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Category: Documents





Refereed Journal Publications (Accepted or Published)
Zhang, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2011. Solvent effects on the molecular structures of crude
gliadins as revealed by density and ultrasound velocity measurements Journal of Cereal
Science 54: 181-186.
Leroy, V., Strybulevych, A., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2011. Influence of positional
correlations on the propagation of waves in a complex medium with polydisperse
resonant scatterers. Physical Review E 83: 046605-1 to 046605-12.
Leroy, V., Pitura, K.M., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2010. The complex shear modulus
of dough over a wide frequency range. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 165:
Mehta, K.L., Scanlon, M.G., Sapirstein, H.D. and Page, J.H. 2009. Ultrasonic
investigation of the effect of vegetable shortening and mixing time on the mechanical
properties of bread dough. Journal of Food Science 74: E455-E461.
Leroy, V., Strybulevych, A., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2009. Transmission of
ultrasound through a single layer of bubbles. European Physical Journal E 29: 123–130.
Bellido, G.G., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2009. Measurement of dough specific
volume in chemically leavened dough systems. Journal of Cereal Science 49: 212–218.
Bellido, G.G., Scanlon, M.G., Sapirstein, H.D. and Page, J.H. 2008. Use of a
pressuremeter to measure the kinetics of carbon dioxide evolution in chemically leavened
wheat flour dough. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56: 9855–9861.
Leroy, V., Strybulevych, A., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2008. Sound velocity and
attenuation in bubbly gels measured by transmission experiments. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America. 123: 1931-1940.
Owolabi, G.M., Bassim, M.N., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2008. The influence of
specific mechanical energy on the ultrasonic characteristics of extruded dough. Journal of
Food Engineering 86: 202–206.
Nam, S., Scanlon, M.G., Han, J.H. and Izydorczyk, M.S. 2007. Antimicrobial packaging
materials produced by extrusion of pea starch and lysozyme. Journal of Food Science
72: E477-E484.
Cobus, L.A.E.B., Ross, K.A., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2007. Comparison of
ultrasonic velocities in dispersive and nondispersive food materials. Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55: 8889–8895.
Strybulevych, A., Leroy, V., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2007. Characterizing a model
food gel containing bubbles and solid inclusions using ultrasound. Soft Matter 3: 13881394.
Elmehdi, H.M., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2007. Evaluating dough density changes
during fermentation by different techniques. Cereal Chemistry 84:250-252.
Goh, S.M. and Scanlon, M.G. 2007. Indentation of lipid-based particle gels: An
experimental, theoretical and numerical study. Acta Materialia 55:3857–3866.
Liu, E.Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2007. Modeling the effect of blanching conditions on the
texture of potato strips. Journal of Food Engineering 81:292–297.
Norisuye, T., Strybulevych, A.L., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2006. Ultrasonic
investigation of the gelation process of poly(acrylamide) gels. Macromolecular Symposia
Bellido, G.G., Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H. and Hallgrimsson, B. 2006. The bubble size
distribution in wheat flour dough. Food Research International 39:1058–1066.
Scanlon, M.G. and Anand, A. (2006). Texture modeling of composite foods. Industries
Alimentaires et Agricoles 123 (04/05):14-17.
Bellido, G.G., Arntfield, S.D., Cenkowski, S. and Scanlon, M. 2006. Effect of
micronization pretreatments on the physicochemical properties of navy and black beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technologie 39:779-787.
Scanlon, M.G., Cenkowski, S., Segall, K.I. and Arntfield, S.D. 2005. The physical
properties of micronised lentils as a function of tempering moisture. Biosystems
Engineering 92:247–254.
Cenkowski, S., Hong, J.T., Scanlon, M.G. and Arntfield, S.D. 2004. Mathematical
modeling of heat and mass transfer during continuous infrared micronization. Drying
Technology 22:2255-2272.
Elmehdi, H.M., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2004. Ultrasonic investigation of the effect
of mixing under reduced pressure on the mechanical properties of bread dough. Cereal
Chemistry 81:504-510.
Scanlon, M.G. 2004. Low-intensity ultrasound for food research and the food industry.
Food Research International 37:535-536.
Liu, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2004. Revisiting crumb texture evaluation methods: tension,
compression, and indentation. Cereal Foods World 49:76-82.
Ross, K.A. and Scanlon, M.G. 2004. A fracture mechanics analysis of the texture of fried
potato crust. Journal of Food Engineering 62:417-423.
Other Refereed Contributions
Campbell, G.M., Scanlon, M.G. and Pyle, D.L. 2008. Bubbles in Food 2: Novelty, Health
and Luxury, Eagan Press, St. Paul, MN (439 pages).
Book Chapters
Scanlon, M.G. 2011. Physical properties as indicators of food quality. pp. 573-579 in:
Encyclopedia of Agrophysics (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series), J. Gliński, J.
Horabik and J. Lipiec (eds.), Springer Science & Business Media, Dordrecht, NL.
Scanlon, M.G. 2011. Bubbles in foods: softness, sweetness and light. pp. 39-43 in:
Biology on the Cutting Edge: Concepts, Issues and Canadian Research Around the
Globe, S.L. Gillies and S. Hewitt (eds.), Pearson Canada, Toronto.
Scanlon, M.G., Elmehdi, H.M., Leroy, V. and Page, J.H. 2008. Using ultrasound to probe
nucleation and growth of bubbles in bread dough and to examine the resulting cellular
structure of bread crumb. pp 217-230 in: Bubbles in Food 2: Novelty, Health and Luxury,
G.M. Campbell, M.G. Scanlon and D.L. Pyle (eds.), AACC Press, St Paul, MN.
Leroy, V., Fan, Y., Strybulevych, A.L., Bellido, G.G., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G.
2008. Investigating the bubble size distribution in dough using ultrasound. pp. 51-60 in
Bubbles in Food 2: Novelty, Health and Luxury, G.M. Campbell, M.G. Scanlon and D.L.
Pyle (eds.), AACC Press, St Paul, MN.
Spencer, J.E., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2008. Drainage and coarsening effects on the
time-dependent rheology of whole egg and egg white foams and batters. pp. 117-129 in:
Bubbles in Food 2: Novelty, Health and Luxury, G.M. Campbell, M.G. Scanlon and D.L.
Pyle (eds.), AACC Press, St Paul, MN.
Li, X-Q., Scanlon, M.G., Liu, Q. and Coleman, W.K. 2006. Processing and value
addition. pp. 523-555 in: Handbook of Potato Production, Improvement and Postharvest
Management, J. Gopal and S.M. Paul Khurana (eds.), The Haworth Press, Binghamton,
Cenkowski, S., Arntfield, S.D. and Scanlon, M.G. 2008. Far infrared dehydration and
processing. pp. 157-201 in: Food Drying Science and Technology: Microbiology,
Chemistry, Applications, Y.H. Hui, C. Clary, M.M. Farid, O.O. Fasina, A. Noomhorm
and J. Welti-Chanes (eds.), DEStech Publications, Inc., Lancaster, PA.
Elmehdi, H. M., Page, J. H. and Scanlon, M. G. 2005. Investigating the porosity of dough
using ultrasound. pp. 188-192 in: Using Cereal Science and Technology for the Benefit of
Consumers: Proceedings of 12th ICC Cereal & Bread Congress, S.P. Cauvain, S.S.
Salmon and L.S. Young (eds.), Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge.
Scanlon, M.G. 2004. Biogenic cellular solids. pp. 321-349 in: Soft Materials: Structure
and Dynamics, J.R. Dutcher and A.G. Marangoni (eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York.
Refereed Papers in Conference Proceedings
Scanlon, M.G., Daugelaite, D., Spencer, J.E., Leroy, V. and Page, J.H. 2009. Aging
processes in high void fraction biofoams. pp. 183-187 (3-1 to 3-5) in: Biofoams 2009
Proceedings, H. Naguib H. and C.B. Park, (eds.), Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Elmehdi, H.M., Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H. and Kovacs, M. 2007. Using ultrasonic
velocity measurements to investigate thermal transitions and structural properties of
gluten proteins. Paper 1708, pp. 1-4 in: Proceedings of International Congress on
Ultrasonics, Biomedical Ultrasound, Institut für Allgemeine Physik, TU-Wien, Austria.
Non-Refereed Contributions
Journal Papers
Don, C. and Scanlon, M.G. 2010. Rheology Division connects scientists from across the
globe in Ghent. Cereal Foods World 55: 187-189.
Book Chapters
Campbell, G. M., Webb, C., Owens, G. W. and Scanlon, M. G. 2012. Milling and flour
quality. pp. XXX-XXX in: Bread Making, Improving Quality (2nd. ed.), S. P. Cauvain
(ed.), Woodhead Publishing Ltd: Cambridge, GB.
Zhang, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2011. Solvent effects on the structure of gliadin molecules
as revealed by adiabatic compressibility measurements. pp. 229-234 in: Proceedings of
the 4th International Wheat Quality Conference, R. N. Chibbar and J. E. Dexter (eds.),
AGROBIOS (International), Jodhpur, India.
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Leroy, V., Fan, Y., Elmehdi, H.M., Kiefte, A. and Mehta, K.
L. 2011. Using low frequency ultrasound to evaluate the properties of wheat flour
doughs. pp. 271-282 in: Proceedings of the 4th International Wheat Quality Conference,
R. N. Chibbar and J. E. Dexter (eds.), AGROBIOS (International), Jodhpur, India.
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Leroy, V., Elmehdi, H.M., Fan, Y. and Mehta, K.L. 2011.
Examining the effect of dough matrix and bubbles on the properties of dough using lowintensity ultrasound. pp. 389-394 in: Proceedings of the 4th International Wheat Quality
Conference, R. N. Chibbar and J. E. Dexter (eds.), AGROBIOS (International), Jodhpur,
Scanlon, M.G., Leroy, V., Pitura, K.M. and Page, J.H. 2011. The complex shear modulus
of dough over a wide frequency range. pp. 395-399 in: Proceedings of the 4th
International Wheat Quality Conference, R. N. Chibbar and J. E. Dexter (eds.),
AGROBIOS (International), Jodhpur, India.
Scanlon, M.G., Fan, Y. and Page, J.H. 2011. Some observations on dough relaxation: The
effect of bubbles. pp. 401-405 in: Proceedings of the 4th International Wheat Quality
Conference, R. N. Chibbar and J. E. Dexter (eds.), AGROBIOS (International), Jodhpur,
Scanlon, M.G., Mehta, K.L., Sapirstein, H.D. and Page, J.H. 2011. Effects of mixing time
and ingredients on dough properties as assessed with ultrasound. pp. 383-388 in:
Proceedings of the 4th International Wheat Quality Conference, R. N. Chibbar and J. E.
Dexter (eds.), AGROBIOS (International), Jodhpur, India.
Han, J.H. and Scanlon, M. G. 2005. Mass transfer of gas and solute through packaging
materials. pp. 12-23 in: Innovations in Food Packaging, J.H. Han (ed.), Elsevier
Academic Press, San Diego.
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Rempel, C.B. and Scanlon, M.G. 2011. The potential for ultrasound and supercritical
fluid extraction for value-added processing of canola. Submitted to: Proceedings of the
2010 Canola Workshop, U. Thiyam (ed.), AOCS Press, Urbana, IL.
Strybulevych, A., Leroy, V., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2009. Acoustic
microrheology: Shear moduli of soft materials determined from single bubble
oscillations. Proceedings of the Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics, Vol.30, pp 395396, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.
Daugelaite, D., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2009. Evaluation of aging processes in
angel cake egg-white foams. pp. 170-173 in: Proceedings of the 5th International
Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, P. Fischer, M. Pollard and E.J. Windhab
(eds.), Laboratory of Food Process Engineering, ETH Zürich, Zürich.
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Leroy, V., Bellido, G.G., Fan, Y. and Mehta, K.L. 2009. The
mechanical spectrum of dough determined from ultrasonic techniques. pp. 378-381 in:
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, P.
Fischer, M. Pollard and E.J. Windhab (eds.), Laboratory of Food Process Engineering,
ETH Zürich, Zürich.
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Leroy, V., Bellido, G.G., Fan, Y. and Mehta, K.L. 2008.
Evaluating dough properties with ultrasonic techniques. Pp. 66-73 in: Proceedings of
Bosphorus 2008 ICC International Conference, H. Köksel, U. Uygun and A Başman
(eds.), Haceteppe University Publishing, Ankara.
Cenkowski, S., Hong, J.T., Scanlon, M.G. and Arntfield, S.D. 2004. Mathematical
modelling and computer simulation of heat and mass transfer during infrared processing
(micronization) of yellow peas. pp. 1382-1383 in: Materials of the 16th International
Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA, Process Engineering Publisher,
Praha, Czech Republic.
Scanlon, M.G and Anand, A. 2004. Texture testing of composite foods. pp 442-447 in:
Modelling tools for design understanding and control section of the Proceedings of the
ICEF9-2004 International Conference on Engineering and Food (J. Bimbenet, ed),
ICEF, Montpellier.
Reports to External Funding Agencies
Scanlon, M.G. 2011. ARDI Project 09-953 (Interim Project Summary), (2 pp).
Agricultural Societies: Morris, MB.
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2009. Strategic Project Grants Final Report: Low Intensity
Ultrasound for Measuring the Properties of Wheat Flour Dough and Controlling its
Manufacture, STPGP 257905 - 02 (30 pp). NSERC: Ottawa, ON.
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2009. Understanding Function in Functional Foods, ARDI
Research & Development Grant Final Report: Project # 05-661 (9 pp.).
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2008. NSERC Strategic Grant Study of the Use of
Ultrasound for Studying Wheat Flour Dough Properties: October 2008 Report (16 pp).
Industrial Consortium (8 members).
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H. and Mehta, K.L. 2008. Support Data To Strengthen the Patent
Application “Ultrasonic Evaluation of the Strength of Flour Doughs”. Report submitted
to the Technology Transfer Office at the University of Manitoba (August 1, 2008) (25
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2007. Understanding Function in Functional Foods, ARDI
Research & Development Grant Interim Report: Project # 05-661 (4 pp.).
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2007. Report for the Manitoba Research Node of The
Advanced Foods and Materials Network: Report for 2006-2007 (Year 3). (6 pp.). MCEF
Executive, Winnipeg, MB.
Scanlon, M.G. and Lui, E.Z. 2006. CRDPJ 306158 - Collaborative Research and
Development Grants Final Report: Development of process optimization strategies for
Canada’s potato processing industry. (20 pp.). NSERC, Ottawa, ON.
Liu, E.Z., Scanlon, M.G. and Calvert, J.L. 2006. Development of Processing
Optimization Strategies for Canada’s Potato Processing Industry. (53 pp.). McCain
Foods Canada, Florenceville, NB.
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2006. Harnessing Cellularity for Canadian Consumers. (9
pp.). AFMNet Executive, Guelph, ON.
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2006. Strategic Project Grants Progress Report: Low
Intensity Ultrasound for Measuring the Properties of Wheat Flour Dough and Controlling
its Manufacture, STPGP 257905 - 02 (21 pp). NSERC: Ottawa, ON.
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2006. Report for the Manitoba Research Node of The
Advanced Foods and Materials Network: Report for 2005-2006 (Year 2, 2006). (3 pp.).
MCEF Executive, Winnipeg, MB.
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2005. NSERC Strategic Grant Study of the Use of
Ultrasound for Studying Wheat Flour Dough Properties: July 2005 Report (7 pp).
Industrial Consortium (8 members).
Scanlon, M.G. and Liu, Z. 2005. NSERC CRD Project Progress Report: Development of
Process Optimization Strategies for Canada's Potato Processing Industry, CRD 306158 -
04 (11 pp.). NSERC: Ottawa, ON.
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2005. Manitoba Research Node of the Advanced Foods and
Materials Network: Report for 2004-2005 (Year 1, 4 pp). MCEF Executive, Winnipeg,
Scanlon, M.G. and Gómez-Haro, R.E. 2005. New Strategies to Understand Wheat Gluten
Quality: Final Report. Manitoba ARDI Project # 01-518.
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2004. Strategic Project Grants Progress Report: Low
Intensity Ultrasound for Measuring the Properties of Wheat Flour Dough and Controlling
its Manufacture, STPGP 257905 - 02 (16 pp). NSERC: Ottawa.
Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2004. NSERC Strategic Grant Study of the Use of
Ultrasound for Studying Wheat Flour Dough Properties: May 2004 Report (10 pp).
Industrial Consortium (8 members).
Scanlon, M.G. and Adam, L.R. 2004. Using Surface Stiffness to Probe Potato Tuber
Quality: Final Report. Manitoba ARDI Project # 00-460.
Popular Articles
Scanlon, M.G. 2008. Book Review: Structure of dairy products, edited by A.Y. Tamime.
Trends in Food Science & Technology 19: 546.
Scanlon, M.G. 2008. Book Review: Improving the thermal processing of foods, edited by
P. Richardson. Trends in Food Science & Technology 19: 115-116.
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Bassim, M.N., Sapirstein, H.D., Bellido, G.G., Elmehdi,
H.M., Fan, Y., Leroy, V., Mehta, K.L. and Owolabi, G.M. 2007. Using ultrasound to
evaluate dough properties. New Food 10(4): 18-24.
Scanlon, M.G. 2006. Bubbles - making food taste good with less. Farmers Independent
Weekly 6 (10): 18.
Scanlon, M.G., Edwards, N.M. and Dexter, J.E. 2005. Pasta: strength and structure. New
Food 8(3): 10-15.
Published Abstracts
Shum, A. L., Scanlon, M.G., Aluko, R. E. and Udenigwe, C. C. 2011. Antioxidant
properties of pea hull fibre in wheat bread. Cereal Foods World Supplement 56(4): A63.
Shum, A. L., Scanlon, M.G., Edwards, N. M., Lysenko, E. D. and Frost, D. M. 2011. The
effect of pea hull fibre particle size and addition level on wheat bread. Cereal Foods
World Supplement 56(4): A63.
Repin, N., Scanlon, M.G. and Fulcher, R. G. 2011, Mechanisms of stabilizing fibreenriched dairy products. Cereal Foods World Supplement 56(4): A59.
Koksel, H.F., Scanlon, M.G., Strybulevych, A. and Page, J.H. 2011. Investigating the gas
content of dough with changes in dough strength. Cereal Foods World Supplement 56(4):
Scanlon, M.G., Leroy, V., Pitura, K.M. and Page, J.H. 2011. Dough as a power law gel
material. Cereal Foods World Supplement 56(4): A12.
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Fan, Y., Kiefte, A. and Mehta, K.L. 2009. Combining low
frequency ultrasound with large strain techniques to evaluate the properties of wheat flour
doughs. Cereal Foods World Supplement 54(4): A27.
Scanlon, M.G., Fan, Y. and Page, J.H. 2009. The effect of bubbles on dough relaxation.
Cereal Foods World Supplement 54(4): A64.
Scanlon, M.G. and Zhang, Z. 2009. Adiabatic compressibility measurements on gliadin
solutions. Cereal Foods World Supplement 54(4): A64-A65.
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Bellido, G.G., Fan, Y. and Zhang, Z. 2008. Studying
(molecular) segmental motion of wheat gluten proteins with high frequency ultrasound.
Cereal Foods World Supplement 53(4): A8.
Daugelaite, D., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2008. Assessing aging processes in eggwhite foams. Cereal Foods World Supplement 53(4): A24.
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Leroy, V., Bellido, G.G., Fan, Y. and Mehta, K.L. 2007. New
information on dough properties from low-intensity ultrasonic techniques. Cereal Foods
World 52(4): A7-A8.
Scanlon, M.G. and Young, R.L. 2006. Thermal effects on the mechanical properties of
potato parenchyma. American Journal of Potato Research 83:132.
Liu, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2006. Modeling the effect of blanching conditions on the
texture of blanched strips. American Journal of Potato Research 83:121.
Page, J.H., Scanlon, M.G., Elmehdi, H.M., Mehta, K. and Fan, Y. 2005 The squishy
physics of dough and bread. Physics in Canada 61(3):112.
Scanlon, M.G. and Poitras, B. 2005. Thermal loading effects on fry quality in industrial
par-frying processes. American Journal of Potato Research 82:89-90.
Elmehdi, H., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2004. Characterization of anisotropy in
foams: an ultrasonic approach. Physics in Canada 60(3):136.
Scanlon, M.G. and Stringer, M.H. 2010. Bubbles demonstration. At: University of
Manitoba Take Our Kids to Work, November 3, Winnipeg, MB.
*Scanlon, M.G. 2010. Bubbles in food Jeopardy. At Engineering & Processing Division
Lunch & AGM in: 95th Annual Meeting of American Association of Cereal Chemists,
October 24-27, Savannah, GA.
ADVANCE Distinguished Lecturer *Scanlon, M.G. 2010. A bubble's life and death in a
food material. At: Department of Grain Science, Kansas State University, September 24,
Manhattan, KS.
*Scanlon, M.G. and *Stringer, M.H. 2010. Bubbles, Zubbles, surface tension &
soufflés. At: Manitoba Bioinnovation Week 2010, September 29, Winnipeg, MB.
Scanlon, M.G. and Gonzalez-Gutierrez, J. 2010. Characterizing the rheology of
vegetable shortening using indentation and finite element analysis. In: Institute of Food
Technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo, July 17-20, Chicago, IL.
Scanlon, M.G., Daugelaite, D. and Page, J.H. 2010. Time-dependent changes in high
void fraction egg-white foams. In: Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and
Food Expo, July 17-20, Chicago, IL.
Scanlon, M. G., Page, J. H., Leroy, V., Elmehdi, H.M., Fan, Y. and Mehta, K. L. 2010.
Evaluating the properties of dough using a range of ultrasonic frequencies. In: Institute of
Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo, July 17-20, Chicago, IL.
*Scanlon, M.G. 2010. Beer bubbles. At: Manitoba Farm Writers & Journalists AGM,
June 25, Winnipeg, MB.
*Scanlon, M.G. 2010. Ultrasound extraction of bioactive compounds – Applicable to
canola. In: 2010 Canola Workshop, June 17-18, Winnipeg, MB.
*Scanlon, M.G. 2010. Bubbles – Effect on batter and dough rheology (AACC Tutorial).
In: AACC Intl. Rheology Division – Structure and Rheology of Cereal-Based Foods
Course, April 28-29, Ghent, Belgium.
Scanlon, M.G. and Stringer, M.H. 2010. Bubbles – Why study nothing? At: Faculty of
Agricultural & Food Sciences Seminar Series, April 21, Winnipeg, MB.
*Scanlon, M.G. and Stringer, M.H. 2010. Bubbles, Zubbles, surface tension & soufflés.
At: Science, Engineering and Technology Day, February 19, Winnipeg, MB.
Keynote Presentation *Scanlon, M.G., Daugelaite, D., Spencer, J.E., Leroy, V. and
Page, J.H. 2009. Aging processes in high void fraction biofoams. In: 2nd International
Biofoams Conference, October 26-28, Niagara Falls, ON.
Strybulevych, A., Leroy, V., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2009. Acoustic
microrheology: Shear moduli of soft materials determined from single bubble
oscillations. In: 30th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics (USE2009), November18-20,
Kyoto, Japan.
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Fan, Y., Kiefte, A., and Mehta, K.L. 2009. Combining low
frequency ultrasound with large strain techniques to evaluate the properties of wheat flour
doughs. In: 94th Annual Meeting of American Association of Cereal Chemists,
September 12-16, Baltimore, MD.
Scanlon, M.G., Fan, Y. and Page, J.H. 2009. The effect of bubbles on dough relaxation.
In: 94th Annual Meeting of American Association of Cereal Chemists, September 12-16,
Baltimore, MD.
Scanlon, M.G. and Zhang, Z. 2009. Adiabatic compressibility measurements on gliadin
solutions. In: 94th Annual Meeting of American Association of Cereal Chemists,
September 12-16, Baltimore, MD.
Daugelaite, D., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2009. Evaluation of aging processes in
angel cake egg-white foams. In: 5th International Symposium on Food Rheology and
Structure, June 15-18, Zürich, Switzerland.
Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Leroy, V., Bellido, G.G., Fan, Y. and Mehta, K.L. 2009. The
mechanical spectrum of dough determined from ultrasonic techniques. In: 5th
International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, June 15-18, Zürich,
Zhang, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2009. Solvent effects on the structure of gliadin molecules
as revealed by adiabatic compressibility measurements. In: Wheat Science Dynamics:
Challenges and Opportunities, International Wheat Quality Conference - IV, June 2-6,
Saskatoon, SK.
Scanlon, M. G., Page, J. H., Leroy, V., Fan, Y., Elmehdi, H.M., Kiefte, A. and Mehta, K.
L. 2009. Using low frequency ultrasound to evaluate the properties of wheat flour
doughs. In: Wheat Science Dynamics: Challenges and Opportunities, International Wheat
Quality Conference - IV, June 2-6, Saskatoon, SK.
Scanlon, M. G., Page, J. H., Leroy, V., Elmehdi, H.M., Fan, Y. and Mehta, K. L. 2009.
Examining the effect of dough matrix and bubbles on the properties of dough using lowintensity ultrasound. In: Wheat Science Dynamics: Challenges and Opportunities,
International Wheat Quality Conference - IV, June 2-6, Saskatoon, SK.
Scanlon, M.G., Leroy, V., Pitura, K.M. and Page, J.H. 2009. The complex shear
modulus of dough over a wide frequency range. In: Wheat Science Dynamics:
Challenges and Opportunities, International Wheat Quality Conference - IV, June 2-6,
Saskatoon, SK.
Scanlon, M. G., Fan, Y. and Page, J. H. 2009. Some observations on dough relaxation:
The effect of bubbles. In: In: Wheat Science Dynamics: Challenges and Opportunities,
International Wheat Quality Conference - IV, June 2-6, Saskatoon, SK.
Scanlon, M. G., Mehta, K. L., Sapirstein, H. D. and Page, J. H. 2009. Effects of mixing
time and ingredients on dough properties as assessed with ultrasound. In: Wheat Science
Dynamics: Challenges and Opportunities, International Wheat Quality Conference - IV,
June 2-6, Saskatoon, SK.
Scanlon, M.G. 2008. Ultrasonic tools for understanding how to create healthy foods. At:
Danisco Headquarters, November 10, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Scanlon, M.G. 2008. Research on processing and the physical properties of food at the
University of Manitoba. At: University of Copenhagen, November 10, Copenhagen,
Daugelaite, D., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2008. Assessing aging processes in eggwhite foams. In: 93rd Annual Meeting of American Association of Cereal Chemists,
September 21-24, Honolulu, HI.
*Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Bellido, G.G., Fan, Y. and Zhang, Z. 2008. Studying
(molecular) segmental motion of wheat gluten proteins with high frequency ultrasound.
In: 93rd Annual Meeting of American Association of Cereal Chemists, September 21 24,
Honolulu, HI.
Strybulevych, A.L., Leroy, V., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2008. Single bubble
oscillations in viscoelastic media. In: Acoustics '08 Paris, June 29 - July 4, Paris, France.
Leroy, V., Strybulevych, A.L., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2008. Acoustic transmission
through one plane of bubbles. In: Acoustics '08 Paris, June 29 - July 4, Paris, France.
*Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Leroy, V., Bellido, G.G., Fan, Y. and Mehta, K.L. 2008.
Evaluating dough properties with ultrasonic techniques. In: Bosphorus 2008 ICC
International Conference, April 24-26, Istanbul, Turkey. [Invited Presentation]
*Scanlon, M.G. 2007. Bubbles, foams and food: Conjuring palatability out of thin air.
In: AFMNet Second Annual Highly Qualified Personnel Association Winter School,
November 1-3, Winnipeg, MB.
*Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Leroy, V., Bellido, G.G., Fan, Y. and Mehta, K.L. 2007.
New information on dough properties from low-intensity ultrasonic techniques. In: 92nd
Annual Meeting of American Association of Cereal Chemists, October 7-10, San
Antonio, TX.
*Scanlon, M.G., Leroy, V., Mehta, K.L., Fan, Y., Strybulevych, A.L. and Page, J.H.
2007. Acoustic approaches to studying the structure and behavior of aerated food
systems. At: University of Alberta, Department of Food Science, September 5,
Edmonton, AB.
Keynote Presentation*Scanlon, M.G., Leroy, V., Mehta, K.L., Fan, Y., Strybulevych,
A.L. and Page, J.H. 2007. Investigating the structure and behavior of food systems using
low-intensity ultrasound. In: 98th American Oil Chemists Society Annual Meeting &
Expo, May 13-16, Québec City, PQ.
Elmehdi, H.M., Page, J.H., Scanlon, M.G. and Kovacs, M. 2007. Using ultrasonic
velocity to investigate the quality of gluten proteins. In: 2007 International Congress on
Ultrasonics, April 9-12, Vienna, Austria.
*Scanlon, M.G. 2007. Processing and food physical properties research in Food Science
@ the University of Manitoba. At: University of Guelph, Department of Food Science,
January 25, Guelph, ON.
Elmehdi, H.M., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2006. Investigating the functional
properties of gluten proteins using ultrasound. In: The 2006 IEEE International
Ultrasonics Symposium, October 3-6, Vancouver, BC.
*Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2006. Gaining new insights into aerated dough systems
using low-intensity ultrasound. At: Danisco’s Global Innovation Centre, September 28,
Brabrand, Denmark.
*Scanlon, M.G., Spencer, J.E., Fan, Y., Leroy, V. and Page, J.H. 2006. Ostwald ripening
(disproportionation): Examining its effect on the structure and properties of dough and
batter. At: Biopolymères Interactions Assemblages, Institut National de Recherches
Agronomiques (INRA), September 22, Nantes, France.
*Scanlon, M.G. Page, J.H., Elmehdi, H.M., Bellido, G.G. and Mehta, K.L. 2006. Using
low-intensity ultrasound to investigate the effect of ingredients and processing on the
properties of breadmaking doughs. In: World Congress of the International Union of
Food Science and Technology, September 17-21, Nantes, France.
Scanlon, M.G., Spencer, J.E. and Page, J.H. 2006. Changes in the rheology of whole egg
and egg white foams and batters during processing. In: World Congress of the
International Union of Food Science and Technology, September 17-21, Nantes, France.
Scanlon, M.G. and Goh, S.M. 2006. Using finite element methods to evaluate the
properties of lipid-based food materials from indentation tests In: World Congress of the
International Union of Food Science and Technology, September 17-21, Nantes, France.
Spencer, J.E., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2006. Drainage and coarsening effects on
the time-dependent rheology of whole egg and egg white foams and batters. In: Bubbles
in Food 2: Novelty, Health and Luxury, An International Conference, September 11-13,
Windermere, GB
Leroy, V., Fan, Y., Strybulevytch, A. L., Bellido, G.G., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G.
2006. Investigating the bubble size distribution in dough using ultrasound. In: Bubbles in
Food 2: Novelty, Health and Luxury, An International Conference, September 11-13,
Windermere, GB.
* Page, J.H., Elmehdi, H. M., Leroy, V. and Scanlon, M.G. 2006. Using ultrasound to
probe bubbles in bread dough and the cellular structure of bread crumb. In: Bubbles in
Food 2: Novelty, Health and Luxury, An International Conference, September 11-13,
Windermere, GB.
House, J. and Scanlon, M.G. 2006. NSERC Review Committees Workshop. At:
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Manitoba, August 9, Winnipeg, MB.
Liu, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2006. Development of processing optimization strategies for
Canada’s potato processing industry: Final Project Report Presentation. At: McCain
Foods (Carberry), July 28, Carberry, MB.
MacMillan, B., Newling, B., Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H., Khan, R., Mackenzie, D.,
Macdonald, A., Pink, D., Paulson, A. and Rousseau, D. 2006. Magnetic resonance in
doughs and gels. In: AFMNet 2006 Second Annual Scientific Conference Program,
April 30-May 2, Calgary, AB.
Strybulevych, A.L., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2006. Ultrasonic characterization of
the properties of model aerated food materials. In: AFMNet 2006 Second Annual
Scientific Conference Program, April 30-May 2, Calgary, AB.
Norisuye, T., Strybulevych, A.L., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2006. Ultrasonic
investigation of the gelation process of poly(acrylamide) gels. In: POLYCHAR-14
World Forum on Advanced Materials, 17-21 April 2006, Nara, Japan.
Liu, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2006. Development of processing optimization strategies for
Canada’s potato processing industry. At: McCain Foods (Carberry), March 17, Carberry,
Bellido, G.G., Scanlon, M.G., Page, J.H. and Hallgrimson, B. 2006. Low-intensity
ultrasound study of gas bubble growth in chemically leavened wheat flour dough. In:
Ultrasound in the Processing of Industrial Soft Materials, February 9-10, Leeds, GB.
Cobus, L.A.E.B., Ross, K.A. Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2006. Ultrasonic evaluation
of the properties of model functional foods – I: Agar gels with a periodic pore structure.
In: Ultrasound in the Processing of Industrial Soft Materials, February 9-10, Leeds, GB.
Strybulevych, A.L., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2006. Ultrasonic evaluation of the
properties of model functional foods – II: Agar gels with randomly dispersed pores. In:
Ultrasound in the Processing of Industrial Soft Materials, February 9-10, Leeds, GB.
Mehta, K.L., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2006. Ultrasonic monitoring of the effects of
mixing time and ingredients on dough rheology. In: Ultrasound in the Processing of
Industrial Soft Materials, February 9-10, Leeds, GB.
*Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2006. Update on probing hydrogels with ultrasound. In:
AFMNet Hydrogels Workshop, Ryerson University, January 5-7, Toronto, ON.
*Liu, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2005. Development of processing optimization strategies for
Canada's potato processing industry. At: McCain Foods (Carberry), December 8,
Carberry, MB.
*Scanlon, M.G. 2005. Bread and butter issues: Evaluating the constitutive properties of
soft condensed matter. At: Biology Seminar Series, 25 November, Winnipeg, MB.
*Liu, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2005. Development of processing optimization strategies for
Canada's potato processing industry. At: McCain Foods (Carberry), September 30,
Carberry, MB.
*Scanlon, M.G. and Potvin, P. 2005. How to prepare an NSERC application. At:
Brandon University, September 21, Brandon, MB.
*Scanlon, M.G. and Potvin, P. 2005. How to prepare an NSERC application. At:
Lakehead University, September 19, Thunder Bay, ON.
* Page, J.H., Scanlon, M.G., Norisuye, T., Strybulevych, A.L. and Cobus, L.A.E.B. 2005.
Probing hydrogels with ultrasound. In: AFMNet Hydrogels Workshop, University of
Western Ontario, August 26, London, ON.
Scanlon, M.G. and Young, R.L. 2005. Thermal effects on the mechanical properties of
potato parenchyma. In: 90th Annual Meeting of Potato Association of America, July
17-21, Calgary, AB.
Liu, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2005. Modeling the effect of blanching conditions on the
texture of blanched strips. In: 90th Annual Meeting of Potato Association of America,
July 17-21, Calgary, AB.
Mehta, K.L., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J. H. 2005. Ultrasonic monitoring of the effects of
mixing time and ingredients on dough rheology. In: Institute of Food Technologists
Annual Meeting and Food Expo, July 15-20, New Orleans, LA.
*Liu, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2005. Development of processing optimization strategies for
Canada's potato processing industry. At: McCain Foods (Carberry), June 29, Carberry,
*Page, J.H., Scanlon, M.G. Elmehdi, H.M., Mehta, K. and Fan, Y. 2005. The squishy
physics of dough and bread. In: Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress,
University of British Columbia, June 5-8, Vancouver, BC.
Cobus, L.A.E.B., Ross, K.A. Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2005. Ultrasonic evaluation
of the properties of model functional foods – I: Agar gels with a periodic pore structure.
In: AFMNet 2005 First Annual Scientific Conference Program, May 8-10, Toronto, ON.
*Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2005. Harnessing cellularity for Canadian consumers.
In: AFMNet 2005 First Annual Scientific Conference Program, May 8-10, Toronto, ON.
Strybulevych, A.L., Page, J.H. and Scanlon, M.G. 2005. Ultrasonic evaluation of the
properties of model functional foods – II: Agar gels with randomly dispersed pores. In:
AFMNet 2005 First Annual Scientific Conference Program, May 8-10, Toronto, ON.
*Liu, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2005. Development of processing optimization strategies for
Canada's potato processing industry. At: McCain Foods (Carberry), April 14, Carberry,
*Scanlon, M.G. 2005. I've bartered my grainfields for icy Kaldbak. In: "Culture and
Science: Mutually Reinforcing", 4th Partnership Conference (University of Iceland &
University of Manitoba), March 18-19, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Scanlon, M.G. 2005. Food and Physics: Not necessarily an unholey alliance. At: Physics
Group Meeting, 21 February, Winnipeg, MB.
*Liu, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2004. Development of processing optimization strategies for
Canada's potato processing industry. At: McCain Foods (Carberry), December 8,
Carberry, MB.
*Liu, Z. and Scanlon, M.G. 2004. Development of processing optimization strategies for
Canada's potato processing industry. At: Midwest Food Products, October 15, Carberry,
Scanlon, M.G., Elmehdi, H.M. and Page, J.H. 2004. Non-destructive assessment of gas
cells in dough. At: Ultrasound and Dough Properties - Industrial Partners Meeting" 30
September, Winnipeg, MB.
Scanlon, M.G. 2004. Ultrasound in dough Strategic project overview. At: Ultrasound
and Dough Properties - Industrial Partners Meeting" 30 September, Winnipeg, MB.
Scanlon, M.G., Elmehdi, H.M. and Page, J.H. 2004. Non-destructive assessment of gas
cells in dough. In: 89th Annual Meeting of American Association of Cereal Chemists,
September 19-22, San Diego, CA.
Bellido, G.G., Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J. H. 2004. Using acoustic waves to study gas
retention in wheat flour doughs. In: 89th Annual Meeting of American Association of
Cereal Chemists, September 19-22, San Diego, CA.
Scanlon, M.G. and Poitras, B. 2004. Thermal loading effects on fry quality in industrial
par-frying processes. In: 88th Annual Meeting of Potato Association of America, August
8-12, Scottsbluff, NE.
*Jurewicz, T. and Scanlon, M.G. 2004. NSERC information session. In: Canadian
Botanical Association Annual Meeting, June 26-30, Winnipeg, MB.
Elmehdi, H. M., Page, J. H. and Scanlon, M. G. 2004. Characterization of anisotropy in
foams: an ultrasonic approach. In: 2004 CAP Congress, June 13-16, Winnipeg, MB.
Elmehdi, H. M., Page, J. H. and Scanlon, M. G. 2004. Investigating the porosity of dough
using ultrasound. In: 12th ICC Cereal & Bread Congress, May 23-26, Harrogate, Yorks,
*Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2004. Low-intensity ultrasound: an emerging technology
for process control in the food industry. In: Canadian Institute of Food Science and
Technology Conference, May 16-19, Guelph, ON.
*Scanlon, M.G. and Anand, A. 2004. Texture testing of composite foods. In: ICEF-9
International Congress on Engineering and Food, March 7-11, Montpellier, France.
*Scanlon, M.G. and Page, J.H. 2004. Understanding Structure-Function Relationships in
Functional Foods. In: Natural Health Products and Functional Foods Research Update,
February 16th, Winnipeg, MB.
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