
News from the Director’s Chair Research Centre 

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News from the Director’s Chair Research Centre 
 Research Centre NewsfromtheDirector’sChair
April 2015 Insidethisissue:
Research Funding Success 1 Research Day 2015 1 In the News 2 Publica ons 2 Visi ng Speakers 2 Lyonel G Israels Guest 3 Lecture Funding 5 Opportuni es IMPORTANTDATES
May 13—CancerCare Man‐
itoba Research Day for Train‐
ees and Residents 
May 15—Canadian Cancer Research Conference Ab‐
stract deadline 
June 15 –26 Intermediate/
Advanced Level Workshop GCCRD Follow us on twi er @RIOH_Mb INTRO
Spring is now here and new beginnings are star ng take shape (since the Jets have lost). On April 1st, the University of Manitoba approved the new joint ins tute be‐
tween CancerCare and the University (Research Ins ‐
tute of Oncology and He‐
matology). An announce‐
ment on the new ins tute will be released soon. In June, I will give talk on the past, present and last of MICB. Finally in May, cele‐
brate our trainees at CCMB Research Days (see below). Congratula ons to Dr Sara Israels who was awarded a 2‐year op‐
era ng grant from Diagnos c Services of Manitoba for her pro‐
posal “Comparison of light transmission ag‐
gregometry and mul‐
ple electrode ag‐
gregometry for the evalua on of platelet func on in pa ents with mucocutaneous bleeding”. BNIP3 in hypoxia. Miriam Derksen re‐
ceived a NSERC schol‐
arship. Robert Schmidt won 2nd place and awards for Excellence in On‐
cology Research and Lefeber Oral Presen‐
ta on in Aging at the Na onal Student Re‐
search Forum in Tex‐
as. Dr Spencer Gibson was also awarded a 5
‐year NSERC grant to study the role of RESEARCHDAY2015
The 17th annual CancerCare Manitoba Research Day for Trainees in Clinical and Basic Medical Sciences will be held on May 13th. Posters and oral presenta ons will take place throughout the 2nd floor. This year’s guest speaker is Dr Salah Mahmud, Canada Research Chair in Phar‐
macoepidemiology and Vaccine Evalua on and Director of Clinical Trials at the George and Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innova on. Page 2 News from the Director’s Chair INTHENEWS
Jim Davie was an invited speaker to a conference on the Epige‐
ne cs of Cancer at Texas A&M University. Mike Mowat’s research on DLC‐1 and Stephen Pistorius’s micro‐
wave imaging systems for breast cancer were featured by CBC Manitoba. h p://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg
‐woman‐26‐shares‐story‐of‐breast‐cancer‐diagnosis‐1.3017319 Spencer Gibson, James Johnston and Erin Streu a ended the CLL Pa ent Advocacy Group annual mee ng. Pictured here with Michael Kea ng from MD Anderson. Research Manitoba’s investment of $5.95m in the first cluster and team grant compe on was formally announced at an event on April 22nd. Hon. Kevin Chief, Minister of Jobs and the Econo‐
my, Chris ne Weise from Research Manitoba and Dr Digvar Jayas from the University of Manitoba congratulated the winning groups: Dr Jon McGavock “Developmental origins of chronic dis‐
ease in children’s network (DEVOTION)” cluster from Children’s Hospital Research Ins tute of Manitoba (formerly known as MICH), Dr Peter Jones “The Manitoba Personalized Lifestyle Re‐
search Program“ (TMPLR) team from St Boniface and Dr Spencer Gibson’s CLL Cluster were congratulated. CTV News highlighted our cluster by interviewing a CLL pa ent from one of Dr Banerji’s clinical trials. h p://
winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/video?binId=1.1206950#597945 VISITORSANDGUESTSPEAKERS
We welcomed Wade Miller, President and CEO of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, for a tour of the Manitoba Tumour Bank and Genome Centre. Dr Katyal toured grade 9 students to learn about Pharmacology. Follow us on twi er @RIOH_Mb Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3 LYONELGISRAELSLECTURE
The 11th annual Lyonel G Israels Lecture will be held on May 5th from 12:00—1:00 in the CCMB Lecture Theatre. This year’s invited speaker is Dr Randy Gascoyne. Some of Dr Gascoyne’s tles include Hematopathologist, Clinical Professor of Pathology, UBC, Research Director, Centre for Lymphoid Cancer, Bri sh Columbia Cancer Agency, Medical Director, Provincial Lym‐
phoma Pathology Program, Dis nguished Scien st, BCCRC, Department Head, Lymphoid Cancer Research. Dr Gascoyne’s talk is tled “Insights into lymphoma genomics from Next Genera on Sequencing” . Lunch will be provided at 11:30. PUBLICATIONS
A novel mul plexed, image‐based approach to detect phenotypes that un‐
derlie chromosome instability in human cells. Thompson LL, McManus KJ. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 20;10(4):e0123200. doi: 10.1371/
journal.pone.0123200. eCollec on 2015. TDP1 promotes assembly of non‐homologous end joining protein complexes on DNA. Heo J, Li J, Summerlin M, Hays A, Katyal S, McKinnon PJ, Ni ss KC, Ni ss JL, Hanakahi LA. DNA Repair (Amst). 2015 Mar 17;30:28‐37. doi: 10.1016/j.dnarep.2015.03.003. FUS/TLS deficiency causes behavioral and pathological abnormali es dis‐
nct from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Kino Y, Washizu C, Kurosawa M, Yamada M, Miyazaki H, Akagi T, Hashikawa T, Doi H, Takumi T, Hicks GG, Ha ori N, Shimogori T, Nukina N. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2015 Apr 25;3
(1):24. doi: 10.1186/s40478‐015‐0202‐6. Measuring murine chromosome orienta on in interphase nuclei. Righolt CH, Schmälter AK, Kuzyk A, Young IT, van Vliet LJ, Mai S. Cytometry A. 2015 Apr 17. doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22674. Follow us on twi er @RIOH_Mb Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 4 MICBMERITAWARD2015
Based upon our strategic plan, there was a desire to recognize the outstand‐
ing contribu ons of a research associate, technician, support staff and/or administra ve staff at MICB. We have created a merit award where a nomi‐
nated individual showed outstanding contribu on to research, going beyond their expected du es, enhancing produc vity, and/or promo ng excellence at MICB. There will be a minimum of one award this year with a cash prize and an engraved plaque on display in MICB. Please email Eilean McKenzie‐
Matwiy [email protected] to nominate an individual for this award. OTHERPRESENTATIONS
Dr. Roseline Godbout from the Cross Cancer Ins tute/University of Alberta will be visi ng us from May 6th to May 8th. .She will be giving a lecture on May 7th at 11:00am in the Greenberg Lecture Theatre. The tle of her presenta on is “ Malignant Glioma and Brain Fa y Acid‐binding Pro‐
tein: Using Fats to Control Cell Migra on”. She was Dr. Kaytal’s Ph.D. su‐
pervisor. If you what to know how Dr. Katyal got started in science, you should a end this lecture. There will be a lunch for trainees following the lecture. Ms. Nancy Klos, University of Manitoba Office of Research Services, will be giving a talk on May 21st at 11:00am on the new CIHR grant guidelines. This will take place in the Greenberg Lecture Theatre. I suggest that anyone in‐
terested in trying to understand the changes at CIHR should a end. The Terry Fox Research Ins tute Prairie Node Symposium will be held at the Inn at The Forks in Winnipeg on June 9th a welcome dinner has been ar‐
ranged on June 8th at 7pm . The keynote speaker is Dr. Sean Egen, Senior Scien st Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Program at the Hospital of Sick Children. Dr. Egen is the lead for the Terry Fox Research Ins tute Pro‐
gram Project Grant and will talk about Animal Models for Metasta c Breast Cancer. Please mark this important event on your calendar. Follow us on twi er @RIOH_Mb FUNDINGOPPORTUNITIES
May 1 
LOI NSERC Collabora ve Research and Training Experience Program (CREATE) 
FAAF CIHR Knowledge Synthesis 
FAAF DAAD Research Stays for University and Academic scien sts 
FAAF Killam Research Fellowship 
MICH Travel grant May 4—FAAF MITACS elevate postdoctoral fellowship May 6—FAAF MITACS Globalink Research Award MHRD India May 8—LOI Weston Brain Ins tute Mechanisms of cell death in neurodegenera on May 13 
MITACS Globalink Research Awards MHRD India 
MITACS Elevate Postdoctoral Fellowship Looking to earn a li le extra $$ this summer? May 15 
CIHR Knowledge Synthesis 
DAAD Research Stays for University Academics and Scien sts 
CCSRI Travel award 
Killam Founda on Fellowship 
FAAF CIHR eHealth Innova on Partnership Program 
FAAF Andison Family Founda on 
LOI NSERC/CIHR Collabora ve Health Research Program (CHRP) CancerCare Manitoba Founda on is hiring trainees to staff Kick Cancer booths at Com‐
munity events. There are nearly 50 events this summer that need people willing to talk to the public about sun safety and how to re‐
duce your risk of cancer. $15 / hour Please email [email protected] if you’re interested. May 19—Weston brain ins tute biomarkers across neurodegenera ve diseases May 20—FAAF Prostate Cancer Founda on Young Inves gator’s Award May 25—CIHR CEEHRC Epigene cs Research Consor um May 31—Andison Family Founda on June 1—FAAF CIHR Joint Canada Israel Health Research Program Eilean McKenzie‐Matwiy is going to be par cipa ng in Mud Hero in support of CancerCare Manitoba Founda on. Anyone who donates will get to see photo‐
graphic proof of her ge ng stuck neck deep in mud and falling off obstacles. h p://www.cancercarefdn.mb.ca/NetCommunity/2015/mud‐hero‐
par cipant?tab=0&frsid=11022 Follow us on twi er @RIOH_Mb 
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