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Art S c h o o l o f
School of
an n ual r ep ort
s c ho ol of art
ann ual r ep ort { 2 0 0 7  2 0 0 8 }
{ 2007
School of
a n n ua l r ep or t
{ 2007
2 0 0 8}
Director’s Message
History, Vision, Mission & Values 6
School of Art
Strategic Accomplishments
203 FitzGerald Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
Programs & Facilities
Endowment Fund
1.800.432.1960, ext. 9367
Gallery One One One
Student Awards
Student Exhibitions
Measures of Growth
Faculty and Staff
Research & Creative Achievements
Honouring Excellence
Visiting Artist Lecture Program
Toll-free in Canada:
[email protected]
School of
Celia Rabinovitch, In English Bay, oil on canvas, 61cm x 121cm, Collection of Province of Manitoba
Please enjoy the images in this report. Works of art were created by School of Art faculty, students and alumni.
Designed by John Funk (Underscorefunk Design), 2008.
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an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
dir e c t or ’ s message
Dr. Celia Rabinovitch
I am pleased to announce that the Master of Fine
Arts program was approved by the University of
Manitoba, the Board of Governors and the Academic
Senate in May, 2008. A major achievement for
the School of Art, the M.F.A. fulfills the School’s
longstanding vision of graduate studies in fine arts.
Subject to intensive University review, we believe that
the M.F.A. program builds a distinctive and creative
curriculum that balances art and intellect. Our lively
publications, summer programs, and enhanced
Visiting Artist series have created an international
profile for the School of Art.
Looking back over the last five years, I am
proud that we have advocated for the role of art as
a unique form of knowledge within the University.
The increasing recognition of the fine arts at the
University of Manitoba has lead to the new University
Creative Works Grant in 2007, with subsequent
awards to School of Art faculty. The School also has
a heightened presence in the University, and has
received support through research grants to rebuild
our infrastructure. Our art historians have garnered
SSHRC grants, and individual faculty members
School of
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sc ho ol of art
as well as Gallery One One One have continued
to receive national and regional public and private
grants for exhibitions. The School has advanced the
cause of art in the midst of competing arguments for
research dollars from science and the humanities.
We are now seen as not only visual artists, but as
visible members of an academic community.
Engaged with the University’s research culture,
the School of Art has increased opportunities to
raise awareness of artists and designers as creative
thinkers who offer solutions to contemporary
human concerns. While the questioning spirit of
artists may create discomfort, it also preserves
the primacy of imagination in creating new
ways of knowing the world. The remarkable
accomplishments of our alumni and students
demonstrate this freshness of vision.
Similarly, the School has forged connections
with the Winnipeg art community, resulting in
collaborations with the Winnipeg Art Gallery, Urban
Shaman Gallery, and Plug In ICA, among others.
Visiting artists work with our students, creating a
dialogue between practicing professionals and
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
dir ect or ’ s me ssag e
young artists. We have initiated advisory relationships
and research opportunities for artists and scholars,
enlarging the possibilities for our students.
This year completes my term as Director. I want
to take this opportunity to thank the faculty, students
and staff of the School of Art for their support in
bold academic ventures. I am also grateful for the
support offered by fellow Deans and Directors,
and by the President and Vice Presidents of the
University of Manitoba. We warmly welcome the
incoming Director, Paul Hess. Laurie Anderson, a
performance artist, says “Art is about joy, about
making something that’s so full of kind of a wild
joy that you really can’t put into words.” I hope
the images in this report convey the joy that we all
experience in art.
core values:
history :
Established in 1913 as the
Winnipeg School of Art, the
School of Art became affiliated
with the University of Manitoba
in 1950. The School of Art is
one of the oldest art schools
in western Canada, with a
reputation for producing
strong creative artists. With
its origins as an independent
ar t academy, the School’s
educational mission derives
from the interdependence
of intellectual investigation
and material expression in
art, making it unique among
Canadian universities for its
balanced emphasis between
disciplined fine art practice
and visual and intellectual
Theresa Braun, STUDENT
m i s s ion :
To prepare artists and scholars
in art history and theory who
employ creative thinking, artistic
skill, and a strong background in
history and culture. This balance
between intellectual inquiry
and creative ability informs the
School of Art’s programs.
• E xcellence in teaching, and an instructor to
student ratio that encourages the individual
training, advising, and mentoring necessary for
students to develop as artists and designers
• Creative thinking
• Visual problem solving
• Diversity of approaches to research, teaching,
and creative expression
• Diversity of cultures
• Integration of intellect and ideas, and visual forms
and expression
• Creative and intellectual exchange within the
University, nationally and internationally
• National and international competitive strength
as a source of outstanding artists
• A respectful environment for
learning and working
The School of Art recognizes art
as a unique form of knowledge
that gives visual form to ideas.
Tanya Regehr, STUDENT
Gerick Schroeder, STUDENT
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an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
str ate gic accompl ishmen ts
Sculpture in
the Urban Environment
Ivan Eyre receives Honorary Doctorate
At the University of Manitoba Convocation on May 27,
renowned artist Ivan Eyre received an honorary
doctorate at the University of Manitoba. Born in
Tulleymet, Saskatchewan, Ivan Eyre studied at the
University of Manitoba School of Art, where he later
taught painting and drawing. Throughout his career
he has achieved international recognition for his
fluent drawing and visionary painting.
Art on the Avenue is a collaboration between the
Downtown Winnipeg Business Development Zone
and nine School of Art Sculpture students, initiated
by Professor Gordon Reeve. This collaboration
provides emerging sculptors with the funding
and materials to create a group of original public
sculptures for Portage and Graham Avenues in
downtown Winnipeg. Currently there are eighteen
sculptures created through this project, installed to
enhance Winnipeg’s downtown. This year Investors
Group as well as the Richardson Building placed
School of Art students’ sculptures at their corporate
headquarters. Each artist made a sculpture for a
specific site with a limited budget while satisfying
Winnipeg city by-laws. As dedicated sculptors, the
students rapidly acquired new skills, producing
witty, challenging and lively works that enhance
the urban environment.
Program Approved
T h e l o n g a w a i t e d M . F. A .
Program was approved by the
University of Manitoba Senate
on May 5, 2008, and passed the
Board of Governors on May 22,
2008. We anticipate that the
M.F.A. program will be offered
by 2010-2011 pending funding
by the University and the Council
on Post Secondary Education.
A summary of Professor Gordon Reeve’s
Convocation Address for Ivan Eyre:
Professor Gordon Reeve and Dr. Ivan Eyre
un iv e r s it y of m an it oba
The awarding of honorary degrees to artists
by the University of Manitoba was infrequent
in the past. The School of Art is honored by
the recent recognitions of the achievements of
Ivan Eyre in 2008 and of Joe Fafard in 2007.
These achievements demonstrate the significant
contributions that artists continue to make in our
province, country, and public life.
sc ho ol of art
Ivan Eyre is recognized as one of the most important
and prolific Canadian artists of the twentieth
century. His deeply imaginative work has been
exhibited internationally in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris,
Spain, London, Edinburgh, Frankfurt and New York
and in many private, as well as all of the major and
most of the small public galleries across Canada
in sixty-seven solo and one hundred and twentyeight group exhibitions. His 1988 exhibition, Ivan
Eyre, Personal Mythologies: Images of the Milieu,
was the first exhibition of work by a living Canadian
painter and an inaugural exhibition for the new
National Gallery of Canada. Currently a Professor
Emeritus of the School of Art, Ivan Eyre taught
painting and drawing at University of Manitoba for
thirty-three years. We honour Professor Ivan Eyre
with the degree of Doctor of Laws, not only for
his remarkable lifetime achievement, but also for
sharing with all Canadians the boundless landscape
of his imagination.
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
st rat eg ic accompl ishmen t s
Carol E. Mills Memorial Scholarship Fund
the Winnipeg Art Gallery, as well as through
membership and presidency of the Manitoba
Society of Artists. Creating art was her passion.
In her own words: "I create art because it is my
visual voice. My painting style is constantly evolving
and is a distillation and abstraction of my inner and
outer experiences. I love the process of exploration
and experimentation. The linear combination in
some of my paintings coupled with the creation of
multiple layers can be interpreted as metaphors for
the many searches and journeys in my life."
Her creativity was focused on painting and
printmaking and she was often surprised by
the final images produced. Her art is held in
private collections in Canada, USA, Trinidad
and England.
In memory of his wife, Mrs. Carol E. Mills (B.F.A.
1980, B.Ed. 1984), Dr. John T. Mills and family have
established an endowment fund at the University
of Manitoba, School of Art. Carol was known as
a talented painter, gifted teacher, and supportive
friend. Through her passion for the arts she inspired
others to create. The scholarship commemorates
her dedication to creativity and self-expression. It
will be used to support students in the School of
Art who work in painting and/or printmaking, in the
second, third, or fourth year of study in the Bachelor
of Fine Arts (Honours), the Bachelor of Fine Arts,
or the Diploma in Art.
Born in Trinidad, Carol immigrated to Canada
with her husband John, in 1967. After raising sons
Richard and Nicholas, Carol was involved with art
education through the Winnipeg School Division,
David McMillan, Playground, Pripyat, 2006.
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an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
Janice Dalton, STUDENT
pro gr a ms & facil it ies
Research and Creative Excellence in Fine Art and Design
The School of Art is a research intensive unit in fine art and design. Recognition of faculty members’
publications, exhibitions, and time-based productions demonstrate the high level of research at the
School. Our creative production and research is affirmed by the grants and awards that faculty, students
and alumni receive from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Canada
Council for the Arts, the Manitoba Arts Council and the Winnipeg Arts Council. The high level of creative
activity by faculty is manifest in the works of art purchased by major art museums and galleries, the
Canada Council Art Bank, the Province of Manitoba Arts Advisory Board, public and private corporate
art commissions, broadcast media productions, and through faculty and student works shown in national
and international art exhibitions and biennales. Through the research and creative activities of faculty
and students, the School of Art has become prominent nationally and has produced many professional
artists, art historians, and curators who create visual art and knowledge internationally.
Academic Programming
The School of Art offers
five academic programs:
B.F.A. Honours in Studio Art
B.F.A. Honours in Art History
B.F.A. in Studio Art
B.F.A. in Art History
Diploma in Art
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A Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)
proposal is currently under
consideration by the University.
Sable Ptashnick, STUDENT
sc ho ol of art
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
(Including 2007 – 2008 Area Chairs)
Dayna Cielen, STUDENT
- Marilyn Baker
- Stephen Grimmer
Drawing - Sharon Alward
Foundation Studies - Steven Nunoda
Graphic Design - Kirk Warren
Painting - Jeff Funnell
Photography - David McMillan
Printmaking - Edward Howorth
Sculpture - Gordon Reeve
Video - Alex Poruchnyk
Art History
The School of Art uses four venues for studio and art history research
and for teaching:
FitzGerald Building, which also houses the School of Art administrative
centre, Gallery One One One, the School of Art Permanent Collection,
the FitzGerald Study Collection, digital media labs, video production
studio, and the art history research study centre.
Ceramics/Sculpture Building
Fine Art Barn
Printmaking Annex
Gallery One One One
Gallery One One One was established in 1965 to serve the School
of Art and the public. Housed in the FitzGerald Building, the Gallery
collects and shows contemporary and historical art, maintaining
and evolving collections in the School of Art's Permanent Collection
and the FitzGerald Study Centre collection.
School of
pr o g ra ms & fac il it ie s
Areas of research and academic programming
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an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
end ow ment f u nd
fina nces
The School of Art Endowment fund is generated from fees paid
annually by School of Art students. The interest generated
from the fund is distributed proportionately to the School
of Art Endowment Fund, the visiting artist lecture program,
and to an equipment/student initiatives fund. Allocations in
2007/08 include:
Visiting Artist Lecture Program
Printmaking Area – Digitizing of the printmaking archive
Photography Area – hardware for student use
(tripods, exposure meters, digital camera)
Ceramics Students - conference fees for six students to
attend the National Council on Education for Ceramics
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Interest from Endowment Funds
Internal transfers for Special Initiatives
External Contributions for Research
Sales & Service
Internal Contributions for Research
Tuition Fees
Operating Grant
$2,633,387 90.46%
Academic Programming
$87,418 3.00%
$59,499 2.04%
Research, Infrastructure, Equipment, Supplies $45,060 1.55%
Gallery One One One
$34,211 1.18%
Academic - Professional Development
$25,075 0.86%
SSHRC Grants
$19,124 0.66%
$7,355 0.25%
sc ho ol of art
$19,555 0.64%
$27,331 0.90%
$33,634 1.10%
$40,322 1.32%
$45,038 1.48%
$93,368 3.06%
$479,952 15.73%
$2,312,131 75.77%
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
Jason Cui, STUDENT
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an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
Laura Porath, STUDENT
g a l lery one one one
Orange Corner: A Ken Lochhead
tribute exhibition with works by
the artist and his circle.
Arnaud Maggs: Nomenclature
November 22, 2007 - January 18, 2008
Steven Nunoda, Modern Ghosts, 2007, mixed media, 5 x 53 x 16 cm.
Artist's talk: November 23
August 11 - September 28, 2007
A r naud Magg s's new wor k fo cu se s the
nineteenth-century science and art of colour,
leading directly to modern theory and practice.
Gallery One One One co-produced this exhibition
and print catalogue in cooperation with the Robert
McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa and the McMaster
Museum of Art in Hamilton.
Initiated by Mimi Paige, Suzanne Gillies, and the Ken
Lochhead Ad Hoc Memorial Committee, this tribute
exhibition included work by Kenneth Lochhead as
well as his devoted students and associates.
FitzGerald in Context
October 11 - November 9, 2007
Richard Condie: AARRGG!!
Curator's tour: October 11
School of Art Thesis Show
April 1 - 13, 2008
April 1, 2007 - March 31, 2008
The thesis and diploma workshop exhibition
featured works by graduating University of Manitoba
School of Art students.
April 3 - May 2, 2008
Moira Swinton and Nelda Swinton donated nearly
100 works on paper by their father, the late George
Swinton. Following his appointment in 1954,
Swinton taught for twenty years at the School of
Art. His profound interest in Inuit art resulted in the
publication of several books on the subject. He was
a Member of the Order of Canada.
The artist and curator Paul Butler of theothergallery,
in cooperation with Gallery One One One,
presented a solo exhibition of the Winnipeg artist
Richard Williams's Naked Block Party drawings
from Gallery One One One's collection at New
York City's White Columns Gallery. This exhibition
was Williams's first New York solo show.
Gallery One One One received a grant from the
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Trust Fund
to purchase artworks. Indian Princess from the
Cyborg Hybrid Series, a digital print by local artist
KC Adams, and Bunk 2, 2007, an oil painting by
School of Art graduate Krisjanis Kaktins-Gorsline,
were acquired with these funds.
Richard Williams at White Columns
February 7 - March 7, 2008
For this exhibition Dr. Marilyn Baker, a senior
art historian at the University of Manitoba,
brought together photographic documentation
of FitzGerald's life with little-known works of art
by FitzGerald and his associates, including some
student work made under his tutelage.
Talk and screening with curators Cliff Eyland, Shelley Sweeney
and Winnipeg animated filmmaker Alison Davis: February 27
Organized by Gallery One One One and the
University of Manitoba Archives and Special
Collections, this exhibition comprised a
retrospective of Richard Condie, an Academy
Award nominated animator.
Arnaud Maggs (Manitoba Arts Council):____________$4,084
Richard Condie (Manitoba Arts Council):___________$3,450
Profiles Project (School of Art Endowment Fund):_ __$2,718
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an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
st u dent awa r ds
Through the generous contributions of
individuals and corporations, a number
of awards and scholarships are available
annually to recognize excellence, and to
encourage the study of and creation of art.
The following is a summary of the 2007-2008
award recipients:
Heinz Jordan Prize in Painting
For a degree or diploma student in the School of Art
 Lisa Bedard
School of Art Award
Heinz Jordan Prize in Printmaking
For projects devoted to creative work and/or
creative research in visual art by full and parttime fine art students
 Karen Asher
For a degree or diploma student in the School of Art
 Ryan Trudeau
Lisa Bedard, STUDENT
Lynn Sissons
Memorial Scholarship
Lila Wallace – Reader’s Digest
Endowed Scholarship
For best water colour presented
to a jury of selection
 Erin Brown
For graduates of the School of Art seeking to
further their study of fine art in the United States
ia Feuer, Maegen Hill-Carroll,
Simon Hughes, Elaine Stocki
Dr. A. W. Hogg Undergraduate Scholarship
For the highest standing in the School of Art
 Curtis Wiebe
Emily Baxter-Judder, STUDENT
Mitch Gowler
Memorial Award
Molly Hyman
Award in Art
Gissur Eliasson
Memorial Scholarship
For a student majoring in drawing
or printmaking
 Rachel Terleski
For outstanding work in honours
courses STDO 3600 Painting 2
or STDO 3630 Drawing
 Jacqueline Traverse
For achievement at a high level
in studio and workshop courses
in the School of Art and shows
promise of continuing to do
outstanding work in fine art
 Alice Linski
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Cecil C. Richards
Memorial Award
For achievement in life
modelling sculpture class
 Erin Brown
Helga Miller Scholarship
For exceptional work in drawing
and/or watercolors
 Ciji Crighton
Scholarship in Fine Arts
Kenneth Finkelstein
Prize in Sculpture
For highest standing, any year
except the graduating year, in the
degree course in fine art
 Sarah Jane Kerr-Lapsley
For a degree or diploma student
in the School of Art
 Theresa Braun
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
gr a duates
Congratulations to the School of Art graduates of the past year. We hope that you will remember
your university days fondly, and that you will keep in contact with us as alumni.
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours)
Nancy Arnold*
Maria Baker*
Mathieu Bohemier*
Kathryn Carnegie*
Nova Cassan*
Kristin Ching*
Ben Clarkson*
Jean Cook*
Ciji Crighton*
Tamara Dixon*
Ashleigh Drewett-Laird*
Michael Dudeck*
Joshua Dudych*
Elizabeth Edmonds*
Brynn Enright*
Matthew Gardiner*
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Stephen Hunter
James Jansen*
Jeanette Johns*
Ainsley Johnston
Katelynd Johnston*
Nora Kobrinsky*
David Kujawa
Justin Leung*
Courtney Lim
Katherine Loewen*
Eryn Mackenzie*
Remo Mamaril*
Ashley Martin*
Bernard Moosbaur*
Crystal Nykoluk*
Alison Pattern
Ashley Perrier*
Christina Prokopchuk*
Ashley Reidle
Leanne Roed*
Johnathan Small*
Jennifer Sonnenberg*
Elaine Stocki*
Catherine Toews*
Adele Van Gend*
Rachael Wells*
Jamie Wright*
Adrienne Zajac*
*Studio First Class Honours
Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art History
Diploma in Art
Tracy Marshall
Ava Peters
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Justine Andrus
Jessica Birdwise
Kenneth Botan
Michelle Breault
Marco Brilhante
Sandra Brown
Joanna Bulowska
Jared Cantor
Pei Chun Chen
Lisa Chin
Nathan Fast
Cheryl Freeman
Leanne Grapentine
Alexis Gurney
Mathew Halprin
Catherine Jordan
Kenneth Lavallee
Marie Lavoie
Candi Li
Christabel Lindner
Helen Lyons
Yuen Ma
Sylvie Mallais
Brienne Mayer
Rebecca Moffatt
Rosanna Neufeld
Kristin Norman
Kwan Pang
Kathleen Pawluk
Stephanie Phin
Odessa Reichel
Allison Rogers
Riku Sin
Julie Slessor
Russel Vokey
Carmela Wade
Melody White
Angelina Yu
Graduation Awards
University of Manitoba Gold Medal: ______________________________
School of Art Medal in Fine Art Studio (Honours): __________________
School of Art Medal in Fine Art Studio: _ __________________________
Tanya (Tye) Asper Memorial Prize: ________________________________
Alice Hamilton Prize in Painting: __________________________________
sc ho ol of art
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
Michael Dudeck
Michelle Breault
Michael Dudeck
Matthew Gardiner
Matthew Gardiner
st u dent e x hibit ions
A number of local galleries hosted School of Art thesis shows last year. We thank them for their
support of these important student events that provide the wider community with an opportunity
to view student art in a professional environment.
All Fired Up
Outworks Gallery
PDF – Thesis Works from the U of M
March 30 - April 5, 2008
April 18 - May 2, 2008
School of Art Thesis Exhibition
Gallery One One One
Firewire Screening
April 1 - 13, 2008
May 8, 2008
School of Art Open House
School of Art, University of Manitoba
Thesis in Photography 2008
Platform Center for Photographic and Digital Arts
April 13, 2008
May 16 - 31, 2008
The U of M Graphic Design ’08 Exhibition
Outworks Gallery
April 17 - 20, 2008
Sawson Chaundry, STUDENT
John Small, STUDENT
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sc ho ol of art
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
me a sur es of grow th
The figures below demonstrate the School
of Art’s consistent enrollment in regular and
summer session, as well as its increasing
number of graduates annually.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
9,284 10,211 10,942 10,445 10,351 9,594
Credit Hours Taught regular session :
2003 2004 2005 2006
Enrollment-Regular Session:
*Aurora system provides term-based data
IMS system provided session-based data
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
1,146 1,242 1,665 1,535
Credit Hours Taught summer session :
Human Resources:
Graduates by Year:
Jen Sonnenberg, STUDENT
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sc ho ol of art
Number of staff
Academic - Professor
Academic - Associate Professor
Academic - Assistant Professor
Academic - Lecturer
Sessional Instructor
Administrative Staff
Technical Staff
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
facult y & sta ff
Academic Promotion
Dr. Mary Ann Steggles and Gordon Reeve were
promoted to Professor and Alex Poruchnyk to
Associate Professor.
Professor Robert Sakowski retired after a 41 year
career at the School of Art. Debra Henry Taylor
and Ken Jacobson left the University of Manitoba.
Francisco Fernandez was hired as the LAN
Coordinator. Donna Jones is serving a one-year
term as Gallerist in 2008.
Assistant Professors
Jeff Funnell, M.F.A. (Cincinatti), B.F.A. (Manitoba)
Stephen Grimmer, M.F.A. (Massachusetts), B.F.A. (Kansas), B.Sc. (Iowa)
Kevin Kelly, M.F.A. (Rutgers), B.F.A. (Victoria)
Steven Nunoda, M.F.A. (Calgary), B.F.A. (Western)
Kirk Warren, M.A. (Syracuse), B.F.A. (Hons.) (Manitoba)
Scott Barham, Diploma in Art
Derek Brueckner, M.F.A., B.F.A. (Hons.)
Joseph Cannizzaro, M.F.A., M.A. (Art), B.F.A. (Hons.)
Chris Clarke, Diploma in Art
Michelle Davidson, Ph.D (Math)
Dan Dell’Agnese, M.F.A., B.F.A. (Hons.), Dip. Art (Adv. Art)
Kathleen Fonseca, M.F.A., B.F.A. (Hons.)
Larry Glawson, M.F.A., B.F.A. (Hons.)
Joe Grande
Karen Hibbard, M.F.A., B.A. (Hons.)
Sarah Ann Johnson, M.F.A., B.F.A. (Hons.)
Bruce Kirton, M.F.A., B.F.A. (Hons.)
Klaus Klostermaier, Dr. Phil., Ph.D.
Evan Kuz, B.F.A. (Hons.)
Alan Lacovetsky, M.F.A., B.F.A.
Craig Love, M.F.A., B.F.A. (Hons.)
Steven Matijcio, M.F.A., B.A. (Hons.)
Susan Moffatt, M.A., B.A.
‘Segun Olude, M.A., B.F.A. (Hons.)
Alicia Smith, B.E.D., Dip (Comp. Graphics)
Kevin Stafford, M.F.A., B.A.
Darren Stebeleski, MDes., B.F.A.
Jenny Western, M.A. (Art History), B.A. (Hons.)
Stephanie Whitehouse, BDes.
Lisa Wood, M.F.A., B.F.A. (Hons.)
Edward Howorth, M.F.A. (North Dakota), B.F.A. (Manitoba)
Nil-Salary Appointments
Joanna Black (Faculty of Education),
Ph.D., B.Ed. (OISE/Toronto), M.A. (Concordia), B.A. (Guelph)
Steve Gouthro, M.F.A. (Washington), B.F.A. (Hons.) (Manitoba)
Klaus Klostermaier (Faculty of Arts),
School of Art Staff
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Ph.D. (Bombay), Dr. Phil. (Gregorian, Rome)
Lea Stirling (Faculty of Arts),
Ph.D., M.A., M.A. (Michigan), B.A. (Hons.) (Alberta)
Director and Professor
Celia Rabinovitch, Ph.D. (McGill), M.F.A. (Wisconsin), B.F.A. (Hons.), B.A. (Manitoba)
Sharon Alward, M.F.A. (UCLA), B.F.A. (Hons.) (Manitoba), B.A. (Winnipeg)
Marilyn Baker, Ph.D., M.A. (Wisconsin), B.A. (Northwestern)
David McMillan, M.F.A., B.Sc. (Wisconsin)
William Pura, M.F.A. (Indiana), B.F.A. (Hons.) (Manitoba)
Gordon Reeve, M.F.A. (Rhode Island School of Design), B.F.A. (Cranbrook)
Robert Sakowski, M.F.A., B.F.A. (Maryland)
Mary Ann Steggles, Ph.D. (Leicester), M.A., B.F.A. (A.H.Hons.) (Manitoba)
Director Emeriti
Richard Williams, M.F.A. (Iowa), B.A. (Carnegie)
Professors Emeriti
Robert Archambeau,
M.F.A. (New York State, Alfred), B.F.A. (Bowling Green, Ohio)
Ivan Eyre, B.F.A. (Manitoba)
Donald Reichert, B.F.A. (Manitoba)
Associate Professors
Oliver Botar, Ph.D., M.A., M.Sc. (Toronto), B.A. (Hons.) (Alberta)
James Bugslag, Ph.D. (East Anglia), M.A., B.A. (Victoria)
Cliff Eyland, B.F.A. (Hons.) (Nova Scotia)
Alexander Poruchnyk, M.F.A. (Windsor), B.F.A. (Hons.) (Manitoba)
Senior Scholars
Dale Amundson, M.F.A. (Arkansas), B.F.A. (Manitoba)
Charlotte Werner, Ph.D., B.F.A. (Manitoba),
Diana Thorneycroft, M.A. (Art), (Wisconsin), B.F.A. (Hons.) (Manitoba)
Administrative Staff
Robert Epp, B.A. (Hons.)
Francisco Fernandez, M.L.Arch., B.Env.D.
Debra Henry Taylor
Leslie Hoffman, M.A., B.A.
Ken Jacobson, B.F.A. (Hons.)
Donna Jones, M.F.A., B.F.A. (Hons.)
Val Myers
Char Okell, B.R.S.
Micheline Watson
Technical Staff
Architecture & Fine Arts Library Staff
Sarah Crawley, B.F.A. (Hons.)
Andrew Lodwick, B.F.A. (Hons.)
Johanna Schmidt, B.F.A. (Hons.)
Shawn Sinclair, B.F.A. (Hons.)
Mary Lochhead, M.L.S. (Alberta), B.A. (Mount Allison)
Liv Valmestad, M.L.I.S. (Western), M.A. (Queen’s), B.F.A. (Saskatchewan)
M.A. (North Dakota), M.A. (North Dakota State)
Diane Whitehouse, N.D.D. (Birmingham College of Art)
un iv e r s it y of m an it oba
sc ho ol of art
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
research & creative achievements
Stephen Grimmer
Edward Howorth
Kevin Kelly
G roup E xhibitions :
G roup E xhibitions :
S olo E xhibition :
The Distill Cup
Distill Gallery, Toronto, ON
Royal Canadian Academy of
Arts & Gallery Showcase
Ken Segal Gallery, Winnipeg, MB
Air Sell, Bangalor
1 Shanthi Road Studio Gallery,
Bangalor, India
June 21 - July 7, 2007
April 27, 2008
Orange Corner:
A Ken Lochhead tribute
exhibition with works by
the artist and his circle.
Gallery One One One,
University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB
G roup E xhibition :
June - July 2007
Sharon Alward
Derek Brueckner
Sessional Instructor
Cliff Eyland
G roup E xhibition :
Commissioned by Video Pool
Media Arts Centre for its 25th
Winnipeg Contemporary Dance
Studio, Winnipeg, MB
G roup E xhibitions :
May 16 - 24, 2008
Winter Warmer Open
Members Exhibition
Aceartinc., Winnipeg, MB
Other Peoples Projects
Studio Voltaire Gallery,
London, England
December 7 - 15, 2007
September 19 - October 28, 2007
8 x10 Fundraiser Exhibition
Platform Gallery, Winnipeg, MB
G roup E xhibitions :
50 to 500 Exhibition
Urban Shaman Gallery,
Winnipeg, MB
November 23 - December 15, 2007
Swag Bag
Saskatoon, SK
September - October, 2007
Jeff Funnell
S olo E xhibition :
December 12 - 15, 2007
History in the Making
Gennesee Pottery, Rochester, NY
Dark Fair
The Swiss Institute, New York, NY
Gloria Kennedy Gallery,
Brooklyn, NY
November - December, 2007
August 11 - September 28, 2007
2nd Biennial Concordia
Continental Ceramics
Concordia University Gallery,
St. Paul, MN
Instructors Exhibition
WAG Studio Programs
Building, Winnipeg, MB
August 9 - 31, 2007
Collage Crimes, Guy Maddin
Architecture 11 Gallery,
University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB
Annual Members Exhibition
Platform Gallery, Winnipeg, MB
April 10 - 24, 2008
July 20 - August 18, 2007
April 25 - May 31, 2008
Dazibao Gallery, Montreal, PQ
September 21, 2007 - January 30, 2008
October 24, 2007 - January 10, 2008
December, 2007 - January, 2008
Gallery IC03, University of
Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB
February 7 - March 22, 2008
February - March, 2008
No Danger
Richmond Airport, Richmond, VA
May 25 - June 9, 2008
G roup E xhibition :
Mois de l’art imprimé
Galerie d’art, Ste. Ambroise,
Montreal, PQ
May, 2008
un iv e r s it y of m an it oba
sc ho ol of art
Sessional Instructor
Ceramic Encounters
Musee des maitres et artisans
du Quebec, Montreal, PQ
Eight Fluid Ounces
Louisiana State University Art
Gallery, Shaw Center for the
Arts, Baton Rouge, LA
Sessional Instructor
Alan Lacovetsky
G roup E xhibition :
St. John’s Ravenscourt
Gallery, Winnipeg, MB
Karen Hibbard
June 3 - September 11, 2008
Re-Visiting the Collection
Buhler Gallery, St. Boniface
Hospital, Winnipeg, MB
January - February, 2008
March 27 - 30, 2008
Gallery One One One, University
of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
Open Sky Art Festival
Open Sky Creative Society,
Fort Simpson, NT
June 26 - July 20, 2008
r e s ear c h & c r eat iv e ac hie v emen t s
David McMillan
Alexander Poruchnyk
Dr. Celia Rabinovitch
Kirk Warren
G roup E xhibitions :
G roup E xhibitions :
G roup E xhibitions :
G roup E xhibition :
Is there a there there?
Oakville Galleries, Oakville, ON
“Live Wire” as part of
Analogue: Pioneering Video
from the UK, Canada and
Poland (1968-88)
The Museum of Contemporary
Canadian Art, Toronto, ON
Orange Corner: A Ken
Lochhead tribute exhibition
with works by the artist and
his circle.
Gallery One One One, University
of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB
Gallery One One One,
University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB
November 2 - 3, 2007
August 11 - September 28, 2007
Dr. Oliver Botar
“Before I Wake Before I
Sleep” as part of Maze
Gallery One One One,
University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB
Into Our Collection
The Winnipeg Art Gallery,
Winnipeg, MB
The Magyar Imagination:
Selections from the
Salgo Trust Donation of
Hungarian Art
The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli
Art Museum, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ
November 17, 2007 - January 22, 2008
Museum London, London, ON
April 5 - July 13, 2008
Subconscious City
Winnipeg Art Gallery,
Winnipeg, MB
February 8 - May 11, 2008
Dream House
Fundraising Exhibition
Plug In ICA, Winnipeg, MB
June 3 - September 11, 2008
February 23 - April 5, 2008
Steven Nunoda
G roup E xhibition :
Gallery One One One,
University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB
June 3 - September 11, 2008
June 3 - September 11, 2008
Lisa Wood
Sessional Instructor
Gallery 803, University of
Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB
FitzGerald in Context
Gallery One One One,
University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB
August, 2007
October 11 - November 9, 2007
solo E xhibition :
June 28 - December 15, 2008
Gordon Reeve
G roup E xhibition :
William Pura
No Danger
Richmond Airport, Richmond, VA
Exhibition of model
for Mega-ferriques
National Capital Commission,
Ottawa, ON
March 25 - May 9, 2008
January - June, 2008
Naestved International
Mini Print Exhibition
Ronnebaeksholm Arts and
Culture Centre Naestved,
Darren Stebeleski
G roup E xhibitions :
March 29 - April 20, 2008
December 8, 2007 - March 30, 2008
Természet és technika:
Az újraértelmezett MoholyNagy 1916-1923 [Nature
and Art: Moholy-Nagy
Reconsidered 1916-1923]
Janus Pannonius Museum,
Pécs, Hungary
Sessional Instructor
G roup E xhibition :
Members Show
Martha Street Studio,
Winnipeg, MB
November 29, 2007 - January 6, 2008
December 20, 2007 - April 6, 2008
Alex Poruchnyk, Before I wake, before I sleep, video - two monitor piece, 20 minutes, 2008,
Year of the Rat
International Print
Exhibition and Exchange
Proof Gallery, Toronto, ON
Magyar Nemzeti Galéria
[Hungarian National Gallery],
April 24 - August 20, 2008
January 30 - February 24, 2008
Dr. Marilyn Baker
un iv e r s it y of m an it oba
sc ho ol of art
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
r e s ear c h & c r eat iv e ac hie v emen t s
Cliff Eyland
Steven Matijcio
Dr. James Bugslag
Dr. Oliver Botar
Plastic Woodland
Urban Shaman Gallery,
Winnipeg, MB
Pretend: Theatre & Video
Plug In ICA, Winnipeg, MB
Bugslag, James, “The Revival and Resurgence
of Stained Glass ‘Treatises’ in the 19th Century
and their Implications for the Study of Pre-Modern
Stained Glass,” in Karine Boulanger and Michel
Hérold, eds., Le vitrail et les traités du Moyen Âge
à nos jours. Actes du XXIIIe colloque international
du Corpus Vitrearum, Tours, juillet 3-7, 2006. Bern:
Peter Lang, 2008: 297-314.
Botar, Oliver, ed., The Magyar Imagination.
Selections from the Salgo Trust Donation of
Hungarian Art, exh. cat. New Brunswick, N.J.:
The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutges
University, 2007.
Sessional Instructor
July 20 - August 18, 2007
July 6 - 20, 2007
Co-Curator with Sharon Alward,
Jeff Funnell, Alex Poruchnyk and
Karen Hibbard
Blue Thought
Outworks Gallery, Winnipeg, MB
March 7 - 8, 2008
Scratching the Surface:
The Post-Prairie Landscape
Plug In ICA, Winnipeg, MB
September 14 - November 23, 2007
Dream House
Plug In ICA, Winnipeg, MB
Bugslag, James, “A ‘Lost’ Ivory Casket in the Gort
Collection at the Winnipeg Art Gallery,” RACAR
(Revue d’art canadienne/Canadian Art Review),
XXXII, 1-2 (2007): 5-18.
February 15 - April 5, 2008
Co-Curator with
Dr. Shelley Sweeney
Richard Condie: AARRGG!!
Gallery One One One, University
of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB
Co-Curator with Walter Forsberg
Outside: Re-Mapping the
Contemporary Landscape
Cinematheque, Winnipeg, MB
February 7 - March 8, 2008
October 23, 2007
Bugslag, James, “Architectural Drafting and the
‘Gothicization’ of the Gothic Cathedral,” Reading
Gothic Architecture, Matthew Reeve, ed. Turnhout:
Brepols, 2008: 57-74.
Bugslag, James, “Review of Michael W. Cothren,
Picturing the Celestial City: The Medieval Stained
Glass of Beauvais Cathedral, Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2006,” Journal of Stained Glass,
vol. XXXI (2007): 157-62.
Bugslag, James, “Review of Bernadette Filotas,
Pagan Survivals, Superstitions and Popular Cultures
in Early Medieval Pastoral Literature, Studies and
Texts 151 (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
Studies, 2005),” The Medieval Review (July 9, 2007)
[online] http://quod.lib.umich.edu/
Kevin Kelly, Image from Air Sells, flash projection, 2008
Botar, Oliver, ed., Természet és technika: Az
újraértelmezett Moholy-Nagy 1916-1923, revised
Hungarian-language edition of Technical Detours:
The Early Moholy-Nagy Reconsidered (New York,
2006). Budapest: Vince Kiadó, 2007.
Botar, Oliver, “The Roots of László Moholy-Nagy’s
Biocentric Constructivism” in Signs of Life: Bio Art
and Beyond, Eduardo Kac, ed. Cambridge, Mass.:
The MIT Press, 2007: 315-344.
Botar, Oliver, “Moholy-Nagy László Film-építész”
[László Moholy-Nagy, Film Architect]. Utóirat [Post
scriptum] vol. 8, no. 43 (February, 2008). Insert of A
" müvészet [Old-new Hungarian
Régi-új Magyar Épito
architecture], 2008/2: 4-8.
Derek Brueckner
Sessional Instructor
Brueckner, Derek, “ ’The Post-Bolshevic’ , review
of Art Imitating Life Imitating Art,” Winnipeg:
aceartinc.- Critial Distance, March, 2008.
Nadine Hink, STUDENT
un iv e r s it y of m an it oba
sc ho ol of art
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
r e s ear c h & c r eat iv e ac hie v emen t s
Joseph Cannizzaro
Steven Matijcio
Dr. Celia Rabinovitch
Kirk Warren
Stephanie Whitehouse
Commissions: Design & Create
“The Four Elements of Life” (Four - 3-D Constructions for
Lobby Area), Venture Health
Care, October, 2007.
Matijcio, Steven, “Garbage
Hill: Prairie as Problematic,” in
Scratching the Surface: The
Post-Prairie Landscape, ed.
Steven Matijcio. (Winnipeg: Plug
In Editions, 2007).
Rabinovitch, Celia, “Surrealism
and the Sacred,” chapter in the
book, Complete with Missing
Pa r ts: Inte r views with the
Avante Garde, Louis Bourgeois,
ed. (Oxford, Mississippi: VOX
Publications, June, 2008): 127-140.
Warren, Kirk, “Winnipeg Trails
Association Sign System,”
Applied Arts Magazine, May/
June, 2008: 188.
Project Development & Design
Cultural Map of Winnipeg Book Cover Design
Tindal Street Press,
Birmingham, England, Winnipeg Arts Council
December, 2007
Sessional Instructor
Design “Finding the Monk
Within” - (Book Cover
Illustration & Design), Author Edward C. Sellner
Paulist Press, New Jersey,
June, 2008.
Cliff Eyland
Eyland, Cliff, “Aganetha Dyck,”
The Governor General’s Awards
in Visual and Media Arts 2007.
(Ottawa: The Canada Council for
the Arts, 2008): 19-30.
Eyland, Cliff, “review of Melanie
Authier,” (Winnipeg: Border
Crossings, August 2007): 140-141.
Contributing writer for Akimbo:
Sessional Instructor
Matijcio, Steven, “Sarah Anne
Johnson,” Text & Interview for
AGO Grange Prize,
(accessed June 18, 2008).
Matijcio, Steven, “Richard Hines:
Pictures from (Inside),” in Richard
Hines ( Winnipeg: Plat form
Gallery, 2008).
Matijcio, Steven, “Site
Subconscious: An Interview
with Christine Kirouac,” Locus
Suspectus, no.5, (Winter, 2007).
Matijcio, Steven, “Deimantas
Narkevicius at Vienna Secession,”
Canadian Ar t, vol.24 no.4,
(Winter, 2007).
Sessional Instructor
May, 2007 – March, 2008
Guest Art Direction - The
Walrus Magazine
Toronto, ON
Rabinovitch, Celia, " ‘Tacit
Glimpses’: review of Adi Da
S a m r a j’s ‘ Tr a n s c e n d e n t a l
R e a l i s m ’ a n d ‘A e s t h e t i c
E c s t a s y ’, ” D h a r m a C a f e.
(Accessed May, 2008).
Brand Design - Institute of
Women’s & Gender Studies
University of Winnipeg
March-April, 2008
July – August, 2007
Dr. Mary Ann Steggles
M. Steggles, “Art and Politics:
The Visualization of British
Imperialism in the Bombay
Presidency, 1899 -1947” in
P. Rohatgi, P. Godrej and R.
Mehrotra (eds.). From Bombay to
Mumbai: Changing Perspectives.
Third Edition, revised. Mumbai:
Marg Publications, 2007.
tephen Grimmer, Star Bowl on Plate, wood-fired porcelain,
32cm diameter, 2007.
 K irk Warren, Winnipeg Trails Association Sign System,
Retroreflective Digital Print on Aluminum, 20 x 52.5 cm, 2007.
un iv e r s it y of m an it oba
sc ho ol of art
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
r e s ear c h & c r eat iv e ac hie v emen t s
Conference Presentations/Papers
Dr. Oliver Botar
Dr. James Bugslag
Alan Lacovetsky
Dr. Mary Ann Steggles
Botar, Oliver, “From Bauhaus to
Our House in Etobicoke: Andor
Weininger in Toronto,” Untold
Histories. The Gail and Stephen
A. Jarislowsky Institute for
Studies in Canadian Art Public
Conference Series, Winnipeg,
MB, March 28, 2008.
Bugslag, James, “Touching the
Sacred: The Tactile Experience
of Medieval and Early Modern
Sculpture in Europe,” Annual
conference of the Universities Art
Association of Canada, Waterloo,
ON, November 1 - 3, 2007.
Lacovetsky, Alan, “Ancient
Khmer and Southeast Asian
Ceramics, New Archeological
findings, Production and
the Revival of Techniques,”
A Potters Point of View
International Conference,
Siem Reap, Cambodia,
December 11 - 29, 2007.
Steggles, Mary Ann, “The Other
Victoria: Priestley & Dunbar’s
Figure for the Cawnpore Ghats,”
College Art Association, Dallas,
TX, February 20 - 22, 2008.
Botar, Oliver, “ ‘The biological,
pure and simple, taken as
the guide’: Moholy-Nagy and
Biocentrism,” The International
Symposium on Moholy-Nagy,
Budapest, April 25, 2008.
Derek Brueckner
Sessional Instructor
Brueckner, Derek, “The
Search for Vision’s Body:
The Role of Touch in Painting
and Architecture,” College
Art Association Annual
Conference, Dallas, TX,
February 20, 2008.
B u g s l a g, J a m e s , “ S a c re d
Architecture and the Sacral
Landscape: An Overview, from
the Holy Land, to Europe,”
Canadian Conference of Medieval
Art Historians, Vancouver, BC,
March 14-15, 2008.
Bugslag, James, “ ‘The Bride
o f H e a v e n ’: A ‘ R o u n d e l ’
Made for the Market,” XXIVth
Corpus Vitrearum International
Colloquium, Zurich, Switzerland,
June 30 - July 4, 2008.
Sessional Instructor
Steven Matijcio
Sessional Instructor
Steggles, Mary Ann, “The Other
Asia: India Forgotten,” East Asian
Council, Canadian Association
of Asian Studies, Richelieu, PQ,
November 23 - 26, 2007.
Matijcio, Steven, “Curating in
New Institutionalism,” Plug In
ICA, Art Tomorrow: Forum on
the Future of Contemporary
Art Institutions, Winnipeg, MB,
November 2, 2007.
David McMillan
McMillan, David, “Panellist:
Beauty and Terror in Traumatic
Landscapes and Poisoned
Ecologies”, The Society for
Photographic Education Annual
C o n f e r e n c e , D e nve r, C O,
March 14, 2008.
un iv e r s it y of m an it oba
William Pura, Winkler Feed Plant, digital photo, 90 x 106.6 cm, 2007.
Oliver Botar, book cover:
Technical Detours: The Early
Moholy-Nagy Reconsidered.
Design by Zab Hobart adapted
by Krzysztof Ducki, 2007.
sc ho ol of art
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
Dr. Marilyn Baker
“FitzGerald in Context,” University Bulletin,
October 18, 2007.
Abramson, Stacey, “Review of FitzGerald in
Context,” Uptown Magazine, November, 2007.
“Exhibit Gets Noticed,” University Bulletin,
January 10, 2008: 5.
Dr. Oliver Botar
Endre B. Mé s z á ros, “A z újraé r telmezet t
Moholy-Nagy” [Moholy-Nagy reconsidered],
Dunántúli Napló [Pécs daily newspaper],
December 21, 2007: 5.
esztendo" .
Sz. E. “Hét
Moholy-Nagy László
mo" veibo" l nyílt tárlat Pécsett” [Seven fat years.
An exhibition of László Moholy-Nagy’s works has
opened in Pécs], Népszabadság [Budapest daily
newspaper]. December 28, 2007.
Ted Howorth, The Illusionist, Screen print, 23 x 28 cm, 2008.
Jeff Funnell, I love you, oil on canvas, 20 x 28 cm, 2007.
un iv e r s it y of m an it oba
Gábor Ébli, “Moholy-Nagy Pécsett, Munkácsy
Csíkszeredán, Zsolnay Pittsburgh-ben. Magyar
kiallítások amerikai gyüjteményekbo" l” [MoholyNagy in Pécs, Munkácsy in Csíkszereda,
Zsolnay in Pittsburgh. Hungarian exhibitions
from American collections], Jelenkor
[Present Age] (Pécs, Hungary), vol. 51, no. 1
(January, 2008): 73-83.
sc ho ol of art
Magda Ferch, “Bécsi és berlini vándorévek”
[The Years of Peregrination in Vienna and Berlin].
Magyar Hírlap [Budapest daily newspaper],
January 7, 2008.
G y ula Róz s a , “ Eg y me s te r indulá s a . A z
újraértelemezett Moholy-Nagy Vasarely Múzeum,
Pécs” [A Master’s Beginnings. The reconsidered
Moholy- Nag y, Va s a rely Muse um, Pé c s],
Népszabadság [Budapest daily newspaper],
February 13, 2008.
László Jurecsko, “Egy világsztár hazatér
Magyarországra” [An international star returns to
" érto [Hungarian Art Connoisseur], vol.
Hungary], Mu
11, no. 3 (March, 2008): cover and 2.
Aknai, Tamás, “Meanwhile we all became a little
American,” Echo. Kritikai szemle. Echo. Pécs:
Critical journal, 2008, no. 1: 14-15.
Anca, Adrea. “The Making of a Bauhaus Master.”
The Budapest Sun (May 8-14, 2008), issue 19: Style
Section, cover.
Andrási, Gábor, “I fell in love with the Hungarian avantgarde. Portrait of Oliver Botar,” Mu"érto [Hungarian
Art Connoisseur] (May, 2008), vol. 11, no. 5: 10.
Barbour, Dale. “What did Canada learn in
1956?” The University of Manitoba Bulletin,
March 20, 2008: 3.
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
r e s ear c h & c r eat iv e ac hie v emen t s
Ébli, Gábor, “Moholy-Nagy in Pécs, Munkácsy in
Csíkszereda, Zsolnay in Pittsburgh. Hungarian
Exhibitions from American Collections.” Jelenkor
[Present Age], vol. 51, no. 1 (January, 2008): 73-83.
Ferch, Magda, “The Years of Peregrination in
Vienna and Berlin.” Magyar Hírlap [Budapest Daily],
January 7, 2008.
Jurecsko, László, “Repatriation of a World Star,”
" érto [Hungarian Art Connoisseur], vol. 11, no. 3
(March, 2008): cover and 2.
Steve Grimmer
David McMillan
*Szablya, Eszter. “Debut of Private László Nagy,”
Népszabadság [Budapest Daily], vol. 96, (April 24,
2008): 10.
Mellin, Barbara Rizza, “The State of Clay In
Lexington, Massachusetts,” Ceramics: Art &
Perception, No. 69, 2007: 50-51.
Milroy, Sarah, “‘The Promised Land’, review of
Is there a there there?”, The Globe & Mail,
January 16, 2008.
P. Szabó, Erno" . “The road from Budapest to the
Bauhaus. Nature and technology. Oliver Botar
on the reconsidered László Moholy-Nagy,”
Magyar Nemzet [Budapest Daily], vol. 71, no. 112
(April 24, 2008): 14.
Karen Hibbard
Is there a there there?, exh. cat., Ottawa: The
National Gallery of Canada, 2008.
Szabó, Zoltán Attila, “Return of the cultural worker,”
Budapesti 7 nap [7 days of Budapest], vol. 2, no.
15 (April 17, 2008): 16.
Kemenesi, Zsuzsanna, “Directness of the Spirit –
" vészet [New Art], vol.
Detours of Technology,” Új Mu
19, no. 4 (April, 2008): 15-17.
Cliff Eyland
Walker, Morley, “The Big Gift - Morley Walker on
Richard Condie: ARRGG!!,” Winnipeg: Winnipeg
Free Press, February 7, 2008.
Rieder, Gábor. “Moholy-Nagy Reconsidered.
Interview with Oliver Botar,” Artmagazin [Art
magazine], vol. 6, no. 1 (2008): 82.
“Keynole Collages Guy Maddin,” Winnipeg: Border
Crossings, no. 104, December, 2007.
Rózsa, Gyula. “A Master’s Beginnings. The
reconsidered Moholy-Nagy, Vasarely Museum,
Pé c s,” N é ps z a b a d s á g [Budape st Daily],
February 13, 2008.
Sessional Instructor
Illustration in “17th Applied Arts Photography &
Illustration Awards,” Applied Arts Magazine, May, 2008.
Illustration in The Antigonish Review 151, St.
Francis Xavier University (publisher), Autumn, 2007.
Illustrations in Revue Dada: Gustave Courbet,
France: Les editions Mango, No. 131, Autumn, 2007.
Illustrations in Ottawa Magazine, Vol.10 No.5,
Ottawa: St. Joseph Media, November, 2007.
Alan Lacovetsky
Sessional Instructor
Vescio, Dina, “Cities Connect, Ceramics
Converse,” Cahiers métiers d’art- Craft Journal,
Vol. 1 No. 2, Winter 2008: 128 – 131.
Enright, Robert, “An Orgy of Slicing and Pasting,”
Toronto: The Globe and Mail, April 21, 2008.
Subconscious City, exh. cat., Winnipeg: The
Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2008.
Dr. Celia Rabinovitch
“Surrealism and the Sacred” listed as fourth in
the top sixteen books on Surrealism and as fourth
of top eleven books on Giorgio de Chirico by
Questia On-line.
“Surrealism and the Sacred” in Le Surréalisme au
jour le Jour: Bibliographie de la liste de discussion
de Mélusine 2002-2007, Université de Paris.
Lisa Wood
Sessional Instructor
Karlinsky, Amy, “Lisa Wood,” Border Crossings,
issue #104, 85-87.
Mészáros, Endre B., “Moholy-Nagy Reconsidered,”
Dunántúli Napló [Pécs Daily], December 21, 2007: 5.
Abramson, Stacey. “Trading in tradition, Lisa Wood
presents unconventional work in an unconventional
space,” Uptown Magazine, August 16, 2007, 17.
Sz. E. “Seven fat years. An Exhibition of László
Moholy-Nagy’s Works has Opened in Pécs,”
Népszabadság [Budapest Daily], December 28, 2007.
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sc ho ol of art
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
honouring excellence
The awards, grants, and recognitions received by faculty and staff in the past year demonstrate
the high level of research at the School of Art.
David McMillan
Dr. Celia Rabinovitch
University of Manitoba Program Development Fund
Digital Photography Upgrades
University of Manitoba Creative Works Grant Program
In Pursuit of the Uncanny: Paintings
$2,491  June 1, 2008 – August 31, 2009
Winnipeg Arts Council Grant (In Progress)
Production of digital prints
Gordon Reeve
Sharon Alward
Dr. James Bugslag
Co-applicant: Strategic Program Development Fund
Video Area Upgrades
SSHRC Collaborative Grant (in progress)
Corpus Vitrearum of Canada: Research on
12th to 18th century European stained glass
in Canadian collections
University of Manitoba Creative Works
Grant Program (In Progress)
Photographing Chernobyl zone
$71,149  April 1, 2007 - March 31, 2010
Manitoba Arts Council - Major Film and
Video Production Grant (in progress)
Commission: City of Lac du Bonnet
Creation of a ½ scale replica of a 1923
Vedette biplane
National Capital Commission - Runner up
Award of Merit for Les Mega-ferriques
$8,300  November, 2007
$17,500  January, 2007 - June, 2008
Cliff Eyland
Steve Nunoda
University of Manitoba Creative Works Grant Program
Luxor Project
Acquisition: Glenbow Museum, Calgary, AB
Acquisition of 28 works for the Museum’s
permanent collection
University Research Grant Program
Stephen Grimmer
Alex Poruchnyk
University of Manitoba Creative Works Grant Program
Outdoor Kiln Burner System
Co-applicant: Strategic Program Development Fund
Video Area Upgrades
$2,465  June 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009
Alan Lacovetsky Sessional Instructor
Co-applicant: Summer Session Innovation Fund
Development of “Character Design and
Development” course
Dr. Mary Ann Steggles
UM/SSHRC International Conference Grant
College Art Association Conference
Dallas, Texas
$2,500  June 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009
Dr. Marilyn Baker
University of Manitoba Creative Works Grant Program
FitzGerald and Friends
$1,960  June 1, 2008 – August 31, 2009
Derek Brueckner Sessional Instructor
Manitoba Art Council Production Grant
Travel to Cambodia to Research Khmer
construction methods for large scale vessels.
Production of large wood fired ceramics in my
newly built kiln.
Vermont Studio Center Grant
$1,400.00 USD
$10,000  2007 - 2008
$1,270  2008
W.H. and S.E. Loewen Foundation
Upgrading to video area
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sc ho ol of art
Cliff Eyland, Charlie Murphy with a Tin Can from "The ID Paintings," mixed media on
masonite, 8 x 13 cm, 1990. One of 28 works acquired by the Glenbow Museum in 2008
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
hono ur i ng exc el l enc e
Professor Kirk Warren
Lisa Wood Sessional Instructor
Commissions: Winnipeg Trails Association
Corporate identity design
Manitoba Arts Council
Grant to Individual Artist - B Grant
$4,000  2008
Visions of Dawn
Corporate identity design
University of Manitoba
Faculty Access Award
February, 2007
Co-applicant: Summer Session Innovation Fund
Development of “Character Design and
Development” course
Gallery One One One
The Visiting Artist Lecture Program is supported by the School of Art Endowment Fund, generated
from fees paid annually by students.
Manitoba Arts Council
Arnaud Maggs: Nomenclature
$1,270  2008
visiting artist lecture program
1000 Miles Apart
Edward Bernstein
An artist talk by artists and
designers by Chloe Lum and
Yannick Desranleau, a.k.a.
As part of 1000 Miles Apart,
a conference hosted by the
ceramics area, the following
artists presented on their work:
Halflight: A Traditional Artist’s
Journey into the Digital World
Jeannie Mah
An Outsiders Inside Look at the
2007 Venice Biennale
Friday, September 28
October 5
September 26, 2007
Stephanie Whitehouse Sessional Instructor
Manitoba Arts Council
Richard Condie: AARRGG!!
Canada Lands Company
Grant-in-aid for practicum research
Often referred to as pioneers of
the present poster art revival,
SERIPOP is revered for its
detailed, clever, handmade
images. Strongly based in a DIY
culture, they have inspired a new
generation of poster makers,
printmakers and designers to
commit to a handmade, hand
drawn aesthetic. The duo is
becoming known around the
world for their album cover
designs and recently won a Juno
for best album cover.
$6,000  April, 2008
School of Art Endowment Fund
Profiles Project
School of Art
Indirect Cost of Research
Upgrades to Ceramics Kilns
Presented in cooperation with
the Martha Street Studio.
Sharon Alward, Bushi, performance/installation, 2008.
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sc ho ol of art
October 3, 2007
Mah is a Saskatchewan-based
hand builder working in porcelain
with image transfers
Martin Tagseth
Saturday, September 29
Tagseth (for me r p rofe s sor
of ceramics at U of M) is a
Saskatchewan-based potter
working in stoneware
Jordan Van Sewell
Saturday, September 29
Van Sewell is a Winnipeg-based
ceramic sculptor working in
porcelain and clay
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
Edward Bernstein is a Professor
of Art at Indiana University,
Bloomington, and Director of
the Indiana Summer Program in
Printmaking and Artists Books
at the Scuola Internazionale di
Grafica, Venice
v is it ing art ist l ect ur e pr o g ra m
Andrea Roberts, STUDENT
Arnaud Maggs
Andrea Carson
Mary Kavanagh
Arnaud Maggs: Nomenclature
The Role of an Art Critic
November 23, 2007
January 16, 2008
Contested Sites: Travel
Notes and Other Fictions
March 7, 2008
Arnaud Maggs is a winner of the
2006 Governor General’s Award
in Visual and Media Arts.
Andrea Carson writes on
contemporary art, architecture and
design, and has created a national
website on Canadian art.
Mar y Kavanagh, Associate
Professor and Chair of the
Art Department, University of
Lethbridge, is an installation and
media artist whose work explores
social and cultural histories, the
intersection of fact and fiction,
theories of collective memory,
erasure, loss and inscription.
un iv e r s it y of m an it oba
Erin Brown, STUDENT
sc ho ol of art
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
The cover of this year's Annual Report for 2007-08 pays homage
to the School of Art's 95-year history, beginning as the Winnipeg
School of Art, established in 1913. The cover photograph of art
students is drawn from the 1939 prospectus, designed by Lionel
LeMoine Fitzgerald, the principal from 1929-47. Recognized as a
major Canadian artist, Fitzgerald was dedicated to the development
of creative visual artists. The handwriting and drawing on this year's
cover are taken from Fitzgerald's letter to his wife Vally (1926)
describing his observations of the prairies while riding by train from
Altona through Manitou. The images were provided by the Fitzgerald
Study Collection of the School of Art, University of Manitoba.
un iv e r s it y of m an it oba
sc ho ol of art
an n ual r ep ort { 2007  2008 }
un iv e r s it y of m an it oba
Fly UP