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Community MATTERS
Jan 2014
No. 49
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
From the
elcome back for the new winter term
and I hope everybody has had a
chance to recharge. Congratulations to all
who endured the brutal weather. It looks as
though the corner has been turned, and the
days already seem longer.
Welcome to Josée Lavoie, who
started in January as Director of
MFN CAHR, and welcome back
from research leave to Mahmoud
Torabi and Brenda Elias. Depeng
Jiang has recently left on a sixmonth research leave, and we wish
him well. The new undergraduate
medical education curriculum for the
clerkship in Med III is now in its third
rotation, changes have been made
to the graduate program (with more
to come) and planning for the new
longitudinal courses in community
health and in Indigenous health
Dr. Stephen Moses MD, MPH
for Med I and Med II is well on its
Department Head
way, aided by a very successful
curriculum development workshop held at the end of
November 2013.
Discussions have continued around the academic
structure initiative, and the new Faculty of Health
Sciences is expected to come online later this year.
At a special CHS council meeting in December there
was a lengthy discussion regarding the merging of the
Department of Family Social Sciences in the Faculty of
Human Ecology with Community Health Sciences, and
several resolutions were approved and forwarded to the
Faculty of Medicine Executive Council and the university
administration. A meeting of CHS and FSS faculty
members has been scheduled for later in January, with
the Deans of Medicine and Human Ecology participating,
for faculty members from the two departments to become
cont'd next page
Announcements........................... 2
Awards & Appointments............. 3
Community Engagement............. 4
Graduate Program..................... 7
Section of First Nations, Métis, and
Inuit Health.............................. 8
J.A. Hildes Northern Medical
Unit.......................................... 9
New Research Grants............... 12
Western Regional Training Centre
(WRTC).................................. 13
New Publications...................... 13
Presentations, Invited Lectures,
Consultations......................... 15
Department Head, cont'd
better acquainted with each other, and to discuss
issues of mutual interest and concern.
As can be seen elsewhere in this newsletter,
Community Health Sciences faculty members
continue to be successful in securing a variety of
research and program grants. Congratulations
in particular to Jamie Blanchard and colleagues
for obtaining another large grant from the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation directed at improving
maternal, neonatal, and child health in North India.
January 2014
No. 49
At the same time, we are trying to understand
the new operating and foundation research
grant programs of CIHR, and positioning
CHS faculty members to take advantage
of them. A program of potential funding for
research clusters under the Manitoba Health
Research Council will be unveiled soon, which
will present additional new opportunities for
CHS and others at the University of Manitoba.
So even in this time of fiscal constraint, new
opportunities present themselves. Stay tuned.
Stephen Moses, MD, MPH
Head of Department
n the 27th of November 2013, the
Department of Community
Health Sciences honoured Dr.
Tom Hassard on the occasion of
his retirement from the University
of Manitoba. Once again, we
extend sincere best wishes to Tom
and his family.
We would like to welcome Mr.
Dallas Legare to the Department
of Community Health Sciences. Mr.
Legare has taken on the position
of Project Manager, Vaccine Drug Evaluation
Centre (VDEC), working under the direction
of Dr. Salah Mahmud. He is responsible for
the operations and administration of the newly
developed VDEC. He comes to us with many
years of project management experience and
skills necessary for the development, operation,
and supervision of an extensive research
facility. His skills also include the design and
development of procedures and documentation
necessary to maintain regulatory compliance
within good Laboratory Practice, writing and
report generation, mentorship and leadership,
and contributing to the laboratory research
and training environment. He was involved in
the formation of two Manitoba Biotechnology
companies resultant from University of
Manitoba research. And from 2000 to 2005 he
was Chairman of the Executive Management
Committee, responsible for research, strategic
planning, and resource development and
Page 2
allocation: DiaMedica Inc.,
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mr. Legare represented
the University of Manitoba research unit
and DiaMedica Inc. through both oral and
poster presentations at multiple national
and international conferences. He has a
publication record of 55 first author/co-author
manuscripts and 64 abstracts (23 published). Mr. Legare was the 2008 Recipient of the
University of Manitoba, President’s Award of
Excellence. Please join us in welcoming Mr.
Dallas Legare to CHS.
After 10 years as the Director of the
Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP),
Dr. Patricia J. Martens will be stepping
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2014
No. 49
Announcements, cont'd
down from her role, effective 31 March 2014. Dr. Martens will remain in her role as a Senior
Scientist with MCHP, as well as Professor
within the Faculty of Medicine’s Department of
Community Health Sciences. Dr. Alan Katz,
Associate Director of Research for MCHP,
has been appointed as the Acting Director,
effective 1 April 2014.
During her tenure as Director of MCHP, Dr.
Martens has published over 300 books,
articles and abstracts, spoken at over 400
conferences, and currently holds over 35 million in
grants as PI or co-PI. In 2013 she was awarded
the R.D. Defries Award; inducted into the Order of
Canada; elected to the Royal Society of Canada;
presented with the Journal of Human Lactation,
Patricia J. Martens Annual Award for Excellence
in Breastfeeding Research; and recognised by
former Health Minister Theresa Oswald with a
lifetime achievement award for her continued
dedication to the Baby Friendly Initiative and
breastfeeding awareness.
Awards & Appointments
he Department of Community Health
Sciences welcomes four new part-time (nilsalaried) faculty members:
• Dr. Songul Bozat-Emre
• Dr. Verena Schneider-Lindner
• Dr. Shamshad Khan
• Dr. Banibrata Roy
Dr. Salah Mahmud was appointed as a parttime(nil) Assistant Professor in the Faculty of
Pharmacy, 1 July 2013.
Congratulations to:
Dr. Patricia Martens receiving The Order of
Canada at a ceremony on the 22nd of November
Dr. Michelle Driedger, granted tenure effective
1 July 2014.
Dr. Patricia Martens, was elected as a Fellow
into the Royal Society of Canada at a ceremony
in Banff on the 16th of November 2013. RSC
recipients are recognised for their outstanding
achievements in their fields of research.
Dr. Patricia Martens was inducted as a Member
into the Order of Canada at a ceremony at
Rideau Hall in Ottawa on the 22nd of November
2013 for her advancement of population health
research and her contributions to health policy in
Audrey Swift, recipient of First Prize in the
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Audrey Swift and Dr. Robert Tate receiving 1st
prize at the Cnd Association on Gerontology's
2013 Student Poster Competition.
Page 3
January 2014
No. 49
Awards, cont'd
Multiple Specialty Rotation paper awards:
Post-Doctoral Category at the 42nd Annual
Scientific and Educational Meeting of the
Canadian Association on Gerontology’s 2013
Student Poster Competition for her poster
entitled, Perceptions of control and 15-year
survival in older community dwelling men: The
Manitoba Follow-up Study. The poster was coauthored by Dr. Robert Tate.
•Elizabeth Smith: “Risk reduction strategies for
Manitoban children riding ATVs” ($300)
•Pol Darras: “Increasing Use of CT Scans: Are
We Exposing Patients to Unnecessary Risks?”
•Ethan Bohn: “The Fluoridation of Drinking
Water: A Community Health Controversy”
Congratulations to the following students who
received the Community Health Sciences
Elizabeth, Pol, and Ethan will present their
papers at the Colloquium Series,14th of March.
Community Engagement
he past few months have passed quickly
and it is hard to believe we are now in 2014
The Community Engagement
team has been busy with
activities since the last
CHS newsletter: working
alongside youth, community
organisations, and UM
students in a variety of
activities. Following are
some of the highlights:
Art Workshops
CHS supported art
workshops for Pathways to
Education students and North
End Women’s Centre clients
in November and December. Local Aboriginal
artist, Jackie Traverse facilitated the classes
which included teachings of the turtle and its
cultural significance. All participants created
their own three-dimensional paintings.
The Pathways to Education program provides
mentorship opportunities for high school
students in Inner-City Winnipeg. The North End
Women’s Centre is a non-profit organisation
Page 4
providing women with support, knowledge, and
opportunities towards greater independence and
healthier lifestyles.
Alan Klass Health Equity Program
On the 5th of December, students who
received travel scholarships
for learning in global
communities gave
presentations to Drs. Daniel
Klass along with Drs.
Macdonald, Durcan and
Chase and fellow students.
The presentations included
highlights of how global
experiences enhanced
student understanding of
health in this broader context
and reflection on specific
health equity objectives. The
Alan Klass Health Equity
Program provides these
scholarships annually and
students may receive up to $1,500 towards their
travel costs.
Living on the Edge
As part of social determinants of health
exposure and study for Med Ones, students
participated in the United Way’s “Living on the
Edge” poverty simulation where participants
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2014
No. 49
Community Engagement, cont'd
Basketballs for Inner City Kids Fundraiser, Staff and Student Teams
experience the realities of families living in
poverty. Students were given roles to play and
navigated through everyday life situations such
as applying for employment, finding childcare,
and addressing shortfalls in income. This is
the first year students participated and the
experience and hands-on learning moved the
intellectual concept of poverty a little closer to
Tyler Yellowega and Kerri Chase from Joe
Doupe Gymnasium
Julie Creasey from NMU for developing
promotional poster
Staff Team Members:
• Dr. Hugo Bergen, Anatomy;
• Dr. Shawn Bugden, Pharmacy
• Dr. Duane Funk, Anesthesia
• Dr. Anthony Kaufmann, Surgery
• Holly Madden, Med/Deans Office
• Jeff Mendoza, Dentistry/IST
• Dr. Don Miller, Pharmacology
• Dr. Grant Pierce, Physiology/SBRC
• Dr. Mike Routledge, CHS/Chief Medical
Office Manitoba
• Dr. Dieter Schonwetter, Dent/Deans
• Dr. Barb Shay, Physical Therapy,
School Med Rehab
• David Waller, Dentistry IST; Dr. Sandra
Webber, Physical Therapy, School Med
Student Team Members:
• Alex Bello, Med Micro PhD
• Brad Cook, Microbiology PhD
• Lindsey Dahl, CHS MSc
• Janelle de Rocquigny, CHS MSc
• Adam Erickson, Med II
• Michael Isaac, CHS Resident/MPH
2nd Annual Basketball Fundraiser
The second annual Staff vs Students basketball
fundraiser was held on the 11th of December in
the Brodie gymnasium. After an energetic and
fun-filled game, the students held on to their
championship title for another year. In keeping
with this theme, Dentistry retained its “Deans
Shoot-out” title, edging out Faculty of Pharmacy
and School of Medical Rehab teams.
The fundraiser supports the Summer Weekend
Inner-City Supervised Hoops and Basketballs
for Inner-City Kids – two programs providing
recreation to youth from Winnipegs Inner City.
At press time, donations and pledges for the
fundraiser were not finalised. A huge thank you
to all who came out and supported this event:
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Page 5
Community Engagement, cont'd
Esther Kim, Med I
Andrew Kochan, Med I
Paul Muns, Med I
Nicole Neudorf, CHS MSc
Aidan Nikiforuk, Microbiology MSc
AJ Sandhu, Med I
• Dr. Sharon Macdonald
• Dr. Heather Dean
• Janelle de Rocquigny
• Michael Isaac
Adam Wedlake, Basketball Manitoba for
providing jerseys
• Dennis Bayomi
• Leonard Macwilliam
Adam Wedlake, Basketball Manitoba for
providing jerseys
Karen Cook, MC and Scorekeeper; and
All those who provided donations and pledges!!!
Biomedical Youth Program
The Biomedical Youth Program has made a
close community relationship with Winnipeg
schools in the surrounding area of Bannatyne
Campus now that the newly renovated lab
and office space on the 3rd Floor of the
January 2014
No. 49
School of Medical Rehabilitation (3MR) is
complete. Approximately 200 students from
Hugh John Macdonald came to our campus
as an organised “walking tour” along with their
teachers and teacher leader, Ms. Gigi Fallorin.
Our efforts to promote science activities and
homework clubs sparked a lot of interest with
the students; especially for those visiting
our campus for the first time! The BYP also
made a connection with Wellington School’s
science program as well as The West Central
Community Program who offer after school
programs at Wellington, John M. King, and
Greenway School.
Future plans entail the school groups to use our
lab and 3MR space on a weekly basis as our
focus for 3MR is connecting with schools within
walking distance.
The Learning and Leading in Science Education
component continued at the Inner City Science
Centre (ICSC) laboratories. Going forward,
teacher leaders with the BYP and ICSC have
now been booking the ICSC labs, and either
bringing their classes or helping in training
other teachers. The BYP has established a
strong connection with both the Winnipeg and
Seven Oaks School Divisions and is currently
seeking volunteer mentors to help with students
upcoming science projects.
Location: A106 Chown
Location: A106 Chown
3 February 2014 - 10:00 am
6 March 2014 - 10:00 am
1 April 2014 - 10:00 am
9 May 2014 - 10:00 am
4 June 2014 - 10:100 am - 405 Brodie
15 September 2014 - 10:00 am
2 October 2014 - 10:00 am
4 November 2014 - 10:00 am
5 December 2014 - 10:00 am
Page 6
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2014
No. 49
Graduate Program
Graduate Student Awards
Congratulations to the recipients of the David G.
Fish Memorial Scholarship for the Fall 2013 and
Winter 2014 Session: Ms. Andrea Blanchard
and Ms. Elsabe du Plessis.
Andrea Bombak. CIHR Canadian Graduate
Scholarship – Michael Smith Foreign Study
Supplement, $6,000.00. The award will support
Andrea’s travel to the University of Adelaide in
Adelaide, South Australia to work with Dr. Megan
Warin from February-April, 2014.
Oct 18: People-Centred Primary Health Care and
Health Equity: evidence from New Zealand. Dr.
Pat Neuwelt, University of Auckland
Oct 22: Talking to the Press: Communicating
Your Research to the Public. Dr. Trudy Lieberman,
Fullbright Scholar and Past President of the
Association of Health Care Journalists in the US
Oct 25: Using Integrated Knowledge Translation
to Develop an Emergency Department Violence
Intervention Program. Dr. Carolyn Snider,
Clinician-Scientist in the Department of
Emergency Medicine at the University of Manitoba
Master of Public Health Program
Michael Isaac, BSc, MD, CCFP. “Research and
Evaluation of a parent home visiting program”. Field Placement Supervisor: Dr. R. Santos,
Associate Secretary to Healthy Child Committee
of Cabinet, Government of Manitoba; Research
Scientist, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and
Assistant Professor, Department of Community
Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Manitoba. Committee: Dr. J. Kettner,
Community Health Sciences; Dr. L. Elliott,
Community Health Sciences; Dr. B. Roussin,
Community Health Sciences
Nov 15: The Year in Review. Dr. Michael Routledge,
Chief Provincial Public Health Officer, Manitoba
Nov 18: Social Accountability: Shaking the
Foundation. Dr. Ryan Meili, University of
Nov 20: The Key Roles of Community and Building
Design in Protecting and Promoting Health.
Dr. Karen Lee, Director/Senior Advisor, Built
Environment & Healthy Housing, NYC Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Nov 29: Health care choices: Informing the public.
Dr. John Walker, Department of Clinical Health
Nov 1: Two Masters Programs – Two Universities
– One Vision? Dr. Joel Kettner, Community
Health Sciences and Dr. Julie Pelletier, University of
Dec 6: A research partnership with Cree Nation
Tribal Health: Implementing and evaluating suicide
prevention interventions. Dr. Laurence Katz,
Department of Psychiatry
Nov 4: The Evolution of Legalized Gambling in
Manitoba and its Implications for Health and
Well-being. Dr. Tracie Afifi, Community Health
Dec 13: Interdisciplinary training, how to smash
the silos. Dr. Keith Fowke, Department of Medical
Nov 8: Understanding Suicide and its Aftermath:
New Advances in Assessment and Management
of a Major Public Health Problem. Dr. James
Bolton, Departments of Psychiatry, Psychology and
Community Health Sciences
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Jan 10: Moving Forward – Integrating Care for
Individuals with FASD. Dr. Ana Hanlon-Dearman,
Department of Pediatrics and Child Health
Jan 17: Mental Health and Homelessness: An
Experiment in Action and Policy. Dr. Jino Distasio,
University of Winnipeg.
Page 7
January 2014
No. 49
Section of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Health
Nuka System of Care
he Section arranged for speakers from
Alaska's Southcentral Foundation Nuka
System of Care to speak at the University,
Faculty of Medicine, Indigneous Health Lecture
The speakers described how, over 18 years
they contributed to the success of this American
First Nations health care organisation.
Under the Nuka care system, hospital
admissions, emergency room use, and specialty
visits have all been dramatically reduced while
patient outcomes have improved.
Patients are customer/owners and are treated
as such. They receive same-day access to
primary care; can even phone, e-mail, or fax
with questions and those questions will be
answered that same day.
Not surprisingly, this model is not only drawing
Section Open House
On the 12th of December 2013, the Section
was pleased with the number of people who
attended our Open House. There were tours
of the Centre for Aboriginal Health Research,
Centre for
Aboriginal Health
Education, J.A.
Hildes Northern
Medical Unit, and
the Kanee Ga
Ni-What KeeKandamowin
Library; ending
up at the CHS's
office. Each
guest received a
ballot from each
office visited to
enter our prize
draw. Guests
also received
refreshments and
Page 8
attention by indigenous populations but from
across the globe. To find out more; just google
"Nuka System of Care" and 100's of articles will
be found. One excellent article on Nuka can be
read here:
judged the Christmas Door Decorating Contest
at the Northern Medical Unit. Moreover it was
an opportunity for those within the Faculty of
Medicine and those outside affiliated with FNMI
Health to learn more about the Section and
each centre/unit.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2014
No. 49
J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit
Visit us on Facebook:
into the community. Pascale Baumann the
new physiotherapist who moved to Rankin from
Thunderbay, started in November. We would
like to extend a warm Northern Medical Unit
greeting to our newest staff members and we’re
glad to have them as part of our team!
two members of our administrative staff
have stepped down, Drs. Ken Halweg and
Yvette Emerson. Dr. Halweg left to devote
more time to the Northern Connections Medical
Centre and Dr. Emerson to her other medical
committments. Dr. Emerson though will serve
as a Medical Program Advisor once a month at
the NMU.
Dr. Mike Moffatt, has expanded his role with
us as a Senior Medical Consultant and willl be
overviewing policy, research, and the specialists.
Melissa Balness, hired last January as our
Hospital Based Physician Co-ordinator, is the
new Executive Assistant to the Senior Director
of the Section of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit
Health, Melanie McKinnon and the Section
Head, Dr. Marcia Anderson DeCoteau. At
the beginning of January we welcomed onto
our team Mohamad Kadhim as our new Coordinator. Mohamad came from Paediatrics
PGME Residency Program
Congratulations to Melody Genaille (Director
of Health Programs) who was married to her
partner of ten years, George on the 9th of
November 2013.
Our Financial Administrator, Kanchana
Sankaranarayanan will be returning to the
Fort Garry Campus to a new position. It is
not easy to find gems like Kanchana, who is a
highly skilled professional, go-getter, and a joy
to be around. She will be missed very much.
Although she was here a very short time she
had a highly positive impact on our finanical
operations and made friends with us all. Farethe-well Kanchana.
The Therapy Services team in Rankin Inlet,
is excited to have a new Speech Language
Pathologist and Physiotherapist hired into full
time positions. Allison Chidley is the SLP and
she has moved from Newfoundland with her
husband Graham. They arrived in Rankin Inlet
at the beginning of September and are settling
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Our new PT, Pascale Baumann visiting the NMU
office before moving to Rankin Inlet.
The stained glass in the photo was a gift from
John Sullivan, husband of Janice Linton,
Aboriginal Health Librarian, Neil John Maclean
Health Sciences Library. Janice inspired John
to create this stained glass and others which
were gifted to the then newly built Rankin Inlet
Health Centre (2005).
The glass features an "ulu" meaning a "woman's
knife". Traditionally it was believed that an
ancestor's knowledge was contained within the
ulu and with the passing on of the tool, so would
the knowledge of the ancestor(s) be passed.
Page 9
January 2014
No. 49
Section of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Health, cont'd
J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit
Building Bridges and Capacity in Nunavut Communities
rom the 19th to 22nd of November 2013, three
members of the NMU Therapy Services Team
from Rankin Inlet participated and presented at the
Early Intervention Workshop in Arviat Nunavut.
The conference was organised through the
Aboriginal Head Start Program, and it was the first
time the yearly conference actually took place in
Nunavut. The conference included participants
involved with Head Start Preschools from all over
Nunavut. Seventeen preschool teachers and
coordinators from ten Nunavut communities were
scheduled to arrive, but due to weather only twelve
made it.
The week included presentations about Small
Steps (a program to integrate children with special
needs into community program), Mothers Maternal
Heath Toolkit, Elders’ Panel discussing Inuit
cultural and childrearing, the Inunnguiniq Parenting
Curriculum, as well as full day presentation from the
Therapy Services.
Our presentation focused on typical and atypical
child development in the preschool years; what
are Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and
Speech Language Pathology. Who to refer to
Therapy Services, how to make a referral, and
begin those difficult conversations with parents.
We also discussed strategies to support those with
special needs in the classroom and how to modify
an activity to meet the child’s learning needs.
Allison Chidley, SLP demonstrating a
language strategy..
Alysha Friedman, OT demonstrating
a multisensory activity to teach letter
Our Presentation was received well; participants
were engaged in the breakout activities and it led to
many meaningful discussions.
The conference was so well organised that it
even included evening cultural activities including
meeting community members in a caribou tupik,
country food, throat singers, traditional Inuit games,
and visiting Nanuqs (polar bears) at the dump.
It was a wonderful opportunity for us to learn
about the Aboriginal Head Start Programs in the
communities we visit, share knowledge, and as a
result receive some new and appropriate referrals!
Page 10
Francine Mach, PT encouraging
conference particpants to try a 2 foot jump.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2014
No. 49
Promotion and Tenure
Full-time and part-time members of
the Department of Community Health
Sciences may apply for promotion on
their own initiative or the Department
Head can recommend he/she be
considered for promotion. Notification
of intent to apply for promotion should
be made to the Department Head by
April 1st. It is recommended that the
candidate attend workshops hosted
by the University of Manitoba and
meet with the Department Head and
the Chair of the Promotion and Tenure
Academic Career Advancement is a
goal for many Faculty members in the
Faculty of Medicine. Achieving this
goal requires an understanding of the
Faculty of Medicine’s processes for
advancement, including promotion.
Further information and registration is
available by contacting:
Marnie Donovan
Assistant to Academic Affairs
Faculty of Medicine, U of M
S203 Medical Services Building
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5
[email protected]
Ph: 204-977-5647
Presenter: Dr. Sara Israels, Assistant Dean (Academic)
Chair, Promotions and Tenure Committee, Faculty of Medicine
Workshop Title
Academic Promotion and
Career Advancement in
the Faculty of Medicine
30 January 2014
4:00 pm - 5:00
Academic Promotion and
Career Advancement in
the Faculty of Medicine
12 February 2014 Medical Services
Noon - 1:00 pm Building
Academic Promotion and
Career Advancement in
the Faculty of Medicine
bring your lunch
13 February 2014 St. Boniface Hospital
Noon - 1:00 pm
bring your lunch
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Chown Building
Page 11
New Research Grants
Afifi TO, Zack M, McMain S, Lobo D.
Mindfulness treatment for gambling and mood
related symptoms among women with childhood
disturbances. Manitoba Gambling Research
Program (MGRP). 2014-2015. $50,000.
Becker M, Avery L, Blanchard J, Gelmon L,
Moses S, Balakireva L, Boily M-C, Isac S, Kimani
J, Mishra S, Pavloa D, Pickles M, Washington R.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR),
Co-investigator, research grant, “Estimating
female sex workers’ early HIV risk and the
implications for HIV epidemic control: a
multi-country observational and mathematical
modelling study”, 2013-2016, CAD $337,568.
Blanchard J, Moses S, Avery L, Crockett M,
Ramesh BM, Mohan HL, Krishnamurthy
Anniversary Awards
Five Years
Marcia Anderson DeCoteau
Lisa Avery
Ariel Bautista
Hui Chen
Ken Hahlweg
Say Pham Hong
Jennifer Schultz
Iryna Tsybukh
Gail Yacucha
Fifteen Years
• Sharon Bruce
• Gregory Finlayson
• Verna Menec
Twenty years
Bruce Martin
Pierre Plourde
Shannon Turczak
Randy Walld
Marina Yogendram
Twenty-Five Years
• Kathleen Bell
• Kathy Harlos
Thirty-Five Years
• Theresa Kennedy
• Robert Tate
Page 12
January 2014
No. 49
J. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Program
grant “Technical assistance to the Government
of Uttar Pradesh to improve health, nutrition
and development coverage and outcomes”, 20132016, USD $21 million.
Hadjistavropoulos T, Thorpe L, Whiting S,
Hunter P, Alfano D, Malloy D, Kaasalainen S, Dal
Bellos Haas V, Lix L, Martin R. Community and
Research Alliance for Quality of Life in Older
Adults (The QOL Team). Saskatchewan Health
Research Foundation, $717,881.
Garland A, Ramsey C, Dodek P, Fowler R,
Doupe M, Fransoo R, Wong H, Kozak J. Sex
differences in admission to intensive care units:
the role of social support factors. Technology
Evaluation in the Elderly Network. $125,807:
Jorm L, Brownell M. Seeding success: Identifying
factors that contribute to positive early childhood
health and development in Aboriginal children.
National Health and Medical Research Council
of Australia. 2014-2017: $672,080.90
Lorway R, Blanchard J, Moses S, Khan S,
Reza-Paul S. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (CIHR), Co-investigator, research
grant, “A South to South collaborative project to
understand and address the HIV vulnerability of
male sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya”, 2013-2016,
CAD $335,630.
Nguyen LT,Vu NC, O’Neil J, Lear S. Improving
maternal and perinatal care for ethnic minorities
in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam through an integrated
eHealth and user-provider interaction model.
International Development Research Centre
$400,000 (Population Health and Development
NGO, Vietnam, 2013-2016.
Goldner E, Nguyen VC, Viet NK, Goldsmith C,
Ganesan S, Lee K, O’Neil J. Feasibility study in
preparation for Randomized Trial of Enhanced
Primary Mental Health Care Implementation
in Vietnam. Grand Challenges Canada, Global
Mental Health Seed Grant $248,000, 2013-2015.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2014
No. 49
Western Regional Training Centre (WRTC)
he Western Regional Training Centre
(WRTC) is a program offered through the
Department of Community Healht Sciences,
Faculty of Medicine, designed to support
financially MSc and PhD students training in the
area of health services research. Much of the
program content is policy oriented and fosters
working networks between students and health
care planners and decision-makers. More
details about this program are provided at the
following URL:
The call for WRTC student applications is
now open for the 2014/15 academic year.
All incoming MSc (thesis-based) and PhD
students should be notified of this call – please
encourage students to apply!
The following information provides some further
information about WRTC, student eligibility, and
the application process.
WRTC is housed in the Department of
New Publications
Alessi-SeveriniS, Dahl M, Schultz J, Metge C,
Raymond C. Prescribing of psychotropic medications
to the elderly population of a Canadian province: A
retrospective study using administrative databases.
Peer J 2013;1:e168.
Brennan SL, Leslie WD, Lix LM, Johansson H,
Oden A, McCloskey E, Kanis JA, (2013). FRAX
provides robust fracture prediction regardless of
socioeconomic status. [e-pub November 5, 2013]
Browne A, Varcoe, C, Wong S, Smye, V, Lavoie
J, Littlejohn, D, Tu D, Godwin O, Kraise M,
Koushambhi K, Fridkin A, Rodney P, Lennox
S, O’Neil J. Closing the health equity gap:
evidence-based strategies for primary health care
organizations. International Journal for Equity in
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Community Health Sciences, Faculty of
Medicine. In addition to their regular graduate
training requirements, WRTC students receive
support in the form of: 1) stipends; 2) course
training; 3) field placement experiences; and 4)
select other activities.
Interested students are invited to visit the WRTC
website (listed above), and look specifically at
information provided under heading of “Student
Guidelines”. This information will help students
to define their eligibility for this program, and to
understand the application process.
Please note that we are now accepting
applications for WRTC students, with an
application deadline of 21 February 2014.
As part of the application process, students
must complete the WRTC application form,
along with their cv, academic grades and 2
letters of reference.
Malcolm B. Doupe, PhD
Director, Western Regional Training Centre,
University of Manitoba
[email protected]
Health 2012 (11) 1-15.
Decker KM, Turner D, Demers AA, Martens PJ,
Lambert P, Chateau D. Evaluating the effectiveness
of cervical cancer screening invitation letters. Journal
of Women's Health 2013;22(8):687-693.
Estabrooks CA, Poss JW, Squires JE, Teare GF,
Morgan DG, Stewart N, Doupe MB, Cummings DD,
Norton PG. A profile of residents in prairie nursing
homes. Canadian Journal on Aging 2013;32(3):223231.
Fransoo R, Martens PJ, The Need to Know Team,
Burland E, Prior HJ, Katz A, Nickel NC, Chateau
D. The rising prevalence of asthma: true increase,
diagnostic exchange, or diagnostic accuracy?
Healthcare Policy 2013;8(4):27-34.
Fransoo R, Bucklaschuk J, Prior H, Burland E,
Page 13
New Publications, cont'd
Chateau D, Martens P, Need to Know Team. Social
gradients in surgical sterilization rates: Opposing
patterns for males and females. J Obster Gynaecol Can
Garland A, Ramsey CD, Fransoo R, Olafson
K, Chateau D, Yogendran M, Kraut A. Rates of
readmission and death associated with leaving
hospital against medical advice: A population-based
study. CMAJ 2013;185(14):1207-1214.
Garland A, Olafson K, Ramsey CD, Yogendran
M, Fransoo R. Epidemiology of critically ill
patients in intensive care units: A population-based
observational study. Crit Care 2013;17(5):R212.
Ghandehari OO, Hadjistavropoulos T, Williams J,
Thorpe L, Alfano DP, Dal Bello-Haas V, Malloy DC,
Martin RR, Rahaman O, Zwakhalen SM, Carleton
RN, Hunter PV, Lix LM. A controlled investigation
of continuing pain education for long-term care staff.
Pain Res Manag 2013;18(1):11-18.
Green ME, Wong ST, Lavoie JG, Kwong J,
MacWilliam L, Peterson S, Liu G, Katz A.
Admission to hospital for pneumonia and influenza
attributable to 2009 pandemic A/H1N1 Influenza
in First Nations communities in three provinces of
Canada. BMC Public Health. 2013, 13:1029. DOI:
Kliewer EV, Mahmud SM, Demers AA, Lambert
P. Human papillomavirus vaccination and Pap
testing profile in Manitoba, Canada. Vaccine
Kraut, A, Fransoo R, Olafson K, Ramsey CD,
Yogendran M, Garland A. A population-based
analysis of leaving the hospital against medical
advice: Incidence and associated variables. BMC
Health Services Research 2013;13(1):415.
Kuwornu JP, Lix LM, Quail JM, Wang E, Osman M,
Teare GF. (2013). A comparison of statistical models
for analyzing episodes-of-care costs for chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations. Health
Services and Outcomes Research Methodology 2013,13:
Page 14
January 2014
No. 49
Lam A, Leslie W, Lix LM, Yogendran M, Morin
S, Majumdar S. (2013). Major osteoporotic to hip
fracture ratios in Canadian men and women with
Swedish comparisons: A population based analysis.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research [e-pub
November 15, 2013].
Lau D, Eurich ET, Majumdar SR, Katz A, Johnson
JA. Effectiveness of influenza vaccination in workingage adults with diabetes: A population-based cohort
study. Thorax 2013;68(7):658-663.
Mahmud S. Article on UM website:
Project STRIVES for continued success
Mehta SD, Moses S, Agot K, Maclean I, OdoyoJune E, Li H, Bailey RC. Medical male circumcision
and Herpes simplex virus 2 acquisition: post
trial surveillance in Kisumu, Kenya. J Infect Dis
Newall NEG, Menec VH. (2013). Targeting socially
isolated older adults: A process evaluation of the
Senior Centre Without Walls social and educational
program. Journal of Applied Gerontology. Advance
on-line publication. doi: 10.1177/0733464813510063
Pickles M, Boily M-C, Vickerman P, Lowndes CM,
Moses S, Blanchard JF, Deering KN, Bradley J,
Ramesh BM, Washington R, Adhikary R, Mainkar
M, Paranjape RS, Alary M. Assessment of the
population-level effectiveness of the Avahan HIVprevention programme in South India: a preplanned,
causal-pathway-based modelling analysis. Lancet
Glob Health 2013; 1:e289-99.
Roos LE, Mota N, Afifi TO, Katz LY, Distasio J,
Sareen J. (2013). The relationship between adverse
childhood experiences and homelessness and the
impact of Axis I and II disorders. American Journal of
Public Health, SUPPL 2, S275-S281.
Sareen J, Erickson J, Medved MI, Asmundson GJG,
Enns MW, Stein M, Leslie WD, Doupe M, Logsetty S.
Risk factors for post-injury mental health problems.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2014
No. 49
Depression and Anxiety 2013;30(4):321-327.
Slater J, Sevenhuysen G, Edginton B, O'Neil J.
'Trying to make it all come together': structuration
and employed mothers' experience of family
food provisioning in Canada,” Health Promotion
International 2012; 27(3): 405-415.
Presentations, Invited
Lectures, Consultations
Alsabbagh W, Mansell K, Lix LM, Teare G,
Shevchuk Y, Lu X, Blackburn D. Pharmacologic
management of diabetes among seniors
newly admitted to long-term care facilities in
Saskatchewan. 16th Annual CDA/CSEM/Vascular
2013, Montreal, QC, October 17-20, 2013. Alsabbagh W, Mansell K, Lix LM, Teare G,
Shevchuk Y, Lu X, Blackburn D. Incidence
and prevalence of diabetes in residents of
Saskatchewan long-term care facilities between
2003 and 2011. 16th Annual CDA/CSEM/
Vascular 2013, Montreal, QC, October 17-20,
Arim RG, Guèvremont A, Kohen DE, ABrehaut
JC, Miller AR, McGrail K Brownell M, Lach
LM, Rosenbaum,PL. The implementation of a
Case-Mix System approach to categorizing child
health using Canadian administrative health
data. Poster session presented at the Canadian
Association of Paediatric Health Centres,
Toronto, ON, October 20-23, 2013.
Azad MB, Dahl ME, Brownell M, Chartier M,
Letourneau N, Kozyrskyj AL. Role of maternal
distress in the perinatal programming of allergic
disease. DOHAD: Developmental Origins of
Health and Disease. DOHAD 2013 congress,
Singapore, November 17-20, 2013.
Blackburn D, Alsabbagh W, Lix L, Teare G,
Shevchuk Y. Describing the use of Ezetimibe
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
(Ezetrol ®) in Saskatchewan: an observational
study. 16th Annual CDA/CSEM/Vascular 2013,
Montreal, QC, October 17-20, 2013.
Bozat-Emre S. Epidemiological Research
Projects: an example of the University
of Manitoba, Canada. Sanko University.
Gaziantep, Turkey. November 7, 2013.
Brownell M. Putting the pieces together:
using linked data at the Manitoba Centre
for Health Policy to study child outcomes.
Saskatchewan Epidemiology Association 2013
Fall Symposium, Regina SK, November 7, 2013,
Keynote presentation.
Brownell M. Identification of factors and
supports that contribute to the educational
success of students in care. 20th Annual RHA
Workshop, Winnipeg, MB, October 29, 2013.
Brownell, M. How do experiences in childhood
translate into health inequity? Presented at
the Canadian Mental Health Association 2013
Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON, October 17,
2013, Keynote Address.
Brownell M, Chartier M. How are Manitoba’s
Children Doing? Workshop presented to the
Provincial Healthy Child Advisory Committee,
Winnipeg MB, October 3, 2013.
Chartier M.J. Early Childhood Development
in Canadian Francophonie. Presentation at
the Ministerial Conference on the Canadian
Francophonie, Winnipeg, MB, September 4,
Curry W, Katz A, Moineddin R, Campbell
C. Use of Electronic Communication Media
to Enhance Cancer Screening in Primary
Care. Poster presented at the North American
Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting,
Ottawa, ON, November 11, 2013.
Doupe M. Seniors' Housing Transitions and
the Housing Continuum/Continuum of Care
Page 15
Presentations, cont'd
in Manitoba. Presented to the National Housing
Research Committee (plus web broadcast
at http://nhrc-cnrl.ca/sites/default/files/
Malcolm%20Doupe_DN_E.pdf). Ottawa, ON,
November 4, 2013.
Doupe M, Day S, St John P, Chateau D, Dik
N. Nursing Home Bed Projections for Older
Manitobans: Needing more versus doing
things differently. 42nd Annual Scientific
and Educational Meeting of the Canadian
Association on Gerontology, Halifax, NS,
October 17-19, 2013.
Doupe M. Defining the Capabilities of the Newly
Implemented Emergency Use Data System
in Winnipeg. Presentation to the Winnipeg
Regional Health Authority Board of Directors,
Winnipeg, MB, September 24, 2013.
Driedger SM, Brouwers M, Marrie RA,
Mazur C. (2013, December 10 – 13). Clinician,
community, and patient perspectives of the
CCSVI debate in Canada endMS Research
and Training Network Conference. (Poster
presentation). Saint-Sauveur, Quebec.
Driedger SM, Jardine CG. (2013, December
8 – 11). Strategies to engage knowledge users in
understanding best practices for communicating
about risk characterized by uncertainty. Society
for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Baltimore,
Driedger SM. “From science, to politics, and
public debate: Examining the CCSVI debate
in Canada.” Key-note presentation, Multiple
Sclerosis Society Conference hosted by the
Westman Chapter, Brandon, Manitoba, October
26, 2013.
Page 16
January 2014
No. 49
Driedger SM. “Navigating without a map:
Potential planning pitfalls in communicating
about uncertain risks”, Public Health Workshop
on Mathematical Modeling of Indigenous
Populations Health, Banff, Alberta, September
28-29, 2013.
Driedger SM. Working Group Meetings in
Nuuk, Greenland (September 2013) PhD in
Arctic Health and Well-Being Working Group
for the University of Arctic. Role: member from
University of Manitoba, along with members
from University of Alaska Anchorage (USA),
University of Alberta (Canada), University
of Oulu (Finland), University of Lapland &
Samisoster (Finland), University of Tromso
(Norway), University of Umea (Sweden),
University of Aarhus (Denmark), National
Health Service Greenland (Greenland),
University of Akureyri (Iceland), Finnish
Meteorological Institute (Finland), Abisko
Scientific Research Station (Sweden).
Dr. S. Michelle Driedger was invited to
participate in a stakeholder dialogue on the
subject of Strengthening National Health
Systems’ Capacity to Respond to Future
Pandemics, hosted by the McMaster Health
Forum in Hamilton, Canada. Selection process
for invitees involved steering committee
representatives from Harvard University,
International Development Research Centre,
Mexico’s Ministry of Health, University of
Toronto, and the McMaster Health Forum.
November 4, 2013.
Estabrooks CA, Norton PG, Doupe MB, Cranley
LA, Cummings GG, Reid C. Improving quality
and safety in nursing homes (Workshop). 42nd
Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting
of the Canadian Association on Gerontology,
Halifax, NS, October 17-19, 2013.
Fransoo R. Health and health inequity. Daylong workshop with board members and senior
management team of Southern RHA. Niverville,
MB, November 8, 2013.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2014
No. 49
Fransoo R, Ekuma O. Sex differences in AMI
mortality: pre-hospital, in-hospital, and posthospital (poster). Canadian Cardiovascular
Congress, Montreal QC, October 15-16, 2013.
Hannouf MB, Mahmud S, Winquist E,
Brackstone M, Zaric G. Economic evaluation
of tests to determine the source in cancer of
unknown primary. INFORMS 2013 Minneapolis,
USA, October 6–9, 2013.
Heaman MI, Martens PJ, Brownell MD,
Chartier MJ, Helewa ME, Derksen SA, Lennon
S. The association of inadequate prenatal care
and maternal-infant outcomes: A populationbased study. BIT’s 2nd International Congress
of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2013, in
conjunction with the 1st Annual Global Health
Conference, Dalian, China, October 12, 2013.
Jardine CG, Driedger SM. (2013, December
8 – 11). Communicating Environmental Health
Risk Uncertainty: A Systematic Review of the
Literature. Society for Risk Analysis Annual
Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
Katz A, Martens P, Brownell M, Chateau D,
Burland E, Nickel N, Goh, CY. PATHS Equity
for Children Program of Research. Poster
presentation at the 2013 NAPCRG Annual
Meeting, Ottawa ON, November 11, 2013.
Katz A. Primary Prevention – Developing
a research agenda to reduce chronic disease
incidence. Winnipeg, MB, October 8, 2013.
Kohen DE, Arim RG, Guèvremont A, Brehaut
JC, Miller AR, McGrail K Brownell M, Lach
LM, Rosenbaum PL. Implementing the Children
with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN)
Screener using Canadian administrative health
data. Poster session presented at the Canadian
Association of Paediatric Health Centres,
Toronto, ON, October 20-23, 2013.
Kuwornu J P, Lix LM, Quail JM, Wang E,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Osman M, Teare G F. A comparison of statistical
models for analyzing episodes-of-care costs
for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
exacerbations. 10th International Conference
on Health Policy Statistics, Chicago, Illinois,
October 9-11, 2013.
Levitt C, Katz A, Mangin D, Pirotta M, Reeve
J, Bazemore A, Haggerty J. Research as Core
Business of Colleges/Academies of Family
Medicine/General Practice: Is It Overlooked?
Poster presented at the North American Primary
Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Ottawa,
ON, November 12, 2013.
Levitt C, Katz A, Grava-Gubins I. A Blueprint
for Family Medicine Research Success. Poster
presented at the North American Primary Care
Research Group Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON,
November 10, 2013.
Lix LM, Yao X. Multiple imputation for
measurement error correction in administrative
health databases: effect of the misclassification
mechanism. 10th International Conference
on Health Policy Statistics, Chicago, Illinois,
October 9 - 11, 2013. Mahmud SM, Kliewer EV, Lambert P,
Bozat-Emre S, Demers AA. Effectiveness
of the quadrivalent human papillomavirus
vaccine against cervical dysplasia in Manitoba,
Canada. The EUROGIN 2013 International
Multidisciplinary Congress. Florence, Italy.
November 3-6, 2013.
Neumann K, Mahmud S, McKay MA, Park
J, Metcalfe J, Hochman DJ. Is Increased BMI
associated with advanced stage and grade colon
cancer on presentation?
CAGS Resident Research Retreat, Ottawa.
September 2013.
Roos LE, Distasio J, Bolton S-L, Katz L, Afifi TO,
Isaak C, Bruce L, Goering P, Sareen J. (2013). A
history in-care predicts unique characteristics in
a homeless population with mental illness. Oral
Page 17
January 2014
No. 49
Presentations, cont'd
Presentation at the 2013 Alberta Family Wellness
Initiative. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, October
27-November 1, 2013.
Roos N. EvidenceNetwork.ca – Opportunities.
Presented to the George and Fay Yee Centre
for Healthcare Innovation, Leadership Team,
November 28, 2013.
Sajobi T, Lix LM, Sawatzky R., Mayo N, Hopman
W. Relative weight analysis for response shift
detection in longitudinal health-related quality
of life. International Society for Quality of Life
Research Conference, Miami, Florida, October
9-12, 2013.
Sawatzky R, Chan E, Sajobi T, Zumbo B, Lix
LM. An explanatory model for response shift
in the SF-36 in an inflammatory disease cohort.
International Society for Quality of Life 20th
Annual Research Conference, Miami, Florida,
October 9-12, 2013.
Wong S, Wodchis W, Hogg W, Aubrey K, Katz
A, Burge F, Teare G, Breton M, Easley J, Webster
G, QUALICO-PC Working Group. QUALICOPC in Canada-Research in Progress. Poster
presented at the North American Primary Care
Research Group Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON,
November 12, 2013.
Wong S, Johnston S, Levesque JF, Haggerty J,
Scott C, Burge F, Hogg W, Katz A, Glazier R.
Organizational, Provider and Patient Surveys:
Tools for Performance Measurement in Primary
Health Care. Poster presented at the North
American Primary Care Research Group Annual
Meeting, Ottawa, ON, November 11, 2013.
Page 18
Singh H, Montalban J, Mahmud S. GI
Epidemiology: Diseases and Clinical
Methodology. Chapter 19: Epidemiology of
colorectal carcinoma. 2nd edition. Publisher
John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Community Matters is published by
the Department of Community Health
Sciences at the University of Manitoba
Submissions can be made to Kathy
Bell at P120-750 Bannatyne Avenue,
Winnipeg MB, R3E 0W3 Kathy.Bell@
Opinions expressed on these pages may or may not
be the opinions of the Editors.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Fly UP