
Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Brenda Elias
Associate Professor
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences
College of Medicine
Department of Community Health Sciences
Room 101D, Medical Services Building
750 Bannatyne Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3E 0W2
Phone: 204-789-3358
Fax: 204-975-7783
Email: [email protected]
Biography (Short):
Dr. Elias is an Associate Professor in Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba,
and former co-director and founding member of the Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal
Health Research. Currently, she is the Director of the CHS Bold Ideas Colloquium Series. Her
research interests under population and public health include gender health, mental health,
cancer, social determinants and risk, health info-structures, Indigenous and interdisciplinary
health research, and research ethics. She conducts multilevel quantitative and mixedmethod studies into the social, cultural, biological, economic, political and historical determinants
of health. Dr. Elias is a strong advocate of team collaborations, and has contributed as a principal,
co-principal and co-investigator to over 44 grants exceeding $20 million.
Dr. Elias is a research affiliate with the U of Manitoba Centre for Human Rights Research (CHRR)
and is working with like-minded colleagues to advance health rights of populations. She has
initiated and led three noteworthy national CIHR grants to understand through novel data linkage
approaches the determinants of health disparities in First Nations communities. Dr. Elias also
developed a health disparity research program that involved linking the federal Indian Registry
System to the Province of Manitoba health and social administrative databases (affiliated with
Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and CancerCare Manitoba) to make transparent the gap in
reporting of the health of indigenous populations in Manitoba and Canada. She is a longstanding
member of the International Group for Indigenous Health Measurement and is working with
academic and government researchers from Canada, the United States, New Zealand and Australia
to liberate health and social information for Indigenous people worldwide in keeping with the
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. She is also a founding member of
the newly created Canadian Indigenous Research Network Against Cancer.
Dr. Elias, in her affiliation with Regenerative Medicine, is the lead investigator of "Translating to the
Community: A social epigenetic nutritional study of FASD". This CIHR and Manitoba provincial
government MLLC funded study is linked to an international FASD consortium that is developing an
early diagnostic biomarker tool for FASD and associated co-morbidities. This study is framed to
advance the rights of children and adults living with FASD. Complimenting this study is a research
group she leads to advance dignity for those with neurodevelopmental disorders like FASD. In addition,
Dr. Elias is a member of the CHRR water rights research consortium and ha s collaborated with
University of Manitoba researchers to secure national funding from CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC to
advance First Nations water rights in Canada. As well, Dr. Elias is a founding member and for director
of the Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research. In the Department of Community
Health Sciences, she teaches Core Concepts in Public Health, Health Survey Research Methods and the
Social Organization of Health.
Ph.D., University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, The
influence of the social environment on the health of Manitoba First Nations communities, 2004
Masters of Arts (Specialized in Sociology of Law and City Planning), University of Manitoba,
Department of Sociology, 1991
Bachelors of Arts Honours (Specialized in Sociology of Law), University of Manitoba, Department
of Sociology, 1985
Academic and Research Appointments:
Associate Professor (Tenured), University of Manitoba, Faculty of Health Sciences, College of
Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences (Current).
Assistant Professor (Tenured), University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of
Community Health Sciences, July 2006 – March 29th 2015.
Director, Bold Ideas Colloquium Series, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Health Sciences, College
of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences (July 1, 2015 – Current)
Visiting Academic Scholar, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, December 521, 2014.
Visiting Academic Scholar, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia,
October-December 2013.
Visiting Academic Scholar, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Government of Australia,
Canberra, ACT, Australia, October 2013.
Visiting Academic Scholar, Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin/Brisbane, Australia,
October-November 2013.
Visiting Academic Scholar, New South Wales Cancer Council (Research Division), Sydney, New
South Wales, Australia, March 2012.
Co-Director, Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, University of Manitoba,
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, 2007–2011.
Visiting Academic Scholar, New South Wales Cancer Council (Research Division), Sydney, Australia,
March 2009.
Assistant Professor (nil), University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community
Health Sciences, July 2004 – July 2006.
Research Affiliate, Centre for Human Rights Research, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences, 2011-Current.
Research Affiliate, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences, 2009-Current.
Research Affiliate, Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, University of
Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, 2006-2011.
Associate Director (Research), Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research,
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, 2001 –
Jan 2006.
Acting Director, Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, University of
Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, November 1, 2001 to
March 1, 2002
Acting Director, Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, University of
Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, August 2001.
Research Associate, Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research (formerly
Northern Health Research Unit), University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of
Community Health Sciences, January 5, 1993 to October 31, 2001
Academic Teaching
Instructor, Core Concepts of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences (Half Term) (Offered every year; Assumed course in
2015, revised course for fall offering)
Instructor, Social Organization of Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences (Half Term) (Initiated 2008, Offered every odd year)
Instructor, Health Survey Research Methods, Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences, (Half Term) (Initiated 2007, Offered every even year)
Session leader, Med 1, Health Equity Stream, September 2015 – December 2015
Co-Lead and Lecturer, Med III, Block Four, Scholarship in Medicine Academic Half Day, What
drives change in population and public health? February 2014 – July 2014
Invited Instructor, Faculty of Law, Critical Conversation in Water and First Nations, Sponsored by
the Centre for Human Rights Research, University of Manitoba, 2012-2013 (March 25th)
Supervisor, Multiple specialty rotation in the Department of Community Health Sciences, Class
2010, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, January – February 2013
Session Leader, Social Determinants of Health, University of Manitoba, Department of Community
Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program, December 2012
Invited Instructor, Engagement, guided by the field, Summer Institute on Interdisciplinary
Indigenous Health and Wellness Research (CIHR funded), Western University, London, Ontario,
June 16-19, 2012
Session Leader, Social Determinants of Health, University of Manitoba, Department of Community
Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program, December 2011
Invited Lecturer, Health Survey Research Methods, Manitoba Institute of Children’s Health
Research, December 2011
Tutorial Leader, Population health and Medicine Course, Applying Research Design, University of
Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship
Program, September 2010
Supervisor, Multiple specialty rotation in the Department of Community Health Sciences, Class
2010, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, June – August 2010
Session Leader, Social Determinants of Health, University of Manitoba, Department of Community
Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program, January 2010
Supervisor, Multiple specialty rotation in the Department of Community Health Sciences, Class
2009, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, June – July 2009
Invited Instructor, Infectious Diseases in the Canadian Aboriginal Communities, Summer Institute
in Infectious Diseases III: Impact of Infectious Diseases on Local and Global Investment and
Development" (SIIDIII), Co-sponsored by a University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg
Partnership, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, June 2009.
Tutorial Leader, Population health and Medicine Course, Applying Research Design, University of
Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship
Program, September 2009
Supervisor, Multiple specialty rotation in the Department of Community Health Sciences, Class
2008, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, June – July 2008
Resource Contact, Multiple specialty rotation in the Department of Community Health Sciences,
Class 2008, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, August - September 2008
Tutorial Leader, Population health and Medicine Course, Applying Research Design, University of
Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship
Program, September 2008
Tutorial Leader, Population health and Medicine Course, Health Policy - Applying the concepts,
University of Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate
Medicine Clerkship Program, October 2008
Tutorial Leader, Population health and Medicine Course, Health Policy - Applying the concepts,
University of Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate
Medicine Clerkship Program, October 2007
Tutorial Leader, Population health and Medicine Course, Applying Research Design, University of
Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship
Program, September 2007
Invited Lecturer, John Hopkins Indigenous Summer Institute, John Hopkins School of Public Health,
July 2007
Supervisor, Multiple specialty rotation in the Department of Community Health Sciences, Class
2007, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, June – July 2007.
Invited Lecturer, Critical Public Health, Aboriginal frameworks in public health, University of
Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Graduate Program, January 2007
Invited Lecturer, Topics in Health Services Research - Meeting Manitoba First Nations Needs: A
Health and Social Information System Research Program, University of Manitoba, Department of
Community Health Sciences Graduate Program, November 2006
Invited Lecturer, Special Topics I in Aboriginal Health, University of Manitoba, Department of
Community Health Sciences Graduate Program, October 2006
Invited Lecturer, Special Topics II in Aboriginal Health, University of Manitoba, Department of
Community Health Sciences Graduate Program, October 2006
Invited Speaker, Building a First Nations Health Info-Structure: Linking research to policy and
practice, CIHR Summer Institute - Using population-based health and health services data for
research: challenges and opportunities in an intersectoral environment, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June
20, 2006.
Panelist, Women in Science Session in Women, Science and Technology, University of Manitoba,
Faculty of Arts, Women’s Studies, February 2006.
Instructor, Social determinants of Aboriginal youth’s health (Reading Course), University of
Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Graduate Program, January – April 2006
Instructor, Theoretical Re-Framing of Aboriginal Women’s Health (Reading Course), University of
Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Graduate Program, September – December
Supervisor, Multiple specialty rotation in the Department of Community Health Sciences, Class
2006, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, June – August 2005.
Invited Instructor, Impacts of Infectious diseases on Aboriginal communities, Summer Institute on
Infectious Diseases, Summer Institute in Infectious Diseases II, Co-sponsored by University of
Manitoba and University of Winnipeg Partnership, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada, June 2005
Invited Lecturer, Aboriginal Health, University of Manitoba, Department of Community Health
Sciences Graduate Program, October 2004
Tutorial Leader, Applying Research Design, University of Manitoba, Department of Community
Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program, September 2004
Instructor, Cultural Issues in Medicine, Minor Clerkship in Community Health Policy, University of
Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Community/Family
Medicine Clerkship Program, January 2004 - August 2004.
Instructor, Cultural Issues in Medicine, Minor Clerkship in Community Health Policy, University of
Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Community/Family
Medicine Clerkship Program, January 2003 - December 2003.
Instructor, Cultural Issues in Medicine, Minor Clerkship in Community Health Policy, University of
Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Community/Family
Medicine Clerkship Program, March 2002 - November 2002.
Tutorial Leader, Determinants of Health, University of Manitoba, Department of Community
Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program, September 2002.
Tutorial Leader, Burden of Illness, University of Manitoba, Department of Community Health
Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program, September 2002.
Instructor, Cultural Issues in Medicine, Minor Clerkship in Community Health Policy, University of
Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Community/Family
Medicine Clerkship Program, November 2001 - March 2002.
Tutorial Leader, Determinants of Health, University of Manitoba, Department of Community
Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program, September 2001.
Academic Liaison to Proctor, Minor Clerkship in Community Health Policy, University of Manitoba,
Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program,
February – March 2001
Invited Lecturer, Aboriginal Health Survey, Research Methods in Health Care – Graduate Seminar,
University of Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences, November 2000
Supervisor/Proctor, Minor Clerkship in Community Health Policy, University of Manitoba,
Department of Community Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program,
November - December 2000
Instructor, Cultural Issues in Medicine, University of Manitoba, Department of Community Health
Sciences Link – Undergraduate Community Health/Family Medicine Clerkship Program,
November 2000.
Invited Lecturer, Pathologizing Discourses in Aboriginal Health Research – Undergraduate Course,
University of Manitoba, Department of Native Studies, October 2000
Invited Lecturer, Aboriginal Health, Self Government, and Health Information – Undergraduate
Course, Red River Community College, Nursing Program, October 2000
Tutorial Leader, Determinants of Health, University of Manitoba, Department of Community
Health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program, September 2000
Tutorial Leader, Measuring the Burden of Illness, University of Manitoba, Department of
Community health Sciences Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program, August 2000
Tutorial Leader, Global Perspectives on Health – The Global Burden of Disease, Armed Conflict,
and Maternal to Child Transmission of HIV Infection, University of Manitoba, Community Health
Science Link - Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program, November 1998
Tutorial Leader, Cross Cultural Communication in Medicine, University of Manitoba, Community
Health Science Link – Undergraduate Medicine Clerkship Program, September 1998.
Tutorial Leader, First Nation Population Health Summer Institute. University of Manitoba,
Department of Community Health Sciences, Northern Health Research Unit, 1997-1999
Student Supervision and Thesis Committees:
Current Doctoral
1. Rae Spiwak, Ph.D. in Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, (Sept 2009 –
Current), Thesis Advisor
2. Tomi Adelani, Masters of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba (Sept 2016 –
Current), Thesis Advisor
Current Masters
1. Jackie Gruber, Master’s of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Manitoba, Thesis Advisor
2. Jessica Erynne Sjoblom, Master’s of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba
(September 2013 – Current), Thesis Advisor
3. Pamela Skrabek, Masters of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba
(September 2011 - Current), Thesis Co-Advisor
4. Oleg Chopyk, Master of Social Work, University of Manitoba, (September 2014-Current),
Thesis External Member
5. Completed Masters
1. Christopher Andrew Basham, Masters of Community Health Sciences, University of
Manitoba (Sept 2010 – February 2016), Thesis Advisor
2. Jane McSwiggon, Masters of Occupational and Physical Therapy, University of Manitoba
(March 2011 – 2014), Thesis External member
3. Nadine Tonn, Masters of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba (Jan 2008 –
December 2011), Thesis Advisor
4. Rhonda Campbell, Masters of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba (Sept
2004 – August 2010), Thesis Advisor
5. Natalie Mota, Masters of Arts (Psychology), University of Manitoba (May 2008 – August
2009), Thesis Committee Member (Thesis External Member)
6. Shay-Lee Belik, Masters of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, Department
of Community Health Sciences, A comparison of the prevalence and risk factors of suicidal
ideation and suicide attempts in American Indian and general population samples, (Sept
2006 – August 2008), Thesis Committee Member (Thesis Internal Member).
7. Vanessa Perry, Master of Science, Dalhousie University, Department of Community Health
& Epidemiology (April 2010), An Analysis of Social Support and the Health of the Nova
Scotia Mi’kmaq Population, (Thesis External).
Completed Doctoral
1. Moni Fricke, Ph.D. in Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba (January 2010 –
February 2016, Thesis Advisor
2. Shay Lee Bolton (nee Belik), Ph.D. in Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba,
(Sept 2008 – October 2015), Thesis Advisor
3. Megan Williams, Ph.D. in School of Public Health and Community Medicine (February
2015), (Thesis External).
4. Heike Schütze, Ph.D. in School of Public Health and Community Medicine (December 2014),
University of New South Wales (Australia), (Thesis External).
5. Rachelle Arkles, Ph.D. in School of Public Health and Community Medicine (December
2014), University of New South Wales (Australia), (Thesis External).
Grants Awarded:
Current Awards:
Co-Investigator, (2016-2019), NPI Mariette Chartier (University of Manitoba, Department of
Community Health Sciences), PAX-Good Behavior Game in First Nations Communities: Enhancing
and Adapting a School-Based Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention Strategy, Canadian
Institute of Health Research, $673,777
Principal Investigator (2016), Taking Action: Canadian Indigenous Network Against Cancer,
Canadian Institute of Health Research (Planning Grant), $12,000
Co-Investigator, (2014-2017), NPI Mariette Chartier (University of Manitoba, Department of
Community Health Sciences), PAX-Good Behavior Game in First Nations Communities: Enhancing
and Adapting a School-Based Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention Strategy, Canadian
Institute of Health Research (Expression of Interest).
Principal Investigator (2014-2017), Translating to the Community: Nutrition and its role in the
social epigenetics of FASD, Province of Manitoba, Manitoba Liquor Control Commission $225,000
Principal Investigator (2013-2019), Translating to the Community: Social Epigenetic Study of
FASD: $270,000 over 5 years. NPI: Jim Davies, Discovering the epigenetic signatures associated
with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, Canadian Institute of Health Research $1,370,000.
Co-Investigator, (2014-2017), NPI Sarvesh Logsetty (University of Manitoba, Department of
Surgery), Creation of a Canadian Burn Care Network, Canadian Institute of Health Research
Co-Investigator, (2013-2019), H2O Create Program for water and sanitation security in First
Nations, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada $1,650,000
Co-Investigator (Co-Lead (2013-2016), The right to clean water in First Nations: The most
precious gift, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Partnership/Insight) $200,000
Associate Investigator (2012-2017), Australian Centre for Discovering Indigenous Strategies to
Improve Cancer Outcomes Via Education and Research Translation and Training, Australian
National Health and Research Council $2,500,000
Past Awards:
Co-Investigator (2012-2013), Pilot study for food and nutrition intake trend in the First Nation’s
Communities, Canada Israel FASD Consortium, University of Manitoba $50,000
Co-Principal Investigator (2012-2014), Culturally grounded suicide intervention in Cree Nation
communities, Canadian Institutes of Health Research/Manitoba Health Research Council $450,000
Co-Principal Investigator (2010-2012, 2013), Manitoba Network for Aboriginal Health Research,
Canadian Institutes of Health Research $970,000
Principal Investigator (2007-2012; Extension 2013-2014/5), Access to quality cancer control and
care for Manitoba’s First Nations population: Identifying issues, reducing risk, and ensuring equitable
access, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $1,495,213
Principal Investigator (2006-2011; 2012-2013 Extension; 2013-2014 extension), Manitoba First
Nations Health Report Card: A collaborative network project to understand health disparities,
Canadian Institutes of Health Research $778,110
Co-Principal Investigator, (2011-2012, 2013 extension), Use of services by First Nations children
with FASD, Canadian Foundation on Fetal Alcohol Research $60,000
Co-investigator (Awarded 2010, Extended 2012), The burden of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic
autoimmune rheumatic disease in Manitoba First Nations people: A pilot study, Health Sciences
Research Foundation $35,000
Co-Investigator, (2009-2013), Research Demonstration Project in Homelessness and Mental Health
(Winnipeg) (Sub – project), Mental Health Commission of Canada $3,750,000
Co-Investigator (2008-2013), Early identification of rheumatoid Arthritis in First Nations, Canadian
Institutes of Health Research $900,740
Co-Investigator (2010-2012), Consequences of Suicide Bereavement: A population-based study in
Manitoba, Canadian Institutes for Health Research $137,296
Co-Investigator (2010-2012), Culturally Based, Family Centered Mental Health Promotion for
Aboriginal Youth, Public Health Agency of Canada (Mb Component) $136,000
Co-Investigator (2009-2012), Unravelling the disability trajectory of First Nations families of
children with disabilities: Advancing Jordan's Principle, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Co-Investigator (2012), Celebrating Indigenous Research Workshop, PRE/SSHRC $25,500
Principal Investigator (2012), Cherishing water, claiming health: A planning symposium on water as
a holistic health right, Workshop Planning Grant, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $25,000
Co-Investigator (2012), Rheumatoid arthritis in First Nations: defining the road toward disease
prevention, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $25,000
Co-Investigator (2012), Capacity building for knowledge exchange in rheumatoid arthritis detection
and prevention studies at First Nations communities, Canadian Initiative for Outcomes in
Rheumatology Care (CIORA) $60,000
Co-Investigator (2011-2012), Development of a research program to utilize administrative data to
study health status and health services among the Indigenous population of the Cauca region of
Colombia, Manitoba NEAHR (University of Manitoba) $25,000
Co-Investigator, (2011-2012), FASD and First Nations, Canada-Israel FASD Consortium, Manitoba
Health and University of Manitoba $15,000
Co-Investigator (2011-2012), Multimedia Consent: Initiative to support the FASD consortium,
Canada-Israel FASD Consortium, Manitoba Health and University of Manitoba $30,000
Co-Investigator (2011-2012), Immunopathogenesis in Aboriginal children with type 2 diabetes, The
Dr. Paul H.T. Thorlakson Foundation Fund $25,000
Co-Investigator (2010-2012), National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research, Canadian
Institutes of Health Research $967,960
Principal Investigator (2011), Kalinago Community Health Assessment (Dominica, Eastern
Caribbean), Internal Funding (Elias) $11,000
Co-Principal Investigator (2009 – 2012) Manitoba Network Environment for Aboriginal Health
Research (MNEAHR), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (renewal) $1,800,000
Co-Principal Investigator (2007-2012) From risk factors to cultural sensitive intervention: A
programmatic approach to Aboriginal suicide, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $1,340,000
Principal Investigator (2006-2011), The social environment and health of First Nations women and
men, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $419,745
Co-investigator (2010), Resetting the clock: Modifying the Biological Late Effects of Pediatric and
Adolescent Cancer Treatments: Prevention and Mitigation, Canadian Institutes for Health
Research Letter of Intent $5,000
Co-Investigator (2009 - 2010), Improving the Capacity of Cree Community Members to Recognize
Youth at risk for Suicide: A Culturally Grounded Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Royal Bank of
Canada $20,000
Co-Investigator (2009-2010), Describing service and treatment needs of children and adolescents in
the child welfare system - their morbidity and mortality, Health Sciences Research
Foundation/Winnipeg Foundation $33,900
Co-Investigator (2007-2010), Comparing rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease by
serology, gene studies and ethnicity: Using commonalities and differences to develop etiologic
hypotheses, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $969,315
Co-Principal Investigator (2007-2010), Treatment of DMARD Naïve patients with poor prognosis
rheumatoid arthritis using Rituximab: A pilot study evaluating synovial outcomes, Canadian
Arthritis Network (CAN) $150,000
Tri-Country Principal Investigator (2009), Towards an evidence-informed clinical and indigenous
knowledge translation intervention to address co-morbidity disparities in indigenous cancer
outcomes, Health Research Council of New Zealand, Australian Government National Health and
Medical Research Council, and Canadian Institutes of Health Research - International Collaborative
Indigenous Health Research Partnership Grant (ICIHRP) Expression of Interest $15,000
Co-Principal Investigator (2009), International Symposium on Rheumatoid Arthritis in Indigenous
People: Molecules to Communities, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $25,000
Co-Investigator (2008-2009), Implementing and evaluating a knowledge translation framework
using Metis specific health information to adapt Manitoba’s health programs and services to better
meet Metis need, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $200,555
Co-Principal Investigator (2005-2008), Early Identification of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Canadian
First Nations, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $492,000
Co-Investigator (2008), Interactive and adaptive exercise and educational gaming therapy system
for intervention of children with neuro-developmental disorders, Letter of Intent Development Grant,
Canadian Institutes of Health Research $10,000
Co-Investigator (2008), Unravelling the disability trajectory of First Nations families of children with
disabilities: Advancing Jordan's Principle, Letter of Intent Development Grant, Canadian Institutes
of Health Research $10,000
Co-Investigator (2008), National Centre for Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Research (LOI), Canadian
Institutes of Health Research $10,000
Principal Investigator (2007 Contract), Proposal development for the First Nations and Inuit
Regional longitudinal Health Survey, Assembly of First Nations, Ottawa $5,000
Co-Investigator (2006), Determinants of rheumatoid arthritis risk and outcome in pediatric, adult
and First Nation population, Letter of Intent, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $10,000
Collaborator (2006), Intercultural Health in Colombia, South America, University of Manitoba
Internal Grant $15,000
Principal Investigator (2006), (Development Grant), Access to quality cancer care for Manitoba’s
First Nations and non-First Nations population: Identifying issues, reducing risk, and ensuring
equitable access, Letter of Intent Development Grant, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigator (2004-2006), Knowledge translation and the Manitoba First Nations Regional
Longitudinal Health Survey: Generating evidence based decision making within complex health
jurisdictions. Health Canada, National Aboriginal Health Organization and the Assembly of
Manitoba Chiefs $175,000
Principal Investigator (2004-2005), (Canadian Research Program), Indigeneity, Resilience and Best
Outcomes for Health, International Collaborative Indigenous Health Research Partnership
Expression of Interest Grant, Tripartite Cooperation Agreement between the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research (CIHR), Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC NZ) and the National
Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC) $45,000
Principal Investigator (2004-2005), Pilot Test of the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative Client
Satisfaction Survey, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada $48,682
Co-Principal Investigator (2004-2005), CAHR Knowledge Translation Research Program, Institute
of Aboriginal Peoples’ Research, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $25,000
Co-Principal Investigator (2004-2005), Métis Health: Analysis of the Métis Supplement of the
Aboriginal Peoples Survey, CAHR-ACADRE Research Funding Program $50,000
Co-Investigator (2004-2005), Collaborative Work Concerning Research Ethics and Aboriginal
Peoples, Institute of Aboriginal Peoples’ Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $30,000
Co-Investigator (2004-2005), National Evaluation of FNIHB Health Transfer Program, Government
of Canada, Health Canada $450,000
Co-Investigator (2004-2007), CAHR Aboriginal Capacity and Developmental Research Environments,
Institute of Aboriginal People’s Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $1.3 Million
Principal Investigator (2001-2005), Manitoba First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey,
National Aboriginal Health Organization and Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs $630,000
Co-Investigator (2003-2004), Indigenous Women, Inequality and Health, Canadian Institutes of
Health Research/Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council $100,000
Principal Investigator (2002), Second Report on the National Gathering of Graduate Students,
Institute of Aboriginal Peoples’ Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $4,000
Principal Investigator (2001), Report on the Inaugural National Gathering of Graduate Students,
Institute of Aboriginal Peoples’ Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $2,500
Principal-Investigator (2000-2001), Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy Household
Disability Survey, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs-Human Resources Development Canada Bilateral
Partnership Agreement $27,750
Principal Investigator (1998-2000), Gender and Determinants of Health in Manitoba First Nations
Communities, Prairie Women’s Health Centre of Excellence $15,000
Principal Investigator (1994-1995), A Study into the Social, Cultural, and Disciplinary
Understanding of Risk Perception and Risk Acceptability of the Contaminants in the Canadian Arctic,
Arctic Environmental Strategy, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs $56,000
Grants (Research Associate Status):
Project Director/Research Associate (2001-2006), National Aboriginal Health Survey Support
Program, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $1.5 Million
Research Associate (2000 – 2004), Health Transfer in Manitoba First Nations, Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council and Canadian Institutes of Health Research $1.5 Million
Project Director/Research Associate (2000-2003), Why are some Manitoba First Nation people
healthy and others are not?, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council $200,000
Research Associate (1997-2000), Making health research relevant to the needs of First Nations,
National Health Research Development Program $250,000
Research Associate (1997-1998), First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey national core
content database, First Nations and Inuit National Regional Steering Committee – Health Canada,
Medical Services Branch $26,750
Research Associate (1996-1998), Manitoba First Nations Regional Health Survey, First Nations and
Inuit National Regional Steering Committee – Health Canada, Medical Services Branch $310,000
Research Associate (1995-1998), Culture and ethics in decision-making involving Aboriginal renal
patients and caregivers, Social Science and Humanities Research Council $108,000
Research Associate (1995), Monitoring the health impact of uranium mining developments in
northern Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Health $37,000
Research Associate (1994-1998), Inuit cultural perceptions of environmental health risks, EcoResearch Tri-Council Secretariat $124,000
Research Associate (1992-1996), A study of the social and cultural construction of risks in
aboriginal communities, National Health and Research Development Program $295,470
Academic and Research Distinctions and Awards
New Investigator Award 2006-2011, The social environment and the health of First Nations women
and men, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $250,000
Gerry McDole Research Fellowship Award 2006-2007, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences $25,000
Gerry McDole Research Fellowship Award 2005-2006, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences $25,000
University of Manitoba 20 Year Service Award 2006 Nil $
Ph.D. Fellowship Training Award 1998 – 2001, Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the
National Health and Research Development Program $54,000
Student Travel Award 1991, Joint International Meetings of the I.S.A. Research Committee on
Sociology of Law (Amsterdam, Netherlands) John and Catherine McArthur Foundation
Student Travel Award 1991, Joint International Meetings of the I.S.A. Research Committee on
Sociology of Law (Amsterdam, Netherlands) University of Manitoba $1,000
Supervised Student Awards:
Shay-Lee Bolten (nee Belik), Doctoral Student, CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada
Graduate Scholarship/Doctoral Research Award, 2008-2011 $90,000
Shay-Lee Bolten (nee Belik), Doctoral Student, Manitoba Medical Services Foundation (Research
excellence in completion of Master’s degree), June 2009 $1000
Shay-Lee Bolten (nee Belik), Doctoral Student, Career Development Travel Award, Anxiety
Disorders Association of America, January 200 $750
Shay-Lee Bolten (Belik, Doctoral Student, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Travel Award, November 2008 $500
Shay-Lee Bolten (Belik), Doctoral Student, Travel Award, Community Medicine Education and
Research Fund, Manitoba Medical College Foundation Inc. October 2008 $500
Shay-Lee Bolten (Belik), Doctoral Student, Faculty of Graduate Studies Cost Sharing Top-up
Program Contribution, Sep 2008 – Aug 2009 $10,000
Shay-Lee Bolten (Belik), Doctoral Student, Deer Lodge Personal Award, Manitoba Medical College
Foundation Inc, June 2008 $1,000
Shay-Lee Bolten (Belik), Doctoral Student, Aboriginal Capacity and Development Research
Environments (ACADRE) Graduate Fellowship Sep 2008 – Jan 2009 (declined) $10,000
Shay-Lee Bolten (Belik), Doctoral Student, Manitoba Health Research Council Studentship Sep
2008 – Aug 2009 (declined) $17,850
Shay-Lee Bolten (Belik), Doctoral Student, National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health
Research Graduate Scholarship Sep 2008 – Aug 2009 (declined) $21,000
Rae Spiwak, Doctoral Student, Community Health Sciences, Manitoba Health Research Council,
Sept 2012– Aug 2013 $17,850
Rae Spiwak, Doctoral Student, Community Health Sciences, Evelyn Shapiro Award for Health
Services Research, Sept 2011– Aug 2012 $5,000
Rae Spiwak, Doctoral Student, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Top Up Award, Sept
2011– Aug 2012 $3,000
Rae Spiwak, Doctoral Student, Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba Department of
Community Health Sciences Top Up Award, Sept 2011– Aug 2012 $3,000
Rae Spiwak, Doctoral Student, Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba Faculty of
Medicine Top Up Award, Sept 2010– Aug 2011 $3,000
Rae Spiwak, Doctoral Student, Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba Faculty of
Graduate Studies Top Up Award, Sept 2010– Aug 2011 $3,500
Rae Spiwak, Doctoral Student, Community Health Sciences, SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier
Canadian Doctoral Research Award, Sept 2009– Aug 2012 $105,000
Rae Spiwak, Doctoral Student, Community Health Sciences, Western Regional Training Program
Awards, Sept 2009 – Aug 2010 $10,000
Rae Spiwak, Doctoral Student, Community Health Sciences, Institute of Gender and Health
Summer Institute Competition Award, July 2010 (Non-monetary)
Moni Fricke, Doctoral Student, Health Canada Interprofessional Education Research Student
Scholarship, September 2011-August 2012 $10,000
Moni Fricke, Doctoral Student, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Graduate Studies Top-Up Award,
Jessica Slobjan, Master’s Community Health Sciences, CIHR IMPART research training program
fellowship, Sept 2014 – August 2015 $18,000
Jessica Slobjan, Master’s Community Health Sciences, Western Regional Training Program Award,
Sept 2013 – August 2014 $17,850
Jessica Slobjan, Master’s Community Health Sciences, CIHR-NEAHR Award, Sept 2013 – August
2014 $2,500
Elizabeth Wall-Weiler, Master’s Community Health Sciences, Western Regional Training Program
Award, Sept 2012 – August 2013 $17,850
Christopher Andrew Basham, Master’s Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba,
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences Travel Award, November 2011
Christopher Andrew Basham, Master’s Community Health Sciences, International Union Against
Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Travel Grant, November 2011 $500
Christopher Andrew Basham, Master’s Community Health Sciences, Manitoba Health Research
Council Award, Sept 2011 – August 2012 $12,000
Christopher Andrew Basham, Master’s Community Health Sciences, Western Regional Training
Program Award, Sept 2010 – August 2011 $17,500
Christopher Andrew Basham, Master’s Community Health Sciences, MB-NEAHR Training Award
(Top-up funding), Sept 2010 – August 2011 $5,000
Muhammad Hag, Master’s Community Health Sciences, Western Regional Training Program
Award, Sept 2009 – Aug 2010 $12,000
Natalie Mota, Master’s of Arts (Psychology), SSHRC Graduate Student Award, Sept 2008 – August
2009 $20,000
Rhonda Campbell, Master’s Community Health Sciences, ACADRE-CIHR Graduate Fellowship, Sept
2005 – Aug 2008 $40,000
Gabriela Montes, Bachelors of Science, MB-NEAHR Internship, July – August 2009 $5,000
Gabriela Montes, Bachelors of Science, ACADRE-CIHR Internship, July – August 2008 $5,000
Publications (in development and published)
Published Peer Reviewed Papers/Chapters/Abstracts:
1. Hitchon C, Khan S, ELIAS B, Katz A, Peschken C. Increased Mortality in Indigenous North
Americans Persons with Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Partially Explained By Psychiatric and Physical
Comorbidity: A Population Based Study, Arthritis & Rheumatology, Supplement, 2015.
2. ELIAS B, Busby K, Martens P. One little, too little: Counting Canada's Indigenous people for
improved health reporting. Social Science & Medicine, 2015, Vol. 138, 179-86.
3. Demers AA, Decker K, Kliewer EV, Musto G, Shu E, Biswanger N, Fradette K, ELIAS B, Griffith
J, Turner D, Mammography rates for breast Cancer screening: a comparison of First Nations
and all other women living in Manitoba (Canada), Prevention and Chronic Disease, 2015
May 28; 12-E82. Doi 10.5888/pcd12.140571.
4. Decker K, Demers A, Biswanger N, Musto G, Kliewer EV, ELIAS B, Griffeth, J, Turner D, Pap
test use and cervical cancer incidence in First Nations women living in Manitoba, Cancer
prevention research, 2015 January, 8(1): 49-55. DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-14-0277
5. ELIAS B, Moving beyond the historical quagmire of measuring infant mortality for the First
Nations population in Canada, Social Science and Medicine, 2014, Vol. 123: 125-132.
6. Hitchon CA, Khan, S, ELIAS B, El-Gabalawy HS, Katz A, Peschken CA “First Nations persons
have an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis with an early onset age but are seen
less frequently by rheumatologists: A population based study”. Arthritis Rheum Vol. 66 (11)
November 2014 (supplement), S888.
7. Decker K, Demers A, Kliewer EV, Musto G, Shu E, Biswanger N, ELIAS B, Griffith J, Turner D,
Colorectal cancer screening in First Nations people living Manitoba, Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers & Prevention, Published Online First October 21, 2014; doi: 10.1158/10559965.EPI-14-1008
8. ELIAS B, Hart L, Martens P, “Just get on with it”: Linking data systems to report on infant
mortality and the First Nations population in Manitoba (Canada), Statistical Journal of the
International Association of Official Statistics, 2014, 30(3):285-295, DOI 10.3233/SJI140827. Paper has also been selected by the Journal to highlight at the World Congress of
Statistics 2015, Special Forum on Indigenous Peoples – Using statistics to document human
rights violations.
9. Minuk LS, Govia R, Heaman M, Morris ML, Ludwig S, Woo VC, Oleschuk C, Hanson S, ELIAS
B,Taback SP, Diabetes in pregnancy: National guideline feasibility in local at-risk
populations, Can J Diabetes. 2013 Oct; 37S4:S83. doi: 10.1016/j.jcjd.2013.08.255.
10. Bolten SL, ELIAS B, Enns MW, Beals J, Sareen J, Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team, AISUPERPFP Team, A Comparison of the prevalence and risk factors of suicidal ideation and
suicide attempts in American Indian and general population samples, Transcultural
Psychiatry (Epub ahead of print, October 2013; DOI: 10.1177/1363461513502574), pp 120
11. Shafer LA, Jeffrey I, ELIAS B, Shearer B, Canfell K, Kliewer E, Quantifying the impact of
dissimilar HPV vaccination uptake among Manitoban school girls by ethnicity using a
transmission dynamic model. Vaccine. 2013 Oct 1;31(42):4848-55. doi:
10.1016/j.vaccine.2013.07.073. Epub 2013 Aug 9.
12. Sareen J, Isaak C, Bolten SL, Enns MW, ELIAS B, Deane F, Munro G, Stein MB, Chateau D,
Gould M, Katz LY, Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention in First Nations
Communities: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Depression and Anxiety (Epub ahead of print,
June 12 2013; DOI 10.1002/da.22141).
13. Leslie WD, Brennan SL, Prior HJ, Lix LM, Metge C, ELIAS B, The contributions of First
Nations ethnicity, income, and delays in surgery on mortality post-fracture: A population
based analysis, Osteoporosis International. July 2012, DOI 10.1007/s00198-012-2099-2.
14. Spiwak R, ELIAS B, Martens PJ, Bolton JM, Sarren J, Suicide policy in Canada: Lessons from
history, Canadian Public Health Journal. 2012 Jul 18; 103(5):e338-41. PMID: 23617984
15. ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Hart L, Chartrand C, Martens P. Diabetes and income inequality
among Manitoba Canada First Nations Adults, Am J Epidemiol. 2012;175(11 Suppl): S109.
16. ELIAS B, Mignone J, Hall M, Hong S, Hart L, Sareen J, Trauma and suicide behaviour
histories among a Canadian indigenous population: An empirical exploration of the
potential role of Canada’s residential school system, Social Science and Medicine (Epub
ahead of print, March 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.01.026)
17. Spiwak R, Sareen J, ELIAS B, Martens P, Munro G, Bolton, J, Complicated grief in Aboriginal
Populations, (Book Chapter), Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 53 (In Press January 2012).
18. Murdoch TB, Bernstein CN, El-Gabalawy E, Stempak JM, Sargent M, ELIAS B, Xu W, Pathan S,
Silverberg MS, Analysis of inflammatory bowel disease-associated genetic variants in a
healthy Manitoban First Nations cohort, CMAJ (Epub ahead of print, March 2012,
19. Blanchard A, Wang Xikui, El-Gabalawy H, Tan Q, Orr P, ELIAS B, Rawsthrone P, Hart D,
Chubey S, Bernstein CN, Determinants of oral health in a Manitoba First Nations population,
International Journal of Circumpolar Health (EPub ahead of print, 71:17394 –
20. El-Gabalawy HS, Robinson DB, Smolik I, Hart D, ELIAS B, Wong K, Peschken CA, Hitchon CA,
Lu X, Bernstein CN, Newkirk MM, Fritzler M, Familial clustering of the serum cytokine
profile in the relatives of rheumatoid arthritis patients, Arthritis and Rheumatism (Epub
ahead of print, Dec 2011, DOI: 10.1002/art.34449).
21. Leslie WD, Brennan SL, Prior HJ, Lix LM, Metge C, ELIAS B, Ethnicity bias in the postfracture care gap among Canadian Aboriginal peoples: A retrospective cohort study,
Osteoporosis International (Epub ahead of print, January 2012, DOI 10.1007/s00198-0111880-y).
22. ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Kliewer E, “When the data does not match the story” Does trauma
history and addiction predict poor cervical screening uptake among Manitoba Indigenous
women (Canada), Journal of Aboriginal Health, March 2012, Vol. 8(1), 9-16.
23. ELIAS B, Kliewer E, Hall M, Demers A, Turner D, Martens PJ, Hong SP, Hart L, Chartrand C,
Munro G, The Burden of cancer risk in Canada’s indigenous population: A comparative
study of known risks in a Canadian region, International Journal of General Medicine, 4,
October 2011, 699-709.
24. Spiwak R. Pagura J, Bolton JM, ELIAS B, Beesdo K, Lieb R, Sareen J. Is childhood exposure to
caregiver suicide behaviour a risk factor? Archives of Suicide Research, 15(4), October
2011, 313-26 (DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2011.615694)
25. Bernstein CN, El-Gabalawy H, Sargent M, Landers CJ, Rawsthorne P, ELIAS B, Targan SR,
Assessing inflammatory bowel disease-associated antibodies in Caucasian and First
Nations cohorts, Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology, May 2011, 25(5), 269-273.
26. El-Gabalawy HS, Robinson DB, Daha NA, Oen KG, Smolik I, ELIAS B, Hart D., Bernstein CN,
Yee S, Lu Y, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Siminovitch KA, Non-HLA Genes Modulate the Risk of
Rheumatoid Arthritis Associated with HLA-DRB1 in a Susceptible North American Native
Population, Genes and Immunity (Epub ahead of Print, 26 May 2011, doi:
27. Mota N, ELIAS B, Tefft B, Medved M, Munro G, Sareen J. Correlates of suicide: investigation
of a representative sample of Manitoba First Nations adolescents. American Journal of
Public Health (Epub ahead of Print, July 14 2011, doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300385).
28. Mignone J, ELIAS B, Hall M, Munro G, Validation of a culturally appropriate social capital
analytical framework to explore health conditions in Canadian First Nations communities,
International Indigenous Policy Journal, May 2011, Volume 2, Issue 1, Article 3: Health and
Well-being, Article, Available at: http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/iipj/vol2/iss1/3
29. Bernstein C, Wang X, El-Gabalawy H, ELIAS B, Silverberg M. Assessing IBD-associated
antibodies in Caucasian and First Nation cohorts, The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology,
2010, Vol. 25(5): 269-273.
30. Hitchon CA, F Chandad F, Ferucci ED, Willemze A, Ioan-Facsinay A, van der Woude D,
Markland J, Robinson D, ELIAS B, Newkirk M, Toes RM, Huizinga TWJ, El-Gabalawy HS,
Antibodies to Porphyromonas Gingivalis are Associated with Anti-Citrullinated Protein
Antibodies in RA Patients and their Relatives, Journal of Rheumatology, June 2010, Vol.
37(6): 1105-1112.
31. ELIAS B, Hall B, Kasper C, Doraty A, Burchill C, Martens PJ, Kliewer E, Demers A, Turner D,
Linking the Canadian Indian Registry System to the Manitoba Provincial Health Registry:
Lessons Learned. International Journal of Circumpolar Health Supplement, 2010
Conference Proceedings, Vol. 7: 537-8.
32. Hall M, ELIAS B, Martens PJ, Mignone J, Building indigenous capacity to meet health needs
and combat health disparities: A Manitoba (Canada) experience, International Journal of
Circumpolar Health Supplement, 2010 Conference Proceedings, Vol. 7: 523 (Abstract)
33. Wurtak G, Anderson M, Dinner K, Dumaresq G, ELIAS B, Kliewer E, Patterson C, Ronald
A, Schettler W, Wong T, Improving HPV prevention among Canadian Aboriginal peoples: A
knowledge translation exchange workshop, International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Supplement, 2010 Conference Proceedings, Vol. 7: 126 – 129.
34. Wurtak G, ELIAS B, Improving HPV prevention among Aboriginal Peoples, International
Journal of Circumpolar Health Supplement, 2010 Conference Proceedings, Vol. 7: 80.
35. Kliewer EV, Demers AA, Brisson M, Severini A, Lotocki R, ELIAS B, Hammond G, Wurtak G,
Manitoba HPV Research Group, The Manitoba Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Surveillance
and Evaluation System, Health Reports, 2010, Vol. 21(2): 37-42.
36. Isaak C, Campeau M, , Katz L, Enns M, ELIAS B, Sareen J, Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention
Team, Community Participatory Action Oriented Suicide Prevention Research in Remote
On-Reserve First Nations Communities, International Journal of Mental Health and
Addictions, 2009, Vol. 8(2): 258-270.
37. ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Kliewer E, “When the data does not match the story:” Do trauma
history and addiction issues characterize poor cervical screening uptake among Manitoba
Indigenous women (Canada)? American Journal of Epidemiology, June 1 2009, Vol.
169(11): S25. (Abstract)
38. ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Kliewer E, Turner D, Martens P et al. A comparative study of cancer
risk factors between Manitoba (Canada) Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations,
American Journal of Epidemiology, June 1 2009, Vol. 169(11): S47. (Abstract)
39. ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Woods A, Mignone J, Sareen J, Characterizing addiction behaviours
of Residential School survivors among Manitoba (Canada) Indigenous populations,
American Journal of Epidemiology, June 1 2009, Vol. 169(11): S25. (Abstract)
40. ELIAS B, Hall M, Kasper C, Burchill C, Martens P, Kliewer E, Mignone J, Liberating
Indigenous people from provincial health administrative databases: A Manitoba (Canada)
data linkage success story, American Journal of Epidemiology, June 1 2009, Vol. 169(11):
S111. (Abstract)
41. ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Woods A, Mignone J, Sareen J, So what best describes addiction
behaviours of non-residential school survivors in the Manitoba (Canada) Indigenous
populations? American Journal of Epidemiology, June 1 2009, Vol. 169(11): S26. (Abstract)
42. ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Woods A, Mignone J, Sareen J, Trauma histories and suicidality of
Manitoba (Canada) Indigenous Residential School Survivors, June 1 2009, American Journal
of Epidemiology, Vol. 169(11): S65. (Abstract)
43. ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Woods A, Mignone J, Sareen J, Trauma histories and the mental
health of Manitoba (Canada) Indigenous peoples: “What about the off-spring of residential
school attendees?” American Journal of Epidemiology, June 1 2009, Vol. 169(11): S66.
44. Mignone J, ELIAS B, Hall M, Social capital: Validation of a culturally appropriate analytic
framework to explore complex socioeconomic conditions in Indigenous communities.
American Journal of Epidemiology, June 1 2009, Vol. 169(11): S73. (Abstract)
45. El-Gabalawy HS, Robinson D, Hart D, ELIAS B, Markland J, Peschken C, Smolik I, Montes G,
Schroeder M, Fritzler MJ, Cheang M, Oen K, Immunogenetic risks of anti-cyclical
citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibodies in North American Native population with RA and
their First Degree relatives. Journal of Rheumatism, June 2009, Vol. 36(6): 1130-5
46. Isaac M, ELIAS B, Deane F, Katz LY, Enns MW, Sareen J, Gatekeeper training as a
preventative measure for suicide: A systematic review, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry,
April 2009, Vol. 54(4): 59-67.
47. Rasic DT, Belik S, ELIAS B, Katz LY, Enns M, Sareen J, Spirituality, religion and suicidal
behavior in a nationally representative sample, Journal of Affective Disorders, April 2009,
Vol. 114(1-3): 32-40.
48. Ioan-Facinay A, Willemze A, Robinson D, Peshken C, Markland J, ELIAS B, Menard H,
Newkirk M, Fritzler M, Toes R, Huizinga T, El-Gabalaway H, Marked differences in finespecificity and isotype usage of the anti-citrullin protein antibody in health and disease,
Arthritis and Rheumatism, October 2008, Vol. 58(10): 3000-3008.
49. Hitchon CA, Chandad F, Ferucci E, Willemze A, Ioan-Facsinay A, Robinson D, ELIAS B,
Newkirk M, Huizinga T, El-Gabalawy H. Antibodies to P. gingivalis are associated with anticitrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) in RA patients and their relatives, Arthritis and
Rheumatism, 2008, Volume 58 (Suppl): 286.
50. Barnabe C, ELIAS B, Bartlett J, Peschken CA, Evidence for a burden of arthritis and poor
access to specialist care in Aboriginal Manitobans. The Journal of Rheumatology, April 2008,
Vol. 35: 1145-50.
51. Gregory D. McCallum MJ, Grant KR, ELIAS B. Self-determination and the Swampy Cree
Tribal Council: A case study involving nursing education in Northern Manitoba. Canadian
Journal of Nursing Research, June 2008, 40(2): 132-149.
52. Katz L, ELIAS B, O’Neil J, Enns M, Cox BJ, Belik SL, Sareen J, Aboriginal suicide research:
From risk factors to culturally-sensitive interventions, J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry,
November 2006, 15(4): 159-167.
53. ELIAS B, O’Neil J. Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research (MFNCAHR): A case study on creating and advancing cross-pillar collaborative knowledge
translation research with Indigenous communities (Reprint). Health Care Policy, 2006, Vol.
1 (4): 44-49.
54. ELIAS B, O’Neil J. Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research (MFNCAHR): A case study on creating and advancing cross-pillar collaborative knowledge
translation research with Indigenous communities. CIHR Institute of Population and Public
Health. Moving population and public health knowledge into action: A casebook of
knowledge translation stories / Mise en application des connaissances: Recueil de cas
d’application des connaissances. Ottawa: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2006.
(With the Canadian Population Health Initiative).
55. ELIAS B. Health behaviors of Manitoba First Nations youth: The Manitoba First Nations
Regional Longitudinal Health Survey, American Journal of Epidemiology, 2002, Vol. 161
(Suppl) June 2005: S1-S152.
56. Richie A, J. Reading, ELIAS B. Injuries among Canadian Aboriginal on-reserve children and
youth: Findings from the First Nations and Inuit Regional Longitudinal Health Survey,
American Journal of Epidemiology, June 2005, Vol. 161 (Suppl): S1-S152.
57. O’Neil JD, ELIAS B, Wastesicoot J. Building a health research relationship between First
Nations and University of Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Public Health, January/February
2005, Vol. 96: (Supplement 1).
58. ELIAS B, The influence of the social environment on the health of Manitoba First Nations
communities, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 2004, Vol. 63(2): 175-6.
59. ELIAS B, O’Neil J, Sanderson, D. The politics of “trust and participation”: A case study of
developing First Nations and university capacity to build health information systems,
Journal of Aboriginal Health, January 2004, Vol. 1(1).
60. Reading J, ELIAS B, MacDonald G. “Early onset of type II diabetes among First Nations in
Canada.” Canadian Journal of Diabetes Care, 2000, Vol. 24: Supplement 1.
61. Kaufert J, Commanda L, ELIAS B, Grey R, Masuzumi B, Young TK. Community Participation
in Health Research Ethics: Challenges for First Nations and Circumpolar Indigenous
Peoples. In J Oaks and R Riewe, Issues in the North. Vol. 4 2000. University of Manitoba
Press, Winnipeg.
62. Young TK, Reading J, ELIAS B, O’Neil JD. Type-2 diabetes in Canada’s First Nations: Status of
an epidemic in progress. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2000, Vol. 163(5).
63. ELIAS B, Fricke M, Kaufert J, Reading J, O’Neil J, Thibault J, MacDonald G. “Activity
Limitations and the Need for Continuing Care” In: First Nations and Inuit Regional Health
Survey – National Report. National Steering Committee First Nations and Inuit (Labrador)
Regional Health Steering Committee. 1999.
64. Young TK, O’Neil J, ELIAS B, Leader A, Reading J, MacDonald G. “Chronic Diseases:
Literature Review and Analysis of the First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey
National Core Data. In: First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey – National Report.
National Steering Committee First Nations and Inuit (Labrador) Regional Health Steering
Committee. 1999.
65. Reading J and ELIAS B, “An Examination of Residential Schools and Elders Health.” In: First
Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey – National Report. National Steering Committee
First Nations and Inuit (Labrador) Regional Health Steering Committee. 1999.
66. O’Neil J, ELIAS B, Reading J, Tate B. “FNIRHS Technical Report.” In: First Nations and Inuit
Regional Health Survey – National Report. National Steering Committee First Nations and
Inuit (Labrador) Regional Health Steering Committee. 1999.
67. O’Neil J, MacDonald G, ELIAS B, Reading J. “Summary of Key Themes from the Feasibility
Study.” In: First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey – National Report. National
Steering Committee First Nations and Inuit (Labrador) Regional Health Steering Committee.
68. Kaufert J, Commanda L, ELIAS B, Grey R, Young TK, Masuzumi B. “Evolving Participation of
Aboriginal Communities in Health Research Ethics Review: The Impact of the Inuvik
Workshop – Research Note.” In Arctic Medical Research Vol. 1999.
69. Kaufert J, Longclaws L, ELIAS B, McKenzie J, Ross J, Jeffrey J, Fine A, Singer P. “Culture and
Ethical Decision-Making in the Treatment of End Stage Renal Disease: The Experience of
Aboriginal Communities. In J. Oaks and R. Riewe, Issues in the North Vol. III. 1998.
University of Manitoba Press, Winnipeg.
70. O’Neil J, ELIAS B. “Cultural Rationality and Environmental Health Risk Perception in the
Canadian North. In Oaks J and Riewe R, Issues in the North Vol. III. 1998. University of
Manitoba Press, Winnipeg.
71. O’Neil J, Yassi A and ELIAS B. “Cultural Environmental Risk Perception in the Canadian
North”. Circumpolar Health Conference Proceedings 96. University of Alaska Press, 1998
72. O’Neil J, ELIAS B and Yassi A. “Situating Resistance in Fields of Resistance: Dene Women in
Saskatchewan and the Uranium Mining Industry”. In M. Lock and P. Kaufert, Resistance and
Biopower, University of Cambridge Press, 1998.
73. O’Neil J, ELIAS B and Yassi A. “Poisoned Food: Cultural Resistance to the Contaminants
Discourse”. Arctic Anthropology, 1997, 34(1): 29-40.
1. Kliewer E, ELIAS B, Demers A, Lambert P, Hall M (2012). Uptake Human Papillomavirus
Vaccine Among Manitoba’s Status First Nations Females, 2006-200, (CIHR Funding and
Manitoba Health), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
2. ELIAS B, Hall M. The health of Manitoba Tribal Nations, Manitoba First Nations Centre for
Aboriginal Health Research, (CHIR Funding HOA 80062), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, May
3. ELIAS B, Hall M, Manitoba First Nations health report card: Health indicator workbook,
Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, (CHIR Funding HOA 80062),
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, May 2011
4. Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Health and Information Research Committee, ELIAS B,
Laplante J. The Manitoba First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey of Children,
Youth and Adults Final Report, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and Manitoba First Nations
Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, December 2006
5. ELIAS B, Manitoba First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey: A preliminary report
on the health status of Manitoba First Nations Adults. Centre for Aboriginal Health
Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba. May 2006.
6. ELIAS B, Munro G. Manitoba First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey:
Preliminary results of the youth survey. First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey
(RHS) First Nations Research Conference Proceedings, Ottawa, Ontario, November 12-15,
7. Elias B, Munro G, Avery Kinew K, Manitoba First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health
Survey: Celebrating a successful partnership. First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health
Survey (RHS) First Nations Research Conference Proceedings, Ottawa, Ontario, November
12-15, 2005.
8. ELIAS B, Sanderson L, Binkley J. Pilot study of the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative Client
Satisfaction Survey: Manitoba Regional Report, Centre for Aboriginal Health Research,
Winnipeg, Manitoba. February 2005.
9. ELIAS B, Sanderson L, Binkley J. Pilot study of the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative Client
Satisfaction Survey: Birdtail Sioux First Nation Community Report, Centre for Aboriginal
Health Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba. February 2005.
10. ELIAS B, Sanderson L, Binkley J. Pilot study of the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative Client
Satisfaction Survey: Ebb and Flow First Nation Community Report, Centre for Aboriginal
Health Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba. February 2005.
11. ELIAS B, Sanderson L, Binkley J. Pilot study of the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative Client
Satisfaction Survey: Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation Community Report, Centre for Aboriginal
Health Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba. February 2005.
12. ELIAS B, Sanderson L, Binkley J. Pilot study of the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative Client
Satisfaction Survey: Manto Sipi First Nation Community Report, Centre for Aboriginal
Health Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba. February 2005.
13. ELIAS B, Sanderson L, Binkley J. Pilot study of the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative Client
Satisfaction Survey: Sagkeeng First Nation Community Report, Centre for Aboriginal Health
Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba. February 2005.
14. ELIAS B, Sanderson L, Binkley J. Pilot study of the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative Client
Satisfaction Survey: St. Theresa Point First Nation Community Report, Centre for Aboriginal
Health Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba. February 2005.
15. Lavoie J, Sanderson L, ELIAS B, O’Neil J, Mignone J, Barlett J, National Evaluation of the
Health Transfer Program. Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
December 2004.
16. ELIAS B. Pilot Study of the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative Client Satisfaction Survey Training
Manual, Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, Winnipeg, November 2004.
17. ELIAS B, Manitoba First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey Training Manual,
Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, Winnipeg. November 2002.
18. Martens P, Bond R, Jabamani L, Roos N. Derksen S, Beaulieu M, Steinbach C, MacWilliam L,
Walld R, Dik N, ELIAS B, O’Neil J, Leader A, Sanderson D, Tanner-Spence M. The health and
health care use of registered First Nations people living in Manitoba: A population-based
study. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 2002.
19. ELIAS B. First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey Interviewer Training Manual,
First Nations Centre, National Aboriginal Health Organization, Ottawa. April 2002.
20. ELIAS B. The Shape of Things to Come: The 2nd Annual National Gathering of Students on
Building Capacity in Aboriginal Health Research, Canadian Institute of Health Research,
Institute of Aboriginal Peoples’ Health. September 2002
21. ELIAS B. and O’Neil J, Building Capacity in Applied Aboriginal Population Health Research –
Final Report. National Health Research and Development Program, Health Canada, Ottawa.
October 15, 2001.
22. ELIAS B, Building Trust, Participation, and Research Capacity: A Report of the Inaugural
National Gathering of Graduate Students, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Institute of
Aboriginal Peoples Health. March 2001. Posted on the IAPH web page:
23. ELIAS B and Demas D. First Nations People with a Disability Needs Assessment Survey: A
Profile of Manitoba First Nations People with a Disability. Joint Initiative of the Assembly of
Manitoba Chiefs Disability Committee and the Northern Health Research Unit, University of
Manitoba. Winnipeg. March 7, 2001.
24. ELIAS B., Leader A, Sanderson D, O’Neil J. Living in Balance: Positive Health Behaviors in
Manitoba First Nation Communities. Northern Health Research Unit, University of
Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba. December 2000.
25. ELIAS B and O’Neil J, Canupawakpa First Nation General Health Survey. Final Report
prepared for the Canupawakpa First Nation Health Transfer Initiative. November 1998.
26. O’Neil J, ELIAS B, Leader A, Wastesicoot J and the Manitoba First Nation Regional Health
Steering Committee. “Manitoba First Nations Regional Health Survey: Final Report.” Joint
Initiative of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak and the
Northern Health Research Unit, University of Manitoba. October 1998.
27. O’Neil J, ELIAS B, et al. Research on HIV/AIDS in First Nation People. A background paper
for Health Canada, Medical Services Branch. June 1998.
28. O’Neil J, B. ELIAS B, Leader A, Wastesicoot J and the Manitoba First Nation Regional Health
Steering Committee. Seventeen community reports on community specific data from the
Manitoba First Nations Regional Health Survey. Joint Initiative of the Assembly of Manitoba
Chiefs, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak and the Northern Health Research Unit,
University of Manitoba. March, 1998.
29. O’Neil J, ELIAS B and the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs. First Nation and Inuit Regional
Health Survey: National Core Database and other National Comparative Databases (APS,
NLSCY and NPHS). Release 1.0. Prepared for the First Nations and Inuit National Steering
Committee. January 27, 1998.
30. O’Neil J, ELIAS B, Yassi A, Fletcher C, and Cohen B. “A Study of the Social and Cultural
Construction of Environmental Health Risks in Aboriginal Communities - Final Report.”
Health Canada, National Health Research and Development Program, Ottawa. 1997.
31. ELIAS B, O’Neil J, and Yassi A. Wollaston Lake: The Uranium Mining Industry and the
Perception of Health Risks - Final Report. In O’Neil, J., B. ELIAS, A. Yassi, C. Fletcher, and B.
Cohen. A Study of the Social and Cultural Construction of Environmental Health Risks in
Aboriginal Communities - Final Report.” National Health Research and Development
Program, Ottawa. 1997.
32. ELIAS B, O’Neil J, Yassi A and Cohen B. Sagkeeng First Nation: Development Impacts and the
Perception of Environmental Health Risks - Final Report. In O’Neil, J., B. ELIAS, A. Yassi, C.
Fletcher, and B. Cohen. “A Study of the Social and Cultural Construction of Environmental
Health Risks in Aboriginal Communities - Final Report.” National Health Research and
Development Program, Ottawa. 1997.
33. Fletcher C, ELIAS B, O’Neil J, and Yassi A. Health Risk Perception and Hydro-Electric
Development in Kuujjuarapik, Quebec - Final Report. In O’Neil, J., B. Elias, A. Yassi, C.
Fletcher, and B. Cohen. “A Study of the Social and Cultural Construction of Environmental
Health Risks in Aboriginal Communities - Final Report.” National Health Research and
Development Program, Ottawa. 1997.
34. O’Neil J, ELIAS B, and Yassi A. Inuit Cultural Perceptions of Food Risks and Benefits - Final
Report. Eco-Research Program, Tri-Council Secretariat and Hydro Quebec. 1997.
35. ELIAS B. and O’Neil J. A Study into the Social, Cultural, and Disciplinary Understanding of
Risk Perception and Risk Acceptability of the Contaminants in the Canadian Arctic. Arctic
Environmental Strategy - Contaminants Program, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. June
36. O’Neil J, Young TK, Mustard CA, Irvine J and ELIAS B. Monitoring the Health Impact of
Uranium Mining Developments in Northern Saskatchewan: Conceptual Issues and Design
Options. Report prepared for the Multi-sectorial Stakeholders Committee, Saskatchewan
Health. May 1995.
Peer Reviewed/Invited Presentations
ELIAS B, Mino Pimatisiwin and shifting control over cancer prevention inter-generationally,
World Indigenous Cancer Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, April 12-14, 2016
ELIAS B, Putting reflection into data linkage to improve infant mortality estimation for Canada's
Indigenous populations, 60th World Congress of Statistics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 26-31,
2015. (Invited Speaker)
Spiwak R, ELIAS B, Bolton JM, Martens PJ, Chartier M, Sareen, J. A Critical Review of the
Use of Administrative Data to Study Suicide Bereavement Health Outcomes. International
Summit for Suicide Research Conference, New York City, NY, USA, October 2015.
ELIAS B, Workshop on FASD and mental wellness, Assembly of First Nations National Mental
Health Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, March 27, 2015 (Invited).
Hitchon C, Khan S, Katz A, ELIAS B, El-Gabalawy H, Peschken C. Disparities in the Treatment
of Rheumatoid Arthritis in First Nations: A Population Based Study, Canadian Rheumatology
Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, February 3-5, 2015.
ELIAS B, From patterns to pathways to respect: Advancing the right to respectful cancer care for
First Nations in Manitoba, Canada, World Congress of Cancer, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia,
December 3–6, 2014.
Brownell M, Hanlon-Dearman A, Chateau D, MacWilliam L, Singal D, Phillips-Beck W,
Longstaffe S, ELIAS B, Chudley A, Roos NP. Use of health, education and social services by
First Nations Manitobans with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Living Well: FASD and
Mental Health Conference, Winnipeg, MB, November 5, 2014.
ELIAS B, Identity, data linkage, and First Nations in Canada, International Group on
Indigenous Health Measurement Meeting, Vancouver, BC, October 1-5, 2014.
Sjoblom J, ELIAS B, Exploring patterns of mental health conditions across Manitoba First
Nation Tribal Councils: A qualitative participatory study, International Network in
Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October
7, 2014.
ELIAS B, The challenge of counting the missing, when the missing were not counted!
Accepted at the Eleventh Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars,
Time, Movement, and Space: Genocide Studies and Indigenous Peoples, Winnipeg, Manitoba
(Canada), July 16-19, 2014.
Sjoblom J, ELIAS B, Community and family as a buffer for mental health, National Network
for Indigenous Health Research, CIHR Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia, July 2014.
ELIAS B, Knowledges: Navigating the right to water, H20 Create 2014 Symposium, Centre
for Human Rights Research, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 26, 2014.
ELIAS, B, To count or not to count: How we count matters, CancerCare Manitoba Self
Identification Information Session, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 27, 2014.
Biswanger N, Demers A, Decker K, Musto G, ELIAS B, Kliewer E, Avery-Kinew K, Munro
G, Hart L, Meawasige A, Sagan M, Martens P, Shu E, Turner D. Cancer staging and treatment
for First Nations in Manitoba. NAACCR 2014, Ottawa, Ontario, June 25-28, 2014.
Biswanger N, Demers A, Decker K, Musto G, ELIAS B, Kliewer E, Avery-Kinew K, Munro
G, Hart L, Meawasige A, Sagan M, Martens P, Shu E, Turner D. Cancer screening among
Manitoba’s First Nations population. NAACCR 2014, Ottawa, Ontario, June 25-28, 2014.
Sjoblom J, ELIAS B, Mapping mental health and wellbeing through Manitoba First Nations
tribal, community, family, and household environments, National Aboriginal Mental Health
Research Symposium, Montreal, Quebec, June 10, 2014.
ELIAS B, Gruber J, Williams V. Measuring our success in diversity and inclusiveness:
Considerations for a research and evaluation framework. Accepted at the Annual
Conference for Canadian Association for the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment
in Higher Education. “Moving Beyond Theory” – Best Practices in Advancing Diversity and
Addressing Discrimination and Harassment Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada),
May 7-9, 2014.
ELIAS B, CIHR Café Scientifique, FASD and the need for a 21st century human rights
response, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada), February 10, 2014.
ELIAS B, Counting syndemic patterns in the First Nation population in Manitoba (Canada).
Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia November 6th
ELIAS B, When voice were not enough: Making transparent cancer incidence, mortality and
pathways to care for First Nations in Manitoba (Canada), October 28th, 2013.
ELIAS B, Resiliency and indigenous youth: Listening reflecting together, University of New
South Wales, Resiliency and Indigenous Youth Workshop, October 14th, 2013.
Minuk LS, Govia R, Heaman M, Morris ML, Ludwig S, Woo VC, Oleschuk C, Hanson S, ELIAS
B,Taback SP Diabetes In Pregnancy: National Guideline Feasibility In Local At-Risk
Populations, Canadian Diabetes Association, Winnipeg, Manitoba October 2014
ELIAS B, Hart L, Hicks G, Chudley A, Human dignity and engaging social epigenetic studies
of FASD in tribal communities within Canada, International FASD Conference, Edmonton,
Alberta, Sept 23-25 2013.
Slobjan, Jessica, ELIAS B. Understanding the link between self-determinance and the mental
health of First Nations: A qualitative participatory study, Manitoba Health Research Forum,
June 2013, Winnipeg, Manitoba
ELIAS B, Health and idle no more, South East Resources Council Health Directors Meeting,
March 2013.
ELIAS B, Hart L, Idle no more is the context of health measurement, Faculty of Medicine,
Community Health Sciences Colloquium Series, Winnipeg, Manitoba, January 2013.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hart L, Munro G, Katz L, A Gender/Sex Shift in Suicide and Attempt Rates
Over 25 Years, Comparing Manitoba First Nations and All Other Manitobans, CIHR Gender
Institute, Montreal, Quebec, November 2012
Spiwak R, ELIAS B, Martens PJ, Bolton JM, Sareen J. The History of Suicide in Canada. The
Canadian Psychiatry Association Annual Conference. September 27-29, 2012, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada.
Bartlett, JG, Martens P, Neufeld R, Carter S, Garner S, Sanguins, J, Cook C, ELIAS B, Hoeppner
N. Knowledge Networks: An Approach to Bridging the Gap for Metis in Manitoba. 5th
Biennial International Network of Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development
(INIHKD), September 24-28, 2012 – University of Queensland Brisbane Australia.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Hart L, Munro, G, Martens P. Will the gap in life expectancy and
mortality between First Nations and All Others Manitobans (Canada) ever close?
International Congress on Circumpolar Health, August 5-10, 2012, Fairbanks Alaska, USA.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Hart L, Munro, G, Martens P. Infant mortality: Persistent
differences between First Nations and All Other Manitobans (Canada), International
Congress on Circumpolar Health, August 5-10, 2012, Fairbanks Alaska, USA.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Martens P, Hart L, Munro G, Logsetty S. Injury mortality between
First Nations and All Other Manitobans (Canada): A sub-regional profile, International
Congress on Circumpolar Health, August 5-10, 2012, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Hart L, Chartrand C, Martens P. Diabetes and income inequality
among Manitoba Canada First Nations Adults, Society for Epidemiologic Research, June 2629, 2012, Minneapolis Minnesota, USA.
ELIAS B, Listening, Reflecting from within, between and among, Celebrating Indigenous
Health Research, Centre for Human Rights Research Ethics Forum, March 13, 2012,
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada.
ELIAS B, Progress on the CIHR First Nation Cancer Team Study, New South Wales Cancer
Council, March 6, 2012, Sydney, Australia,
ELIAS B, Reminding people to get the target right – Life expectancy and mortality,
International Indigenous Health Measurement Conference, February 22-24, 2012, Canberra,
ELIAS B, Registries, registered status, data linkage, and by the way, what about my children,
my tribe? They count you know!, International Indigenous Health Measurement Conference,
February 22-24, 2012, Canberra, Australia.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Suicide and Manitoba First Nation population – A population
approach, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, First Nations, Metis and Inuit Health
Research Symposium, December 1-2, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Spiwak R, Sareen J, ELIAS B, Martens P, Munro G, Bolton J, Complicated grief in First
Nations populations, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, First Nations, Metis and
Inuit Health Research Symposium, December 1-2, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Bartlett, JG, Martens P, Neufeld R, Cook C, ELIAS B, Sanguins J, Hoeppner N. The ‘Metis
Need to Know Too’ Study: Using a Novel Knowledge Translation Model to Bridge the
Research - Practice Gap. First Nations, Metis and Inuit Health Research Symposium,
December 1 -2, 2011, Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada
Isaak C, Melias B, Campeau M, Mota N, Bolten S, Katz L, ELIAS B, Enns M, Cox B, Sareen J,
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, First Nations, Metis and Inuit Health Research
Symposium, December 1-2, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Diabetes prevalence of First Nations living in Manitoba: A small
area report, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, First Nations, Metis and Inuit
Health Research Symposium, December 1-2, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Kliewer E, ELIAS B, Demers A, Lambert P, Hall M, HPV vaccine uptake among First Nations
people in Manitoba, Canada, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, First Nations,
Metis and Inuit Health Research Symposium, December 1-2, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
ELIAS B, Kliewer E, Turner, D, Hall M, Demers, Hart L, Avery Kinew K, Sagan M, Martens P,
Building linkages to understand the burden of cancer for First Nations in Manitoba,
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, First Nations, Metis and Inuit Health Research
Symposium, December 1-2, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Martens P, Avery-Kinew K, Sagan M, Burchill C, Hart L, Munro G,
Kasper C, Who fares the best in population health status? Not First Nations living in
Manitoba, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, First Nations, Metis and Inuit Health
Research Symposium, December 1-2, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
ELIAS B, Diabetes and First Nations living in Manitoba: A social injustice, Manitoba First
Nations Diabetes Committee, November 22, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Invited)
ELIAS B, Risk assessment, incidence mapping and concerns of biological determinism,
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Translation Research Symposium, November
21, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Invited)
ELIAS B, Diabetes prevalence and First Nations living in Manitoba, National First Nations
Working Group Meeting, November 15, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Katz L, et al ELIAS B, et al, Children and Adolescents in the Child Welfare System:
Psychiatric Morbidity and Mortality, AACAP/CACAP Joint Annual Meeting, October 18-23,
2011, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
ELIAS B, Lessons from the field, National FASD Prevalence Meeting, October 13, 2011,
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Invited)
ELIAS B, Linking data to inform a First Nations cancer care and control strategy - Outcomes,
CancerCare Manitoba First Nations, Metis and Inuit Advisory Committee, CancerCare
Manitoba, September 16, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Invited)
ELIAS B, Injuries and suicide and the Manitoba First Nations population: How does
Southeast Resource Development Council compare?, Southeast Resource Development
Council , Health Quarterly Meeting, August 23, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba
ELIAS B, Suicide and the Manitoba First Nation Population - A population approach,
National Aboriginal Mental Health Research Summer Institute and Annual Conference,
August 19, 2011, Montreal, Quebec
ELIAS B, A health profile of First Nations in Manitoba: Series 1: Mortality, Government of
Canada, Department of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Canada, June 17, 2011
ELIAS B, Kliewer E, Turner D, Hall M, Musto G, Demers A, Hart L, Avery Kinew K, Sagan M,
Munro G, Martens P, Building linkages to understand the burden of cancer for First Nations
in Manitoba, Canadian Public Health Association, June 2011, Montreal, Quebec.
ELIAS B, Martens P, Hall M, Burchill C, Hong S, Kasper C, Malazdrewicz D, Avery Kinew K,
Sagan M, Hart L, Munro G, Kliewer E, Turner, Getting the denominator right! A collaborative
initiative to report on the population and public health of First Nations in Manitoba,
Canadian Public Health Association, June 2011, Montreal, Quebec.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Martens P, Avery Kinew, K, et al., Who fairs best in population
health status? Not First Nations in Manitoba, Canadian Association Health Services, Policy
and Research Conference, May 9-12 2011, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
ELIAS B, Mortality and First Nations in Manitoba, Invited Presentation, Manitoba
Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc., April 11 2011, Winnipeg Manitoba.
ELIAS B, It’s more than just statistical power! Point eight zero versus First Nation power in
rheumatoid arthritis research, Society of Applied Anthropology, 71st Annual Meeting,
March 29-April 2, 2011, Seattle, Washington, USA
ELIAS B, Canada – Israel FASD Consortium Information Systems/Networks, Canada-Israel
International Fetal Alcohol Consortium Meeting, Invited Presentation, University of
Manitoba, March 18th 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba
ELIAS B, Munroe G, What’s happening, what’s driving what and who should be doing the
The health of First Nations in Manitoba, Invited Presentation, Northern Health Conference,
March 16th 2011, Thompson, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Health Report Card Series One: An update for our Manitoba Health partners,
Invited presentation, Manitoba Health, March 9th 2011, Winnipeg Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Turner D, Hall M, Kliewer E, Musto G, Cancer Mortality Report Series One: Early
Results, CIHR First Nations Cancer Team Knowledge Translation Network Meeting,
University of Manitoba, February 25th 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Martens P, Hall M, Hong S, Health Report Card Series One: Demographic and
mortality profile of the First Nations population of Manitoba, Population Health Research
and Knowledge Network Meeting, University of Manitoba, February 11th 2011, Winnipeg,
ELIAS B, When you have many to dance with, it is more than the two step! Manitoba Need
to Know Team Meeting, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, January 25th 2011, Winnipeg,
Sareen J, Issak C, Katz L, ELIAS B, Enns M, Belik SL, Horner V, Munro G, Swampy Cree
Suicide Prevention Team, Gatekeeper training for Suicide Prevention: A Pilot study in
remote Cree First Nations Communities, Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual
Conference, September 23 – 26th 2010 Toronto, Ontario.
ELIAS B, Advancing excellence in research dedicated to the health and wellbeing of First
Nation and Indigenous Peoples, Invited Presentation, Assembly of First Nations Annual
General Assembly, Roundtable on Best Practices in Health and Health Care, July 20th 2010,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, So you want to do a Post-Doc!, Invited presentation, Canadian Institutes of Health
Research, Institute of Aboriginal Peoples Health, NEAHR Student Gathering, June 24th 2010,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Hall M, Hong S, Hart L, ELIAS B, Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being: A
comparative report of Manitoba First Nation tribal areas, Canadian Public Health
Association, June 13-16th 2010, Toronto, Ontario.
Hoeppner N, Bartlett JG, Martens P, Neufeld R, Cook C, ELIAS B, Sanguins J, The ‘Metis Need
to Know Too’ Study: Using a Novel Knowledge Translation Model to Bridge the Research
Practice Gap. ‘Knowing your Roots: Indigenous Medicine, Health Knowledges and Best
Practices’, International Network of Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development
(INIHKD) Conference, May 24-28, 2010, Poulsbro, WA.
Bernstein C, Wang X, El-Gabalawy H, ELIAS B, Silverberg M. Assessing IBD-associated
antibodies in Caucasian and First Nation cohorts - Clue to the paucity of IBD in First
Nations? Digestive Disease Week May 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
ELIAS B, A commitment to address health disparities in the Manitoba First Nation
population, Canadian Institute of Health Research, International Infectious Disease and
Global Health Training Program, May 14th, 2010, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
ELIAS B, Indigenous sovereignty and health research ethics, Paediatrics and Genetics
Academic Research Day, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, April 29, 2010,
Winnipeg Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Resisting the Erosion of Self, Society of Applied Anthropology, March 24-26th,
2010, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
ELIAS B, Overcoming data access to address health disparities in the Manitoba First Nations
population, Cancer Surveillance in Ontario First Nations, March 2, 2010, Joint Meeting of
Chiefs of Ontario and CancerCare Ontario, Toronto, Ontario (Conference Link)
ELIAS B, Hart D, Robinson D, El’Gabalawy H, Resisting the Erosion of Self, International
Symposium of Rheumatic Diseases in Indigenous North American Populations – From
Molecules to Communities, September 24-25th, 2009, University of Manitoba, Faculty of
Medicine, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
ELIAS B, So who has stiff and painful joints and what can be done about it? International
Symposium of Rheumatic Diseases in Indigenous North American Populations – From
Molecules to Communities, September 24-25th, 2009, University of Manitoba, Faculty of
Medicine, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
ELIAS B, Pragmatism while disentangling data access to address health disparities in the
Manitoba First Nations population, Health Canada Health Information Working Group,
September 6, 2009, Delta Hotel, Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada.
Spiwak R, Bolton J, ELIAS B, Sareen J, Parental suicidality and suicide risk in offspring:
Findings from a Nationally Representative Study, Canadian Psychiatry Association, August
27-30th, 2009, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
ELIAS B, Kliewer E, Demers A, Hart L, Chartrand C, Travelling together: A health
information and knowledge collaboration to address health disparities in the Manitoba
First Nation population, Grand Rounds, University of Oetga, Faculty of Medicine, August 10,
2009, Wellington, New Zealand
ELIAS B, Hall M, Kasper C, Burchill C, Martens P, Kliewer E, Mignone J, Linking the Canadian
Indian Registry System to the Manitoba Provincial Health Registry – Lesson learned,
International Circumpolar Health Conference, July 11-16th, 2009, Yellowknife, NWT, Canada
Hall M, ELIAS B, Building Indigenous capacity to meet health needs and combat health
disparities: A Manitoba (Canada) experience, International Circumpolar Health Conference,
July 11-16th, 2009, Yellowknife, NWT, Canada
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Kliewer E, “When the data does not match the story:” Do trauma
history and addiction issues characterize poor cervical screening uptake among Manitoba
Indigenous women (Canada)? Society of Epidemiologic Research “Epidemiologists as
vectors for transmitting health”, June 23-26th, 2009, Anaheim, California, USA.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Kliewer E, Turner D, Martens P et al. A comparative study of cancer
risk factors between Manitoba (Canada) Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations,
Society of Epidemiologic Research, “Epidemiologists as vectors for transmitting health”,
June 23-26th, 2009, Anaheim, California, USA.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Woods A, Mignone J, Sareen J, Characterizing addiction behaviours
of Residential School survivors among Manitoba (Canada) Indigenous populations, Society
of Epidemiologic Research, “Epidemiologists as vectors for transmitting health”, June 2326th, 2009, Anaheim, California, USA.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Kasper C, Burchill C, Martens P, Kliewer E, Mignone J, Liberating
Indigenous people from provincial health administrative databases: A Manitoba (Canada)
data linkage success story, Society of Epidemiologic Research, “Epidemiologists as vectors
for transmitting health”, June 23-26th, 2009, Anaheim, California, USA.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Woods A, Mignone J, Sareen J, So what best describes addiction
behaviours of non-residential school survivors in the Manitoba (Canada) Indigenous
populations? Society of Epidemiologic Research, “Epidemiologists as vectors for
transmitting health”, June 23-26th, 2009, Anaheim, California, USA.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Woods A, Mignone J, Sareen J, Trauma histories and suicidality of
Manitoba (Canada) Indigenous Residential School Survivors, Society of Epidemiologic
Research, “Epidemiologists as vectors for transmitting health”, June 23-26th, 2009,
Anaheim, California, USA.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Woods A, Mignone J, Sareen J, Trauma histories and the mental
health of Manitoba (Canada) Indigenous peoples: “What about the off-spring of residential
school attendees?” Society of Epidemiologic Research, “Epidemiologists as vectors for
transmitting health”, June 23-26th, 2009, Anaheim, California, USA.
Mignone J, ELIAS B, Hall M, Social capital: Validation of a culturally appropriate analytic
framework to explore complex socioeconomic conditions in Indigenous communities.
Society of Epidemiologic Research, “Epidemiologists as vectors for transmitting health”,
June 23-26th, 2009, Anaheim, California, USA.
Turner D, ELIAS B, Kasper C, Burchill C, Demers A, Eliewer E, Avery-Kinew A, Hall M,
Malazdrewicz, Sagan M, Cancer in First Nations: Linkage of data, linkage of partners,
NAACCR 2009 Annual Conference, June 13-20th, San Diego, California, USA.
ELIAS B, Wood A, Hall M, Mignone J, Sareen J, Trauma histories, being an offspring of a
residential school survivor and mental health among Manitoba First Nations adults living
On-Reserve, Canadian Public Health Association, June 7-10th, 2009, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
ELIAS B, Wood A, Hall M, Mignone J, Sareen J, Is it SES or trauma histories that best
describes addiction behaviors among Manitoba First Nations adults living On-Reserve?,
Canadian Public Health Association, June 7-10th, 2009, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Campbell R, ELIAS B, Resiliency factors and substance use among Manitoba First Nation
female adolescents, Canadian Public Health Association, June 7-10th, 2009, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada,
ELIAS B, Realizing a Dream, Building a Future: A health information and knowledge
collaboration to address health disparities in the Manitoba First Nations population, Health
Council of Canada Annual Meeting, May 25, 2009, Fort Gary Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
ELIAS B, Update on the First Nations-Manitoba-Canada collaboration to address health
disparities in the First Nations population, International Group for Indigenous Health
Measurement Meeting, March 23-25, 2009, Kona, Hawaii, USA
ELIAS B, Partnership building and the First Nations-Manitoba-Canada Collaboration: It’s
more than just databases! International Group for Indigenous Health Measurement Meeting,
March 23-25, 2009, Kona, Hawaii, USA
Cook C, ELIAS B, Developing an Indigenous work force – Canada’s experience, International
Group for Indigenous Health Measurement Meeting, March 23-25, 2009, Kona, Hawaii, USA
ELIAS B, Kliewer E, Demers A, Update on the Canada (Manitoba) and Australian (New
South Wales) cancer collaboration: Addressing disparities in the First Nations Population,
New South Wales Cancer Council, March 9, 2009, Sydney NSW, Australia
Hall M, ELIAS B, Quality of cancer care and control: The Manitoba First Nations
collaboration project, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Indigenous Forum, March 18,
2009, CancerCare Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
ELIAS B, Hall M, A Manitoba data linkage partnership success story, Aboriginal Health
Policy Forum, March 6, 2009, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
ELIAS B, Manitoba Indian Registry data linkage success story, Public Health Agency of
Canada, Aboriginal Chronic Disease Surveillance with Existing Provincial/Territorial
Databases: Working through the Challenges, February 25, 2009, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
ELIAS B, Honouring community, continuity, commitment and collaboration efforts to
address health disparities in the First Nations population, Aboriginal Health Transition
Fund Joint Adaptation Integration Partnership Conference, Greenwood Inn, February 24,
2009, Winnipeg, Manitoba
ELIAS B, Realizing a health atlas: An acknowledgement of the continuity, commitment, and
collaboration efforts to address health disparities in the First Nations population,
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences
Colloquium Series, January 16, 2009, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Addressing aboriginal health issues: Improving access, improving results, and
meeting health information needs, Western Canada Health Policy Summit, Telus
Convention Centre, January 12-13th, 2009, Calgary, Alberta.
ELIAS B, A collaborative First Nations research program to address health disparity, Public
Health Agency of Canada, December 11, 2009, Ottawa, Ontario.
ELIAS B, Overview and model of intersecting HPV research areas, International Centre for
Infectious Disease Improving HPV Prevention Among Aboriginal Peoples Workshop,
December 9, 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Developing a population Level Understanding of HPV, International Centre for
Infectious Disease Improving HPV Prevention Among Aboriginal Peoples Workshop,
December 9, 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, The health of Manitoba Keewatinook Ininew Okimowin Inc. Communities: A
collaborative initiative of the Manitoba First Nations Health Report Card, MFN-CAHR-MKO
Health Policy Meeting, November 20, 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Turner D, ELIAS B, Demers A. Navigating a new frontier: Cancer control in partnership with
Manitoba’s Indigenous population, CancerCare Manitoba and Canadian Partnership Against
Cancer Meeting, November 20, 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, The health of Swampy Cree Tribal Council communities: A collaborative initiative
of the Manitoba First Nations Health Report Card, Advancing the Health of Tribal
Communities Workshop, November 11-13, 2008, The Pas, Manitoba.
Sareen J, ELIAS B, Katz L, Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. “Developing Partnerships
to Create a First Nations and University Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba”. Manitoba
ASIST Trainer’s Conference, November 2008, Winnipeg Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Advancing the population and public health of Manitoba First Nations: The Indian
registry and the development of a health disparity research program, Provincial
Community Health Assessment Committee, October 27, 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, The health of Manitoba Tribal Nations: A collaborative initiative of the Manitoba
First Nations Health Report Card, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Health Information and
Governance Committee Workshop, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, October 29, 2008,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Sinclair T, Hall M, Zhu X, Kozyrskyj A. The case of flu and pneumococcal
vaccinations: Is the health system engaging adult First Nations at high risk? Assembly of
Manitoba Chiefs Health Information and Governance Committee Workshop, Assembly of
Manitoba Chiefs, October 29, 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Wood A, Belik S, Cheng M, Mignone J, Sareen J. The association of
trauma histories, being an offspring of a residential school survivor and suicide ideation
and attempts among Manitoba First Nations adults living On-Reserve, Assembly of
Manitoba Chiefs Health Information and Governance Committee Workshop, Assembly of
Manitoba Chiefs, October 29, 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Wood A, Hall M, Hong S, Belik S, Cheng M, Mignone J, Sareen J. Trauma histories
and suicide ideation and attempts of Manitoba First Nation residential school survivors
living On-Reserve, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Health Information and Governance
Committee Workshop, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, October 29, 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Hong S, Wood A, Belik S, Cheng M, Mignone J, Sareen J. The association of
trauma histories with intense anxiety and depression among Manitoba First Nations adults
living On-Reserve, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Health Information and Governance
Committee Workshop, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, October 29, 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Hall M, Belik S, Wood A, Hong S, Cheng M, Mignone J, Sareen J. Is it SES or trauma
histories that best describes addiction behaviors among Manitoba First Nations adults
living On-Reserve? Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Health Information and Governance
Committee Workshop, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, October 29, 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Hitchon CA, Chandad F, Ferucci E, Willemze A, Ioan-Facsinay A, Robinson D, ELIAS B,
Newkirk M, Huizinga T, El-Gabalawy H. Antibodies to P. gingivalis are associated with anticitrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) in RA patients and their relatives, America College
of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Annual Scientific
Meeting, October 24-29, 2008, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Mota N, ELIAS B, Sareen J. Correlates of Suicidality: Investigation of a representative sample
of First Nation youth, Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention, October 26-28th 2008,
Quebec City, Quebec.
Isaak C, Melia B, Campeau M, Mota N, Belik S, Sareen J, Katz L, ELIAS B, Enns M, Cox B,
Suicide Prevention In Manitoba First Nations Communities: A Multi-generational
Perspective, Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention, October 26-28th 2008, Quebec City,
Sareen J, ELIAS B, Katz L, Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. Developing Partnerships
to Create a First Nations and University Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba. Canadian
Association of Suicide Prevention. October 26-28th 2008, Quebec City, Quebec.
Sareen J, ELIAS B, Katz L, Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. Developing Partnerships
to Create a First Nations and University Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba. Injury Free
Manitoba, June 2008.
Sareen J, ELIAS B, Katz L, Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. Developing Partnerships
to Create a First Nations and University Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba. National
Aboriginal Mental Health Network Annual Meeting, August 2008, Montreal Canada.
Sinclair T, ELIAS B, Kozyrskyj A, Hall M, Zhu Xingen, Determinants of influenza and
pneumococcal vaccination in Manitoba First Nations, 8th Annual National Gathering of
Graduate Students in Aboriginal Health Research, June 2008, Montreal, Quebec.
Sareen J, ELIAS B, Katz L, Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. Developing Partnerships
to Create a First Nations and University Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba. Winnipeg
Regional Health Authority: Research to Action day. May 2008.
ELIAS B, Kliewer E, Bruce S, Demers A, Anticipating trends in a participatory way: First
Nations cancer care and control knowledge translation research process in Manitoba,
Canada, Invited Presentation, New South Wales Cancer Council, Sydney NSW, Australia,
April 7, 2008.
ELIAS B, Turner D, Sinclaire M, Why not a First Nations cancer care and control knowledge
translation research process!, Canada United States Indigenous Cancer Collaboration,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 28-29, 2008.
Sareen J, ELIAS B, Katz L, Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba, University of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Winnipeg, Manitoba. February 19, 2008.
El-Gabalawy H, Robinson D, Hart D, ELIAS B, Peschken C, Schroeder M, Markland J, Nelson JL,
Fritzler M, Oen K. HLA-DRB1*0901 is Associated with Anti-CCP Antibodies in Native
American RA Patients and Their First Degree Relatives, America College of
Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Annual Scientific
Meeting, November 6 -11, 2007.
Jacob T, Robinson D, Hart D, ELIAS B, Peschken C, Markland J, Menard H, Newkirk M, Fritzler
M, Robinson W. El-Gabalawy H, A Autoantibodies are Prevalent in the First Degree
Relatives of Native American RA Patients and are Associated with Articular Symptoms,
America College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals
Annual Scientific Meeting, November 6 -11, 2007.
ELIAS B, Sareen J, Katz L, Enns M, Cook C., Belik S, Cox BJ, Eni R, O’Neil J, Locating theory
into multilevel population approaches to understand correlates of resilience and suicidal
behaviour in First Nations communities, Canadian Psychiatric Association, 57th annual
conference, Montreal, Quebec Canada, November 15-18th 2007.
Sareen J, ELIAS B, Katz L, Enns M, Cook C, Belik S, Cox BJ, Eni R, O’Neil I, Developing
Partnerships to Create an Aboriginal Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba, Canadian
Psychiatric Association, 57th annual conference, Montreal, Quebec Canada, November 1518th 2007.
ELIAS B, Sareen J, Katz L, Enns M, Cook C, Belik S, Cox BJ, O’Neil I J, Qualitative Methods in
the Study of Aboriginal Suicide: An Examination of Everyday Life Contexts, Canadian
Psychiatric Association, 57th annual conference, Montreal, Quebec Canada, November 1518th 2007.
Belik S, ELIAS B, Katz L, O’Neil J, Enns M, Cox BJ, Eni R, Cook C, Sareen J, Comparison of the
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts in American Indian
and General Population Samples, Canadian Psychiatric Association, 57th annual conference,
Montreal, Quebec Canada, November 15-18th 2007.
Katz L, Enns M, Sareen J, ELIAS B, Cook C, Belik S, Cox BJ, Eni R, O’Neil J, Adapting
interventions to address suicide risk in partnership with the Aboriginal Suicide Prevention
Team in Manitoba, Canadian Psychiatric Association, 57th annual conference, Montreal,
Quebec Canada, November 15-18th 2007.
ELIAS B, Sareen J, Katz L, Developing partnerships to create a First Nations and University
suicide prevention team in Manitoba, Community Health Sciences Colloquium and Grand
Rounds, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 9, 2007.
ELIAS B, Kliewer E, Turner D, Martens P, Bruce S, Demers A, Czaykowski P, Griffths J,
Marrett L, Towards a First Nations cancer care and control knowledge translation research
process, National Forum on Cancer Care for All Canadians - Improving Access & Minimizing
Disparities for Vulnerable Populations, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 1 – 3, 2007.
ELIAS B. Case studies in the social determinants of health: A multilevel approach to
understand health disparities and wellness in the Manitoba First Nations population
(Canada), John Hopkins Indigenous Summer Institute, Social determinants of health, John
Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, July 22 - 27, 2007.
ELIAS B. Accessing quality cancer care and control for Manitoba First Nations, Cancer Care
Manitoba and Cancer Care Ontario Aboriginal Partnership Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
March 21, 2007.
ELIAS B, Why is the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis so high in First Nations people,
(Panel Discussant), Canadian Arthritis Network Annual Scientific Conference, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, November 30 – December 2, 2006.
Jacob T, Hart D, Craig A, Robinson DB, Hitchon CA, Ferland F, ELIAS B, Markland JJ, Wong K,
Peschken CA, Newkirk M, El-Gabalawy HS, IgM Immune Responses to Proteus Mirabilis and
E Coli are Associated with Rheumatoid Factor not RA in Native American Indians American
College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Annual
Scientific Meeting, Washington DC, November 10-15th, 2006.
Jacob T, ELIAS B, Hitchon CA, Robinson DB, Ferland D, Craig A, Wong K, Hart D, Markland JJ,
Knowlton N, Peschken CA,Centola M, El-Gabalawy HS, Biomarker Analysis in Native
American Indian RA Patients and Their First Degree Relatives American College of
Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Annual Scientific
Meeting, Washington DC, November 10-15th, 2006.
Peshken CA, Hart D, Ferland D, Wong K, Craig A, Hitchon CA, Robinson DB, Jacob T, Newkirk
M, Schroeder M, Markland JJ, Menard HA, ELIAS B, El-Gabalawy H, Identification and
characterization of North American Indians at High Risk for developing rheumatoid
arthritis, American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health
Professionals Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington DC, November 10-15th, 2006.
ELIAS B, Building capacity through a comprehensive First Nations health and social
information and intervention system, Faculty of Medicine, Dept of Community Health
Sciences, Student Forum, October 11, 2006.
Kliewer E, ELIAS B, Hitchhikers guide to risk factors surveys in Canada, Canada-United
States Canada-US Indigenous Cancer Collaboration, University of Toronto, Ontario,
September 28-29th, 2006
Lalonde CE, Chandler MJ, ELIAS B, Hart M, Avery Kinew K, O'Neil J. Rethinking Measures of
Cultural Continuity within Indigenous Communities: Will what works on the coast work on
the plains? (Kachimaa Mawiin "Maybe for Sure"), Thirty-sixth Annual Jean Piaget Society
Meeting, Baltimore, United States, June 1-3, 2006.
ELIAS B. Indigenous sovereignty and knowledge: Should the principles of ownership,
control, access and possession also apply to meaning and its construction. 66th Annual
Meeting of the Society of Applied Anthropology: World on the Edge. Vancouver, British
Columbia, March 29th – April 2, 2006.
ELIAS B, Avery-Kinew, K. A Manitoba case study of building a comprehensive First Nations
health and social information system. 66th Annual Meeting of the Society of Applied
Anthropology: World on the Edge. Vancouver, British Columbia, March 29th – April 2, 2006.
Gregory D. McCallum MJ, Grant KR, ELIAS B. Self-determination and the Swampy Cree
Tribal Council: A case study involving nursing education in Northern Manitoba. Manitoba
First Nations Health Services Project Symposium, The Pas, Manitoba, March 1st and 2nd,
ELIAS B, Towards a Manitoba First Nations Health Report Card: Addressing reciprocal
accountability through health information. Manitoba First Nations Health Services Project
Symposium, The Pas, Manitoba, March 1st and 2nd, 2006.
Barnabe C, ELIAS B, Bartlett J, Peschken CA, Rheumatic Disease in Aboriginal Manitobans,
Canadian Rheumatoid Arthritis Annual Conference, March 2006.
ELIAS B, Reducing health discrepancies in First Nations populations: Research initiatives
and methodological approaches, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health
Sciences Grand Rounds, February 3, 2006.
ELIAS B, Manitoba First Nations Health Information Systems: Progress in launching
innovative approaches to reducing health disparities, Presentation to the Manitoba First
Nations Health Directors, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, December 2, 2006.
ELIAS B, Manitoba First Nations Health Report Card and the Indian Registry: Critical
linkages to reduce health disparities, Presentation to the Aboriginal Health Research
Working Group, Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, December 1,
ELIAS B, Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research: Innovative First
Nations, university, provincial and federal government data-linkage partnerships and
opportunities. Presentation to the Manitoba First Nations Population Health Repository
Working Group and the Indian Registry Unit of the Department of Indian and Northern
Affairs Canada, Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, November 28, 2005.
ELIAS B, G. Munro. The Manitoba First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey:
Locating theory and pragmatism in survey questions. First Nations Regional Longitudinal
Health Survey (RHS) First Nations Research Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, November 12-15,
ELIAS B, G. Munro. Manitoba First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey:
Preliminary results of the youth survey. First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey
(RHS) First Nations Research Conference Proceedings, Ottawa, Ontario, November 12-15,
ELIAS B. Walking the talk of evidence-based decision making: Towards innovative First
Nations, university, provincial and federal government data linkage opportunities and
partnerships. Presentation to the Director General and Indian Registry Unit, Department of
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, November 13, 2005.
ELIAS B, Munro G, Stevenson D. Locating theory and pragmatism in university and
community-based survey research: The Manitoba First Nations Regional Longitudinal
Health Survey, Cuexpo: Community-University Research Partnerships: Leaders in Urban
Change, Winnipeg, Manitoba. September 15-18th, 2005.
Richie A, Reading J, ELIAS B. Injuries among Canadian Aboriginal on-reserve children and
youth: Findings from the First Nations and Inuit Regional Longitudinal Health Survey,
“Epidemiology without borders” Joint meeting of the Society of Epidemiologic Research
and Canadian Society of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Toronto, Ontario, June 27 – 30th,
ELIAS B. Reaching the hard-to-reach and addressing the unmentionable in behavioral
epidemiology: Health behaviors of Manitoba First Nations youth (The Manitoba First
Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey 2002), “Epidemiology without borders” Joint
meeting of the Society of Epidemiologic Research and Canadian Society of Epidemiology
and Biostatistics, Toronto, Ontario, June 27 – 30th, 2005.
ELIAS B. Shifting beyond traditional epidemiology and population health approaches:
Towards Inclusive Research, Health Canada, Bureau of Women’s Health and Gender
Analysis, Ottawa, Ontario, March 24, 2005.
ELIAS B, Advancing the field of Indigenous peoples’ health through excellence in research,
partnerships, and academic teaching. St. Boniface Clinical Research Grand Rounds,
Winnipeg, Manitoba March 1, 2005.
ELIAS B, Resiliency research within and across Indigenous population: Making a difference
through a mixed methods research program, Invited presentation to the Australian
Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra, Australia. December 8,
ELIAS B, Thinking beyond traditional epidemiology and population health approaches: A
case for feminist and indigenous methodologies. Workshop on community-based health
research by and for Aboriginal women: exploring gender and social inclusion in research
theory and processes. Hosted by the Aboriginal Women’s Health and Healing Research
Group (AWHHRG). Pre-conference workshop, National Aboriginal Health Organization
Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. November 7-10 2004
Epale D, Barlow K, Friday R, Reimer G, Kane F, ELIAS B, Anderson F, Metraux S, Results of a
national-wide environmental scan on community-based (CBR) research skills and needs of
Aboriginal AIDS service providers in Canada, 15th International AIDS Conference, Bangkok,
Thailand, July 2004.
ELIAS B, Health Information, fiscal rationality, partnerships, and sustainable research,
Presentation to the Assembly of Manitoba Health Information Research Committee,
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, May 2004
ELIAS B, Bartlett J. Centre for Aboriginal Health Research: A centre of excellence and
partnership in Canada, Faculty of Medicine Grand Rounds, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 2004.
ELIAS B, Towards a Manitoba First Nations Health Reporting Framework, Invited
Presentation for the Romanow Commission Working Group at the Manitoba Legislature,
December 2003.
ELIAS B, Bartlett J, Wilde D, Wastesicoots J, Eni R, Longclaws J. Picking up the Feather: First
Nations/Aboriginal Communities and University Working Together in Research. Health Get
With It Conference, Hosted by the National Aboriginal Health Organization, January 21-24,
ELIAS B, Longclaws J, and O’Neil J. Taking the long and broad approach to understanding
the health of Manitoba First Nations Communities: The Manitoba First Nations Regional
Longitudinal Health Survey (MRNRLHS), Social Determinants of Health across the Life
Span: A Current Accounting & Policy Implications, York University. November 29 –
December 1, 2002.
ELIAS B, O’Neil J, Longclaws J. Manitoba First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey:
Partnerships and Prospects, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Arts Showcase 2002,
October 29, 2002.
ELIAS B and O’Neil J. The “New” Centre for Aboriginal Health Research at University of
Manitoba: Partnerships, Research, and Academic Programs. University of Manitoba, Faculty
of Arts Showcase 2002, October 29, 2002.
Chateau D, Cheang M., ELIAS B, Fransoo F, Peterson S and Tate B. An Introduction to
Hierarchical Linear Modeling. University of Manitoba, Department of Community Health
Sciences Colloquium Series, January 18th, 2002. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B. Why is it so? The eco-social complexity of diabetes and hypertension in Manitoba
First Nation communities (Canada). 129th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health
Association, October 21-25, 2001. Atlanta, Georgia (USA)
ELIAS B. Health Indicators: Thinking Outside the Risk Behavior Box. Aboriginal Health
Information Symposium, Hosted by the National Aboriginal Health Organization, February
25-27th, 2001. Ottawa, Ontario.
ELIAS B. Activity Limitations: Is it just an Elders’ Health Issue? Aboriginal Health
Information Symposium, Hosted by the National Aboriginal Health Organization, February
11-13th, 2001. Ottawa, Ontario.
ELIAS B. First Nation Health Indicators: A need for balance. First Nations Health: Our Voice,
Our Decisions, Our Responsibility. Assembly First Nations National Health Conference,
February 25-27th, 2001. Ottawa, Ontario.
ELIAS B. and Demas D. Manitoba First Nations with a Disability: A need for Multi-Sectorial
Interventions. First Nations Health: Our Voice, Our Decisions, Our Responsibility. Assembly
First Nations National Health Conference, February 25-27th, 2001. Ottawa, Ontario.
ELIAS B. Rethinking First Nation Health: Issues of Gender, Place and the Determinants of
Health. The Health Policy Research Nexus: A Conference of NHRDP Personnel Award
Holders. Queens University, December 1-2, 2000. Kingston, Ontario.
ELIAS B, O’Neil J, and Reading J. The Politics of “Trust” and “Participation”: A Case Study of
developing First Nation capacity to apply health information. 99th Annual Meeting of the
American Anthropological Association. November 15-19th, 2000. San Francisco, California
ELIAS B, Reading J, MacDonald G, O’Neil J, Leader A and FNIRHS National Steering
Committee. “First Nation and Inuit Regional Health Survey: Combating health disparities by
developing self-governance over health information in Canada. 128th Annual Meeting of
the American Public Health Association, November 12-16th, 2000. Boston, Massachusetts
ELIAS B, Leader A, and Sanderson D. Living in Balance: Positive Health Behaviors in
Manitoba First Nation Communities. Our Health in Our Hands – A Conference on Women’s
Health. October 12-14th, 2000. Winnipeg, Manitoba
B. ELIAS, Leader A, Sanderson D. “Why First Nation ownership, control and access (OCA)
over diabetes research is critical: Outcomes of the Manitoba First Nation Regional Health
Survey.” 1st National Conference on Diabetes and Aboriginal Peoples. June 1-4th, 2000.
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada.
O’Neil J, Reading J, ELIAS B. “Self-government and Surveillance”: Building Epidemiological
Capacity in Canadian First Nations. “Contributions of Medical Anthropology and Beyond”
Society for Medical Anthropology/Society for Applied Anthropology Joint Annual Meeting.
March 21-26th, 2000. San Francisco, California. (USA)
Reading J, McDonald G, Deleary A, ELIAS B, O'Neil J, and The First Nations and Inuit
Regional Health Survey National Steering Committees and Technical Committees. “The
Information Age and Aboriginal Health: Integration of Health Research for Evidence Based
Policy Development in a Context of Aboriginal Self-Determination.” Creating Healthy
Communities - International Conference on Primary Health Care 2000. April 17-20, 2000,
Melbourne, Australia.
ELIAS B, Tate B, O’Neil J, Reading J, MacDonald G, Leader A. First Nations and Inuit Regional
Health Survey: Issues affecting regional autonomy, national control and sampling design.
University of Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences, Colloquium Series,
February 18, 2000. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Tate B, O’Neil J, Reading J, MacDonald G, Leader A. First Nations and Inuit Regional
Health Survey: Sampling Issues. Statistical Showcase 2000. Statistical Association of
Manitoba. January 24, 2000, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, Tate B, Reading J, O’Neil J, Leader A, MacDonald G. “National Roll-up of the First
Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey.” Population Health Perspectives: Making
Research Work Conference. October 5-7, 1999, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B, “Overview of Existing First Nation Statistical Information Relating to Diabetes.”
Manitoba First Nations Diabetes Strategy Conference.” June 15-16, 1999, Winnipeg,
ELIAS B, O’Neil J, Reading J, Leader A, Sanderson D, Tate B and the Manitoba First Nation
Health Information and Research Committee. “Gender determinants and Health Promotion
Behavior – A report on the Manitoba First Nation Regional Health Survey. Canadian Public
Health Association 90th Annual Conference. June 6-9, 1999, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
O’Neil J, ELIAS B, Reading J, Leader A, Sanderson D and the Manitoba First Nation Health
Information and Research Committee. “Who Uses Traditional Healers?” Canadian Public
Health Association 90th Annual Conference. June 6-9, 1999, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Leader A, Sanderson D, Reading J, O’Neil J, ELIAS B, and the Manitoba First Nation Health
Information and Research Committee. “Building Manitoba First Nation Institutional
Capacity in Health Research and Information.” Canadian Public Health Association 90th
Annual Conference. June 6-9, 1999, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
O’Neil J, ELIAS B, Reading J. Diabetes in Manitoba First Nation Communities. 42nd Annual
Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies, Winnipeg, June 2-5, 1999.
ELIAS B, Leader A, Castel S. First Nation Women and the Health of Manitoba First Nation
Communities. Panel Presentation. Forum on Women and Health Reform. March 19-20,
1999, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
ELIAS B. Preliminary Report on Diabetes: Manitoba First Nation Regional Health Survey.
Diabetes Consultation Forum, Medical Services Branch, Health Canada. March 18, 1999.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Reading J, ELIAS B, Tate B, O’Neil J, McDonald G, Green C, Leader A and the National
Steering and Technical Committees. “The First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey:
Roll-Up of the National Core Questions. National Aboriginal Information and Research
Conference. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada. March 29-31, 1998.
Young TK, O’Neil J, ELIAS B, Leader A, Reading J, McDonald G and the National Steering and
Technical Committees. “Chronic Diseases Among Aboriginal People in Canada: Literature
Review and Analysis of the First Nation and Inuit Regional Health Surveys. National
Aboriginal Information and Research Conference. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada. March 29-31,
Reading J, McDonald G, ELIAS B, O’Neil J, and the First Nations and Inuit Regional Health
Survey National Steering Committee. First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Surveys:
National Core Content Paper – An Exploration of Residential Schools and Gerontological
Issues. National Aboriginal Information and Research Conference. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada.
March 29-31, 1998.
Reading J, McDonald G, ELIAS B, O’Neil J, and the First Nations and Inuit Regional Health
Survey National Steering Committee. First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Surveys:
National Core Content Paper – A Descriptive Analysis of Non-Traditional Use of Tobacco by
Aboriginal People Living in Canada. National Aboriginal Information and Research
Conference. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada. March 29-31, 1998.
O’Neil J, Leader A, ELIAS B, D. Sanderson and the Manitoba Regional Health Survey Steering
Committee. “Manitoba Regional Health Survey: A Preliminary Report of Selected Results.”
National Aboriginal Information and Research Conference. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada. March
29-31, 1998.
Leader A, Reading J, Sanderson D, Tanner-Spence M, Wastesicoot J, ELIAS B, and O’Neil J.
“Social Factors related to Diabetes Awareness: Preliminary Results of the Manitoba First
Nations Regional Health Survey. 4th International Conference of Diabetes and Indigenous
Peoples. San Diego, California. (USA). October 8-11, 1997.
O’Neil J, Yassi A and ELIAS B. “The Cultural Context of Uncertainty in Environmental Risk
Perception Research in Aboriginal Communities. 8th Annual International Society of
Environmental Epidemiology. Edmonton, Alberta. August 17-21, 1996. Epidemiology. Vol. 7.
No. 4. July 1996: S73.
O’Neil J, Yassi A and ELIAS B. “Cultural Environmental Risk Perception in the Canadian
North”. Tenth International Congress on Circumpolar Health. May 19-24, 1996. Anchorage,
Alaska (USA).
O’Neil J, ELIAS B, and Yassi A. “The Discourse on Contaminants in Northern Communities:
Western Influences.” Tenth International Congress on Circumpolar Health. May 19-24,
1996. Anchorage, Alaska (USA).
ELIAS B and Smandych R. Global Corporate Autonomy: The Dialectical Evolution of
Western Domination over Nature. Joint International Meetings of the I.S.A. Research
Committee on Sociology of Law. Amsterdam, Netherlands. June 26-29, 1991.
Media Interviews:
1. Interview, TB rates for Aboriginals soar, Winnipeg Free Press, May 31, 2014
2. Interview, Feds used native kids as guinea pigs, Winnipeg Free Press, July 27, 2013
3. Interview, Tracking genetic signs of fetal-alcohol disorder, Winnipeg Free Press, July 11,
4. Interview, Northern Manitoba Health, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada, November 30, 2011
5. Interview, Third World Conditions, Winnipeg Free Press, October 1, 2011
6. Interview, First Nations Health Care Funding Crisis, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,
Iquluit, Nunavut, Canada, March 16, 2006
7. Interview, First Nations Health Care Funding Crisis, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, March 16, 2006
8. Interview, First Nations Health Care Funding Crisis, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, March 16, 2006
9. Interview, First Nations Health Care Funding Crisis, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,
Prince George/Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada, March 16, 2006
10. Interview, First Nations Health Care Funding Crisis, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, March 16, 2006
11. Interview, First Nations Health Care Funding Crisis, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,
Yellowknife, Yukon, Canada, March 16, 2006
University Committees
University of Manitoba Senate Committee on Instruction and Evaluation, Sept 2015 – 2018
University of Manitoba President’s Committee on Respect, July 2015 – Current
University of Manitoba Senator, Faculty of Medicine, Elected June 2010 – May 2013; Re-Elected
June 2013 – May 2016; Re-Elected June 2016 - 2019
University of Manitoba, Undergraduate Committee on the Bachelor of Health Sciences/Studies
Degree Program, June 2015 - Current
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine Executive Council, June 2010 – May 2016; June 2016 2019
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine Diversity Working Group, September 2011 – 2015
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine Diversity Research Working Group (Chair), January
2012 – 2015
University of Manitoba, Vice-President’s Research Office, CIHR Research Advisory Group (CRAG) /
Research Review Committee (Social), May 2009 – Current)
University of Manitoba Health Research Ethics Board, University of Manitoba, March 2007 – June
University of Manitoba, Northern Scientific Training Program Committee, September 2006 –
University of Manitoba, Centre for Human Rights Research, Critical Conversations in Water and
First Nations Planning Committee, May 2012 – March 2013
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Section of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Health, First
Nations, Metis, and Inuit Health Advisory Committee, February 2011 – December 2011
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Section of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Health, First
Nations, Metis, and Inuit Research Working Group, February 2011 – December 2011
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, Graduate
Committee, Faculty of Medicine, September 2007 – September 2010
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, Executive
Council, July 2008 – April 2010
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, Faculty
Search Committee, September 2009 – December 2009
Research Review Committees
University of Manitoba, UCRP/UIRP Peer Review Committee, November-December, 2015
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Foundation Grant Reviewer, Spring 2015, Accepted
for 2016.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), New Investigator Award Committee, August 2011Current
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Health Research Salary A Peer Review Committee
A, May 2006 – June 2013
Canada Research Chair Program, Member of the College of Reviewers, 2009-Current
Dr. Paul HT Thorlakson Foundation Research Review Committee, June 26, 2014.
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Trudeau Foundation Awards Committee,
January 2012
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Northern Scientific Awards Committee,
January 2007 - Current
Saskatchewan Health Research Council, Socio-Health, Systems and Clinical Review Committee,
June 2010 – 2013
Health Sciences Centre Foundation, General Operating Grants Funding Recommendations
Committee, 2011
Canadian Arthritis Network, Fellowship Review Committee, October 2010.
Health Sciences Centre Foundation, General Operating Grants Funding Recommendations
Committee 2006 - 2009
Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, Research Development Grants Committee, February
2007 - 2009
Manitoba Health Research Council (Social/population health committee), May 2006-April 2008
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN), National Research Advisory Committee, May 2006 –
May 2008.
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, Network Grant Reviewer, February 2007
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Aboriginal Health Research Working Group, 2001 2006
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, External Review (Operating Grants), September 2006
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, External Reviewer 2005
Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Randomized Control Trials, External Reviewer, 20022003
Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Health Promotion, External Reviewer 2001
Health Canada, National Aboriginal Community Based Research Capacity Building Initiative
(HIV/AIDS) – Grant Reviewer, 2001-2002
Health Canada, Working Group on Designing the Aboriginal Capacity Building on Community
Based HIV Research Program - Health Canada, 2000-2001
Health Canada, National Health and Research Development Program Review Committee Community Based HIV/AIDS Competition, Co-Chair/Reviewer, 1999-2000
Prairie Women’s Health Centre of Excellence, Determinants of Health Review Committee, 19972000
Health Canada, National Health Research and Development Program, Review Committee
HIV/AIDS Extramural Competition, (Student – Non-Voting Status), November 1998
Provincial/National/International Committees/Working Groups:
Canadian Indigenous Research Network Against Cancer, May 2015- Current (Founding member).
Manitoba Healthy Child FASD Research Working Group, September 2014 – Current (Co-Chair)
Manitoba Health Research Council, Research Advisory Committee, April 2008 – October 2012
Manitoba Health, Provincial Mental Health Strategic Plan Research Working Group, December
2011 – November 2012
Manitoba Lotteries Commission, Research Ethics Board, 2011-2014
Canada-Israel International Fetal Alcohol Consortium (Leads), University of Manitoba and
Province of Manitoba, 2011 - Current
International Group for Indigenous Health Measurement, 2009 – Current
Manitoba HPV Disease Prevention Secretariat, August 2008 – August 2012
Manitoba Indian Registry Data Linkage Working Group, 2003 – 2011
Manitoba Health and Healthy Living, Manitoba Pandemic Influenza Science Reference Group of the
Planning Section (MSRG), September 2009 – June 2010.
University of Manitoba (Faculty of Medicine), Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, and Public
Health Agency of Canada, Working Group on the Integration Centre for Aboriginal Health,
November 2007 – February 2008
Arthritis Surveillance Validation and Survey Working Group, Surveillance and Risk Assessment
Division Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, May
2006 – February 2011
PRE-Technical Advisory Committee on Aboriginal Research, Government of Canada, Interagency
Advisory Panel on Research Ethics, Ottawa, Canada, June 2006 – January 2010.
Canada-United States International Indigenous Cancer Collaboration, Sept 2006 - 2009
Rebalance Focus Action Group in Cross Cultural Issues in Cancer Care, Canadian Strategy for
Cancer Control, August 2007 – December 2008
First Nation Community Outreach
Cree Nation Tribal Health Centre, Reconfiguring Chronic Disease Self-Governance Initiative,
September 2014-Current
Southeast Resource Development Corp (Tribal), September 2011 – Current
Carib Council Health Research Team (Dominica-Canada Collaboration), October 2010 – December
Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team, March 2007 - Current
West Region Tribal Council and Health Canada First Nation and Inuit Health, Evaluation of the
WRTC Mental Health Wellness Team, December 2009 – April 2011
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, Health Strategy Working Group, Observer Status, May 2010
Ebb and Flow Community Health Needs Assessment Team (Developing a rapid assessment of
household health survey tool), April – May 2010
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Health Information and Research Committee, 1997-2005
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network National Aboriginal Community Based Research Steering
Committee, 2001-2004
National Aboriginal Health Organization, First Nations Centre, First Nations and Inuit Regional
Longitudinal Health Survey Technical Committee, 2001 – 2004
Assembly of First Nations, First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey Technical Committee,
1997 - 2001
Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy Committee on Disabilities, Assembly of
Manitoba Chiefs, 1999 - 2001
Manitoba First Nations Diabetes Committee, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, 1999
Manitoba First Nations Committee on First Nations Adult Care, Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council,
Academic Memberships:
Canadian Public Health Association, October 2008 - Current
Canadian Society of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, March 2009 – Current
Canadian Society for Circumpolar Health, 2005 - Current
National Aboriginal Diabetes Association, 2001 - Current
Society of Epidemiologic Research, 2005 – Current
Society of Applied Anthropology, 2006 – Current
American Public Health Association, 2000 - Current
Canadian Arthritis Network, May 2007 – September 2011
American Anthropological Association, Association for Feminist Anthropology, and Society for
Medical Anthropology, 2005-2007
American Public Health Association, American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Caucus,
American Public Health Association, Women’s Caucus, 2000-2003
Journal Manuscript Reviewer:
Social Science and Medicine 2013-2014
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2012; 2015
BMC, Public Health, 2011
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2010
Open Women’s Health Journal 2010 (7 papers reviewed)
Journal of Aboriginal Health 2007
Canadian Journal of Public Health 2006
Journal of Critical Care 2006
Journal of Aboriginal Health 2005
Social Science and Medicine 2003-2004
Conference/Symposium/Network/Workshop Planning, Judging and Chairing Activities and
Special Events:
Canadian Lead, Scientific Advisory Committee, World Indigenous Cancer Conference, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia, 2016
Co-Organizer, 6th International Group on Indigenous Health Measurement, Vancouver BC, Oct 1-5,
Session Chair, Data Linkage, 6th International Group on Indigenous Health Measurement,
Vancouver BC, Oct 1-5, 2014.
Co-Organizer, CIHR Café Scientfique, Office of the Vice-President, Research and International, May
2013 - February 10, 2014.
Co-Chair, CHS Student Abstract and Poster Training Sessions, March – May 2013.
Moderator, CIHR Café Scientique, Office of the Vice-President, Research and International,
Tuberculosis, the hidden epidemic, October 23, 2012
Co-Organizer, CIHR Café Scientifique, Office of the Vice-President, Research and International, May
Co-Organizer, Celebrating Indigenous Research, Office of the Vice-President (Research Ethics and
Compliance), Hosted by the Centre for Human Rights Research, March 13, 2012
Co-Organizer, First Nation, Metis and Inuit Health Symposium, University of Manitoba, Faculty of
Medicine, December 1-2, 2011
Co-Organizer, Visit of Scientific Director of CIHR, Institute of Aboriginal Peoples Health, April 2012.
Co-Organizer and Moderator (Social Environment), Canada-Israel International Fetal Alcohol
Consortium Network Meetings, March 27, 2012
Co-Organizer, Canada-Israel International Fetal Alcohol Consortium Network Meetings, March 18
Chair and Organizer, CIHR Cancer Team Knowledge Network Workshop Meeting, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 25 2011
Chair and Organizer, CIHR Cancer Team Knowledge Network Meeting, University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, January 10, 2010
Chair and Organizer, CIHR Cancer Team Knowledge Network Research Proposal Development
Meeting, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 16, 2006.
Chair and Organizer, CIHR First Nations Health Disparity Knowledge Network Meeting, University
of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 11 2011
Chair and Organizer, CIHR First Nations Health Disparity Knowledge Network Meeting, University
of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 9 2010
Session Chair, Chronicity, Society of Applied Anthropology, Merida, Mexico, March 26, 2010.
Poster Judge, Canadian Society for Circumpolar Health, Yellowknife,
Co-Organizer, Research Canada and Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research
Federal Minister Visit to Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research (Dr. Juilette
Copper and Dr. Brenda Elias), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 2010
Symposium Co-Chair, International Symposium on rheumatic disease in indigenous populations:
From molecules to communities, A symposium sponsored by the Faculty of Medicine, Department
of Internal Medicine (Section of Rheumatology) and Department of Community Health Sciences,
Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, Rheumatoid Arthritis Research in
First Nations Team, and Canadian Arthritis Network, University of Manitoba Bannatyne Campus,
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, September 24-25th, 2009
Planning Committee, Public Health Agency of Canada, Aboriginal Chronic Disease Surveillance
Symposium, Ottawa, Ontario, November 2009 – February 2010
Planning Committee, Public Health Agency of Canada, Aboriginal Chronic Disease Surveillance
with Existing Provincial/Territorial Databases: Working through the Challenges Symposium,
Ottawa, Ontario, November 2008 – February 2009
Planning Committee, Improving HPV Prevention among Aboriginal Peoples Workshop,
International Centre for Infectious Diseases/Public Health Agency of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
September 2008 – December 2008
Reviewer and Member of the Committee for the Major Student Research Award, University of
Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Research Day, June 2010
Poster Judge, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Research Day – Manitoba Poster
Competition – Canadian Student Health Research Forum, June 2015
Poster Judge, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Research Day – Manitoba Poster
Competition – Canadian Student Health Research Forum, June 2014
Poster Judge, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Research Day – Manitoba Poster
Competition – Canadian Student Health Research Forum, June 2013
Poster Judge, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Research Day – Manitoba Poster
Competition – Canadian Student Health Research Forum, June 2011
Poster Judge, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Research Day – Manitoba Poster
Competition – Canadian Student Health Research Forum, June 2010
Poster Judge, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Research Day – Manitoba Poster
Competition – Canadian Student Health Research Forum, June 2009
Poster Judge, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Research Day – Manitoba Poster
Competition – Canadian Student Health Research Forum, June 2008
Poster Judge, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Research Day - Manitoba Poster
Competition - Canadian Student Health Research Forum, June 2007
Strategy and Capacity Building Workshops (Capacity Development) and Networking:
Participant, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health
Research Foundation, Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Meeting: H1N1 Outbreak Research
Response, Toronto, Ontario, July 8 2009
Participant, Manitoba Genomics Strategy Workshop, University of Manitoba/Genome Prairie,
Bannatyne Campus, July 7 2009
Fly UP