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2008 Research Report The University of Manitoba
The University of Manitoba
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
University of Manitoba Department of Psychiatry Research Report
It is our pleasure to write this eleventh annual Department of Psychiatry Research
Report. Research activities within our Department continue to expand and diversify, and the
expertise of our researchers covers all four major pillars of the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (biomedical, clinical, sociocultural, and health services). The health problems which
are studied by our Department members are important to Canadians and include: mood and
anxiety disorders; personality disorders; palliative care; Alzheimer’s disease; schizophrenia;
military mental health; and suicide among First Nations peoples. Our researchers receive
national funding in order to study these problems and publish their work in high impact
international journals. In 2008, over 60 peer-reviewed publications were authored within our
The Department also strives to create an excellent and multi-disciplinary training
environment. Post-graduate residents in psychiatry participate in numerous research activities,
which are highlighted by the Annual Resident Research Day. The Department also
encourages research activities by graduate students in psychology and community health
sciences, as demonstrated by national salary support awards as well as the numerous
publications first-authored by students.
Jitender Sareen, MD, FRCPC
Director of Research
Associate Professor
June 2009
Murray W. Enns, MD, FRCPC
Professor and Head
Table of Contents
1. Chapters in Books .........................................................................................................
2. Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals ...............................................................
3. Invited Publications, Letters to Editor, Book Reviews ................................................. 12
4. Papers, Symposiums, or Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences .......................... 14
5. Sixth Annual Faculty Research Forum ......................................................................... 20
6. Invited Addresses (including Grand Rounds) ............................................................... 21
7. External Funding (Peer-Reviewed) ............................................................................... 25
8. External Funding (Other Sources) ................................................................................ 29
9. Editorships, Guest Editors, Memberships on Journal Editorial Boards ........................ 30
10. Research Resident Day ................................................................................................. 31
11. Reviewing Activities for Journals, Granting Councils, Conferences, or Universities .. 32
12. Faculty Awards ............................................................................................................. 35
13. Resident Awards ........................................................................................................... 35
14. Graduate Student Awards ............................................................................................. 36
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Chapters in Books
Afifi, T.O., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Sareen, J. (2008). Epidemiology of Traumatic
Events and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In: D.J. Nutt, M.B. Stein, & J. Zohar (Eds.), PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Second Edition. New York, NY: Informa Healthcare, Inc.
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Anxiety Disorders in Canada. In: D.
Streiner and J. Cairney (Eds.), Mental Disorders in Canada: An Epidemiological
Perspective. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Ontario.
Belik, S.L., Stein, M.B., & Sareen, J. (2008). Anxiety Disorders and Medical
Comorbidity In: M.M. Antony & M.B. Stein (Eds.), Handbook of Anxiety and the Anxiety
Disorders. Oxford University Press, New York.
Chochinov, H.M., & Breitbart, W. (In Press). Palliative Medicine. 2nd ed.
Chochinov, H.M., & Breitbart, W (Eds.). Oxford University Press, New York.
Dickerman, A., Breitbart, W., & Chochinov, H.M. (2008). Palliative and Spiritual
Care of Persons with HIV and AIDS. In: M.A. Cohen, & J.M. Gorman (Eds.), Comprehensive
Textbook of AIDS Psychiatry. Oxford University Press, New York.
Katz, L.Y., Fotti, S., & Postl, L. (In Press). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and
Dialectical Behavior Therapy; adaptations required to treat adolescents. Psychiatric Clinics of
North America.
Lofthouse, N. & Katz, L.Y. (2008). Chapter 13: Adolescent Non-Suicidal Self-Injury
in an Inpatient Setting. In, Nixon, M.K. & Heath, N.L., (Eds.). Self-Injury in Youth: The
Essential Guide to Assessment and Intervention. Routledge Press, New York.
McClement, S.E. & Chochinov, H.M. (2008). Dignity in Palliative Care (Chapter 13,
pp. 100-107). In: Bruera, E., Higginson, I., Riamonti, C., Von Gunten, C., (Eds.), Textbook of
Palliative Medicine. Hodder Arnold, London.
McClement, S.E., & Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Depression. In: Walsh D (Eds.),
Palliative Medicine. Oxford University Press, New York.
Norton, G.R., Norton, P.J., Cox, B.J., & Belik, SL. (2008). Panic Spectrum Disorders
and Substance Use (Chapter 5). In: S.H. Stewart and P.J. Conrad (Eds.), Anxiety and
Substance Use Disorders. Springer, New York.
Pagura, J., Cox, B.J., & Enns, M.W. (2008). Personality Factors and Anxiety
Disorders. In: M. Antony and M.B. Stein (Eds.), Handbook of Anxiety and Related Disorders.
Oxford University Press, New York.
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Sala, T., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. (2008). Anxiety Disorders and Physical Illness
Comorbidity: An Overview. In M. Zvolensky & J. Smits (Eds.), Anxiety in Health Behavior
and Physical Illness. Springer, New York.
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Belik, S.L., Afifi, T.O., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (2008). Mental
Disorders, Perceived Need and Perceived Barriers to Care in Military Samples. In BK
Wiederhold (Ed), Wounds of War: Lowering Suicide Risk in Returning Troops. NATO
Science for Peace and Security Series: Human and Societal Dynamics. IOS Press,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Taylor, S., Cox, B. J., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (In Press). Anxiety Disorders: Panic and
Phobias. In T. Millon, P. Blaney (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology. (2nd Edition).
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Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Afifi, T.O., Boman, J., Fleisher, W.M., & Sareen. J. (In Press). The relationship
between child abuse, parental divorce, and lifetime mental disorders and suicidality in a
nationally-representative adult sample. Child Abuse and Neglect.
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., ten-Have, M., de Graaf, R., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Child
Abuse and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adulthood. Journal of Nervous and Mental
Afifi, T.O., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., Asmundson, G.J.G., Stein, M.B., & Sareen, J.
(2008). Population attributable fractions of psychiatric disorders and suicidal ideation and
attempts associated with adverse childhood experiences in the general population. American
Journal of Public Health, 98(5), 946-52.
Afifi, T.O., MacMillan, H., Cox, B.J., Asmundson, G.J.G., Stein, M.B. & Sareen, J.
(2008). Mental health correlates of intimate partner violence in a nationally representative
sample of males and females. The Journal of Interpersonal Violence, epub ahead of print.
Alessi-Severini, S., Biscontri, R.G., Collins, D., Kozyrskyj, A., Sareen, J., & Enns,
M.W. (2008). Utilization and Costs of Antipsychotic Agents: A Canadian Population-Based
Study, 1996-2006. Psychiatric Services, 59(5), 547-53.
Altman, G., Staley, D., Wener, P. (In Press). Children with Tourette's disorder: A
follow up study in adulthood. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Bi, X., Yan, B., Fang, S., He, J., Kong, J., & Li, X-M. (In Press). Quetiapine regulates
neurogenesis in ischemic mice by inhibiting NF-kappa β p65/p50 expression. Neurological
Belik, S.L., Stein, M.B., Asmundson, G.J., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Traumatic events
in relation to suicidal behavior in a Canadian military sample. Canadian Journal of
Bernstein, A., Zvolensky, M.J., Norton, P.J., Schmidt, N.B., Taylor, S., Forsyth, J.P.,
Lewis, S.F., Feldner, M., Leen-Feldner, E.W., Stewart, S.H., & Cox, B.J. (In Press).
Taxometric and Factor Analytic Models of Anxiety Sensitivity: Integrating Approaches to
Latent Structural Research. Psychological Assessment.
Bolton, J.M., Belik, S.L., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Sareen, J. (2008). Exploring the
correlates of suicide attempts among individuals with major depression: Findings from the
National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry, 69, 1139-1149.
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Bolton, J.M., Cox, B.J., Afifi, T.O., Enns, M.W., Bienvenu, O.J., & Sareen, J.
(2008). Anxiety disorders and risk for suicide attempts: Findings from the Baltimore
Epidemiologic Catchment Area 13 Year Follow-Up Study. Depression and Anxiety, 25(6),
Bolton, J.M., Metge, C., Lix, L., Prior, H., Sareen, J., & Leslie, W.D. (2008).
Fracture risk from psychotropic medications: A Population-based analysis. Journal of Clinical
Psychopharmacology, 28(4), 384-91.
Bolton, J., Robinson, J.A., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Self-medication of mood disorders
with alcohol and drugs in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
Conditions. Journal of Affective Disorders.
Campbell, D.W., Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Kravetsky, L.B., Paulus, M.P., Hassard,
S.T., & Reiss, J.P. (In Press). Happy but not so approachable: The social judgements of
individuals with generalized social phobia compared to healthy participants. Depression and
Casiano, H., Belik, S.L., Cox, B.J., Waldman, J., & Sareen, J., (2008). Mental
disorders and threats made toward others with weapons in the National Comorbidity
Replication Survey. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196(6), 437-45.
Casiano, H., Mota, N., Afifi, T.O., Enns, M.W., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Childhood
maltreatment in relation to threats with a weapon in a nationally representative sample.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Chochinov, H.M. (2008). Dignity. Dignity? Dignity! Journal of Palliative Medicine,
11(5), 674-5.
Chochinov, H.M., Hassard, T., McClement, S., Hack, T., Kristjanson, L., Harlos, M.,
Sinclair, S., Murray, A. (2008). The Patient Dignity Inventory: A novel way of measuring
dignity related distress in Palliative Care. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 36,
Coodin, S. & Kreindler, S. (In Press). Housing histories of assertive community
treatment clients: Program impacts and factors associated with residential stability. Canadian
Journal of Psychiatry.
Cox, B. J., Clara, I. P., Sareen, J., & Stein, M. B. (2008). The structure of feared
social situations in individuals with a lifetime diagnosis of social anxiety disorder in two large
nationally-representative mental health surveys in the United States and Canada. Behaviour
Research and Therapy, 46, 477-486.
Cox, B.J., Mota, N., Clara, I., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (In Press). The symptom
structure of posttraumatic stress disorder in the National Comorbidity Replication Survey.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
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Cox, B. J., Pagura, J., Stein, M. B., & Sareen, J. (2008). The relationship between
generalized social phobia and avoidant personality disorder in a national mental health survey.
Depression and Anxiety, epub ahead of print.
Cox, B.J., Taylor, S., Clara, I.P., Roberts, L., & Enns, M.W. (In Press). Anxiety
sensitivity and panic-related symptomatology in a representative community-based sample: a
one-year longitudinal analysis. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy.
Ens C., Berard J., Harlos M., Chochinov, H.M., Stenekes S., Wowchuk S. (2008).
Pediatric palliative care online: the views of health care professionals. Journal of Palliative
Care, 24(1), 41-8.
Ens C.D., Gwyther L., Moses S., Chochinov, H.M., Jackson C., Harding R. (2008).
Access to hospice care: multi-professional specialist perspectives in South Africa.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 14(4), 169-74.
Ens C., Gwyther L., Moses S., Jackson C., Chochinov H.M., & Harding R. (2008). A
qualitative exploration of referral and access to hospice care: multi-professional specialized
perspectives in the Western Cape, South Africa. International Journal of Palliative Nursing,
14(4), 169-174.
Goossen, R.B., Staley, D., & Pearson, M.L. (2008). Does the introduction of shared
care therapists in primary health care impact clients. Canadian Journal of Community Mental
Health, 27.
Hawe, R. & Bolton, J.M. (2008). Response to Clozapine-induced microscopic colitis:
A case report and review of the literature. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 28(4),
He, J., Luo, H., Yan, B., Yu, Y., Wang, H., Wei, Z., Zhang, Y., Xu, H., Tempier, A.,
Li, X., & Li, X-M. (In Press). Beneficial effects of quetiapine in a transgenic mouse model of
Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging.
Hills, A.L., Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., Bienvenu, O.J., & Sareen, J. (In Press).
Externalizing psychopathology and risk for suicide attempt: Cross-sectional and longitudinal
findings from the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study. Journal of Nervous and
Mental Disease.
Houmann, L., Kristjanson, L., Rydaho-Hansen, L., Groenvold, S., & Chochinov,
H.M. (2008). Implementaion of Dignity Therapy in Denmark: Experiences and cultural
challenges. 5th Research Forum of the European Association of Palliative Care. May 29-31;
Trondheim, Denmark. Palliative Medicine, 22(4), 407.
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Isaac, M., Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., Deane, F.P., Belik, S.L., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J, &
Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. (In Press). Gatekeeper training as a preventative
measure for suicide prevention: A systematic review. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Jagdeo, A., Brian J. Cox, B.J., Stein M.B., Sareen, J. (In Press). Negative attitudes
toward help seeking for mental illness in two population-based surveys from the United States
and Canada. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Katz, L.Y., Kozyrskyj, A.L., Prior, H.J., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J.
(2008). Regulatory body warnings, antidepressants, health service utilization and outcome in
children, adolescents and young adults. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 178(8), 100511.
Kinley, D.J., Cox, B.J., Clara, I., Goodwin, R.D., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Panic
attacks and their relation to psychological and physical functioning in Canadians: Results
from a nationally representative sample. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Mackenzie, C.S., Scott, T., Mather, A. A., & Sareen, J. (2008). Associations of age
and mental disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey-Replication. American Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry, 16(12), 1010-1019.
Mather, A. A., Cox, B. J., Enns, M. W., & Sareen, J. (2008). Associations between
body weight and personality disorders in a nationally representative sample. Psychosomatic
Medicine, 70(9), 1012-1019.
McClement S., Chochinov H.M. (2008). Hope in advanced cancer patients. European
Journal of Cancer, 44(8),1169-74.
McMillan, K.A., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Comorbidity of
axis I and II mental disorder with schizophrenia and psychotic disorders: findings from the
National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Canadian Journal of
McWilliams, L.A, Clara, I.P., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. (2008). Associations between
arthritis and a broad range of psychiatric disorders: Findings from a nationally representative
sample. Journal of Pain, 9, 37-44.
Mota, N., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., Calhoun, L., & Sareen, J. (2008). The
Relationship Between Mental Disorders, Quality of Life, and Pregnancy: Findings from a
Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, 109(3), 300-4.
Mota, N., Cox, B.J., Katz, L.Y., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Relationship between
mental disorders/suicidality and three sexual behaviors: Results from the National
Comorbidity Survey Replication. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
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Nepon, J., Fotti, S., Katz, L.Y., Sareen, J., & Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention
Team. (In Press). Canadian Psychiatric Association Position Paper: Media guidelines for
reporting suicide. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Norton, P.J., Zvolensky, M.J., Bonn-Miller, M.O., Cox, B.J., & Norton, G. R. (In
Press). Use of the PAQ-IV to assess nonclinical panic attacks and limited symptom panic
attacks in student and community samples. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Pagura, J., Cox, B.J., Sareen, J., & Enns, M.W. (2008). Factors associated with
multiple versus single episode suicide attempts in the 1990 – 1992 and 2001 – 2003 US
National Comorbidity Surveys. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196(11), 806-813.
Pagura, J., Fotti, S., Katz, L., Sareen, J, & Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team
(In Press). Help-seeking and perceived need for mental health care among individuals with
suicidal ideation and attempts: Findings from a nationally representative sample. Psychiatric
Ramsawh, H., Stein, M.B., Belik, S.L., Jacobi, F., & Sareen, J. (In Press).
Relationship of anxiety disorders to sleep disturbance in the community. Journal of
Psychiatric Research.
Ratcliffe, G., Enns, M.W., Belik, S.L., & Sareen J. (2008). Chronic pain conditions
and suicidal behavior: an epidemiological perspective. Clinical Journal of Pain, 24, 204-210.
Ratcliffe, G., Enns, M.W., Jacobi, F., Belik, S.L., & Sareen, J. (2008). The
relationship between migraine and mental disorders in a population-based sample. General
Hospital Psychiatry,31(1), 14-19.
Rasic, D.T., Belik, S.L., Bolton, J.M., Chochinov, H.M., & Sareen, J. (2008).
Cancer, mental disorders, and suicide in a large community sample. PsychoOncology, 17(7),
Rasic, D.T, Belik, S.L., Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J., & Swampy
Cree Suicide Prevention Team. (2008). Spirituality, religion and suicidal behavior in a
nationally representative sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, epub ahead of print.
Robinson, J., Cox, B.J., Sareen, J., & Bolton, J. (2008). Self-medication of anxiety
disorders with alcohol and drugs: Results from a nationally representative sample. Journal of
Anxiety Disorders, e-pub ahead of print.
Robinson, J.A., Sareen, J., Cox, B. J., & Bolton, J. (In Press). Correlates of selfmedication for anxiety disorders: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol
and Related Conditions. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Sareen J., Belik, S.L., Afifi, T.O., Asmundson, G.J.G., Cox, B.J., & Stein, M.B.
(2008). Canadian military personnel’s population attributable fractions of mental disorders
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and mental health service use associated with combat and peacekeeping operations. American
Journal of Public Health. 98(12), 2191-8.
Sareen, J., Pagura, J., & Grant, B.F. (In Press). Is Intimate partner violence associated
with HIV infection among women in the United States? General Hospital Psychiatry.
Satyanarayana, S., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Prevalence and
correlates of chronic depression in the Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 1.2.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Stein, M.B., Belik, S.L., Jacobi, F., & Sareen, J. (2008). Impairment associated with
sleep problems in the community: Relationship to physical and mental health comorbidity.
Psychosomatic Medicine, 70(8), 913-19.
Stein, M.B., Goin, M.K., Pollack, M.H., Roy-Byrne, P., Sareen, J., Simon, N.M., &
Campbell-Sills, L. (In Press). Practice guidelines for the treatment of patients with Panic
Disorder, Second Edition. American Journal of Psychiatry.
Targownik, L.E., Bolton, J.M., Metge, C.J., Leung, S., & Sareen, J. (In Press).
Selective serotonin receptor inhibitors are associated with a modest increase in the risk of
upper gastrointestinal bleeding. American Journal of Gastroenterology.
Thompson G. & Chochinov H.M. (2008). Dignity based approaches in the care of the
terminally ill. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, 1751-4258.
Thompson G., Chochinov H.M., Menec V., McClement S. (2008). Family
satisfaction with care of a dying loved on in nursing homes: What makes the difference.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 34(12), 37-44.
Wener, P., Snow, W., Quanbury, J. & Altman, G. (In Press). GROW a programme to
enable transitioning to community living. Good Autism Practice.
Wiebe, T., Sigurdson, E., Katz, L.Y. (2008) Angel’s trumpet ingestions: a case
Series. Pediatrics and Child Health, 13, 193-196.
Xiao, L., Xu, H., Zhang, Y., Wei, Z., Dyck, L., Devon, R.M., He, J., Jiang, W., & Li,
X.M. (2008). Quetiapine facilitates oligodendrocyte development and prevents mice from
myelin breakdown and behavioral changes. Molecular Psychiatry, 13(7), 697-708.
Xu, H., Wang, H., Zhuang, L., Yan, B., Yu, Y., Wei, Z., Zhang, Y., Dyck, L.E.,
Richardson, SJ., He, J., Li, X., Kong, J., & Li, X.M. (2008). Demonstration of an antioxidative stress mechanism of quetiapine. FEBS J, 275(14), 3718-3728.
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Xu, H., Yan, H.J., Zhang, Y., Clough, R.W., Browning, R.A., & Li, X.M. (2008).
Schizophrenia-like behaviors and neurobiological changes of C57BL/6 mice chronically
exposed to cuprizone. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123, 418-429.
Yu ,Y., He, J., Zhang, Y., Luo, H., Zhu, S., Yang, Y., Zhao, T., Wu, J., Huang, Y.,
Kong, J., Tan, Q., & Li, X.M. (In Press). Increased hippocampal neurogenesis in the
progressive stage of Alzheimer’s disease phenotype in an APP/PS1 double transgenic mouse
model. Hippocampus.
Zhang, Y., Xu, H., Jiang, W., Xiao, L., Yan, B., He, J., Wang, Y., Bi, X., Li, X.,
Kong, J., & Li, X.M. (2008). Quetiapine alleviates the cuprizone-induced white matter
pathology in the brain of C57BL/6 mouse. Schizophrenia Research, 106, 182-191.
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Invited Publications, Letters to Editor, Book Reviews
Bolton, J.M. (2008). Anxiety Disorders: Impact and Challenges. Perspectives in
Psychiatry, December:12-15.
Casiano, H. & Sareen, J. (In Press). Lenient gun legislation affects the mentally ill.
(Letter.) Journal of American Academy and the Law.
Chochinov H.M. (2008). Psychiatry and palliative care: 2 sides of the same coin.
Journal of Psychiatry, 53(11), 711-712.
Cox, B.J. (2008). Book review and commentary on “Shyness: How Normal Behavior
Became a Sickness.” New England Journal of Medicine, 358, 539-540.
Jagdeo, A. , Sareen J, Bolton, J.M. (In Press). Anxiety disorders and suicidal
behaviour. Minerva Psichiatr.
Katz, L.Y., Cox, B.J., & Miller, A.L. (2008) Suicidal Behaviour in Children and
Adolescents. Part 2: Treatment and Prevention. (Letter). Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 53,
Katz, L.Y. (2008). Concerns about health care warnings and their impact.
(Commentary). Canadian Medical Association Journal, 179, 405-6.
Reiss, J.P. & Sareen, J. (In Press). Psychosis and progressive left temporal lobe
lesions in Multiple Sclerosis. Helix Review Series: Psychiatry.
Sareen, J. (In Press). Emotional costs of war and peacekeeping high for many
soldiers. Canadian Psych Aujourd'hui.
Sareen, J. & Belik, S.L. (In Press). The need for outreach in preventing suicide
among young veterans. (Guest Editorial). PLoS Medicine.
Sareen, J. (2008). Neurobiological underpinnings of obsessive compulsive disorder
and schizophrenia: Explanations for disability and severity. (Guest Editorial). Journal of
Postgraduate Medicine, 54(2), 81-2.
Thompson, G., Menec, V., & Chochinov, H.M. (2008). End-of-Life care for the
elderly in long-term care: Family members' experiences and satisfaction with care. Journal of
Palliative Care, 24(3).
Thompson, G., Menec, V., & Chochinov, H.M. (2008). To transcribe or not to
transcribe: Using digital-editing software in data analysis. International Journal of Qualitative
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Thompson, G., Menec, V., Degner, L., & Chochinov, H.M. (2008). End-of-Life care
for the elderly in long-term care: Family members' experiences and satisfaction with care.
18th Annual Provincial Hospice and Palliative Care Conference. (Book of Abstracts).
Wener, P., Snow, W., & Altman, G. (2008). Occupational therapy in partnership:
Enabling a dream. OT Now.
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Papers, Symposiums, or Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences
Afifi, T.O., Boman, J., Fleisher, W.M., & Sareen, J. The relationship between
parental divorce and adult mental disorders. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual
Meeting, Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Belik, S.L., Asmundson, G.J.G., Stein, M.B., & Sareen, J. Relationship between
traumatic events and suicide attempts in Canadian military personnel. 24th Annual Meeting of
the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL, November 2008.
Berrington, N.R., Chan, M-K., & Fleisher, W.P. A collaborative health care model –
A University of Manitoba initiative for the development of a physician assistant education
program in Canada. Paper presented at the 2008 Annual Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada Conference, Ottawa, ON September 26-28th, 2008.
Bolton, J.M., Afifi, T.O., Asmundson, G.J., & Sareen, J. Differentiating short- and
long-duration posttraumatic stress disorder. 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society
for Traumatic Stress Studies. Chicago, IL, November 2008.
Bolton, J.M., Belik, S.L., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. Exploring the
correlates of suicide attempts among individuals with major depression: findings from the
National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Paper presented at
symposium entitled, Epidemiological Studies on Depression and Occupational Stress:
Considerations for Interventions. (Chair: Sareen, J). World Psychiatric Association meeting,
Saskatoon, SK, May 2008.
Bolton, J., Pagura, J. & Sareen, J. Using alcohol and drugs to relieve traumatic stress:
An epidemiological perspective. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian
Association of Psychiatric Epidemiology 2008 Annual Scientific Symposium, Vancouver,
BC, September 2008.
Bolton, J.M., Robinson, J., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. Self-medication of mood
disorders in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Canadian
Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Brooker, I., Clara, I.P., & Cox, B.J. The Canadian Problem Gambling Index: Factor
structure and associations with psychopathology in a nationally representative sample. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, NS, June
Chochinov, H.M., Streeter, L., Stenekes, S., Cory, S., & Harlos, M. The Canadian
Virtual Hospice – Pioneering e-communication in palliative care. 17th International Congress
on Palliative Care. September 2008.
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Choptiany, M., Pagura, J., Embil, J.M. & Sareen, J. The association between major
depression, mental health service use, and diabetes mellitus in a large nationally
representative Canadian sample. Canadian Association of Psychiatric Epidemiology 2008
Annual Scientific Symposium, Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Dumatol-Sanchez, J., Chan, M-K., Bellas, J., Boyd, J., Buchel, T., Riese, N.,
Stenhouse, J., Li, X-M., & Fleisher, W.P. An integration of the four principles of family
medicine and CanMED Competencies: An orientation program for international medical
graduates. Paper presented at the 2008 Annual Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Canada Conference, Ottawa, ON September 26-28th, 2008.
Ellerby, L. Engaging special populations in the process of change: Orienting services
to culture, mental health and offence type. British Columbia Ministry of Public Safety and
Solicitor General’s 2008 Adult Custody Division Health Care Conference, New Westminster,
BC, April, 2008.
Ellerby, L. Participating in the process of change: Musings, principles and a way of
being. British Columbia Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General’s 2008 Adult
Custody Division Health Care Conference, New Westminster, BC, April, 2008.
Ellerby, L. Practical applications in the process of change: The role of the
Therapeutic alliance in offender treatment. British Columbia Ministry of Public Safety and
Solicitor General’s 2008 Adult Custody Division Health Care Conference, New Westminster,
BC, April, 2008.
Ellerby, L. Understanding offender profiles, mental disorder and crime scene data for
criminal analysis and psychological profiling. Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System
(ViCLAS) Specialist Training Course, Canadian Police College, Ottawa, Ontario April, 2008.
Ellerby, L. Managing the impact of working with sexual offenders. Community
Protection Conference, DSHS Division of Developmental Disabilities and the Washington
State Department of Corrections Special Needs Unit, Seattle, Washington, May, 2008.
Ellerby, L. Treatment, healing & sexual offending risk management issues for
individuals with developmental disabilities. Community Protection Conference, DSHS
Division of Developmental Disabilities and the Washington State Department of Corrections
Special Needs Unit, Seattle, Washington, May, 2008.
Isaac, M., Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., Belik, S.L., Deane, F.P., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J. &
Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. Gatekeeper training as a preventative measure for
suicide: A systematic review. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver,
BC, September 2008.
Isaak, C., Melia, B., Campeau, M., Mota, N., Belik, S., Katz, L., Elias, B., Enns, M.,
Cox, B., Sareen, J., & Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. Suicide prevention in
Manitoba First Nations communities: A Multi-generational perspective. Poster presented at
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 16 of 37
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention Annual Conference, Quebec City, Quebec,
October 2008.
Kinley, D.J., Belik, S.L., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. Panic attacks and panic disorder in
the Canadian military. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC,
September 2008.
Kinley, D.J., Walker, J., Enns, M., & Sareen, J. Panic attacks as a risk factor for
new onset mental disorders: Findings from a population-based longitudinal study. Poster
presented at Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology 2008 Annual Scientific
Symposium, Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Kolton, D., Rothman, D., & Ellerby, L. Case studies illustrating holistic and
integrated community sex offender treatment. 27th Annual Research & Treatment Conference
of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 2008.
Mather, A. A. & Sareen, J. An examination of the prevalence, comorbidity,
impairment, and treatment-seeking of social phobia in the Canadian military. Poster
Presentation Annual meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Vancouver, BC,
September 2008.
Mota, N., Burnett, M., & Sareen, J. The relationship between abortion and mental
disorders in the National Comorbidity Replication Survey. Canadian Psychiatric Association
Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Mota, N., Elias, B., Cox, B.J., Katz, L., & Sareen, J. & Swampy Cree Suicide
Prevention Team. Correlates of suicidality: Investigation of a representative sample of
Manitoba First Nations adolescents. Canadian Congress on the Prevention of Suicide, Quebec
City, Quebec, October 2008.
Mota, N., Stein, M.B., & Sareen, J. Associations between sleep difficulties, disability,
and psychological well-being in a nationally representative Canadian sample. Canadian
Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology Annual Scientific Symposium, Vancouver, BC,
September 2008.
Nepon, J., Fotti, S., Katz, L.Y., Sareen, J. & Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team.
Media guidelines for reporting suicide: A review article. Canadian Psychiatric Association
Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Pagura, J., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. Anti-depressant use in the absence of Axis I
diagnoses in the general population. 58th Annual Convention for the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Pagura, J., Fotti, S., Katz, L., Sareen, J, & Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team.
Help-seeking and perceived need among individuals with suicidal behaviors in Canada. 58th
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Annual Convention for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Vancouver, BC, September
Pagura, J., Stein, M.B., Bolton, J., Cox, B.J. & Sareen, J. Comorbidity of Borderline
Personality Disorder and Posttraumatic stress disorder: findings from the National
Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions. Poster presented at the annual
meeting of the Canadian Association of Psychiatric Epidemiology 2008 Annual Scientific
Symposium, Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Pagura, J., Stein, M.B., Bolton, J.M., Cox, .BJ., & Sareen, J. The relationship
between post-traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder: Findings from the
National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions. Canadian Academy of
Psychiatric Epidemiology, Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Rasic, D.T., Belik, S.L., Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J. & Swampy
Cree Suicide Prevention Team. Spirituality, religion and suicidal behavior in a nationally
representative sample. Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association,
Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Rasic, D., Pagura, J., & Sareen, J. Relationship between site of cancer, mental
disorders and suicide in a large community sample. 58th Annual Conference for the Canadian
Psychiatric Association, Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Robinson, J., Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., Bolton, J.M. An examination of the efficacy of
self-medication for anxiety disorders using the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol
and Related Conditions. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC,
September 2008.
Rothman, D., & Ellerby, L. Know your ropes: Psychotherapeutic relationships that
work with adolescents. Stemming the Tide. National Adolescent Perpetration Network 23rd
Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, May, 2008.
Rothman, D., & Ellerby, L. Therapeutic relationships that work with sexual
offenders: An evidenced based guide for Clinicians. 27th Annual Research & Treatment
Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Atlanta, Georgia,
October, 2008.
Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., Afifi, T.O., Stein, M.B., Belik, S.L., & Asmundson, G.J.G.
Combat and peacekeeping operations in relation to mental disorders and need for care:
Findings from a representative sample of active military personnel. Paper presented at
symposium entitled, Epidemiological Studies on Depression and Occupational Stress:
Considerations for Interventions. (Chair: Sareen, J). World Psychiatric Association Meeting,
Saskatoon, SK, May 2008.
Department of Psychiatry
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Sareen, J. & Pagura, J. Race/Ethnic differences in suicidal ideation, plan and
attempts: Results from the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiologic Surveys. 58th Annual
Convention for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Vancouver, BC, September 2008.
Scott, T., Mackenzie, C.S., Mather, A., & Sareen, J. Older adults’ help-seeking
attitudes and treatment beliefs concerning mental health problems. Poster presented at the 61st
annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, National Harbor, MD, November
Scott, T., Mackenzie, C.S., Mather, A., & Sareen, J. Older adults’ help-seeking
attitudes and treatment beliefs concerning mental health problems. Poster presented at the
Annual National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE) Knowledge Exchange 2008
conference, Toronto, ON, June 2008.
Scott, T., Mackenzie, C.S., Mather, A., & Sareen, J. Older adults’ help-seeking
attitudes and treatment beliefs concerning mental health problems. Poster presented at the
University of Manitoba Centre on Aging 25th Annual Spring Symposium, Winnipeg, MB,
May 2008.
Steele, M., Davidson, B., Stretch, M., Lipton, H., Zayed, R.S., Callanan, T., Ferguson,
G., Duncan, D., Fleisher, W., Pipher, B., Doey, T., Spenser, H., Rourke, J., Salo, R.,
Sylvester, H., St. John, K., Raivio, E.. & Boman, J. Needs/Interests among family physicians/
general practitioners/ pediatricians in rural/remote areas: Canadian Collaborative Study.
Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 28th Annual Conference, Vancouver,
British Columbia, September 8th, 2008.
Thompson, G., Menec, V., & Chochinov, H.M. End-of-Life care for the elderly in
long-term care: Family members’ experiences and satisfaction with care. 17th International
Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, Quebec, September 2008.
Thompson, G., Menec, V., & Chochinov, H.M. Improving care of the elderly at the
end-of-life: Family members’ perspectives. 18th Annual Provincial Hospice and Palliative
Care Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 2008.
Thompson, G., Menec, V., & Chochinov, H.M. Improving end-of-life care in long
term care: Suggestions from bereaved family members. Canadian Hospice Palliative Care
Conference, Charlottetown, PEI, October 2008.
Thompson, G., Menec, V., & Chochinov, H.M. To transcribe or not to transcribe:
Using digital-editing software in data analysis. Ninth Advances in Qualitative Methods
Conference, Banff, AB, October 2008.
Wilson, K., Chochinov, H.M., Allard, P., Chary, S., Gagnon, P., Macmillan, K.,
DeLuca, M, O'Shea, M., Kuhl, D., & Fainsinger, R. (2008). Prevalence and correlates of pain
in the Canadian National Palliative Care Survey. 12th World Congress on Pain. Glasgow,
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 19 of 37
Zhang, Y., Xiao, L., Xu, H., Wei, Z., He, J., Jiang, W., Li, X., Dyck, L., Devon, R.,
Kong, J., & Li, X.M. New features of atypical antipsychotic drug quetiapine: regulating
oligodendrocyte development and regeneration, preventing demyelination induced by
cuprizone. First Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference, Venice, Italy,
June 2008.
Zhang, Y., Xiao, L., Xu, H., Wei, Z., He, J., Jiang, W., Li, X., Dyck, L., Devon, R.,
Kong, J., & Li, X.M. Quetiapine exerts protective effects on oligodendrocytes in cuprizone
induced demyelination model and promotes oligodendrocytes maturation in remyelination
process. New Clinical Drug Evaluation Unit, Phoenix, Arizona, May 2008.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 20 of 37
Xu, H.,
Wei, Faculty
Z., He, J.,
Jiang, W.,
Li, X., Dyck, L., Devon, R.,
Zhang, Y., Xiao. L.,Sixth
Kong, J., and Li, X.M. Quetiapine exerts
effects on oligodendrocytes in cuprizone
21, 2008
induced demyelination model andDepartment
promotes oligodendrocytes
of Psychiatry maturation in remyelination
process. New Clinical Drug Evaluation
Arizona, May, 2008.
University of Manitoba
Bolton, J.M. Self-Medication of Mood and Anxiety Disorders: An Epidemiologic
Campbell, D.W. Neural Network Responses of Social-Emotional Perceptions in
Social Phobia.
Chochinov, H.M. Patient Dignity Inventory and the Landscape of Distress.
Enns, M.W. Self-Criticism, Maladaptive Perfectionism and Depression Symptoms in
a Community Sample: A Longitudinal Test of the Mediating Effects of Person-Dependent
Stressful Life Events.
Fleisher, W.M. International Medical Graduates: Studying their Learning Needs and
their Professional Assets.
Katz, L.Y. The Temporal Relationship of Antidepressant Use and Suicide; A
Replication Study.
Li, X.M. Psychiatric Neuroscience: A psychiatrist’s perspectives.
Polimeni, J. Is Religion Exapted from Humor?
Sareen, J. Race/Ethnic Differences in Prevalence of Suicidal Ideation and Attempts:
Findings from the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Survey.
Sigurdson, E. Reversible Fluoxetine-Associated Neutropenia in an Adolescent.
Distinguished Faculty Address
Lesage, A. Audit of all Consecutive Cases of Suicide during a Year in New
Brunswick: The Case for Better Integration of Specialist Mental Health and Addiction
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 21 of 37
Invited Addresses (Including Grand Rounds)
Altman, G.
(February 2008)
Belik, S.L.
(September 2008)
(November 2008)
Bolton, J.M.
(May 2008)
(November 2008)
Chochinov, H.M.
(January 2008)
(February 2008)
(March 2008)
(June 2008)
Treatment Challenges in the Psychiatric Care of Children of Families
with Cognitive and Sensory Impairments.
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. University of Manitoba.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Anxiety Disorders in Youth.
Social Work Department. Winnipeg Child Guidance Clinic.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Anxiety Disorders in Youth.
Sunrise School Division. Oak Bank, Manitoba.
Tales from a grad student in Community Health Sciences: Why you
should put yourself through this.
Department of Community Health Sciences Colloquium.
University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
A Comparison of the Prevalence and Risk Factors of Suicidal Behavior
in American Indian and General Population Samples.
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds.
University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Exploring Correlates of Suicide Attempts among Individuals with
Major Depression: Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey
on Alcohol and Related Conditions.
Special Symposium of the Canadian Academy of Psychiatric
Epidemiology – Epidemiological Studies Related to Depression and
Occupational Stress: Considerations for Intervention.
World Psychiatric Association. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Suicide Risk Factors.
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority – Research to Action Workshop:
Using What We Know to Prevent Suicide. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Suicide.
Annual Manitoba ASIST Trainer’s Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Improving End of Life Care in Critical Care.
London Sciences Centre. London, Ontario.
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. University of Auckland and
Mercy Hospice. Auckland, New Zealand.
Grand Rounds. Shaary Zedek Hospital, Hebrew University. Jerusalem,
Palliative Care in Different Cultures.
Israel Palliative Medical Society. Eilat, Israel.
Evaluation of a Distance Education Palliative Care Course in Cape
Town, South Africa.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 22 of 37
(July 2008)
(August 2008)
(September 2008)
(October 2008)
(November 2008)
Ellerby, L.
(January 2008)
(March 2008)
(May 2008)
Fleisher, W.
(September 2008)
Katz, L.Y.
(February 2008)
Canadian Student Health Research Forum. Stem Cells: From Embryos
to Ethics. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
13th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Palliative Medicine.
Shizuoka, Japan.
Singapore Palliative Care Conference 2008. Singapore.
2nd Symposium Future of Heart Health. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care. Royal College of Physicians
of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Scotland.
National Cancer Research Institute. Birmingham, England.
Department of Pediatric Grand Rounds, Faculty of Medicine.
University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Philippa Harris Lecture Series on Bioethical Issues in Cancer Care.
Princess Margaret Hospital. Toronto, Ontario.
Suicide in Cancer Patients.
Psychological Medicine Research. University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh,
The A,B,C,D’s of Dignity Conserving Care.
The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority AGM. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Research in Support of the Palliative Care Services and Main Lines of
Special Work Group for Continuous Care of the National Cancer
Control Unit. Havana, Cuba.
Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma. Understanding and
Managing Stressors as a Prosecutor.
Ontario Attorney General Office, Northwestern Ontario Prosecutions
Branch. Kenora, Ontario.
Sex Offenders: Understanding the Crime, Managing the Risk.
Manitoba Integrated High Risk Sex Offender Unit Winnipeg Police
Service District Coordinator Seminar. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The Art of Group Processing.
Correctional Service of Canada, Programs Department. Winnipeg,
Understanding & managing risk for sexual offending behaviour.
Child/Sexual Abuse Investigators Workshop, Royal Canadian Mounted
Police. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Overview of the Health Care System in Manitoba.
Orientation to the Physician Assistant Education Program, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 23 of 37
(March 2008)
(April 2008)
(May 2008)
(June 2008)
(August 2008)
(September 2008)
(October 2008)
(November 2008)
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds.
University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Adolescent Self-Injurious Behavior.
Child Guidance Clinic. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and
Allied Professions – World Congress. Istanbul, Turkey.
DBT for the Front Lines.
Ministry of Children and Families. Kelowna, British Columbia.
Skills Training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
Ministry of Children and Families. Kelowna, British Columbia.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority: Research to Action Day.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Intensive Training: Part I.
St. Joseph’s Hospital. Hamilton, Ontario.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
Injury Free Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The Peer-Review Process.
Resident Research Day, Department of Psychiatry, University of
Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Suicidal Adolescents.
Sussex Mental Health Region. Saint John, New Brunswick.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
National Aboriginal Mental Health Network Annual Meeting.
Montreal, Quebec.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
Ministry of Children and Families. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention Plenary Session.
Quebec City, Quebec.
Skills Training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
Manitoba ASIST Trainer’s Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Update From the Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team: Findings
Related to Risk Factors and Gatekeeper Training as a Preventative
Grand Rounds, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 24 of 37
Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Intensive Training: Part II.
St. Joseph’s Hospital. Hamilton, Ontario.
Sareen, J.
(February 2008)
(May 2008)
(June 2008)
(August 2008)
(October 2008)
(November 2008)
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, University of Manitoba.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority: Research to Action day.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
Injury Free Manitoba.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
National Aboriginal Mental Health Network Annual Meeting.
Montreal, Quebec.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention Plenary Session. Quebec
City, Quebec.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba.
Manitoba ASIST Trainer’s Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Update From the Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team: Findings
Related to Risk Factors and Gatekeeper Training as a Preventative
Grand Rounds, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 25 of 37
External Funding (Peer-Reviewed)
Asmundson, G.J.G., Taylor, S., Katz, J., Stein, M.B, Cox, B.J., & Jang, K. (20032008). “Understanding Risk Factors, Comorbidity, and Global Health Issues in PTSD:
Laying the Foundation for Early Identification in At-Risk Populations and Improving
Preventive and Treatment Strategies for All Canadians”. New Emerging Team Program.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,100,000).
Bolton J.M., Sareen J., & Cox B.J. (2007-2008) “Use of Alcohol and Drugs to SelfMedicate Affective and Anxiety Disorders in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol
and Related Conditions”. Health Sciences Centre Research Foundation. ($30,745).
Bolton, J.M., Sareen, J., & Cox, B.J. (2008-2010). “Suicide Attempts in the General
Population: Examining Risk and Protective Factors”. Manitoba Health Research Council
Operating Grant. ($61,306).
Campbell, D.W., Reiss, J.P., & Sareen, J. (2008-2010). “Military Personnel with
PTSD: Functional MRI Brain Imaging, Psychotherapy, and Emotional Responses”. Canadian
Institutes of Health Research Regional Partnership Program Operating Grant. ($138,876).
Campbell, D.W., Reiss, J.P., & Sareen, J. (2008-2009). “An fMRI Study of PTSD,
Emotional Processing, and Psychotherapy”. University of Manitoba Research Grant Pilot
Project. ($7,285).
Campbell, D.W., Sareen, J., Reiss, J.P., & Logsetty, S. (2008-2009) “Emotional
Regulation in burn victims with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.” University of Manitoba Paul
Thorlakson Foundation Fund. ($28,245).
Chochinov, H.M. (2003-2010). “Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care (Tier I)”.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,400,000).
Chochinov, H.M. (2008). “Canadian Virtual Hospice”. Canadian Partnerships
Against Cancer. ($300,000).
Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2010). “The ABCD’s of Dignity Conserving Care: A Pilot
Dissemination Project”. Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. ($500,000).
Chochinov, H.M., Breitbart, W., Kristjanson, L., Hack, T., McClement, S., Hassard,
T., & Harlos, M. (2004-2008). “Dignity Intervention for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients”.
National Institute of Health. (US$2,070,293).
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Harlos, M., Hassard, T., & McClement, S. (2008-2011).
“National Patient Dignity Inventory Study”. National Cancer Institute of Canada. ($446,050).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 26 of 37
Chochinov, H.M., Steinstra, D., Kaufert, J.M., & Lutfiyya, Z.M. (2004-2009).
“Vulnerable Populations in End of Life Care”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
($1,395,000). (Principal Investigator).
Cox, B.J., (2007-2008). “Depression in Relation to Problem Gambling. A
Community-Based Study”. Ruth Hurd Memorial Fund. ($5,000).
Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Sareen, J. (2006-2009). “Psychosocial Determinants of
Anxiety Disorders and Depression in the 10 Year Follow-Up of the National Comorbidity
Survey”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($101,212).
Cox, B.J., Sareen, J., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Enns M.W. (2006-2011) “Longitudinal
Study of Psychological Determinants of Trauma-Related Emotional Distress in a
Representative Community-Based Sample”. Social Sciences and Health Research Council.
Cox, B.J. (2006-2011). “Canada Research Chair in Mood and Anxiety Disorders”.
Government of Canada. ($500,000).
Dumont, S., Jacobs, P., Villeneuve, P., Burge, F., Johnston, G., & Chochinov, H.M.
(2008). “Palliative Care in Canada II: The economic perspective in rural areas”. Canadian
Institutes of Health Research. ($339,666).
Elias, B. Cox, B.J., Mignone, J., O’Neil, J.D., & Sareen, J. (2006-2010). “The social
environment and the health of First Nations women and men”. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research. ($419,745).
Gagnon, P., Aubin, M., Chochinov, H.M., Dumont, S., Fillion, L., & Pereira, J. L.
(2004-2009). “Developing, Evaluating and Implementing New Interventions in Palliative
Care”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,395,000). (Co-Investigator).
Gagnon, P., Filion, L., Blais, M., Aubin, M., Henry, M., & Chochinov, H.M. (20082011). “Creating Meaning Following a Cancer”. National Cancer Institute of Canada.
Hall, S., Edmonds, P., Harding, R., Higginson, I., & Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2009).
“Dignity Therapy for Older People in Care Homes: Assessing Potential Effectiveness,
Feasibility, and Acceptability”. Dimbleby Cancer Care. ($160,143).
Hall, S., Higginson, I., Murray, S., Chochinov, H.M., Harding, R., & Richardson, A.
(2008-2010). “Dignity Therapy for Older People in Care Homes: Assessing Potential
Effectiveness, Feasibility, and Acceptability”. Dunhill Medical Trust. ($207,566).
Hamilton, J., Fleisher, W., Li, XM., Sanchez, J. & Ripstein, I. (2008-2009). “A
Faculty Development Program for Teachers of International Medical Graduates”. Association
of Faculties of Medicine of Canada. ($9,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 27 of 37
Hamilton, J., Fleisher, W. & Sanchez, J. (2007-2008). “A Faculty Development
Program for Teachers of International Medical Graduates”. Association of Faculties of
Medicine of Canada (AFMC). ($7,500).
Katz, L.Y., Kozyrskyj, A.L.., Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., & Enns, M.W. (2006-2008).
“Antidepressant Prescribing to Children and Adolescents in Manitoba: The Impact of Health
Canada Warnings”. Health Sciences Centre Foundation. ($34,815).
Li, X-M. (2008-2011) “Neuroprotective effects & new mechanisms of action of
antidepressants and atypical antipsychotics.” Manitoba Health Research Council
Establishment Grant. ($100,000).
Li, X-M. & Kong, J. (2008-2010) “Oligodendrocyte Dysfunction as a Mechanism of
Schizophrenia”. Canadian Institute of Health Research Grant. ($200,000).
MacMillan, H., Boyle, M., Coben, J., Herrman, H., Stewart, D., Wathen, C., Afifi, T.,
Barata, P., Chandra, P., Collin-Vezina, D., Debellis, M., Desmueles, M., Diaz-Granados, N.,
Dudding, P., Erickson, P., Feder, G., Ford-Gilboe, M., Gonzalez, A. Hegadoren, K., Hegarty,
K., Helweg-Larsen, K., Jack, S., Jenkins, R., Kastrup, M., Kothari, A., McKee, S., Olds, D.,
Oliffe, J., Sareen, J., Schmidt, L., Tonmyr, L., Trocme, N., Waddell, C., & Wekerle, C.
(2008-2009). Centre for Research Development in Gender, Mental Health and Violence
Across the Lifespan (Letter of Intent). Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($10,000).
McClement, S., Chochinov, H.M., Dean, R., & Lobchuk, M. (2007-2008) A
Phenomenological Study of Health Care Aides' "Experiences of the Ethical" in Caring for
Dying Patients in a Personal Care Home', Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Mills, R.S., Hastings, P.D., Serbin, L.A., Abela, J.R., Coplan, R.A., & Cox, B.J., and
7 other co-applicants. (2005-2010). “Harnessing and Extending Canadian Developmental
Trajectories Research on Early Emerging Internalizing Problems”. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research. ($742,000).
Mzengeza, S. & Li, X-M. (2008). “Imaging agents for Alzheimer’s disease”. Health
Sciences Centre Foundation Operating Grant. ($35,000).
Polimeni, J., Reiss, J.P., & Campbell, D.W. (2007-2008) “Enhanced Cognitive
Performance in Schizophrenia using Tailored Visual-Cognitive and Audio-Cognitive
Paradigms”. Health Sciences Centre Foundation. ($25,355).
Sareen, J., (2006-2011). “Mental Health Sequelae of Peacekeeping Operations and
Correlates of Perceived Need for Mental Health Services in a Large Population-Based Survey
of Canadian Military Personnel”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. New Investigator
Award. ($275,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 28 of 37
Sareen J. (2008). “Population-Based Studies Laboratory Focused on Aboriginal
Suicide Prevention, Military Mental Health and Anxiety Disorders.” Canadian Foundation for
Innovation, Leaders Opportunity Fund, (Funding partners: Manitoba Research Innovation
Fund, HSC Foundation, University of Manitoba). ($240,000).
Sareen, J., Asmundson, G.J.G., Cox, B.J., & Stein, M.B. (2005-2008). “Mental
Health Sequelae of Peacekeeping Operations and Correlates of Perceived Need for Mental
Health Services in a Large Population-Based Survey Sample of Canadian Military
Personnel”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($75,000).
Sareen, J., Asmundson, G.J., Wang, J.L., & Cox, B.J. (2008-2012). “Work Stress and
Child Adversity in Relation to Mental Disorders and Suicidality Among Soldiers: Analysis of
a Large Population Based sample.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($120,000).
Sareen, J., Elias,B., Katz, L.Y., O’Neil, J., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Cook, C.
(2007-2012). “From Risk Factors to Culturally-Sensitive Interventions: A Programmatic
Approach to Aboriginal Suicide”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,222,141).
Walker, J.R., Westra, H., Phipps, D.J., Swinson, R.P., Furer, P.T., Cunningham, C.,
Marcus, M., Sareen, J., Rose-Krasno, L., & Eastwood, J. (2008-2013). “Pathways to Mental
Health Treatment: Mobilizing Knowledge to inform consumer decision making, advocacy and
access.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,500,000).
Wang, J.L., Patten, S.B., Schmitz, N.B., & Sareen, J. (2008-2011). “Perceived needs
and utilization of workplace mental health accommodations among workers with depressive
and anxiety disorders.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($190,035).
Wang, J, Patten, S, Smailes, E, Fick, G, & Sareen, J. (2007-2011) “A PopulationBased Longitudinal Study of Work and Health”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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External Funding (Other Sources)
Chochinov, H.M. (2005-Present), Ongoing Operating Requirements, Canadian
Virtual Hospice, Manitoba Health. ($300,000/year).
Chochinov, H.M. (2004-2010) Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit Infrastructure
Funding, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. ($50,000).
Chochinov, H.M. (2008-2009). Palliative Care Research Unit, CancerCare Manitoba
Foundation. ($7,800).
Li, X-M., (2006-2011) “Depression and Anxiety Disorders Research Program
Partnership”. University of Saskatchewan, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Institute of
Neurosciences (Mental Health and Addiction), Royal University of Hospital Foundation,
Saskatchewan Schizophrenia Research Foundation Inc., AstraZeneca Canada. ($780,000).
Li, X-M. (2006-2008) “Synergistic Effects of Antidepressants and Atypical
Antipsychotics in Chronically Stressed Rats: Implications for the Treatment of Psychiatric
Disorders”. AstraZeneca Canada. ($350,000).
Li, X-M. (2008-2013). “Oligodendrocyte Dysfunction as a Mechanism of
Schizophrenia”. AstraZeneca Canada Inc Investigator-Initiated Research Award. ($250,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Editorships, Guest Editors, Memberships
on Journal Editorial Boards
Chochinov, H.M.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of Palliative Care
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Supportive Cancer Therapy
Supportive Oncology
Cox, B.J.
Behavior Research and Therapy
Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Doctor’s Monthly
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy
Enns, M.W.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Katz, L.Y.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Sareen, J.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Depression and Anxiety
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Thirteenth Annual Resident Research Day Presentations
June 12, 2008
Casiano, H., Globerman, D., Katz, L., & Sareen, J. “Youth Suicide in Detention and
Correctional Facilities: a Comprehensive Review”. University of Manitoba, Department of
Casiano, H. & Sareen, J. “Childhood Adversity and Threats Made with Weapons in a
Nationally Representative Sample”. University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Hawe, R. & Bolton, J. “Response to Clozapine-induced microscopic colitis: A case
report and review of the literature”. University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Hawe, R. & Hynes, A. “A Review of the Literature and a Research Proposal
Regarding the use of Long Acting Codeine in Opiate Addiction”. University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
Kuzenko, N., Sareen, J., & Simm, J. “Investigating the Association Between
Hallucinogen Use and Psychotic Symptoms: A Proposed Investigation”. University of
Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Lazareck, S., Campbell, B., & Hobson, D. “Psychiatric Complications of Parkinson’s
Disease”. University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
McFayden, R. & Sareen, J. “Psychiatry Residents’ Perceived Preparedness to Provide
Mental Health Care to Aboriginal Populations”. University of Manitoba, Department of
Sharkey, R., Fleisher, W., and Gordon, E. “Preparation of psychiatry residents for
work with couples and families in later practice: a literature review and research proposal”.
University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Winogrodzki, A., Campbell, D., & Reiss, J. “Motor sequence learning in patients
with schizophrenia using a probabilistic design with two difficulty levels”. University of
Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Reviewing Activities for
Journals, Granting Councils, Conferences, or Universities
Afifi, T.O.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia
American Journal of Epidemiology
Annals of General Psychiatry
Archives of General Psychiatry
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
CNS Spectrums
Canadian Journal of Public Health
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Child Abuse & Neglect
General Hospital Psychiatry
International Journal of Health Geographics
Journal of Affective Disorders
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma
Journal of Gambling Studies
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Psychological Medicine
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Belik, S.L.
Archives of General Psychiatry
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
PLoS Medicine
Psychiatry Research
Bolton, J.M.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Health Sciences Centre Foundation
Journal of Affective Disorders
Manitoba Health Research Council
Psychiatry Research
Campbell, D.W.
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Chochinov, H.M.
Archives of General Psychiatry
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
British Journal of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Cambridge University Press
Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Psycho-Oncology
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of the American Medical Association
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Oxford University Press
Ellerby, L.
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment
Wood ‘N’ Barnes Publishing
Enns, M.W.
Anxiety Stress and Coping
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Health Sciences Centre Foundation
Fleisher, W.M.
Academic & Scholarly Annual Report, Department of Medical Education
Faculty of Medicine/ Manitoba Medical School Foundation McLaughlin Award Committee
Faculty of Medicine CSCI Awards Committee
Goossen, R.B.
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
He, J.
Cell Adhesion & Migration
Molecular Neurodegeneration
Henriksen, C.A.
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Jagdeo, A.
Psychiatric Research
Katz, L.Y.
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
Li, X.M.
Council-Canadian Institute of Health Research
Canadian Psychiatric Association
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 34 of 37
Clark Institute, Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation
Ontario Mental Health
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
American Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of Neurochemistry
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Brain Research
Mota, N.
Depression and Anxiety
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Pagura, J.
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Sciences
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Molecular Psychiatry
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Sareen, J.
Archives of General Psychiatry
Arthritis Care and Research
British Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Gender Sex and Health Committee
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of Pain
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Manitoba Health Research Council Studentship Committee 2008
Medical Care
PLOS Medicine
Psychological Medicine
Social Sciences and Medicine
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Faculty Awards
Bolton, J.M.
Mitchell B. Balter Award, Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
Chochinov, H.M.
O. Harold Warwick Prize, NCIC
Honorary Professorship in the School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
Li, X.M.
Aubie Angel Young Investigator Award Research award, University of
Resident Awards
June 2008
Kuzenko, N.
Participation Award. “Investigating the Association between Hallucinogen Use and Psychotic
Symptoms: A Proposed Investigation”. Supervisors: Sareen, J. & Simm, J.
Winogrodzki, A.
Participation Award. “Motor Sequence Learning in Patients with Schizophrenia using a
Probabilistic Design with two Difficulty Levels”. Supervisors: Campbell, D. & Reiss, J.P.
McFayden, R.
Best Education/Training Paper. “Psychiatry Residents’ Perceived Preparedness to Provide
Mental Health Care to Aboriginal Populations”. Supervisor: Sareen, J.
Hawe, R.
Ruth Hurd Award – Best Paper Related to Substance Abuse/Addictions. “Response to
Clozapine-Induced Microscopic Colitis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature”.
Supervisor: Bolton, J.M.
Hawe, R.
Best Case Report. “Response to Clozapine-Induced Microscopic Colitis: A Case Report and
Review of the Literature”. Supervisor: Bolton, J.M.
Lazareck, S.
Best Paper by a Junior Resident. “Psychiatric Complications of Parkinson’s Disease”.
Supervisors: Campbell, B. & Hobson, D.
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Page 36 of 37
Casiano, H.
Best Paper. “Youth Suicide in Detention and Correctional Facilities: a Comprehensive
Review”. Supervisors: Globerman, D., Katz, L., & Sareen, J.
Sharkey, R.
Gustavo Lage Award – Best Article on a Psychotherapeutic Topic. “Preparation of Psychiatry
Residents for Work with Couples and Families in Later Practice: a Literature Review and
Research Proposal”. Supervisors: Fleisher, W.M., & Gordon, E.
Casiano, H.
Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre Award – Best Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Paper.
“Youth Suicide in Detention and Correctional Facilities: a Comprehensive Review”.
Supervisors: Globerman, D., Katz, L., & Sareen, J.
Hawe, R.
Manitoba Psychiatric Association Award – Best Presentation. “Response to ClozapineInduced Microscopic Colitis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature”. Supervisor:
Bolton, J.M.
Afifi, T.O.
Brain Star award from Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($1,000)
Manitoba Medical Service Foundation (MMSF) Award ($1,000)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) CGS Doctoral
Scholarship, 2005-2008 ($105,000)
Graduate Students Association Travel Conference Award ($500)
Belik, S.L.
Graduate Student Conference Travel Award, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of
Manitoba ($500)
Faculty of Graduate Studies Cost Sharing Top-up Program Contribution ($10,000)
Deer Lodge Personal Award, Manitoba Medical College Foundation Inc. ($1,000)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada
Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral Research Award, 2008-2011 ($105,000)
Manitoba Health Research Council Studentship, 2008-2009 ($17,850)
Henriksen, C.A.
Psychology Fellowship, University of Manitoba, 2008-2010 ($28,000)
He, J.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Fellowship, 2006-2008 ($90,000)
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
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Hills, A.
Manitoba Merit of Excellence - Civil Service Award for Partnership
Kinley, D.J.
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of
Manitoba, 2008-2009 ($12,000)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council: Canadian Graduate Scholarship, 20072008 ($17, 500)
Mota, N.
Manitoba Graduate Scholarship, University of Manitoba ($15,000)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada Graduate Scholarship Master’s
Award, 2007-2008 ($17,500)
Psychology Alumni Faculty Scholarship, University of Manitoba ($2,750)
Mark Lewis Nozick Memorial Scholarship, University of Manitoba ($1,500)
Clarence Bogardus Sharpe Scholarship, University of Manitoba ($3,055)
University of Manitoba Student Union Scholarship, University of Manitoba ($700)
Pagura, J.
Best Trainee Poster Award at the Canadian Association of Psychiatric Epidemiology Annual
Scientific Symposium ($100)
Robinson, J.A.
Canadian Institute of Health Research Canada Graduate Scholarship, 2008-2009 ($17,500)
Fly UP