
PUBLICATIONS 2001 - 2006 Centre on Aging 338 Isbister Building

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PUBLICATIONS 2001 - 2006 Centre on Aging 338 Isbister Building
Centre on Aging
338 Isbister Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2
PUBLICATIONS 2001 - 2006
JUNE, 2006
This listing includes recent publications by University of Manitoba Centre on Aging Research
Affiliates. If you are interested in receiving copies of these articles please contact the Centre at
204-474-8754 or by e-mail at [email protected].
In Press
Austin-Smith, B. (in press). Woman with a Movie Camera: Patricia Rozema’s Revisionist Eye. In
George Melnyk (Eds.), Canada’s Top Directors, Vancouver: University of British
Columbia Press.
Austin-Smith, B. (in press). ‘Mum’s the word’: The trail of genre in dancer in the dark. PostScript: Essays in Film and the Humanities.
Austin-Smith, B. (in press). Sex and the maiden: Authenticity and the erotic adaptation of the
wings of the dove. The Canadian Review of American Studies, Special Issue on
‘Authenticity and Contention”.
Bailis, D.S. & Chipperfield, J.G. (in press). Others with us: A process model of collective selfesteem and physical health in later life. Self and Identity.
Chipperfield, J.G. (in press). Learned helplessness. In R. Schulz (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Aging (4th
Edition), New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company USA.
Chipperfield, J.G. & Newall, N.E. (in press). Locus of control. In R.Schulz (Ed.) Encyclopedia of
Aging (4th Edition), New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company USA.
Chipperfield, J.G., Perry, R.P. & Bailis, D.S. (in press). Contextualizing primary- and secondarycontrol strategies in later life. Psychology and Health.
Chipperfield, J.G., Perry, R.P., Bailis, D.S., Chuchmach, L.P. & Ruthig, J.C. (in press). Gender
differences in use of primary and secondary-control strategies in older adults with major
health problems. Psychology and Health.
Cranswick, K. & Thomas, D. (in press). The fine balance: Living arrangements and care.
Canadian Social Trends.
Danos, M., Quyen, V. & Hatch, G.M. (in press). Cardiolipin: Metabolism in cellular
differentiation, apoptosis and Barth syndrome. Recent Research Developments in Lipids
Grymonpre, R.E. (in press). Urinary incontinence. In Gray J. (Ed.) Therapeutic Choices, 5th
Hall, N.C., Perry, R.P., Chipperfield, J.G., Clifton, R.A. & Haynes, T.L. (in press). Enhancing
primary and secondary control in at-risk college students through writing-based
attributional retraining. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology.
Hallman, B.C. & Benbow, S.M.P. (in press). Free admission for mothers: Cultural construction of
mothers and motherhood at the zoo. The Archaeology of Zoos.
Hallman, B.C. & Benbow, S.M.P. (in press). Naturally cultural: The zoo as cultural landscape.
The Canadian Geographer.
Hawranik, P. & Strain, L. (in press). The voices of informal caregivers caring for older adults.
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research.
Leboe, J.P., Mondor, T.A. & Leboe, L.C. (in press). Feature mismatch effects in auditory
negative priming: Interference as dependent on salient aspects of prior episodes.
Perception and Psychophysics.
Lengyel, C.O., Tate, R.B. & Bayomi, D.J. (in press). Food group consumption and self-rated diets
of elderly community-dwelling Canadian men. The Manitoba Follow-Up Study. Journal
of Nutrition, Health & Aging.
Lienaweaver, J.B. (in press). ‘En Busca de la Superracion’: Youth making good in Peruvian
Andes. Latin American Perspectives.
Menec, V.H., Shooshtari, S. & Lambert, P. (in press). Ethnic differences in self-rated health
among older adults: A cross-sectional and longitudinal Analysis. Journal of Aging and
Menec, V.H., Sirski, M., Attawar, D. & Katz, A. (in press). Continuity of care with a family
physician is linked to reduced hospitalizations among older adults. Journal of Health
Services Research Policy.
Naimark, B.J., Ready, A.E., Giesbrecht, G., Veenhuyzen, Y. & Gregory, D. (in press). Effect of
physical activity on the peri-menopausal hot flush. Journal of Womens’ Health.
Pangman, V. & Seguire, M. (in press). Sexuality and the chronically ill older adult: A social
justice issue. In M. Watson (Ed.), Your Sexuality Workbook, 4th Edition.
Peeling, J., Yan, H., Buist, R., Sitar, D.S. & Corbett, D. (in press). Protective effect of
minocycline treatment on straital ischemia. Journal on Stroke and Cerebrovascualr
Porter, M.M., Montufar, J. & Melnyk, M.G. (in press). Video and GPS technology use for road
safety analysis. ITE Journal on the Web.
Roger, K. (in press). Literature review on palliative care, end of life, and dementia. Palliative and
Supportive Care.
Roger, K. (in press). Social changes and the experience of dementia. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly.
Ruthig, J.C., Chipperfield, J.G., Newall, N.E., Perry, R.P. & Hall, N.C. (in press). Detrimental
effects of failing on health and well-being in later life: The mediating roles of perceived
control and optimism. Journal of Health Psychology.
Schweizer, F. (in press). Engineering carbohydrate scaffolds into the side chains of amino acids
and use in cmbinatorial synthesis. In K.Y. Yarema (Ed.), Handbook of Carbohydrate
Segall, A., Bailis, D.S. & Dunn, N.J. (in press). If you build it, who will come? Comparing the
health status and practices of wellness facility members with those of nonmembers and
the general population. Health Reports.
Sitar, D.S. (in press). Geriatric clinical pharmacology. In Kalant, H. & Roschlau, W. (Eds.),
Principles of Medical Pharmacology, 7th Edition, Harcourt Press.
St. John, P., & Blandford, A.A., & Strain, L.A. (in press). Depressive symptoms among older
adults in urban and rural areas. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Austin-Smith, B. (2006). Strange frontiers: Twenty years of Manitoba feature films. In A.Loiselle
(Ed.), Self-Portrait II: Essays in Canadian Film, (pp. 237-270). Toronto: Canadian Film
Bailis, D. S. & Chipperfield, J. G. (2006). Emotional and self-evaluative effects of social
comparison information in later life: how are they moderated by collective self-esteem?
Psychology and Aging, 21(2), 291-302.
Carter, S. A. & Tate, R. B. (2006). The relationship of the transcutaneous oxygen tension, pulse
waves and systolic pressures to the risk for limb amputation in patients with peripheral
arterial disease and skin ulcers or gangrene. International Angiology: A Journal of the
International Union of Angiology, 25(1), 67-72.
Chipperfield, J. G. & Perry, R. P. (2006). Primary- and secondary-control strategies in later life:
predicting hospital outcomes in men and women. Health Psychology, 25(2), 226-236.
Cuddy, T. E. & Tate, R. B. (2006). Sudden unexpected cardiac death as a function of time since
the detection of electrocardiographic and clinical risk factors in apparently healthy men:
the Manitoba Follow-Up Study, 1948 to 2004. Canadian.Journal of Cardiology, 22(3),
Faber Taylor, A. & Kuo, F. E. (2006). Is contact with nature important for healthy child
development? State of the evidence. In M. Blades & C. Spencer (Eds.), Children and
Their Environments. Cambridge University Press.
Farkas, S., Hussein, J., Ariano, R. E., Sitar, D. S., & Hasan, S. U. (2006). Prenatal cigarette
smoke exposure: Pregnancy outcome and gestational changes in plasma nicotine
concentration, hematocrit, and carboxyhemoglobin in a newly standardized rat model.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacolology, 214(2), 118-125.
Goodridge, D., Trepman, E., Sloan, J., Guse, L., Strain, L. A., McIntyre, J. & Embil, J. (2006).
Quality of life of adults with unhealed and healed diabetic foot ulcers. Foot & Ankle
International, 27(4), 274-280.
Goralski, K. B., Bose, R., & Sitar, D. S. (2006). NH(4)(+) modulates renal tubule amantadine
transport independently of intracellular pH changes. European Journal of Pharmacology,
541(1-2), 87-94.
Grymonpre, R. E., Cheang, M., Fraser, M., Metge, C., & Sitar, D. S. (2006). Validity of a
prescription claims database to estimate medication adherence in older persons. Medical
Care, 44(5), 471-477.
Hall, N. C., Perry, R. P., Ruthig, J. C., Hladkyj, S., & Chipperfield, J. G. (2006). Primary and
secondary control in achievement settings: A longitudinal study of academic motivation,
emotions, and performance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(6), 1430-1470.
Hall, N. C., Chipperfield, J. G., Perry, R. P., Ruthig, J. C., & Goetz, T. (2006). Primary and
secondary control in academic development: Gender-specifc implications for health in
college students. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 19(2), 189-210.
Hauff, K. D. & Hatch, G. M. (2006). Cardiolipin metabolism and Barth Syndrome. Progress in
Lipid Research, 45(2), 91-101.
Huebner, K. D., Porter, M. M., & Marshall, S. C. (2006). Validation of an electronic device for
measuring driving exposure. Traffic Injury Prevention, 7(1), 76-80.
Lobchuk, M. M., Degner, L. F., Chateau, D., & Hewitt, D. (2006). Promoting enhanced patient
and family caregiver congruence on lung cancer symptom experiences. Oncolology
Nursing Forum, 33(2), 273-282.
Lobchuk, M. M. (2006). Concept analysis of perspective-taking: meeting informal caregiver
needs for communication competence and accurate perception. Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 54(3), 330-341.
Lu, B., Xu, F. Y., Jiang, Y. J., Choy, P. C., Hatch, G. M., Grunfeld, C. & Feingold, K. R. (2006).
Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding human cardiolipin synthase (hCLS1).
Journal of Lipid Research., 47(6), 1140-1145.
Mackay, K. J., & Smith, M. C. (2006). Destination advertising: Age and format effects on
memory. Annals of Tourism, 33(1), 7-24.
McCormick, K. M., Naimark, B. J., & Tate, R. B. (2006). Uncertainty, symptom distress, anxiety,
and functional status in patients awaiting coronary artery bypass surgery. Heart Lung,
35(1), 34-45.
Miller, A., Engst, C., Tate, R. B., & Yassi, A. (2006). Evaluation of the effectiveness of portable
ceiling lifts in a new long-term care facility. Applied Ergonomics, 37(3), 377-385.
Murray, R. B., Pangman, V., & Pangman, C. (2006). Health promotion strategies through the life
span. (Canadian ed.) Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Porter, M. M. (2006). Power training for older adults. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and
Metabolism, 31(2), 87-94.
Rockwood, K., Black, S. E., Song, X., Hogan, D. B., Gauthier, S., MacKnight, C., Vandorpe, R.,
Guzman, A., Montgomery, P., Kertesz, A., Bouchard, R. W., & Feldman, H. (2006).
Clinical and radiographic subtypes of vascular cognitive impairment in a clinic-based
cohort study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 240(1-2), 7-14.
Roos, N., Brownell, M., & Menec, V. H. (2006). Universal Health Care and Inequalities in
Health: Right Objectives, Wrong Tools. In J.Heyman, C. Hertzman, M. Barer, & B.
Evans (Eds.), Healthier Society: From Analysis to Action, Oxford: Oxford University
Simoneau, E., Martin, A., Porter, M. M., & Van Hoecke, J. (2006). Strength training in old age:
adaptation of antagonist muscles at the ankle joint. Muscle Nerve, 33(4), 546-555.
Tyas, S. L., Tate, R. B., Wooldrage, K., Manfreda, J., & Strain, L. A. (2006). Estimating the
incidence of dementia: the impact of adjusting for subject attrition using health care
utilization data. Annals of Epidemiology, 16(6), 477-484.
Ariano, R. E., Fine, A., Sitar, D. S., Rexrode, S., & Zelenitsky, S. A. (2005). Adequacy of a
vancomycin dosing regimen in patients receiving high-flux hemodialysis. American
Journal of Kidney Diseases, 46(4), 681-687.
Ariano, R. E., Nyhlen, A., Donnelly, J., Sitar, D., Harding, G., & Zelenitsky, S. (2005).
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of meropenem in febrile neutropenic patients
with bacteremia. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 39(1), 32-38.
Ariano, R. E., Zelenitsky, S. A., Nyhlen, A., & Sitar, D. S. (2005). An evaluation of an optimal
sampling strategy for meropenem in febrile neutropenics. Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology, 45(7), 832-835.
Austin-Smith, B. (2005). 'Inna' Kate w Milosci i smierci w Wenecji Iaina Softleya. In
M.Buchholz (Ed.), Filmowe gry z tworczoscia Henry'ego Jamesa (pp. 235-245). Torun:
Nicholas Copernicus University Press.
Austin-Smith, B. (2005). The 'other' Kate in Softley's Wings of the Dove. American Studies
(Special Issue: "Henry James's Afterlife: Opera, Film, RPG", Mira Buchholz, Ed.), 22
Bailis, D. S., Chipperfield, J. G., & Perry, R. P. (2005). Optimistic social comparisons of older
adults low in primary control: a prospective analysis of hospitalization and mortality.
Health Psychology, 24(4), 393-401.
Bailis, D. S., Fleming, J., & Segall, A. (2005). Self-determination and functional persuasion to
encourage physical activity. Psychology and Health, 20(6), 691-708.
Banerjee, A. G., Bhattacharyya, I., & Vishwanatha, J. (2005). Identification of genes and
molecular pathways involved in the progression of premalignant oral epithelia. Molecular
Cancer Therapeutics, 4(6), 865-875.
Behrmann, M., Marotta, J., Gauthier, I., Tarr, M., & McKeeff, T. (2005). Behavioral change and
its neural correlates in visual agnosia after expertise training. Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 17(4), 554-568.
Behrmann, M., Avidan, G., Marotta, J., & Kimchi, R. (2005). Detailed exploration of face-related
processing in congenital prosopagnosia: 1. Behavioral findings. Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 17(7), 1130-1149.
Bidgood, B., Smilek, S., Krzyzanowski, S., & Taylor, L. (2005). Food banks: Food insecurity in a
land of plenty. In T.Heinonen & A. Metteri (Eds.), Social Work in Health and Mental
Health: Issues Developments and Actions (pp. 108-126). Scholar Press.
Chhokar, R., Engst, C., Miller, A., Robinson, D., Tate, R., & Yassi, A. (2005). The three-year
economic benefits of a ceiling lift intervention aimed to reduce healthcare worker
injuries. Applied Ergononomics, 36(2), 223-229.
Cranswick, K. & Thomas, D. (2005). Elder care and the complexities of social networks.
Canadian Social Trends, Statistics Canada Catalogue 11-008(Summer), 10-15.
Dean, M., McClement, S., Bond, J., Daeninck, P., & Nelson, F. (2005). Parental experiences of
adult child death from cancer. Journal of Palliative Care, 8(4), 751-765.
Engst, C., Chhokar, R., Miller, A., Tate, R., & Yassi, A. (2005). Effectiveness of overhead lifting
devices in reducing the risk of injury to care staff in extended care facilities. Ergonomics,
48(2), 187-199.
Ens, C. & Bond, J. B. (2005). Death anxiety and personal growth in adolescents experiencing the
death of a grandparent. Death Studies, 29(2), 171-178.
Everitt, J., Kolba M, & Rosenberg, M. (2005). Healthy Places? Service provision for seniors in
the Prairies. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays, 8, 93-107.
Finlayson, G., Stewart, D., Tate, R., MacWilliam, L., & Roos, N. (2005). Anticipating change:
How many acute care hospital beds will Manitoba regions need in 2020? Canadian
Journal on Aging, 24(Supp 1), 133-140.
Gatz, J., Tyas, SL., St.John, PD., & Montgomery, PR. (2005). Do depressive symptoms predict
Alzheimer's disease and dementia? Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 60A(6),
Goodridge, D., Bond, J., Cameron, C., & McKean, E. (2005). End-of-life care in nursing home: A
study of family, nurse and healthcare aide perspectives. International Journal of
Palliative Nursing, 11(5), 172-177.
Grymonpre, R. & Patterson, C. (2005). Drugs and older individuals. Compendium of
Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (40th ed.), L41-47.
Leboe, J., Whittlesea, B., & Milliken, B. (2005). Selective and nonselective transfer: Positive and
negative priming in a multiple-task environment. Journal of Experimental PsychologyLearning Memory and Cognition, 31(5), 1001-1029.
Leinaweaver, J. (2005). Accompanying and overcoming: Subsistence and sustenance in an
Andean city. Michigan Discussions in Anthropology, 15, 150-182.
Lu, B., Jiang, Y., Zhou, Y., Xu, F., Hatch, G., & Choy, P. (2005). Cloning and characterization of
murine 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferases and their regulation by
PPARalpha in murine heart. The Biochemical Journal, 385, 469-477.
Marotta, J., Keith, G., & Crawford, J. (2005). Task-specific sensorimotor adaptation to reversing
prisms. Journal of Neurophysiology, 93, 1104-1110.
Menec, V. H., Sirski, M., & Attawar, D. (2005). Does continuity of care matter in a universally
insured population? Health Services Research, 40(2), 389-400.
Menec, V. H., Bruce, S., & MacWilliam, L. (2005). Exploring reasons for bed pressures in
Winnipeg acute care hospitals. Canadian Journal of Aging, 24( Suppl 1), 121-131.
Menec, V. H., Lix, L., & MacWilliam, L. (2005). Trends in the health status of older Manitobans,
1985 to 1999. Canadian Journal of Aging, 24(Suppl 1), 5-14.
Metge, C., Grymonpre, R., Dahl, M., & Yogendran, M. (2005). Pharmaceutical use among older
adults: using administrative data to examine medication-related issues. Canadian Journal
of Aging, 24( Suppl 1), 81-95.
Mondor, T. A., Leboe, J., & Leboe, L. (2005). The role of selection in generating auditory
negative priming. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 12(2), 289-294.
Peeler, J., Cooper, J., Porter, M., Thliveris, J., & Anderson, J. (2005). Structural parameters of the
vastus medialis muscle. Clinical Anatomy, 18(4), 281-289.
Penner, M., Taylor, D., Desautels, D., & Schweizer, F. (2005). Access to unnatural glycosyl
amino acid building blocks via a one-pot Ritter reaction. Synlett, 212-216.
Perry, R. P., Hladkyj, S., Pekrun, R. H., Clifton, R. A., & Chipperfield, J. G. (2005). Perceived
academic control and failure in college students: A three-year study of scholastic
attainment. Research in Higher Education, 46(5), 535-569.
Racher, F. E. & Annis, R. C. (2005). Community partnerships: translating research for
community development. The Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 37(1), 169-175.
Raina, P., Platt, R. W., Klassen, T. P., Moher, D., St.John, P., Bryant, D. et al. (2005). The
influence of display and statistical factors on the interpretation of metaanalysis results by
physicians. Medical Care, 43(12), 1242-1249.
Ready, A., Naimark, B., Tate, R., & Boreskie, S. (2005). Fitness centre membership is related to
healthy behaviours. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 45(2), 199-207.
Sabbagh, M., Tyas, S., Emery, S., Hansen, L., Alford, M., Reid, R. et al. (2005). Smoking affects
the phenotype of Alzheimer's disease. Neurology, 64, 1301-1303.
Sareen, J., Stein, M., Campbell, D., Hassard, T., & Menec, V. (2005). The relation between
perceived need for mental health treatment, DSM diagnosis and quality of life: A
Canadian population-based survey. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 50(2), 87-94.
Sawatzky, J. & Naimark, B. (2005). Cardiovascular health promotion in aging women: Validating
a population health approach. Public Health Nursing, 22(5), 379-388.
Schweizer, F. (2005). Engineering carbohydrate scaffolds into the side chains of amino acids and
use in combinatorial synthesis. In K.Yarema (Ed.), Handbook of Carbohydrate
Engineering (pp. 749-780). Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis.
Sitar, D. (2005). Old Drugs - Old People - New Insights. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology,
12(1), e28-e32.
Tate, R. B., MacWilliam, L., & Finlayson, G. (2005). A methodology for estimating hospital bed
need in Manitoba in 2020. Canadian Journal on Aging, 24(Supp 1), 141-151.
Taylor, L. E., Taylor-Henley, S., & Doan, L. (2005). Older immigrants: language competencies
and mental health. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 24(2), 23-34.
Zhang, K. D. & Schweizer, F. (2005). Synthesis of spirocyclic glucose-proline hybrids
(GlcProHs). Synlett, 20, 3111-3115.
Austin-Smith, B. (2004). The counterfeit symbol in Henry James's The Golden Bowl. The Henry
James Review, 25(1), 52-66.
Bailis, D. & Segall, A. (2004). Self-determination and social comparison in a health-promotion
setting. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 26(1), 25-33.
Chipperfield, J., Campbell, D., & Perry, R. (2004). Stability in perceived control: implications for
health among very old community-dwelling adults. Journal of Aging and Health, 16(1),
Crawford, J., Medendorp, W., & Marotta, J. (2004). Spatial transformations for eye-hand
coordination. Journal of Neurophysiology, 92 10-19.
Dik, N., Tate, R., Manfreda, J., & Anthonisen, N. (2004). Risk of physician-diagnosed asthma in
the first six-years of life. Chest, 126(4), 1147-1435.
Doerksen, K., Naimark, B., & Tate, R. (2004). Analysis of nursing assessments in a cohort of
patients with ruptured cerebral aneurysms. Axone, 26(1), 24-30.
Doupe, M., Katz, A., Kvern, B., Manness, L. J., Metge, C., Thomson, G. T. et al. (2004).
Encouraging physician appropriate prescribing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
therapies: protocol of a randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN43532635]. BMC Health
Services Research, 4(1), 21.
Engst, C., Chhokar, R., Robinson, D., Earthy, A., Tate, R., & Yassi, A. (2004). Implementation of
a scheduled toileting program in a long term care facility: evaluating the impact of injury
risk to care giving staff. AAOHN Journal, 52(11), 427-435.
Everitt, J., Racher, F., & Beattie, M. (2004). Community action. In R.Annis, F. Racher, & M.
Beattie (Eds.), Rural Community Health and Well-Being: A Guide to Action (pp. 38-60).
Brandon: Rural Development Institute, Brandon University.
Gatz, J., Rowles, G., & Tyas, S. (2004). Health disparities in rural Appalachia. In L.Morton &
Johnson N (Eds.), Critical Issues in Rural Health (pp. 183-194). Ames: Blackwell
Green, R., Sitar, D., & Tenenbein, M. (2004). Effect of anticholinergic drugs on the efficacy of
activated charcoal. Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology, 42(3), 267-272.
Grymonpre, R. & Patterson, C. (2004). Drugs and older individuals. Compendium of
Pharmaceuticals and Specialties, 40-46.
Grymonpre, R. E. (2004). Primary prevention of cardiovascular events in older individuals. In
I.D.Turpie & G. A. Heckman (Eds.), Aging Issues in Cardiology.
Guard, J. (2004). Canadian citizens or dangerous foreign women? Canada's radical consumer
movement. In M.Epp, F. Lacovetta, & F. Swyripa (Eds.), Sisters or Strangers?
Immigrant, Ethnic, and Racialized Women in Canadian History (pp. 161-189).
Guard, J. (2004). Authenticity on the line: Women workers, Native 'scabs,' and the multi-ethnic
politics of identity in a left-led strike in cold war Canada. Journal of Women's History,
15(4), 117-140.
Guard, J. (2004). Making the scholarship political: Ruth Roach Pierson's feminist pedagogy.
Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal, 2, 68-71.
Hatch, G. & McClarity, G. (2004). C. trachomatis-infection accelerates metabolism of
phosphatidylcholine from low density lipoprotein but does not affect phosphatidylcholine
secretion from hepatocytes. BMC Microbiology, 4, 8.
Hawranik, P., Deatrich, J., & Johnston, P. (2004). Therapeutic touch: Another approach for the
management of agitation. Canadian Nursing Home, 15(1), 46-48.
Hawranik, P. & McKean, E. (2004). The abuse of older adults: Issues and prevention strategies.
In C.Ateah & J. Mirwaldt (Eds.), Within our Reach: Policies, Programs and Practices to
Prevent Abuse Across the Lifespan (pp. 90-104). Winnipeg, MB: Fernwood Publishing.
Jiang, X., Cooper, J., Porter, M., & Ready, A. (2004). Adoption of Canada's Physical Activity
Guide and Handbook for Older Adults: impact on functional fitness and energy
expenditure. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 29(4), 395.
Jiang, Y., Lu, B., Xu, F., Gartshore, J., Taylor, W., Halayko, A. et al. (2004). Stimulation of
cardiac cardiolipin biosynthesis by PPARalpha activation. Journal of Lipid Research,
45(2), 244-252.
Kuo, F. E. & Faber Taylor, A. (2004). A potential natural treatment for attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder: evidence from a national study. American Journal of
Public Health, 94(9), 1580-1586.
Kuo, F. E. (2004). Horticulture, well-being, and mental health: From intuitions to evidence. In
D.Relf (Ed.), A Proceedings of the XXVI International Horticulture Congress: Expanding
Roles for Horticulture in Improving Human Well-Being and Life Quality (Acta
Horticulturae) (pp. 27-36).
Leboe, J. & Miliken, B. (2004). Single prime negative priming in the shape matching task:
Implications for the role of perceptual segmentation processes. Visual Cognition, 11(5),
Lee, S., Naimark, B., Porter, M., & Ready, A. (2004). Effects of a long-term, community-based
cardiac rehabilitation program on middle-aged and elderly cardiac patients. The American
Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, 13(6), 293-298.
Lengyel, C., Smith, J., & Zello, G. (2004). A questionnaire to examine food service satisfaction
of elderly residents in long-term care facilities. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly,
24(2), 5-18.
Lobchuk, M. (2004). Canadian Perspectives: Perspective-taking as a real world heuristic device.
In P.J.Bomar (Ed.), Promoting health in families: Applying family research and theory to
nursing practise (3rd ed., pp. 181-182). Wilmington, NC: Saunders, Elsevier Science.
Lobchuk, M., Vorauer, J., & Degner, L. (2004). Induced perspective-taking: Assisting family
caregivers to achieve enhanced perceptual accuracy on lung cancer patient symptom
experiences. Supportive Care in Cancer, 12, 395.
Lu, B., Kehler, M., Lee, D., Lewin, T., Coleman, R., Choy, P. et al. (2004). Complex expression
pattern of the Barth Syndrome gene product tafazzin in human cell lines and murine
tissues. Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 82(5), 1-8.
Marotta, J. & Behrmann, M. (2004). Patient Schn: Has Goldstein and Gelb's case withstood the
test of time? Neuropsychologia, 42(5), 633-638.
Marotta, J., McKeeff, T., & Behrmann, M. (2004). Hemispatial neglect: its effects on visual
perception and visually guided grasping. Neuropsychologia, 41(9), 1262-1271.
Massam, B. & Everitt, J. (2004). The plaza as a public good: Civic spaces in Puerto Vallarta,
Mexico. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays, 7, 96-113.
McKeen, A., Chipperfield, J., & Campbell, D. (2004). A longitudinal analysis of discrete negative
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