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GMGT 2060 (A01) THE UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COURSE OUTLINE GMGT 2060 (A01) MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY 1st Term, SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER, 2013 Dr. Marvin Bartell Room 664 Drake Centre Phone: 474-8423 Fax: 474-7545 Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:45-1:45 p.m. Or leave a voice mail message @ 474-8423 Or leave a note on my office door, Room 664 Drake Centre Classes: Tuesday and Thursday, 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m., Room 103 Drake Centre COURSE OBJECTIVES The major goals of this course are to familiarize you with the basic administrative theories, to provide you with some practical ways to apply these theories in administrative situations, and to challenge some of the popular assumptions about management. The major focus in this course is on the management functions of planning, organizing, and controlling. TEXT (Required) Jones, G.R., and George, J.M. (7th Ed.) Contemporary Management. New York, McGraw-Hill Irwin. Available at the University Bookstore. *Check to be sure you have this text. Other sections may be using a different text. *Earlier editions are not recommended. Revisions and additions in this edition are significant. METHOD OF TEACHING This class follows a lecture-discussion format and will include relevant films and cases. You are expected to have completed reading the relevant chapter for each class (see SCHEDULE) and to be prepared for participating in discussion. Students are strongly encouraged to read relevant items on a regular basis in the public press, such as, but not limited to, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. This will be very valuable in developing your critical thinking, applying conceptual tools you will be learning in this course, analyzing complexity, and developing the vocabulary of management. In brief, you will enhance your capacity to analyze cases and write examinations. EXAMINATIONS There will be three tests during the course and a final examination. The tests will contain multiple choice and/or short essay questions, while the final exam may be completely multiple choice. There will be no correction factor used on the multiple-choice items. The final exam is all-inclusive, that is, cumulative, but there will be some emphasis on the second half of the course. 1 GMGT 2060 (A01) UNIVERSITY EMAIL POLICY Effective September 1, 2013, the U of M will only use your university email account for official communications, including messages from your instructors, department or faculty, academic advisors, and other administrative offices. If you have not already been doing so, please send all emails from your UofM email account. Remember to include your full name, student number and faculty in all correspondence. For more information visit: DEFERRED EXAMINATIONS For all students who have been approved by their faculty office to have a deferred exam: Effective September 2005, the Department of Business Administration has instituted a policy which provides ONE DATE ONLY for students who have deferred their final exams. The deferred final exam date has been pre-set for Friday, January 17, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. the room is to be determined. This does not apply to take home final exams. Please refer to University of Manitoba’s Policy 1305 – Exam Regulations ( or the Undergraduate Program Office for rules and regulations concerning deferred exams. UNCLAIMED ASSIGNMENTS Pursuant to the FIPPA Review Committee’s approved recommendations as of August 15, 2007, all unclaimed student assignments will become the property of the faculty and will be subject to destruction six months after the completion of any given academic term. TEST AND CASE SCHEDULE There are two major reasons behind the tests and cases in this course. First, they provide an indication of your ability to express yourself in writing. This is a skill you will often use in your future career as a manager. Second, the tests and cases help you to keep up with the text readings and classroom activities. There are 3 tests each worth 15% of the total course grade and written cases worth in total 30%. Since these cases constitute a major part of your work in the course, they will be graded vigorously on both substance and mechanics (e.g. – spelling, organization of your answer, grammar, punctuation, etc.). As much as 20% of the grade may be determined by mechanics. Reading and Written (see weekly schedule sheet). The two sets of assigned cases must be submitted at the beginning of class on the due date. Late cases cannot be accepted, the only exceptions are medical or extenuating immediate family circumstances, for which official documentation will be required. If a late case is accepted, a 20% deduction will be made from the case mark for each day late. The cases have an absolute page limit of five double-spaced pages per SET of cases using “normal” type, a 12-point font. Exhibits and tables are excluded from this page limit. There must be a one-inch margin on all sides of the page and the pages must be numbered. Cases, which fail to comply with these specifications, will not be graded. All the term work and the final exam must be attempted to receive a passing grade for the course. 2 GMGT 2060 (A01) COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. While attendance is voluntary, you are encouraged to attend all classes inasmuch as classroom activities will usually supplement and complement the text. Attendance sheets will be passed around during each class to facilitate assisting you if you miss a class. 2. Tests and the final examination will be based on all course activities including lectures, discussions, text and films. Make-up tests may be considered for students who can prove the legitimacy of their absence through official university channels, such as the University Health Services. Students are encouraged to consult with the professor concerning planned or unexpected absences. Make-up tests will be administered only to students who have been properly excused from taking the exam at the originally scheduled time. 3. Preparation for class: You are encouraged to prepare in advance of each class for the subject matter to be discussed in order to benefit more fully from the classroom activities, including classroom discussion. Experience has shown that adequate preparation before each class meeting is very helpful in understanding and interpreting lectures, discussion, or films. 4. Optional Project: This may be an individual or group project on one or more managerial functions. It should be based on interviews or administration of questionnaires to managers and employees in a Winnipeg or regional organization. The project should emphasize the relationships between relevant theory and actual practice. Grading will be based on project design, skills demonstrated in formulating questions and analyzing responses, coherent writing and ability to relate theory to practice. This project may be substituted for the complete set of tests. A typewritten outline of the project must be approved by the professor and should be submitted no later than September 19, 2013. 5. Tests will be held periodically according to the attached schedule. Tests will be short essays and/or multiple-choice items. GRADING The weights of the cases and exams are as follows: 3 Tests @15% each or Project 2 sets of written Cases Final exam 45% 30% 25% TOTAL 100% If you genuinely believe your written work should be re-examined, submit a brief statement (one paragraph) stating specifically the nature of the clarification you wish. Such requests must be received on the day of the next regular class session after the date the test, case or examination was returned. 3 GMGT 2060 (A01) ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is expected of all students in this course. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class period. Please note the following from the University of Manitoba 2013-2014 Undergraduate Calendar: “An instructor may initiate procedures to debar a student from attending classes and from final examinations and/or from receiving credit where unexcused absences exceed those permitted by the faculty or school regulations. A student may be debarred from class, laboratories, and examinations by action of the dean/director for persistent non-attendance, failure to produce cases to the satisfaction of the instructor, and/or unsafe clinical practice or practicum. Students so debarred will have failed that course.” (SECTION 7.1 Attendance at Class and Debarment). Asper School of Business Debarment Guidelines Please note the following from the Asper School of Business Debarment Guidelines (Revised, Faculty Council May 8, 2009). Asper School of Business debarment procedures may be initiated for non-attendance of classes, that is, a student may not miss more than two classes unless excused by the professor. Otherwise, debarment procedures may be initiated and a failing grade assigned. Debarment may also be based on failure to produce all coursework (excluding the final exam) to the satisfaction of the professor. As previously noted, marks will be deducted if assignments are submitted late, will not be accepted if more than 3 days late and the student is subject to possible debarment. Students are expected to be in class on time. Late arrivals are a distraction, interfere with the learning of your classmates and impede the professor’s ability to conduct class effectively. Please be thoughtful and courteous. PLEASE NOTE: There may be some changes to the weekly schedule that follows. Such changes, if any, would be announced in class and could have a significant impact on the preparation of class cases and course activities. 4 GMGT 2060 (A01) WEEKLY SCHEDULE WEEK OF: TOPIC TEXT CHAPTERS September 2 Orientation and Introduction September 9 Managers and Managing, Evolution of Management Organizational Culture, Management of Diversity Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (pp. 90-100) Chapter 5 (pp. 153-171) Environment of Management, Structure First set of cases due Tuesday, October 1 (15%), Planning and Strategy Chapter 6 Chapter 10 September 16 September 23 September 30 October 7 Chapter 8 Test 1, Thursday October 10 (15%) in class, regular time slot Value-Chain Management Chapter 9 October 14 Value-Chain Management Control Chapter 9 Chapter 11 (pp. 352-378) October 21 Control continued, Change and Innovation Chapter 14 (pp.479-481) Chapter 11 (pp. 376-382) Chapter 9 (pp. 290-307) Chapter 18 (pp. 599-601) October 28 Change and Innovation continued, Test 2, Thursday, October 31(15%), in class, regular time slot November 4 November 11 Entrepreneurship Chapter 7 (pp. 234-238) Second set of cases due Tuesday, November 12 (15%) Chapter 4 Social Responsibility & Ethics November 18 November 25 December 2 Decision Making Test 3, Thursday, November 21 (15%), in class, regular time slot Special Topics Overview and Wrap-up 5 Chapter 7 (pp. 213-234) GMGT 2060 (A01) Academic Integrity It is critical to the reputation of the Asper School of Business and of our degrees, that everyone associated with our faculty behave with the highest academic integrity. As the faculty that helps create business and government leaders, we have a special obligation to ensure that our ethical standards are beyond reproach. Any dishonesty in our academic transactions violates this trust. The University of Manitoba General Calendar addresses the issue of academic dishonesty under the heading “Plagiarism and Cheating.” Specifically, acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to: - using the exact words of a published or unpublished author without quotation marks and without referencing the source of these words duplicating a table, graph or diagram, in whole or in part, without referencing the source - paraphrasing the conceptual framework, research design, interpretation, or any other ideas of another person, whether written or verbal (e.g., personal communications, ideas from a verbal presentation) without referencing the source - copying the answers of another student in any test, examination, or take-home case - providing answers to another student in any test, examination, or take-home case - taking any unauthorized materials into an examination or term test (crib notes) - impersonating another student or allowing another person to impersonate oneself for the purpose of submitting academic work or writing any test or examination - stealing or mutilating library materials - accessing test prior to the time and date of the sitting - changing name or answer(s) on a test after that test has been graded and returned - submitting the same paper or portions thereof for more than one case, without discussions with the instructors involved Group Projects and Group Work Many courses in the Asper School of Business require group projects. Students should be aware that group projects are subject to the same rules regarding academic dishonesty. Because of the unique nature of group projects, all group members should exercise special care to ensure that the group project does not violate the policy on Academic Integrity. Should a violation occur, group members are jointly accountable unless the violation can be attributed to a specific individual(s). Some courses, while not requiring group projects, encourage students to work together in groups (or at least do not prohibit it) before submitting individual cases. Students are encouraged to discuss this issue as it relates to academic integrity with their instructor to avoid violating this policy. In the Asper School of Business, all suspected cases of academic dishonesty are passed to the Dean's office in order to ensure consistency of treatment. 6 GMGT 2060 (A01) UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA Asper School of Business Medical Absenteeism Form Student Identification: (please print clearly) ______________________________ Last Name ___________________ ___________ _______________________________ First Name Middle Initial U of M Student Identification Number I hereby authorize ________________________________ to verify with the attending physician or his/her (Name of Instructor/Administrator) staff or colleagues that the contents of this form are true. ________________________________________ _______________________________________ Student’s Signature Date To be completed by the attending physician: (after the above section is completed) ________________________________________ ______________________________ ________________ Physician’s Last Name (please print clearly) Physician’s First Name Middle Initial ___________________________________________ Street Address ________________________________ __________________ City, Province Postal Code ___________________________________________ Telephone Number _________________________________ Fax Number To the attention of the physician: Your evaluation of the student’s condition is being used for the purpose of determining whether or not the student has a valid reason to miss an important exam or case. Your professional evaluation is necessary to ensure that only valid cases are excused. I certify that the nature of the student’s condition is severe enough to prevent the student from taking an exam or completing a case. If requested, my associates or I will verify for the above-named instructor/administrator that this information is accurate. The student’s condition will likely span the following dates: ____________________________ (Indicate start date) Until ____________________________ (Indicate end date) ___________________________________ _________________________________ Physician’s Signature Date Notes to physician: Please make a note in the student/patient’s file indicating that the student has given the above-named instructor/administrator permission to verify with you, your staff, or your colleagues, that the information contained on this form is correct. Thank you for your professional evaluation of this student’s condition. PLEASE ATTACH THIS FORM TO YOUR REGULAR OFFICE STATIONERY THAT INDICATES THE STUDENT VISITED YOUR OFFICE. Note to student: The use of this form is at the option of the student. However, in order to obtain an excused absence for a case or exam, the student must obtain a doctor’s certification that the student’s condition is severe enough to prevent the student from taking the exam or completing the case. It is NOT SUFFICIENT to provide a note that only indicates the student visited the doctor’s office. 7