Alternative Harvest Management Systems for Canola: Direct Harvesting Canola
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Alternative Harvest Management Systems for Canola: Direct Harvesting Canola
Alternative Harvest Management Systems for Canola: Direct Harvesting Canola Robert Park, MAFRI, Box 1149 Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Email: [email protected] Byrone Irvine, AAFC, Brandon, MB R7A 4L3; Guy Lafond, AAFC, Indian Head, SK S0K 2K0 Derwyn Hammond, Canola Council of Canada, Brandon, MB R7B 3K4 Alternative Harvest Management Systems For Canola Direct Harvesting Canola Robert Park, MAFRI Byron Irvine, Brandon AAFC Guy Lafond, Indian Head AAFC Derwyn Hammond, CCC 1 Alternative Harvest Management Systems for Canola: Direct Harvesting Canola Robert Park, MAFRI, Box 1149 Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Email: [email protected] Byrone Irvine, AAFC, Brandon, MB R7A 4L3; Guy Lafond, AAFC, Indian Head, SK S0K 2K0 Derwyn Hammond, Canola Council of Canada, Brandon, MB R7B 3K4 2 Alternative Harvest Management Systems for Canola: Direct Harvesting Canola Robert Park, MAFRI, Box 1149 Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Email: [email protected] Byrone Irvine, AAFC, Brandon, MB R7A 4L3; Guy Lafond, AAFC, Indian Head, SK S0K 2K0 Derwyn Hammond, Canola Council of Canada, Brandon, MB R7B 3K4 Yield - pushed, direct cut or swathed Indian Head 2002 Yield - pushed, direct cut or swathed Indian Head 2003 Pushed 2 wks after flower 33.6 Yield kg/ha 1891 Pushed 3 wks after flower 37.4 2102 0.2 Pushed 3 wks after flower 14.7 828 1.5 Pushed 4 wks after flower 39.6 41.7 2225 2348 0.3 0.1 Pushed 4 wks after flower Windrow 30% seed change 17.9 13.7 1006 772 1.5 1.4 28.5 33.1 2166 1863 0.1 0.2 Windrow 70% seed change 18.7 1051 1.7 Direct Cut 19.8 1116 0.9 8.2 466 ns LSD 4.7 269 0.053 Bu/ac Time and operation Windrow 30% seed change Windrow 70% seed change Direct Cut LSD Green seed 0.0 Time and operation Pushed 2 wks after flower Yield - pushed, direct cut or swathed Brandon 2001 Bu/ac Pushed Aug-24 Pushed Aug-27 Time and operation Bu/ac Pushed Aug-01 2.8 15.8 Yield kg/ha 892 Green seed 2.8 14.8 837 Green seed 1.8 Yield - pushed, direct cut or swathed Brandon 2002 (4 cult.) (80 and 125 plants/m2) Time and operation Bu/ac Yield kg/ha 965 17.1 14.3 Yield kg/ha 807 Green seed 1.4 Pushed Aug-06 14.2 800 1.3 14.4 13.7 809 772 1.3 1.0 Pushed Aug-29 Pushed Sept-03 16.8 15.3 948 861 2.1 1.3 Pushed Aug-12 Pushed Aug-15 Direct cut 14.4 813 2.3 Pushed Aug 19 13.4 757 1.2 12.9 725 1.0 NS NS NS Windrow Sept-03 16.6 933 0.9 Windrow Aug 20 LSD 2.5 142 1.3 LSD 3 Alternative Harvest Management Systems for Canola: Direct Harvesting Canola Robert Park, MAFRI, Box 1149 Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Email: [email protected] Byrone Irvine, AAFC, Brandon, MB R7A 4L3; Guy Lafond, AAFC, Indian Head, SK S0K 2K0 Derwyn Hammond, Canola Council of Canada, Brandon, MB R7B 3K4 Field scale pushing 2001 Field scale pushing 2002 (site 1, 4 reps) (site 1, 5 reps) Treatment Treatment Bu/ac Yield kg/ha Oil content % Bu/ac Yield kg/ha Oil content % Pushed Aug-12 41.9 2354 49.3 Pushed Aug 8 29.9 1685 47.0 Pushed Aug 18 44.1 2483 47.9 Pushed Aug 16 32.0 1801 47.7 Windrowed Aug 19 43.6 2455 47.7 Windrow Aug 16 29.2 1646 48.2 LSD 1.7 101 0.73 Field scale pushing 2002 (site 2, 3 reps) Treatment Bu/ac Yield kg/ha Oil content % Pushed Aug-12 34.4 1938 49.3 Pushed Aug 18 43.6 2455 49.6 Windrowed Aug 19 38.5 2163 50.1 LSD 2.1 118 3.1 4 Alternative Harvest Management Systems for Canola: Direct Harvesting Canola Robert Park, MAFRI, Box 1149 Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Email: [email protected] Byrone Irvine, AAFC, Brandon, MB R7A 4L3; Guy Lafond, AAFC, Indian Head, SK S0K 2K0 Derwyn Hammond, Canola Council of Canada, Brandon, MB R7B 3K4 Time of Swathing Trial Time of Swathing Trial 6 CPC Site Years (Hyola 440) Net Yield Averages for 2002 (6 sites) 120 % Yield 100 99 100 105 112 107 100 103 109 113 108 80 88 92 96 30 101 99 25 60 20 40 15 20 10 24.3 25.4 26.5 26.8 50-60% 60-70% SCC 27.9 25.8 26.7 30-40% SCC 40-50% 50-60% SCC 5 lb/ac SCC 28.3 5 0 3 lb/ac seed rate 5 lb/ac seed rate 8 lb/ac seed rate (Rolla only) 0 30-40% SCC 30 to 40% SCC 40 to 50% SCC 50 to 60% SCC 60 to 70% SCC Straight Cut 5 40-50% SCC SCC 3 lb/ac 60-70% SCC Alternative Harvest Management Systems for Canola: Direct Harvesting Canola Robert Park, MAFRI, Box 1149 Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Email: [email protected] Byrone Irvine, AAFC, Brandon, MB R7A 4L3; Guy Lafond, AAFC, Indian Head, SK S0K 2K0 Derwyn Hammond, Canola Council of Canada, Brandon, MB R7B 3K4 Issues with straight cutting • Negative – Splitting of pods – Pod drop – Green stalks – Slower dry down • Positive – Fewer operations – Lower risk of wind damage to swath – Potential for less green seed – Higher oil content Making pushing or direct harvest work • Need a heavy crop which is already lodged or can be lodged • Pushing reduces the risk by limiting pod movement, designer lodging, extra work • If direct cutting low fall winds needed (a lot to do with luck) • Need limited soil moisture so the plants will dry down, if not may need pre-harvest product (caution Glyphosate different than Reglone) To Make Swathing Work • Delay swathing until 60% seed color change • Match seeded acres to swathing capacity • Do not swath during low humidity and high temps • Green seed is related to the rate of dry down 6