Phosphorus management for sensitive crops: Managing phosphorus through the rotation
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Phosphorus management for sensitive crops: Managing phosphorus through the rotation
Phosphorus management for sensitive crops: Managing phosphorus through the rotation Cynthia Grant, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Brandon Research Centre, Box 1000A, R.R.#3, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y3 E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Crop rotations in Manitoba are shifting towards greater production of crops such as soybean and canola that are sensitive to seed-placed fertilizers. A high-yielding canola or soybean crop will remove more phosphorus than can be safely applied in the seed-row, according to current recommendations. Side-banding can increase the amount of P that can safely be applied at the time of seeding. Both canola and soybean can effectively access phosphorus from the soil if there are sufficient reserves present. In many fields in Manitoba, soil phosphorus levels are relatively high due to long-term applications of manure or relatively high fertilizer phosphorus inputs. In contrast, many other soils are deficient in phosphorus and those deficiencies will be increased if more phosphorus is removed from the soil than is returned over time. The risk of soil depletion becomes greater with more frequent production of soybean and canola in the rotation if phosphorus applications are restricted to recommended seed-placed levels. Therefore, it is important to consider phosphorus input and off-take throughout the cropping sequence so that phosphorus can be managed in a way to optimize crop yield while avoiding either excess accumulation or depletion over time. This may be done by modifying the method of phosphorus fertilization in sensitive crops to allow applications that match crop removal. Manure can be a valuable P source, where available. Alternately, greater phosphorus inputs can be applied at other stages in the cropping sequence to compensate for the deficits in the sensitive crops and balance phosphorus input and off-take over time. Introduction Phosphorus fertilizer is a major input for crop production in Manitoba. Phosphorus is critical in the metabolism of plants, playing a role in cellular energy transfer, respiration, and photosynthesis. Phosphorus is also a structural component of the nucleic acids of genes and chromosomes and of many coenzymes, phosphoproteins and phospholipids. An adequate supply of P is essential from the earliest stages of plant growth, since phosphorus is required for all the growth processes required for seedling germination and establishment. Symptoms of P deficiency include decreased plant height, dark green or purpling coloration, delayed leaf emergence, reductions in tillering, secondary root development, and dry matter yield and seed production. Banding phosphorus near the seed improves phosphorus response If P supplied from the soil and seed reserves is inadequate to support optimum crop yield, fertilizer applications can supply P to the plant. Phosphorus supply during the first two to six weeks of growth tends to have a large impact on final crop yield in most crops; therefore, it is important that P fertilizer applications are managed in a way that ensures early season access of the fertilizer by the growing crop. Banding in or near the seed-row is the recommended placement method for phosphorus fertilizer on the prairies. Studies reported in the Westco training manual indicated that banding 20 kg phosphate ha-1 near the seed-row was as effective as broadcasting and incorporating 80 kg phosphate ha-1. Banding the P near the seed-row puts the fertilizer in a position where the roots can contact it early in growth, increasing the early season P supply. A large number of studies in many plant species have shown that early season P supply is critical for optimum crop yield. Withholding P during early plant growth will limit crop production and cause a restriction in crop gro owth from wh hich the plan nt may not re ecover. Pho osphorus limitation later in the seaso on has a mu uch smaller impact i on crrop productio on than do liimitations ea arly in growth. Concentrration of P in n the soil sollution is usua ally low sincce when pho osphate is ad dded to the ssoil, it reacts relatively quickly with ca alcium (Ca), magnesium m (Mg), and iron (Fe) and d aluminum (Al) to form le Most phosp ess soluble phosphates. p phate movess to the plan nt by diffusion rather than n mass flow w, and as P movement through t the soil to the ro oot is restrictted, diffusion n is generallly considere ed to be the rate-limiting g factor in P absorption b by plants. It is estimated d that, on average, phosphate could only diffuse d appro oximately 0.2 2 to 0.5 mm,, so that onlyy phosphate e within 0.5 5 mm of a pllant root is in n a position where it can n be accesse ed by the cro op. Placing the fertilizer near the see ed-row allow ws the first plant roots to contact the fertilizer and d begin upta ake early in growth. g As th he crop root system grow ws, it is able e to access P from a larg ger volume o of soil and begins to rely les ss on the P from f the ferttilizer near th he seed and d more from P in the bulkk soil (Figure 1). Having a combination n of P bande ed near the sseed-row an nd an adequa ate concentrration of P in the bulk soil provides th he plant with h the P required through hout the grow wing season. eed-placed P fertilizer a nd from the bulk soil in tthree crops Figure 1:: Absorption of P from se through the t growing season (Kallra and Sope er 1968). Uptake of o P by the plant is propo ortional to the root densi ty, so enlarg gement of th he root surface area incrreases the ability of the plant p to acce ess and abso orb P from tthe soil. Therefore, manyy plants respond to low w soil P conc centrations by b enlarging the root sysstem and de eveloping hig ghly branched d roots with abundant a ro oot hairs to enhance e theiir ability to explore new ssoil reservess of gh P are encountered. Having the P and effficiently extra act P from th he soil when n areas of hig e opportunitty for the pla fertilizer placed in a band b near th he seed-row provides the ant to contacct the fertilizer granule g and to begin roo ot proliferatio on in the hig gh-concentra ation reaction n zone. Thiss increases s the plant’s s ability to utiilize the fertilizer when itt is needed tto plant esta ablishment. Cold soil temp peratures slo ow diffusion of P in soil, reduce P so olubility and d decrease root growth. Therefore e, under typical Prairie conditions c att planting, co old soil temp peratures at seeding ma ay increase the benefit of o banding P near the se eed-row. Stand Density (plants m-2) Phosphorus deficit in sensitive crops While seed-placed phosphorus is an efficient method of fertilizer placement, excess seedplaced P may lead to seedling damage in sensitive crops (Figure 2). Canola, soybean and flax are all sensitive to seedling damage from monoammonium phosphate fertilizer, with stand density decreasing mainly due to the salt effect from the N portion of the fertilizer. Blending ammonium sulphate and monoammonium phosphate together can increase the damage additively. Because of the sensitivity of canola, soybean and flax to seedling damage, the amount of phosphate fertilizer that can be safely applied with the seed is low. If the provincial guidelines for safe placement of phosphate fertilizer with the seed are followed for canola and soybean, a good crop will remove more P from the soil than is added (Table 1). The simplest way of avoiding this problem is to shift the placement of the phosphate away from the seed-row. Applying the fertilizer as a side-band near the seed-row provides greater seedling safety yet is still an efficient method of P placement. However, if the fertilizer is more than an inch or two away from the seed-row, it may not be in a position where the roots can access it early in the season and so may not provide the crop a starter benefit. 110 100 0 kg S ha-1 9 kg S ha-1 90 18 kg S ha-1 80 70 60 50 40 0 10 20 30 40 Phosphate (kg ha-1) Figure 2: Impact of seed placed monoammonium phosphate and ammonium sulphate on stand density of canola (Grant and Grenkow unpublished). Table 1: Balance between phosphate removal and recommended safe limits for seed-placed monoammonium phosphate for common Manitoba crops Yield Removal Seed Limit Balance Crop bu/acre lb/acre lb/acre lb/acre Wheat 40 29 50 21 Canola 40 40 20 -20 Soybeans 40 32 10 -22 Barley 80 38 50 12 Flax 32 20 20 0 Peas 50 38 20 -18 Oats 100 29 50 21 Historically in Manitoba, inputs of phosphate fertilizer and off-take of P in the plant was fairly well-balanced, because shortfalls in P input during production of canola was compensated by higher additions in the cereal years. However, cropping patterns in Manitoba are changing, with higher production of canola and soybean and lower production of cereal crops (Table 2). If removal of P is greater than input of P over time, the soil may become P depleted. Conversely if input of P exceeds P removal over time, as may occur with manure applications, soil P levels may increase. Long-term studies conducted by Fernando Selles at the AAFC research centre in Swift Current showed a good relationship between Olsen-P soil phosphorus levels and the balance between P applied and P removed in the crop (Figure 3). Table 2: Production of various field crops (000 acres) in Manitoba between 2001 and 2012 (Statistics Canada). Crop Wheat Canola Soybeans Barley Peas Flaxseed Oats Corn (grain) 2001 3922 1872 50 1165 148 436 905 110 2006 3280 2279 350 838 91 384 946 150 70 P build-up P depletion -1 Olsen-P (kg ha ) 60 2012 2940 3485 875 490 55 180 565 300 k and 95% confidence Interval 50 40 intercept and 95% confidence interval 30 20 10 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 -1 P-balance (kg ha ) y 25 0.08 * Pbal when Pbal <= k y 25 0.08 * Pbal 1.1* ( Pbal k ) otherwise Figure 3: Soil test P values reflected the balance between P input and P removal in the crop in long-term studies conducted at Swift Current, Saskatchewan (Selles et al. 2011). Similar results were found in studies across the prairies that evaluated the effect of annual inputs of approximately 0, 40, 80 and 160 lb of phosphate per acre from 2002 to 2010, in a durum wheat-flax cropping sequence (Figure 4). In these studies, withholding P fertilizer led to a large depletion in soil P while applications of 80 lb ac-1 or above led to a large increase. Application of 40 lb ac-1 produced minor changes in soil-test P, depending on the soil type. In this study, similar rates of P were applied to both crops in the rotation, even though the flax crop tends to remove lower amounts of P. In rotations with canola that removes greater amounts of P than are normally applied, the depletion would be greater than observed with this study. 80 70 Carman 60 Carstairs Change in Olsen P (ppm) Brandon 50 Ft. Sask 40 Phillips 30 20 10 0 ‐10 0 40 80 120 160 ‐20 Phosphate applied annually (lb/ac) Figure 4: Change in Olsen P values with annual P application after 8 years of cropping following a durum wheat-flax cropping sequence on five soils in Western Canada (Grant et al., unpublished). Either excess depletion or excess accumulation of P in soils can cause problems. Excess P accumulation can increase the risk of P movement into water bodies, leading to eutrophication, as is currently seen in in Lake Winnipeg. Conversely, depletion of soil P can reduce the supply of P from the soil to the crop, potentially limiting yield, especially in situations where the P application is reduced to meet safe limits for seed-placement. Where soils are depleted, the plant may not be able to access sufficient P from the soil to optimize yield. Studies conducted in Saskatchewan evaluated the effect of applications of seed-placed MAP on soils with and without application of initial large rates of broadcast MAP (Figure 5). Seed-placed P alone was not sufficient to optimize crop yields on soils that had very low background P levels, as measured by Olsen P. In order to maintain the long-term productivity of the soil, it is important to manage phosphorus through the rotation to maintain reasonable levels of available soil P, in the range of 15 ppm. Figure 5:: Effect of a single broad dcast and an nnual seed-p placed phossphate appliccations on w wheat grain yield (Wager ett al. 1986). While it is s often state ed that the effficiency of phosphate p fe ertilization in n the year off application is low, in th he range of 30% 3 or less, the P that is s not used b by the crop in n the year off application will normally remain available to follo owing crops,, unless it is removed fro om the field by run-off orr erosion. When phos sphorus fertillizer is applie ed to a soil, it initially disssolves and enters the ssoil solution, but this shiffts the equilib brium toward ds precipitattion of P as C Ca, Mg, Fe o or Al-phosph hates that have e a lower sollubility than the t fertilizer that was ap pplied. A larg ge proportion n of these phosphate compounds still rema ain predomin nantly in "lab bile" forms th hat can be acccessed by the plant ove er time. As th he plant feed ds on the P in the soil so olution, it shiifts the equillibrium back towards the t dissolution of these phosphates in order to rreplenish the e soil solutio on (Figure 6)). So, in an ny particular season, the plant will ac ccess newly applied P frrom the fertilizer, P that had recently precipitated and re-disso olved from the fertilizer a applied in th hat season, a as well as P derived from f fertilizer that had be een applied and precipittated in prevvious years. The <30% figure forr nutrient use e efficiency that t is often used refers to the amou unt of P reco overed in a single cro op from the fertilizer thatt was applie ed in that gro owing season. When yo ou consider tthe recovery of fertilizer P over multiple years, th he fertilizer u use efficienccy is substan ntially higherr. Studies in Rothamsta ad, England showed P recoveries r o over time of g greater than 90% while in Swift Currrent, SK, ne early all of th he P fertilizer applied wa as recovered d over time iff N was not deficient (Figure 7). Figure 6:: Phosphorus that is precipitated as sparing solu uble phosphates can rem mobilize to replenish h the soil solution when iti is depleted d by plant up ptake. Preciipitation-disssolution is a two way reac ction. b Selles et al. a (2011), lo ong-term mu ulti-year reco overy of applied Figure 7:: In studies conducted by phosphate fertilizer approached a 100% when nitrogen wa as not limitin ng. The long-term availa ability of phos sphorus in th he labile poo ol provides a number of options for enhancin o apply veryy ng the P sup pply through the rotation for sensitive e crops. One option is to large sing gle applications of P ferttilizer, partic cularly if P fe ertilizer prices were low ffor some rea ason. In studies s conducted d by Bailey et e al. (1977) in two locati ons in Manittoba, a singlle broadcastt applicatio on of 200, 40 00 or 800 lb P2O5 ac-1 in ncreased cro op yields and d maintained d soil P at le evels above the deficiency y level, even after eight years y of crop pping. Simila ar results we ere seen in the W (1986 6) shown in Figure 5. work by Wager The high cost may make m applica ation of such large amou unts of P ferttilizer unattra active. A mo ore economic c approach may be to ta ake advantag ge of the live estock manu ure that is avvailable in th he province. Livestock manure is rich is phosph hate, with ra atios of availa able N:P2O5 usually belo ow 1:1. How wever, plants s require and d remove a N:P2O5 ratio o in the range of 2 to 3:1. Therefore e, applying manure at a rate to satisfy the N de emands of a crop will ap pply much mo ore P that th he crop requ uires and ca an provide su ufficient P fo or several ye ars of crop p production (T Table 3). Table 3: Liquid hog manure m or so olid cattle manure applie ed at a rate tto supply cro op N requirem ments will sup pply several years of P needs n (Courrtesy of Don Flaten). 1 Manure analyses are from the Tri-Provincial Ma anure Applica ation and Use e Guidelines Assumes all manure is spring applied, by subsu urface injectio on, with no sig gnificant volattilization loss of NH4-N 2 3 Assumes that P is rem moved as gra ain only. Phospho orus may also be built up p in the soil more m gradua ally, by using g maximum recommend ded seed-row w application n rates of P in crops such h as wheat o or barley tha at are toleran nt of seed-pllaced MAP. In studies con nducted at tw wo locations in Manitoba a, P concentration in the tissue of fla ax at six weeks was increa ased by application of P fertilizer to preceding w wheat or canola crops, indicating g that P from m the preced ding year rem mained availlable for the flax to use ((Figure 8). Although h the flax see ed yield in th his study did not increase e with the P applied eith her to the preceding crop or dirrectly as a siide-band application to tthe flax itselff, the increase in tissue P indicates s that P applied to preceding crops will w remain a vailable and d so P can be managed through the t rotation to t improve P status of se ensitive crop ps (Figure 8). nola or whea at at two Man nitoba locations (RCFigure 8:: Effect of P applied as MAP to Can Research h Centre and d NTF – No--till Farm) on n P concentrration in the following fla ax tissue at ssix weeks off growth (Gra ant et al. 200 09). Summarry Crop rota ations in Manitoba are in ncluding larg ge proportion ns of crops ssuch as soyb bean and ca anola that are sensitive s to seed-placed s d fertilizers. A high-yield ding canola o or soybean ccrop will rem move more pho osphorus tha an can be sa afely applied d in the seed d-row, accorrding to curre ent recomme endations. If the P remo oved in the harvested h cro rop is not rep placed throu ughout the rotation, soils may be ecome deple eted over tim me. The risk of soil deple etion becomes greater w with more freq quent production of soyb bean and ca anola in the rrotation if ph hosphorus applications a are restricted d to recommended seed d-placed leve els. Therefo ore, it is impo ortant to con nsider phosphorus input and off-take th hroughout the e cropping ssequence so o that phosphorus can be managed d in a way to o optimize crrop yield whiile avoiding either excesss accumula ation or deple etion over time e. This may be done by modifying th he method off phosphoru us fertilization n, for examp ple using sid de-banded or mid-row ba anded P, in sensitive s cro ops to allow applicationss that match crop removal. Where avaiilable, manu ure applicatio on can be a good source e of P for several crops. Alternate ely, greater phosphorus p inputs can be b applied att other stage es in the cropping seque ence to balanc ce phosphorrus input and d off-take over time. Ma aintaining go ood soil fertiliity while usin ng starter P near the seed-row to prrovide adequ uate early se eason P, particularly on cold soils, ccan provide sensitive s cro ops with the P required to o optimize yyield. Reference Bailey, L. D., Spratt, E. D., Read, D. W. L., Warder, F. G. and Ferguson, W. S. 1977. Residual effects of phosphorus fertilizer. II. For wheat and flax grown on Chernozemic soils in Manitoba. Can. J. Soil Sci. 57, 263-270. Grant, C. A., Monreal, M. A., Irvine, R. B., Mohr, R. M., McLaren, D. L. and Khakbazan, M. 2009. Crop response to current and previous season applications of phosphorus as affected by crop sequence and tillage. Can. J. Plant Sci. 89, 49-66. Kalra, Y. P. and Soper, R. J. 1968. Efficiency of rape, oat soybean and flax in absorbing soil and fertilizer phosphorus at seven stages of growth. Agron. J. 60, 209-212. Selles, F., Campbell, C.A., Zentner, R.P., Curtin, D., James, D.C., Basnyat, P. 2011. Phosphorus use efficiency and long-term trends in soil available phosphorus in wheat production systems with and without nitrogen fertilizer . Can. J. Soil; Sci. 91:39-52. Wager, B.I., J.W.B. Stewart, and J.L. Henry. 1986. Comparison of single large broadcast and small annual seed-placed phosphorus treatments on yield and phosphorus and zinc contents of wheat on Chernozemic soils. Can J. Soil Sci. 66:237-248.