
Jay Rosenfield, MD, MEd, FRCPC

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Jay Rosenfield, MD, MEd, FRCPC
Jay Rosenfield, MD, MEd, FRCPC
Dr. Rosenfield was appointed Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education (UME), in
the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, in July 2005. He is responsible for all
aspects of the MD Education Program including the Offices of Admissions, Faculty
Registrar, Student Finances and Awards, Student Affairs, and the Pre-Clerkship and
Clerkship Curriculum. He is also Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Rosenfield has an established history of involvement in the MD Program. Serving
initially as a bedside teacher and PBL tutor, he went on to accept leadership roles as a
Clinical Skills Course Director, Director, Preclerkship and Director, Curriculum Design and
Program Evaluation. He served as the Senior Academic Co-ordinator for the successful
external accreditation of the Undergraduate Medical Education Program in May 2004.
Dr. Rosenfield is currently leading a major undergraduate medicine curriculum review at
the University of Toronto, and is a member of the steering committee, and Co-Chair of
the Implementation Task Force for the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada’s
“Future of Medical Education in Canada” project. He is also a member of the Scientific
Advisory Committee of the “Education of Health Professionals for the 21st Century”- A
Global Independent Commission which recently released a report in the Lancet entitled
“Health Professionals for a New Century—Transforming education to strengthen health
systems in an interdependent world.”
Dr. Rosenfield graduated from the Royal Conservatory of Music/University of Toronto
with a diploma in piano performance in 1978, and then completed Medical School at the
University of Toronto in 1982. He is certified in Paediatrics by the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the American Board of Pediatrics, and received
a Masters of Education degree from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
in 1998. A developmental paediatrician and clinician-educator, he has active
appointments at both the Hospital for Sick Children and Bloorview Kids Rehab. In
addition to having served as the physician representative for Ontario on the Minister of
Education Advisory Council for Special Education, he has been a Project Director at the
Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute. He was Co-Director of the Developmental
Paediatric Fellowship Program for many years. In 2002, Dr. Rosenfield received the
President’s Award from the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario in recognition of
his contributions as co-chair of a four-year, multi-million dollar, Government-funded
project promoting early intervention for pre-school students at risk.
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