• Overview Roadblocks to Higher Flax
Roadblocks to Higher Flax Yields and the Max Flax Challenge Robert Park, Manitoba Agriculture and Food, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 [email protected] Overview Roadblocks to Higher Flax Yields & The Max Flax Challenge • Flax Production in Manitoba • The Max Flax Challenge • What’s causing the yield Robert Park Oilseed Specialist variability? • Summary Distribution of Flax Acres in Manitoba for 1993 Mountain Minitonas Minitonas Swan River Swan River Duck Mountain Provincial Park Park Scale (kms.) Mountain 0 Dauphin Riding Mountain National Park Fisher Branch Siglunes Ochre River St. Rose McCreary Gimli Minto Archie Miniota BlanHamiota shard Saskatchewan Odanah Glenella Lansdowne Lakeview Lake Manitoba Alexander St. Laurent Rockwood Daly Woodsworth Elton Pipestone North Cypress Brandon Whitehead North Norfolk Sifton South Cypress Oakland Victoria St. Fran cois Rosser Xav ie r South Norfolk W. St. Paul E. St. Paul Winnipeg MacDonald Ritchot Cameron Brenda Arthur Winchester Whitewater Riverside Morton Strathcona Argyle Turtle Mountain Roblin Lorne Louise Pembina Roland Stanley Agricultural Region Offices Whitemouth Ste. Anne Rhineland Birtle Archie Miniota BlanHamiota shard Gimli Saskatchewan Odanah Lansdowne Lakeview Lake Manitoba Alexander St. Laurent Rockwood Daly Woodsworth Langford Elton Sifton Glenwood North Norfolk South Cypress Oakland Victoria St. Fran cois Portage la Prairie Cartier Grey South Norfolk Cameron Whitewater Riverside Edward Stuartburn Brenda Arthur B.A. Mitchell 1998 Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation Manitoba Agriculture Soil Resource Section A Manitoba Crown Corporation Winchester Morton Strathcona Turtle Mountain Argyle W. St. Paul Roblin Louise Ritchot Ste. Anne Roland Stanley Reynolds Hanover La Broquerie Morris Pembina RM/LGD Boundaries Tache De Salaberry Rhineland Montcalm Piney Franklin Stuartburn B.A. Mitchell 1998 Manitoba Agriculture Soil Resource Section MB Flax Prod. as % of Can. 1991-2000 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Source: MAF - Market Analysis and Statistics Section 90 120 Agricultural Region Offices Whitemouth Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation 70 0 100 Springfield A Manitoba Crown Corporation MB Flax Prod. as % of Can. 1981-1990 80 Pinawa E. St. Paul Winnipeg MacDonald Lorne Thompson Lac du Bonnet Brokenhead Beausejour Rosser Xav ie r Dufferin Albert Piney St. Clements Westbourne Cornwallis Reynolds Pipestone North Cypress Brandon Whitehead St. Andrews Woodlands Portage La Prairie Wallace Lake Winnipeg Armstrong Coldwell Glenella RM/LGD Boundaries La Broquerie Franklin McCreary Park Clanwilliam Rosedale StrathHarrison clair Shoal Lake 60 < 5000 5,000 to 10,000 10,000 to 15,000 15,000 to 20,000 20,000 to 25,000 25,000 to 30,000 30,000 to 35,000 35,000 to 40,000 40,000 to 45,000 Bifrost Eriksdale Alonsa Rossburn De Salaberry Montcalm Fisher Branch Siglunes Ochre River St. Rose Riding Mountain National Park Silver Creek Ellice 40 Acres Grahamdale Dauphin Shell- Boulton mouth Tache Morris Thompson Gilbert Plains Grandview Russell 20 Dauphin Hillsburg Minto Hanover Dufferin Albert Edward Springfield 0 Universal Transverse Mecator (NAD 27) Projection Mossey River Ethelbert Lawrence Shell River Pinawa Beausejour Portage Cartier la Prairie Grey Lac du Bonnet Brokenhead Westbourne Cornwallis Glenwood St. Clements St. Andrews Woodlands Langford Portage La Prairie Wallace Lake Winnipeg Armstrong Coldwell Park Clanwilliam Rosedale StrathHarrison clair Shoal Lake Scale (kms.) Mountain Duck Mountain Provincial Park 120 < 5000 5,000 to 10,000 10,000 to 15,000 15,000 to 20,000 20,000 to 25,000 25,000 to 30,000 30,000 to 35,000 35,000 to 40,000 40,000 to 45,000 Bifrost Eriksdale Alonsa Rossburn Birtle 100 ke La Silver Creek Ellice 80 Acres Grahamdale ke La Russell 60 hin up Da hin up Da Gilbert Plains Grandview 40 Park Dauphin Hillsburg Shell- Boulton mouth 20 Universal Transverse Mecator (NAD 27) Projection Mossey River Ethelbert Lawrence Shell River Distribution of Flax Acres in Manitoba for 1997 Mountain 0 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Source: MAF - Market Analysis and Statistics Section '00 Roadblocks to Higher Flax Yields and the Max Flax Challenge Robert Park, Manitoba Agriculture and Food, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 [email protected] Westbourne Flax Production The Max Flax Challenge 1400 • Variable flax yields - Why????????? • 2001 & 2002 worked with Ag Reps in 1200 Production '00 acres 1000 yield (kg/ac) 800 growers growers 600 60 400 40 200 20 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year Source: MCIC Management Plus Program Max Flax Challenge all regions of Manitoba • 35 different growers participated • Collected data on all agronomic practices • Looking to expand the MAX FLAX CHALLENGE in 2003 (Industry uptake) - Previous Crop • Top 12 -10 of 11 Wheat • 35 grower participated • Top 12 yields vs.. Mid 12 yields vs. • Mid 12 • Yield range was 36 to 12 bushels / acre • Difficult to make any major conclusion • Bottom 11 Bottom 11 yields Fallow -1 of 11 Barley -9 of 11 Wheat -1 of 11 Barley -1 of 11 Summer but it’s a snap shot looking at what are the top performers doing. -5 of 11 Wheat -3 of 11 Barley -3 of 11 Canola • Prev. Canola = The lowest, 7th and 8th lowest yields out of 35 growers - 2 year Previous Crop - Tillage System • Top 12 • Mid 12 • Bottom 11 - 9 of 11 Canola - 1 of 11 Beans - 1 of 11 Wheat - 8 of 11 Canola - 2 of 11 Wheat - 1 of 11 Alfalfa/grass - 6 of 10 Canola - 3 of 10 Wheat - 1 of 10 Barley • Top 12 • Mid 12 • Bottom 11 - 7 of 11 Conv. - 3 of 11 Zero - 1 of 11 Min. - 3 of 10 Conv. - 3 of 10 Zero - 4 of 10 Min. - 4 of 11 Conv. - 2 of 11 Zero - 5 of 11 Min. Roadblocks to Higher Flax Yields and the Max Flax Challenge Robert Park, Manitoba Agriculture and Food, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 [email protected] - Certified Seed • Top 12 Max Flax Challenge 2001 & 2002 Results - 11 of 12 Cert. - 1 of 12 non. Cert. • Mid 12 - 12 of 12 Cert. • Bottom 11 - 10 of 11 Cert. - 1 of 11 non. Cert. Growers Seeding Seeding Seeding N Fert Stand- Yield Depth Rate Date lbs/ac ability Bu/ac Lbs / ac Top 12 0.88 in 35.4 May 15 66.7 4.6 30.8 What Next ? • • again in 2003 across all regions of Manitoba. Travelling road show - “Flax the forgotten crop”- Diseases, Insects, Fertility, Max Flax Results & Industry participation The main goal is to get farmers in their flax field looking for problems. Attempt to change the thinking of flax as a forgotten crop. back end • distinctive tail • pipes off of the back Host crops - flax, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce and sunflowers 42.5 May 21 70.1 3.9 25.2 Bottom 11 1.16 in 42.8 May 19 47.8 4.0 18.4 • Insects - Potato Aphids • Disease - Pasmo • Phosphate & Mycorrhizae Insects - Potato Aphid • 1/4 in length • pale green, pointed 0.95 in Other Causes of Yield Variability • Looking to run the Max Flax Challenge • Mid 12 Insects - Potato Aphid • Sap feeders - leave • • honeydew on the stem Damage occurs late in the season - flowering & green boll ET - 2 to 3 aphids / plant at flowering or 8 aphids / plant at green boll Roadblocks to Higher Flax Yields and the Max Flax Challenge Robert Park, Manitoba Agriculture and Food, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 [email protected] What About Disease? • Breeders believe • Have You Seen Pasmo? that disease is a ‘non-issue’ in flax, however, efforts concentrate on wilt and rust None of the current varieties has any measure of resistance to pasmo • In co-op disease nurseries where flax residues are significant, ‘squirt & look’ investigation with foliar fungicides has shown impressive yield response • Pasmo? Disease - Pasmo • Preliminary studies • • • showing good fungicide response Circular brown lesions on the leaves Occurs during ripening - causing weakening and bolldrop Worse in moist cond. Roadblocks to Higher Flax Yields and the Max Flax Challenge Robert Park, Manitoba Agriculture and Food, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 [email protected] Phosphorus fertilization & Mycorrhizae • P is required, but responses are variable often due to method of application • P is required in the first few weeks of growth after that it has little effect on yield • How do we get P to the plant early in the season? P placement? Do we rely on the natural system? Roadblocks to Higher Flax Yields and the Max Flax Challenge Robert Park, Manitoba Agriculture and Food, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 [email protected] Flax Fertility: Nutrient uptake and removal in 24 bu/ac flax • Yield loss at 60 50 Straw 40 Seed Morden was proportional to stand decrease 30 Flax response to P placement check spring band side-band seed-placed 700 600 Population/sq m 70 Removal lb/ac Seed-placed P affect on stand 500 400 300 200 100 20 0 10 Morden Nitrogen Phosphate Potassium Sulphur • Flax doesn’t use applied • • Melfort Indian Head Lafond et al, 1996-99 Mycorrhizae • Brandon Location 0 P very well Greatly affected by the previous crop Mycorrhizae (fungus root) works with the flax root to source P the fungus increases the amount of root hair increasing the P uptake Mycorrhizae • 80% of all crops use • • the fungus (flax, wheat, corn) Brassicas (Canola) doesn’t - mycorrhizae population will be low after canola Tillage will also reduce the population Summary • Flax shouldn’t be the forgotten crop (planted last, managed at a low end) • Small fine tuning will go a long way • Planting early • Achieving good plant stands • Flax is not as forgiving as canola