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Home Address:
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Office Address:
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Management
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
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(204) 474-6566 (Tel.)
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e-mail: [email protected]
August 1981, University of Alabama, College of Commerce
and Business Administration
Dissertation Title: A Sequential Process Model of Leadership
Major Field: Organizational Behavior
Minor Fields: Statistics, Psychology, and Sociology
August 1976, University of Alabama, College of Commerce
and Business Administration
Major Fields: Manpower, Industrial Relations, and
Organizational Behavior
May 1973, University of Arkansas, College of Arts and Sciences
Major Field: Psychology
July, 2000 – June, 2005, Department Head, Department of Business Administration, I.H.
Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
1990 – Present, Professor, Department of Business Administration, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Graduate Courses taught: Research Methods, Seminar in Organizational Behaviour,
Topics in Human Resource Management, Labour Relations, Diversity Management,
Advanced Causal Design and Analyses
Undergraduate Courses taught: Introduction to Organizational Behaviour, Advanced
Organizational Theory and Behaviour, International Management, International
Organizational Behaviour, Business and Society
1984-1990, Associate Professor, Department of Administrative Sciences,
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
1979-1984, Assistant Professor, Department of Administrative Sciences,
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
Graduate courses taught: Organizational Analysis: Industrial Relations: Interpersonal
Behavior: Research Methodology: Problems and Procedures
Undergraduate courses taught: Individual and Group Behavior: Current Industrial
1980 - 1990, Executive MBA Program, Kent State University
Courses taught: Human Resource Management; Advanced Administrative Sciences
1977-1978, Teaching Assistant, Department of Management and Marketing,
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Undergraduate course taught: HRM 300 Introduction to Management
1975, Rautaruuki Oy, Helsinki, Finland. Assigned to the organizational development
department as part of an international student exchange program.
1973-1975, Partlow State School and Hospital, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Program Activities
Ogunyomi, P. & Bruning, N.S. (2015, in press) Human resource management and
organizational performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria.
International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Babalola, O. & Bruning, N.S. (2015). Examining the relationship between individual perceptions of
control and contemporary career orientations. Personnel Review, 44(3), 346 – 363.
Bruning, N. S. and Cadigan, F. (2014). Diversity and global talent management: Evidence of cracks
in the glass ceiling and glass border but what about the glass door? People and Strategy, 37(3), 1821.
Trajtman, A., Manickam, K., Macrae, M., Bruning, N.S. & Alfa, M. (2013). Continuing performance
feedback and use of the ultraviolet visible market to assess cleaning compliance in the healthcare
environment. Journal of Hospital Infection, 84(2), 166-172.
McCaughey, D., DelliFrane, J.L., McGhan, G. and Bruning, N.S. (2013). The negative effects of
workplace injury and illness on workplace safety climate perceptions and health care worker
outcomes. Safety Science, 51(1), 138-147.
Bruning, N.S., Sonpar, K. and Wang, X. (2012). Host country national networks and expatriate
effectiveness: A mixed-methods study. Journal of International Business Studies, 43, 444-450.
Bruning, N.S., Bebenroth, R. & Pascha, W. (2011). Valuing Japan based German expatriate and local
manager’s functions: Do subsidiary age and managerial perspectives matter? International Journal
of Human Resource Management, 22(4), 778-806.
Bruning, N. S. (2011). Taking stock of the research on evolving relationships between Japanese human
resource management practices and firm performance. In R. Bebenroth and T. Kanai (Eds.)
Challenges of Human Resource Management in Japan. Routledge.
McCaughey, D. and Bruning, N.S (2010). Rationality versus reality: The challenges of evidence-based
decision making for health policy makers. Implementation Science, 5(39), 1-13.
Bruning, N.S. (2009). The knowledge-based view of the firm and expatriate staffing: An
exploratory explanation for a U-curve relationship of German local operations in Japan.
Rikkyo Review, 2, 4-8.
Ingram, S, Bruning, S. & Mikawoz, I (2009). The impact of educational work experiences and gender
on career and mentor satisfaction among Canadian engineers. Journal of Engineering Education, April,
Tallman, R. and Bruning, N., (2008). Relating employees' psychological contracts to their personality.
Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(6), 688-712.
Wang, X., Bruning, N.S. & Peng, S. (2007). Does HRM make a difference: A comparison among
public owned, private and foreign-invested enterprises in China. International Journal of
Human Resource Management. 18(4), 684-701.
Bruning, N. S., McCaughey, D., & Milliken, E., (2006). The “Mosaic” in practice: An
examination of multicultural diversity within Canadian universities. In Vedder, G. (Ed.)
Managing equity and diversity at universities. Rainer Hampp Verlag: Munchen und Mering.
McCaughey, D. and Bruning, N.S. (2005). Enhancing opportunities for expatriate job satisfaction: Human
resource strategies for foreign assignment success. Human Resource Planning, 28(4), 21-29.
Tallman, R. and Bruning, N.S. (2005). Hospital nurses' intentions to remain: Exploring a northern context.
Health Care Manager, 24(1), 32-43.
Notz, W., Boschman, I, and Bruning, N. S. (2001). Punishment without cause: Regression and the effects
of leader attribution errors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31, 2401-2416.
Dyck, B., Bruning, N.S. and Dreidger, L. (1998). Potential conflict and organizational performance: An
empirical test. International Journal of Conflict Management, 7(4), 295-313.
Miller-Guhde, L., Kernan, M., and Bruning, N.S. (1994). Strategy, task complexity, and individual/group
performance in goal-setting. Human Performance, 7, 273-289.
Bruning, N.S. and Liverpool, P.R. (1993). The relationship between membership in quality circles and
employee’s desired and perceived actual participation in decision-making. Journal of Applied
Behavioral Science, 29, 75-95.
Savino, D.M. and Bruning, N.S. (1992). Decertification tactics: Management and Union Perspectives.
Labor Law Journal, 43, 201-210.
Frew, D.R. and Bruning, N.S. (1988). Employee exercise programs for hospitals: A pathway to
improved productivity and job satisfaction. Hospital Material's Management Quarterly, 9(4), 64-69.
Bruning, N.S. and Weinroth, J. (1988). Simulating the consequences of job redesign. Computers in
Personnel, 2(3), 31-36.
Frew, D.R. and Bruning, N.S. (1987). Perceived organizational characteristics and personality measures as
predictors of stress/strain in the workplace. Journal of Management, 13, 633-646.
Bruning, N.S. and Frew, D.R. (1987). The effects of exercise, relaxation, and cognitive coping strategies
upon organizational stress: A field experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72, 515-521.
Frew, D.R. and Bruning, N.S. (1987). The fitness/work connection. Corporate Fitness, 6(4), 16-18.
Bruning, N.S. and Frew, D.R. (1986). Coping with emergencies: When stress becomes panic. The
Professional Medical Assistant, 19(5), 18-20.
Skaret, D.J. and Bruning, N.S. (1986). Attitudes about the work group: An added moderator of the
relationship between leader behavior and job satisfaction. Group and Organization Studies, 11, 254280.
Frew, D.R. and Bruning, N.S. (1986). Exercise: Health and work. The Professional Medical Assistant,
19(4), 10-13.
Bruning, N.S. and Frew, D.R. (1986). Can stress intervention strategies improve self-esteem, manifest
anxiety, and job satisfaction?: A longitudinal field experiment. Journal of Health and Human
Resources Administration, 9, 110-124.
Bruning, N.S. and Snyder, R.A. (1985). Sex and position differences among predictors of work-related
competence. Sex Roles, 13, 485-498.
Snyder, R.A. and Bruning, N.S. (1985). Quality of vertical dyad linkage: Congruence of supervisor and
subordinate competence, and role stress as explanatory variables. Group and Organization Studies, 10,
Bruning, N.S. and Snyder, R.S. (1983). Sex and position as predictors of organizational commitment.
Academy of Management Journal, 26, 485-491.
Petty, M.M. and Bruning, N.S. (1980). Relationships between employee training and error rates in public
welfare programs. Administration in Social Work, 4, 43-42.
Petty, M.M. and Bruning, N.S. (1980). Relationships between employees' attitudes and error rates in
public welfare programs. Academy of Management Journal, 23, 556-560.
Snyder, R.A. and Bruning, N.S. (1979). Sex differences in perceived competence: An across
organizations study. Administration in Social Work, 3, 349-358.
Petty, M.M. and Bruning, N.S. (1980). A comparison of the relationship between supervisory behavior and
measures of subordinates' job satisfaction and performance for male and female leaders. Academy of
Management Journal, 24, 717-725.
Bruning, N.S., Wang, X, LaPierre, B. & MacDonald, D. (2008) Short term expatriate effectiveness: A
four-stage training model evaluation study. Presented at the Australian New Zealand
Association of Management (ANZAM) meetings, Auckland, NZ, December 2-5, 2008.
Bruning, N.S. Bebenroth, R., & Pascha, W. (2008). The nature of expatriate managers’ and local
managers’ work as a function of age of host country operations and nationality of respondent.
Presented at ANZAM meetings, Auckland, NZ, December 2-5, 2008.
McCaughey, D. & Bruning, N.S. (2007). The front lines of health care: Does job safety and stress
negatively affect health workers. Presented at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
(ASAC) Annual Meetings, ASAC 2007 Proceedings, Ottawa, ON..
Ingram, S., Mikawoz, I & Bruning, N.S. (2007). An investigation of Canadian engineers:
Exploring the impact of prior education work experiences on career satisfaction. Presented at the 37th
ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Bruning, N. S. (2006). Seven Oaks General Hospital. Presented at the Administrative Sciences
Association of Canada meetings, ASAC 2006 Case Track Proceedings, Banff, Alberta, June.
Bruning, N.S. and Wang, X. (2006). Home and host country mentors and expatriate adjustment:
A model and partial test. Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
meetings, Banff, Alberta, ASAC 2006 Proceedings, June.
McCaughey, D. and Bruning, N.S. (2006). The challenge of Canadian health care: Examining
environmental influences in health policy decision-making. Presented at the Administrative
Sciences Association meetings. ASAC 2006 Proceedings, Banff, Alberta, June.
McCaughey, D. and Bruning, N.S. (2006). The role of cognitive information processing in health
policy: Evidence-based health care. Presented at Academy of Management meetings, August 11-14,
Atlanta, Georgia. (Paper selected for Best Papers Proceedings).
Bruning, N.S. and Wang, X. (2006). Spanning the cultural divide: Are chameleons more
successful? Presented at the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of
Management conference, Berlin, Germany, September 26-30.
Tallman, T. and Bruning, N.S. (2006). Uniformity of psychological contracts between employees
and their management, supervisors and coworkers. Presented at the International Federation of
Scholarly Associations of Management conference, Berlin, Germany, September 26-30.
McCaughey, D., Bruning, N.S., Rubin, B., and Bell, M. (2005). Diversity, ethnicity, and values"
Canadian aboriginals, non-aboriginals and workplace outcomes. Presented at Administrative
Sciences Association of Canada, ASAC 2005 Proceedings, Toronto, ON, May.
Wang, X, Bruning, N.S. and Nayir, D.Z. (2005). Local culture as a consideration in expatriate selection:
Comparing profiles of expatriates in China and Turkey. Presented at the International Human
Resource Management Association Conference. Cairns, Australia, June 14-17.
Keup, L, Bruning, N.S. and Seers, A. (2004). Members, leaders and the team: Extending LMX to coworker relationships. Presented at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada meetings, Quebec
City, May, ASAC 2004 Proceedings, (Winner of the best paper award for the Organizational
Behaviour Division).
Tallman, R and Bruning, N.S. (2001). Obligations, fulfilment and employees’ work outcomes. Presented at
the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada meetings, London, ON, May, ASAC 2001
Proceedings, OB Division, 41-50.
Keup, L.D., Bruning, N.S. and Seers, A. (2001). Relationship networks of leaders, members and the team:
An expansion of the LMX Odyssey. Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
meetings, London, ON, May, ASAC 2001 Proceedings, OB Division, 65..
Tallman, R., Bruning, S., and Keup, L. (2000). The influence of personal characteristics on relationship
quality between self-directed work team leaders and members. Presented at the Administrative
Sciences Association of Canada meetings, Montreal, July, ASAC 2000 Proceedings, OB Division.
Bruning, S. and Sharma, G. (2000). Antecedents and outcomes of justice perceptions in organizational
restructuring. Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada meetings, Montreal,
May, ASAC 2000 Proceedings, OB Division.
Bruning, N.S., Keup, L.C. and Cooper, C.E. (1995) Distributive and procedural justice as predictors of
attitude and behaviour in a restructured organization. Presented at the Administrative Sciences
Association of Canada meetings, Halifax, July, ASAC 1995 Proceedings, OB Division, 41-50.
Keup, L.C. and Bruning, N.S. (1995). Decision making in leader-member exchange relationships: The role
of attributions and escalation of commitment. Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of
Canada meetings, Halifax, July, ASAC 1995 Proceedings, OB Division, 31-40.
Bruning, N.S., Kernan, M.C., Lee, R., and Ismail, Z.B. (1994). Supervisory motivational strategies as
antecedents of organizational commitment and consequences, 1994 ASAC Proceedings, OB Division,
Ismail, Z.B., Kernan, M.C., & Bruning, N.S. (1992). The effects of supervisory behavior on organizational
commitment, antecedents, and consequences: A quasi-experiment. ASAC 1992 Conference
Proceedings, Quebec City, Quebec. (Best paper award for Organizational Behaviour Division).
Cooper, C. and Bruning, N.S. (1992). Multi-tiered wage structure: A test of alternative hypotheses.
Presented at the 1991 National Meetings of the Industrial Relations Research Association, New
Orleans, January 3, 1992. (Published in the Working Paper series).
Bruning, N.S. and Frew, D.R. (1991). Stress management: A longitudinal field experimental evaluation of
three intervention strategies. ASAC 1991 Proceedings, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 32-40.
Skaret, D.J. and Bruning, N.S. (1985). Leadership substitutes and neutralizers: Are they myth or a reality?
Proceedings of the American Institute of Decision Sciences, LasVegas.
Bruning, N.S. and Frew, D.R. (1985). The impact of various stress management-training strategies: A
longitudinal field experiment. Academy of Management Proceedings '85, San Diego, Calif., 192-196.
Weinroth, J. and Bruning, N.S. (1985). Job characteristics model: Implications in a simulated environment.
Proceedings of the Midwest AIDS Meetings, Akron, OH., 243-245.
Frew, D.R. and Bruning, N.S. (1985). Job Satisfaction, productivity, anxiety and physical health: The issue
of causality. Proceedings of the Midwest AIDS Meetings, Akron, OH.,74-76.
Bruning, N.S. and Frew, D.R. (1985). Relationships between personality and organizational measures with
stress/strain in the workplace. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Midwest Academy of Management
Meetings, Champaign, Ill., 211-12.
Bruning, N.S. and Sellaro, C.L. (1984). Age as a moderator of the relationships between work-related
attitudes and competence. In Terpening, W.D. and Thompson, K.R. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 27th
Annual Midwest Academy of Management Meetings, Notre Dame, Ind.
Strock, J. and Bruning, N.S. (1984). Union certification elections: Literature review and proposed
theoretical framework. Proceedings of the American Institute of Decision Sciences, Toronto.
Bruning, N.S. and Snyder, R.A. (1983). Relationships among supervisor and subordinate competence, role
stress, and the quality of dyadic exchange. Proceedings of the American Institute of Decision Sciences,
San Antonio.
Kinicki, A.J. and Bruning, N.S. (1982). The relationship between plant closings and employee behavioral
and attitudinal consequences. Proceedings of the American Institute of Decision Sciences, San
Bruning, N.S. and Snyder, R.A. (1981). Predictors of work-related competence:Are they different for men
vs. women? Proceedings of the American Institute of Decision Sciences, Boston.
Bruning, N.S. and Cashman, J.F. (1981). A sequential process model of leadership: A partial test.
Proceedings of the American Institute of Decision Sciences, Boston.
Bruning, N.S. and Skaret, D.J. (1980). Leadership: A test of two models. Proceedings of the American
Institute of Decision Sciences, Las Vegas.
Skaret, D.J. and Bruning, N.S. (1980). Attitudes about the work group: Clarifying this link in contingent
leader behavior. Proceedings of the American Institute of Decision Sciences, Las Vegas.
Bruning, N.S. and Cashman, J.F. (1978). Initiating the linkage process: A longitudinal study of attitudes,
attraction, and leadership dynamics. In D.F. Ray and T.B. Green (Eds.) Toward renewal in
management and practice. Mississippi State, Miss.: Mississippi State University Press, 86-88.
Petty, M.M. and Bruning, N.S. (1978). Leader behavior and subordinate attitudes as predictors of leader
effectiveness and agency inefficiency in public welfare agencies. In J.C. Susbauer (Ed.) Academy of
Management Proceedings '78, 357-360.
Petty, M.M., Odewahn, C.A., Bruning, N.S., and Thomason, T.L. (1977). An examination of the
moderating effects of supervisor sex and subordinate sex upon the relationships between supervisory
behavior and subordinate outcomes in mental health organizations. In R.L. Taylor, M.J. O'Connell,
R.A. Zawacki, and D.D. Warrick, (Eds.) Academy of Management Proceedings '77, 408-412.
Sizykh, A. & Bruning, N.S. (2015). Does Personality Predict Burnout? A Double CrossValidation Study. To be presented at the Atlantic Schools of Business Conference, Sept 2527, 2015, Fredericton, NB.
Sizykh A. & Bruning, N.S. (2014). Emotional Labor and Burnout in a Human Services
Organization. Presented at EMONET, July 30-31, Philadelphia.
Bruning, N.S., Wang, X. & Sizykh, A. (2014). Expatriate’s Core Self concepts and Their Effectiveness:
Are There Consistent Relationships? To be presented as part of a symposium at IFSAM 2014
biannual conference in Tokyo, Japan, September 2.
Olomofe, O. & Bruning, N.S. (2013). Personality and contemporary career orientations: A Nigerian
sample. Presented at the Australia-New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM)
meetings in Hobart, Tasmania, December.
Sizykh, A. & Bruning, N.S. (2013). Habits: Conceptualization of a model and the application to the
management of work stress. Presented at the 2013 EAWOP Small Group Meeting 2013, July 15-17,
Heidelberg, Germany.
Bruning, N.S. (2013). Management attitudes about workplace health and safety and associated employee
attitudes and outcomes in the healthcare sector: A multi-source study. Presented at the 2013 EURAM
Conference, June 26-29, 2013, Istanbul.
Ogunyomi, P. & Bruning, N.S. (2013). Human resource management and organizational performance of
small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. Presented at the 2013 EURAM Conference, June
26-29, 2013, Istanbul.
Lavoie, R. & Bruning, N.S. (2013). Affective commitment: A matter of identity. To be presented at the
Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2013 conference, Calgary, AB, June 8-10,
Akhgari, M., Bruning, E. & Bruning, N.S. (2013). The effect of executive compensation and financial
returns on bank loyalty. To be presented at the ASAC 2013 conference, Calgary, AB, June 810, 2013.
Bruning, N.S. (2012). Managers' and supervisors' role in enancing the safety and health climate for health
care providers. Presented at the 2012 IFSAM conference, Limerick, Ireland, June.
Wang, X., Bruning, N.S. & Sonpar, K. (2011). Social interactions and exptriate adjustment: Who or what
really matters? Presented at the 2011 ANZAM conference, Wellington, New Zealand, December.
Bruning, N.S. (2011). State of management education and scholarship in Africa: Enlightenment for the
East and West. Presenter in a Professional Development Workshop at the 2011 Academy of
Management meetings in San Antonio, Texas, August.
Bruning, N.S., Bruning, P.F. Ganster, D.C. (2011). The influence of group consensus perceptions of coworker and supervisor trust on individual stress perceptions: A multi-level dynamic model. Presented
at the 2011 Work, Stress and Health Conference, Orlando, Florida, May.
Bruning, N.S., Bruning, P.F.,& Ganster, D.C. (2011). Change management integrity: Perceived
consistency between objectives,bhaviors and outcomes. Presented at the Society of Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, Chicago, Illinois, April.
Bruning, N.S., Cadigan, F. & Wilkinson, N. (2010). Diversity and global management: Are there cracks in
the glass ceiling and glass border? Presented at the International Federation of Scholarly Associations
of Management, Paris, France, July.
Bruning, N.S., Wilkinson, N. & Irvine Day, S. (2009). Relationships between safety climate
perceptions, personality and employee stress and burnout: Modelling the relationships in a
healthcare setting. Presented at Australia New Zealand Academy of Management
(ANZAM) Melbourne, Australia, December.
Bruning, N.S., Goho, J. & Bozeman, J. (2009). Severity of workplace aggression and employee
outcomes: The mediating effect of individual, group and organizational attitudes. Presented at the
Work, Stress and Health conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November.
Bruning, N.S., Goho, J. & Bozeman, J. (2009) Red River College: Improving Organizational Health. Case
study presented at 2009 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada meetings, Niagara Falls,
Ontario, June.
Bebenroth, R., Pascha, W & Bruning, N.S. (2009). Beyond the CEO: Complementarities in foreign-based
subsidiaries executive staffing decisions. Presented at the Academy of International Business
meetings, San Diego, California, June.
Wang, X., Bruning, N.S. & Sonpar, K. (2009). Who are more helpful for expatriates: Local
nationals or peer expatriates? Presented at the Academy of Management meetings,
Chicago, Illinois, August.
McCaughey, D. & Bruning, N.S. (2009). Workplace illness and injury experience: Influences on
healthcare workers’ workplace safety climate. Presented at the Academy of Management meetings,
Chicago, Illinois, August.
Tallman, R. and Bruning, N., 2008. Psychological contract structure: An alternative to
the transactional/relational concept. Presented at the IABPAD conference, Dallas, Texas, April.
Wang, X, Bruning, N.S., & Lapierre, B., (2008). Multi-facit and multi-level construct of expatriate
adjustment. Presented at the AIB 2008 Annual Conference, Milan, Italy, June.
Wang, X., Bruning, N.S., Wang, T., Ma, Z & McLee, Y. (2008). Identifying and mapping the scientific
landscape of expatriate studies in the last five decades. Presented at the 2008 Academy of
Management meetings, Anaheim, California, August.
McCaughey, D & Bruning, N.S. (2008). Safety climate & stress: How workplace safety perceptions
influence health care provider well-being. Presented at the 2008 Academy of Management meetings,
Anaheim, California, August. (Nominated for the Health Care Management Division Best
International Paper).
McCaughey, D. & Bruning, N.S. (2008). Caring and Health: Do Patients Negatively Influence
Workplace Safety and Health Care Provider Well-Being? Presented at the 2008 AcademyHealth
Annual Meetings, Chicago, Illinois, June.
Bruning, N.S. & Goho, J. (2008). Relationships between types of aggression and employee attitudes:
Does severity matter? Presented at the Institute of Work Psychology conference, Sheffield,
England, June.
Ingram, S., Mikawoz, I., & Bruning, N.S. (2008). A proposed national study of the culture of
engineering: Exploring the role of mentorship in enhancing the career paths of Canadian engineers.
Presented at the CCWestt Annual conference, Guelph, Ontario, May.
McCaughey, D. & Bruning, N.S. (2007). Workplace safety and job stress: when caring
compromises personal well-being. Presented at Academy of Management Annual
Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August.
Bruning, N. S. (2007). “High-Performance”/”High-Involvement” human resource practices:
Implications for research in Asia. Presented at the JSBA (Japanese Society of Business
Administration) Annual Meetings, Osaka, Japan, September.
Ingram, S., Mikawoz, I & Bruning, N.S. (2007). An investigation of Canadian engineers:
Exploring the impact of prior education work experiences on career satisfaction. Presented at the
37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November.
Wang, X., LaPierre, B., & Bruning, N.S. (2007). Longitudinal study of short-term expatriates
effectiveness. Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada meetings, Ottawa,
Ontario, June.
Sharma, G. & Bruning, N.S. (2007). “Putting the horse before the cart”: A study on expatriate
adjustment process from proactive personality and self-monitoring behaviour of expatriate
employees. Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association meetings, Ottawa, Ontario, June.
Wang, X. and Bruning, N.S. (2006). Cultural distance perceptions and expatriate adjustment:
Self-Efficacy as a moderator. Presented at the Association of International Business, United
Kingdom, Manchester, England, April.
Tallman, R. and Bruning, N.S. (2006). Relating employee’s psychological contract to their
personality. Presented at Academy of Management meetings. Atlanta, Georgia, August.
Tallman, R. and Bruning, N.S. (2006). Relationship between employee work values: Employee
and organizational obligations within psychological contracts. Presented at the
International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values.Tallinn, Estonia, June.
McCaughey, D. and Bruning, N.S. (2005). The role of cognitive information processing in public policy
decision-making. Presented at the International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health Services,
Montreal, Quebec, September.
McCaughey, D., Bruning, N.S., Rubin, B. and Bell, M. (2005). Diversity, values and congruence: Does
ethnicity influence satisfaction with workplace outcomes? Presented at the Academy of
Management Annual meetings, Honolulu, Hawaii, August.
Sharma, G. and Bruning, N.S. (2005) Engineering your own adjustment: Expatriate adjustment through
sensemaking - A process model. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual meetings,
Honolulu, Hawaii, August.
Tallman, R. and Bruning, N.S. (2004). Understanding northern hospital nurses' intentions to remain.
Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Meetings, Quebec City, Quebec, June.
Tallman, R. and Bruning, N.S. (2004). Psychological contract structure: An alternative to the
transactional/relational concept. Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
Meetings, Quebec City, Quebec, June.
Wang, X. , Bruning, N.S. and Peng, S. (2004). Does HRM make a difference: A comparison among stateowned, private and foreign-owned enterprises in China. Presented at International Association of
Chinese Management Research, Beijing, China, June.
Wang, X. and Bruning, N.S. (2003). Selection as one of the steps of global manager career development.
Presented at European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal, May.
Bruning, S. (2003). Collaboration of management academicians through the democracy of the internet: A
Canadian Perspective. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Seattle, Washington,
Bruning, S. (2003). Fads, fashions and fantasies: Leadership and motivation. Presented at the Academy of
Management Meetings, Seattle, Washington, August.
Tallman, R. and Bruning, S. (1999). Needful employees, expectant organizations and the development and
change of psychological contracts. Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
meetings, St. John, New Brunswick, May.
Bruning, N.S., Keup, L., Cooper, C.L. (1996) Justice perceptions and outcomes in a restructured
organization. Presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology meetings, San
Diego, California, April.
Bruning, N.S., Rubin, B. and Sickmeier, M. (1995) Diversity climate and attitudinal outcomes: A Study of
ethnic diversity in the apparel industry. Presented at the Association of Management Meetings,
Vancouver, British Columbia, August.
Rubin, B. Bruning, N.S. and Sickmeier, M. (1995) Diversity as a way of life: Representation and other
causes of organizational inclusion. Presented at the Association of Management Meetings, Vancouver,
Bruning, N.S., Sickmeier, M.B. and Cooper, C. L. (1994). Labour-Management Climate: A Canada-U.S.
Comparison. Presented at the Industrial Relations Research Association meetings, Boston,
Massachusetts, January.
Bruning, N.S., Cooper, C.L. and Sickmeier, M. (1993). Workplace climate: A Canada-U.S. comparison of
the perceptions of managers and union officers. Presented at the Eighth International Congress
meeting of the North American Economic and Finance Association, Montego Bay, Jamaica, August.
Dyck, B., Bruning, N.S. and Dreidger, L. (1993) Organizational conflict versus performance: An empirical
test. Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada meetings, Lake Louise, Alberta,
Bruning, N.S. (1992). An examination of work attitudes, self-reported health and physiological health
indicators. Presented at the joint American Psychological Association and The National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health Conference, Stress in the 90’s: A changing workforce in a changing
workplace, Washington, D.C., November.
Miller-Guhde, L., Kernan, M.C., & Bruning, N.S. (1992). Task complexity, strategy, and individual versus
group goals: Effects on performance and goal acceptance. Presented at Society for Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, Montreal, Quebec, April.
Savino, D. and Bruning, N.S. (1992). Decertification strategies and tactics: Management and union
perspectives. Presented at the Industrial Relations Research Association meetings, New Orleans,
Lousiana, January.
Snyder, R.A., Verderber, K.S., Bruning, N.S., Morris, J.H., and Blandin, J.S.(1987). Addressing the politics
and polemics of gender differences through the use of targeted research contexts. Presented at the
Academy of Management meetings, New Orleans, Lousiana, August.
Bruning, N.S. and Croskey, V.S. (1986). Plant Closures: A comparative analysis and survey. Presented at
the Academy of Management meetings, Chicago, Illinois, August.
Weinroth, J. and Bruning, N.S. (1986). Interactions between scheduling and human resource policies: A
simulated test of some behavioral hypotheses. Presented at TIMS/ORSA, Los Angeles, California.
Weinroth, J. and Bruning, N.S. (1985). Testing behavioral hypotheses by simulation: A method of
modelling and programming. Presented at the American Institute of Decision Sciences meetings, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
Bruning, N.S. and Miller, L.M. (1985). Interpersonal attraction and performance ratings: What influences
what? Presented at Academy of Management meetings, San Diego, California, August.
Snyder, R.A. and Bruning, N.S. (1982). An empirical investigation of sex and positional differences in
organizational commitment. Presented at Academy of Management meetings, New York, New York,
Snyder, R.A. and Bruning, N.S. (1979). An empirical study of the competence of males versus females in
work organizations. Paper presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association meetings, New
Orleans, Lousiana, November.
Bruning, N.S. and Cashman, J.F. (1978). Leadership: Studying the developmental process. Paper
presented at the Academy of Management meetings, San Francisco, California, August.
Cashman, J.F. and Bruning, N.S. (1978). Leader behavior 'causes' performance: A review and longitudinal
study Paper presented at the American Psychological Association meetings (Division 14), Toronto,
Ontario, August.
Hellreigel D., Slocum J. W., Woodman, R. W. and Bruning, N. S. (1998). Organizational Behaviour.
Canadian 8th Edition, ITP Nelson, Toronto.
Bruning, N.S. (2014). Global Staffing and Performance Reviews: Alignment Issues and RoleMaking Processes. Presentation at workshop at REIB, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan,
February 5.
Bruning, N.S. (2014). Global Staffing and Expatriate Management in a Large
Telecommunications Firm. Presentation at workshop at Ryokoku University, Kyoto, Japan,
March 1.
Bruning, N.S. (2014). Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance of Small
and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. Presentation at Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan,
March 23.
Bruning, N.S. (2014). Publishing in High Quality Journals: Improving our Approaaches to Study
Design, Analyses and Story-Telling. Presentation to Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan, March
Bruning, N.S. (2014). Global Staffing: What We Know and Significant Knowledge Gaps.
Presentation to the Japan Chapter of AIB, Tokyo Japan, April 12.
Bruning, N.S. (2014). Global Performance Reviews and the Challenge of Multiple Role
Expectations and Firm Strategic Objectives: Lessons from Japan. Presentation to the German
Institute for Japanese Studies, April 14.
Bruning, N.S. (2014). Researching the Practice of Management - Introduction and Philosophy of
Research and Science. Presentation at the AABS 2014 Research Excellence Workshop, May
22-24, Nairobi Kenya.
Bruning, N.S. (2014). Publishing in International Journals and Managing the Publication Process.
Presentation at the AABS Research Excellence Workshop, May 22-24, Nairobi, Kenya.
Bruning, N.S. (2014). Research Methodology - Quantitative Analyses. Presentation at the AABS
Research Excellence Workshop, May 22-24, Nairobi, Kenya.
Bruning, N.S. & Tung, R. (2013). Leadership development and global talent management in the Asian
context: An Introduction. Asian Business and Managment, 12(4), 1-5.
Bruning, N.S. (2013). Introduction. Presentation for the AABS 2013 Research Excellence workshop.
HEM University, Casablanca, Morocco. May 15, 2013.
Bruning, N.S. (2013). Research Methodology - Quantitative Analyses. Presentation for the AABS 2013
Research Excellence workshop. HEM University, Casablanca, Morocco. May 16.
Bruning, N.S. (2013). Publishing in International Journals. Presentation for the AABS 2013 Research
Excellence workshop. HEM University, Casablanca, Morocco. May 16.
Bruning, N.S. (2013). Advanced Research Methods - Parts 1 and 2. Presentation for the
AABS 2013 Research Excellence workshop. HEM University, Casablanca, Morocco. May 17.
Bruning, N. S. (2011, 2012). Research Skills and Researchers in Africa. Presentation for the
Researching the Practice of Management workshop at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (cohosted by the African Association of Business Schools), Sept 19-21. (and again in 2012 in Lagos,
Nigeria, May, 2012)
Bruning, N. S. (2011). The Research Process and Context Relevant Research. Presentation for the
Researching the Practice of Management workshop at the University of Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania (co-hosted by the African Association of Business Schools), Sept 19-21.
Bruning, N. S. (2011). Developing a Research Topic and Design Considerations. Presentation for the
Researching the Practice of Management workshop at the University of Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania (co-hosted by the African Association of Business Schools), Sept 19-21.
Bruning, N. S. (2011). Identification of Research Challenges and Opportunities. Presentation for the
Researching the Practice of Management workshop at the University of Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania (co-hosted by the African Association of Business Schools), Sept 19-21.
Bruning, N. S. (2011, 2012). Publishing in International Journals. Presentation for the Researching the
Practice of Management workshop at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (co-hosted by the
African Association of Business Schools), Sept 19-21 ( again, Lagos, Nigeria, May, 2012).
Bruning, N. S. (2011, 2012). Research Methodology - Quantitative Analyses. Presentation for the
Researching the Practice of Management workshop at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (cohosted by the African Association of Business Schools), Sept 19-21 (and again in Lagos, Nigeria,
May, 2012).
Bruning, N. S. (2011, 2012). Advanced Research Methods. Presentation for the Researching the
Practice of Management workshop at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (co-hosted by the
African Association of Business Schools), Sept 19-21 (and again in Lagos, Nigeria, May, 2012).
Bruning, N.S. (2011). Global staffing: An examination of top management in German multinationals in
Japan. Presentation at Hickson Research Day, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 18.
Bruning, N.S. (2011). Global staffing: The many faces of the expatriation process in multinational
companies in the Asia Pacific. Invited presentation as part of the Pcific Region Forum, David SeeChai Lam Centre for International Communication, Simon Fraser University, February 18.
Bebenroth, R., Pascha,W. & Bruning, N.S. (2010). Beyond the CEO: complementarities in foreign based
subsidiaries executive staffing decisions. Presented at the Joint workshop, Human Resource
Management Issues of Foreign firms in Japan. The joint workshop was by the Research Institute for
Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University and Duisburg – Essen University, Germany.
Feb 23-24.
Bruning, N.S., & Turner, N. (2009). Healthy and safe workplaces: Aspiring to contributions from multiple
administrative disciplines. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 26, 3-6. (Introduction to
special section of journal issue).
Bruning, N.S. (2008). Integration of HRM and IHRM policies and practices: A focus on Japan. Workshop
presentation. Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, March 27.
Bruning, N.S. (2008). The Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks General Hospital: A case study. Prepared for
Bruning, N.S. (2006). Seven Oaks General Hospital: A case study. Prepared for MINERVA Canada.
Bruning, N.S. (2006). Building healthy organizations: A practical approach for managers and workers.
Published by the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg.
Bruning, N.S. (2004). The how, what and why of healthy organizations. Published by the Social Planning
Council of Winnipeg.
Bruning, N. S. (2002). Rethinking globalization: Critical perspectives. (Editor). A joint ASAC/CGA
Ontario International Business Research Centre at Queen’s University Conference, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, May 28-29, 2003.
Bruning, N.S. 1991. Gender differences in burnout: Observations from an "unbiased" researcher (a
commentary). Canadian Psychology, 32, 575-579.
Bruning, N.S. 1990. The work/life dichotomy: Prospects for reintegrating people and jobs by Martin Morf.
A review. Journal of Community Psychology.
Sizykh, A. & Bruning, N.S. Habits as Underexplored Automatic Behavioral Responses in
Organizations: A Theoretical and Empirical Review. Revise and resubmit at Academy of
Management Perspectives.
University of Manitoba, Bridge Funding Support. Principal Investigator. Expatriate Network Exchange
and the Relationship with Performance. ($7500 for the period between July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
University of Manitoba, University Research Grants Program (URGP). Principal Investigator. Emotional
labour and burnout: The moderating effects of the Big Five personality characteristics, self-monitoring
and emotional intelligence. ($7135 for the period between May 10, 2013 – August 31, 2015).
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Principal Investigator. Extension
of multinational corporations’ health and safety policies and practices throughout the supply chain.
($36,000 for period April 1, 2009 – March 31, 2011).
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Principal Investigator.
Examination of healthy organizational and decent work development strategies in Africa. ($25,000
plus $13,000 in matching funds for period April 1, 2009 – March 31, 2010).
Worker’s Compensation Board of Manitoba (WCB). Principal Investigator. Supervisor’s role in enhancing
the safety and health climate for health care providers. ($54,000 for period May 1, 2008 – August 31,
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Principal Investigator (Former
Principal Investigator, Xiaoyun Wang). Expatriate adjustment as a function of national cultures,
social networks and individual characteristics. ($95,000 for 3-year period, April 1, 2007 – March
31, 2011).
University of Manitoba Research Grants program (URGP). Principal Investigator. The Relationships
between safety climate perceptions, personality and employee burnout. ($6500 for period, April, 2007
– June, 2009)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Principal Investigator (with coInvestigator, Daniel Ganster). Healthy Work Organizations: Relationships between workplace
policies and practices and individual and organizational outcomes. ($78,000 for 3-year period, April 1,
2006 – March 30, 2010) .
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Co-Investigator (Principal
Investigator, Xiaoyun Wang). Enhancing Canadian Expatriate Success in China: Performance as a
Function of the Establishment of Effective Local Social Networks and Psychological Well-Being
($131,000 for 3-year period, April 1, 2002-March 31, 2006)
The Winnipeg Foundation. Consultant and Primary Researcher. Grant to conduct longitudinal pilot test of
healthy organization intervention project. ($15,000 for period November, 1998 to May, 2006).
Workers’ Compensation Board of Manitoba. Consultant and Primary Researcher. Grant to develop
questionnaire and conduct a pilot test of a healthy organization intervention project. Funded by the
Workers’ Compensation Board of Manitoba ($25,000 for period June, 1999 – September, 2000).
CGA Ontario International Business Research Centre at Queen’s University. Conference Chair.
Rethinking Globalization: Critical Perspectives, Conference held on May 28-29, 2002 in conjunction
with ASAC 2002 conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba. ($30,000).
University of Manitoba SSHRC Research Grant. Co-Investigator (with Beth Rubin, Principal Investigator
and Marie Sickmeier) A study on multicultural diversity within the garment industry. ($4,100,
completed June 1995).
Centre for International Business Studies. Principal Investigator (with Beth Rubin and Marie Sickmeier)
Assessing the Acceptance of Diversity in a Multicultural Workplace. ($4,300, completed June 1994).
Centre for International Business Studies. Principal Investigator. A comparative study of Canadian/U.S.
Labour/Management Climate. ($6,250 completed, June 1993).
University of Manitoba SSHRC. Principal Investigator. (with Christine Cooper) The effects of equity
perceptions in a two-tiered wage structure. ($3,287, completed August 1994).
National Institute of Mental Health. Principal Investigator. Stress management strategies: A longitudinal
experiment. National Institute of Mental Health. ($273,601 U.S., 3-year project, funding period July
1987 – March, 1991).
Urban University Program, State of Ohio. Principal Investigator. Grant to study the labour/management
climate in Ohio and the U.S.A. ($100,000 U.S. for period, October, 1987 – March, 1992)/
Northeast Ohio Center for the Advancement of Labor-Management Cooperation. Research Coordinator.
Coordinated the research activities of the Center. The Center was involved in the facilitation and
implementation of cooperative systems in Northeast Ohio. (June, 1986 – June, 1989, wrote several
grants that were funded to support the Centre)*
Management Institute, University of Alabama. Senior Research Assistant. The Management Institute was
an organization that provided training for employees of state and federal public welfare agencies.
Responsibilities centred around several evaluation and training grants which utilized longitudinal
methodology. (September 1975 – August, 1979, participated in the research on several research,
training and evaluations grants)
SOHIO Faculty Development Grants (administered by KSU, 1982 and 1983).
Research/Scholarly Activity Support grants (administered by KSU, 1982, 1983, and 1985).
Kent State University Research Grants (Summer 1981; Summer 1985).
Summer Research Grant, Kent State University, 1985. Collected data to analyze the longitudinal,
attitudinal, and productivity effects of a quality circle program.
Summer Research Grant, Kent State University, 1981. Conducted literature review and completed initial
stages of a project which examines the organizational commitment of dual-career couples.
Bruning, N.S. and Sizykh, A. Does Personality Predict Burnout? A Double Cross-Validation
Study (working title). To be submitted to Work and Stress (September, 2015)
Bruning, N.S., Wang, X. & Sizykh, A. Expatriate Effectiveness: The Role of Personality
(working title). In preparation for submission to Human Resource Management
(Anticipated submission date by October, 2015).
Bruning, N.S., Bruning, P.F. & Ganster, D. Change Management Integrity: A Dynamic
Mediation Model of the Effects of Perceived Consistency between Management Behaviors
and Change Objectives on Employee Outcomes (working title). (Anticipated submission
date October, 2015).
Bruning, N.S. Management attitudes about workplace health and safety and associated employee attitudes
and outcomes in the healthcare sector: A multi-source study. (working title) expected submission –
November, 2015.
Bruning, N.S., Goho, J & Bozeman, J. Workplace aggression: Does severity matter? (working title)
(expected submission – November, 2015)
Bruning, N.S. & Frew, D. The stressor-stress-strain relationships: An examination of work attitudes, selfreported health and physiological health indicators. (working title) (expected submission – December,
Bruning, N.S. & Sizykh, A. Expanding the exploration of the HRM Practices – Organizational
Performance relationship to international and developing world contexts: A meta-analysis. Proposal
accepted for a meta-analysis review issue of Human Resource Management Review (Manuscript to
be submitted by January, 2016).
Analysis and intervention in healthy organization development longitudinal change projects (three data
waves completed).
Development of a job crafting scale – a two study project with funding is in process.
Motivation and creativty study – data collection completed and manuscript in preparation
CONSULTING (examples)
December, 2011 - September, 2012 - Longitudinal intervention and analysis of a safety culture development
program, Puratone.
September, 2011 - December, 2012 - Longitudinal leadership development program and analysis, Puratone.
February, 2011 – June, 2015 - Longitudinal analysis of an organizational change process, Child and Family
All Nations Coordinated Response Network (ANCR).
December, 2009 – January, 2010 – Review of top management team working relationships, National
October, 2007 – Presentation to senior management of the Power Supply Division, Manitoba Hydro.
January – February, 2004 – Training on teams and team leadership, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
February, 2004 – August, 2005 – Development of a curriculum guide for post secondary schools of business
on the management of workplace safety and health, Minerva Manitoba
Sept., 2002 – July, 2003, Veterans Affairs of Canada, workplace design project
January - Sept., 2001 – Social Planning Council, strategic planning study
January, 2000 – Sept., 2001, Victorian Order of Nurses, longitudinal organizational development project
March, 2000 – present, Red River College, longitudinal organizational development project
February, 2000 – Coaching, Counselling and Mentoring, Continuing Education Division, University of
Manitoba Management Development Program
March, 2000 – training on coaching, counselling and mentoring to enhance performance, Ducks Unlimited.
June, 1997 – present, Canadian Mental Health Association – Manitoba Division. Continue to guide
research and intervention efforts related to the well-being in the workplace initiative.
February, 1999 – Worker’s Compensation Board of Manitoba. Training on managing strategic change.
February, 1999 – Strategic Leadership and Managing Transformational Change, continuing Education
Division, University of Manitoba Professional Development Program.
June, 1993 – December, 1995 – City of Winnipeg. Analyzed and presented results from employee attitude
September, 1993 - 1998, Management Development Program for Women, Continuing Education Division,
University of Manitoba.
September, 1994 - Certified Government Accountants development program
March 1992, External Affairs, Industry, Science and Technology Canada--Training program on employee
involvement processes.
September 1991 - April 1994, Human Resource Committee, Garment Industry. Developed employee
survey and evaluation design.
March 1991, Young President's Organization, Winnipeg. Wellness audit of organization members and
stress management training seminar.
June 1990 - September 1991, Kirkwood Consulting Company, Pittsburgh, PA. Provide consulting services
in HRM/OB areas as needed.
June 1989 - October 1990, General Electric, various locations. Training program on stress management.
January 1989 - June 1989, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland Review study on stress
management effects and intervention.
April 1988, Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, PA. Training program on stress management.
June 1987, Lauren Manufacturing, New Philadelphia, OH. Productivity audit.
March 1987 - present, T&W Forge, Alliance, Ohio. Development of a labour/management cooperation
November 1986 - January 1989, LTV Steel Corp., Cleveland, Ohio. Development and training of research
skills for labor-management participation team leaders. Evaluating the labour- management participation
August 1986, Ohio State University Training. Facilitator training of state employees implementation of
labour/management committees.
December 1984, B.F. Goodrich, Akron, Ohio. Career planning for managers.
May - June 1984, The Higbee Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Designed an affirmation action program.
September 1982 - June 1983, AMSCO, Erie, Pennsylvania. Longitudinal evaluation of stress management
March 1982, Ametek-Lamb Electric, Kent, Ohio. Training program on labour- management cooperation
for salaried employees at the Kent plant.
Research Fellow, RIEB (Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration), Corporate
Competitiveness Unit, Kobe University, June 2011 - present.
Visiting Professor, Keio University, Japan, Jan - April, 2014
Visiting Professor, Kobe University, Japan, Feb – March, 2010
Canadian Scholar, University of Trier, Trier, Germany, April – June, 2006
Guest Faculty Member, Hohai University, Nanjing China, 2006, 2007
Guest Faculty Advisor, Helsinki School of Economics, Mikkeli, 2008
Guest Co-Editor (with Rosalie Tung), Asian Business and Management journal, Special issue on Leadership
and Human Resources Management in Asia, 2011-12.
Guest Co-Editor, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Special issue on workplace safety and
health, 2007-08.
Reviewed Hamner, C. and Organ, D., Organizational Behavior: An applied psychological approach.
Dallas, 1976 (for revision).
Reviewed Organ, D., The applied psychology of work behavior. BPI: Dallas, 1981.
Reviewed proposal of Milward, H.G., Public organizations. Winthrop Publishers, 1981.
Reviewed six chapters of Saueressig, Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining.
Reviewed five chapters of Allen and Keaveny's Contemporary Labor Relations, Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company.
Reviewed Vecchio, R., Organizational Behavior, Dryden Press.
KSU, Chair of seven dissertation committees, completed
KSU, Member of six dissertation committees, completed
University of Manitoba, Chair of six dissertation committees, four completed and one in process
University of Manitoba, Member of one dissertation committee, completed.
University of Manitoba, Member of four master's thesis committees, three completed and one in progress.
Paper referee for Academy of International Business - 2009, 2010, 2011
Paper referee for ASAC meetings, 1991, 1992, 2000, 2003, 2006
Paper referee for Midwest Academy of Management Meetings, 1984.
Paper referee for National Academy of Management Meetings, 1984, 1988, 1991, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007.
Paper referee for Northeast American Institute for Decision Sciences Meetings,1984.
Paper referee for Decision Science Institute (American Institute of Decision Sciences) National Meetings,
1985, 1986.
Paper referee for the Human Resource Management/Organizational Behavior Conference, 1986.
Paper referee for Division 14, American Psychological Association, 1982, 1988.
Session Chairperson, ASAC '91 Conference, ASAC '92 Conference.
Paper discussant, Midwest Academy of Management Meetings, April 1984.
Paper discussant, National Academy of Management Meetings, 1984.
Track Chair, Midwest American Institute of Decision Sciences, 1985.
Track Chair, Organizational Behavior track, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Business
meeting, 2008, 2012, 2014.
Editorial Review Board, Cross-Cultural Management – 2015 – present
Editorial Review Board, Employee Relations, 2013 - present
Editorial Review Board, Asian Business and Management, 2011 - present
Editorial Review Board, Group and Organization Studies, 1985-1988.
Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Global Mobility – 2014, 2015
Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of International Business Studies – 2015
Ad hoc reviewer for Employee Relations - 2013, 2014
Ad hoc reviewer for Human Resource Management - 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014
Ad-hoc reviewer for Journal of Managerial Psychology – 2013, 2014
Ad-hoc reviewer for Management International Review – 2014, 2015
Ad-hoc reviewer for Accident Analysis and Prevention - 2011, 2012
Ad hoc reviewer for International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Ad hoc reviewer for Decision Sciences, 1985, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1996, 2001
Ad hoc reviewer, Asian Business and Management, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Ad hoc reviewer, Canadian Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2005
Ad hoc reviewer, Asia Pacific Journal of Business, 2006
Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Applied Psychology, 1988.
Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Management, 1987.
Ad hoc reviewer, Psychological Bulletin, 1988, 1989.
Ad hoc reviewer, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 1993, 1994.
Ad hoc reviewer, Academy of Management Journal, 1994.
Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1996.
Academic Reviewer, ASAC Organizational Behaviour Division, 1992-1993.
Program Chair, ASAC Organizational Behaviour Division, 1993-1994.
Division Chair, ASAC Organizational Behaviour Division, 1994-1995.
Conference Chair, ASAC 2002 (May, 2002)
Conference Chair, ASAC/CGA International Business Research Centre at Queen’s University sponsored
conference, Rethinking Globalization: Critical Perspectives conference (May 28-29,2002)
President, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2002-03
Past- President, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2003-04
Vice-President, Membership, ASAC 2001-2007.
Member at Large, ASAC, 2007 to May, 2009
Member-at-Large, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM) , 2003-04
President-Elect, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM) , 2004-06
President, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM), 2007-08.
Past-President, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM), 2009-10
Secretary, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM), 2011-12.
Adjudication Committee, Administrative Studies and Industrial Relations, Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada,1994,1995.
Adjudication Committee, Special call for Business Research, Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada, 2008.
Adjudication Committee, Research Development Initiatives, Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada, 2009, 2010.
Adjudication Committee, Insight Development Grants, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
of Canada, 2011.
Member, RW Campbell Award Review Committee, National Safety Council, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
Jan, 2015 – present
Member, Department Head Search Committee, Supply Chain
Sept. 2014 – Dec., 2014
Member, Department Head Search Committee, Business Administration
June, 2014 – Dec., 2014
Member, Human Resource Management/Organizational Theory
recruitment committee
Jan, 2012 - present
Chair, Ad-hoc committee on Faculty workload, Asper School of
Nov - Dec, 2012
Member, Research Grants Committee, University of Manitoba
November, 2012 - present
Chair, Graduate Research Programs Committee, Asper School of
July, 2011 - present
Member, Graduate Research Programs Committee, Asper School of
July, 2008 – 2010
Past- President, Manitoba Prairie Quilters
May, 2009 – May, 2011
Past-President, Lake of the Woods District Property Owners
Association (LOWDPOA)
May, 2006 – June, 2008
President, Manitoba Prairie Quilters
May, 2006 – June, 2009
Chair, MBA Committee
May, 2007 – May, 2009
President, Lake of the Woods District Property Owners
Association (LOWDPOA)
May, 2005 – April, 2007
President-elect, Lake of the Woods District Property Owners
Association (LOWDPOA)
Nov., 2005 – May, 2007
Member, Board of Directors Federation of Ontario Cottagers
Associations (FOCA)
October, 2003- Dec., 2004
Member, Executive Committee, Zig Zag Yacht Club
May, 2001 - May, 2011
Member, Board of Governors, Lake of the Woods District Property
Owners Association
May, 2003-April, 2007
Vice-President, Board of Governors, Lake of the Woods District
Property Owners Association
September, 2003 – Feb., 2004
Member, Promotion Committee, I.H. Asper School of Business
July, 2002 - February, 2004
Chair, Human Resource Management Search Committee
January, 2003 – Feb., 2005
Chair, International Management Search Committee
July, 2000 – February, 2004
Chair, Production and Operations Management Search Committee
June, 2000 - June, 2005
Department Head, Department of Business Administration
July, 2000 – February, 2004
Chair, Production and Operations Management Search Committee
June, 2000 - June, 2005
Department Head, Department of Business Administration
May, 2003- July, 2003
Treasurer, Manitoba Prairie Quilters
July, 2001 – February, 2002
Chair, HRM Search Committee
July, 2000 – January, 2001
Chair, HRM Search Committee
December, 1999 – June, 2000
Member, Search Committee for Dean of Continuing Education
April, 1999 – April, 2000
Chair, Steering Committee Faculty of Management
April, 1999 – April, 2000
Member, Nominating Committee, Faculty of Management
December 1998 – June, 1999
Member, HRM/OB Search Committee
September, 1997 – Feb, 1999
Member, Promotion Committees, Faculty of Management
September, 1998 – June, 1999
Member, Dean Search Committee for Faculty of Management,
University of Manitoba
September, 1999 – May, 2000
Member, Tenure and Promotion Committees, Faculty of Human
April, 1999 – May, 2000
Member, Steering Committee, Faculty of Management
September, 1993 – May, 2002
Member, Tenure Committee, Faculty of Management
April, 1997 – April, 1999
Chair, MBA Program Committee, Faculty of Management
January 1996 - June 1996
Visiting Professor, Department of Organizational & Labour
Studies, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
January 1996 - June 1996
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Economics, Commerce Education &
Law, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia
November 1994 – June, 1997
University Grants Committee
June, 1995 – May, 1999
Member Faculty of Graduate Studies, Faculty Council
September,1994 – Dec, 1995
Member, Promotion Committee, Faculty of Management
June 1994 – December 1995
Member, Board of Governors, Manitoba Theatre for Young People
June, 1993 – May, 1994
Member, Ad-Hoc Performance Review Committee
March, 1993 – Jan, 1994
Director, PhD. Program, Faculty of Management
September, 1992 – April 1983
Member, Promotion Committee, Faculty of Management
June 1992- June, 1999
Member, St. John's-Ravenscourt Board of Governors
Spring 1992- August 1992
Member, Production Search Committee
April 1992- March 1993
Ph.D. Area Coordinator for OB area
April 1992 – March 1993
Chair, Faculty of Management, PhD Committee
Spring 1991 - January, 1996
Member, Ad-hoc Promotion Criteria Committee
Spring, 1991- Feb. 1992
Member, Faculty of Management PhD. Committee
Fall 1990 – Spring 1991
Member, HRM/OB Departmental Search Committee
Fall 1990 – Spring, 1991
Member, Faculty of Management Research and Publications
Fall 1990 – Spring 1991
Member, Accounting/Finance Departmental Search Committee
Spring 1989
Geneva Semester Program, Kent State University
Fall 1987- Fall 1988
University Research Council, Kent State University
Fall 1985 – Fall 1988
Area Coordinator, Micro Organization Area, Kent State University
Fall 1986 – Spring 1987
College Advisory Committee, College of Business Administration
Fall 1986 – Spring 1987
Faculty Advisory Committee for the Provost
Fall 1985
Director of Geneva Semester Program
Member, College of Business Administration, Dean Search
Spring 1983
Taught in Geneva Semester Program
1981- 1982
Member College of Business Administration Curriculum
Proposed and co-ordinated Distinguished Speaker Series, College
of Business Administration
Member, Departmental Chair Search Committee
Associates Award for Research Excellence, 2006
Associates Award for Service Contribution, 2003
Award for Teaching Excellence, University Teaching Service, University of Manitoba, 1999
Minnie C. Miles Outstanding Graduate Student Award, 1979
Dean’s Scholar, 1977-1978.
Langston T. Hawley Award for Outstanding Scholarship, 1977.
Doctoral Consortium, Academy of Management, 1977.
American Psychological Association
Beta Gamma Sigma
Academy of Management
Administrative Sciences Assoc. of Canada
Mu Sigma Rho
Interpersonal dynamics in small groups, leadership, individual motivation, expatriate adjustment and
psychological well-being in the workplace. Longitudinal research relating to employees’ quality of
work life in organizations. Specific interests include the evaluation of stress intervention programs,
workplace aggression, safety and health management, healthy organizations, human resource
management practices and performance linkages, leadership and organizational change and diversity in
the workplace.
Organizational Behaviour, Personnel/Human Resources Management, Leadership and Organizational
Change, International Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, and Research
September 2015 v1
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