
2009 Research Report The University of Manitoba

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2009 Research Report The University of Manitoba
The University of Manitoba
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
University of Manitoba Department of Psychiatry Research Report
It is our pleasure to write this twelfth annual Department of Psychiatry Research
Report. The research productivity in the department continues to expand to the highest levels
in the history of the department. The substantial number of peer-reviewed publications (over
70) in international journals demonstrates the excellence of the research being conducted in
the department.
The Annual Resident Research Day and the Annual Faculty Research Forum showcases the
scholarly activities of residents and faculty, respectively. Visiting Distinguished Faculty
members are invited to each of these events to provide critical and constructive feedback to
presenters. Annually, the visiting faculty comment on the cohesive, positive environment
within our department that facilitates the mentorship of residents, junior faculty and graduate
Specific highlights of 2009 include the department of psychiatry collaborating with the
University of Winnipeg in the Mental Health Commission of Canada Homelessness project.
This project is the largest randomized controlled trial ever conducted in Canada ($110
million) involving five major cities in Canada. It aims to test novel approaches to helping
individuals who are homeless and mentally ill. Finally, many of the faculty members (Drs.
Bolton, Chochinov, Cox, and Sareen) have been nominated or won local, national and
international awards for excellence in research and teaching.
We thank all faculty members, residents and graduate students for their hard work in 2009.
Please note that more information about research (investigators, research forums, etc.) is
available on the Department of Psychiatry Research web site:
Jitender Sareen, MD, FRCPC
Director of Research
Associate Professor
May 2010
Murray W. Enns, MD, FRCPC
Professor and Head
Table of Contents
1. Chapters in Books .........................................................................................................
2. Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals ...............................................................
3. Invited Publications, Letters to Editor, Book Reviews ................................................. 12
4. Papers, Symposiums, or Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences .......................... 13
5. Seventh Annual Faculty Research Forum ..................................................................... 19
6. Invited Addresses (including Grand Rounds) ............................................................... 20
7. External Funding (Peer-Reviewed) ............................................................................... 24
8. External Funding (Other Sources) ................................................................................ 29
9. Editorships, Guest Editors, Memberships on Journal Editorial Boards ........................ 30
10. Fourteenth Annual Research Resident Day .................................................................. 31
11. Reviewing Activities for Journals, Granting Councils, Conferences, or Universities .. 33
12. Faculty Awards ............................................................................................................. 36
13. Resident Awards ........................................................................................................... 37
14. Graduate Student Awards ............................................................................................. 39
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Research Report
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Chapters in Books
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J. & Sareen, J. (In Press). Anxiety Disorders in Canada. In D.
Streiner & J. Cairney (Eds.), Mental Disorders in Canada: An Epidemiologic Perspective.
Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, Chapter Six.
Afifi, T.O., Asmundson, G.J.G. & Sareen, J. (2009). Epidemiology of Traumatic
Events and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In D.J. Nutt, M.B. Stein & J. Zohar (Eds.), PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Second Edition. New York, NY: Informa Healthcare, Inc.
Chapter Two, pp 12-24.
Belik, S.L., Sareen, J. & Stein, M.B. (2009). Anxiety Disorders and Physical
Comorbidity (Chapter 46). In MM Antony & MB Stein (Eds), Oxford Handbook of Anxiety
and Related Disorders. New York: Oxford University Press, pp 596-610.
Chochinov, H.M. & Breitbart, W. (2009). Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative
Medicine, Second Edition New York: Oxford University Press.
El-Gabalawy, R., Asmundson, G.J.G, & Sareen, J. (In Press). Suicide and Chronic
Pain. In M. Pompili & L. Berman (Eds.) Suicide Rick and Physical Illness: American
Association of Suicidology.
Johnston, B.M. & Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). The Therapeutic Implications of
Dignity in Palliative Care. Emanuel, LL. & Librach, SL (Eds.). Palliative Care: Core Skills
and Clinical Competencies; 2nd edition.
Michel, P.O., Thoresen, S., Sareen, J., Belik, S.L. & Mehlum L. (2009). Suicidal
Behavior Among Peacekeepers: An International Perspective (Chapter 1). In L Sher and A
Vilens (Eds), Suicide in the Military. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.
McClement, S.E. & Chochinov, H.M.. (In Press). Spiritual Issues in Palliative Care.
Oxford Text of Palliative Medicine. 4th ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
McClement, S.E. & Chochinov, H.M. (2009). Depression. In Walsh TD, et al. (Eds).
Palliative Medicine. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; pp 865-871.
Thompson, G., Ens, C. & Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Patient Centered Supportive
and Palliative Care. In Elwood, M, Sutcliffe, S (Eds). Cancer Control. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, Chapter 14.
Thompson, G. & Chochinov, H.M. (2009). Palliative Care: Special Considerations
for Older Adults with Cancer. In Hurria, A., Balcucci, I (Eds). Geriatric Oncology. New
York: Springer, pp. 293-324
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Wilson, K., Lander, M. & Chochinov, H.M. (2009) Diagnosis and Management of
Depression in Palliative Care. In Breitbart, W (Eds). Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative
Medicine, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 4.
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Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Afifi, T.O., Boman, J., Fleisher, W. & Sareen, J. (2009). The Relationship between
Child Abuse, Parental Divorce, and Lifetime Mental Disorders and Suicidality in a Nationally
Representative Adult Sample. Child Abuse & Neglect, 33, 139-147.
Afifi, T.O., Brownridge, D.A., MacMillan, H. & Sareen, J. (In Press). The
Relationship of Gambling to Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment in a
Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Martens, P.J., Sareen, J. & Enns, M.W. (In Press). The
Relationship between Types and Frequency of Gambling Activities and Problem Gambling
Among Women in Canada. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Martens, P.J., Sareen, J. & Enns, M.W. (In Press). The
Relationship between Problem Gambling and Mental and Physical Health Outcomes Among a
Nationally Representative Sample of Canadian Women. Canadian Journal of Public Health.
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Martens, P.J., Sareen, J. & Enns, M.W. (In Press).
Demographic and Social Variables Associated with Problem Gambling Among Men and
Women in Canada, Psychiatry Research.
Afifi, T.O., MacMillan, H., Cox, B.J., Asmundson, G. J.G., Stein, M.B. & Sareen, J.
(2009). Mental Health Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence in a Nationally Representative
Sample of Males and Females. The Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 24, 1398-1417.
Altman, G., Staley, J. & Wener, P. (2009) Children With Tourette Disorder- A
Follow-Up Study in Adulthood. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(5):305-10.
Belik, S.L., Stein, M.B., Asmundson, G.J.G. & Sareen, J. (2009). Relationship
between Traumatic Events and Suicide Attempts in Canadian Military Personnel. Canadian
Journal of Psychiatry, 54:93-104.
Bi, X., Yan, B., Fang, S., He, J., Kong, J. & Li X-M. (2009). Quetiapine Regulates
Neurogenesis in Ischemic Mice by Inhibiting NF-kappa β p65/p50 Expression. Neurological
Research 31(2):159-166.
Bolton, J.M., Pagura, J., Enns, M.W., Grant, B.F., Sareen, J. (In Press). A
Population-Based Longitudinal Study of Risk Factors for Suicide Attempts in Major
Depressive Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Bolton, J.M., Robinson, J. & Sareen J. (2009). Self-medication of Mood Disorders
with Alcohol and Drugs in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
Conditions. Journal of Affective Disorders, 115(3):367-75.
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Campbell, D.W., Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Kravetsky, L.B., Paulus, M.P., Hassard,
S.T. & Reiss, J.P. (2009). Happy But Not So Approachable: The Social Judgments of
Individuals with Generalized Social Phobia. Depression and Anxiety, 26(5): 419-24.
Cao, X., Rui, L.W., Pennington, P.R., Chlan-Fourney, J., Jiang, Z.J., Wei, ZL., Li, XM., Emondson, D.E., & Mousseau, D.D. (2009). Serine 209 Resides Within a Putative
p38(MAPK) Consensus Motif and Regulates Monoamine Oxidase-A Activity. Journal of
Neurochemistry, 111(1):101-110.
Cao, X., Li, X-M., & Mousseau, D.D. (2009). Calcium Alters Monoamine Oxidase-A
Parameters in Human Cerebellar and Rat Glial C6 Cell Extracts: Possible Influence by
Distinct Signalling Pathways. Life Sci. 85:262-8.
Casiano, H., Mota, N., Afifi, T.O., Enns, M.W. & Sareen, J. (2009). Childhood
Maltreatment in Relation to Threats Made with a Weapon in a Nationally Representative
Sample. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197, 856-861.
Chan, M-K., Berrington, N.R., & Fleisher, W. (2009) A New Collaborative Health
Care Model – A University of Manitoba Initiative for the Development of a Physician
Assistant Education Program in Canada. Medical Education, 43(Suppl.1):22.
Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Humility and the Practice of Medicine. Canadian
Medical Association Journal.
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Hassard, T., McClement, S.E., Kristjanson, L., Harlos,
M., Murray, A. & Sinclair, S. (2009). The Landscape of Distress in the Terminally Ill,
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 38, 641-649.
Chochinov, H.M. (2009). The Culture of Research in Palliative Care: You Probably
Think this Song is About You. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 12(3): 215-7.
Chochinov, H.M. (2009). Dignidad y la esencia de la medicina: el A, B, C y D del
cuidado centrado en la dignidad. (translated into Spanish by Carolina Casañas i Comabella)
Medicina Palliativa, 16:2.
Chochinov, H.M. & Martens, P. (2009). Does a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Reduce
Rates of Mammography Screening? A Manitoba Population-Based Study. Schizophrenia
Research. Aug, 113(1): 95-100.
Chou, K.L., Mackenzie, C.M., Liang, K. & Sareen, J. (In Press). Three-year
Incidence and Predictors of First Onset of DSM-IV Mood, Anxiety and Substance Use
Disorders in Older Adults: Wave 2 National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related
Conditions. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
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Cox, B.J., Clara, I.P., Hills, A. & Sareen, J. (2009). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
and the Underlying Structure of Anxiety Disorders in a Nationally Representative Sample:
Confirmatory Factor Analytic Findings from the German Health Survey. Journal of Anxiety
Disorders, 24(1):30-3.
Clarke, S., Chan, M-K., Hamilton, J. & Fleisher, W. (2009) With Ten Miles Behind
Us (and Ten Thousand More to go): Lessons Learned at the University of Manitoba Physician
Assistant Education Program. Medical Education, 43(Suppl.1):22.
El-Gaaly, S., St. John, P., Dunsmore, S. & Bolton, J.M.. (2009) Atypical Neuroleptic
Malignant Syndrome with Quetiapine: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Journal
of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 29(5):497-9.
El-Gabalawy, R., Cox, B.J., Clara, I. & Mackenzie, C. S. (In Press). Assessing the
Validity of Social Anxiety Disorder Subtypes Using a Nationally Representative Sample.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Goodwin, R.D., Pagura, J., Cox, B.J. & Sareen, J. (In Press). Asthma and Mental
Disorders Among Adults in Canada: Impact on Functional Impairment and Mental Health
Service Use. Journal of Psychosomatic Research.
Hall, S., Chochinov, H.M., Richard, H., Murray, S., Richardson, A. & Higginson,
I.A. (2009). Phase II Randomized Control Trial Assessing the Acceptability and Potential
Effectiveness of Dignity Therapy for Older People in Care Homes: Study Protocol. BMC
Geriatrics. 9:9.
Hall, S., Edwards, P., Richard, H., Chochinov, H.M. & Higginson, I. (2009).
Assessing the Feasibility, Acceptability and Potential Effectiveness of Dignity Therapy for
People with Advanced Cancer Referred to a Hospital-Based Palliative Care Team: Study
Protocol BMC Cancer Palliative Care, 8:5.
Hamilton, J., Fleisher, W., Dumatol-Sanchez, J., Li, X-M. & Chan, M-K. (2009)
International Medical Graduates: Strength in Diversity. Medical Education, (Suppl.1):42-3.
He, J., Kong, J., Tan, Q., Li, X. & Li, X-M. (2009). Neuroprotective Effect of
Atypical Antipsychotics in Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Behavioral impairment in animal
models. Cell Adhesion & Migration 3(1):129-137.
He, J., Luo, H., Yan, B., Yu, Y., Wang, H., Wei, Z., Zhang, Y., Xu, H., Tempier, A.,
Li, X. & Li, X-M. (2009). Beneficial effects of quetiapine in a transgenic mouse model of
Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 30(8):1205-1216.
Hills, A.L., Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Bienvenu, J. & Sareen, J. (2009). Externalizing
Psychopathology and Risk for Suicide Attempts: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Findings
from the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area Survey. The Journal of Nervous and
Mental Disease, 197:293-297.
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Isaak, C.A., Campeau, M., Katz, L.Y., Enns, M.W., Elias, B., Sareen, J. & the
Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. (2009). Community-Based Suicide Prevention
Research in Remote On-Reserve First Nations Communities. International Journal of Mental
Health and Addiction. DOI 10.1007/sl1469-009-9250-0.
Isaac, M., Elias, B., Deane, F.P., Belik, S.L., Katz, L.Y., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J &
Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. (2009). Gatekeeper Training as a Preventative
Intervention for Suicide: A Systematic Review. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 54:260-268.
Jagdeo, A., Cox, B.J., Stein, M.B. & Sareen, J. (2009). Negative Attitudes toward
Help Seeking for Mental Illness in Two Population-Based Surveys from the United States and
Canada. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 54(11): 757-66.
Katz, L.Y., Fotti, S., & Postl, L. (2009). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and
Dialectical BehaviorTherapy; Adaptations Required to Treat Adolescents. Psychiatric Clinics
of North America, 32(1):95-109
Kinley, D.J., Walker, J.R., Mackenzie, C. & Sareen, J. (In Press). Panic Attacks and
Panic Disorder in a Population-Based Sample of Active Military Personnel. Journal of
Clinical Psychiatry.
Kinley, D.J., Cox, B.J., Clara, I., Goodwin, R. & Sareen, J. (2009). Panic attacks and
quality of life in Canadians: Results from a nationally Representative Sample. Canadian
Journal of Psychiatry, 54(2):113-122.
Klassen, L.J., Katzman, M., & Chokka, P. (In Press). Adult ADHD and its
comorbidities, with a focus on bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders.
Leeies, M., Pagura, J., Sareen, J. & Bolton, J.M. (In Press). Self-Medication of
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample. Depression
and Anxiety.
Martens, P. & Chochinov, H.M. (2009). Are cervical cancer screening rates different
for women with schizophrenia? A Manitoba population-based study. Schizophrenia Research.
Mather, A.A., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W. & Sareen, J. (2009). Associations of obesity
with psychiatric disorders and suicidal behaviors in a nationally representative sample.
Psychosomatic Research, 66(4): 277-285.
McGrath, R.J., Cumming, G.F., Burchard, B.L., Zeoli, S. & Ellerby, L. (2009).
Current Practices and Emerging Trends in Sexual Abuser Management: The Safer Society
2009 North American Survey Brandon Vermont. Safer Society Press.
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McMillan, K., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J. & Sareen J. (2009). Comorbidity of Axis I and
II Mental Disorder with Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders: Findings from the National
Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry,
54(7): 477-86.
McMillan, K., Enns, M.W., Asmundson, G.J.G. & Sareen, J. (In Press). The
Association between Income and Distress, Mental Disorders, and Suicidality: Findings from
the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiologic Survey. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
Mota, N., Burnett, M. & Sareen, J. (In Press). The Association between Abortion,
Mental Disorders and Suicidal Behavior. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Mota, N., Cox, B.J., Katz, L.Y. & Sareen J. (In Press). Relationship between Mental
Disorders/Suicidality and Three Sexual Behaviors: Results from the National Comorbidity
Survey Replication. Archives of Sexual Behavior 2009; Feb.14: epub ahead of print.
Nepon, J., Belik, S.L., Bolton, J.M. & Sareen, J. (In Press). The Relationship
between Anxiety Disorders and Suicide Attempts: Findings from the National Epidemiologic
Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Depression and Anxiety.
Nepon, J., Fotti, S., Katz, L.Y., Sareen, J. & Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team
(2009). Canadian Psychiatric Association Position Paper: Media Guidelines for Reporting
Suicide. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Pagura, J., Fotti, S., Katz, L.Y., Sareen, J. & Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team
(2009). Help-seeking and Perceived need for Mental Health Care Among Individuals in
Canada with Suicidal Behaviors. Psychiatric Services, 60(7), 943-949.
Polimeni, J.O., Campbell, D.W., Gill, D., Sawatzky, B.L. & Reiss, J.P. (In Press).
Diminished Humour Perception in Schizophrenia: Relationship to Social and Cognitive
Functioning. Journal of Psychiatry Research.
Puchalski, C., Ferrell, B., Virani, R., Otis-Green, S., Baird, P., Bull, J., Chochinov,
H.M., Handzo, G., Nelson-Becker, H., Prince-Paul, M., Pugliese, K. & Sulmasy, D. (2009).
Improving the quality of spiritual care as a dimension of palliative care: the report of the
Consensus Conference. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 12(10):885-904.
Ramsawh, H., Stein, M.B., Belik, S.L., Jacobi, F. & Sareen, J. (2009). Relationship of
Anxiety Disorders to Sleep Disturbance in the Community. Journal of Psychiatric Research,
Rasic, D.T., Belik, S.L., Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J & Swampy
Cree Suicide Prevention Team. (2009). Spirituality, Religion and Suicidal Behavior in a
Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, 114:32-40.
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Ratcliffe, G., Enns, M.W., Jacobi, F., Belik, S.L. & Sareen, J. (2009). The
Relationship between Migraine and Mental Disorders in a Population-Based Sample. General
Hospital Psychiatry, 31:14-19.
Robinson, J., Sareen, J., Cox, B.J. & Bolton, J.M. (2009). Self-medication of
Anxiety Disorders with Alcohol and Drugs: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23(1):38-45.
Robinson, J., Sareen, J., Cox, B.J. & Bolton, J.M. (2009). Correlates of SelfMedication for Anxiety Disorders: Results from the National Epidemiolgic Survey on
Alcohol and Related Conditions. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(12):873-8.
Sareen, J., Belik, S-L., Asmundson, G.J.G. & Stein, M.B. (In Press). Correlates of
Perceived Need for Mental Health Care in Active Military Care. Psychiatric Services.
Sareen, J., Pagura, J. & Grant, B.F. (2009). Is Intimate Partner Violence Associated
with HIV Infection among Women in the United States? General Hospital Psychiatry, 31(3);
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Thorensen, S., Belik, S.L., Zamorski, M. & Asmundson
G.J.G. (In Press). Is Peacekeeping Peaceful? A Systematic Review of Distress and Suicidality
in Relation to Deployment to Peacekeeping Operations. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Satyanarayana, S., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J. & Sareen J. (2009). Prevalence and
Correlates of Chronic Depression in the Canadian Community Health Survey: Mental Health
and Well Being. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 54(6): 389-98.
Scott, T., Mackenzie, C.S., Sareen, J., Chipperfield, J,G. & Ballis, D.B. (In Press).
Mental health service use among Canadian Older Adults with Anxiety Disorders and
Clinically Significant Anxiety Symptoms. Aging and Mental Health.
Targownik, L.E., Bolton, J.M., Metge, C.J., Leung ,S. & Sareen, J. (2009). Selective
Serotonin Receptor Inhibitors are Associated with a Modest Increase in the Risk of Upper
Gastrointestinal Bleeding. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 104(6):1475-82.
Taylor, S., Afifi, T.O., Asmundson, G.J.G., Stein, M.B. & Jang, K.L. (In Press).
Etiology of Obsessive Beliefs: A Behavioral-genetics Analysis. Journal of Cognitive
Thompson, G. & Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Reducing the potential for suffering in
older adults with cancer. Palliative & Supportive Care.
Thompson, G., Chochinov, H.M., Wilson, K., McPherson, C., Gagnon, P., Kuhl, D.,
Oshea, F. & Fasiginer, R. (2009). Prognostic acceptance and the well-being of patients
receiving palliative care for cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. October 13 [Epub ahead of
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Thompson, G., Ens, C. & Chochinov, H.M. (2009). Patient centered supportive and
palliative care. The Exchange, The Canadian Virtual Hospice.
Thompson, G., Menec, V.H., Chochinov, H.M. & McClement, S.E. (2009). Family
satisfaction with care of a dying loved on in nursing homes: What makes the difference? The
Turner, S., Wener, P., Jewers, R. & Altman, G. Evaluation of cognitive-behavioural
therapy group for adolescents with anxiety disorders [Abstract]. Canadian Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 77 (Supplement).
Wener, P., Snow, W., Quanbury, J. & Altman, G. (2009). GROW a programme to
enable transitioning to community living. Good Autism Practice, 10:68-72.
Wilson, K.G., Chochinov, H.M., Allard, P., Chary, S., Gagnon, P.R., Macmillan, K.,
De Luca, M., O'Shea, F., Kuhl, D. & Fainsinger, R.L. (2009). Prevalence and correlates of
pain in the Canadian National Palliative Care Survey. Pain Research Management, 14(5):36570.
Wowchuk, S., Wilson, E., Embleton, L., Garcia, M., Harlos, M., Chochinov, HM.
(2009). The Palliative Medication Kit: An effective way of extending care in the home for
patients nearing death. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 12(9):797-803.
Xu, H., Yang, H-J., Zhang, Y., Clough, R.W., Browning, R. A., & Li, X.-M. (In
Press). Schizophrenia-like Behaviors and Neurobiological Changes of C57BL/6 Mice
Chronically Exposed to Cuprizone. Behavioral Neuroscience.
Xu, H., Yang, H-J., Wang, H., Zhang, Y., Xiao, L., Clough, R.W., Browning, R., &
Li, X-M. (2009). Region-specific Susceptibilities to Cuprizone-induced Lesions in the Mouse
Forebrain: Implications for the Pathophysiology of Schizophrenia. Brain Research 123:418429.
Yu, Y., He, J., Zhang, Y., Luo, H., Zhu, S., Yang, Y., Zhao, T., Wu, J., Huang, Y.,
Kong, J., Tan, Q. & Li, X-M. (2009). Increased hippocampal neurogenesis in the progressive
stage of Alzheimer’s disease phenotype in an APP/PS1 double transgenic mouse model.
Hippocampus, 19:1247-1253.
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Invited Publications, Letters to Editor, Book Reviews
Jagdeo A, Sareen J, Bolton, J.M.. (In Press). Anxiety Disorders and Suicidal
Behavior. Minerva Psichiatrica.
McClement, S.E., Chochinov, H.M., Dean, R. & Lobchuk, M.M. (2009). Health care
aides ‘experience of the ethical’ in caring for dying seniors in a personal care home. Home
Book of Abstracts: 3rd International in Sickness and in Health Conference: Government of
the Self in the Clinic and the Community A2-p.23.
Mota, N., Cox, B.J., Katz, L.Y. & Sareen, J. (In Press). Sparse evidence for the
association between lack of condom use and better mental health: Reply to Costa and Brody
(2009). Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Richardson, D., Sareen, J. & Elhai, J. (In Press). The Importance of Mental Health
Problems among Medical Evacuated Service Members. (Invited Commentary) Lancet.
Sareen, J, & Belik, S-L. (2009). The Need for Outreach in Preventing Suicide Among
Young Veterans (Guest Editorial). PLoS Medicine, 6:e35.
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Papers, Symposiums, or Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences
Belik, S.L., Stein, M.B., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Sareen, J. Are Canadian Soldiers
More Likely to Have Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts Than the Canadian General
Population? (Oral presentation). 2009 Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention National
Conference, Brandon, MB, October 20-22, 2009.
Belik, S.L., Stein, M.B., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Sareen, J. Are Canadian Soldiers
More Likely to Have Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts Than the Canadian General
Population? 59th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, St. John’s,
NF, August 27-29, 2009.
Belik, S.L., Stein, M.B., Jacobi, F., & Sareen, J. Anxiety Disorders Are
Independently Associated with Lower Quality of Life: Findings from a National Health
Survey. 43rd Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, New
York, NY, November 19-22, 2009.
Belik, S.L., Stein, M.B., Jacobi, F., & Sareen, J. The Relationship between Anxiety
Disorders and Health-Related Quality of Life: Findings from a National Health Survey. 29th
Annual Anxiety Disorders Association of America Conference, Santa Ana Pueblo NM,
March, 12-15, 2009.
Belik, S.L., Stein, M.B., Jacobi, F., & Sareen, J. The Relationship between Anxiety
Disorders and Health-Related Quality of Life: Findings from a National Health Survey. 43rd
Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, New York, NY.
November 19-22, 2009.
Bolton, J.M., Pagura, J., Enns, M.W., Grant, B.F. & Sareen J. Predictors of Suicidal
Ideation and Suicide Attempts in Major Depressive Disorder: A Population-Based
Longitudinal Study of Adults. 162nd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric
Association. San Francisco, CA, USA, May 17, 2009.
Bolton, J.M., Pagura, J., Enns, M.W., Grant, B.F. & Sareen, J. A Population-Based
Longitudinal Study of Risk Factors for Suicide Attempts in Major Depressive Disorder. 59th
Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. St. Johns, NF, August 27, 2009.
Bolton, J.M., Pagura, J., Enns, M.W., Grant, B.F. & Sareen, J. A Population-Based
Longitudinal Study of Risk Factors for Suicide Attempts in Major Depressive Disorder.
Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. Brandon, MB
October 21, 2009.
Chan, M-K., Berrington, N.R. & Fleisher, W. A Collaborative Health Care Model – A
University of Manitoba Initiative for the Development of a Physician Assistant Education
Program in Canada. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Edmonton, AB, May 5,
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 14 of 41
Chan, M-K., Berrington, N.R., & Fleisher, W. A New Collaborative Health Care
Model – A University of Manitoba Initiative for the Development of a Physician Assistant
Education Program in Canada. Tenth Annual MHPE Summer Conference Department of
Medical Education, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL, July 30 & 31, 2009.
Clarke, S., Chan, M-K., Hamilton, J. & Fleisher, W. With Ten Miles Behind Us (and
Ten Thousand More to go): Lessons at the University of Manitoba Physician Assistant
Education Program. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Edmonton, AB, May 5,
Clarke, S., Chan, M-K., Hamilton, J. & Fleisher, W. With Ten Miles Behind Us (and
Ten Thousand More to go): Lessons at the University of Manitoba Physician Assistant
Education Program. Tenth Annual MHPE Summer Conference Department of Medical
Education, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL, July 30 & 31, 2009.
El-Gaaly, S., St. John, P., Dunsmore, S. & Bolton, J.M. Atypical Neuroleptic
Malignant Syndrome with Quetiapine: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Poster
presented at the 59th Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. St. Johns,
NF, August 28, 2009.
El-Gabalawy, R., Katz, L.Y., Sareen, J. & Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team
Prevalence of Comorbid Borderline Personality Disorder and Physical Health Conditions in a
Nationally Representative Sample. 59th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, St. John’s, NF, August 27-29, 2009.
Ellerby, L. Perils and Pride: Working in the field of sex offender management. 13th
Annual Conference Minnesota Association of the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Brooklyn
Park, MN, April, 2009.
Hamilton, J. Fleisher, W., Chan, M.K. & Li, X-M. International Medical Graduates:
Strength in Diversity. Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Edmonton, AB, May,
He, J., Zhu, S., Tempier, A., Wang, J., Kong, J., Li, X-M. Quetiapine prevents
memory impairment, up-regulates Bcl-2 expression and attenuates oxidative stress in an
APP/PS1 double transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s Association
2009 International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease, Vienna, Austria, July 11-16, 2009.
Henriksen, C.A., Bolton, J.M., Grant, B. & Sareen, J. The Psychological Impact of
Terrorist Attacks: Examining a Dose-Response Relationship between Exposure to 9/11 and
Axis I Mental Disorders. 29th Annual Anxiety Disorders Association of America Conference,
Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, March 12-15, 2009.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 15 of 41
Henriksen, C., Bolton, J.M. & Sareen, J. The Psychological Impact of Terrorist
Attacks: Examining a Dose-Response Relationship between Exposure to 9/11 and Axis I
Mental Disorders. 43rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies. New York, NY, USA, November 19-22, 2009.
Henriksen, C. & Sareen, J. Examination of the Relationship between Eating Disorders
and Suicidality: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. 43rd Annual Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, New York NY, November 19-22, 2009.
Isaak, C.A., Campeau, M., Katz, L.Y., Enns, M.W., Elias, B., Sareen, J. & the
Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. Community-based Suicide Prevention Research in
Remote On-Reserve First Nations Communities. Canadian Association for Suicide
Prevention Conference. Brandon, MB, October, 2009.
Kinley, D.J., Walker, J.R., Westra, H., Sareen, J. & the Mobilizing Minds Research
Team. Characteristics of Young Adults at Risk of Mental Disorders in the Canadian
Population. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Conference, August, St. John’s, NF,
Canada, August, 2009.
Kinley, D.J., Walker, J.R., Enns, M.W. & Sareen, J. Panic attacks as a Risk for Later
Psychopathology. Anxiety Disorders Association of America 29th Annual Conference,
March, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, March 12-15, 2009.
Kinley, D.J., Walker, J.R., Belik, S.L., Mackenzie, C., Sareen, J. Levels of Panic in
the Military. 29th Annual Anxiety Disorders Association of America Conference, Santa Ana
Pueblo, NM, March 12-15, 2009.
Klassen, L.J., Bilkey, T. & Chokka, P. Diving for Clinical Pearls – What You Need
to Know about Adults with Complex ADHD and Comorbid Psychiatric Conditions. Candian
Psychiatric Association Annual Conference. St. John’s, NF, August, 2009.
Kozyrskyj, A.L., Casiano, H., Burnside, L., Katz, L., Sareen, J., Roos, N.P.,
Brownell, M.D. “Health Status Indicators of Children Before and After Entry into Foster
Care”. Presented at the Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology Conference, 2009 in
St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Kuzenko, N., Sareen, J., Beesdo, K., Perkonigg, A., Höfler, M., Lieb, R., & Wittchen,
H.U. Is Use of Illegal Non-Cannabinoid Substances Associated With Psychotic Symptoms?
162nd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, CA, May
Leeies, M., Pagura, J., Sareen, J. & Bolton, J.M. The Use of Alcohol and Drugs to
Self-Medicate Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. 59th Annual Conference of the
Canadian Psychiatric Association. St. Johns, NF, August 29, 2009.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 16 of 41
Mak, L., Walker, J.R., Hiebert-Murphy, D. & Altman, G. Making treatment decisions
for child anxiety: What types of information, amounts of information, and sources of
information do parents prefer? Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, New York, New York, USA., November 2009.
Mather, A.A. & Sareen J. Social fears and Social Phobia in the Canadian Military.
29th Annual Anxiety Disorders Association of America Conference, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM,
March 12-15, 2009.
Mota, N., Enns, M.W. & Sareen, J. The Incidence of Non-Psychotic Mental
Disorders in Early Motherhood: A Three-Year Follow-Up in a Population-Based Cohort
Study. (Oral Presentation). 59th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association,
St. John’s, NF, August 27-29, 2009.
Mota, N., Enns, M.W. & Sareen, J. The Incidence of Non-Psychotic Mental
Disorders in Early Motherhood: A Three-Year Follow-Up in a Population-Based Cohort
Survey. 43rd Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, New
York, NY, November 19-22, 2009.
Mota, N., Stein, M. & Sareen, J. Associations between Sleep Difficulties, Disability
and Psychological Well-being in a Nationally Representative Canadian Sample. Anxiety
Disorders Association of America 29th Annual Conference, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, March
12-15, 2009.
Nepon, J., Belik, S-L., Bolton, J.M. & Sareen J. Anxiety Disorders and Risk for
Suicide Attempts: Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
Conditions. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. Brandon,
MB,October 21, 2009.
Pagura, J., Stein, M.B., Bolton, J.M., Cox, B.J. & Sareen, J. The Relationship
between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder: Findings from
the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions. 29th Annual Anxiety
Disorders Association of America Conference, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, March 12-15, 2009.
Pagura, J., Stein, M.B., Bolton, J.M., Cox, B.J., Grant, B.F. & Sareen, J.
Comorbidity of BPD and PTSD in the US Population. Annual Convention of the Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. New York, NY, USA, November 20, 2009.
Perlov, J. “Acquired” ADHD: Differentiation from Developmental ADHD. 5th
Annual Update Symposium; Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology 2009, Tel Aviv, Israel,
February 2009.
Perlov, J. “Acquired” ADHD: Differentiation from Developmental ADHD. 2nd
Annual Congress on ADHD, Vienna, Austria, May, 2009.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 17 of 41
Perlov, J. Prober, M. & Koodoo, S. Dying from Depression; Countertransferences
in Working with Severely-Ill Physicians. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting,
St. Johns, NF, August 2009.
Rasic, D.T., Belik, S.L., Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J., Swampy Cree
Suicide Prevention Team. Spirituality, Religion and Suicidal Behavior in a Nationally
Representative Sample. 2009 American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, May 16-21, 2009.
Sareen, J. Risks and Benefits of Using Atypical Antipsychotics in the Treatment of
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Symposium (Chair: Sareen, J.): Clinical Challenges in the
Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. 29th Annual Anxiety Disorders Association of
America Conference, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, March 12-15, 2009.
Sareen, J., Pagura, J. Race/Ethnic Differences in Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders:
Findings from the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiologic Surveys. 29th Annual Anxiety
Disorders Association of America Conference, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, March 12-15, 2009.
Sareen, J., Reiss, J.P., Stein, M.B., Walker, J.R., Lander, M., Kjernisted, K.D., &
Leslie, W.D. Pre- and Post-Synaptic Dopaminergic Function in Generalized Social Phobia: A
Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography. 29th Annual Anxiety Disorders
Association of America Conference, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, March 12-15, 2009.
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Thoresen, S., Zamorski, M., Belik, S.L., Asmundson, G.J.G.
Is Peacekeeping Peaceful: A Systematic Review. 11th European Conference of Traumatic
Stress Studies, Oslo, Norway, June 15-18, 2009.
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Thorensen, S., Zamorski, M., Belik, S.L., Asmundson, G.J.G..
Is Peacekeeping Peaceful? A Systematic Review. 2009 American Psychiatric Association
Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA, May 16-21, 2009.
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Thoresen, S., Zamorski, M., Belik, S.L., Asmundson, G.J.G..
Is Peacekeeping Peaceful: A Systematic Review. 29th Annual Anxiety Disorders Association
of America Conference, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, March 12-15, 2009.
Spiwak, R., Pagura, J., Bolton, J.M., Elias, B., Beesdo, K., Lieb, R. & Sareen J.
Understanding the Relation Between Parental Suicidality and Offspring Suicide Attempts:
Findings from a National Survey. 59th Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, St. Johns, NF, August 27, 2009.
Spiwak, R., Pagura, J., Bolton, J.M., Elias, B., Beesdo, K., Lieb, R. & Sareen, J.
Understanding the Relation Between Parental Suicidality and Offspring Suicide Attempts:
Findings from a National Survey. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Suicide
Prevention, Brandon, MB, October 21, 2009.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 18 of 41
Spiwak, R., Pagura, J., Bolton, J.M., Elias, B., Beesdo, K., Lieb, R. & Sareen, J.
Understanding the Relation Between Parental Suicidality and Offspring Suicide Attempts:
Findings from a National Survey. Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Convention of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY, USA, November 21,
Steele, M., Davidson, B., Stretch, N., Lipton, H., Zayed, R.S., Callahan, T., Ferguson,
G., Duncan, D., Fleisher, W., Doey, T., Spenser, H., Rourke, J., Slyvester, H., St. John, K.,
Hope-Ross, L., Boman, J., Lazier, L. & Abidi, L. CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL
HEALTH: Needs and Interests among Family Physicians, General Practitioners and
Pediatricians located in Rural and Remote Areas. A Canadian National Collaborative Study.
17th Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Course, Halifax, NS April 16 -18th, 2009.
Steele, M., Davidson, B., Stretch, N., Zayed, R.S., Doey, T., Slyvester, H., Lipton, H.,
Hope-Ross, L., Callahan, T., St. John, K., Rourke, J., Duncan, D., Fleisher, W., Boman, J.,
Ferguson, G., Spenser, H., Lazier, L. & Abidi, L. CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL
HEALTH: Needs and Interests among Family Physicians, General Practitioners and
Pediatricians located in Rural and Remote Areas. A Canadian National Collaborative Study,
Preliminary Results of Southwestern Ontario. 10th National Conference of Collaborative
Mental Health Care. May 28 -30th, 2009.
Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., He, J., Xianm, L., Kong, J., & Li, X-M. Hyperforin increases
energy metabolism in oligodendrocytes. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association
for Neuroscience, Vancouver, BC, May 25-29, 2009.
Zhang, Y., Xu, H., Jiang, W., Xiao. L., Yan, B., He, J., Wang, Y., Bi, X., Li, X.,
Kong, J., & Li, X-M. Atypical Antipsychotic Drug Quetiapine Prevents Mice From
Cuprizone-induced Behavioural Changes, Demyelination and Oligodendrocyte Degeneration.
The 22nd Biennial Joint Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN) and
the Asian Pacific Society for Neurochemistry (APSN), Busan, Korea, August 23-28, 2009.
Zhang, Y., Xu, H., Jiang, W., Xiao. L., Yan, B., He, J., Wang, Y., Bi, X., Li, X.,
Kong, J., & Li, X-M. Quetiapine Alleviates the Cuprizone-induced White Matter Pathology
in the Brain. The 59th Canadian Psychiatric Association’s Annual Conference. St. John’s,
NF, August 27-29, 2009.
Zhang, Y., Xu, H., Jiang, W., Xiao. L., Yan, B., He, J., Wang, Y., Bi, X., Li, X.,
Kong, J., & Li, X-M. Quetiapine Alleviates the Cuprizone-induced Demyelination and
Promotes the Remyelination Following Withdrawal of Cuprizone. 9th World Congress of the
World Federation of Biological Psychiatry, Paris, France, June 28-July2, 2009.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Seventh Annual Faculty Research Forum
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Department of Psychiatry
University of Manitoba
Bolton, J. Risk of Low Bone Mineral Density Associated with Psychotropic
Medications and Mental Disorders: A Population-Based Analysis.
Campbell, D.W. Emotion Regulation Effectiveness in a Trauma-Exposed Sample.
Casiano, H. Media Use and Outcomes in Adolescents: Perspectives from a Canadian
Enns, M.W. Comorbidity of Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder:
Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions.
Katz, L.Y. Describing the Service and Treatment of Needs of Children and
Adolescents in the Child Welfare System – their Morbidity and Mortality.
Levin, G. Parricide: A Case Series.
Sareen, J. Development of a First Nations Community Needs Assessment Survey for
Suicide Prevention: Findings from the Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team.
Distinguished Faculty Address
Laurence Kirmayer, MD (McGill University). “Cultural Neuroscience and the Politics
of Trauma.”
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 20 of 41
Invited Addresses (Including Grand Rounds)
Altman, G.
(February 2009)
(May 2009)
(June 2009)
(September 2009)
Bolton, J.M.
(March, 2009)
(November, 2009)
Campbell, D.W.
(May 2009)
Casiano, H.
(March 2009)
Chochinov, H.M.
(April 2009)
(June 2009)
(July 2009)
Anxiety Disorders in Youth. Council for Exceptional Children-Annual
Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Asperger's Disorder. Assiniboine Park Zoo-Staff. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Anxiety Disorders in Youth. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and
Youth- Provincial Web-based Professional Development Day.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Anxiety Disorders in Youth. River East School Division. Winnipeg,
Why do People Suicide? Moving toward a Better Understanding of
Risk Factors and Prevention. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds,
University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB.
The Relationship between Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide. Canadian
Psychiatric Research Foundation and Mental Health Partnership of
Canada. Winnipeg, MB.
Social Emotional Evaluations: Behavioural & Neural Insights.
Department of Psychology, Dalhousie University.
Youth Suicide in Detention and Correctional Facilities: A
Comprehensive Review. Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
National Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
New interventions for dying patients. Society of Behavioural Medicine,
Preconference Day 2009, End of Life and Supportive Care: Enhancing
Future Research.
What affects your mental health? CIHR – Café Scientifique at McNally
Robinson, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Medicina et Persona, Milan Italy.
International Psycho-Social Oncology Society, Vienna, Austria.
Cancer Quality Council of Canada (CQCO) Signature Event, Using
Technology to Improve the Patient Experience in Cancer Care, Virtual
Hospice, Toronto, Ontario.
Cross Cancer Center Special Rounds (Palliative Care Week).
Edmonton, Alberta.
Psychoncology and relationship with patient, 2nd Faculty of Medicine
Sapienza, University of Rome. Rome, Italy.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 21 of 41
(September 2009)
(October 2009)
(November 2009)
(December 2009)
Ellerby, L.
(May, 2009)
(June, 2009)
(September, 2009)
(October, 2009)
(November 2009)
Symposium 20 Jahre Pflegewissenschaft in der Praxis, Zurich,
China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, China.
Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, Taichung, China.
Distress, Depression and Dignity in End-of-Life Care, Taichung,
Distress, Depression and Dignity in End-of-Life Care, Tainan, China.
Cancer and Emotion: New Era of Cancer Care, Taipei City, Taiwan.
MacKay Memorial Hospital, Depression, Dignity and Distress: Caring
for Patients Nearing the End-of-Life: An Overview for the Psychiatrist
and the Non-Psychiatrist, Taipei City, Taiwan.
Whole Person Care Symposium, Plenary: The Impact of life
threatening illness on the whole person, Sydney, Australia.
Whole Person Care Symposium, Commentary: Responding to the
challenges, Sydney, Australia.
2nd International Symposium on Recent Advances in Basic, Clinical
and Social Medicine, Shantou University, Shantou, China.
16th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong,.
Grand Rounds Cross Cancer Institute, Calgary, AB.
Understanding Offender Profiles, Mental Disorder and Crime Scene
Data for Criminal Analysis and Psychological Profiling. Violent Crime
Linkage Analysis System (ViCLAS) Specialist Training Course.
Canadian Police College. Ottawa, Ontario
Current strategies for community risk management. The 5th Annual
Conference of WI-ATSA. Madison, Wisconsin.
High Risk Offenders: Who is Managing Risk. Manitoba Criminal
Justice Association Workshop. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Clinical Issues in the Treatment and Risk Management of Individuals
Who Have Sexually Offended. Preventing Sexual Abuse: New
Frontiers in the Management and Treatment of Sexual Abusers. 28h
Annual Research & Treatment Conference, Association for the
Treatment of Sexual Abusers. Dallas, Texas.
Understanding, Treating & Managing High Risk Offenders in the
Community. Sex Crimes Investigators Course. Calgary Police Services.
Calgary, Alberta.
Offender Profiling. RCMP Major Crimes Training course.
Winnipeg, Manitoba .
Sex Offenders: Understanding the Crime and Offender Profiles.
Major Sex Crimes Course, Winnipeg Police Services. Winnipeg Police
Services Training Academy, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 22 of 41
Fleisher, W.
(March 2009)
Fotti, S.
(February 2009)
Katz, L.Y.
(February 2009)
(May 2009)
(September 2009)
(October 2009)
Klassen, L.J.
(March 2009)
(May 2009)
(November 2009)
Li, X-M.
(March 2009)
(May 2009)
(July 2009)
(September 2009)
From Other Shores to Our Front Door: Physician Assistants and Our
Faculty. Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, University of
Almost an Adult: Presentation of Challenging Adolescent Clinical
Cases. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. University of
Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
DBT training for clinical supervisors. Ministry of Children and
Families, Vancouver, B.C.
How do I see myself in the future? Suicide among First Nations, Metis
and Inuit youth in Canada. CIHR – Café Scientifique.
An Update on the Pharmacotherapy of Depression in Children and
Adolescents. Department of Pediatrics, University of Manitoba, Grand
Rounds, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Skills Training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Kinark Child and
Family Services, Oakville, Ontario.
Non-suicidal self-injury in youth. Provincial Advisory Council on
Child Abuse. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Emerging Concepts in the Neurobiology and Treatment of Depression.
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Seven Oaks Hospital,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Implications of Residual Symptoms in MDD. Department of Psychiatry
Grand Rounds, Regina General Hospital. Regina, Saskatchewan.
The Varied Presentations of ADHD in Adults. Department of
Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Grey Nuns Hospital. Edmonton, Alberta.
New Mechanisms of Action of Atypical Antipsychotic: Implications to
the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders. Department of
Psychiatry and Pharmacology. Louisiana State University, Shreveport,
Therapeutic Strategies for Alzheimer’s Disease. Annual Meeting of
Canadian Society for Pharmacology & Therapeutics (CSPT).
Therapeutic Strategies for Neurodegenerative Diseases. 4th
International Conference of Neurons and Brain Disease, Toronto,
The Neuroprotective Effects of Antipsychotics and Antidepressant:
Mechanisms and Clinical Implications. Taiwan Neuroscience
Symposium, Taiwan University.
(October 2009)
(December 2009)
Sareen, J.
(November 2009)
Skakum, K.
(May 2009)
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 23 of 41
Neuroprotective Effects of Atypical Antipsychotic and
Antidepressants: Implications to the Treatment of Psychiatric
Neurodegenerative Disorders. 6th Annual Conference of Chinese
Society for Psycho-Neuroscience, Changsha, China.
Neuroprotective Effects of Atypical Antipsychotic and
Antidepressants: Implications to the Treatment of Psychiatric
Neurodegenerative Disorders. 8th Annual Conference of Chinese
Society for Neurology, Changsha, China.
Neuroprotective Effects of Atypical Antipsychotic: Implications to the
Treatment of Psychiatric Neurodegenerative Disorders. McMaster
University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The Neuroprotective Effects of Antipsychotics and Antidepressant:
Mechanisms and Clinical Implications. The Second Annual
Symposium of the Graduate Institute of Neural and Cognitive Sciences,
Chinese Medical University, Taiwan.
Exploring Controversies in Suicide Risk Factors and Suicide
Prevention, Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie
An Overview of Psychiatric Residency Training at University of
Manitoba. Beijing An Ding Hospital, Capital Medical University,
Beijing, China.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Behavioral Activation for Depression.
Beijing An Ding Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 24 of 41
External Funding (Peer-Reviewed)
Adler, S., Burns, B. & Chochinov, H.M. (2007 – 2010). “Underserved Women with
Breast Cancer at End of Life”. California Breast Cancer Research Program over 3 years
Aoun, C., Oldham, L., Kristjanson, L. & Chochinov, H.M. (2009 – 2012). “Dignity
Therapy: A Novel Psychotherapeutic Intervention for Motor Neurone Disease Patients near
the End of Life. Linkage project LP0991305”. Motor Neurone Disease Association of
Western Australia. ($78,420).
Bolton, J.M. (2009-2011). “Risk and Protective Factors for Suicide and Suicidal
Behavior: A Study of Manitoba and Other Populations”. Manitoba Health Research Council
Establishment Grant ($99,399).
Bolton, J.M., Alessi-Severini, S., Sareen, J. & Enns, M.W. (2009-2010) “Use of
Psychotropic Medications in Manitoba: A Population-based Study”. Health Sciences Centre
Foundation operating grant ($19,260.88).
Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J. & Cox, B.J. (2008-2010). “Suicide Attempts in the General
Population: Examining Risk and Protective Factors”. Manitoba Health Research Council
Operating Grant. ($61,306).
Campbell, D.W., Reiss, J.P. & Sareen, J. (2008-2010). “Military Personnel with
PTSD: Functional MRI Brain Imaging, Psychotherapy, and Emotional Responses”. Canadian
Institutes of Health Research Regional Partnership Program Operating Grant. ($138,876).
Campbell, D.W., Reiss, J.P. & Sareen, J. (2008-2009). “An fMRI Study of PTSD,
Emotional Processing, and Psychotherapy”. University of Manitoba Research Grant Pilot
Project. ($7,285).
Campbell, D.W., Sareen, J., Reiss, J.P. & Logsetty, S. (2008-2009) “Emotional
Regulation in burn victims with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.” University of Manitoba Paul
Thorlakson Foundation Fund. ($28,245).
Casiano, H., Belik, S-L., Hildahl, K.,Chartier, M., Gilchrist, J., Sareen, J. (20092012) “Suicidality, Self-Harm, and Prevention in the Youth Justice Population. Part of the
Reclaiming Hope: Manitoba’s Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy initiative. Manitoba Health
and Healthy Living ($15,000/year)
Chan, C.L., Chochinov, H.M., Pang, S.M., Tse, D.M.W., Leung, P.P.Y. & Ho,
A.H.Y. (2009 – 2010). “Living and Dying with Dignity: Development of an Empirical
Model”. University Grants Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region General Research Fund. ($321,784).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 25 of 41
Chochinov, H.M. (2003-2010). “Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care (Tier I)”.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,400,000).
Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2010). “The ABCD’s of Dignity Conserving Care: A Pilot
Dissemination Project”. Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. ($500,000).
Chochinov, H.M., Breitbart, W., Kristjanson, L., Hack, T., McClement, S., Hassard,
T. & Harlos, M. (2004-2010). Dignity Intervention for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients.
National Institute of Health. ($2,070,293.00)
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Harlos, M., Hassard, T. & McClement, S.E. (20082011). “National Patient Dignity Inventory Study”. National Cancer Institute of Canada.
Chochinov, H.M., McClement, S., Hack, T., Hassard, T., Harlos, M., Johnston, W.,
Davison, S., Damant, R., Enns, M.W., Strang, D., Ramsey, C., Richman-Eisenstat, J.,
Zacharias, J. & Milke, D. (2009-2012). Dignity and Distress across End-of-Life Populations,
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($532,908.00)
Chochinov, H.M., Steinstra, D., Kaufert, J.M. & Lutfiyya, Z.M. (2004-2009).
“Vulnerable Populations in End of Life Care”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W. & Sareen, J. (2006-2009). “Psychosocial Determinants of
Anxiety Disorders and Depression in the 10 Year Follow-Up of the National Comorbidity
Survey”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($101,212).
Cox, B.J., Sareen, J., Asmundson, G.J.G. & Enns M.W. (2006-2011) “Longitudinal
Study of Psychological Determinants of Trauma-Related Emotional Distress in a
Representative Community-Based Sample”. Social Sciences and Health Research Council.
Cox, B.J. (2006-2011). “Canada Research Chair in Mood and Anxiety Disorders”.
Government of Canada. ($500,000).
Distasio, J., Sareen, J., Thomson, M., Bruce, L., Mulligan, S., Martens, P., Smith, M.,
Belik, S.L., Isaak, C., Katz, L.Y., Bolton, J.M., Enns, M.W. & Elias, B. (2009-2013).
Research Demonstration Project in Homelessness and Mental Health (Winnipeg). Mental
Health Commission of Canada. ($3,750,000).
Dumont, S., Jacobs, P., Villeneuve, P., Burge, F., Johnston, G. & Chochinov, H.M.
(2008-2011). Palliative Care in Canada II: The Economic Perspective in Rural Areas,
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($339,666.00.).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 26 of 41
Elias, B. Cox, B.J., Mignone, J., O’Neil, J.D. & Sareen, J. (2006-2010). “The Social
Environment and the Health of First Nations Women and Men”. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research. ($419,745).
Gagnon, P., Aubin, M., Chochinov, H.M., Dumont, S., Fillion, L. & Pereira, J. L.
(2004-2009). “Developing, Evaluating and Implementing New Interventions in Palliative
Care”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,395,000). (Co-Investigator).
Gagnon, P., Filion, L., Blais, M., Aubin, M., Henry, M. & Chochinov, H.M. (20082011). “Creating Meaning Following a Cancer”. National Cancer Institute of Canada.
Hall, S., Edmonds, P., Harding, R., Higginson, I. & Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2009).
“Dignity Therapy for people with advanced cancer: assessing feasibility, acceptability and
potential effectiveness”. Dimbleby Cancer Care. ($160,143).
Hall, S., Higginson, I., Murray, S., Chochinov, H.M., Harding, R. & Richardson, A.
(2008-2010). “Dignity Therapy for Older People in Care Homes: Assessing Potential
Effectiveness, Feasibility, and Acceptability”. Dunhill Medical Trust. ($207,566).
Hamilton, J., Fleisher, W., Li, XM., Sanchez, J. & Ripstein, I. (2008-2009). “A
Faculty Development Program for Teachers of International Medical Graduates”. Association
of Faculties of Medicine of Canada. ($9,000).
Katz, L.Y., Koczyrskyj, A., Sareen, J., Cox, B.J. & Enns M.W. (2006 - 2009).
“Antidepressant Prescribing to Children and Adolescents in Manitoba: The Impact of Health
Canada Warnings.” Health Sciences Centre Foundation ($34,815).
Katz, L.Y., Roos, N., Brownell, M., Martens, P., Enns, M.W., Kozyrskyj, A., Elias,
B. & Sareen, J. (2009-2010). Morbidity and mortality of children and adolescents in the child
welfare system. Co-funded by Winnipeg Foundation and the Health Sciences Centre
Foundation, ($33,900).
Li, X-M. (2008-2011). “Neuroprotective effects & new mechanisms of action of
antidepressants and atypical antipsychotics.” Manitoba Health Research Council
Establishment Grant. ($100,000).
Li, X-M., Kong, J. & Martin, M. (2009-2010). “Therapeutic Mechanisms of
Antipsychotics in Animal Models of Schizophrenia.” Health Sciences Centre Foundation
Operating Grant ($32,500).
Li, X-M. & Kong, J. (2008-2010). “Testing the demyelination hypothesis of
Schizophrenia.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Regional Partnership
Program Grant ($200,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 27 of 41
Lindqvist, O., Tishelman, C., Rasmussen, B., Furst, C., Salander, P., Olsson, M.,
Josephsson, S., Chochinov, H.M. & Groenvold, M. (2009 – 2011). “To support the
individual’s sense of dignity, meaning and well-being at the end-of-life: an intervention for
patients and their relatives”. Cancer and Traffic Injury Fund. ($15,000) & Cancer Research
Foundation in Northern Sweden. ($15,000).
MacMillan, H., Boyle, M., Coben, J., Herrman, H., Stewart, D., Wathen, C., Afifi,
T.O., Barata, P., Chandra, P., Collin-Vezina, D., Debellis, M., Desmueles, M., DiazGranados, N., Dudding, P., Erickson, P., Feder, G., Ford-Gilboe, M., Gonzalez, A.
Hegadoren, K., Hegarty, K., Helweg-Larsen, K., Jack, S., Jenkins, R., Kastrup, M., Kothari,
A., McKee, S., Olds, D., Oliffe, J., Sareen, J., Schmidt, L., Tonmyr, L., Trocme, N., Waddell,
C. & Wekerle, C. (2009-2014). Centre for Research Development in Gender, Mental Health
and Violence Across the Lifespan. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($2,010,000).
McClement, S., Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Hassard, T., Harlos, M., Thompson, G.,
Murray, A., Hagen, N., Sinclair, S. & Stiles, C. (2009-2010) Assessing the Relevance of the
Patient Dignity Inventory in Identifying Distress and Influencing Clinical Care in Palliative
Care, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Cancer Research. ($100,000).
Mills, R.S., Hastings, P.D., Serbin, L.A., Abela, J.R., Coplan, R.A. & Cox, B.J., and 7
other co-applicants. (2005-2010). “Harnessing and Extending Canadian Developmental
Trajectories Research on Early Emerging Internalizing Problems”. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research. ($742,000).
Modirrousta, M., Enns, M.W. & Sareen, J. (2010). “the Efficacy of rTMS in
Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, A Pilot Study”. Manitoba Medical Service
Foundation. ($25,000).
Mzengeza S., Goertzen A., & Li X-M. (2008-2009) “Imaging agents for Alzheimer’s
Disease.” Health Science Centre Foundation. Operating Grant. ($35,000)
Sareen, J. (2009-2014). “Population-Based Studies of Military Mental Health and
Aboriginal Suicide.” Manitoba Health Research Council Chair Award. ($500,000).
Sareen, J., (2006-2011). “Mental Health Sequelae of Peacekeeping Operations and
Correlates of Perceived Need for Mental Health Services in a Large Population-Based Survey
of Canadian Military Personnel”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. New Investigator
Award. ($275,000).
Sareen, J., Asmundson, G.J., Wang, J.L. & Cox, B.J. (2008-2012). “Work Stress and
Child Adversity in Relation to Mental Disorders and Suicidality Among Soldiers: Analysis of
a Large Population Based sample.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($120,000).
Sareen, J., Elias,B., Katz, L.Y., O’Neil, J., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W. & Cook, C.
(2007-2012). “From Risk Factors to Culturally-Sensitive Interventions: A Programmatic
Approach to Aboriginal Suicide”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,222,141).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Sareen, J., Logsetty, S., Asmundson, G.J., Stein, M.B., Enns, M.W., Leslie, W.D.,
Saadia, R. & Doupe, M. (2009). “Mental Health Consequences of Physical Injury and Burns.”
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Emerging Team Grant (Letter of Intent). ($5000).
Stenekes, S., Harlos, M., Ens, C., Brown, D., Chochinov, H.M.. & Kuling, S. (2009 –
2010) Perinatal Palliative Care: Measuring the Impact of Manitoba's Pediatric Symptom
Management and Palliative Care Service (PPCS). Innovation Fund in Children's Palliative
Care Research Competition 2009. ($4,015)
Stienstra, D. & Chochinov, H.M. (2008 – 2009). “Addressing Disability in Cancer
Care”. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. ($291,000).
Walker, J.R., Westra, H., Phipps, D.J., Swinson, R.P., Furer, P.T., Cunningham, C.,
Marcus, M., Sareen, J., Rose-Krasno, L. & Eastwood, J. (2008-2013). “Pathways to Mental
Health Treatment: Mobilizing Knowledge to inform consumer decision making, advocacy and
access.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,500,000).
Wang, J.L., Patten, S.B., Schmitz, N.B. & Sareen, J. (2008-2011). “Perceived needs
and utilization of workplace mental health accommodations among workers with depressive
and anxiety disorders.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($190,035).
Wang, J, Patten, S, Smailes, E, Fick, G & Sareen, J. (2007-2011). “A PopulationBased Longitudinal Study of Work and Health”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Willison, K.B., Porteous, I., Woods, A., Kington, C. & Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2009)
“Mental Health Nursing/Palliative Care Cross-Training”. The Registered Nurses Association
of Ontario (RNAO). ($13,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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External Funding (Other Sources)
Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2012). Canadian Virtual Hospice, Canadian Partnerships
Against Cancer. ($300,000/year).
Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2012). Canadian Virtual Hospice, Winnipeg Regional
Health Authority. ($300,000/year).
Chochinov, H.M. (2004-2010) Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit Infrastructure
Funding, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. ($50,000).
Chochinov, H.M. (2009-2010). Palliative Care Research Unit, CancerCare Manitoba
Foundation. ($78,500).
Chochinov, H.M. (2009-2010). Palliative Care Research Unit, CancerCare Manitoba
Foundation. ($13,500).
Li, X-M., (2006-2011) “Depression and Anxiety Disorders Research Program
Partnership”. University of Saskatchewan, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Institute of
Neurosciences (Mental Health and Addiction), Royal University of Hospital Foundation,
Saskatchewan Schizophrenia Research Foundation Inc., AstraZeneca Canada. ($780,000).
Li, X-M. (2008-2013). “Oligodendrocyte Dysfunction as a Mechanism of
Schizophrenia”. AstraZeneca Canada Inc Investigator-Initiated Research Award. ($250,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Editorships, Guest Editors, Memberships
on Journal Editorial Boards
Chochinov, H.M.
Palliative and Supportive Care
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Journal of Palliative Care
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Supportive Cancer Therapy
Supportive Oncology
Cox, B.J.
Editorial Advisory Board, Health Reports, Health Canada
Behaviour Research and Therapy
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
Doctors= Monthly (published by Mental Health Canada)
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy
Personality and Individual Differences
Psychiatry Research
Enns, M.W.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Katz, L.Y.
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Sareen, J.
Depression and Anxiety
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Fourteenth Annual Resident Research Day Presentations
June 3rd, 2009
Chaze, B., Murphy, P & Webster, G. “Communication during the ICU Family
Conference over End-of-Life Issues: a Review of the Literature.” University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
El-Gaaly, S. & Bolton, J.M. “Atypical Neuroleptic malignant Syndrome with
Quetiapine: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.” University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
Ghuman, H. & Sareen, J. “Systematic Review: Factors Associated with
Benzodiazepine Use in the Elderly.” University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Harrington, M., Bolton, J.M. & Sareen, J. “Correlates of Incident Drug Use in the
United States Population.” University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Jagdeo, A., Bolton, J.M. & Sareen, J. “Anxiety Disorders and Suicidal Behavior.”
University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Lazareck, S., Chochinov, H.M. & Hobson, D. “Parametric vs. Non-parametric
Methods of Data Analysis: What’s the Difference?” University of Manitoba, Department of
McFayden, R., Sareen, J. & Katz, L.Y. “Physician Perspectives: Understanding Risk
and Prevention of Suicide in Aboriginal Populations – A Qualitative Examination.”
University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Modirrousta, M., Enns, M.W. & Sareen, J. “The Efficacy of rTMS in Treatment of
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a Pilot Study: Research Proposal.” University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
Mullins, M., Barakat, S. & Sareen, J. “Attitudes towards Medical Professionalism
among Medical Trainees.” University of Manitoba, Department Psychiatry.
Nepon, J., Sareen, J., Fotti, S. & Katz, L.Y. “CPA Policy Paper: Media Guidelines
for Reporting Suicide.” University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Postl, L., Katz, L.Y. & Enns, M.W. “Predictors and Outcomes of Length of Stay in
Readmission among Adults, Children and Adolescents hospitalized for Psychiatric Disorders
in the Province of Manitoba.” University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Sacevich, T., & Braunberger, P. “Diagnosis of Eating Disorder in a Primary Care
Setting in Aboriginal Adolescents: a Clinical Vignetter Study.” University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Dr. Harvey Chochinov, Distinguished Faculty - Distinguished Professor of
Psychiatry, Community Health Sciences, & Family Medicine (Division of Palliative Care),
University of Manitoba “The A, B, C, and D of Dignity Conserving Care”
Dr. Katherine Shear, Distinguished Faculty, Marion Kenworthy Professor of
Psychiatry, Columbia University School of Social Work “Developing and Testing
Complicated Grief Treatment”
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Reviewing Activities for
Journals, Granting Councils, Conferences, or Universities
Afifi, T.O.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia
American Journal of Epidemiology
Annals of General Psychiatry
Canadian Journal of Public Health
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Child Abuse & Neglect
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma
Journal of Gambling Studies
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Psychological Medicine
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Altman, G.
Canadian Family Physician
Belik, S.L.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
American Journal of Epidemiology
Molecular Psychiatry
European Journal of Pain
Bolton, J.M.
Health Sciences Centre Foundation.
Archives of General Psychiatry
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Campbell, D.W.
Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience
Infant Behavior and Development
Cerebral Cortex
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry
Medical Research Council
BSc Medicine Applications, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Casiano, H.
Journal of Adolescent Health
European Psychiatry Journal
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 34 of 41
Chochinov, H.M.
Archives of General Psychiatry
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
British Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Psycho-Oncology
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of the American Medical Association
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Oxford University Press
Cox, B.J.
Archives of General Psychiatry
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Psychology
Depression and Anxiety
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
El-Gabalawy, R.
Psychosomatic Medicine
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Ellerby, L.
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. Sage
Fleisher, W.
Academic & Scholarly Annual Report, Department of Medical Education
He, J.
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
Biochemistry and cell biology
Henriksen, C.A.
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
Isaak, C.
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Katz, L.Y.
Irish Health Research Board
Journal of Personality Disorders
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Li, X.M.
Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)
Canada-China Health Research, Strategic Team Grant
Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA)
MHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship
American Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of Neurochemistry
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Brain Research
Mota, N. P.
Journal of Women’s Health
Psychological Medicine
Sareen, J.
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Molecular Psychiatry
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Archives of General Psychiatry
British Journal of Psychiatry
Schizophrenia Bulletin
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Gender Sex Health Committee
Manitoba Health Research Council
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Faculty Awards
Bolton, J.M.
Award for Teaching Excellence – Nominee. University of Manitoba.
APA Research Colloquium for Junior Investigators. Travel Award presented
by the American Psychiatric Association.
Chochinov, H.M.
Honorary Professorship in the School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
The Dr. John M. Bowman Memorial Winnipeg RH Institute Foundation
Cox, B.J.
2008 – 2009
Biography, Canadian Who’s Who.
Sareen, J.
Nominated for Canada’s Top 40 Under 40.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Resident Awards
June 2009
Chaze, B.
Participation Award: “Communication during the ICU Family Conference over End-of-Life
Issues: a Review of the Literature.” Supervisors: Murphy, P. & Webster, G.
Eghtedari-Namin, F.
Award of Excellence
El-Gaaly, S.
Best Case Report. “Atypical Neuroleptic malignant Syndrome with Quetiapine: A Case
Report and Review of the Literature.” Supervisor: Bolton, J.M.
Ghuman, H.
Participation Award: “Systematic Review: Factors Associated with Benzodiazepine Use in
the Elderly.” Supervisor: Sareen, J.
Harrington, M.
Participation Award: “Correlates of Incident Drug Use in the United States Population.”
Supervisors: Bolton, J.M. & Sareen, J.
Jagdeo, A.,
Best Literature Review “Anxiety Disorders and Suicidal Behavior.” Supervisors: Bolton,
J.M. & Sareen, J.
Lazareck, S.
Participation Award: “Parametric vs. Non-parametric Methods of Data Analysis: What’s the
Difference?” Supervisors: Chochinov, H.M. & Hobson, D.
McFayden, R.
Participation Award: “Physician Perspectives: Understanding Risk and Prevention of Suicide
in Aboriginal Populations – A Qualitative Examination.” Supervisors: Sareen, J. & Katz,
McFayden, R.
Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre Award: “Physician Perspectives: Understanding Risk
and Prevention of Suicide in Aboriginal Populations – A Qualitative Examination.”
Supervisors: Sareen, J. & Katz, L.Y.
Modirrousta, M.
Manitoba Psychiatric Association Award – Best Presentation: “The Efficacy of rTMS in
Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a Pilot Study: Research Proposal.”
Supervisors: Enns, M.W. & Sareen, J.
Department of Psychiatry
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Modirrousta, M.
Best Research Proposal: “The Efficacy of rTMS in Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder, a Pilot Study: Research Proposal.” Supervisors: Enns, M.W. & Sareen, J.
Mullins, M.
Best Paper on Medical Education “Attitudes towards Medical Professionalism among
Medical Trainees.” Supervisors: Barakat, S. & Sareen, J.
Nepon, J.
SHEPS Award – Best Paper: “CPA Policy Paper: Media Guidelines for Reporting Suicide.”
Supervisors: Sareen J. & Katz, L.Y.
Postl, L.
Best Paper Runner Up: “Predictors and Outcomes of Length of Stay in Readmission among
Adults, Children and Adolescents hospitalized for Psychiatric Disorders in the Province of
Manitoba.” Supervisors: Katz, L.Y. & Enns, M.W.
Sacevich, T.
Participation Award: “Diagnosis of Eating Disorder in a Primary Care Setting in Aboriginal
Adolescents: a Clinical Vignetter Study.” Supervisor: Braunberger, P.
Scott, R.
Resident Educator of the Year Award
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Afifi, T.O.
Distinguished Dissertation Award, (2009) University of Manitoba.
Nominee for Governor General’s gold Medal Award, (2009).
Belik, S.L.
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention Student Research Award (2009).
Manitoba Medical Service Foundation Award (2009).
Career Development Travel Award. (2009). Anxiety Disorders Association of America.
El-Gabalawy, R.
Faculty of Graduate Studies Travel Award. (2009)University of Manitoba.
Psychology Graduate Student Travel Award. (2009) University of Manitoba.
UMSU Student Travel Award. (2009) University of Manitoba.
Manitoba Graduate Scholarship. (2009-2010) University of Manitoba.
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Master’s Scholarship. (2008-2009) Social
Sciences and Health Research Council (SSHRC).
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (declined). (2009-2010) University of Manitoba
University of Manitoba Employee’s Scholarship. (2009) University of Manitoba.
Grunsten, Hayley
Psychology Research Fellowship, (2009).
Henriksen, C.A.
Clarence Bogardus Sharpe Memorial Scholarship. (2009-2010). University of Manitoba,.
Manitoba Graduate Scholarship. (2009-2010). University of Manitoba.
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (Declined). (2009-2010). Faculty of Graduate
Studies, University of Manitoba.
Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Student Travel Award. (2009). University of Manitoba.
Deer Lodge Hospital Staff Association Memorial Fund Studentship. (2009). University of
Faculty of Arts Graduate Student Travel Award. (2009). University of Manitoba.
Faculty of Arts Endowment Fund. (2009). University of Manitoba.
Psychology Fellowship. (2008-2009). University of Manitoba.
Kinley, Jolene
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, (2009).
Graduate Student Fellowship, (2009) – Manitoba Data Research Centre
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship – Master’s, (2009).
Mota, N.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Joseph Bombadier Canada Graduate
Scholarship – Doctoral Award. (2009-2012).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Robinson, Jennifer
SSHRC Doctoral Scholarship, (2009).
Spiwak, Rae
SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Doctoral Scholarship, (2009).
Western Regional Training Centre for Health Services Research Award, (2009).
Fly UP