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1 The University of Manitoba Department of Psychiatry
The University of Manitoba
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
University of Manitoba Department of Psychiatry Research Report
It is our pleasure to write this Seventeenth Annual Department of Psychiatry Research Report.
The report highlights a wide range of research and scholarly activities by our department
members. Although the department has a relative modest number of faculty members with
protected time for research, the collaborative culture within the department has led a numerous
publications (2 books, 11 book chapters and 70 peer reviewed publications) and peer-reviewed
grants from national bodies. The Annual Faculty Research Forum and Resident Research Day
provide an excellent opportunity for department members to share ideas and showcase their
scholarly activities. This year three Faculty members were recognized for teaching and research
awards (Drs. Altman, Chochinov and Fleisher). Dr. Chochinov received the Order of Canada for
his work in Palliative care.
Jitender Sareen, MD, FRCPC
Director of Research
July 2015
Murray W. Enns, MD, FRCPC
Professor and Head
Table of Contents
A1. Books ....................................................................................................................... 4
A2. Chapters in Books ..................................................................................................... 4
A3. Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals ........................................................... 5
A4. Other publications e.g. published conference abstracts, letters to Editor, book
reviews, abstracts, newspaper articles…………………………………………….. 12
B1. Papers, Symposiums, or Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences ...................... 13
B2. Invited Addresses ..................................................................................................... 18
B3. Faculty Research Forum presentations ..................................................................... 21
B4. Resident Research Day presentations ....................................................................... 22
B5. Other presentations (e.g. community service) ........................................................... 23
C1. External Funding (Peer-Reviewed) ........................................................................... 24
C2. External Funding (Other Sources)............................................................................. 28
D1. Editorships, Guest Editor, Memberships on Journal Editorial Boards .....................28
D2. Ad Hoc Reviewing Activities for Journals, Granting Councils, Conferences, or
Universities ......................................................................................................................29
E1. Faculty Awards .........................................................................................................31
E2. Graduate Student Awards ..........................................................................................31
Sigurdson, E.S. Afi's Silver Pocket Watch. Illustrated by Luther Pokrant,
Bumble Bee Children's Books, Winnipeg, MB. ISBN 978-0-9810420-7-7, 32 pages,
15 drawings.
Chochinov, H. Dignity Therapy Final Words for Final Days. (Hungarian Translation).
Oriold Es Tarsai, Budapest 2014.
Cianflone, A.F., Sareen, J., Fotti, S., Katz, L.Y. Youth Suicide: The Role of the School
System with At Risk Youth. In: Haslam, R. & Valletutti, P. (Eds.) Medical Problems in the
Classroom (5th Ed.) (In Press).
Chochinov, H.M., Campbell-Enns, H.J. Healthcare Provider Communication: The
Model of Optimal Therapeutic Effectiveness. In: Holland, J.C., Breitbart, W.S., Butow, P.N.,
Jacobson, P.B., Loscalzo, M.J., McCorkle, R., eds. Psycho-Oncology. 3rd Ed. New York, NY:
Oxford University Press (In Press).
Chochinov, H.M., Kredentser, M.S. Dignity in the Terminally Ill: Empirical Findings
and Clinical Applications. In: Holland, J.C., Breitbart, W.S., Butow, P.N., Jacobson, P.B.,
Loscalzo, M.J., McCorkle, R., eds. Psycho-Oncology. 3rd Ed. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press (In Press).
Chochinov, H.M., McClement, S.E., Kredentser, M.S. (2014). Dignity in Palliative Endof-Life Care. In Cherny, N., Fallon, M., Kassa, S., Portenoy, R., Currow, D.C. & Morita, J. Eds.
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, 5th Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press (In Press).
Chochinov, H.M., Harlos, M., Cory, S., Horst, G., Nelson, F., Hearson, B. Canadian
Virtual Hospice: A Template for Online Communication and Support. In: Holland, J.C.,
Breitbart, W.S., Butow, P.N., Jacobson, P.B., Loscalzo, M.J., McCorkle, R. Eds. PsychoOncology. 3rd Ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press (In Press).
Ellerby, L. (2014). Clinical Reflections on the Assessment & Treatment of a Rapist.
In W. T. O’Donohue (Ed.). Case Studies in Sexual Deviance. Routledge
Ellerby, L. (2014). Treatment of Sexual Offending Behaviour in Adult Males: Clinical
Response. In L. Grossman & S. Walfish, (Eds.) Translating Research into Practice: A Desk
Reference for Practicing Mental Health Professionals. Springer Publishing.
McClement, S.E. & Chochinov, H.M., Kredentser, M.S. (2014). Dignity in Palliative
Care. In Bruera, E., Higginson, I. J., Von Gunten, C.F. & Morita, T. Eds. Textbook of Palliative
Medicine, 2nd ed. London: Hodder Arnold.
McClement, S.E., Chochinov, H.M. Spiritual Issues in Palliative Medicine. In Cherny,
N., Fallon, M., Kassa, S., Portenoy, R., Currow, D.C. & Morita, J. Eds. Oxford Textbook of
Palliative Medicine, 5th Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press (In Press).
Kong, L., Katz L.Y., Sareen J. School-Based Suicide Prevention Programmes. In:
O’Connor, R. & Pirkis, J. (Eds.) International Handbook of Suicide Prevention (2nd Ed.) (In
Ryu, J., Olafson, K., Kredentser, M.S., Bienvenu, O.J., Blouw, M., Sareen, J. (In press).
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Survivors of Critical Illness. In V. Preedy et al, Eds. The
Comprehensive Guide to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders, London: Springer.
Shuster, J.L., Chochinov, H.M., Jacobowski, N. End-of-Life Issues. In, Fogel, B.S.,
Greenberg, D.B., eds. Psychiatric Care of the Medical Patient 3rd Edition. Oxford University
Press (In Press).
Spiwak, R., Kinley, D.J., Sareen, J., Afifi, T.. The Co-occurrence of Intimate Partner
Violence and Human Immunodeficiency Virus. In S Barakat (Ed.), Intimate Partner Violence,
Domestic Violence, and Spousal Abuse. Saint Louis, Missouri: STM Learning, Inc.
Afifi, T.O., Macmillan, H.L., Boyle, M., Taillieu, T., Cheung, K., Sareen, J. (2014).
Child abuse and mental disorders in Canada. CMAJ. 186(9): E324-E332.
Afifi, T.O., Taillieu, T., Cheung, K., Katz, L., Tonmyr, L., Sareen, J. Substantiated
reports of child maltreatment from the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and
Neglect (CIS) 2008: Examining child and household characteristics and child functional
impairment. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (In Press).
Alessi-Severini, S., Bolton, J.M., Enns, M.W., Dahl, M., Collins, D.M., Chateau, D.,
Sareen, J. (2014). Use of benzodiazepines and related drugs in Manitoba: a population-based
study. CMAJ Open. 1;2(4):E208-E216.
Ali, N., Fleisher, W., Erickson J. Psychiatrists’ Attitudes Toward Transgender People:
A Preliminary Analysis. (In Press). Academic Psychiatry.
Aoun, S.M., Chochinov, H.M., Kristjanson, L.J., (2014). Dignity Therapy for People
with Motor Neurone Disease and their Family Caregivers: A Feasibility Study. Journal of
Palliative Medicine. 2015 Jan; 18(1): 31-37. doi:10.1089/jpm.2014.0213. [Epub ahead of print]
Aubry, T., Tsemberis, S., Adair, C.E., Veldhuizen, S., Streiner, D., Latimer, E.,
Sareen, J., Patterson, M., McGarvey, K., Kopp, B., Hume, C., Goering, P. One-Year Outcomes
of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Housing First With ACT in Five Canadian Cities.
Psychiatric Service. [Epub ahead of print]
Bhaskaran, J., Wang, Y., Roos, L., Sareen, J., Skakum, K., Bolton, J.M. (2014).
Method of Suicide Attempt and Reaction to Survival as Predictors of Repeat Suicide Attempts:
A Longitudinal Analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 75(8):e802-8.
Bolton, J.M., Au, W., Walld, R., Chateau, D., Martens, P.J., Leslie, W.D., Enns, M.W.,
Sareen, J. (2014). Parental Bereavement After the Death of an Offspring in a Motor Vehicle
Collision: A Population-Based Study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 179(2): 177-185.
Bolton, J.M. Suicide Risk Assessment in the Emergency Department: Out of the
Darkness. Depression and Anxiety. 2014 Nov 24. [Epub ahead of print].
Bolton, J.M., Walld, R., Chateau, D., Finlayson, G., Sareen, J. Risk of Suicide and
Suicide Attempts associated with Physical Disorders: A Population-Based, Balancing ScoreMatched Analysis. (2014). Psychological Medicine. 17:1-10. [Epub ahead of print]
Bolton, S-L., Elias, B., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J., Beals, J., Novins, D.K., Swampy Cree
Suicide Prevention Team; AI-SUPERPFP Team. (2014). A comparison of the prevalence and
risk factors of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in two American Indian samples and in a
general population. Transcultural Psychiatry. 51(1):3-22. doi: 10.1177/1363461513502574.
Epub 2013 Sep 24.
Chartrand, H., Bhaskaran, J., Sareen, J., Katz, L.Y., Bolton, J.M. Correlates of nonsuicidal self-injury versus suicide attempts among tertiary-care emergency room patients.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. (In Press).
Chochinov, H.M., McClement, S., Hack, T., Thompson, G., Dufault, B., Harlos, M.
(2014). Eliciting Personhood Within Clinical Practice: Effects on Patients, Families and Health
Care Providers. (2014). Journal of Pain Symptom Management. pii: S0885-3924(14)00914-2.
doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2014.11.291. [Epub ahead of print]
Chochinov, H.M. (2014). Health Care, health caring, and the culture of medicine.
Current Oncology. Oct 21(5):e668-9 diuL 10.3747/co.21.2239. PMID: 25302036.
Chochinov, H.M. (2014).The secret is out: Patients are people with feelings that matter.
Palliative and Supportive Care. Aug;11(4):287-8. doi: 10.1017/S1478951513000503. PMID:
Chochinov, H.M. Is It Time to Get MAD? (2014). Healthcare Papers.
14(1) 50-57.doi:10.12927/hcpap.2014.23971
Chochinov, H.M., Balfour, H.M. Mount, M. In lieu of palliative care options, is it time
to allow assisted suicide? Canadian Health Care Network.ca (2014).
Crum, R.M., Mojtabai, R., Sareen, J. (2014). Does Self-medication Predict the
Persistence or Rather the Recurrence of Alcohol Dependent? -Reply. JAMA Psychiatry, 71(2):
De Boer, T., Distasio, J., Isaak, C., Roos, L., Bolton, S-L., Medved, M., Katz, L. Y.,
Goering, P., Sareen, J. What are the predictors of volatile substance use in an urban community
of adults who are homeless? Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health (In press).
El-Gabalawy, R., Mackenzie, C.S., Pietrzak, R.H., Sareen, J. (2014). A longitudinal
examination of anxiety disorders and physical health conditions in a nationally representative
sample of U.S. older adults. Experimental Gerontology, 60: 46-56.
Erickson, J., Kinley, D.J., Bolton, J.M., Zamorski, M.A., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J.
(2014). A Sex-Specific Comparison of Major Depressive Disorder Symptomology in the
Canadian Forces and the General Population. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 59(7):393-8.
Fineberg, N.A., Reghunandanan, S., Simpson, H.B., Phillips, K.A., Richter, M.A.,
Matthews, K., Stein, D.J., Sareen, J., Brown, A., Sookman, D. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD): Practical strategies for pharmacological and somatic treatment in adults. Psychiatry
Research. 2015 Feb 10. pii: S0165-1781(14)00986-X. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.12.003.
[Epub ahead of print]
Goodwin, R.D., Sheffer, C.E., Chartrand, H., Bhaskaran, J., Hart, C.L., Sareen, J.,
Bolton, J. (2014). Drug use, abuse, and dependence and the persistence of nicotine dependence.
Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 16(12), 1606-1612. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntu115.
Henriksen, C.A., Mather, A.A., Mackenzie, C.S., Bienvenu, O.J., Sareen, J. (2014).
Longitudinal Associations of Obesity with Affective Disorders and Suicidality in the Baltimore
Epidemiologic Catchment Area Follow-up Study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
202(5): 379-385.
Henriksen, C.A., Stein, M.B., Afifi, T.O., Enns, M.W., Lix, L.M., Sareen, J. (2014).
Identifying Factors That Predict Longitudinal Outcomes of Untreated Common Mental
Disorders. Psychiatric Services 66(2):163-70.
Hoban, C., Sareen, J., Henriksen, C.A., Kuzyk, L., Embil, J.M., Trepman, E. (2014).
Mental health issues associated with foot complications of diabetes mellitus.
Foot and Ankle Surgery. 2015 Mar;21(1):49-55. doi: 10.1016/j.fas.2014.09.007. [Epub
ahead of print].
Husarewycz, N., El-Gabalawy, R., Logsetty, S., Sareen, J. (2014). The Association
between Number and Type of Traumatic Life Experiences and Physical Conditions in a
Nationally Representative Sample. General Hospital Psychiatry, 36(1): 26-32.
Keyes, K.M., Nicholson, R., Kinley, J., Raposo, S., Stein, M., Goldner, E., Sareen, J.
(2014). Age, Period, and Cohort Effects in Psychological Distress in the United States and
Canada. American Journal of Epidemiology 179(10): 1216-27.
Kimber, M., Henriksen, C.A., Davidov, D.M., Goldstein, A.L., Pitre, N.Y., Tonmyr, L.,
Afifi, T.O. The association between immigrant generational status, child maltreatment history
and intimate partner violence (IPV): evidence from a nationally representative survey.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatry Epidemiology. [In Press].
Kredentser, M.S., Martens, P.J., Chochinov, H.M., Prior, H.J. (2014). Cause and rate of
death in people with schizophrenia across the lifespan: A population-based study in Manitoba,
Canada. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 75(2): 154-161. doi:10.4088/JCP.13m08711.
Laborde-Lahoz, P., El-Gabalawy, R., Kinley, J., Kirewin, P.D., Sareen, J., Pietrzak, R.H.
(2014) Subsyndromal depression among older adults in the USA: prevalence, comorbidity, and
risk for new-onset psychiatric disorders in late life. International Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry. E-pub ahead of print.
MacKinnon, C.J., Smith, N.G., Henry, M., Milman, E., Berish, M., Farrace, A., Korner,
A., Chochinov, H.M., Cohen, S.R. A pilot study of meaning-based group counseling for
bereavement. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying (in press)
MacKinnon, C.J., Smith, N.G., Henry, M., Milman, E., Chochinov, H.M., Körner, A.,
Berish, M., Farrace, A.J., Liarikos, N., Robin Cohen, S. Reconstructing Meaning with Others in
Loss: A Feasibility Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Bereavement Group. Death Studies.
2015 Feb 12. [Epub ahead of print]
MacKinnon, C.J., Smith, N.G., Henry, M., Milman, E., Berish, M., Körner, A.,
Copeland, L., Chochinov, H.M., Cohen, S.R. (2014). Bridging theory with emerging trends in
intervention research: Meaning-based group counseling for bereavement. Death Studies, 38(3).
137-144. DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2012.738768.
Mak, L., Hiebert-Murphy, D., Walker, J. R., & Altman, G. (2014). Parents’ Decision
Making and Their Information Needs Concerning Treatments for Child Anxiety: Implications for
Family-Centered Practice. Journal of Family Social Work, 17:51–67.
March, J., Sareen, J., Gawaziuk, J.P., Doupe, M., Chateau, D., Hoppensack, M., Nour,
S., Husarewycz, W., Palitsky, D., Khan, S., Leslie, W.D., Enns, M.W., Stein, M.B., Asmundson,
G.J., Medved, M., Logsetty, S. (2014). Increased Suicidal Activity Following Major Trauma: A
Population-based Study. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 76(1):180-184.
Martens, P. J., Chateau, D., Burland, E., Finlayson, G., Smith, M., Taylor, C., Brownell,
M., Nickel, N.C., Katz, A., Bolton, J.M. and the PATHS Equity Team. (2014). Author
Response re: The Effect of Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status on Education and Health
Outcomes for Children Living in Social Housing. American Journal of Public Health. [Epub
ahead of print].
Martin, B.A., Delva, N.J., Graf, P., Gosselin, C., Enns, M.W., Gilron, I., Jewell, M.,
Lawson, J.S., Milev, R., Patry, S., Chan, P.K.Y. (2014). Delivery of Electroconvulsive
Therapy in Canada: A First National Survey Report on Usage, Treatment Practice and Facilities.
Journal of ECT. (Epub ahead of print).
McMillan, K.A., Sareen, J., Asmundson, G.J.G. (2014). Social Anxiety Disorder is
associated with PTSD symptom presentation: An exploratory study within a nationallyrepresentative sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress 27(5): 602-209.
McDermid, J., Sareen, J., El-Gabalawy, R., Pagura, J., Spiwak, R., Enns, M.W. (In
Press). Co-morbidity of bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder: Findings from the
National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and related conditions. Comprehensive Psychiatry
[Epub ahead of print].
Modirrousta, M., Shams, E., Katz, C., Mansouri, B., Moussavi, Z., Sareen, J., Enns,
M.W. (2014). The efficacy of deep repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the medial
prefrontal cortex in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: results from an open-label study .
Depression and Anxiety. (In press).
Modirrousta, M., Fellows, L.K., Dickerson, B. (2014). Stimulus-Value and ActionValue Learning in Patients with Frontotemporal Dementia. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience and
Neuropsychiatry, Spring issue.
Mowll, J., Lobb, E.A., Lane, L., Lacey, J., Chochinov, H.M., Kelly, B., Agar, M., Links,
M., Kearsley, J.H. A preliminary study to develop an intervention to facilitate communication
between couples in advanced cancer. Palliative Support Care. (In Press).
Nickel, N.C., Martens, P.J., Chateau, D., Brownell, M.D., Sarkar, J., Goh, C.Y., Burland,
E., Taylor, C., Katz, A., Paths Equity Team. (2014). Have we left some behind? Trends in
socio-economic inequalities in breastfeeding initiation: a population-based epidemiological
surveillance study. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 105(5):e362-8
Nickel, N.C., Chateau, D., Martens, P.J., Brownell, M.D., Katz, A., Burland, E., Walld,
R., Hu, M., Taylor, C., Sarkar, J., Goh, C.Y., The PATHS Equity Team. (2014). Data Resource
Profile: Pathways to Health and Social Equity for Children (PATHS Equity for Children).
International Journal of Epidemiology. 43(5):1438-49.
Penner-Goeke, K., Henriksen, C., Chateau, D., Latimer, E., Sareen, J., Katz, L.Y.
(2014). Costs to Quality of Life Associated with Common Mental Disorders: Results from a
Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (In press).
Pietrzak, R.H., El-Gabalawy, R., Tsai, J., Sareen, J., Neumeister, A., Southwick, S.M.
(2014). Typologies of posttraumatic stress disorder in the U.S. adult population. Journal of
Affective Disorders 162:102-106.
Quirk, S.E., El-Gabalawy R., Brennan, S,L., Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J., Berk, M., Chanen,
A.M., Pasco, J.A., Williams, L.J. (2014). Personality disorders and physical comorbidities in
adults from the United States: Data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and
Related Conditions. Social Psychiatry Epidemiology. [Epub ahead of print]
Raposo, S., El-Gabalawy, R., Erickson, J., Mackenzie, C.S., Sareen, J. (2014).
Associations between anxiety disorders, suicide ideation, and age in nationally representative
samples of Canadian and American adults. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28(8): 823-829.
Randall, J.R., Walld, R., Finlayson, G., Sareen, J., Martens, P.J., Bolton, J.M. (2014).
Acute Risk of Suicide and Suicide Attempts associated with Recent Diagnosis of Mental
Disorders: A Population-Based, Propensity Score-Matched Analysis. Canadian Journal of
Psychiatry. 59(10):531-8.
Richardson, J.D., Contractor, A.A., Armour, C., St Cyr, K., Elhai, J.D., Sareen, J.
(2014). Predictors of long-term treatment outcome in combat and peacekeeping veterans with
military-related PTSD. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 75(11):e1299-305. doi:
Richardson, J.D., Cyr, K.S., Nelson, C., Elhai, J.D., Sareen, J. (2014). Sleep disturbances
and suicidal ideation in a sample of treatment-seeking Canadian Forces members and veterans.
Psychiatry Research. 218(1-2): 118-123.
Roos, L., Sareen, J., Bolton, J.M. (2014). Suicide Risk Assessment Tools, Predictive
Validity Findings and Utility Today: Time for a Revamp? Neuropsychiatry. (In Press).
Sareen, J. Posttraumatic stress disorder in adults: impact, comorbidity, risk factors, and
treatment. (2014). Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 59(9):460-7.
Sareen, J., Isaak, C., Katz, L.Y., Bolton, J.M., Enns, M.W., Stein, M.B. (2014).
Promising Strategies for Advancement in Knowledge of Suicide Risk Factors and Prevention.
American Journal of Preventative Medicine. 47(3 Suppl 2):S257-63.
Selaman, Z., Chartrand, H., Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J. (2014). Which symptoms of
posttraumatic stress disorder are associated with suicide attempts? Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Spiwak, R., Mullins, M., Isaak, C., Barakat, S., Chateau, D., Sareen J. (2014). Medical
students' and postgraduate residents' observations of professionalism.Education & Health
(Abingdon). 27(2):193-9. doi: 10.4103/1357-6283.143790.
Stammers, A.N., Kehler, D.S., Afilalo, J., Avery, L.J., Bagshaw, S.M., Grocott, H.P.,
Légaré, J.F., Logsetty, S., Metge, C., Nguyen, T., Rockwood, K., Sareen, J., Sawatzky, J,A,,
Tangri, N., Giacomantonio, N., Hassan, A., Duhamel, T.A., Arora, R.C. Protocol for the
PHEHAB study Pre-operative Rehabilitation for reduction of hospitalization after coronary
Bypass and valvular surgery: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 5(3): e007250. [Epub
ahead of print].
Stenekes, S., Ens, C.D., Harlos, M., Chochinov, H.M., Mytopher, K. (2014). A
descriptive study evaluating perinatal health care providers' perspectives of palliative
programming in 3 Canadian Institutions. The Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, OctDec; 28(4): 280-9; quiz E1-2. doi: 10.1097/JPN.0000000000000020.
Stergiopoulos, V., Hwang, S.W., Gozdik, A., Nisenbaum, R., Latimer, E., Rabouin, D.,
Adair, C.E., Bourque, J., Connelly, J., Frankish, J., Katz, L.Y., Mason, K., Misir, V., O’Brien,
K., Sareen, J., Schütz, C.G., Singer, A., Streiner, D.L., Vasiliadis, H.M., Goering, P.N., At
Home/Chez Soi Investigators (In Press. Effect of scattered-site housing using rent supplements
and intensive case management on housing stability among homeless adults with mental illness:
a randomized trial. Journal of the American Medical Association. [Epub ahead of print].
Taillieu. T.L., Afifi, T.O., Mota, N., Keyes, K.M., Sareen J. (2014). Age, sex, and racial
differences in harsh physical punishment: results from a nationally representative United States
sample. Child Abuse & Neglect. 38(12):1885-94. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2014.10.020. Epub 2014
Nov 15.
Thompson, J.M., Zamorski, M.A., Sweet, J., VanTil, L., Sareen, J., Pietrzak, R.H.,
Hopman, W.H., MacLean, M.B., Pedlar, D. (2014). Roles of physical and mental health in
suicidal ideation in Canadian Armed Forces Regular Force veterans. Canadian Journal of Public
Health 105(2): 109-115.
Tsai, J., Harpaz-Rotem, I., Pilver, C.E., Wolf, E.J., Hoff, R.A., Levy, K.N., Sareen, J.,
Pietrzak, R.H. (2014). Latent class analysis of personality disorders in adults with posttraumatic
stress disorder: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
Conditions. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 75(3) 276-84.
Wang, Y., Sareen, J., Afifi, T., Bolton, S-L., Johnson, E. A., Bolton, J. M. (2014).
A Population-Based Longitudinal Study of Recent Stressful Life Events as Risk Factors
for Suicidal Behavior in Major Depressive Disorder. Archives of Suicide Research.
[Epub ahead of print].
Wang, J.L., Patten, S., Sareen, J., Bolton, J.M., Schmitz, N., MacQueen, G. (2014).
Development and Validation of A Prediction Algorithm for Use by Health Professionals in
Prediction of Recurrence of Major Depression. Depress Anxiety. 31(5):451-7.
Wang, J.L., Sareen, J., Patten, S., Bolton, J.M., Schmitz, N., Birney, A. (2014)
A Prediction Algorithm for First Onset of Major Depression in the General Population:
Development and Validation. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 68(5):418-24
Warden, S., Spiwak, R., Sareen, J., Bolton, J.M. The SAD PERSONS Scale for Suicide
Risk Assessment: A Systematic Review. (2014). Archives of Suicide Research. 18(4):313-26.
Whitlock, E.L., Rodebaugh, T.L., Hassett, A.L., Shanks, A.M., Kolarik, E., Houghtby, J.,
West, H.M., Burnside, B.A., Shumaker, E., Villafranca, A., Edwards, W.A., Levinson, C.A.,
Langer, J.K., Fernandez, K.C., El-Gabalawy, R., Zhou, E.Y., Sareen, J., Jacobsohn, E.,
Mashour, G,A., Avidan, M.S. Psychological sequelae of surgery in a prospective cohort of
patients from three intraoperative awareness prevention trials. Anesthesia and Analgesia. (In
Wilson, K., Dalgleish, T., Chochinov, H.M., Chary, S., Gagnon, P., MacMillan, K.,
DeLuca, M., O’Shea, F., Kuhl, D., Fainsinger, R. (2014). Mental Disorders and the Desire for
Death in Patients Receiving Palliative Care for Cancer. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care.
0:1–8. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2013-000604. PMID: 24644212
Xiang, Y.T., Wong, T.S., Tsoh, J., Ungvari, G.S., Correll, C.U., Sareen, J., PennerGoeke, K., Ko, F.W., Hui, D.S., Chiu, H.F. (2014). Quality of Life in Older Patients With
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Hong Kong: A Case-Control Study.
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. E-pub ahead of print.
Chochinov, H.M. Getting MAD (Medical Aid in Dying) in Canada. Palliative and Supportive
Care. 2014;12:423-424.
Sareen J. What I have learned after a decade of researching suicide. Winnipeg Free Press. Sept
5, 2014. Republished in Huffington Post.
Newspaper and Online News Articles:
Chochinov, H.M., Canada Failing on Palliative Care. The Toronto Star, Toronto, ON. Feb.18,
Chochinov, H.M., We Need to Have End-of-Life Talks: Discussing death allows us to make
plans and to make our wishes known to our loved ones.
Chochinov, H.M., Dying Well: Why we all need to have end of life conversations. The Globe
and Mail, April 22.2014. (In top 10 most widely shared articles 2014; EvidenceNetwork.ca)
Adeponle, A., Skakum, K., Cooke, C., Fleisher, W. The University of Manitoba
psychiatry toolkit project: Evaluative findings. 64th Annual Scientific Conference of the
Canadian Psychiatric Association, Toronto, ON, September 11, 2014.
Bolton, J.M., Wang, Y., Bhaskaran, J., Bolton, S-L., Sareen, J. Comparing Clinician
Opinion and Risk Factor Checklists in Predicting Future Suicide Attempts: A Longitudinal Study
from Tertiary Care Emergency Departments. 64th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, Toronto, ON. September 12, 2014.
Bolton, J.M., Chartrand, H., Kim, H., Mahmoudi, M., Sareen, J. Non-Suicidal SelfInjury in DSM-V: Should the Proposed Criteria Be Broadened to Include Other Methods of SelfHarm? 167th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. New York, NY. May 4,
Bolton, J.M, Chartrand, H., Kim, H., & Mahmoudi, M. Is non-suicidal self-injury a
useful distinction in self-harm behavior? Presented at the American Psychiatric Association.
New York City, New York, May 4, 2014.
Boylan, K., Katz, L.Y., Pajer, K., Robb, M. Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Implementations. Special Interest Group at CACAP Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ont. Sept. 15,
Casiano, H., Morley, S. “Psychosis in Juvenile Correctional Facilities.” Presented at the
Fourth Annual National Mental Health Conference, 2014, in Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada
Casiano, H. “FASD and its Psychiatric Considerations”. Presented at the Living Well:
FASD and Mental Health Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada , 2014.
Casiano, H., Bolton S-L., Hildahl, K., Sareen, J. “Deliberate Self-Harm Among
Incarcerated Youth: 5 Year Data From Manitoba”. Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Canadian
Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Conference, 2014, in Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada.
Casiano, H., Sareen, J. “Standardized Testing and its Relationship with Mental Disorder
and Suicidal Behavior: A Proposed Study”. Presented at the Twelfth Annual Faculty Research
Forum, University of Manitoba, 2014
Chartrand, H., Bhaskaran, J., Sareen, J., Katz, L.Y., Bolton, J.M. Correlates of nonsuicidal self-injury versus suicide attempts among tertiary-care emergency room patients in
Manitoba. Presented at the 167th American Psychiatric Association. New York City, New York,
May 4, 2014.
Chartrand, H., Kim, H., Mahmoudi, M., Sareen, J., Bolton, J.M. Is non-suicidal selfinjury a useful distinction in self-harm behavior? Presented at the University of Manitoba
Graduate Association of Students in Psychology Rapid Fire Colloquium. Winnipeg, Manitoba,
April 22, 2014.
Chartrand, H., Kim, H., Mahmoudi, M., Sareen, J., Bolton, J.M. Is non-suicidal selfinjury a useful distinction in self-harm behavior? Presented at the 34rd Annual Conference of the
Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Chicago, Illinois, March 29, 2014.
Chartrand, H., Bhaskaran, J., Sareen, J., Katz, L.Y., Bolton, J.M. Correlates of nonsuicidal self-injury versus suicide attempts among tertiary-care emergency room patients.
Presented at the 34rd Annual Conference of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
Chicago, Illinois, March 29, 2014.
Chartrand, H., Bhaskaran, J., Kim, H., Mahmoudi, M., Bolton, J.M. Is non-suicidal selfinjury a useful distinction in self-harm behaviour? Presented at the Annual General Conference
of the Manitoba Psychological Society, March 24, 2014.
Chartrand, H., Bhaskaran, J., Kim, H., Mahmoudi, M., Bolton, J.M. Is non-suicidal
self-injury a useful distinction in self-harm behaviour? Presented at the University of Manitoba
Department of Psychology Researchpalooza., March 14, 2014.
Chochinov, H.M. Considering Dignity in Palliative End-of-Life Care, ASCO Palliative
Care in Oncology Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, October 25, 2014
Chochinov, H.M. Workshop, 24th Congress of Palliative Care Network, Quebec City,
Quebec May 13, 2014.
Chochinov, H.M. Dignity, Caring and the Culture of Medicine, 24th Congress of
Palliative Care Network, presenting with Dr. Luc Sauveur, Quebec City, Quebec May 13, 2014.
Chochinov, H.M. Palliative & End of Life Care: Challenges & Opportunities for
Applied Cancer Research, Applied Research in Cancer Control Conference, Toronto, ON May
12, 2014.
Chochinov, H.M. Health Care Provider Communication: An Empirical Model of
Therapeutic Effectiveness, Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Conference, Pre
Conference Workshop, Winnipeg, MB April 30, 2014
Dhaliwal, S., Meek, B., Modirrousta, M. Noninvasive Brain Stimulation for Treatment
of Symptoms following a Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review of Safety and Efficacy
of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation.
University of Manitoba Undergraduate Research Competition. (Poster). 2014.
Enns, J., Gawaziuk, J., Kahn, S., Chateau, D., Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J., Stone, J., Doupe, M.,
Logsetty, S. Mental and Physical Health Outcomes in Parents of Children with Burn Injuries as
Compared to Matched Controls. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Child Health Research Day
Symposium. Winnipeg, MB. Oct. 2, 2014.
Enns, M.W. Bias and Conflict of Interest in Medical Research – Vascular Academia
Keynote Lecture. Vascular and Endovascular Symposium, Winnipeg, April 2014.
Erickson, J., Kinley, D.J., Afifi, T.O., Enns, M., Zamorski, M., Sareen, J. Generalized
Anxiety Disorder in a Canadian Military Sample. Anxiety and Depression Association of
America Conference. Chicago, Illinois March 28, 2014.
Erickson, J., Kinley, D.J., Bolton, J.M., Enns, M., Zamorski, M., Sareen, J. Comparing
Major Depressive Disorder Symptomology among Males and Females in the Canadian Forces
and the General Population. Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference.
Chicago, Illinois March 28, 2014.
Hall, A. Symposium; “Teaching Self-Regulation to patients with ADHD” , Julie Roth
Master of O.T. CADDRA Conference Toronto, 2014.
MacKinnon, C.J., Milman, E., Smith, N.G., Henry, M., Korner, A., Chochinov, H.M.,
Cohen, S.R. Meaning-based group counselling for bereavement: New developments in collective
meaning-reconstruction after loss. Workshop to be presented at the 20th International Congress
on Palliative Care, Montreal, QC. October, 2014.
Milman, E., Smith, N.G., Henry, M., Körner, A., Chochinov, H.M., Cohen, S.R.
Meaning-based group counselling for bereavement: New developments in collective meaningreconstruction after loss. Workshop presented at the 20th International Congress on Palliative
Care, Montreal, QC. September 2014.
Modirrousta, M., Fellows, L.K., Dickerson, B. Stimulus-Value and Action-Value
Learning in Patients with Frontotemporal Dementia. American Neuropsychiatric Association
Annual Meeting. (Poster), 2014.
Kredentser, M.S., Chochinov, H.M., Martens, P.J., Prior, H.J. How, Where and Why
Patients with Schizophrenia Die: What We Know from Five Years of Epidemiological Research
in Manitoba, Canada. Proffered paper presented at the International Congress on Palliative
Care, Montreal, QC. September 2014.
Kredentser, M.S., Chochinov, H.M., Martens, P.J., Prior, H.J. How, Where and Why
Patients with Schizophrenia Die: What We Know from Five Years of Epidemiological Research
in Manitoba, Canada. Oral presentation presented at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial
Oncology annual conference, Winnipeg, MB. April 2014.
Kredentser, M.S., Blouw, M., Ryu, J., Sareen, J., Bienvenu, O.J., Olafson, K., Marten,
N., Eggerston, S., Logsetty, S., Arora, R. 'ICU Diaries' as a preventative treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. Symposium: “ICU Related Disorders” Kredentser, M.S.(chair) and
Bienvenu, O.J. Oral presentation presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of
America annual conference, Chicago, IL. March 2014.
Kredentser, M.S., Bolton, S-L., Sareen, J., Isaak, C., Shear, K., Munro, G., Katz, L.,
Chateau, D., Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. Reliability and Validity of the Inventory of
Complicated Grief in a Manitoba First Nation Population Bereaved by Suicide. Oral presentation
at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America annual conference, Chicago, IL. March
Kredentser, M.S. (2014, October). How, Where and Why Patients with Schizophrenia
Die: What We Know from Five Years of Epidemiological Research in Manitoba, Canada. Oral
presentation at the Community Health Sciences Colloquium “Manitoba Palliative Care
Research Unit: What's the Buzz, This is What is Happening”. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
Kredentser, M.S., Ryu, J., Blouw, M., Marten, N., Eggerston, S., Sareen, J., Bienvenu,
J., Olafson, K., Logsetty, S., Arora, R. (2014, May). Preventing post-traumatic stress in ICU
survivors: A pilot randomized controlled trial of ICU diaries. Poster presented at Critical Care
Quality Improvement Symposium, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Winnipeg, MB.
Kredentser, M.S., Ryu, J., Blouw, M., Marten, N., Eggerston, S., Sareen, J., Bienvenu,
J., Olafson, K., Logsetty, S., Arora, R. (2014, March). Preventing post-traumatic stress in ICU
survivors: A pilot randomized controlled trial of ICU diaries. Poster presented at
ResearchPalooza, Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB.
Kredentser, M.S., Ryu, J., Blouw, M., Marten, N., Eggerston, S., Sareen, J., Bienvenu,
J., Olafson, K., Logsetty, S., Arora, R. (2014, March). Preventing post-traumatic stress in ICU
survivors: A pilot randomized controlled trial of ICU diaries. Poster presented at the Manitoba
Psychological Society Annual General Meeting, Winnipeg, MB.
Nicholson, R., Afifi, T.O., Martins, S.S., Sareen, J. A Longitudinal Study of Problem
Gambling and Mental Disorders Among Young Adults in Manitoba. Anxiety and Depression
Association of America Conference. Chicago, Illinois March 28, 2014.
Omelan, G., Wang, Y., Enns, M., Kinley, J., Pietrzak, R., Sareen, J. Subsyndromal
Depression and its Association with Prevalence, and Risk for Incident, Physical Health
Conditions. Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Chicago, Illinois, March 27-30,
Reynolds, K., Isaak, C. A., DeBoer, T., Medved, M., Distasio, J., Katz, L. Y., Sareen, J.
Navigating aging and homelessness: A qualitative exploration of the new face of homelessness.
Poster presentation at the Canadian Psychological Association Conference, Vancouver, British
Columbia, June 2014.
Reynolds, K.A., & Kredentser, M.S. Stress Management in the Golden Age. Oral
Presentation at The Art of Aging Gracefully Wellness Fair, Rady JCC, Winnipeg, MB,
October 2014.
Ritschel, L., Miller, A.L., Rathus, J., Katz, L.Y., DuBose, A.P. “ DBT for adolescents.
From the trenches to training and implementation”. ABCT Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
22 November 2014.
Sinclair, S., Chochinov, H.M., McClement, S.E., Hack, T., Raffin, S., Hagen, N.
Compassion: Understandings from the literature and the bedside.
8th World Research Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care, Lleida, Spain.
(presented by Dr. Sinclair) June 5-7, 2014.
Skakum, K., Adeponle, A., Cooke, C., Fleisher, W. The University of Manitoba
psychiatry toolkit project: Evaluative findings (poster). RCPSC International Conference on
Resident Education(ICRE 2014), Toronto, ON, October 24/25, 2014.
Stone, J., Gawaziuk, J.P., Khan, S., Chateau, D., Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J., Enns, J.,
Doupe, M., Brownell, M., Logsetty, S. Outcomes in Adult Survivors of Childhood Burn Injuries
as Compared to Matched Controls. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Child Health Research
Day. Winnipeg, MB. Oct 3, 2014.
Toews, M., Skakum, K., Fleisher, W.. Scholarly Publication Productivity of Psychiatry
Residents at Canadian Training Programs: A 10 Year Review. 64th Annual Scientific Conference
of the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA 2014), Toronto, ON, September 11, 2014.
Wang, Y., Bhaskaran, J., Bolton, S-L., Sareen, J., Bolton, J.M. Comparing Clinician
Opinion and Risk Factor Checklists in Predicting Future Suicide Attempts: A Longitudinal Study
from Tertiary Care Emergency Departments. 167th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric
Association. New York, NY. May 6, 2014
Wang, Y., Henriksen, C. A., Ten Have, M., De Graaf, R., Stein, M.B., Enns, M.W.,
Sareen, J. Common Mental Disorder Diagnosis and Need for Treatment are Not the Same:
Findings from the NEMESIS Study. Graduate Association of Students of Psychology – Rapid
Fire Colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
November 2014.
Wang, Y., Sareen, J., Afifi, T., Bolton, S-L., Johnson, E.A., Bolton, J.M. A PopulationBased Longitudinal Study of Recent Stressful Life Events as Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior
in Major Depressive Disorder. 34th Annual Conference of the Anxiety and Depression
Association of America, Chicago, IL, USA. March 29, 2014.
Wang, Y., and Johnson, E. A. The Role of Explicit Standards in Enhancing SelfAssessment among Clinical Psychology Students. Graduate Association of Students of
Psychology – Rapid Fire Colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 8, 2014.
Wang, Y., and Johnson, E. A. The Role of Explicit Standards in Enhancing SelfAssessment among Clinical Psychology Students. Canadian Psychological Association Annual
Convention, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 5-7, 2014.
Wang, Y., Stewart, D. W., and Johnson, E. A. Self-Assessment: A Critical Examination
of Training and Perceived Competence in Research and Clinical Supervision among Clinical
Psychology Students. Researchpalooza, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
March 2014.
Wang, Y., Henriksen, C.A., Stein, M.B., Enns, M.W., De Graff, R., Ten Have, M., and
Sareen, J. Common Mental Disorder Diagnosis and Need for Treatment Are Not the Same:
Findings from the NEMESIS Study. Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Chicago,
Illinois, March 27-30, 2014.
Wong, J.Y., Bhaskaran, J., Katz, C., He, M., Enns, M.W., Bolton, J.M., Sinyor, M.,
Schaffer, A., Balachandra, T., Logsetty, S., Alessi-Severini, S., Sareen, J. Substances used for
overdose deaths in Manitoba: 3 Year Review. Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Conference. Chicago, Illinois March 28, 2014
Woodgate, R. L., Altman, G., Chartier; M., Forget, E., Wener, P., Metge, C., Synyshyn,
M., Chipperfield, S., Edwards, J., Goossen, R., Santos, R., Hildahl, K., Brousseau, P., Snider,
T., Peters, C., Kondra, P., Kates, N., Ahmed, R., & Schellenberg, F. The Manitoba PHSI team:
An innovative shared mental health care model in primary care to improve access and quality of
mental health services for youth. Manitoba Centre of Nursing and Health Research/Winnipeg
Regional Health Authority Research Day Conference, Coming Out of Silos: Working Together to
Improve Health Care Outcomes, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, May 23, 2014. (presented in
Altman, G.
1. Anxiety Disorders in Youth. Professional Development Day-Division Scolaire FrancoManitobaine. Winnipeg. 2014
2. 123…ABC…CBT: The Techniques and Language of CBT in Youth. Invited Speaker,
Teen Services Network-Healthy Child Manitoba, Professional Development Day. (2014)
Bolton, J.M.
1. Understanding Suicide: New Advances in Assessment and Management of a Major
Public Health Problem. Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Manitoba.
Winnipeg, MB. November 20, 2014.
2. The WRHA Crisis Response Centre: Examining its Interface with Emergency
Departments and Reviewing the First Year of Operations. Department of Emergency
Medicine, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB. October 7, 2014.
3. The WRHA Crisis Response Centre. Family Medicine CPD Program: Mental Health Day.
Department of Family Medicine, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB. January 10,
Chochinov, H.M.
1. The Experiential Landscape of Terminal Illness, Dignity and Existential Suffering at End
of Life Conference. University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University
Mainz. Mainz, Germany, November 3, 2014.
2. Dignity Therapy A Dignity Based Intervention, Dignity and Existential Suffering at End
of Life Conference. University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University
Mainz. Mainz, Germany, November 4, 2014.
3. The Importance of Dignity in Palliative End-of-Life Care, Dignity and Existential
Suffering at End of Life Conference. University Medical Center of the Johannes
Gutenberg University Mainz. Mainz, Germany, November 5, 2014.
4. Dignity, Personhood and Palliative End of Life Care, Human Values Forum, Advocate
Lutheran General Hospital, Illinois, October 8, 2014.
5. Enhancing Communication in Healthcare Workshop, Human Values Forum, Advocate
Lutheran General Hospital, Illinois, October 8, 2014.
6. Dignity and new Opportunities in Palliative Care, Rainbow Hospice, Illinois, October 7,
2014.Community Cancer Programs Network, My Patient Has a Mental Illness:
Implications for Patient-Centered Cancer Care, October 3, 2014
7. Scott & White Healthcare Bereavement Conference Dignity Therapy, Temple, Texas,
September 19, 2014.
8. Dignity in Care Dignity in Care presentation to WRHA Quality, Patient Safety and
Innovation (QPSI) Committee of the Board Meeting, September 5, 2014.
9. Dignity, Personhood and the Culture of Medicine, Spiritual Well Being across Cancer
Care, MASCC Psychosocial Study Group, Miami, FL June 26, 2014
10. Dignity and New Opportunities in Palliative End of Life Care: Communication between
Medical Staff and Patients (keynote), Shanghai, China, June 21, 2014.
11. Dignity Therapy Training Workshop, Winnipeg, MB May 28- 30, 2014.
12. Oncology Grand Rounds, CHU, Quebec City, Quebec May 14, 2014.
13. Presentation 24th Congress of Palliative Care Network, Quebec City, Quebec May 13,
14. Dignity Psychotherapy Presentation, CL Psychiatry Service, Quebec City, Quebec, May
13, 2014
15. Communication Skills, 2014 Palliative Care Awareness (PAW) St. Paul’s Hospital,
Vancouver. May 5 & 6, 2014.
16. Dignity, Care and the Culture of Health Care, Canadian Association of Psychosocial
Oncology Conference, Winnipeg, MB May 1, 2014.
17. Should we have the right to die? The Evolution of the Rights Culture, Featured speaker
along with Dr. Mary Shariff and Dr. Arthur Schafer, University of Manitoba Visionary
Conversations, Winnipeg, MB April 30, 2014
18. Dignity, Caring and the Culture of Caring, The Carmelita Lawlor Lectureship, Hospice
Palliative Care Ontario Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, April 27, 2014
19. Dignity and End of Life Care, Canadian Association for Spiritual Care, National
Conference, Winnipeg, MB April 10, 2014
20. Grand Rounds, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, February 2014
21. Care, Caring and the Culture of Medicine, CancerCare Manitoba Nursing Rounds,
Winnipeg, MB. March 21, 2014.
22. Dignity Therapy Workshop, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia February
26-28, 2014.
Ellerby, L.
1. Sex Crime Investigation: Stressors and Impact. 32nd Meeting of the Interpol
Specialists Group on Crimes against Children. Bermuda (Simulations French,
Spanish and Arabic Translation). October 2014
2. Therapist impact and wellness issues: Dealing with trauma and caring for
ourselves. Dépliant-Colloque-RIMAS, Magog, Quebec.
(Simulations French Translation) June 2014.
Hall, A.
1. “What’s New with DSM-5” University of Manitoba Family Medicine Mental Health
Day. January 10, 2014
2. “Adult ADHD” MedTalks University of Manitoba Faculty of medicine. March 12,
3. “Child and Adolescent ADHD” University of Northern Ontario, Continuing Medical
Education. Thunder Bay, Ontario. April 3, 2014.
Katz, L.Y.
1. Dexter-Mazza E. “ DBT Training and consultation approaches while working with youth
and families”. London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ont. 22-23/09/14
2. “Dissemination and Implementation Science in DBT”, DBT Trainers Meeting, Behavioral
Tech, LLC, Seattle, WA., 06/06/14
3. “Behavioral Chain Analysis and DBT Skills Training”, Edmonton, AB. 23/05/14
4. “The Role of Behavioral Chain Analysis in Pharmacotherapy”, Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Bronx, N.Y., 23/04/2014
Sareen, J.
1. Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team: Lessons Learned over Nine Years. Clare Brant
Memorial Lecture. University of Manitoba, Feb 21, 2014. Winnipeg.
2. Suicide Risk Assessment. Grand Rounds, University of Western Ontario. Mar 3 2014.
London ON.
3. Controversies in the Pharmacological Management of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual General Meeting. Sept. 13 2014. Toronto.
4. Witness for the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs.
Posttraumatic Stress in Canada. Dec 3 2014. Ottawa.
Wakeman, S.
1. Working with Families with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness(12 hour course);
Masters of Marriage and Family Therapy program. University of Winnipeg, January 2014
2. Vicarious Traumatization And Resilience(two-day workshop); Parachurch organizations.
Nelspruit, Mpumalanga South Africa, May 2014.
3. Overview of PTSD(one hour presentation); First responders. Elukwatini Township,
Mpumalanga, South Africa, May 2014
4. Marriage Enhancement(one-day workshop); pastors and allied church staff. Badplaas,
Mpumalanga, South Africa, May 2014
5. Dissociative Disorders(two hours supervision group); Masters of Marriage and Family
Therapy program. University of Winnipeg, June 2014
6. PTSD in DSM 5(two-hour presentation); family medicine residents. Northern Connections
Medical Clinic, June 2014
7. Changes in DSM 5; Shared Care therapists and staff. WRHA Shared Mental Health Care
program, September 2014
8. Mood Disorders (two hours supervision group); Masters of Marriage and Family Therapy
Program. University of Winnipeg, November 2014
9. Vicarious Traumatization; Addictions Foundation of Manitoba-m.i.n.e. program.
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba 25 Sherbrook, Winnipeg. November 2014
26 NOVEMBER 2014
Distinguished Faculty Address:
MacQueen, G. Cognitive and Imaging studies of youth at risk for Major Depression
Afifi, T.O. To understand how physical punishment is debated and discussed in the media.
Bolton, J. The impact of sibling bereavement in the general population
Casiano, H. Standardized Tests in Childhood and Their Relationship with Mental Disorders: A
Proposed Study.
Chochinov, H. Schizophrenia, Vulnerability and End-of-Life Care.
Enns, M. Evaluation of the Manitoba IMPRxOVE Program.
Katz, L. Implementation of a culturally-grounded, family-based intervention for remote First
Nation’s communities.
Modirrousta, M. Can early cognitive response to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
predict treatment outcome in Major Depression?
Sareen, J. National Trends in Suicidal Behavior in Canada: Comparison of Civilian and Armed
Wang, J-F. Oxidative Protein Modification in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease.
4 JUNE 2014
Ali, N. & Fleisher, W. Psychiatrists’ Attitudes Toward Transgender People: A
Preliminary Analysis.University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Boyko, N., Moody, J., & Prasad, B. Neuropsychiatric Presentation of Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus: A Case Report and Literature Review. University of Manitoba, Department of
Bronson, M., Katz, L. & Sareen, J. Lessons Learned in Adaptation of Sources of
Strength for On‐Reserve Remote First Nations Communities in Canada. University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
Omelan, G., Enns, M. & Sareen, J. Subsyndromal Depression and its Association with
Prevalence, and Risk for Incident, Physical Health Conditions. University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
Painter, R. & Sareen, J. Quality Improvement within the Current Model of Delivery of
Outpatient Psychiatric Care- A Research Proposal. University of Manitoba, Department of
Perry, M. & Katz, L. SSRI Induced Tremors in a Child with Migraines. University
of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Saligheh, A., Katz, L., Bolton, J. & Sareen, J. Risk Factors for Presentation,
Re-presentation for Psychiatric Consultation and Hospitalization in the Emergency
Room in Children and Adolescents- A Research Proposal. University of Manitoba, Department
of Psychiatry.
Toews, M., Fleisher, W. & Skakum, K. Scholarly Productivity of Psychiatry Residents
at Canadian Training Programs: A 10-Year Review. University of Manitoba, Department of
Internal Distinguished Faculty:
Klassen, T. Clinical Research as a team sport. Director of Research for the Department
of Pediatrics and Child Health, University of Manitoba
External Distinguished Faculty
Olfson, M. Diving into Clinical Psychiatric Research. Columbia University,
Department of Psychiatry of the College of Physicians & Surgeons.
Chochinov, H.M. (November 20, 2014). Dignity and Palliative End of Life Care
Webinar, National Association of Jewish Chaplains.
Chochinov, H.M. (June 3, 2014). Dignity and End of Life Care, Lanny Remis Speakers
Forum, Shaarey Zedek Synagogue.
Chochinov, H.M. (April 19, 2014). Dignity, Caring and End-of-Life Conversations,
Shaarey Zedek synagogue talk, Winnipeg, MB.
Chochinov, H.M. (January 9, 2014). Public lecture at an End of Life Forum, sponsored
by Sudbury Hospice and Palliative Care. Sudbury, ON.
Fleisher, W. Invited presenter of presentation entitled ‘Judaism and the Talking Cure’,
at the Jewish Healing: a Panel on Healing, Wellness and Spirituality. Berney Theatre, Rady JCC,
October 14, 2014
Modirrousta, M. Two radio talk shows: Health Report, CJOB in May and August 2014
Afifi, T.O. (2011-2014). Population-Based Research in Two Important Areas of Public
Health: Family Violence and Problem Gambling. Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC)
Establishment Grant ($99,485).
Afifi, T.O. (2013-2014). The association between immigration generational status, child
maltreatment, and intimate partner violence. Prepared for Family Violence Prevention Unit at
the Public Health Agency of Canada ($9,973).
Afifi, T.O. (2013-2018). The epidemiology of resilience following child maltreatment: An
examination of protective factors across the lifespan (New Investigator Award). Canadian
Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) $300,000.
Afifi, T.O., Boyle, M., MacMillan, H., & Sareen, J. (2013-2015). The epidemiology of
resilience following child maltreatment: An examination of protective factors across the lifespan.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)-Manitoba Centre for Health Policy Regional
Partnership Program ($92,708).
Afifi, T.O., Roos, L.E., Pietrzak, R., & Sareen, J. (2013-2014). Examining the utility of
latent class analysis in describing differential risk pathways linking childhood adversity to
negative adult outcomes. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Centre for Preventing
Violence Across the Lifespan Research Network (PreVAiL) $15,000.
Blouw, M., Kredentser, M.S., Ryu, J., Olafson, K., Bienvenu, O.J., Logsetty, S., Sareen,
J. Preventing post-traumatic stress in ICU survivors: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of
ICU Diaries. Manitoba Medical Service Foundation (MMSF) Operating Grant. $25,000. 20142015.
Bolton JM. Improving the Prediction of Suicide in a High-Risk Emergency Department
Cohort. Brain & Behavior Research Foundation NARSAD Young Investigator Grant.
2014-2016. ($59,280).
Bolton, J.M. (2011-2016). New Investigator Award. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research ($300,000).
Bolton, J.M. (2011-2014). F.W. Du Val Clinical Research Professorship Award.
Manitoba Medical Services Foundation/Manitoba Health Research Council ($150,000).
Bolton, J.M. (PI), Sareen, J. (PI), Leslie, W.D., Martens, P.J., & Chateau, D. (20132015). Mental Disorders and Treatment Needs among Parents Bereaved by Offspring Sudden
Death. Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Manitoba Health Research Council Regional
Partnership Program. 2013-2015. ($134,525).
Boyle, M., Gerogiades, K., Afifi, T.O., Bennett, K., Boylan, K., Butt, M., Cairney, J.,
Cleverley, K., Davies, S., Dirks, M., Dunn, J., Ferro, M., Gonzalez, A., Janus, M., Jenkins, J.,
Lipman, E., MacMillan, H., Marion, I., McLennan, J., Peticlerc, A., Rhodes, A., Rosenbaum, P.,
Sassi, R., Shepherd, C., Szatmari, P., Van Lieshout, R., Waddell, C., & Wekerle, C.
(2013-2018). Ontario Child Health Study Sequel. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
and Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. $8.3 Million.
Chochinov, H.M., Cory, S. et al. (2013-2017). Knowledge Tools (CVH-‐KT):
Addressing National Gaps. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. $1,000,000
Chochinov, H.M. (2004-ongoing). Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit Funding.
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority ($50,000/per annum).
Chochinov, H.M. (2010-2017). Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care, Canada
Research Chair, $200,000/per annum for 7 years (total 1.4 million dollars)
Chochinov, H.M., McClement, S. E., Hack, T. F., Lobchuk, M., Thompson, G., &
Harlos, M. (2012-2015). Dignity Talk: A Novel Palliative Care Intervention for Patients and
their Families. Canadian Institute of Health Research ($200,383).
Chochinov, H.M. (2013-2015). Infrastructure Funding Request, CancerCare Manitoba
Foundation ($190,000).
Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2015). Canadian Virtual Hospice, Winnipeg Regional Health
Authority ($500,000 per annum).
Distasio, J., (PI), Sareen, J., (Co-PI), Thomson, M., Bruce, L., Mulligan, S., Martens, P.,
Smith. M., Belik, S.L., Isaak, C., Katz, L.Y., Bolton, J.M., Enns, M.W., Elias, B. Research
Demonstration Project in Homelessness and Mental Health (Winnipeg). Mental Health
Commission of Canada. $4,250,000. 2009-2015.
Adeponle A, Skakum K, Cooke C, Fleisher W. The University of Manitoba Psychiatry
Toolkit Project: Development and Evaluation. 2013-2015 HSC Medical Staff Council Resident
and Fellow Research Award ($2000.00).
Ali N, Fleisher, W. Psychiatrists’ Attitudes Toward Transgender People: A Preliminary
Analysis. 2014-2015 HSC Medical Staff Council Resident and Fellow Research Award
Giacomantonio, N.B., Hassan, A., Rakesh, A., Todd, T.A., Aflilalo, J., Avery, L.,
Bagshaw, S.M., Grocott, G.P., Legare, J.F., Logsetty, S., Metge, C.J., Nguyen, T., Rockwood,
K., Sareen, J., Sawatzky, J., Tangri, N. The PREHAB Study - Pre-operative REhabilitation for
reduction of Hospitalization After coronary Bypass and valvular surgery. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research. $467, 000. 2014- 2019.
Gurka, K., Davidov, D., Afifi, T.O., Kimber, M., Pitre, N, & Goldstein, A. (2013-2014).
Hospitalization related to intimate partner violence and child maltreatment: Comparisons
between Appalachian and Non-Appalachian counties in the United States. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research (CIHR) Centre for Preventing Violence Across the Lifespan Research Network
(PreVAiL) $15,000.
Johnson, B., Chochinov, H.M., & Buchanan, D. (2013-2014). Using the Dignity Patient
Question (PDQ) as an intervention to enhance dignity and person-centred care for people with
palliative care needs in the acute hospital setting. University of Dundee (₤50,000).
Kirmayer, L.J., Whitbeck, L., Walls, M., Sareen, J., Katz, L.Y., Sinclair, R., Gray, R., &
Munro, G. (2011-2016). Culturally Based, Family Centred Mental Health Promotion for
Aboriginal Youth (Phase 2). Public Health Agency of Canada. ($2,578,710).
Logsetty, S., Anthony, R., Carta, T., Chateau, D., Doupe, M.B., Elias, B., Forbes, L.,
Ghahary, A., Jeschke, M.G., Liu, S., Lix, L., Medved, M., Nedelec, B., Nickerson, D., Papp, A.,
Rizoli, S.B., Sareen, J., Tredget, E.E., Verchere, C., Wall, D.A. Creation of an Advancement in
Burn Care in Canada Network. Canadian Institutes of Health Research $600,000. 2014- 2017.
MacMillan, H., Boyle, M., Coben, J., Herrman, H., Stewart, D., Wathen, C., Afifi, T.O.,
Barata, P., Chandra, P., Collin-Vezina, D., Debellis, M., Desmueles, M., Diaz- Granados, N.,
Dudding, P., Erickson, P., Feder, G., Ford-Gilboe, M., Gonzalez, A. Hegadoren, K., Hegarty, K.,
Helweg-Larsen, K., Jack, S., Jenkins, R., Kastrup, M., Kothari, A., McKee, S., Olds, D., Oliffe,
J., Sareen, J., Schmidt, L., Tonmyr, L., Trocmé, N., Waddell, C., & Wekerle, C. (2009-2014).
Centre for Research Development in Gender, Mental Health and Violence Across the Lifespan.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($2,010,000).
Marrie RA, Bernstein CN, Berrigan L, Blanchard J, Bolton J, Frisk J, Ghaffar HC, Katz
A, Lix L, Patten S, Sareen J, Walker J, Zarychanski R. Defining the burden and managing the
effects of psychiatric comorbidity in chronic immunoinflammatory disease. Canadian Institutes
of Health Research. $2,500,000. 2014- 2019.
Martens, P.J., Brownell, M., Katz, A., Chateau, D., Chartier, M, Fransoo R, Lix L,
Metge C, Roos L, Santos R., Bolton, J., Doupe, M., Hertzman, C., Jutte, D., Katz, L.Y.,
Raymond, C., Roos, N. (2011-2016). PATHS Equity for Children: A program of research into
what works to reduce the gap for Manitoba’s children. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research ($1,900,000).
McClement, S., Chochinov, H.M.., Thompson, G., Hack, T., Harlos,
M., Lobchuk, M. (2014–2016) Explanatory Models of Cancer-Anorexia Cachexia.
CIHR $113, 859.
Mills, E., & Sareen, J. (2011-2015). Risk Factors For HIV-1 Infection and Access to
Treatment among Boys and Men in Uganda: Development of a Cohort. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research. ($472,109).
Montross, L. Primary Mentor: Chochinov, H.M. Co-Mentor: Jeste, D. Consultants:
von Gunten, C., Zisook, S., Golshan, S., Steinhauser, K., & Irwin, S. (2013-2017). Positive
Outcomes of Psychotherapy for End-of-Life Care. American Cancer Society, Career
Development Award ($714,000).
Sareen, J. (2009-2014). Population-Based Studies of Military Mental Health and
Aboriginal Suicide. Manitoba Health Research Council Chair Award ($500,000).
Sareen, J., Spiwak, R., Logsetty, S., & Afifi, T.O. An examination of violence-related
burn injury among women in India. Internal funds from the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (CIHR) centre for Preventing Violence Across the Lifespan Research Network
(PreVAiL). 2013-2014. ($15,000).
Sareen, J. (PI), Katz, L.Y. (PI), Elias, B. (PI), Munro, G., Isaak, C., Enns, M.W.,
Kirmayer, L., Bolton, S-L., Bolton, J.M., Afifi, T.O., Chateau, D., Cook, C., & Logsetty, S.
Culturally Grounded Suicide Intervention in Cree Nation Communities. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research - Manitoba Health Research Council Regional Partnership Program. 2012-2014.
Sareen, J., Isaak, C., Katz, L. Y., Chateau, D., Enns, M. W., Wyman, P., Gould, M. S.,
& Munro. G. (2013-2015). The Safety and Efficacy of Gatekeeper Training In First Nations
Communities. Health Canada and Manitoba Health, ($200,000).
Schaffer, A., Sinyor, M., Kurdyak, P., Sareen, J., Bolton, J.M., Vigod, S., Cairney, J.,
Cheung, A., & Grigoriadis, S. Mental Health Care Utilization Among People Who Die by
Suicide: Moving Towards a More Focused Understanding. Ontario Mental Health Foundation
Type A Grant, 2013-2015. ($149,068).
Sinclair, S., Chochinov, H.M., Hagen, N., McClement, S., Hack, T., & Raffin-Bouchal,
S. (2013-2015). CIHR Understanding Compassion: An Empirical Approach to Cancer Patients’
Perspectives and Experiences of Compassion at the End of Life. ($88,410).
Sinyor, M., Pirkis, J., Sareen, J., Schaffer, A., Levitt, A., Redelmeier, D. Suicide and the
Media: An analysis of Media Reporting on Suicide & Its Relationship to Suicide Death.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. $85,000 US. 2014.
Thompson, G., McClement, S., Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Harlos, M., Funk, L.,
Pereira, A., Labun, N. (Collaborators: Klaasen, K. & Derksen, J.) Excellence in delivering
person-centered intimate care: What makes the difference. CIHR. 2014-2018. ($725,309).
Thompson, G., Doupe, M. (Co-Pi), & Chochinov, H.M. (2013-2014). Developing
Dignity in Care Quality Indicators for Personal Care Homes. Manitoba Health ($70,000).
Thompson, G., McClement, S., Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Roger, K., & St John, P. (20122016). Development & Testing of a Question Prompt Sheet for Family Caregivers of Older
Adults with Dementia in Long-Term Care. CIHR/MHRC Regional Partnership Program.
Woodgate, R. L., Ahmed, R., Altman, G., Chartier, M., Forget, E., Katz, L., Metge, C.,
Wener, P., Brousseau Snider, T., Chipperfield, S., Edwards, J., Enns, M., Goossen, R., Kates,
N., Kondra, P., Kutcher, S., Peters, C., Sanderson, J., Santos, R., Schellenberg, F., Synyshyn, M.,
Morgan, S. Research Manitoba Applied Health Services Research Grant Funding for: Improving
Access and Quality of Mental Health Services for Youth through Implementation of a Shared
Care Stepped Approach 2014-2016 ($199,997.00)
Woodgate, R.L., Wener, P.F., Altman, G.N., & Walker, J. (2012-2015). Youth’s Voices:
Their Lives and Experiences of Living with an Anxiety Disorder. Canadian Institute of Health
Research. ($366,010.00).
Sareen, J., Isaak, C., Katz, L.Y., Chateau, D., Enns, M.W., Wyman, P., Gould, M.S.,
Munro, G. (2013-2015). The Safety and Efficacy of Gatekeeper Training In First Nations
Communities in Manitoba. Health Canada and Manitoba Health. $200,000.
Sareen, J., Katz, C., Bolton, J.M., Katz, L.Y., Schaffer, A., Sinyor, M., Munro, G., He,
M., Wong, J., Logsetty, S., Enns, M.W. (2013-2015). Medications Used for Suicide in
Manitoba: 10-year Review. Manitoba Health. $164,000.
Afifi, T.O.
International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience
Bolton, J.M.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Chochinov, H.M.
Palliative and Supportive Care
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Journal of Palliative Care
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Supportive Cancer Therapy
Supportive Oncology
Enns, M.W.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Fleisher, W.
Editor, Departmental Research Annual Report, Department of Medical Education
Editor, Department of Medical Education Newsletter (quarterly)
Katz, L.Y.
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Sareen, J.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Depression and Anxiety
Afifi, T.O.
British Journal of Psychiatry;
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry;
Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ, 2 manuscripts);
Child Abuse & Neglect;
Health Reports;
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA-Psychiatry);
Lancet Psychiatry;
Pediatrics (2 manuscripts).
Grant reviewing 2014:
Review Committee Member for the Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC),
Social/Population Health Review Committee (Investigator and Trainee applications), Wpg, MB
Review Committee Member for the Health Sciences Centre Foundation grant competition,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Review Committee Member for the Dr. Paul H.T. Thorlakson Scientific Subcommittee,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Reviewer for the David G. Fish Memorial Graduate Scholarship for international health research,
University of Manitoba.
Altman, G.
Canadian Family Physician
Bolton, J.M.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Member of Public, Community and Population Health
(PH1) Committee.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of Psychiatric Research
American Journal of Psychiatry
Chochinov, H.M.
Annals of Behavioural Medicine
Archives of General Psychiatry
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
British Journal of Psychiatry
British Medical Journal
Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal
Indian Journal of Cancer
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Journal of Psycho-Oncology
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of the American Medical Association
The Lancet
New England Journal of Medicine
Palliative Medicine
Pediatric Blood & Cancer
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Oxford University Press
University of Manitoba College of Reviewers for CIHR Research Chairs and CFIManitoba
Regional Partnership Program, Chair of the Advisory Committee
Scientific Advisory Council for the National Palliative Care Research Centre, Mt Sinai Hospital,
Enns, M.W.
American Journal of Public Health
Fleisher, W.
Academic Psychiatry
Canadian Conference for Medical Education (CCME)
Katz, L.Y.
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention Research Award Committee
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Journal of Psychotherapy Research
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior – ad hoc reviewer (2012 – 2014)
Sareen, J.
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Journal of Affective Disorders
JAMA Psychiatry
University of Manitoba College of Reviewers for CIHR operating grants.
Altman, G.
Citation Award, Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists. 2014
Chochinov, H.M.
Officer of the Order of Canada
Carmelita Lawlor Lectureship in Palliative Care. Hospice Palliative Care Ontario
Fleisher, W.
Canadian Psychiatric Association Fellow designation (FCPA)
Chartrand, H.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Frederick Banting and Charles Best Doctoral Award,
Manitoba Graduate Scholarship (2011-2015).
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (2011-2015; declined).
Graduate Student Association Travel Grant
Faculty of Arts Graduate Student Travel Award
Faculty of Graduate Studies Travel Award
Department of Psychology Travel Award
Campbell-Enns, H.
Tri-council Top-Up Award, Psychosocial Oncology Research Training (PORT) Fellowship
Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Award, CIHR (20132015)
El-Gabalawy, R.
Manitoba Graduate Scholarship (2010-2014)
Manitoba Health Research Council Graduate Studentship (2013-2015)
Psychology Graduate Student Travel Awards, University of Manitoba
Faculty of Arts Graduate Student Conference Travel Award, University of Manitoba
Henriksen, C.
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (2011-2014; Declined)
Manitoba Graduate Scholarship (2010-2014).
Doctoral Graduate Studentship, Manitoba Health Research Council (2011-2015)
Direct Aid to Achieve Award, Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba (2013-2014)
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship, University of Manitoba (2011-2014); Declined
Manitoba Graduate Scholarship, University of Manitoba (2011-2014).
Kredentser, M.S.
Sir Gordon Wu Scholarship, University of Manitoba ($55,000)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Frederick Banting and Charles
Best Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral Award ($105,000)
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) ($48,000) (Declined)
Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) (Research Manitoba)/CancerCare
Manitoba Graduate Studentship Award ($35,700) (Declined)
Jack MacDonell Scholarship for Research on Aging, Centre on Aging, University
of Manitoba ($4,000)
Eli Ross Bursary, Jewish Foundation of Manitoba (2013-2014)
Patty & Jack Sherman Memorial Scholarship, Jewish Foundation of Manitoba (2013-2014)
Financial Support Award, Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba
Graduate Students’ Association Travel Award, University of Manitoba
Faculty of Arts Conference Travel Award, University of Manitoba
Faculty of Arts Endowment Fund Conference Travel Award, University of Manitoba
Department of Psychology Conference Travel Award, University of Manitoba
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) (2013-2017)
Sheu L. Lee Family Scholarship in Oncology Research (2013-2014)
Esther and Samuel Milmot Scholarship, Centre on Aging, University of Manitoba (2013-2014)
Mota, N.
Women’s Health Research Foundation of Canada Scholarship
Wang, Y.
(2014 – 2016). Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate
Scholarship – Doctoral Fellowship, The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
(SSHRC; Awarded: 2013, currently continuing) - $35,000.00 per annum for three years
(total: $105,000.00)
University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies Tricouncil Scholarship Top-Up Award
(2014) - $5,000.00
Rapid Fire Colloquium, Graduate Association of Students of Psychology, Department of
Psychology, University of Manitoba (2014) – 3rd place
Fly UP