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OHAYON Pierre1, a, GHAVAMI Khosrow2b, JESUZ Katarine3c
Faculdade de Administração e Ciências Contábeis/Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro - FACC/UFRJ, Brazil
Departamento de Engenharia Civil/ Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
(CIV/PUC-Rio), Brazil
Faculdade de Administração e Ciências Contábeis/Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro - FACC/UFRJ, Brazil
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Keywords: Redebambu/BR, NOCMAT, R&D Projects, Environmental Evaluation Methods
Recently, in 2013, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) of Brazil launched
the call for research and development (R&D) projects to select proposals for financial support able
to contribute significantly for structuring the National Network for Research and Development of
Bamboo called Redebambu/BR. In the context of sustainable development, environmental issues
within these R&D sponsored projects by Redebambu/BR are becoming of increasing concern and
the construction industry is identified as one, causing the greatest negative environmental impact,
either by the use of non-renewable resources, polluting rejects, fossil fuels, deforestation, among
others. In recent years, several methods for Environmental Assessment of Buildings have been
developed and put into practice around the world. They provided important contributions mainly to
the development of guidelines for better practices that minimize environmental impacts caused by
the building throughout its life cycle. In this study, through a critical review of the available
literature, with emphasis on the world actual requirements from: LEED - Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design; CASBEE - Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental
Efficiency; BREEAM - Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method; HQE
- Haute Qualité Environnementale; Green Star; and AQUA - High Environmental Quality, to be
met for the correct selection of materials and technologies used in sustainable construction in Brazil
is presented. Among the six methods, two have perspective for adaptation and improvement: the
AQUA Process and the LEED Certification. Therefore, a comparison is made between the main
criteria used by these two methods with regard to the correct selection of materials for project
construction. In Brazil, there is a lack of data and specification of non-conventional materials and
technologies (NOCMAT), therefore requiring extensive studies within Redebambu/. However, there
is a growing interest using material and methods concerning buildings environmental assessment
aiming at a sustainable construction.
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) of Brazil and its National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) launched the call for R&D projects No 66/2013
to select proposals for financial support able to contribute significantly for the scientific and
technological development and innovation in the country, specifically for structuring the National
Network for Research and Development of Bamboo namely called Redebambu/BR.
The Redebambu/BR network supports the implementation of PNMCB - National Policy to
Encourage Handling, Sustainable Planting and Preservation of Bamboo which has been created by
the Law 12.484/2011. The Redebambu/BR network has representation in five Brazilian regions
through the Regional Centers. These are "diffusion technology centers for strengthening the culture
of bamboo in the country, offering technology solutions to all levels of the bamboo´s production
chain, from the family farmer to the processing industry" [1].
The activities of Redebambu/BR network are managed by a Steering Committee composed by the
heads managers of the six Regional Centers, a representative of the MCTI and a representative of
the industrial sector. The sponsored projects cover one or more research areas within the main
Thematic Area entitled "Chain development bottlenecks in production of bamboo" which applies to
large knowledge areas such as Engineering, Biology, Agriculture or subareas such as Management
of Research and Technology, among others. The motivation for the use of NOCMAT specification
to meet the requirements of environmental evaluation methods for building in Brazil, within
scientific and technological projects and activities involving this main Thematic Area covering 17
sub-themes1 comes essentially from the new priorities of the Brazilian Government in meeting the
technological demands concerning the implementation of PNMCB and NOCMAT applications for
ecological and sustainable constructions.
Science and technology have contributed largely in the last three decades to the economic
development without considering adequately different social classes. The intensive R&D activities
in the rapidly growing areas of ST&I (Science, Technology and Innovation) such as new high
resistance cements, steel, petrochemical derived materials, among others have not given the
opportunity to less developed nations to cut the vicious circle which maintained them
technologically dependent on industrialized countries. The Science, Technology & Innovation
Green Book of the Brazilian Ministry of S&T, presented for discussion on July 2001, brings new
challenges for the next ten years with its priorities notably related to low cost energy materials and
technologies which are ecologically acceptable. It indicates that one of the main “bottle-necks” in
terms of information, which restricts seriously the proper ST&I planning and decision making
process, is the production of pertinent indicators [2, 3].
In order to overcome these difficulties, six new interrelated key functions of technological resources
management, characterizing the what, why, when, where, how and who for strategic and operational
applications, should be considered [4]. They have not been systematically regarded for the
assessment of innovative projects related to the use of locally available materials in abundance and
(1) Identification of native and exotic species; (2) propagation of bamboo´s species; (3) bamboo´s propagation and
cultivation for temperate climate; (4) Production of reinforced concrete, activated coal and glued laminated bamboo
("plyboo"); (5) Planting for large-scale biomass and cellulose; (6) Production and manufacturing of bamboo buds; (7)
Cultivation of tropical bamboo and use in landscaping; (8) Structural application of bamboo; (9) Sustainable handling
of Guadua sp forest; (10) Identification of species with greater economic potential; (11) Technologies Demonstration
for energetic use of bamboo; (12) Application of bamboo for restoration of degraded lands; (13) Strategy for
introducing the culture of bamboo in family farming; (14) Technology transfer for production and planting of seedlings;
(15) Introduction of new species of bamboo in Brazil; (16) Use of bamboo for high performance composite materials;
(17) Production of raw materials for cosmetics and food industry.
appropriate technologies, in developing countries [5, 6, 7]. These strategic functions are: to carry
out an inventory of technological resources (available technologies, expertise and skills); to
evaluate technological resources, their strengths and weaknesses, and their economic potential; to
optimize (make the best use of technological resources); to enrich technological resources through
investigation, acquisition, alliance, research, development, improvement, innovation, renewal and
replacement, as well as to further develop human technological expertise and skills by recruiting,
training and team building; to watch developments in the scientific, technological and competitive
environment employing an appropriate technological vigilance and intelligence system; to protect
technological resources by safeguarding intellectual property, and by preserving human expertise
and skills.
The accelerated rhythm in which the results of the research on NOCMAT are being introduced into
a society, principally used to conventional materials and technologies imported from industrialized
countries and not sufficiently prepared to receive them, create new economic, financial,
administrative, organizational and human resources problems. Specifically NOCMAT projects
which benefited from an unconditional enthusiasm by researchers are seen by the community as
suspicious not because of their “few” results but of their “any” results obtained. To show the
reliability and durability of the newly developed materials and technologies, in addition to the
results obtained in the laboratories, large scale constructions should be built and permanently
monitored, requiring higher and continued investments from sponsoring agencies and private
organizations. Therefore, interest to establish rational framework integrating scientific institutions
and sponsoring agencies for research programs, which are directed to social, economic and
technological advancement is increasing [8, 9, 10, 11, 12].
2.1 NOCMAT R&D Projects Evaluation Capacity within Redebambu/BR
Project is understood as a set of actions, performed in a coordinated way by a temporary
organization, in which necessary inputs are allocated for, in a given period, achieving a specific
goal [13]. There are over the last decades numerous conceptualizations for research project and
technology development - R&D [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24].
Several relevant aspects are considered in the management of R&D projects, namely: (i) project
team; (ii) project life cycle; (iii) organizational climate project and environmental conditions.
Evaluation in most developing countries is becoming an important tool for the management of
technology, as a necessary link between R&D and society needs. A key feature of a successful S&T
organization is the ability to learn from past experience and react to market or client responses.
Selection and Evaluation capacities can play an important role in influencing policy analysis and
formulation; improving resource allocation and budgetary process; improving investment programs
and projects, examining fundamental missions. However, in these countries the adequate use of
feedback in formulating projects, programs and policies and allocating resources is only incipient.
Sensitivity to public criticism and the fear of political fallout from selection and evaluation findings
are inhibiting factors. Many social appropriate technologies still lack the essential requirements of
effective selection and evaluation. The quality of information and access to it is often insufficient,
mechanisms for feedback into the decision making process are weak and a culture of accountability
by using pertinent indicators is not firmly applied.
The barriers in the selection and evaluation of NOCMAT are mainly high cost of their procedures
and lack of interest and commitment to the selection and evaluation functions at the political level;
feedback mechanisms for applying selection and evaluation findings; more attention given to
preparing and appraising programs and projects than to evaluating their performance on completion;
involvement of institutional and national staff in selecting and evaluating externally financed
programs and projects; attention to the quality of information; objectivity and independence in
conducting selection and evaluation; access to the research result on low-cost energy materials and
technologies; trained staff [25]. In addition, most experts receive their education in industrialized
countries and are not necessarily aware of local conditions and local solutions for a sustainable
program. These experts could even damage or hinder the development of the project. In state and
federal sponsoring agencies, selection and evaluation does not have high priority for major reasons
such as: little effective methods for selection and environmental evaluation; lack of incentive for
future productivity and limited freedom of action.
Sustainable construction can be defined as one who believes the economy and efficiency of
resources, life cycle development and welfare of the user, reducing significantly, or even
eliminating potential negative impacts to the environment and their users [26]).
Faced with the current energy crisis, global warming and socio-environmental stresses, the use of
non-conventional materials and technologies in sustainable building then becomes a great ally in
finding ways to mitigate or even resolve these issues involving emergency life of all beings on the
To address this need in the search for more sustainable solutions, this paper brings about more
specifically the Building Environmental Assessment Methods which began to appear from the 90s
in the world. All methods share the goal of achieving a greater environmental performance of
Two methods with great growth prospects in Brazil, The AQUA Process and LEED Certification,
will be the focus of this study, looking through the specification of non-conventional materials and
technologies (NOCMAT), meet the criteria required to guarantee, in part, on sustainable building.
This issue is relevant for Brazil, mainly for the following reasons: (i) the country has abundant
natural resources, but most of the resources extracted from nature are non-renewable; (ii) materials
with low environmental impact are still little used in construction; (iii) there is a growing trend of
Building Environmental Assessment Methods in order to contribute to the development of
alternative solutions, aiming at a sustainable construction.
Bamboo is still an underutilized resource for construction in Brazil. The growing use of Building
Environmental Assessment Methods in Brazil within Redebambu/BR should be an opportunity for
the recovery of this resource. For Ghavami [27] bamboo can in many cases replace steel in
construction, in addition to be a renewable resource, reducing production cost and pollution.
Bamboo fulfils many of the criteria regarding the correct selection of materials for sustainable
building, as shown below.
Through different reports and specialized literature, the main Building Environmental Assessment
Methods in the world are analyzed. Bamboo’s advantages and potential as an excellent material for
sustainable building are presented.
3.1 Main Building Environmental Assessment Methods
In recent years, several Buildings Environmental Assessment Methods have been developed and put
into practice around the world. They provided important contributions, mainly to the development
of guidelines for better practices that minimize environmental impacts caused by the building
throughout its life cycle.
From the 90s world challenges for Sustainable Development, the construction industry began to
launch different initiatives aiming at the improvement of overall performance in this sector [28]).
Table 1 shows the main Building Environmental Assessment Methods, by country origin,
institution and year’s foundation.
TABLE 1 - Main Building Environmental Assessment Methods
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental
CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System
for Building Environmental Efficiency)
BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment
Démarche HQE (Haute Qualité
Green Star
USGBC (US Green Building
JSBC (Japan Sustainability
Building Consortium)
BRE Global
Association HQE
GBCA (Green Building
Council of Australia)
FCAV (Fundação Carlos
Alberto Vanzolini)
AQUA (High Environmental Quality)
A brief history and characteristics of these methods shown in Table 1 are presented below.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
Developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), as mentioned in report for new
construction and major renovations [29], the LEED Green Building Rating Systems are voluntary,
consensus-based, and market-driven. Based on existing and proven technology, they evaluate
environmental performance from a whole building perspective over a building’s life cycle,
providing a definitive standard for what constitutes a green building in design, construction, and
operation. It promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in
five key environmental categories: Sustainable Sites (SS), Water Efficiency (WE), Energy and
Atmosphere (EA), Materials and Resources (MR) and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ).
Innovation in Design (ID) and Regional Priority (RP) are additional categories considered by
LEED’s method.
CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Eficiency)
JSBC (Japan Sustainable Building Consortium) has developed the "CASBEE Family" which is the
collective name for four tools, such as: (i) CASBEE for Pre-design; (ii) CASBEE for New
Construction; (iii) CASBEE for Existing Building; and, (iv) CASBEE for Renovation. Each tool is
intended for a separate purpose and target user, and is designed to accommodate a wide range of
uses (offices, schools, apartments, etc.) in the evaluated buildings [30].
BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method)
BREEAM/UK is the world’s leading and most widely used environmental assessment method for
buildings, with over 115,000 buildings certified and nearly 700,000 registered [31]. As presented in
its Assessor Manual 2008, standards for best practice in sustainable design are pointed out as
measurement for a building’s environmental performance. Credits are awarded in ten categories
according to performance: (i) Management; (ii) Health & Wellbeing; (iii) Energy; (iv) Transport;
(v) Water; (vi) Materials; (vii) Waste; (viii) Land Use & Ecology; (ix) Pollution; and, (x)
Démarche HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale)
Founded in 1996, the HQE Association regroups the different actors concerned in order to promote
the environmental quality of buildings. It constitutes a forum for discussion, consultation,
information, training and action putting in network skills and experiences from its members for
individual or integrated projects [32]. This procedure relies on the three pillars of sustainable
development: environmental, social and economic development, whose specific objectives are
explained in detail through 14 targets presented below [33].
Green Star
Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) launched the Green Star environmental rating system
for buildings in 2003. As presented in the GBCA site [34], Green Star is a comprehensive, national,
voluntary environmental rating system that evaluates the environmental design and construction of
buildings. Nine categories of rating tools are considered, such as: (i) Management; (ii) Indoor
Environment Quality; (iii) Energy; (iv) Transport; (v) Water; (vi) Materials; (vii) Land Use &
Ecology; (viii) Emissions; and, (ix) Innovation. These categories are divided into credits, each of
which addresses an initiative able to improve an environmental performance.
AQUA Process (High Environmental Quality)
The High Environmental Quality (AQUA) is defined as a process of project management in order to
fulfil the environmental quality of a new enterprise or involving rehabilitation [35]. The evaluation
for the fulfillment of the Technical Reference AQUA Process criteria is done through audits
including technical analysis. Certificates are given by the Carlos Alberto Vanzolini Foundation
(FCAV) if these criteria regarding Technical Terms of Reference are satisfied. For the project
evaluation related to the Building Environmental Quality (QAE in Brazil) and Enterprise
Management System (SGE in Brazil), the following three steps should be followed: Program Phase;
Design/Conception Phase; Implementation Phase. Among the 14 AQUA Process categories
presented below, 3 should achieve the level “Excellent”, 7 the level “Good” and 4 the level
“Superior” [36].
3.2 Selecting Materials: AQUA Process and LEED Certification
In civil construction, two Building Environmental Assessment Methods have potential to be
adopted in Brazil by Redebambu/BR in coming years: the AQUA Process and the LEED
Certification [36]. World events such as the 2016 Olympics Games to be held in Brazil represent an
opportunity to increase investments in green projects for sustainable society. Below, the AQUA
Process and LEED Certification characteristics regarding material selection and adoption in
Brazilian context are described.
The AQUA Process (High Environmental Quality)
The AQUA Process was developed by Carlos Alberto Vanzolini Foundation (FCAV) which signed
in 2007 a cooperation contract with french institutions CSTB – Centre Scientifique et Technique du
Bâtiment/France and Certivéa, France, in order to adapt for Brazilian context the Technical
Reference - Démarche HQE and realize the corresponding certification for sustainable construction
As a Project Management Process, the AQUA Process has two sets of requirements that should be
satisfied: the SGE - Enterprise Management System and the QAE - Building Environmental
Quality. The Enterprise Management System (SGE), concerns the environmental management
system evaluation by the project entrepreneur, requiring the complete project control, since the
main program until the construction delivery in order to meet the performance criteria related to the
14 categories of the building environmental quality. The Building Environmental Quality (QAE),
concerns the architectural and technical construction performance evaluation, based on criteria and
indicators, enabling flexible solutions adapted to the region and the program needs for building.
More specifically, the QAE is represented by 4 “families”: (i) Eco-construction; (ii) Management;
(iii) Comfort; and, (iv) Health. Its 14 categories (set of concerns): (1) Building relationship with its
surroundings; (2) Integrated products, systems and construction processes choice; (3) Building site
with low environmental impact; (4) Energy management; (5) Water management; (6) Building
waste uses and operation; (7) Maintenance - environmental performance permanence; (8)
Hygrothermal comfort; (9) Acoustic comfort; (10) Visual comfort; (11) Olfactive comfort; (12)
Environment sanitary quality; (13) Air sanitary quality; (14) Water sanitary quality. The 14
categories are grouped into sub-categories, each one including determined evaluation criteria.
This paper considers more specifically the Technical Reference AQUA Process Certification –
Offices - School Buildings, among others related to buildings such as hotels and residential
buildings as a case study. The AQUA process brings about the following logic: “Family” which
covers “Categories”, each one including “Sub-categories” with their own evaluation criteria as
presented in Table 2. The reason for having chosen Eco-construction “Family” was the orientation
of this study on non-conventional materials with low environmental impacts.
TABLE 2 – Family, Category and Sub-Category of AQUA Process
2. Integrated products
systems and
construction processes
Sub-category (2.3 and 2.4)
2.3 Materials selection in order to limit the
construction impacts on social and environmental
2.4 Materials selection in order to limit the
construction impacts on human health
Source: adapted from Technical Reference Certification AQUA Process [35, pp.15].
Sub-Category 2.3 AQUA Process: Construction Materials Selection
This Sub-category concerns the social and environmental impacts in construction. According to the
Technical Reference Certification AQUA Process, construction materials are usually chosen
according to traditional criteria, such as: adequacy of its use; technical quality, reduced cost. This
Sub category covers a new criterion which should be considered for material choice: its
environmental characteristic.
TABLE 3 - Materials Selection – Sub-category 2.3
2.3.1 Better understanding of construction materials
contribution to environmental impacts
Environmental construction materials characteristics,
especially those related to gases emission contributing
to global warming (climate change), waste generation,
reuse possibility / recycling materials, renewable
resources use and exhaustion of natural resources.
2.3.2 Choose of construction materials in order to
limit its contribution to construction environmental
Choices that contribute to reduce greenhouse gases
emission (climate change), reduction of waste disposed
in the environment, exploitation by reuse / materials
recycling, increased use of renewable resources, and
choices that avoid natural resources exhaustion.
2.3.3 Know materials manufacturers that don’t
practice informality in the production chain
Hear about materials manufacturers that don’t practice
informality in the production chain for tax and labor
2.3.4 Choose of manufacturers that don’t practice
informality in the production chain
Choices which fight against tax and labor informality in
the production chain
Source: adapted from Technical Reference Certification AQUA Process [35, pp 69-72]).
Sub-Category 2.4 AQUA Process: Construction Materials Selection
This Sub-category concerns the construction impacts on human health in order to minimize them.
According to the Technical Reference Certification AQUA Process, Sub-category 2.4 is limited to
emissions of few pollutants that affect human health, and related to construction materials likely to
emit such pollutants in the air inside the building.
TABLE 4 - Materials Selection – Sub-category 2.4
2.4.1. Know indoor air quality and human health
impact of construction materials
Material characteristics knowledge of interior finishing
touches from the point of view of pollutants emissions
harmful to human health
2.4.2 Choose of construction materials in order to
limit the construction impacts on indoor air quality
and human health
Regard to health aspects (in terms of pollutants
emissions harmful to human health) for the choice of
interior finishing touches
Source: adapted from Technical Reference Certification AQUA Process [35, pp. 74-75].
In the following section regarding the non-conventional materials and technologies specification,
different criteria related to these two Sub-categories (2.3 and 2.4) will be presented.
Leed Certification
In Brazil, the LEED certification is represented by Brazil GBC (Green Building Council Brazil), an
institution located in São Paulo. The GBC Brazil is a nonprofit organization which mission consists
to develop a sustainable construction industry, using the market strengths aiming at the adoption of
Green building practices and implementation of an integrated process for conception, construction
and buildings spaces operation [38].
The LEED Green Building Rating Systems are voluntary, consensus-based, and market-driven.
Based on existing and proven technology, they evaluate environmental performance from a whole
building perspective over a building’s life cycle, providing a definitive standard for what constitutes
a green building in design, construction, and operation [29].
LEED currently provides the following types of buildings: LEED NC - New Constructions and
major commercial projects Renovation; LEED CS Core and Shell projects, LEED CI - Commercial
interior projects; LEED EB - Existing Building Operations; H LEED-Homes, LEED ND Neighborhood development, LEED Application Guides.
Prerequisites and credits in the LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations addresses
7 topics: (1) Sustainable Sites (SS); (2) Water Efficiency (WE); (3) Energy and Atmosphere (EA);
(4) Materials and Resources (MR); (5) Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ); (6) Innovation in
Design (ID); and, (7) Regional Priority (RP) [29].
The adequacy’s check to LEED’s requirements is assessed thought a checklist and for each
evaluated item is assigned points which sum total must achieve predetermined levels for the
certification fulfillment in different degrees [39]). Below, Table 5 presents the classification levels
and respective points that must be achieved:
TABLE 5 - Certification Scale Award
Classification Level
40-49 points
50-59 points
60-79 points
80 points and above
Source: LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations, 2009 p. xiii [29].
The building environmental performance for this system is assessed globally, over all its life cycle
in order to consider the main principles for obtaining a green building [40]).
In this study, for materials criteria selection, the focus is based on Certification LEED NC - New
Constructions and Major Projects Renovation 2009 version (3.0), considering more specifically the
2009 LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations Rating Systems. The LEED rating
systems are designed for rating new and existing commercial, institutional, and residential
buildings. They are based on accepted energy and environmental principles and strike a balance
between known, established practices and emerging concepts [29). The claims concerning the
selection of non-conventional materials and technologies are basically: (i) Regional materials; (ii)
Rapidly Renewable Materials. These credits are included in Materials and Resources (MR)
discussion as shown in Table 6.
5. Regional Materials
6. Rapidly Renewable
TABLE 6 - Materials Selection LEED NC
To increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and
manufactured within the region, thereby supporting the use of indigenous
resources and reducing the environmental impacts resulting from
To reduce the use and depletion of finite raw materials and long-cycle
renewable materials by replacing them with rapidly renewable materials.
Source: Adapted from LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations [29, pp. 53-54].
Due to the growth of the LEED Certification and AQUA Process in the Brazilian market, it is
essential not only to know how each of these methods is able to evaluate a building, but also to
prospect materials, technologies and construction systems that should meet the required criteria, in
accordance to Brazilian context. These methods give specific orientations of what should be done
for assuring a sustainable building, but does not explaining how. In this way, researchers, architects,
engineers and other professionals should be fit within Redebambu/BR to deepen this issue in
accordance to resources, materials and technologies available present in the country.
According to Marques [39], the dispersion and lack of data regarding materials specification with
less environmental impact and the lack of awareness by all of those involved in the building design
process, constitute a major problem faced in the quest for more sustainable solutions. The growing
trends for a Brazilian culture oriented to sustainable buildings, mainly by adapting these methods,
brings about several advantages, such as: (i) increase use of non-conventional materials and
technologies; (ii) specialized labor training for working on sustainable buildings; (iii) increased
number of certified professionals; (iv) increased number of Green Jobs; (v) incentive to research
and development aiming at a more sustainable solutions.
At this point, criteria for materials specification that should be attained within the AQUA Process
and LEED Certification were presented. Now, it is specified below existing materials and
technologies able to be more and more adopted in Brazil in accordance to meet the requirements of
AQUA Process and LEED Certification. As an example, the advantages and potential of bamboo as
an excellent material for sustainable building are presented.
The selection of materials is mainly determined by the costs and facility of production or
processing. Industrialized materials, such as Portland cement and steel, are utilized in practically all
civil engineering construction sites in whatever part of the world, even in countries where
alternative and locally produced materials exist in abundance. In these countries, due to the
educational systems still depending to a great extend on academic models, developed in
industrialized nations, there are still no systematic initiatives for an education, which has as
objective to better understand the properties, characteristics and potentials of the utilization of
locally available materials, one of criteria which should be considered in both – AQUA Process and
LEED Certification methods of environmental building assessment The insufficiency of this
knowledge causes nearly invariably the utilization, by engineers and architects, of industrialized
materials, for which exists intensely publicized information, directed to the technical community as
well as to the general public.
Bamboo in Civil Construction
Scientific and sporadic research foreseeing the application of bamboo in engineering, dates back to
1914, in China and United States, and later in Germany, Japan, India, Philippines and other
countries. In Brazil, the first scientific and systematic studies related to bamboo and vegetable fibres
were initiated in 1979 [41]), in the Civil Engineering Department of the Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), under the orientation of the coordinator of this project.
Since then, various programs were developed to investigate the use of bamboo and natural fibres
(sisal, coconut, among others) as low cost materials employed in construction, mainly in which the
utilization of bamboo is examined as alternative to steel in concrete and spatial structures [42].
Bamboo is one of the basic elements of traditional architecture in countries in Asia and South
America, being still employed, mainly, as structural element. The utilization of bamboo as
construction component is motivated by such facts as the wide spread availability in tropical
climatic regions, together with its rapid growth and the combination of elevated mechanical
resistance and low specific weight [43].
Recent research work was developed in PUC-Rio, using as reference the results of works already
realized along the 25 years of bamboo research. Being included in this work are concrete plates
reinforced with permanent bamboo forms, the utilization of bamboo as reinforcement of concrete
beams, circular columns and pillars in quadratic form of concrete reinforced with spliced bamboo,
double –layer spatial bamboo structure and connectors between the bamboo elements, which can be
easily used for plane and double-layer spatial structures.
The main problems of bamboo such as structural component and the following and necessary
actions are:
- Durability – is one of the problems approached since the beginning of the systematic studies
of bamboo in academic circles, still without a definite solution. The preservation techniques
developed for timber suffer serious limitations when employ for bamboo, in view of the different
constitution observed in this material. While the wooden trunk presents a net work of veins in radial
direction as well as in longitudinal, in bamboo the veins develop only in longitudinally to the culm,
which in itself presents an external surface rich in silicon and a very low permeability. In this way,
the impregnation with treatment fluids is more complex and less efficient in bamboo than in timber.
As alternatives, it is tried to apply the treatment fluids under pressure at the extreme ends of the
culm, to expose the bamboo culm to smoke and as evolution of the treatment process the bamboo
culms are injected with polymers, which after being injected harden inside the veins.
- Connectors – in the assembly of structures of bamboo culms, one of the critical points is the
connection between the pieces, because in general splintering occurs in culm under load of low
intensity at the screwed together connections. The connections are the points which most contribute
to the constructions with bamboo still have the aspect of essential handicraft work. Therefore, in the
development of the connectors the joint between the pieces has to be considered as well as the
standards in the assembly of the structures.
- Mathematical Modelling - based on the collected experimental data of more than a quarter of
a century of research on bamboo at PUC-Rio, it is sought to establish general norms of mechanical
behaviour, such as aspects most important which differentiate the species considered favourable for
being utilized for structural components. The modelling of the bamboo’s behaviour is indispensable
in the search for major standards and control over the properties of the material. Initially, it was
evaluated the relation between the characteristic morphologies of the different bamboo species and
their mechanical behaviour for which, based on the main correlations, more refined models can be
established based, i.e. on the finite element method, which already has been carried out.
- Correlation between microstructure and macro structural properties - From the view point
of structural material, bamboo presents what is called “graduate functionality” in technical
literature. This characteristic occurs in the organization of the cellulose fibres in the plant,
concentrating in the outmost part of the culm thickness, where occur the largest bending stresses of
the culm in the natural state due to wind action. From this intelligent organization result the
excellent mechanical properties of bamboo, coupled to its own specific weight. The determination
of the meso and micro structural characteristics of bamboo is the key factor in deepening the
knowledge surrounding its behaviour.
Based on the results obtained from research on bamboo during the last two decades in various parts
of the world, including Brazil, it was possible to create the first set of technical norms on utilization
of bamboo in civil construction. The International Network for Bamboo and Rattan INBAR 1999
[44], of whom the coordinator of this project was one of the founders, used the results of this global
research to propose norms for the determination of physical and mechanical properties of bamboo.
These norms were analysed by ICBO - International Conference of Building Officials, and
published in the report AC 162: Acceptance Criteria for Structural Bamboo, April 2000 [45], which
permits the application of bamboo in civil construction in United States. It is expected that these
norms will be adapted as well for Brazil by ABNT – Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas.
It has to be pointed out that Brazil owns the world’s biggest bamboo forest, situated mainly in the
State of Acre and part of the Amazon region, which makes Brazil one of the main paper producers,
based on bamboo pulp. Nevertheless, even the most modern construction where bamboo is used
present handicraft character, with the know-how of construction techniques restricted to a small
group of researchers/architects. The difficulty in the standardization and in the definition of a
correct construction practice with bamboo is the practical consequence most evident of the
necessity of continuous studies in relation to this material of immense potential. Actually, the
research on bamboo is developed by groups in national and foreign institutions which tackle from
aspects related to durability to micro structural characteristics and modelling of behaviour of the
Among the different advantages of bamboo and its utilization to meet AQUA Process criteria and
LEED Certification, one can bring about: (i) availability; (ii) superior thermal properties; (iii) better
controls of humidity in the environment; (iv) less pollution generation and low energy consumption
when compared with materials such as steel, concret or wood resulting in low costs; (v) facility to
generate appropriate technologies.
Faced with the current energy crisis, global warming and socio-environmental stresses, the use of
non-conventional sustainable materials and technologies becomes a great ally for mitigating or even
solving problems mainly those related to housing.
The growth of Building Environmental Assessment Methods uses over the world constitutes a
possible answer to achieve the demands mentioned above and an important milestone concerning
the search for solutions in order to minimize the impact of construction on the environment, and
encourage changes in attitudes of professionals involved in the building construction.
In Brazil, with the deepening of studies on the potential and advantages of using bamboo into the
Brazilian civil construction and the increased use of methods of environmental assessment for
buildings in the market - AQUA Process and LEED Certification, in a very few years, bamboo will
appear as a fundamental material to be specified in sustainable green buildings projects by
architects and engineers interested to meet these methods and its criteria.
The authors would like to thank the 16th Nonconventional Building Materials and Technology
International Conference 2015 “Construction for Sustainability – Green Materials &
Technologies”, August 10-13, 2015, Winnipeg, Canada organizers for their valuable effort and
proceedings for the discussions, which form the basis of the meeting. Also, financial support given
by FAPERJ and FACC/UFRJ are appreciated.
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