
Document 2048002

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Document 2048002
CREATED BY THE COUNSELING LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE Students will be able to: Ø successfully access their Naviance account. Ø iden4fy different classes that are needed for their four-­‐year plan. Ø review their high school registra4on form choices. Ø complete the Course Planner task. COURSE PLANNER “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” Alan Lakein, writer GETTING STARTED GO TO YOUR SCHOOL’S HOME PAGE FIND AND CLICK ON THE NAVIANCE LINK LOGGING IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT YOUR EMAIL & ID NUMBER YOUR COURSE PLANNER CLICK ON COURSES TAB CREATING A PLAN OF STUDY CLICK HERE CREATING A PLAN OF STUDY READY TO START YOUR FOUR-­‐YEAR PLAN? You will now begin by finding the classes you chose for your freshman year from registra4on. CHOOSE YOUR HIGH SCHOOL… AND START MAKING YOUR FOUR YEAR PLAN YOUR COURSE PLANNER Click here to start plan Gradua4on Requirement Categories CHOOSING COURSES Choose a class you plan on taking in high school CHOOSING COURSES CHOOSING COURSES Choose a grade level for each class YOUR FOUR-­‐YEAR PLAN Your plan is being created! YOUR FOUR-­‐YEAR PLAN Think about the career pathway that you saved before in Naviance (under the CAREER tab in Favorite Careers and Clusters) What classes would be best to try in high school in order to prepare you for college? COURSE PLANNER DONE! CONGRATULATIONS!! You have just started your four-­‐year high school plan! THANK YOU! THE COUNSELING DEPARTMENT 
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