
Caroline C. Piotrowski Brief Curriculum Vitae Research Interests

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Caroline C. Piotrowski Brief Curriculum Vitae Research Interests
Caroline C. Piotrowski
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Updated October 2014
Research Interests
Violence & injury prevention
Health promotion
Effects of exposure to violence & trauma
Sibling relationships
Recent Funding
Principal Investigator
Co-Investigators: T. Afifi, Department of Community Health Sciences; D. Brownridge,
Department of Family Social Sciences; M. Faubert, Department of English, Film & Theatre;
D. Hiebert-Murphy, Faculty of Social Work; M. Porter, Faculty of Kinesiology & Recreation
Management; K. Russell, Manitoba Institute of Child Health; C. Snider, Department of
Emergency Medicine; N. Turner, Asper School of Business; L. Warda, Department of
Pediatrics & Child Health; J. Ursel, Department of Sociology
Manitoba Violence & Injury Prevention Initiative
Manitoba Health Research Council Research Connections Program
Principal Investigator
Co-Investigators: R. Alaggia, University of Toronto; M. Brownell, University of Manitoba; D.
Cormier, University of Alberta; S. Graham-Bermann, University of Michigan; A. GroganKaylor, University of Michigan; K. Harkness, Queen’s University; S. Lapierre, University of
Ottawa; N. Letourneau, University of Calgary; M. Medved, University of Manitoba; S.
Shooshtari, University of Manitoba; S. van Anders, University of Michigan; D. Wolfe, CAMH
Boys at the Crossroads: Protecting the Next Generation from Family Violence
CIHR Team Grant in Men & Boys’ Health
$1,500,000 (submitted)
Principal Investigator: Lynne Warda, Dept. of Pediatrics & Child Health
Co-Investigators: Kelly Russell, Manitoba Institute for Child Health; Curt Pankratz,
University of Winnipeg; Alison McPherson, York University
Are Booster Seat and Bicycle Helmet Legislations Keeping Manitoba’s Children Safe?
CIHR Operating Grant: Population Health Intervention Research
Principal Investigator: Ian Pike, BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit
Co-Investigators: Beth Bruce, Dalhousie University; Bonnie Leadbetter, University of
Victoria; Avery Nathans & Andrew Howard, University of Toronto; Rose-Alma McDonald,
Assembly of First Nations; Carolyn Emery, University of Calgary; and 15 others
CIHR Team in Child and Youth Injury Prevention
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Updated October 2014
Recent Publications
Tailor, K., Stewart-Tufescu, A., & Piotrowski, C. C. (in press). Siblings exposed to intimate partner
violence: The role of parenting and maternal stress. Journal of Family Psychology.
Tailor, K., Piotrowski, C. C., Woodgate, R., & Letourneau, N. (in press). Childhood sexual abuse &
adult religious life: Challenges of theory and method. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse.
Piotrowski, C. C., Tailor, K., & Cormier, D. (2014). Siblings exposed to intimate partner violence:
Linking sibling relationship quality & child adjustment problems. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(1),
Stewart-Tufescu, A. & Piotrowski, C. C. (2013). Siblings exposed to intimate partner violence:
family predictors of child trauma symptoms. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health, 6(3), 0000.
Piotrowski, C. C. (2011). Patterns of adjustment among siblings exposed to intimate partner
violence. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(1), 19-28. DOI:10.1037/a0022428.
Bruce, B., Snowdon, A., Cunningham, C., Cramm, C., Whittle, K., Correale, H., Barwick, M.,
Piotrowski, C., Warda, L., & Harrold, J. (2011). Predicting parents’ use of booster seats. Injury Prevention,
17(5), 313-318. DOI:10.1136/ip.2010.029181.
Sokal, L. J., & Piotrowski, C. C. (2011). My brother’s teacher? Siblings and literacy development in
the home. Education Research International, Vol. 2011, 6 pgs, DOI:10.1155/2011/253896.
Cunningham, C., Bruce, B., Snowdon, A., Chen, Y., Kolga, C., Piotrowski, C., Warda, L., Correale, H.,
Clark, E., & Barwick, M. (2011). Modeling improvements in booster seat use: a discrete choice conjoint
experiment. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43, 1999-2009. DOI:10.1016/j.aap.2011.05.018
Recent Conference Presentations
Piotrowski, C. C., Malach, J., Ogonda, M., Schiel, W., Turner, S., Bastos, M., & Warda, L. (November 57, 2013). “It’s not allowed unless you want to get into trouble”: A comparison of parent & sibling perspectives
on family rules concerning sibling harm. Poster presented at the 2013 Canadian Injury Prevention and
Safety Promotion Conference in Montreal PQ.
Tailor, K., Stewart-Tufescu, A., & Piotrowski, C. C. (May 23-26, 2013). Traumatized siblings in
violent families: The role of mothering and family distress. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of
the American Psychological Society in Washington DC.
Tailor, K., Piotrowski, C. C., Woodgate, R., & Letourneau, N. (May 23-26, 2013). Childhood sexual
abuse and adult religious life: Challenges of theory and method. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Meeting
of the American Psychological Society in Washington DC.
McCarthy, J. A., Piotrowski, C. C., Warda, L., & Briggs, G. (June 5-7 2013). Child injuries at home &
the quality of sibling relationships. Poster presented at the 2013 National Meeting of Safe States Alliance
and SAVIR in Baltimore MD.
Updated October 2014
Weavers, M., & Piotrowski, C. C. (June 6-9 2013). Combat trauma and intimate partner
relationships: A theoretical review & critical analysis. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the
European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies in Bologna Italy.
Cormier, F., Taillieu, T., Warda, L., Piotrowski, C. C., Pankratz, C. & Briggs, G. (October 4, 2012).
Booster seat promotion in Winnipeg: Evaluation of a three year campaign. Poster presented at the Manitoba
Institute of Child Health Research Day, Winnipeg MB.
Taillieu, T., Warda, L., Piotrowski, C. C., & Pankratz, C. (October 4, 2012). Factors influencing
booster seat use and non-use among parents of 4 to 8-year-old children in Winnipeg Manitoba. Poster
presented at the Manitoba Institute of Child Health Research Day, Winnipeg MB.
Piotrowski, C. C. (September 11, 2012). Siblings exposed to intimate partner violence: Linking
sibling relationship quality and child adjustment problems. In C. C. Piotrowski & S. Graham-Bermann (Cochairs), The Effects of Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence on Children. Paper presented at the 14th
Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Istanbul
Piotrowski, C. C. & Graham-Bermann, S. (September 11, 2012). The effects of exposure to intimate
partner violence on children. Symposium presented at the 14th Biennial Meeting of the International Society
for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Istanbul Turkey.
Correale, H., Clark, E., Piotrowski, C. C., Warda, L., and the Auto21 Child Passenger Safety Research
Group. (November, 2011). Factors influencing parents’ correct and consistent use of booster seats: the British
Columbia and Manitoba experience. Paper presented at the 2011 Canadian Injury Prevention and Safety
Promotion Conference, Vancouver BC.
Piotrowski, C. C., McCarthy, J. A., Warda, L., Briggs, G., & Tenenbein, M. (November, 2011). Schoolaged child injuries at home: links with sibling relationship quality. Paper presented at the 2011 Canadian
Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, Vancouver BC.
Hayward, J., Warda, L., Pankratz, C., & Piotrowski, C. C. (November, 2011). Reasons for the use and
non-use of booster seats in Winnipeg. Poster presented at the 2011 Canadian Injury Prevention and Safety
Promotion Conference, Vancouver BC.
Warda, L., Piotrowski, C. C., Pankratz, C. & Briggs, G. (November, 2011). Booster seat prescriptions
as a communication tool for parents and health professionals. Paper presented at the 2011 Canadian Injury
Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, Vancouver BC.
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