl oz Folicur 3.6F 4.0 Inc FHB Sev Index DON (ppm) 19.7% 22.5% 39.4% 27.4% 39.4% Source: Don Hershman, Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Kentucky, Princeton, KY FDK Multivariate Meta Analysis – 10 years of UFTs (> 100 trials) • Only SBI (triazoles analyzed) because this group of fungicides has been shown to be most effective • Based on % Efficacy (FHB Index Reduction) – Prothio (48%), Tebu (40%) and Propi (32%) • Based on % DON reduction – Prothio (42%), Tebu (23%) and Propi (12%) Source: Lipps et al., Ohio State University, Wooster, OH My Perspective basis more realistic experience? Fusarium Head Blight - % DON Reduction Trial Means Distribution < 5 ppm – n=12 >5 ppm – n=3 64% 73% Trial Means Grand Means • Suppression of mycotoxins with fungicides can reach values higher than 70% Source: 2003-2008 – BCS R&D - 15 sites (MB) * = NIS included 2. Crop / Variety Selection Are better results achieved by spraying a resistant variety? Picture courtesy: Don Hershman, Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Kentucky, Princeton, KY 2. Crop / Variety Selection General Fungicide Response in Winter vs Spring Wheat in Uniform Fungicide (USWBSI Trials, 2003) Percent Control Relative to Untreated 11 spring and 9 winter wheat trials FHB DON Index (ppm) FDK Treatment Inc Sev Spring wheat 40.3 49.5 63.3 37.9 41.6 Winter wheat 26.2 22.9 40.4 26.1 28 Spring Wheat Advantage +14.1 +26.6 +22.9 +11.8 +13.6 • environment assumed to be equal due to manipulation (misting) Source: Don Hershman, Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Kentucky, Princeton, KY 3. Application Quality University of Guelph – Ridgetown College – modified JD4210 University of Guelph – Ridgetown College – modified JD4210 water sensitive paper / simulated wheat head • 4 spray passes / sprayer • 180 papers for sprayer Size is similar to actual wheat head 3. Application Quality Double Swivel TurboFlood Alternating TwinJet 1 2 3 Overall C.V. = 37-46% Left Front Right Rear Overall C.V. = 43-75% Overall C.V. = 40-67% Left Front Right Rear Left Front Right Rear 3. Application Quality application technique efficacy (%) untreated Fungicide volume of water efficacy (%) Fungicide untreated 46 l/ha 200 l/ha 4. Application Timing Effect of Timing of Fungicide Treatment on % Reduction of FHB in Durum Wheat Greenhouse Trial, 2001 Treatment Rate Feekes Growth % Reduction Stg Applied FHB Index++ ml / Acre 120 ml Folicur 10.3 - 50% heads 59.1 Folicur 10.5 - 100% heads 120 ml 75.8 10.51 – beg. flower Folicur 120 ml 81.0 10.54 - flowering done Folicur 120 ml 24.7 Folicur 60 ml u 60 ml 10.3+10.51 92.3 •Folicur applied with surfactant, forward/backward XR8001 nozzles. Folicur only applied 60 mlat uFeekes 60 ml 10.51+10.54 ** Inoculation 10.51 (anthesis); range of FHB severities:81.0 2.3 - 36.4%. Source: 2001 (NDSU, McMullen et. al.) FHB - % DON Reduction (Barley: Application Timing Trials) BBCH 51-53 130 ml/ac Source: 4 Trials - 2002-2003 (BCS R&D - MB) BBCH 57-59 130 ml/ac Avg UTC DON level = 4.1 ppm App B +3-5 Days 130 ml/ac * = NIS included Effect of Fungicide Timing on DON Reduction Wheat Deoxynivalenol (ppm) 15 Trial# 836 Trial# 837 10 5 0 BBCH UTC 53 55 57-59 61-63 65 Influence of Fungicide Application Timing on Fusarium Efficacy If can’t spray before, spray as soon as possible after inoculation event 100 % efficacy 80 60 40 20 0 I - 10 I - 5 inoculation I+5 I + 10 days treatment : n° of days before / after inoculation Making Your Expectations a Reality • Integrated approach – cultivar selection, rotation and fungicides • Fungicides are only one tool – Make them as effective as possible with a quality well timed application • Result in best success in management of Fusarium Head Blight – Increase the probability of your expectations being met