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Community MATTERS
October 2015
No. 56
University of Manitoba,
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
From the
elcome back to the new academic
year. Our large group of new
graduate students is settling in, and
the new UGME curriculum in second
year is underway, so that we are now
implementing the full UGME curriculum
for the first time. We also have our
first group of undergraduate students
(as opposed to undergraduate
medical students), those enrolled in
the BSc in Human Ecology degree
program; there is a total of about 200
students across all four years. In
addition, a working group has started
to meet to plan for an expansion
and reconfiguration of the Bachelor
of Health Studies degree program,
which along with the Bachelor of
Health Sciences degree program,
makes up the Interdisciplinary Health
Dr. Stephen Moses MD, MPH Department
I am pleased to announce that the
search for the two new tenure-track positions is complete. The
two successful candidates are Dr. Christine Kelly, currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa, and Dr. Andrew Hatala,
currently a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Saskatchewan. The anticipated start date for each of them is 1 January 2016. I
am appending short bios for each of them below, and we look
forward to welcoming them into the CHS team. Faculty recruitment
processes are continuing for a tenure-track position at MCHP, a
contingent position at MFN CAHR, a Canada Research Chair Tier 2
at MCHP, and a Canada Research Chair Tier 2 with the Centre for
Global Public Health.
Christine Kelly, PhD, is presently a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow
in the Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies at the University
of Ottawa. Informed by feminist disability scholarship and using
qualitative methods, her research considers the politics of care
cont'd next page
CSEB National
Student Conference........................ 2
Appointments and Awards.............. 3
Community Engagement................ 5
Biomedical Youth Program............ 7
Graduate Program......................... 8
Western Regional
Training Centre.............................. 9
New Research Grants....................11
New Publications......................... 13
Presentations, Invited Lectures,
Consultations............................... 16
You are invited......
Annual CHS Holiday
Celebration Pot-Luck
17 December 2015
R060 - 771 McDermot
Dr. Betty Havens
Seminar Room
Indigenous Health
Research Symposium
See Page 10 for Details
Department Head, cont'd
and the changing face of Canadian disability
movements. She is the author of the book
Disability Politics and Care: The Challenge
of Direct Funding (UBC Press). Dr. Kelly
has published widely, has graduate and
undergraduate teaching experience, and is one
of three finalists for the prestigious Talent Award
that will be adjudicated by the Social Sciences
and Humanities Research Council of Canada
this Fall.
Andrew R. Hatala, PhD, is a cultural
psychologist, community-health researcher,
and medical anthropologist with communitybased research experience in the
urban contexts of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
and rural communities in southern Belize.
He recently completed a CIHR postdoctorate fellowship in the Department
of Community Health and Epidemiology at
he Department of Community Health
Sciences at the University of Manitoba
is hosting the Canadian Society for
Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CSEB)
National Student Conference to be held from
the 8th to 10th of June 2016 at the Bannatyne
campus. The conference theme is “Patterns of
Health: A Population Perspective” and is being
organised by a planning committee comprised
of students from a variety of health programs.
The planning committee is under the guidance
of faculty supervisors, Drs. Lisa Lix and Nathan
Nickel. We are partnering with the Canadian
Student Health Research Forum (CSHRF) to
offer a high quality symposium of local, national,
and international speakers on the 9th of June.
Additionally, workshops will be offered by SAS
Page 2
October 2015
No. 56
the University of Saskatchewan investigating
strategies of resilience and mental health
among First Nations and Metis youth. His PhD dissertation research involved a
comparative analysis of the relationship
between Q’eqchi’ Maya traditional
healer conceptions of mental illness and
Western conceptions outlined in the DSM-5,
including how this relationship or lack thereof
impacts health policy and practice in Belize. He also has graduate and undergraduate
teaching experience, and his published
works and research focus on Indigenous
healing and epistemology, Indigenous
nosology of mental illness and disorder,
culture and spirituality, and resilience
and well-being among Aboriginal youth
Stephen Moses, MD, MPH
Head of Department
and University of Manitoba faculty members.
We are expecting 200 students from across
Canada to present their research.
If you are interested in sponsoring any of the
events within the program, please contact
Angela Krutish at [email protected].
We will soon be sending out a call for judges
to review abstracts in March. In early 2016
we will also be sending out a call for judges
to evaluate posters and oral presentations
on the 10th of June. If you are interested in
either of these judging opportunities, please
contact Sasha Blant at csebwpg2016@
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
October 2015
No. 56
Announcements and Awards
he Department is pleased to welcome new
• Dr. Melinda Fowler, Full-Time (GFT),
Assistant Professor
• Dr. John Kim, Assistant Professor (Part-Time
• Dr. Robert Schroth, Associate Professor
(Part-Time, nil-salaried)
On 9 September 2015, Dr. Allan Ronald was
presented with the Citizens Hall of Fame
bronze medallion at an induction ceremony and
reception held in his honour. The Hall of Fame
was initiated in 1986 by the Winnipeg Real
Estate Board, honouring outstanding citizens
who brought recognition to the city of Winnipeg
or who have made outstanding contributions to
Winnipeg’s quality of life. Busts of the inductees
are displayed in the city’s Assiniboine Park. Dr.
Ronald’s bronze portraiture created by local
sculptor Madeleine Vrignon was installed at
the Citizens Hall of Fame site on the 10th of
September. Dr. Ronald was honoured in the
Community Service category – for voluntary
activities and dedication that benefit the
immediate and global community.
Dr. Evelyn Forget has recently been selected to
be the first recipient of the prestigious KieransJanigan Visiting Scholar award, from Massey
College at the University of Toronto. This award
recognises Evelyn’s career achievements
in health economics, and in particular, her
leadership of the MINCOME guaranteed annual
income experiment that was undertaken in
Dauphin in the 1970s, and from which important
findings continue to emerge. As a Visiting
Scholar, Evelyn will be able to interact with
colleagues in the Massey College, University
of Toronto and wider Ontario communities. As
Mr Hugh Segal, Master of Massey College has
stated, “Dr. Forget, as a leading, courageous
and entrepreneurial scholar, is a unique and
compelling individual with whom to inaugurate
this outstanding commitment…”. Evelyn will
be based at Massey College for much of
the coming academic year, but will continue
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
Dr. Allan Ronald, recognised with a bust at the
Citizens Hall of Fame site in Assiniboine Park.
to supervise her graduate students at the
University of Manitoba. This opportunity will be
of great benefit to CHS and the University of
Manitoba as well.
University of Manitoba Graduate Students’
Association Awards
Congratulations to Ms. Sarah Turner,
Aimee Boycott and Chelsea Jalloh, who
were presented with awards on August 25,
2015. Each year the Graduate Students’
Association confers peer-to-peer recognition
of fellow graduate students who are currently
not recognized by the University of Manitoba
Graduate Fellowship, or other national awards.
The awards are designed to recognize the
important contributions graduate students make
to society through scholarship and community
Congratulations to Ms. Linda Diffey who was
awarded the CIHR-IAPH Scientific Director's
award in the PhD student category for her
abstract submission “Teaching Indigenous
health using anti-racist pedagogy: Exploring
Page 3
Announcements and Awards,
the experiences of medical school instructors
with the two-eyed seeing framework.” The
presentation was made at the Institute for
Aboriginal Peoples’ Health (IAPH) National
Gathering of Graduate Students on July 13,
2015 in Vancouver. Ms. Diffey was also
awarded a CIHR Travel Award to attend the
Ms. Sheila Novek and Ms. Leigh McClarty were
awarded the Gordon Wu Scholarship for their
outstanding achievement. The Scholarship is
awarded on the basis of high academic ranking
and is a supplement to the CIHR-CGSD Award.
In September 2015, Hatice Guler-Berk, MSc
student in Community Health Sciences,
received the Foundation for Registered Nurses
of Manitoba (FRNM) Inc. Graduate Award for
On 6 August 2015, Karla Willows, CHS Masters
student (supervised by Dr. Salah Mahmud) and
Obstetrics and Gynecology Resident, received
a Canadian Immunization Research Network
(CIRN) Trainee Stipend Award for the term 1
September 2015 to 31 August 2016.
The Journal of Health Organization and
Management named Dr. Sara Kreindler’s
paper (“The Rules of Engagement: Physician
Engagement Strategies in Intergroup Contexts”)
as one of its Highly Commended Papers
in 2015. This designation is given to three
runners-up to their annual Outstanding Paper
Letourneau KM, McDonald K, Soni R, Karlicki
F, Horne D, Hall PF, Fransoo R. A Simple
Effective Protocol to Increase Prenatal Detection
of Critical Congenital Heart Disease. Journal of
Diagnostic Medical Sonography 2014;30(2):6066. One of three winners of the 2014 Kenneth
R. Gottesfeld Award for excellence.
October 2015
No. 56
Continuity of Care: Does Having the Same
Primary Care Provider Over Time Matter?
North American Primary Care Research Group
Annual Meeting: New York, NY, USA, 22
November 2014. Awarded as one of the 2014
PEARLS top research studies.
All Meetings Held at 10:00 am
13 November 2015, 405 Brodie
11 January 2016, 535 BMSB*
15 March 2016, 535 BMSB*
11 May 2016, 535 BMSB*
8 September 2016, TBA
18 November 2016, 405 Brodie
*Video-linked to 200B Human Ecology Building
All Meetings Held at 10:00 am
11 December 2015, 403 Brodie
8 February 2016, 403 Brodie
12 April 2016, 403 Brodie
9 June 2016, TBA
14 October 2016, 403 Brodie
9 December 2016, 403 Brodie
Wong ST, Katz A, Peterson S, Taylor C.
Page 4
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
October 2015
No. 56
Community Engagement
Summer Weekend Inner-City Supervised Hoops 2015 Participants
another busy summer drew hundreds
of youth to participate in various camps
and basketball programs. Thank you to all
volunteers and community partners for their
valuable contributions!
200+ youth enjoyed Parking Lot E’s converted
basketball court on Saturdays from the 4th
of July through to the 15th of August 15. In
addition to 3-on-3 games, skill development,
and opportunity to participate in physical activity,
this year included a SWISH tournament held on
the last day. The tournament hosted 45 youth
who were divided into two divisions. Parents,
volunteers, and players had a fabulous day and
enjoyed the prizes and camaraderie! Thank
you to Xavier Smith, SWISH Coordinator and
all partners who make this summer program
so successful: City of Winnipeg, Basketball
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
Manitoba, Faculty of Health Sciences, including
Physical Plant, Parking Services, and College of
Dentistry (garage and storage facility).
Mini-U was held in the Joe Doupe gymnasium
from July 27-31 for students from Pinkham
and Wellington Schools. CHS staff worked
with Bison Children’s Programs to provide the
walking school bus for participants to facilitate
the drop-off and pick-up for families. Thanks
to Wendy French from the WRHA IMPACT,
Injury Prevention office and Sports Medicine
and Science Council for coming out to provide
bicycle safety information and custom fit helmets
to the students!
Close to 350 new Faculty of Health Science
students from Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry,
cont'd next page
Page 5
October 2015
No. 56
Community Engagement, cont'd
Pharmacy and School of Med Rehab
participated in the community visits as part of
their orientation to the faculty and community.
The visits provide students with an introduction
to the diverse inner Winnipeg neighbourhood
and opportunities to participate in volunteer and
service learning activities. A posting is available
on the FHS Facebook page at:
Bold Ideas 2015-2016 moves beyond just
a story or list of facts – it showcases ideas
that take certain evidence and draws a larger
conclusion for the benefit of family, community,
population and public health.
Bold Ideas provides diversity in topics and
speakers and helps us to:
• Contribute to new or extend existing
faculty and student scholarly thinking and
• Ask new questions,
• Think local when a particular topic cannot
be addressed globally,
• Think global where we reflect outward so
that other communities can learn from our
• Reflect inward when we learn or adapt
from the world not known or familiar to us
We invite speakers from our faculty, medical
residents, research fellows, research associates,
Page 6
The CANU REACH after-school program is
about to get underway for its second year. This
year close to 70 grade seven students will
attend the 13-week program. Stay tuned for
more news!
students, visiting scholars, and our
colleagues in the federal, provincial,
regional, and community health/social
systems, to showcase a Bold Idea.
To learn how you can become a speaker or
to access the Bold Ideas schedule, visit the
CHS website:
Dr. Brenda Elias
Director, Bold Ideas Colloquium Series
Bannatyne Campus
Ph: (204) 789-3358
[email protected]
18 Sept: Tracie Afifi, Associate Professor,
CHS. Preventing Child Maltreatment will
Change a Child’s Trajectory.
25 Sept: Alan Katz, Professor, CHS.
Responding to the International Refugee
Crisis: Is There a Community Health
Sciences Response?
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
October 2015
No. 56
Biomedical Youth Program
Mosakahiken Cree Nation BYP 2015 Participants
For the second consecutive year, BYP camps
were held in northern communities as well as
the Bannatyne campus in July.
Opaskwayak (OCN) and Mosakahiken Cree
Six volunteers from College of Medicine,
School of Med Rehab and Faculty of Science
travelled up north to facilitate hands-on
science and cultural activities for youth from
Opaskwayak and Mosakahiken Cree Nations
in early July. Thirty youth (gr. 6-9) from OCN
attended a two-day camp at the Oscar Lathlin
Collegiate on the 6th and 7th of July. Some
of the activities included Diabetes, Medical
Simulation and Physical Therapy sessions. The
camp participants and families expressed their
appreciation for the opportunity to participate in
the camp and thanked UM staff/volunteers for
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
visiting their community. Thank you to Oscar
Lathlin Collegiate for providing the space and to
Jeremy Sinclair, community leader, in assisting
CHS staff with registration of participants.
From 8 to 10 Jul, the camp was held at
Mosakahiken Cree Nation for the second year
and was very successful with 30 students also
registered. CHS staff and BYP volunteers
worked with the local school and community
members to assist with accommodations,
registration and logistical support for the
activities. Feedback from community
and participants was positive. Two camp
participants with an interest in FHS programs
visited the Bannatyne campus in August for a
tour and discussion of available programs and
supports for Indigenous students. For both,
it was a first-time experience visiting a postsecondary institution.
cont'd next page
Page 7
October 2015
Bannatyne Campus, 21 – 24 July
Eighty students participated in this year’s BYP
camp at Bannatyne, including 15 students from
various northern communities. CHS worked
with Office of Rural and Northern Health,
Frontier School Division and UM ACCESS
Program to coordinate and support the northern
students’ participation in the camp. See what
Jade from Chief Sam Cooke School in Split
Lake, MB had to say about her experience:
No. 56
Forty-five UM staff and student volunteers
worked together to ensure the sessions were
engaging and interactive. Thank you to Ben
Salins, previous BYP volunteer and OT grad,
who assisted Dr. James Gilchrist and Karen
Cook with planning and logistics for the camp.
Graduate Program
PhD Program Graduate:
Treasurer: Nicole Herpai (until March 2016)
Shay-Lee Bolton. “Evaluation of a
gatekeeper training program as suicide
intervention training for medical students:
A randomized controlled trial”. Committee:
Dr. B. Elias, Community Health Sciences
(advisor) Dr. J. Sareen, Community Health
Sciences; Dr. M Enns, Psychology; Dr. W.
Fleisher, Psychiatry, External member: Dr.
A. Lesage, MD, Research Centre, Institut
universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal
Department Council Reps: Kristine
MSc Program Graduate:
Leah Crockett. “Examining early childhood
health and educational outcomes of late
preterm infants in Manitoba: A population
based study”. Committee: Dr. M.
Brownell, Community Health Sciences
(advisor); Dr. M. Heaman, Community
Health Sciences; Dr. C. Ruth, Pediatrics and
Child Health
Kroeker and Sarah Turner
Community Development Rep: Hasantha
First Year Reps: Daniel Saltel & Ekaterina
Community Medicine Residency Rep:
Davinder Singh
Canadian Society for Epidemiology and
Biostatistics Conference Reps – Aynslie
Hinds and Kristine Kroeker
Masters of Public Health Rep: Amy
Educational Activities Rep: Sheila Novek
Social Activities Rep– Jamie Gillies-
Podgorecki and Mohammad Nazmus Sakib
Graduate Student Council, 2015-16
HSGSA Rep – Sarah Turner
Co-chairs and & Graduate Program
Committee Reps: Leigh McClarty and
Claudyne Chevrier (phasing out over the
Communications Rep: Lorena Vehling
course of the academic year)
Page 8
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
October 2015
No. 56
Western Regional
Training Centre
Lixia Zhang.
The Western Regional Training Centre is
excited to begin another academic year,
with a notable line-up of guest speakers
for the seminar class, CHSC 7730. WRTC
received 28 applications and 6 students
started the program this fall, which
provides a fellowship award of $17,850 for
the year, funding to attend the CAHSPR
conference, and paid placements for the
summer. The successful WRTC students
from Community Health Sciences for 20152016 are Janique Fortier, Jamie GilliesPodgorecki, Elizabeth Sachs, Mohammad
Nazmus Sakib, Elizabeth Wall-Wieler, and
The summer placements for the 2014-2015
students are wrapping up at Healthy Child
Manitoba and various branches of Manitoba
Health, Healthy Living and Seniors. Students
have been engaged in hands-on health
services research, such as analyzing reports
and making recommendations to senior
analysts, performing literature reviews and
environmental scans, facilitating communityoriented and knowledge translation
workshops, and meeting with key decision
makers, including Deputy Ministers and
The deadline for applications to the WRTC
Fellowship program for the 2016-2017 year
will be 1 February 2016.
WISH Clinic Family Fun Day 2015
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
Page 9
October 2015
No. 56
3rd Annual
Indigenous Health Research
Symposium: Mapping the
Way Forward
NOVEMBER 24 - 26, 2015
University of Manitoba
Bannatyne Campus
Mapping the Way Forward brings together community and academic
researchers, students, youth, Elders, health leaders, and policy makers in the
Manitoba region who share the common goal of improving the health of
Indigenous communities.
Abstracts for presentations are welcomed from university and communitybased researchers, students and others who are engaged in research
or knowledge translation projects relevant to the health of Manitoba’s
Indigenous communities.
Abstracts for presentations will be accepted until October 15, 2015.
For submission guidelines, please visit our website.
Registration for this event is free and open to all.
For more information about registration and abstract submission
please visit our website:
Contact us at
[email protected]
(204) 789-3250
Page 10
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
October 2015
No. 56
New Research Grants
Afifi TO, MacMillan HL, Boyle M, Katz L, Sareen
J. Preventing child maltreatment: Changing a child’s
trajectory, improving health, and strengthening
families. Canadian Institutes of Health Research
(CIHR) Foundation Scheme Grant 2015-2020.
Blanchard JF (PI), Moses S, Bhattacharjee P,
Anthony J. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Program grant “Enhancing the impact of HIV
prevention programs for the most at risk populations
in Kenya”, project extension and supplement, 20152017, USD $2 million.
Brownell M (PI), Singal D, Chateau D, Katz L,
Ruth C. Investigating the association between
antidepressant use during pregnancy and neonatal
and long term childhood neurodevelopment, health,
and educational outcomes using the Manitoba
Centre for Health Policy’s Data Repository. CIHR
Open Operating Grant, 2015-2017: $116,250.
Chartier M, Sareen J, Bolton J, Afifi T, Katz LY,
Brownell M, Chateau D, Elias B, Isaak C, Woodgate
R, Jiang D, Volk J, Bolton SL. PAX-good behavior
game in First Nations communities: Enhancing and
adapting a school-based mental health promotion
and suicide prevention strategy (Component 2).
Development Grant, March 2015 – March 2016:
Chateau D (PI), Singal D, Brownell M, Katz L, Ruth
C (Collaborators). Childhood Neurodevelopmental,
Health and Educational Outcomes of Children
Exposed to Antidepressants and Maternal
Depression During Pregnancy Research Manitoba
New Investigator Operating Grant, $75,000: 20152017.
Janus M, Brownell M (Co-PI), Bennet T, Birken C,
Coplan R, Duku E, Ferro M, Forer B, Georgiades
S, Gorter JW, Guhn M, Maguire J, Pei J, Santos R,
Manson H. Prevalence and social determinants of
developmental outcomes among 5-year-old children
with health disorders: A Pan-Canadian study. CIHR
Open Operating Grant. 2015-2018: $378,411.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
Jardine C, Driedger SM. (co-P.I.), Furgal C,
Corriveau Boyd, A, Carter S, Genuis SK, Sanguins J,
Teufel-Shone N. Participatory Risk Communication:
Indigenous youth-generated messages for Community
Health Promotion. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research Operating Grant (First Nations, Inuit and
Metis Health). $100,000.
Jiang D (PI), Josephson W, Pepler D, Craig W,
Chartier M, Yan L, Santos R, Brownell M (Co-I),
Kang L. The PAX Program in Manitoba: A Positive
Approach to Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing
Research Manitoba, Applied Health Services
Program. 2015-2017: $199,500.
Katz A (PI), Buchel T, Thompson M. Manitoba SPOR
Network in Primary and Integrated Health Care
Innovations. 2015-2020. CIHR $500,000; MHRC
Kreindler SA, Joy J, Colbourne A, Tustonic V, Bergal
T, Basran J, Suter E, Hastings S, Grafstein E, Rowe
B, Metge CJ, Doupe M, Marchildon G, Schull M,
et al. (June 2015 – May 2018). Getting to the Source
of Regional Variation in Patient Flow Performance:
A Complex Systems Perspective. CIHR Partnerships
for Health Systems Improvement Grant - $400,000
plus $100,000 in partnership funding from Research
Manitoba (held at UM) and $240,000 in partnership
funding from granting agencies in other provinces
(held outside UM).
Lix L. Defence Research Development Canada,
Centre for Security Science
Vulnerability and resiliency for PTSD in the RCMP: A
prospective investigation
Role: Co-applicant. Principal Applicant: Nicholas
Carleton, University of Regina Amount: $645,000
Term: 09/01/2015-08/01/2020
Lix L. Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Statistical methods for patient-reported outcome
measures. Role: Co-applicant. Principal Applicant:
Richard Sawatzky, Trinity Western University
Amount: $309,764 Term: 10/01/2015 – 09/01/2018
Lix L. Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Advancing the science of data quality for electronic
health databases: Applications to chronic disease
research and surveillance Role: Principal Applicant.
Amount: $962,920 Term: 10/01/2015 – 09/01/2022
Page 11
October 2015
Pinto AD, Katz A (Co-Principal Investigator),
Anderson K, Adam Fair A, McDermott K, Bloch G,
Goel R, Halas G, Ihnat J, Raza D, Singer A, Upshur
R. Evaluating the implementation and impact of an
online tool used within primary care to improve the
income security of patients with complex health and
social needs in Ontario and Manitoba. CIHR, 20152016: 95,000.
Rosella L, Fransoo RR, Hayes A, Mowat DL, Booth
G, Bombaum C, O’Reilly D, Peirson L. Supporting
decision making for the prevention of chronic
diseases and reduction of high health care utilization.
Partnership for Health System Improvements (PHSI).
2015-2018: CIHR, $400,000; Ontario Ministry of
Health, $80,000: Research Manitoba, $30,000.
Russell K (PI), Ellis M, Ritchie L, Sharma A. Functioning after a sport-related concussion in youth:
A longitudinal cohort. August 2015. The Paul HT
Thorlakson Foundation Fund. Amount: $29,972
No. 56
Brownell M, Fransoo R, Martens P. Social
determinants of health and the distribution of
health outcomes. In: The Social Determinants
of Health in Manitoba: 2nd Edition. Canadian
Centre for Policy Alternatives; 2015.
Driedger SM. (2015). How to fight ‘Fearbola
in Canada. In Roos, N., O’Grady, K., Turczak,
S., Tapp, C. and Jolivet, L. (Eds.) 5). Navigating
the evidence: Communicating Canadian health
policy in the media (pp. 200-201). Available at
SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2647089.
Sareen J, Afifi TO, Aiken A, Alessi-Severini S,
Bernstein C, Blouw M, Bolton J, Boyle M, Chateau
D, Enns M, Fikretoglu D, Gibbons R, Graff L, Jetly
R, Katz L, Leong C, Leslie W, Lix L, Logsetty S,
Mackenzie C, Marrie RA, Olafson K, Patten S, Pedlar
D, Pietrzak R, Richardson D, Schellenberg F, Snider
C, Stein M, Van Til L, Walker J, Wang J, Zamorski M.
(2015). Defining the Longitudinal Course, Outcomes,
and Treatment Needs of Vulnerable Canadians with
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research (CIHR) Foundation Scheme. 20152022. $1,888,760.
Williamson T, Affleck E, Aubrey-Bassler FK, Fabreau
G, McBrian K, Natarajan N, Ronksley PE, Singer AG,
Wong ST, Barber D, Chafe R, Chan K, Drummond
N, Garies S, Halas G, Johnson D, Katz A, Manca D,
Nixon L, O’Beirne. Characterizing high system use
across the primary-tertiary care continuum: parallel
analyses of select Canadian health datasets. CIHR,
2015-2016: $76,631.
The NMU's Diabetic Foot Care Nurse, Ava Halpin in
Pukatawagan hanging out with the CBC's Sook Yin
Lee. Sook Yin was in Puk recording a special "DNTO
north: Stories from Pukatawagan last Febuary.
Page 12
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
October 2015
No. 56
New Publications
Afifi TO, Taillieu T, Cheung K, Katz L, Tonmyr
L, Sareen J. (2015). Substantiated reports of child
maltreatment from the Canadian Incidence Study
of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS) 2008:
Examining child and household characteristics and
child functional impairment. Canadian Journal of
Psychiatry, 60, 313-323.
Afifi TO, MacMillan H, Taillieu T, Cheung K, Turner
S, Tonmyr L, Hovdestad W. (2015). Relationship
between child abuse exposure and reported contact
with child protection organizations: Results from the
Canadian Community Health Survey. Child Abuse &
Neglect, 46, 198-206.
Alsabbagh W, Mansel K, Lix L, Teare G, Shevchuk
Y, Lu X, Champagne A, Blackburn D. (2015).
Trends in prevalence, incidence and pharmacologic
management of diabetes among seniors newly
admitted to long-term care facilities in Saskatchewan
between 2003 and 2011. Canadian Journal of
Diabetes, 39:138-145.
Bernstein CN, Nugent, Targownik LE, Singh H,
Lix LM. (2015). Predictors and risks for death in
a population-based study of persons with IBD in
Manitoba. Gut, 64:1403-1411.
Bernstein CN, Banerjee A, Targownik LE, Singh H,
Ghia JE, Burchill C, Chateau D, Roos LL. Cesarean
section delivery is not a risk factor for development
of inflammatory bowel disease: A population-based
analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2015 Aug 8. Epub
ahead of print.
Bhattacharjee P, McClarty LM, Musyoki H, Anthony
J, Kioko J, Kaosa S, Ogwang BE, Githuka G, Sirengo
M, Birir S, Blanchard JF, Muraguri N, Isac S, Moses.
Monitoring HIV prevention programme outcomes
among key populations in Kenya: findings from a
national survey. PLoS One 2015; 10(8):e0137007.
Blanchard AK, Bruce SG, Jayanna K, Gurav K,
Mohan HL, Avery L, Moses S, Blanchard JF, Ramesh
BM. An exploration of decision-making processes on
infant delivery site from the perspective of pregnant
women, new mothers, and their families in northern
Karnataka, India. Matern Child Health J 2015;
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
Brennan S, Lix LM, Morin S, Leslie WD. (2015).
Fracture prediction from repeat BMD measurements
in clinical practice. Osteoporosis International, 2015
August 5. [Epub].
Brennan SL, Yan L, Lix LM, Morin SN, Majumdar SR,
Leslie WE. (2015). Sex and age specific associations
between income and incident major osteoporotic
fractures in Canadian men and women: A
population-based analysis. Osteoporosis International,
Deering K, Shaw SY, Satyanaranyana R,
Raghavendra T, Doddamane M, Battacharjee P,
Thompson LH, Moses S, Lorway R. Fertility
intentions, power relations and unexplored routes of
HIV vulnerability through regular partnerships of
female sex workers in southern India. AIDS Care;
Drolet M, Bernard E, Boily M‑C, Ali, Baandrup
L, Bauer H, Brisson J, Brotherton J, Cummings T,
Donovan B, Fairley CK, Flagg EW, Kahn J, Kavanagh
K, Kjaer SK, Elias B, Busby K, Martens P. One little,
too little: Counting Canada's indigenous people for
improved health reporting. Social Science & Medicine
Goertzen L, Halas G, Rothney J, Schultz ASH, Wener P,
Enns JE, Katz A. Mapping a decade of physical activity
interventions for primary prevention: A protocol for
a scoping review of reviews. JMIR Research Protocols
Halli SS, Khan CG, Shah I, Washington R, Isac S,
Moses S, Blanchard JF. Pregnancy wastage among
HIV infected women in a high HIV prevalence
district of India. BMC Public Health 2015; 15(1):602.
Haque CE, Dhar-Chowdhury P, Driedger SM.
(2015). Dengue disease risk mental models in the
city of Dhaka, Bangladesh: Juxtapositions and
gaps between the public and experts. Risk Analysis,
September 21, 2015 (online). DOI: 10.1111/
Isaac MR, Chartier M, Brownell M, Chateau D,
Nickel NC, Martens P, Katz A Sarkar J, Hu M,
Burland E, Goh C, Taylor C, the PATHS Equity
Page 13
New Publications, cont'd
Team Members. (2015). Can opportunities
be enhanced for vaccinating children in home
visiting programs? A population-based cohort
study. BMC Public Health, 15:620
Jiang D, Zhao P, Tang N. (2015). Propensity
score adjustment method for regression models
with non-ignorable missing covariates. Journal
of Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 94,
Kang Y-J, O’Connell DL, Tan J, Lew J-B, Demers
A, Lotocki R, Kliewer E, Hacker N, Jackson M,
Delaney GP, Barton M, Canfell K. Optimal uptake
rates for initial treatments for cervical cancer
in concordance with guidelines in Australia
and Canada: Results from two large cancer
facilities Forthcoming in Cancer Epidemiology
Kang Y-J, O’Connell DL, Lotocki R, Kliewer
E, Goldsbury DE, Demers A, Canfell K. Effect
of changes in treatment practice on survival
for cervical cancer: Results from a populationbased study in Manitoba, Canada. BMC Cancer
Katz A. Re: New NICE guidance on referral for
cancer. BMJ 2015;351:H3640.
Kingston D, Heaman M, Brownell M, Ekuma
O. (2015). Predictors of Childhood Anxiety:
A Population-based Cohort Study. PLoS
ONE 10(7):e0129339. doi:10.1371/journal.
Kingston D, Biringer A, McDonald S, Heaman
M, Lasiuk G, Hegadoren K, McDonald SD, van
Zanten SV, Sword W, Kingston J, Jarema K,
Vermeyden L, Austin MP. (2015). Preferences
for Mental Health Screening Among Pregnant
Women: A Cross-Sectional Study. American
Journal of Preventive Medicine. [Epub ahead of
Kingston D, Biringer A, Toosi A, Heaman M,
Lasiuk G, McDonald S, Kingston J, Sword W,
Jarema K, Austin MP. (2015) Disclosure during
Page 14
October 2015
No. 56
Prenatal Mental Health Screening. Journal
of Affective Disorders, 2015, Jul21;186:90-94.
[Epub ahead of print]
Kliewer EV, Lemieux-Mellouki P, Markowitz
L, Mboup A, Mesher D, Niccolai L, Oliphant
J, Pollock K, Soldan K, Sonnenberg P, Tabrizi
S, Tanton C, Brisson M. Strong evidence of
population-level impact and herd effects
following human papillomavirus vaccination
programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015;15(5):565-80
Kreindler SA, Cui Y, Metge CJ, Raynard M.
Patient characteristics associated with longer
emergency department stay: a rapid review.
Emerg Med J 2015, epub ahead of print: DOI:
Larcombe L, Orr, P. Response to Napolioni, V.,
MacMurray, J. Infectious diseases, IL6 174G>C
polymorphism, and human development. Brain
Behav. Immun. Sept. 8, 2015
Larcombe L, Mookherjee N, Slater J,
Slivinski C, Dantouze J, Singer M, Whaley
C, Denechezhe L, Matyas S, Decter K,
Turner-Brannen E, Ramsey C, Nickerson
P, Orr P. 2015. Vitamin D, serum 25(OH)
D, LL-37 and polymorphisms in a Canadian
First Nation population with endemic
tuberculosis. International Journal Of
Circumpolar Health 2015, 74. http://dx.doi.
Lennon S, Heaman M. (2015). Factors
Associated with Family Resilience During
Pregnancy Among Inner-City Women. Midwifery. Available online http://dx.doi.
org/10.1016/j.midw.2015.05.007. [Epub ahead
of print]
Lix LM, Yao X, Kephart G, Quan H, Smith
M, Kuwornu JP, Manoharan N, Kouokam
W, Sikdar K. (2015). A prediction model to
estimate completeness of electronic physician
claims databases. BMJ Open, 5(8):e006858.
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Morin SN, Johansson H,
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
October 2015
No. 56
Odén A, McCloskey EV, Kanis JA. (2015). Adjusting
hip fracture probability in men and women using
hip axis length: The Manitoba bone density database.
Journal of Clinical Densitometry, pii: S1094-6950(15)
Leslie WD, Schousboe JT, Lix LM. (2015).
Letter to the Editor: Towards better use of the
net reclassification improvement (NRI) index.
Osteoporosis International, 2015 August 12. [Epub]
Lix LM, Yao X, Kephart G, Quan H, Smith M,
Kuwornu JP, Manoharan N, Kouokam W, Sikdar
K. A prediction model to estimate completeness of
electronic physician claims databases. BMJ Open
2015;5:e006858 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006858.
Marrie RA, Bernstein CN, Peschken CA, Hitchon
CA, Chen H, Fransoo R, Garland A. Health care
utilization before and after intensive care unit
admission in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord
Ouelette-Kuntz H, Shooshtari S, Balogh R, Martens
P. Understanding information about mortalilty among
people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
in Canada. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual
Disabilities 2015;28(5).
Razaz N, Boyce WT, Brownell MD, Jutte DP,
Tremlett H, Marrie RA, Joseph KS. 5-minute Apgar
score as a marker for developmental vulnerability
at 5 years of age. Archives of Disease in Childhood,
Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 2015: doi:10.1136/
Renoux C, Lix LM, Patenaude V, Bresee LC, Paterson
JM, Lafrance JP, Tamim H, Mahmud SM, Alsabbagh
MW, Hemmelgarn B, Dormuth CR, Ernst P, and
the CNODES investigators. (2015). Serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitors and the risk
of acute kidney injury: A cohort study of eight
administrative databases and meta-analysis. Clinical
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2015
July 31. [Epub]
Schroth RJ, McNally M, Harrison R. Pathway to
oral health equity for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit
Canadians: knowledge exchange workshop. J Can Dent
Assoc 2015;80:f1.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
Schroth RJ, Boparai G, Boparai M, Zhang L,
Svitlica M, Jacob L, Stein L, Lekic C on behalf of the
Manitoba Dental Association. Tracking Early Visits to
the Dentist: a look at the first 3 years of the Manitoba
Dental Association’s Free First Visit Program. J Can
Dent Assoc. 2015;81:f8.
Schroth RJ, Quinonez R, Yaffe AB, Bertone MF,
Hardwick FK, Harrison RL. What are Canadian
dental professional students taught about Infant,
Toddler, and Prenatal Oral Health? J Can Dent Assoc.
Shooshtari S, Temple B, Waldman C, Abraham
S, Ouellette-Kuntz H, Lennox N. Research on
Comprehensive Health Assessments for Adults with
ID in Manitoba. Newsletter of the International
Association of Scientific Study of Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) Special Interest
Research Group on Health Issues, September 2015.
Shen GX, Shafer L Martens P, Sellers E, Torshizi A,
Ludwig S, Phillips-Beck W, Heaman M, Prior H,
McGavock J, Morris M, Dart A, Dean H. (2015).
Does First Nations Status Modify the Association
between Gestational Diabetes and Subsequent
Diabetes: A Historical Prospective Cohort Study
Among Mothers in Manitoba, Canada. Diabetic
Medicine. 2015 Sep 11. doi: 10.1111/dme.12962.
[Epub ahead of print].
Singh H, Nugent Z, Brownell M, Targownik LE,
Roos LL, Bernstein CN. Academic performance
among children with inflammatory bowel disease:
A population-based study. The Journal of Pediatrics
Sivananthan SN, Doupe M, McGregor MJ. Exploring
the ecology of Canada's publicly funded residential
long-term care bed supply. Canadian Journal on Aging
Sword W, Heaman M, Biro MA, Homer C, Yelland J,
Akhtar-Danesh N, Bradford-Janke A. (2015). Quality
of Prenatal Care Questionnaire: psychometric testing
in an Australian population. BMC Pregnancy and
Childbirth, 15:214. doi:10.1186/s12884-015-0644-7
Thamattoor U, Thomas T, Banandur P, Rajaram S,
Duchesne T, Abdous B, Washington R, Ramesh
BM, Moses S, Alary M. Multi-level analysis of
Page 15
October 2015
No. 56
the predictors of HIV prevalence among pregnant
women enrolled in annual HIV sentinel surveillance
in four states in southern India. PLoS One 2015;
Bogdanovic B, Burchill C, Koseva I, McGowan K-L,
Rajotte L. Care of Manitobans Living with Chronic
Kidney Disease. Manitoba Health, Healthy Living and
Seniors, Winnipeg, MB: September 11, 2015
Thiessen K, Heaman M, Mignone J, Martens P,
Robinson K. (2015). Trends in midwifery use in
Manitoba. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Canada, 37(8), 707-714.
Chartier M, Brownell M, Isaac M, Chateau D,
Nickel N, Martens PJ, Katz A, Sarkar J, Burland E,
Goh CY, Taylor C, Hu M, Santos R and the PATHS
Equity Team. Are home visiting programs for at-risk
children effective at reducing population level health
and social disparities? A PATHS Equity for Children
project. CAHSPR, Montreal: May 27, 2015.
Presentations, Invited
Lectures, Consultations
Balakumar S*, Thompson LH*. Notifiable Disease
Reporting in Canada – Online Resources and
an Exploration into the Past, Present and Future
of National Notifiable Disease Policy and Data.
Oral presentation. Community Health Nurses of
Canada Annual Conference, June 2015, Winnipeg,
Canada. *co-presenters.
Boily MC, Pickles M, Baral S, Vickerman P,
Blanchard JF, Moses S, Alary M, Mishra S. How
high can a population's overall HIV prevalence
driven by female sex work reach? Insights from
mathematical modelling. Eighth IAS Conference
on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention,
Vancouver, Canada, July 19-22, 2015
Brownell M, Chartier M. How are Manitoba’s
Children Doing? Workshop presented at the Frontier
School District August Gathering (approximately
100 administrators (Principals and Vice-Principals),
Division Leadership Team members (Chief, Area and
Assistant Superintendents), School Board Trustees,
other division staff and new teacher hires). Winnipeg,
MB: August 31, 2015.
Brownell M, Nickel N, Chateau D, Martens P,
Taylor C, Crockett L, Katz A, Sarkar J, Burland E,
Goh CY, and PATHS Equity Team Members. Are
There Long-term Academic Benefits of Full-Day
Kindergarten? A PATHS Equity for Children Project.
CAHSPR, Montreal: May 26, 2015.
Chartier M, Dart A, Tangri N, Komenda P, Walld R,
Page 16
Chartier M, Brownell M, Chateau D, Nickel N,
Jutte D, Martens PJ, Katz A, Sarkar J, Burland E,
Goh CY, Taylor C, Hu M, Santos R and the PATHS
Equity Team. Impact of the Healthy Baby Prenatal
Benefit on Perinatal Outcomes: A PATHS Equity for
Children Project. CAHSPR, Montreal: May 27, 2015.
Duncan K A, Shooshtari S, Roger K, Fast, J. (2015,
September). Care-related out-of-pocket expenditures:
Avenues for financial support of Canadian caregivers.
Paper presented at the 6th International Carers
Conference – Care and Caring: Future Proofing the
New Demographics, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Duncan K A. (2015, September). Financial issues for
families in later life [Moderator]. Financial Forum 5,
Vancouver, BC.
Drolet M, Deeks S, Landry M, Turmel B, Kliewer
E, Musto G, Lambert P, Brisson M. Can high overall
HPV vaccination coverage hide sociodemographic
inequalities? An ecological analysis in Canada. Poster
presented at the 30th International Papillomavirus
Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 17-21, 2015.
Harlos S, Thompson LH, Becker M, Green C,
Elliott L, Moffatt H. Looking at patient flow through
a health equity lens. Oral presentation. Canadian
Public Health Association Conference, May 2015,
Vancouver, Canada.
Jiang D, Santos R, Mayer T, Boyd L. (2015). Latent
growth model for program evaluation with semicontinuous longitudinal outcomes in randomized
clinical trial. Oral Paper Presentation at 36th Annual
conference of International Society of Clinical
Biostatistics (ISCB). Utrecht, Netherlands, Aug 26,
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
October 2015
No. 56
Jiang D, Tate B. (2015). Latent growth mixture
models for longitudinal and discrete survival data.
Contributed Paper Presentation at Joint Statistical
Meeting (JSM) 2015, Seattle, Washington, USA, Aug
12th, 2015.
Jiang D, Tate B, Lengyel CO. (2015). General
growth mixture model for linkages among multiple
longitudinal processes. Paper Presentation at
International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA)
Canada Chapter Statistics Conference 2015, Calgary,
Canada, Aug 6, 2015
Jiang D, Santos R, Mayer T, Boyd L. (2015).
Program evaluation with multilevel and multivariate
longitudinal outcomes. Invited Paper Presentation
at International Meeting of Psychometrical Society
(IMPS) 2015, Beijing, China, July 14, 2015.
Jiang D, Tate B. (2015). Latent variable joint model
for multivariate longitudinal and survival data.
Invited Paper Presentation at International Chinese
Statistical Association (ICSA) China Statistics
Conference 2015, Shanghai, China, July 6, 2015.
Katz A, Sinclair S, Phillips-Beck W, Avery Kinew
K. Where’s the 911 for First Nation peoples mental
health services in Manitoba? Canadian Association
for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR)
Conference; Montreal, Quebec: May 26, 2015.
Katz A. Innovation in Community-Based Primary
Healthcare Supporting Transformation (iPHIT)
in First Nation and Rural/remote Communities
in Manitoba. Canadian Association for Health
Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) Conference;
Montreal, Quebec: May 26, 2015.
Katz A, Clair M, Pedersen KM. Health System
Improvement in Australia: Knowledge Organizations
as Enablers. 2015 Canadian Association for Health
Services and Policy Research Conference; Montreal,
Quebec: May 26, 2015.
Lix LM, Leslie WD, Yang S, Yan L, Walld R, Morin
SN, Majumdar SR, Roos LL. Validity of offspringreported parental hip fracture: a populationbased parent-offspring record linkage study. The
Farr Institute for Health Informatics Research
International Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland,
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
August 26-28, 2015.
Lix LM, Reimer K. The Canadian Chronic Disease
Surveillance System (CCDSS): methods for national
disease surveillance with linked administrative health
databases. The Farr Institute for Health Informatics
Research International Conference, St. Andrews,
Scotland, August 26-28, 2015.
McDaniel S A, Gazso A, Duncan KA. (2015, August).
Pressed and stretched from mid life to later life: The
coming clashes. Paper presented at Individualisation,
Internationalisation and Family Policy, Research
Committee on Family Research (RC06) of the
International Sociological Association, University
College Dublin, Ireland.
Picard A (Moderator), Chateau D, Lundstrom S, St.
John P (Panaelists). Will baby boomers bankrupt
medicare? Health Innovation Conference/LEAN
Congress, Winnipeg, MB, September 15, 2015.
Randall J, Chateau D, Taylor C, Bolton J, Katz
L, Martens P, Katz A, Smith M, Raymond C,
Burland E, Sarkar J, Hu M, Goh CY, Brownell
M, Nickel N, the PATHS Equity Team. Increasing
medication adherence and income assistance access
for first-episode psychosis patients through an early
intervention service: A PATHS Equity for Children
Project. CAHSPR, Montreal, QC: May 28, 2015.
Randall J, Chateau D, Taylor C, Bolton J, Katz L,
Martens P, Katz A, Smith M, Raymond C, Burland
E, Sarkar J, Hu M, Goh CY, Brownell M, Nickel
N, the PATHS Equity Team. Effect of an early
intervention for psychosis treatment program on
suicidal behaviour and hospital service use: A PATHS
Equity for Children Project. CAHSPR, Montreal, QC:
May 28, 2015.
Roos N, Macdonald S. The Manitoba Poverty Tool.
Winnipeg Foundation, Winnipeg, MB, June 2, 2015.
Sajobi T, Zhang Y, Lix L. Robust discriminant analysis
models for multivariate non-normal repeated measures
data. The Joint Statistical Annual Meeting, Seattle,
Washington, August 8–13, 2015.
Schull M, Paprica A, Katz A, Smith M, McGrail K.
Pan-Canadian Real-world Health Data Network.
Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy
Research (CAHSPR) Conference; Montreal, Quebec:
Page 17
October 2015
May 26, 2015. Panel presentation.
Smith M, Lix LM, Azimaee M, Gleeson E, Jorm
L. Data quality: current trends, future directions.
The Farr Institute for Health Informatics Research
International Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland
August 26-28, 2015.
Smith G, Katz A. The Patient Medical Home: how do
Canadian primary care practices measure up to its ten
goals? Canadian Association for Health Services and
Policy Research (CAHSPR) Conference; Montreal,
Quebec: May 26, 2015.
Smith M, Lix L, Quon H, Prior H, Hong S, Koseva
I. Utilization of emergency departments (ED) in
cancer patients in Manitoba, Canada. Farr Institute
International Conference 2015, St. Andrews,
Scotland, August 26-28, 2015.
Southgate R, Siddiqui R, van der Kam S,
Crammond V, Gayton I, Masters P, Huisman G,
Hoetjes M, Takawira C, ThompsonLH. Remote
mapping for rapid nutrition assessment. Oral
presentation. MSF Scientific Day: Innovative
Approaches and Technology in Humanitarian
Action. May 2015, London, United Kingdom.
Thompson LH, Wertheim JO, Reza T, Wylie JL,
Emmanuel F, Brooks J, Blanchard JF, Sandstrom
P. Oral poster presentation. Clusters of HIV
transmission among high risk populations in
Pakistan. International AIDS Society Conference,
July 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
No. 56
Fransoo R. Hans Kai groups provide a
community approach to healthy living. Julian
Uzielli, Globe & Mail, July 28, 2015.
Roos NP, Forget E. The time for a Guaranteed
Annual Income might finally have come.
Published in the Globe and Mail, Huffington
Post, Winnipeg Free Press, Huffington Post
Quebec, Vancouver Province, Windsor Star,
Times & Transcript, Guelph Mercury, Waterloo
Region Record, Ottawa Life, Saskatoon
StarPhoenix, North Bay Nugget, Penticton
Herald , Sherbrooke Record, Battlefords
Regional Optimist. August 4, 2015.
Roos NP, Forget E. Serions-nous enfin mûrs
pour le revenu annuel garanti? Published in Le
Huffington Post Québec, Le Devoir, Le Soleil, Le
Droit. August 7, 2015.
Roos NP. Podcast: Giving healthcare experts a
voice in the mainstream media. Interview by
Mélanie Meloche-Holubowski. June 30, 2015.
Roos, NP, Schlesinger J. News you can trust:
Evidencenetwork.ca provides insight into
Canada’s thorniest health policy questions.
Wave Newsletter, Summer 2015. http://www.
Community Matters is published by the
Department of Community Health Sciences
at the University of Manitoba Submissions
can be made to Kathy Bell at P120-750
Bannatyne Avenue, Winnipeg MB, R3E
0W3 [email protected]
Opinions expressed on these pages may or may not
be the opinions of the Editors.
Page 18
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Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
of Community Health Sciences
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