
PARCC: English Language Arts

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PARCC: English Language Arts
CDE Guidance OR Accommodations Guidance: Also mark in Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile (SR/PNP) for
state assessments.
PARCC: English Language Arts
Assessment Delivery
● Computer-Based
● Paper-Based
Administrative Considerations
● Adaptive and specialized equipment or furniture
● Frequent Breaks
● Noise Buffers/Headphones
● Small Group Testing
● Specified, separate, or alternate area or seating
● Time of Day
Accessibility Features Provided by Test Administrator
● Auditory Aids
● External Spell Check Device
● General Masking (TA provides blank cards)
● Highlighter
● Magnification/Enlargement Device
● Redirect Student to the Test
● Scratch Paper (graph, lined or unlined)
SR/PNP Identified Accessibility Features
● Answer Masking
● Color Contrast (Background/Font Color)
Presentation Accommodations (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● Assistive Technology
● Braille Edition
● Closed-Captioning of Multimedia (ELA)
● Human Signer for Test Directions
● Large Print Edition
● Paper-Based Edition
● Refreshable Braille Display with Screen Reader Version
● Screen Reader Version
● Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Self
● Unique: ELA: ASL Video (Requires CO UAR/Guidance)
● Unique: ELA: Human Reader/ Human Signer (Requires CO UAR/Guidance)
● Unique: Text-to-Speech (Requires CO UAR/Guidance)
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
Response Accommodations (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● Answers Recorded in Test Book (PBT only)
● Assistive Technology
● Braille Note-taker/Writer
● Selected Response Human Scribe
● Selected Response Human Signer
● Selected Response Speech-to-Text
● Unique: Constructed Response Human Scribe (Requires CO UAR/Guidance)
● Unique: Constructed Response Human Signer (Requires CO UAR/Guidance)
● Constructed Response Speech-to-Text
● Word Prediction External Device
Timing and Scheduling Accommodations (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● Extended Time (Time and a Half)
● Extended Time (Double Time)
● Extended Time Complete in One School Day
Accommodations for English Learners (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● CO Spanish Language Arts Extended Time (Time and a Half) - CO Spanish Language Arts
● CO Spanish Language Arts Extended Time (Double Time) - CO Spanish Language Arts
● Unique: CO Spanish Language Arts Human Reader in Spanish (Requires CO UAR/Guidance)
● CO Spanish Language Arts in Place of PARCC ELA
● CO Spanish Language Arts Large Print in Place of PARCC ELA Large Print
● Extended Time (Time and a Half) - PARCC
● Extended Time (Double Time) - PARCC
● General Admin Directions Read Aloud /Repeated/Clarified in Native Language
● Unique: Constructed Response Human Scribe (Requires CO UAR/Guidance)
● Word-to-Word Dictionary (English/ Native Language)
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
Assessment Delivery
● Computer-Based
● Paper-Based
Administrative Considerations
● Adaptive and specialized equipment or furniture
● Frequent Breaks
● Noise Buffers/Headphones
● Small Group Testing
● Specified, separate, or alternate area or seating
● Time of Day
Accessibility Features provided by Test Administrator
● Auditory Aids
● Highlighter
● Magnification/Enlargement Device
● Redirect Student to the Test
● Scratch Paper (graph, lined or unlined)
● General Masking (TA provides blank cards)
SR/PNP Identified Accessibility Features
● Answer Masking
● Color Contrast (Background/Font Color)
● Human Reader or Human Signer
● Text-to-Speech
Presentation Accommodations (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● ASL Video
● Assistive Technology
● Braille Edition
● Human Signer for Test Directions
● Large Print Edition
● Paper-Based Edition
● Screen Reader Version
● Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Self
● Refreshable Braille Display with Screen Reader Version
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
Response Accommodations (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● Adaptive Calculator Device/ Manipulatives (on calculator section)
● Assistive Technology
● Braille Note-taker/Writer
● Human Scribe
● Human Signer
● Speech-to-Text
● Unique: Calculation Device/Manipulatives (on non-calculator sections) (Requires CO UAR/Guidance)
● Word Prediction External Device
Timing and Scheduling Accommodations (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● Extended Time (Time and a Half)
● Extended Time (Double Time)
● Extended Time Complete in One School Day
Accommodations for English Learners (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● Extended Time (Time and a Half)
● Extended Time (Double Time)
● General Admin Directions Read Aloud /Repeated/Clarified in Native Language
● Human Reader in Spanish or other Language
● Human Scribe
● Large Print Edition in Spanish
● Response in Native Language
● Spanish Edition CBT
● Spanish Edition PBT
● Speech-to-Text
● Text-to-Speech in Spanish
● Word-to-Word Dictionary (English/ Native Language)
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
COAlt DLM: English Language Arts & Math
Supports Provided within DLM via PNP → Supports Provided within DLM via Student Registration/ Personal Needs
● Magnification
● Invert Color Choice
● Color Contrast
● Overlay Color
● Read Aloud w/highlighting–Text-to-Speech: Text Only → Spoken Audio: Text Only
● Read Aloud w/highlighting–Text-to-Speech: Text & Graphics → Spoken Audio: Text & Graphics
● Read Aloud w/highlighting–Text-to-Speech: Nonvisual → Spoke Audio: Nonvisual
Supports Requiring Additional Tools/Materials
● Uncontracted Braille
● Single-switch system/PNP enabled → Single-Switch System
● Two-switch system
● Individualized Manipulatives
● Calculator
● Alternate Form (Visual Impairment)
Supports Provided Outside the DLM System → Support Provided by the Test Administrator Outside the System
● Human Read Aloud
● Sign interpretation of text
● Language translation of text
● Test administrator enter responses for student
● Partner-Assisted Scanning
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
CMAS: Science &Social Studies
Assessment Delivery
● Computer-Based
● Paper-Based
Administrative Considerations
● Adaptive and specialized equipment or furniture
● Frequent Breaks
● Noise Buffers/Headphones
● Small Group Testing
● Specified, separate, or alternate area or seating
● Time of Day
Accessibility Features provided by Test Administrator
● Auditory Aids
● Extended Time (Time and a Half)
● External Spell Check Device
● Highlighter
● Magnification/enlargement Device
● Redirect student to the test
● Scratch Paper (graph, lined or unlined)
SR/PNP Identified Accessibility Features
● Color Contrast (Background/Font Color)
● Text-to-Speech
Presentation Accommodations (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● Assistive Technology
● Braille Edition with Tactile Graphics
● Human Signer for Test Directions
● Large Print Edition
● Oral Script – English PBT
● Oral Script – Spanish PBT
● Oral Script for Translation/Signer PBT/CBT
● Paper-Based Edition
● Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Self
Response Accommodations (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● Assistive Technology
● Brailler/Braille Note-taker/Writer
● Human Scribe
● Speech-to-Text
● Talking Calculator/ Math Manipulative (Science only)
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
Word Prediction External Device
Timing Accommodations (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● Extended Time (Double Time)
● Multiple Breaks (Stops the Clock)
Accommodations for English Learners (Mark in SR/PNP for state assessments)
● Answers in Lang Other than Eng or Span – Spoken
● Answers in Lang Other than Eng or Span – Written
● Answers in Spanish – Spoken
● Answers in Spanish – Written
● Extended Time (Double Time)
● General Admin Directions Read Aloud /Repeated/Clarified in Native Language
● Human Scribe
● Oral Script – Spanish PBT
● Oral Script for Translation PBT/CBT
● Spanish Edition PBT
● Spanish Edition with Spanish Text-to-Speech CBT
● Speech-to-Text
● Word-to-Word Dictionary (English/ Native Language)
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
COAlt: Science & Social Studies
COAlt Accommodation Types
● Assistive technology (incl high/low technology devices)
● Braille
● Eye gaze
● Modified picture symbols (any adaptations of the student materials)
● Objects (any materials presented as 3D or representative objects)
● Translation into student’s native language
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
ACCESS for English Language Learners:
Accessibility Features for All Students → Accessibility Features provided by Test Administrator
● Administer practice test/examples before admin date of the assessment
● Administer the test in a separate room
● Administer the test in a small group (for Listening, Reading, and/or Writing)
● Administer the test to students individually
● Be school personnel familiar to student
● Be special education personnel
● Provide verbal praise or tangible reinforcement to increase motivation
Presentation Accommodations
● Audio amplification device or noise buffer → Audio Aids including noise buffers
● Low visual aids or magnification device → Screen Magnifier
● Oral reading of Recording Script
● Oral reading of test in English (Writing)
● Student reads questions or responses aloud to self → Read Aloud to self (Listening, Reading, Writing)
● Student reads questions or responses aloud with and records with tape recorder (Reading)
● Use of marker to maintain place → Place Marker or Tracking Device
● Use of yellow highlighter in test booklet only; not used in answer area -->Highlighter, Colored Pencils or Crayons
● Braille
● Color Contrast
● Explanation of directions in English and/or native language
● External Color Overlay
● Large Print
● Line Guide
● Manual control of item audio (Listening, Writing, Speaking)
● Oral Presentation: Human Reader Listening test response options (Listening)
● Oral Presentation: Human Reader Repeat Listening test response options - one time (Listening, Writing,
● Oral Presentation: Human Reader test items (Reading, Writing, Speaking)
● Oral Presentation: Human Reader test items - one time (Listening, Writing, Speaking)
● Assistive Technology Device
● Translation of test into sign system (SEE & PSE only) (Listening, Speaking)
Test Direction Accommodations
● Explanation of directions in English and/or native language
● Repeating directions → Repeat directions
● Repeat item audio (Listening, Writing)
● Signing directions to students → Translation of directions into sign system (ASL, SEE, PSE)
● Translation of directions into native language
● Use directions marked by teacher in Student Response Booklet
Timing and Scheduling Accommodations
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
Extend testing sessions over multiple days (Listening, Reading, Writing) → Extended time over multiple days
Extend testing time within same school day → Extended time within one school day
Extended time for Speaking (double time)
More breaks as needed by student
Setting Accommodations
● Test may be administered by trained personnel in non-school setting → Non-school setting for administration
● Test may be administered with special furniture for student → Adaptive and Specialized Equipment or Furniture
Response Accommodations
● Answers are given orally or pointed to (for Listening and/or Reading) → Points to answer (Listening, Reading)
● Comp/similar device (spell/grammar check/dictionary/thesaurus off) (Writing) → Word Processor / Keyboarding
device (Listening, Reading, Writing)
● Scribes: all student responses must be transcribed verbatim → Scribe (Listening, Reading)
● Assistive Technology Device
● Augmentative Communication Device (AAC)
● Braille Writer or braille notetaker PBT (Writing)
● Recording device, transcribed by student (Reading, Writing)
● Responds in sign system (SEE & PSE only) (Speaking)
● Responds Orally
● Sticky Notes
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
CO ACT → 10th/11th Grade Exam
ACT Test Accommodations → Test Accommodations
● Braille
● Cassettes w/ Raised Line Drawings
● Cassettes w/ Large Type
● Cassettes w/ Regular Type
● DVDs w/ Large Type
● DVDs w/ Raised Line Drawings
● DVDs w/ Regular Type
● Extended time on each test (50% more time)
● Extended time on each test, auth to test over multiple days
● Extended time only on Writing Test (60 minutes)
● Large Font (18pt font)
● Reader’s Script w/ Large Type
● Reader’s Script w/ Raised Line Drawings
● Reader’s Script w/ Regular Type
● Standard Time on each test, auth to test over multiple days
● Stop the clock breaks, auth to test over multiple days
Response Accommodations
● Abacus and Tactile Math
● Assistive Technology
● Brailler
● Math Manipulatives
● Scribe
● Speech to Text
● Talking Calculator
● Word Prediction
Setting Accommodations
● Noise Buffer
● Pencil Grips or Large Pencils
● Sensory
● Small Group
Timing Accommodations
● Extended Time (Time and a Half)
● Multiple or Frequent Breaks
Presentation Accommodations
● Audio Amplification
● Black and White Print/High
● Braille with Tactile Graphics
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
Color Overlays
Extra Large Print
Large Print (18pt font)
Magnification/Enlargement Device
Oral Scripts
Real Aloud to Self
Teacher-Read Directions
Text to Speech
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Reviewed by Exceptional Student Services Unit and the Assessment Unit: December 3, 2015
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