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2010 Research Report The University of Manitoba
The University of Manitoba
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
University of Manitoba Department of Psychiatry Research Report
It is our pleasure to write this thirteenth Annual Department of Psychiatry Research Report.
The research and scholarly productivity of department members, residents, and graduate
students is outstanding. Research conducted within the department spans all four pillars of the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (basic science, clinical, population-health, and
sociocultural). Based on the fact that our department members are regularly publishing in
high-impact, international journals, it is clear that we are producing new and important
information for clinicians, researchers and policy makers.
Mentorship, excellence, and interdisciplinary team work has led to the success of the
researchers in our department. Forums such as the Resident Research Day and Faculty
Research Day foster the capacity for generating new research ideas and collaborations. We
thank all faculty members, residents and graduate students for their hard work in 2010.
Jitender Sareen, MD, FRCPC
Director of Research
Associate Professor
June 2011
Murray W. Enns, MD, FRCPC
Professor and Head
Table of Contents
Books and Monographs ………………………………………………………………. .................
Chapters in Books ...........................................................................................................
Technical Reports ........................................................................................................... 4
Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals .................................................................
Invited Publications, Letters to Editor, Book Reviews ................................................... 10
Papers, Symposiums, or Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences............................ 11
Eighth Annual Faculty Research Forum ......................................................................... 16
Invited Addresses (including Grand Rounds) ................................................................. 17
External Funding (Peer-Reviewed)................................................................................. 19
10. External Funding (Other Sources) .................................................................................. 25
11. Editorships, Guest Editors, Memberships on Journal Editorial Boards.......................... 26
12. Resident Research Day ................................................................................................... 27
13. Reviewing Activities for Journals, Granting Councils, Conferences, or Universities.... 28
14. Faculty Awards ............................................................................................................... 30
15. Resident Awards ............................................................................................................. 30
16. Graduate Student Awards ............................................................................................... 31
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Books and Monographs
Chochinov, H. (In Press). The Dignity Therapy Handbook. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press.
Komori, Y., Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Japanese Dignity Therapy Casebook.
Kongo Publisher.
Chapters in Books
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Sareen, J. (2010). Anxiety Disorders in Canada. In D. Streiner,
J. Cairney (Eds.), Mental Disorders in Canada: An Epidemiologic Perspective. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, Chapter Six.
Chochinov, H.M., McKeen, N. (In Press). Dignity Conserving Therapy. In M.
Watson, D. Kissane (Eds.), Psychological Therapies for Cancer Patients: The IPOS Guide.
Oxford: Wiley- Blackwell, 2010.
El-Gabalawy, R., Asmundson, G.J.G., Sareen, J. (In Press). Suicide and Chronic Pain.
In M. Pompili & L. Berman (Eds.), Suicide Risk and Physical Illness. Washington: American
Association of Suicidology.
Johnston, B.M., Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). The Therapeutic Implications of Dignity
in Palliative Care. In L.L. Emanuel & S.L. Librach (Eds.), Palliative Care: Core Skills and
Clinical Competencies; 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Saunders.
McClement, S.E., Chochinov, H.M. Spirituality in Supportive Oncology in M. Davis,
P. Feyer, P. Ortner & C Zimmermann (Eds.), Supportive Oncology. Elsevier.
McClement, S., Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Spiritual Issues in Palliative Care.
Oxford Text of Palliative Medicine. 4th ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Thompson, G., Ens, C., Chochinov, H.M. (2009). Patient Centered Supportive and
Palliative Care. Cancer Control. In M. Elwood &S. Sutcliffe (Eds.). Cancer Control. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, Chapter 14.
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Technical Reports
Afifi, T.O. (2010). Child Maltreatment and Mental Health. Report requested from and
prepared for Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, Family Violence Prevention
Unit; Ottawa, ON; Web: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/nc-cn.
Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Afifi, T.O., Asmundson, G.J.G., Taylor, S., Jang, K. (2010). The Role of Genes and
Environment on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Review of Twin Studies. Clinical
Psychology Review, 30:101-112.
Afifi, T.O., Brownridge, D.A., MacMillan, H., Sareen, J. (2010). The Relationship of
Gambling to Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment in a Nationally Representative
Sample. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44:331-337.
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Martens, P.J., Sareen, J., Enns, M.W. (2010). Demographic
and Social Variables Associated with Problem Gambling Among Men and Women in
Canada, Psychiatry Research, 178:395-400.
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Martens, P.J., Sareen, J., Enns, M.W. (2010). The
Relationship between Problem Gambling and Mental and Physical Health Outcomes Among
a Nationally Representative Sample of Canadian Women. Canadian Journal of Public
Health, 101:171-175.
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Martens, P.J., Sareen, J., Enns, M.W. (In Press). Developing a
Population Health Framework for Studying Problem Gambling. Canadian Journal of
Community Mental Health.
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Martens, P.J., Sareen, J., Enns, M.W. (2010). The Relation between
Types and Frequency of Gambling Activities and Problem Gambling Among Women in Canada.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55:21-28.
Afifi, T.O., MacMillan, H. (In Press). Resilience Following Child Maltreatment: A
Review of Protective Factors. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Afifi, T.O., Mather, A.A., Boman, J., Fleisher, W., Enns, M.W., MacMillan, H.,
Sareen, J. (In Press). Childhood Adversity and Personality Disorders: Results from a
Nationally Representative Population-Based Study. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
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Belik, S.L., Sareen, J. (In Press). Sexual Orientation and its Relationship to Mental
Disorders and Suicidal Behavior: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Belik, S.L., Stein, M.B., Asmundson, G.J.G., Sareen, J. (2010). Are Canadian
Soldiers More Likely to Have Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts than the Canadian
Civilian Population? American Journal of Epidemiology, 172(11):1250-1258.
Bolton, J.M., Pagura, J., Enns, M.W., Grant, B.F., Sareen, J. (2010). A PopulationBased Longitudinal Study of Risk Factors for Suicide Attempts in Major Depressive
Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44(13):817-26.
Campbell, D.W., McKeen, N.A. (In Press). Alexithymia Tendencies and MereExposure Alter Social Approachability Judgments. Journal of Personality.
Campbell, D. W., Neuert, T., Friesen, K. B., McKeen, N. A. (2010). Assessing Social
Approachability Tendencies using Objective Social Cues. Canadian Journal of Behavioural
Sciences, 42:254-263.
Chartrand, H.K., Cox, B.J., El-Gabalawy, R., Clara, I.P. (In Press). Examining Social
Phobia Subtypes and their Mental Health Correlates Using a nationally representative
Canadian sample. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science.
Chartrand, H.K., Cox, B.J., El-Gabalawy, R., Clara, I. (In Press). Social Anxiety
Disorder Subtypes and their Mental Health Correlates in a Nationally Representative
Canadian Sample. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.
Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Death, Time and the Theory of Relativity. Journal of
Palliative Medicine.
Chochinov, H.M. (2010). Humility and the Practice of Medicine. Canadian Medical
Association Journal, 182(11):1217-1218.
Chou, K-L., Afifi, T.O. (In Press). Disordered (problem and pathological) Gambling
and Axis I Psychiatric Disorders: Results from Waves 1 and 2 of the National Epidemiologic
Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. The American Journal of Epidemiology.
Chou, K.L., Mackenzie, C.M., Liang, K., Sareen J. (In Press). Three-Year Incidence
and Predictors of First Onset of DSM-IV Mood, Anxiety and Substance Use Disorders in
older adults: Wave 2 National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
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Cox, B.J., Clara, I.P., Hills, A.H., Sareen, J. (2010). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
and the Underlying Structure of Anxiety Disorders in a Nationally Representative Sample:
Confirmatory Factor Analytic Findings from the German Health Survey. Journal of Anxiety
Disorders, 24(1):30-3.
Cox, B.J., Turnbull, D.L., Robinson, J.A., Grant, B.F., Stein, M.B. (In Press). The
Effect of Avoidant Personality Disorder on the Persistence of Generalized Social Anxiety
Disorder in the General Population: Results from a Longitudinal, Nationally Representative
Mental Health Survey. Depression and Anxiety.
El-Gabalawy, R., Cox, B.J., Clara, I.P., Mackenzie, C. (2010). Assessing the Validity
of Social Anxiety Disorder Subtypes Using a Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of
Anxiety Disorders, 24:244-249.
El-Gabalawy, R., Katz, L.Y., Sareen J. (2010). Comorbidity and Associated Severity
of Borderline Personality Disorder and Physical Health Conditions using a Nationally
Representative Sample. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72(7):641-7.
El-Guebaly, N., Sareen, J., Stein, M.B. (2010). Are There Guidelines for the
Responsible Prescription of Benzodiazepines? Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(11):709714.
Ens, C., Chochinov, H.M., Gwyther, E., Moses, S., Jackson, C., Thompson, G.,
Harding, R. (In Press). Postgraduate Palliative Care Education: Evaluation of a South African
Programme. South African Medical Journal.
Fang, S., Yan, B., Wang, D., Bi, X., Zhang, Y., He, J., Yang, Y., Xu, H., Kong, J.,
Wu, J., Li, X.-M. (2010). Chronic Effects of Venlafaxine on Synaptophysin and Neuronal
Cell Adhesion Molecule in the Hippocampus of Cerebral Ischemic Mice. Biochemistry and
Cell Biology, 88(4):655-663.
Gagnon, P., Chochinov, H.M., Cochrane, J.-P., le Moignan Moreau, J., Fontaine, R.,
Croteau, L. (2010). Psychothérapie de la Dignité: Une Intervention Pour Réduire la Détresse
Psychologique chez les Personnes en Soins Palliatifs. Psycho-Onoclogy, 4:169-175.
Goodwin, R.D., Cox, B.J., Pagura, J., Sareen, J. (2010). Asthma and Mental
Disorders Among adults in Canada: Impact on Functional Impairment and Mental Health
Service Use. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 68(2):165-73.
Hack, T.F., McClement, S., Chochinov, H.M., Cann, B.J., Hassard, T.H., Kristjanson,
L.J., Harlos, M. (2010). Learning from Dying Patients During their Final Days: Life
Reflections Gleaned from Dignity Therapy. Palliative Medicine, 24(7):715-723.
Henriksen, C.A., Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J. (2010). The Psychological Impact of
Terrorist Attacks: Examining a Dose-Response Relationship between Exposure to 9/11 and
Axis I Mental Disorders. Depression and Anxiety, 27(11):993-1000.
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Houmann, L.J., Rydahl-Hansen, S., Chochinov, H.M., Kristjanson, L., Groenvold, M.
(2010). Testing the Feasibility of the Dignity Therapy Interview: Adaptation for the Danish
Culture. BMC Palliative Care, 9(1):21.
Isaak, C., Campeau, M., Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J., the Swampy Cree
Suicide Prevention Team. (2010). Community Participatory Action Oriented Suicide Prevention
Research in Remote On-Reserve First Nations Communities. International Journal of Mental Health
and Addiction, 54(4):260-268.
Katz, L.Y., Cox, B.J., Clara, I., Oleski, J., Sacevich, T. (In Press). Substance Abuse
Versus Dependence and the Structure of Common Mental Disorders. Comprehensive
Kessler, R.C., Cox, B.J., Green, J.G., Ormel, J. McLaughlin, K.A. Merikangas, K.R.,
Petukhova, M., Pine, D., Russo, L.J., Swendsen, J., Wittchen, H.U., Zaslavsky, A.M. (In
Press). The Effects of Latent Variables in the Development of Comorbidity Among Common
Mental Disorders. Depression and Anxiety.
Kinley, D.J., Walker, J.R., Mackenzie, C., Sareen, J. (In Press). Panic Attacks and
Panic Disorder in a Population-Based Sample of Military Personnel. Journal of Clinical
Kuzenko, N., Sareen, J., Beesdo-Baum, K., Perkonigg, A., Höfler, M., Simm, J.,
Lieb, R., Wittchen, H.U. (In Press). Association Between Non-Cannabinoid Substance Use
and Psychotic Symptoms in a Community Sample. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia.
Leeies, M., Pagura, J., Sareen, J., Bolton, J.M. (2010). Self-Medication of
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample. Depression
and Anxiety, 27:731-736.
Mackenzie, C., Pagura, J., Sareen, J. (2010). Correlates of Perceived Need for and
Use of Mental Health Services by Older Adults in the Collaborative Psychiatric
Epidemiologic Surveys. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18(12):1103-1115.
Mackenzie, C.S., Reynolds, K.A., Chou, K.L., Pagura, J., Sareen, J. (In Press).
Prevalence and Correlates of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a National Sample of Older
Adults. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Maclean, J., Kinley, D.J., Jacobi, F., Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J. (In Press). The
Relationship Between Physical Conditions and Suicidal Behavior Among Those With Mood
Disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders.
Mather A.A., Stein, M.B., Sareen, J. (2010). Social Anxiety Disorder and Social
Fears in the Canadian Military: Prevalence, Comorbidity, Impairment, and TreatmentSeeking. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44(14):887-893.
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McClement, S.E., Lobchuk, M., Chochinov, H.M., Dean, R. (2010). Broken
Covenant: Healthcare Aides’ Experience of the Ethical in Caring for Dying Seniors in a
Personal Care Home. Journal of Clinical Ethics, 21(3):201-211.
McMillan, K., Enns, M.W., Asmundson, G.J.G., Sareen, J. (2010). The Association
between Income and Distress, Mental Disorders, and Suicidality: Findings from the
Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiologic Survey. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 71(9):116875.
Mota, N., Burnett, M., Sareen, J. (2010). Associations between Abortion, Mental
Disorders, and Suicidal Behaviour in a Nationally Representative sample. Canadian Journal
of Psychiatry, 55(4):239-247.
Mota, N., Cox, B.J., Katz, L.Y., Sareen, J. (2010). Relationship Between Mental
Disorders/Suicidality and Three Sexual Behaviors: Results from the National Comorbidity
Survey Replication. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(3):724-734.
Mota, N., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J. (In Press). The Incidence of Mental Illness in Early
Motherhood in a Population-Based Survey. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Nepon, J., Belik, S.L., Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J. (2010). The Relationship between Anxiety
Disorders and Suicide Attempts: Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and
Related Conditions. Depression and Anxiety, 27(9):791-798.
Niu, J., Mei, F., Li, N., Wang, H., Li, X.-M., Kong, J., Xiao, L. (2010). Haliperidol
Promotes Proliferation but Inhibits Differentiation in Rat Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cell
Cultures. Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 88(4):611-620.
Oleski, J., Cox, B. J., Robinson, J., Grant, B.F. (In Press). The Influence of Cluster C
Personality Disorders on the Persistence of Major Depression in the National Epidemiologic
Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Journal of Personality Disorders.
Oleski, J., Mota, N., Cox, B.J., Sareen, J. (2010). Help-seeking, Perceived Need, and
Perceived Barriers to Care among Alcohol Use Disorders in a Nationally Representative
Sample. Psychiatric Services, 61(12):1223-1231.
Pagura, J., Katz, L.Y., Mojtabai, R., Druss, B., Cox B.J., Sareen J. (2010). (In Press).
Antidepressant Use in the Absence of Common Mental Disorders in the General Population.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
Pagura, J., Stein, M.B., Cox, B.J., Bolton, J. (In Press). Comorbidity of Borderline
Personality Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the U.S. Population. Journal of
Psychiatric Research.
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Polimeni, J.O., Campbell, D.W., Gill, D., Sawatzky, B.L., Reiss, J.P. (2010).
Diminished Humour Perception in Schizophrenia: Relationship to Social and Cognitive
Functioning. Journal of Psychiatry Research, 44:434-440.
Rasic, D., Robinson, J., Bolton, J., Bienvenu, O.J., Sareen, J. (In Press). Longitudinal
Relationships of Religious Worship Attendance and Spirituality with Mental Disorders,
Suicidal Ideation and Attempts: Findings from the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area
Study. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Sareen, J., Afifi, T.O., McMillan, K., Asmundson, G.J.G. (In Press). The
Relationship Between Household Income and Mental Disorders: Findings from a PopulationBased Longitudinal Study. Archives of General Psychiatry.
Sareen, J., Belik, S.L., Asmundson, G.J.G., Stein, M.B. (2010). Correlates of
Perceived Need for Mental Health Care in Active Military Care. Psychiatric Services,
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Thorensen, S., Belik, S.L., Zamorski, M., Asmundson, G.J.G.
(2010). Is Peacekeeping Peaceful? A Systematic Review of Distress and Suicidality in
Relation to Deployment to Peacekeeping Operations. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry,
Scott, T., Mackenzie, C.S., Sareen, J., Chipperfield, J.G., Ballis, D.B. (2010). Mental
health service use among Canadian Older Adults with Anxiety Disorders and Clinically
Significant Anxiety Symptoms. Aging and Mental Health, 14:790-800.
Shear, M.K., Simon, N., Wall, M., Zisook, S., Neimeyer, R., Duan, N., Reynolds, C.,
Lebowitz, B., Sung, S., Ghesquire, A., Gorscak, B., Clayton, P., Ito, M., Nakajima, S.,
Konishi, T., Melhem, N., Meert, K., Schiff, M., O’Connor, M., First, M., Sareen, J., Bolton,
J., Skritskaya, N., Mancini, A.D., Keshaviah A. (In Press). Complicated Grief and Related
Bereavement Issues for DSM-5. Depression and Anxiety.
Smits, J.A., Rosenfield, D., Mather, A.A., Tart, C.D., Henriksen, C., Sareen, J.
(2010). Psychotropic Medication Use Mediates the Relationship Between Mood and Anxiety
Disorders and Obesity: Findings From a Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of
Psychiatry Research, 44(15):1010-1016.
Taylor, S., Afifi, T.O., Asmundson, G.J.G., Stein, M.B., Jang, K.L. (2010). Etiology
of Obsessive Beliefs: A Behavioral-Genetics Analysis. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy,
Thompson, G., Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Reducing the Potential for Suffering in
Older Adults with Cancer. Palliative & Supportive Care, 18:1-11.
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Wang, J.L., Schmitz, N., Smailes, E., Sareen, J., Patten, S.B. (2010). Work
Environment Characteristics, Depression and Health-Related Presenteeism in a General
Population Sample. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 52(8):836-842.
Wang, J.L., Smailes, E., Sareen, J., Schmitz, N, Fick, G.H., Patten, S.B. (2010). The
Prevalence of Mental Disorders in the Working Population over the Period of Global
Economic Crisis. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(9):598-605.
Wang, J.L., Smailes, E., Sareen, J., Schmitz, N, Fick, G.H., Patten, S.B. (In Press).
Three Job Related Stress and Depression: A Population-based Study. Social Psychiatry and
Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Xu, H., Yan, H.-J., McConomy, B., Browning, R., Li, X.-M. (2010). Behavioral and
Neurobiological Changes in C57BL/6 Mouse Exposed to Cuprizone: Effects of
Antipsychotics. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 33:1-10.
Yaworski, D., Robinson, J., Sareen, J., Bolton, J. (In Press). The Relationship
Between Nicotine Dependence and Suicide Attempts in the General Population. Canadian
Journal of Psychiatry.
Zhang, Z., Shi, R., Weng, J., Xu, X., Li, X.-M., Gao, T.-M., Kong, J. (2010). The
Proapoptotic Member of the Bcl-2 Family Bcl-2/E1B-19K-Interacting Protein 3 is a Mediator
of Caspase-Independent Neuronal Death in Excitotoxicity. FEBS J, 278:134-142.
Invited Publications, Letters to Editor, Book Reviews, Abstracts, Newspaper Articles
Chochinov, H.M. The Concept of Dignity is key. (Newspaper Article). Montreal
Gazette. August 25, 2010.
Hack, T., McClement, S., Chochinov, H.M., Cann, B., Hassard, T., Kristjanson, L.,
Harlos, M. (2010). What Can We Learn from Cancer Patients' Reflections on Life as Death
Approaches? Analysis of Dignity Therapy Transcripts. (Abstract). Journal of Palliative Care,
26, 223.
Nepon, J., Pagura, J., Sareen, J. (2011). Study Limitations in Report of Suicidal
Behavior Among Women With Co-occurring PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder.
(Letter to the Editor). American Journal of Psychiatry, 168(3):328
Richardson, D., Sareen, J., Elhai, J. (2010). Psychiatric problems in medically
evacuated service members (Invited Commentary) Lancet, 375(9711):257-9
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Papers, Symposiums, or Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Martens, P.J., Sareen, J., Enns, M.W. Demographic and
Social Variables Associated with Problem Gambling Among Men and Women in Canada.
2010 Canadian Psychiatric Association Conference (CPA), Toronto, ON, Canada, September
23-26, 2010.
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Martens, P.J., Sareen, J., Enns, M.W. The Relationship
Between Problem Gambling and Mental and Physical Health Correlates Among a Nationally
Representative Sample of Canadian Women. 2010 Canadian Psychiatric Association
Conference (CPA), Toronto, ON, Canada, September 23-26, 2010.
Afifi, T.O., MacMillan, H.L. Resilience Following Child Maltreatment: A Review of
Protective Factors. 2010 Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology (CAPE), Toronto,
ON, Canada, September 23, 2010.
Belik, S.L., Sareen, J. Sexual Orientation and its Relationship to Mental Disorders
and Suicidal Behavior: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample. 60th Annual
Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA), Toronto, ON, September 23-26,
Belik, S.L., Sareen, J. Sexual Orientation and its Relationship to Mental Disorders
and Suicidal Behavior: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample. 43rd Annual
American Association of Suicidology Conference, Orlando, FL, April 21-24, 2010.
Belik, S.L., Stein, M.B., Asmundson, G.J.G. Sareen, J. Are Canadian Soldiers More
Likely to Have Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts Than the Canadian Civilian
Population? 26th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies,
Montreal, QC, November 4-6, 2010.
Campbell, D.W., Logsetty, S., Shumila, L.M.A., Sareen, J., Wallace, M.G., Mota,
N., Reiss, J.P. Burn Injuries and Psychiatric Morbidity Differentially Predict Emotional
Processing. International Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI) 15th Annual Meeting, Istanbul,
Turkey, June 21-25, 2010.
Chan, M.-K., Berrington, N.R., Fleisher, W.P. A Collaborative Health Care Model –
A University of Manitoba Initiative for the Development of a Physician Assistant Education
Program in Canada. The Ottawa Conference, Miami, FL, May, 2010.
Chan, M.-K., Berrington, N.R., Fleisher, W.P. A New Model for Collaborative Health
Care- A University of Manitoba Initiative for the Development of a Physician Assistant
Program in Canada. 3rd International Academy of Physician Assistant Educators (IAPAE)
Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, September 2-3, 2010.
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Chan, M.-K., Berrington, N.R., Fleisher, W.P. A New Model for Collaborative Health
Care- A University of Manitoba Initiative for the Development of a Physician Assistant
Program in Canada. Canadian Association of Physician Assistants Conference, Victoria, BC,
October 21-24, 2010.
Chan, M.-K., Li, X.-M., Fleisher, W.P. An Integration of the Four Principles of
Family Medicine and CanMEDS Competencies: An Orientation Program for International
Medical Graduates. 11th Annual Master of Health Professions Education Program (MHPE)
Summer Conference, Chicago, IL, July 30-31, 2010.
Chartrand, H. K., Cox, B. J., El-Gabalawy, R., Clara, I. (Poster Presentation).
Examining Social Phobia Subtypes and their Mental Health Correlates in a Nationally
Representative Canadian Sample. Canadian Psychological Association 71th Annual
Convention. Canadian Winnipeg, MB, June, 2010.
Chochinov, H.M., Johnston, W., Strang, D.G., Milke, D.L., McClement, S., Hack, T.
et al. (Poster Presentation). Dignity and Distress Across End-of-Life Populations Canadian
Association on Gerontology Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Montreal, QC,
December 1-4, 2010.
El-Gabalawy, R., Cox, B., Clara, I., Mackenzie, C.S. A Comparison of Social Anxiety
disorder Subtypes Using a Nationally Representative Sample. Psychological Association
Conference, Winnipeg, MB, June 2010.
El-Gabalawy, R., Mackenzie, C.S., Shooshtari, S., Sareen, J. Comorbidity of Anxiety
Disorders and Physical Health Conditions in Older Adults Using a Nationally Representative
sample. Canadian Association of Gerontology’s 39th Annual Scientific and Educational
Meeting, Montreal, QC, December 2010.
El-Gabalawy, R., Mackenzie, C.S., Shooshtari, S., Sareen, J. (Poster Presenation).
Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorders and Physical Health Conditions in Older Adults Using a
Nationally Representative sample. 27th Annual Centre on Aging Spring Research Symposium,
Winnipeg, MB, May 2010.
Harrington, M., Robinson, J., Belik, S.L., Sareen, J., Bolton, J.M. A Longitudinal
Study of Risk Factors for Incident Drug Use in Adults: Findings from a Representative
Sample of the United States Population. 60th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, Toronto, ON, September 23-26, 2010.
He, J., Zhang, R., Yu, Y., Zhu, S., Zhang, Y., Wang, J., Kong, J., Li, X.-M. Beneficial
Effects of Quetiapine On Memory and Hippocampal Neurogenesis in a Transgenic Mouse
Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (ICAD) on
Alzheimer’s Disease, Honolulu, HI, July 10-15, 2010.
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Henriksen, C.A., Sareen, J. Examination of the Relationship Between Eating
Disorders and Suicidality: Results From a Nationally-Representative Sample. Canadian
Psychological Association Conference, Winnipeg, MB, June, 2010.
Lazier, L., Boman, J., Duncan, D., Fleisher, W.P., Nadeau, L., Rourke, J. Child and
Adolescent Mental Health: Needs and Interests among Family Physicians, General
Practitioners and Pediatricians located in Rural and Remote Areas. A Canadian National
Collaborative Study. 11th Canadian Conference on Collaborative Mental Health Care,
Winnipeg, MB, May 13-15, 2010.
Mackenzie, C. S., Reynolds, K., Chou, K.-L., Pagura, J., Sareen, J. Correlates of
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a National Sample of Older Adults. Annual Meeting of the
Canadian Psychological Association, Winnipeg, MB, June, 2010.
Modirrousta, M., Campbell, D.W., Wallace, M.G., Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J.O.,
McKeen, N.A., Sareen, J. Humour Appreciation and the Brain's Reward System: Is
Funniness Rewarding? Cognitive Neuroscience Society 17th Annual Meeting, Montréal, QC,
April 17-20, 2010.
Modirrousta, M., Wallace, M.G., Campbell, D.W., Polimeni, J.O., McKeen, N.A.,
Sareen, J. So Funny I Forgot To Laugh: The Neural Correlates of Cognitive Humour
Processing. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 13-17,
Mota, N., Elias, B., Tefft, B., Medved, M., Munro, G., Sareen, J., The Swampy Cree
Suicide Prevention Team. Correlates of Suicidality: Investigation of a Representative Sample
of Manitoba First Nations Adolescents. Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. Annual
Meeting, Halifax, NS, October 5-7, 2010.
Mota, N., Medved, M., Whitney, D., Sareen, J. Gender Differences in Mental Health
Profiles and Exposure to Traumatic Events and Work Stress in the Canadian Forces: Results
from a Representative Survey. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual
Meeting, Montreal, QC, November 4-6, 2010.
Mzengeza, S., Kazock, J., Saran, G., Elhami, E., Goertzen, A., He, J., Mangera, K.,
Li, X.-M. Synthesis and Evaluation of [18F] Fluorinated Triazolo-Derivatives of the
Pittsburgh Compound As Potential PET Radiotracers for Imaging Amyloid Plaques.
Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (ICAD) on Alzheimer’s Disease,
Honolulu, HI, July 10-15, 2010.
Nepon, J., Belik, S.L., Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J. The Relationship Between Anxiety
Disorders and Suicide Attempts: Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on
Alcohol and Related Conditions. 60th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, Toronto, ON, September 23-26, 2010.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 14 of 32
Nepon, J., Belik, SL., Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J. The Relationship Between Anxiety
Disorders and Suicide Attempts: Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on
Alcohol and Related Conditions. 2010 American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting,
New Orleans, LA, May 22-26, 2010.
Nepon, J., Fotti, S., Katz, L.Y., Sareen, J., The Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention
Team. Policy Paper: Media Guideline for Reporting Suicide. Canadian Association for
Suicide Prevention Annual Conference, Halifax, NS, October 5-7, 2010.
O’Keeffe, K. Therapeutics Update. Annual Scientific Assembly, Manitoba College of
Family Physicians, Winnipeg, MB, April 2010.
Perlov, J., Prober, M.A. What To Do With a Failing Medical Student or Resident
With ADHD or Learning Disorder. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting,
Toronto, ON, September 2010.
Postl, L., Fleisher, W.P. Resident & Medical Student Scholarly Publications in the
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry: A Ten-Year Review. Canadian Psychiatric Association 50th
Annual Scientific Conference, Toronto, ON, September 23-26, 2010.
Prober, M.A. The Worried Well: The Physician-Patient or the Treating Psychiatrist;
Countertransference Responses of over Caring and Over Responsibility. Canadian Psychiatric
Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, September 2010.
Raghavan, M., Downs, A., Fleisher, W.P., Martin, B., Dandham, J.D. Determinants
of First Practice Location Among Manitoba Medical Graduates. Canadian Conference on
Medical Education (CCME), St. John, NL, May 1-5, 2010.
Reynolds, K., Mackenzie, C.S., Chou, K., Pagura, J., Sareen, J. Correlates of
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a National Sample of Older Adults. Association on
Gerontology Conference, Montreal, QC, December 2010.
Rhodes, C., Hamilton, J., Li, X.-M., Fleisher, W.P. Learning From International
Medical Graduates: An Exploratory Study. The Association for Medical Education in Europe
(AMEE). Glasgow, UK, September 2-3, 2010.
Sareen, J., Belik, S.L., Asmundson, G.J.G., Stein, M.B. Adverse Childhood
Experiences in Relation to Mental Disorders in the Canadian Military. 26th Annual Meeting
of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Montreal PQ, November 4-6, 2010.
Sareen, J., Belik, S.L., Henriksen, C., Asmundson, G.J.G, Afifi, T.O., Stein, M.B.
Childhood Adversity in the Canadian Military. Canadian Academy of Psychiatry
Epidemiology Annual Scientific Symposium, Toronto ON, September 23, 2010.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 15 of 32
Sareen. J., Laforce, J., Adduri, C., Belik, S.L., Whitney, D. Traumatic brain injury
among a treatment-seeking Canadian sample of service members during post-deployment
from Afghanistan. 26th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress
Studies, Montreal PQ, November 4-6, 2010.
Sharkey, R., Gordon, E., Rhodes, C., Fleisher, W.P. Preparing Psychiatry Residents
for Therapeutic Work with Couples and Families in Subsequent Professional Practice.
Canadian Psychiatric Association 50th Annual Scientific Conference, Toronto, ON, September
23-26, 2010.
Steele, M., Davidson, B., Stretch, N., Lipton, N., Zayed, R.S., Spenser, H.R.,
Callanan, T., Ferguson, G., Flynn, B.J., Abidi, S., Doey, T., Liashko, V., Hope-Ross, L., St.
John, K., Zhang, H., Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Wang, J., He, J., Kong, J., Li, X.-M.
Antipsychotics Attenuate Cuprizone-Induced Demyelination Pathology in the Mouse Brain.
Canadian Neuroscience Meeting, Ottawa, ON, May 15-18, 2010.
Steele, M., Davidson, B., Stretch, N., Zayed, R.S., Doey, T., Spenser, H.R., Callanan,
T., St. John, K., Rourke, J., Lipton, H., Hope-Ross, L., Fleisher, W.P., Boman, J., Ferguson,
G., Lazier, L., Abidi, S., Liashko, V., Nadeau, L. Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Needs
and Interests among Family Physicians, General Practitioners and Pediatricians Located in
Rural and Remote Areas. A Canadian National Collaborative Study. Canadian Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 30th Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, September 26-28,
Steele, M., Davidson, B., Stretch, N., Zayed, R.S., Doey, T., Spenser, H.R., Callanan,
T., St. John, K., Rourke, J., Lipton, H., Hope-Ross, L., Fleisher, W.P., Boman, J., Ferguson,
G., Lazier, L., Abidi, S., Liashko, V., Nadeau, L. Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Needs
and Interests Among Family Physicians, General Practitioners and Pediatricians located in
Rural and Remote Areas. A Canadian National Collaborative Study. Society of Rural
Physicians of Canada Conference, Toronto, ON, April 23, 2010.
Wallace, M.G., Campbell, D. W., Modirrousta, M., Sareen, J., Polimeni, J.O.,
McKeen, N. A., Reiss, J. P. So Funny I Forgot to Laugh: The Neural Correlates of Cognitive
Humour Processing. Manitoba Neuroscience Network Meeting, June 14, 2010.
Wallace, M.G., Campbell, D. W., Modirrousta, M., Sareen, J., Polimeni, J.O.,
McKeen, N. A., Reiss, J. P. So Funny I Forgot to Laugh: The Neural Correlates of Cognitive
Humour Processing. Presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience,
San Diego, CA, November 13-17, 2010.
Zhang, H., Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Wang, J., He, J., Kong, J., Li, X.-M. Antipsychotics
Prevent Cuprizone-Induced Myelin/Oligodendrocyte Damage and Cellular Activation in the
Mouse Brain. The International College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology (CINP) XXVII
Congress. Hong Kong, China, July 6-10, 2010.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 16 of 32
Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Wang, L., Zhang, R., Wang, J., Zhu, S., He, J., Kong, J., Li,
X.-M. Quetiapine Promotes Remyelination and Oligodendrocyte Maturation in CuprizoneInduced Demyelination Model. The 60th Canadian Psychiatric Association’s Annual
Conference. Toronto, ON, September 23-26, 2010.
Eighth Annual Faculty Research Forum
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Department of Psychiatry
University of Manitoba
Afifi, T.O. The Relationship Between Intimate partner Violence and Substance Abuse.
Bolton, J. Prescription Rates of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) After
Introduction of Generic Equivalents: A Population-Based Study.
Campbell, D. W. Humour Recognition: It’s No Laughing Matter.
Chochinov, H. M. Health Consequences of Schizophrenia.
Cox, B. J. The Structure of Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms and their Mental
Health Correlates in Wave 2 of the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related
Enns, M. W. Identifying Conflicts of Interest in Research.
Katz, L. Y. Culturally Based, Family-Centered Mental Health Promotion for Aboriginal
Sareen, J. Mental Disorder Diagnosis and Needs for Treatment are not the Same: Findings
from a Prospective Longitudinal Epidemiologic Survey.
Sigurdson, E. What are the Challenges for Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis in their
Transition to Adult Services?
Distinguished Faculty Address
Roy-Byrne, P. University of Washington. CALM: Delivery of Evidence-Based Treatment for
Multiple Anxiety Disorder in Primary Care.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 17 of 32
Invited Addresses (Including Grand Rounds)
Altman, G.
(January 2010)
(February 2010)
(September 2010)
(October 2010)
(November 2010)
(December 2010)
Campbell, D.W.
(May 2010)
(June 2010)
Chochinov, H.M.
(March 2010)
(May 2010)
(June 2010)
(September 2010)
(October 2010)
Anxiety Disorders in Youth. Seven Oaks School Division. Winnipeg,
Anxiety Disorders in Youth. Frontier School Division. Winnipeg, MB.
Anxiety Disorders in Youth. Addictions Foundation of Manitoba.
Winnipeg, MB.
Medications: What’s New, Their Value and Use. Tourette Syndrome
Foundation Canada National Conference. Winnipeg, MB.
Round Table Seminar on Child Psychiatry. Department of Pediatrics,
University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB.
ADHD In Youth and Adults. Continuing Medical Education Day for
Family Physicians, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB.
ADHD: Consequences and Co-Morbid Disorders. Learning Disabilities
Association Annual Conference.
Anxiety Disorders in Youth. Manitoba Catholic Schools Resource
Teachers Association. Winnipeg, MB.
So Funny I Forgot to Laugh: The Neural Correlates of Cognitive
Humour Processing. Annual Interdepartmental Psychology Conference
Research Palooza at the University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB.
Military Personnel with PTSD: Functional MRI Brain Imaging,
Emotional Responses, and Psychotherapy. First Annual Research
Forum of the University of Manitoba Military and Veteran Health
Sciences Research Group. Winnipeg, MB.
Latin American Congress of Palliative Care, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dignity Therapy Training Workshop, Winnipeg, MB.
Measuring Outcomes: Existential and Specific Psychosocial Issues.
The International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS), Quebec City, QC.
Psychopharmacologic Management of Depression, Delirium and
Anxiety in Psycho-Oncology for Non-Psychiatrists. The International
Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS), Quebec City, QC.
Building a Case for Canadian Virtual Hospice in Psychosocial Care.
The International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS), Quebec City, QC.
International Dignity Therapy Training Workshop, Winnipeg, MB.
Dignity for the Frail Old. European Conference, Bergen, Norway.
Depression, Suicide & Hopelessness. 6th Annual Chicago Supportive
Oncology Conference. Chicago, IL.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 18 of 32
(November 2010)
Fleisher, W.
(November 2010)
Katz, L.Y.
(June 2010)
(April 2010)
Li, X.-M.
(November 2010)
(October 2010)
Perlov, J.
(June 2010)
(October 2010)
Prober, M.A.
(June 2010)
(October 2010)
Keynote Address at Palliative Care and Serious Mental
Illness…Making it Work. Department of Veterans Affairs Employee
Education System and Coatesville VAMC. Pennsylvania, VG.
A,B,C,D,’s Of Dignity Conserving Care. 5th Annual Conference on
ALS. Winnipeg, MB.
What’s Dignity Got To Do With It? Considerations for End of Life
Care. Seminar School of Nursing and Midwifery. Dundee, Scotland.
Emotional Intelligence in Medical Education. Health Sciences Forum,
Department of Medical Education, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg,
Adaptations of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Interventions in
the Treatment of Multi-Problem Behaviours. Moncton, NB.
Engaging Suicidal Youth in Treatment. Putting a face to Suicide,
Annual conference in memory of Andrew Dunn. Winnipeg, MB.
Neuroprotective Effects of Atypical Antipsychotics: Implications for the
Treatment of Schizophrenia. Western Canadian Alliance for Research
and Education in Psychiatry (WeCARE) Inaugural Meeting.
Vancouver, BC.
Neuroprotective Effects of Atypical Antipsychotics. Xinjing Hospital,
Neuroprotective Effects of Atypical Antipsychotics: Implications for the
Treatment of Schizophrenia. Heibei North University, ZhangJiaKou,
Neuroprotective Effects of Atypical Antipsychotics: Implications for the
Treatment of Schizophrenia. Beijing Anding Hospital, Beijing, China.
Resident Stress and Distress. Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics,
University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB.
Resident Stress and Distress. Grand Rounds, Department of General
Surgery, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB.
Resident Stress and Distress. Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics,
University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB.
Resident Stress and Distress. Grand Rounds, Department of General
Surgery, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 19 of 32
Walker, J.R.
(October 2010)
(May 2010)
Sareen, J.
(March 2010)
(December 2010)
Open Minds Symposia. Healthy Minds Canada. Winnipeg, MB.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)- Café Scientifique.
Halifax, NL.
Exploring Controversies in Suicide Risk Factors and Suicide
Prevention. Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Pharmacotherapy of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. University of
Toronto Psychopharmacology Workshop, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON.
Integration of Pharmacotherapy with Psychotherapy in the
Management of Anxiety Disorders. Manitoba Psychological
Association workshop.
External Funding (Peer-Reviewed)
Adler, S., Burns, B., Chochinov, H.M. (2007 – 2010). Underserved Women with
Breast Cancer at End of Life. California Breast Cancer Research Program over 3 years
Afifi, T.O., Asmundson, G.J.G., Sareen, J. (2010-2011). Understanding Child
Maltreatment, Intimate Partner Violence, and Substance Use Disorders in a Nationally
Representative Adult Sample. Internal funds from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
(CIHR) Centre for Preventing Violence Across the Lifespan Research Network (PreVAiL).
Alessi-Severini, S., Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J., Enns, M.W. (2009-2010). Use of
Psychotropic Medications in Manitoba: A Population-based Study. Health Sciences Centre
Foundation operating grant. ($19,260.88).
Aoun, C., Oldham, L., Kristjanson, L., Chochinov, H.M. (2009–2012). Dignity
Therapy: A Novel Psychotherapeutic Intervention for Motor Neurone Disease Patients near
the End of Life. Linkage project LP0991305. Motor Neurone Disease Association of Western
Australia. ($78,420).
Belik, S.L., Sareen, J., Enns, M.W., Links, P., Deane, F.P., Gould, M.S., Ramsey, R.,
Bolton, J.M. (2010-2012). Evaluation of a Gatekeeper Training Program as Suicide
Intervention Training for Medical Students. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J., Martens, P., Roos, L., Katz, L.Y., Elias B. (2010-2012).
Consequences of Suicide Bereavement: A Population-Based Study in Manitoba. Canadian
Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($137,296).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 20 of 32
Bolton, J.M. (2009-2011). Risk and Protective Factors for Suicide and Suicidal
Behavior: A Study of Manitoba and Other Populations. Manitoba Health Research Council
Establishment Grant ($99,399).
Bolton, J.M., Alessi-Severini, S., Sareen, J., Enns, M.W. (2009-2010). Use of
Psychotropic Medications in Manitoba: A Population-based Study. Health Sciences Centre
Foundation operating grant ($19,260.88).
Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J., Cox, B.J. (2008-2010). Suicide Attempts in the General
Population: Examining Risk and Protective Factors. Manitoba Health Research Council
Operating Grant. ($61,306).
Campbell, D.W., Reiss, J.P., Sareen, J. (2008-2010). Military Personnel with PTSD:
Functional MRI Brain Imaging, Psychotherapy, and Emotional Responses. Canadian
Institutes of Health Research Regional Partnership Program Operating Grant. ($138,876).
Casiano, H., Belik, S-L., Hildahl, K., Chartier, M., Gilchrist, J., Sareen, J. (20092012). Suicidality, Self-Harm, and Prevention in the Youth Justice Population. Part of the
Reclaiming Hope: Manitoba’s Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy initiative. Manitoba Health
and Healthy Living. ($45,000).
Chan, C.L., Chochinov, H.M., Pang, S.M., Tse, D.M.W., Leung, P.P.Y., Ho, A.H.Y.
(2009–2010). Living and Dying with Dignity: Development of an Empirical Model.
University Grants Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - General
Research Fund. ($321,784).
Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2010). The ABCD’s of Dignity Conserving Care: A Pilot
Dissemination Project. Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. ($500,000).
Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2012). Canadian Virtual Hospice. Winnipeg Regional
Health Authority. ($1,200,000).
Chochinov, H.M. (2010-2017). Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care (Tier I).
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,400,000).
Chochinov, H.M., Breitbart, W., Kristjanson, L., Hack, T., McClement, S., Hassard,
T., Harlos, M. (2004-2010). Dignity Intervention for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients. National
Institute of Health. ($2,070,293.00).
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Harlos, M., Hassard, T., McClement, S.E. (2008- 2011).
National Patient Dignity Inventory Study. National Cancer Institute of Canada. ($446,050).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 21 of 32
Chochinov, H.M., McClement, S., Hack, T., Hassard, T., Harlos, M., Johnston, W.,
Davison, S., Damant, R., Enns, M.W., Strang, D., Ramsey, C., Richman-Eisenstat, J.,
Zacharias, J., Milke, D. (2009-2012). Dignity and Distress across End-of-Life Populations.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($532,908.00).
Chochinov, H.M., McClement, S.E., Hack, T.F., Hassard, T., Thompson, G., Harlos,
M. (2010-2013). The Patient Dignity Questionnaire (PDQ): A Novel Approach to Enhancing
Care for Patients near the End-of-Life. Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute.
Chochinov, H.M., Stienstra, D., Derksen, J. (2010). Towards Inclusive Palliative
Care and Cancer Care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research: Meetings, Planning and
Dissemination Grants: Knowledge Translation Supplement. ($35,850).
Chochinov, H.M., Steinstra, D., Kaufert, J.M., Lutfiyya, Z.M. (2004-2010).
Vulnerable Populations in End of Life Care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Chochinov, H.M., Taylor-Brown, J., Benoit, T., Jardine, C., Cory, S. (2010-2011).
Implementing a Dignity Conserving Care Approach to Improve the Quality of Patient Centred
Care at CancerCare Manitoba. CancerCare Manitoba Foundation.($30,000).
Cox, B.J. (2006-2011). Canada Research Chair in Mood and Anxiety Disorders.
Government of Canada. ($500,000).
Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J. (2006-2011). Psycho Social Determinants of
Anxiety Disorders and Depression in the 10-Year Follow-Up of the National Comorbidity
Survey Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($101,212).
Cox, B.J., Sareen, J., Asmundson, G.J.G., Enns M.W. (2006-2011) Longitudinal
Study of Psychological Determinants of Trauma-Related Emotional Distress in a
Representative Community-Based Sample. Social Sciences and Health Research Council.
Distasio, J. (PI), Sareen, J. (Co-PI), Thomson, M., Bruce, L., Mulligan, S., Martens,
P., Smith, M., Belik, S.L., Isaak, C., Katz, L.Y., Bolton, J.M., Enns, M.W., Elias, B. (20092013). Research Demonstration Project in Homelessness and Mental Health (Winnipeg).
Mental Health Commission of Canada. ($3,750,000).
Dumont, S., Jacobs, P., Villeneuve, P., Burge, F., Johnston, G., Chochinov, H.M.
(2008-2011). Palliative Care in Canada II: The Economic Perspective in Rural Areas
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($339,666.00).
Elias, B. Cox, B.J., Mignone, J., O’Neil, J.D., Sareen, J. (2006-2010). The Social
Environment and the Health of First Nations Women and Men. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research. ($419,745).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 22 of 32
Gagnon, P., Aubin, M., Chochinov, H.M., Dumont, S., Fillion, L., Pereira, J. L.
(2004-2010). Developing, Evaluating and Implementing New Interventions in Palliative Care.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,395,000).
Gagnon, P., Filion, L., Blais, M., Aubin, M., Henry, M., Chochinov, H.M. (20082011). Creating Meaning Following a Cancer. National Cancer Institute of Canada.
Hall, S., Higginson, I., Murray, S., Chochinov, H.M., Harding, R., Richardson, A.
(2008-2010). Dignity Therapy for Older People in Care Homes: Assessing Potential
Effectiveness, Feasibility, and Acceptability. Dunhill Medical Trust (UK). ($207,566).
He, J., Li, X.-M., Kong, J., Goertzen, A.L., Mzengeza, S. (2010-2011). The
Therapeutic Effects of Fluoxetine On Memory Impairment and Brain Pathology in a
Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Health Science Centre Foundation.
Katz, L.Y., Roos, N., Brownell, M., Martens, P., Enns, M.W., Kozyrskyj, A., Elias,
B., Sareen, J. (2009-2010). Morbidity and Mortality of Children and Adolescents in the Child
Welfare System. Co-funded by Winnipeg Foundation and the Health Sciences Centre
Foundation. ($33,900).
Kirmayer, L.J., Wien, F.C., Fletcher, C., Tousignant, M., Fiske, J., Lalonde, C.,
Macaulay, A., McCormick, R., Adelson, N., Williamson, K.J., Burack, J., Haggarty, J.M.,
Iarocci, G., Dell, C.A., Wien, F.C., Elias, B., Dandeneau, S., Doxtater, M., Sareen, J., Gill,
K., Chandler, M., Tanner, A., Trocmé, N., Waldram, J. (2010-2012). Network for Aboriginal
Mental Health Research. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($967,960).
Li, X-M. (2008-2011). Neuroprotective Effects & New Mechanisms of Action of
Antidepressants and Atypical Antipsychotics. Manitoba Health Research Council
Establishment Grant. ($100,000).
Li, X-M., Kong, J. (2008-2010). Testing the Demyelination Hypothesis of
Schizophrenia. Canadian Institutes of Health Research Regional Partnership Program Grant.
Li, X.-M., Kong, J., Cui, M. (2010-2013). Posttranslational Oxidative Modification of
SOD1 as a Mechanism of Motor Neuron Death in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Canadian
Institutes for Health Research: China-Canada Join Initiative. ($150,000).
Li, X.-M., Kong, J., He, J., Martin, M. (2010-2011). Oligodendrocyte Dysfunction as
a Mechanism of Schizophrenia and a Target for Treatment. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research-Bridge Funding. ($100,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 23 of 32
Li, X-M., Kong, J., Martin, M. (2009-2010). Therapeutic Mechanisms of
Antipsychotics in Animal Models of Schizophrenia. Health Sciences Centre Foundation
Operating Grant. ($32,500).
Li, X.-M., Zhang, D. (2010-2013). CIHR Team in Scizophrenia. A Systematic Study of
the Role of Oligodendrocytes in Schizophrenia from Bench to Bedside. Canadian Institutes for
Health Research: The Ministry of Science and Technology China (MOST)-Canada (CIHR)
Collaborative Teams in Health Research. ($500,000).
Lindqvist, O., Tishelman, C., Rasmussen, B., Furst, C., Salander, P., Olsson, M.,
Josephsson, S., Chochinov, H.M., Groenvold, M. (2009–2011). To Support the Individual’s
Sense of Dignity, Meaning and Well-Being at the End-of-Life: An Intervention for Patients
and their Relatives. Cancer and Traffic Injury Fund. ($15,000). Cancer Research Foundation
in Northern Sweden. ($15,000).
MacMillan, H., Boyle, M., Coben, J., Herrman, H., Stewart, D., Wathen, C., Afifi,
T.O., Barata, P., Chandra, P., Collin-Vezina, D., Debellis, M., Desmueles, M., DiazGranados, N., Dudding, P., Erickson, P., Feder, G., Ford-Gilboe, M., Gonzalez, A.
Hegadoren, K., Hegarty, K., Helweg-Larsen, K., Jack, S., Jenkins, R., Kastrup, M., Kothari,
A., McKee, S., Olds, D., Oliffe, J., Sareen, J., Schmidt, L., Tonmyr, L., Trocme, N.,
Waddell, C., Wekerle, C. (2009-2014). Centre for Research Development in Gender, Mental
Health and Violence Across the Lifespan. Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
McClement, S., Chochinov, H.M. (2010). Dignity Therapy Educational Workshop
Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Grant: Knowledge Translation Events May 14-16,
2010. Canadian Institutes of Health Research.( $15,000).
McClement, S., Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Hassard, T., Harlos, M., Thompson, G.,
Murray, A., Hagen, N., Sinclair, S., Stiles, C. (2009-2010). Assessing the Relevance of the
Patient Dignity Inventory in Identifying Distress and Influencing Clinical Care in Palliative
Care, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Cancer Research. ($100,000).
McMain, S., Cardish, R. Guimond, T., Links, P., Streiner, D., Burckell, L., Chapman,
A., Hibbard, D., Katz, L.Y., Korzekwa, M., Mercer, D., Paris, J., Webb, S. (2010-2011).
Rethinking Borderline Personality Disorders: Developing a Framework for a National
Education Network. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($14,806).
Mills, R.S., Hastings, P.D., Serbin, L.A., Abela, J.R., Coplan, R.A., Cox, B.J., and 7
other Co-applicants. (2005-2010). Harnessing and Extending Canadian Developmental
Trajectories Research on Early Emerging Internalizing Problems. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research. ($742,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 24 of 32
Modirrousta, M., Campbell, D.W., Enns, M.W., Krcek, J., Mansouri, B., Sareen, J.,
Wilkinson, M. (2010). The Efficacy of rTMS in Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,
A Pilot Study. Manitoba Medical Service Foundation. ($25,000).
Sareen, J. (2006-2011). Mental Health Sequelae of Peacekeeping Operations and
Correlates of Perceived Need for Mental Health Services in a Large Population-Based Survey
of Canadian Military Personnel. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. New Investigator
Award. ($275,000).
Sareen, J. (2009-2014). Population-Based Studies of Military Mental Health and
Aboriginal Suicide. Manitoba Health Research Council Chair Award. ($500,000).
Sareen, J., Asmundson, G.J., Wang, J.L., Cox, B.J. (2008-2010). Work Stress and
Child Adversity in Relation to Mental Disorders and Suicidality Among Soldiers: Analysis of
a Large Population Based sample. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($120,000).
Sareen, J., Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., O’Neil, J., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., Cook, C. (20072012). From Risk Factors to Culturally-Sensitive Interventions: A Programmatic Approach to
Aboriginal Suicide. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,222,141).
Stenekes, S., Harlos, M., Ens, C., Brown, D., Chochinov, H.M., Kuling, S. (2009 –
2010). Perinatal Palliative Care: Measuring the Impact of Manitoba's Pediatric Symptom
Management and Palliative Care Service (PPCS). Innovation Fund in Children's Palliative
Care Research Competition 2009. ($4,015).
Walker, J.R., Westra, H., Phipps, D.J., Swinson, R.P., Furer, P.T., Cunningham, C.,
Marcus, M., Sareen, J., Rose-Krasnor, L., Eastwood, J. (2008-2013). Pathways to Mental
Health Treatment: Mobilizing Knowledge to Inform Consumer Decision Making, Advocacy
and Access. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,500,000).
Walker, J.R., Sareen, J., Furer, P., Kutcher, S., Charette, G., Martens, P., Feldgaier,
S., Altman, G., Sielski B. (2010). Knowledge Synthesis Grant. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research. ($100,000).
Wang, J.L., Patten, S.B., Schmitz, N.B., Sareen, J. (2008-2011). Perceived Needs and
Utilization of Workplace Mental Health Accommodations among Workers with Depressive
and Anxiety Disorders. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($190,035).
Wang, J., Patten, S., Smailes, E., Fick, G., Sareen, J. (2007-2011). A PopulationBased Longitudinal Study of Work and Health. Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Wien, F.C., Fletcher, C., Tousignant, M., Fiske, J., Lalonde, C., Macaulay, A.,
McCormick, R., Adelson, N., Williamson, K.J., Burack, J., Haggarty, J.M., Iarocci, G., Dell,
C.A., Kirmayer, L., Elias, B., Dandeneau, S., Doxtater, M., Sareen, J., Gill, K., Chandler, M.,
Tanner, A., Trocmé, N.,, Waldram, J. (2010-2013). Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Network Environments for Aboriginal Health Research. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research. ($9,297,961).
External Funding (Other Sources)
Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2012). Canadian Virtual Hospice, Canadian Partnerships
Against Cancer. ($300,000/annum).
Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2012). Canadian Virtual Hospice, Winnipeg Regional Health
Authority. ($300,000/annum).
Chochinov, H.M. (2004-2010). Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit Infrastructure
Funding, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. ($50,000/annum).
Chochinov, H.M. (2009-2010). Palliative Care Research Unit, CancerCare Manitoba
Foundation. ($78,500).
Chochinov, H.M. (2009-2010). Palliative Care Research Unit, CancerCare Manitoba
Foundation. ($13,500).
Li, X-M. (2006-2011). Depression and Anxiety Disorders Research Program
Partnership. University of Saskatchewan, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Institute of
Neurosciences (Mental Health and Addiction), Royal University of Hospital Foundation,
Saskatchewan Schizophrenia Research Foundation Inc., AstraZeneca Canada. ($780,000).
Li, X.-M. (2008-2013). Oligodendrocyte Dysfunction as a Mechanism of
Schizophrenia. AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Investigator-Sponsored Research Award.
Li, X.-M. (2010-2012). Therapeutic Potentials of Desvenlafaxine in Depression.
Pfizer Canada Inc. Investigator Initiated Research Award. ($252,473).
Sareen, J., Isaak, C., Belik, S.L., Horner, V., Enns, M.W., Elias, B., Deane, F.,
Ramsey, R., Munro, G., Stein, M.B., Katz, L.Y.& The Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention
Team. (2009-2010). Improving the Capacity of Cree Community Members to Recognize
Youth at Risk for Suicide: A Culturally Grounded Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.
Royal Bank of Canada. ($20,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Editorships, Guest Editors, Memberships
on Journal Editorial Boards
Chochinov, H.M.
Palliative and Supportive Care
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Journal of Palliative Care
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Supportive Cancer Therapy
Supportive Oncology
Cox, B.J.
Editorial Advisory Board, Health Reports, Health Canada
Behaviour Research and Therapy
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
Doctor’s Monthly (published by Mental Health Canada)
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy
Personality and Individual Differences
Psychiatry Research
Enns, M.W.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Fleisher, W.
Editor- Departmental Research Annual Report, Department of Medical Education, University
of Manitoba
Katz, L.Y.
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Sareen, J.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Depression and Anxiety
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Fifteenth Annual Resident Research Day Presentations
June 10th, 2010
Anang, P., Gordon, E., Fleisher, W.P. The gift You Cannot Return: A Case Study and
Critical Literature Review on Inter-Spousal Living Kidney Donation. University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
Anderson, E., Fleisher, W.P. The Impact of Influential Factors on the Choice of
Psychiatry as a Career: A Literature Review. University of Manitoba, Department of
Czaplinski, P., Sareen, J. Medical Trainee Distress: Development of a Survey.
Hawe, R., Balachandra, B., Sareen, J. Impulse Control Disorder Resulting in Severe
Ocular Injury- A Case Report and Review of the Literature. University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
Lazareck, S. Campbell, B., Hobson, D. Depression, Apathy, and Irritability in Patients
with Parkinson’s Disease.
MacLean, J., Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J. The Relationship between Physical Conditions
and Suicidal Behaviour Among Those with Mood Disorders University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
Modirrousta, M., Campbell, D.W., Sareen, J. Humour Appreciation Linked to the
Brain Reward System- Is This a Joke? University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Nepon, J., Bolton, J.M., Belik, S.-M., Sareen, J. The Relationship Between Anxiety
Disorders and Suicide Attempts: Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on
Alcohol and Related Conditions. University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Sharkey, R., Gordon, E., Rhodes, C., Fleisher, W. Preparation for Psychiatry
Residents for Work with Couples and Families in Later Practice. University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
Internal Distinguished Faculty
Bolton, J.M. Young Investigators in Psychiatry: We Want You!. University of
Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
External Distinguished Faculty (University of Regina)
Asmundson, G.J.G. PTSD and Chronic Pain: A Short History and State-of-the-Art.
University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Reviewing Activities for
Journals; Granting Councils, Conferences or Universities
Afifi, T.O.
Archives of General Psychiatry
BioMed Central Public Health Review
Canadian Journal of Public Health
Challenges, Child Abuse & Neglect
Depression and Anxiety
Journal of Gambling Studies
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Bolton, J.M.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of Personality Disorders
European Psychiatry
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Public, Community and Population Health (PH1)
committee, reviewer of operating grant applications
Manitoba Health Research Council. Social/Population Health Committee. Reviewer of trainee
grant applications, operating grant applications and salary support award applications
Health Sciences Centre Foundation. Reviewer of operating grant applications
Bolton, S-L.
Medical Education
Depression & Anxiety
American Journal of Public Health
Campbell, D.W.
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
Infant Behavior and Development
BSc Medicine Research Projects, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Chochinov, H.M.
Archives of General Psychiatry
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
British Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Psycho-Oncology
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of the American Medical Association
Quality of Life Research
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Social Science and Medicine
Oxford University Press
College of Reviewers for the New Opportunities Fund, Canadian Institute of Health Research
College of Reviewers for the New Opportunities Fund- Canadian Foundation for Innovation
Associated Medical Services Incorporated Educational Fellowship in Care at End of Life
Cox, B.J.
Depression and Anxiety
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Internal CIHR grant reviewer, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Enns, M.W.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health
Katz, L.Y.
Journal of Personality Disorders
Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention
Li, X-M.
Council-Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)
Canada-China Health Research, Strategic Team Grant
Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA)
Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship
American Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of Neurochemistry
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Brain Research
Mota, N.
Archives of General Psychiatry
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Sareen, J.
Archives of General Psychiatry
Psychosomatic Medicine
British Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of Affective Disorders
General Hospital Psychiatry
Ontario Mental Health Research Foundation
Canadian Psychiatric Association Science and Research Committee
Anxiety Disorder Association of American, Poster Review Committee
Anxiety Disorder Association of American Scientific Advisory Board
Spiwak, R.
Journal of Affective Disorders
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Faculty Awards
Afifi, T.O.
Brain Star Award from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Bolton, J.M.
Award for Teaching Excellence- Nominee, University of Manitoba
Chochinov, H.M.
Honorary Professor in the Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Health and Science Communications Association, Boston, MS, Silver Award,
The Canadian Virtual Hospice
CAPO Lifetime Achievement Award
IPOS Bernard Fox Memorial Award
Li, X-M.
Honorary President, Changchun Psychiatry Hospital, Changchun, China
Resident Awards
Anang, P. (PGY-2)
Gustavo Lage Award for a Psychotherapy Related Paper, resident research award
Czaplinski, P. (PGY-2)
Participation Award, Department of Psychiatry resident research award
Hawe, R. (PGY-5)
Best Case Report and Literature Review, Department of Psychiatry resident research award
Jenkins, K. (PGY-5)
Award of Excellence for PGY5, Department of Psychiatry resident award
Lazareck, S. (PGY-3)
Participation Award, Department of Psychiatry resident research award
MacLean, J. (PGY-1)
The Sheps Award, resident research award.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Modirrousta, M. (PGY-3)
Association of Chairs of Psychiatry in Canada (ACPC) Resident Research Award
APA Research Colloquium for Junior Investigators Award
Best paper, Department of Psychiatry resident research award
Best presentation, Department of Psychiatry resident research award
Nepon, J. (PGY-2)
Best Published Peer Reviewed Paper, Department of Psychiatry resident research award
Sharkey, R. (PGY-4).
MATC Award (Best Child & Adolescent Paper), resident research award.
Presenter - Dr. Keith Hildahl
Chartrand, H.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Frederick Banting and Charles Best (CGS)
Canada Graduate Scholarship Master’s Research Award, (2010).
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Health Professional Student Research Award,
(2010), University of Manitoba.
Bolton, S-L.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada
Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Research Award, (2008-2011).
Kinley, D.J.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship, (2010).
El-Gabalawy, R.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, (2010).
Jack MacDonell Scholarship for Research in Aging, (2010).
Esther and Samuel Milmot Scholarship, (2010).
Manitoba Graduate Scholarship, (2010), University of Manitoba.
Statistics Canada Research Data Centre Graduate Research Award, (2010).
University of Manitoba Employees Scholarship, (2010), University of Manitoba.
Canadian Association on Gerontology Travel Grant, (2010).
Mota, N.
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention Student Research Award, (2010).
Alumni Clinical Psychology Student Research Award, (2010).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Spiwak, R.
Faculty of Medicine Top-Up Award, (2010), University of Manitoba.
Faculty of Graduate Studies Top-Up Award, (2010), University of Manitoba.
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Doctoral Scholarship, (2009-2012), Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
Western Regional Training Centre for Health Services Research Award, (2009-2011).
Zhu, S.
Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) Graduate Fellowship, (2008-2010).
Fly UP