
2007 Research Report The University of Manitoba

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2007 Research Report The University of Manitoba
The University of Manitoba
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
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University of Manitoba Department of Psychiatry Research Report
This year’s Departmental Research Report is the tenth report since its re-introduction in
1998. Highlights of research activity this year include 43 peer reviewed papers (published or in
press), 11 scholarly book chapters, 4 invited publications, 59 presented scientific publications
and numerous invited presentations, the Fifth Annual Faculty Research Forum, Twelfth Annual
Resident Research Day, and sustained funding of three research groups through a variety of
national granting agencies. Once again, the areas of research activity represented in this annual
report reflect a great diversity of interests and expertise within the Department of Psychiatry.
We have had a welcome new addition of a prolific clinician-researcher, Dr. Xin-Min Li, to our
Department of Psychiatry. We appreciate the effort of Keri-Lynne Heiland in preparing this
Jitender Sareen, MD, FRCPC
Director of Research
Associate Professor
June 2008
Murray W. Enns MD, FRCPC
Professor and Head
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
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Table of Contents
Chapters in Books ...................................................................................................... 4
Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals ............................................................ 5
Other Publications...................................................................................................... 9
Papers, Symposiums, or Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences....................... 9
Fifth Annual Faculty Research Forum.......................................................................15
Invited Addresses (including Grand Rounds)............................................................16
External Funding Peer-Reviewed ..............................................................................19
External Funding (Other Sources) .............................................................................21
Editorships, Guest Editor, Memberships on Journal Editorial Boards ......................22
Research Resident Day ..............................................................................................23
Reviewing Activities for Journals, Granting Councils, ............................................24
Conferences or Universities
Faculty Awards ..........................................................................................................26
Resident Awards ........................................................................................................26
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
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Chapters in Books
Afifi, T.O., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Epidemiology of Traumatic
Events and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In: D.J. Nutt, M.B. Stein, & J. Zohar (Eds.), PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Second Edition. New York, NY: Informa Healthcare, Inc. Chapter
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Anxiety Disorders in Canada. In: D.
Streiner and J. Cairney (Eds.). Mental Disorders in Canada: An Epidemiological Perspective.
University of Toronto Press. Toronto, Ontario.
Belik, S.L., Stein, M.B., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Anxiety Disorders and Medical
Comorbidity In: M.M. Antony & M.B. Stein (Eds), Handbook of Anxiety and the Anxiety
Disorders. Oxford University Press, New York.
Katz, L.Y., & Lofthouse, N. (In Press) Chapter 13: Adolescent Non-Suicidal Self-Injury
in an Inpatient Setting. In, Nixon MK & Heath NL (eds.), Self-Injury in Youth: The Essential
Guide to Assessment and Intervention. Routledge Press. New York.
McClement, S.E., & Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Depression. In: Walsh D (Eds.).
Palliative Medicine. Oxford University Press, New York.
Norton, G.R., Norton, P.J., Cox, B.J., & Belik, SL. (In Press). Panic Spectrum
Disorders and Substance Use (Chapter 5). In: S. Stewart and P.J. Conrad (Eds.). Anxiety and
Substance Use Disorders. Springer, New York.
Pagura, J., Cox, B.J., & Enns, M.W. (In Press). Personality Factors and Anxiety
Disorders. In: M. Antony and M.B. Stein (Eds.). Handbook of Anxiety Disorders. Oxford
University Press. New York, New York.
Sala, T., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Anxiety Disorders and Physical Illness
Comorbidity: An Overview. In M. Zvolensky & J. Smits (Eds). Springer, New York.
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Belik, S.L., Afifi, T.O., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (In Press) Mental
Disorders, Perceived Need and Perceived Barriers to Care in Military Samples. In BK
Wiederhold (Ed), Wounds of War: Lowering Suicide Risk in Returning Troops. NATO Science
for Peace and Security Series: Human and Societal Dynamics. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
IOS Press.
Skakum, K., & Reiss, J.P.: Acute Agitation. Therapeutic Choices.
Canadian Pharmacists Association, pp. 1-10, 2007.
Jean Grey (Ed.).
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Research 2007
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Taylor, S., Cox, B. J., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (In Press). Anxiety Disorders: Panic and
Phobias. In T. Millon, P. Blaney (Eds.). Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology (2nd Edition).
Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Afifi, T. O., Cox, B.J., & Katz, L.Y. (2007). The Association Between Health Risk
Behaviours and Suicidal Ideation and Attempts in a Nationally Representative Sample of Young
Adolescents. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 52:666-674.
Afifi, T.O., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., ten-Have, M., de Graaf, R., & Sareen, J. (In Press).
Child Abuse and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adulthood. Journal of Nervous and Mental
Afifi, T.O., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., Asmundson, G.J.G., Stein, M.B., & Sareen, J. (In
Press). Population Attributable Fractions of Psychiatric Disorders and Suicidal Ideation and
Attempts Associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences in the General Population. American
Journal of Public Health.
Alessi-Severini, S., Biscontri, R.G., Collins, D., Kozyrskyj, A., Sareen, J., & Enns,
M.W. Utilization and Costs of Antipsychotic Agents: A Canadian Population-Based Study,
1996-2006. (In Press: Psychiatric Services)
Belik, S.L., Cox, B.J., Stein, M.B., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Sareen, J. (2007). Traumatic
Events and Suicidal Behavior: Results from a National Mental Health Survey. Journal of
Nervous and Mental Disease, 195:342-349.
Bernstein, A., Zvolensky, M.J., Norton, P.J., Schmidt, N.B., Taylor, S., Forsyth, J.P.,
Lewis, S.F., Feldner, M., Leen-Feldner, E.W., Stewart, S.H., & Cox, B.J. (In Press).
Taxometric and Factor Analytic Models of Anxiety Sensitivity: Integrating Approaches to
Latent Structural Research. Psychological Assessment.
Bolton, J.M., Cox, B.J., Afifi, T.O., Enns, M.W., Bienvenu, O.J., & Sareen, J. (In
Press). Anxiety Disorders and Risk for Suicide Attempts: Findings From the Baltimore
Epidemiologic Catchment Area 13 Year Follow-Up Study. Depression and Anxiety.
Campbell, D.W., Sareen, J., Paulus, M.P., Goldin, P.R., Stein, M.B. & Reiss, J.P.
(2007) Altered Timing in the Neural Response to emotional Faces in Generalized Social Phobia.
Biological Psychiatry, 62(5):455-463.
Cao, X., Wei, Z., Gabriel, G.G., Li, X-M., & Mousseau, D.D. (2007). Calcium-Sensitive
Regulation of Monoamine Oxidase-A Contributes to the Production of Peroxyradicals in
Hippocampal Cultures: Implications for Alzheimer Disease-Related Pathology. BMC
Neuroscience, 8:73.
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Casiano, H., Globerman, D., & Enns, M.W. (2007). Recurrent Priapism During
Treatment with Clozapine, Quetiapine and Haloperidol. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 21:
Casiano, H., Belik, S.L., Cox, B.J., Waldman, J., & Sareen, J., (In Press). Mental
Disorders and Threats Made Toward Others with Weapons in the National Comorbidity
Replication Survey. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Chochinov, H.M. (2007). Dignity and the Essence of Medicine: The A, B, C and D of
Dignity Conserving Care. British Medical Journal. 335(7612):184-187.
Chochinov, H.M., Kristjanson, L., Hack, T., Hassard, T., McClement, S., & Harlos, M.
(In Press). Burden to Others and the Terminally Ill. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.
Clara, I.P., Cox, B.J., & Enns, M.W. (2007). Self-Critical Perfectionism in Clinical
Depression. Journal of Personality Assessment. 88(3): 309-316
Cox, B.J., Clara, I.P., Sareen, J., & Stein, M.B. (In Press) The Structure of Feared
Social Situations Among Individuals with a Lifetime Diagnosis of Social Anxiety Disorder in
Two Independent Nationally-Representative Mental Health Surveys. Behavior Research and
Cox, B.J., Sareen, J., Enns, M.W., Clara, I.P., & Grant, B. (2007). The Fundamental
Structure of Axis II Personality Disorders Assessed in the National Epidemiologic Survey on
Alcohol and Related Conditions. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 68(12):1913-1920
Cox, B.J., Pagura, J., Stein, M.B., & Sareen, J. (In Press). The Relationship Between
Generalized Social Phobia and Avoidant Personality Disorder in a National Mental Health
Survey. Depression and Anxiety.
Cox, B.J., Taylor, S., Clara, I.P., Roberts, L., & Enns, M.W. (In Press) Anxiety
Sensitivity and Panic-Related Sympomatology in a Representative Community-Based Sample: A
One-Year Longitudinal Analysis. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy.
He, J., Luo, H., Yan, B., Yu, Y., Wang, H., Wei, Z., Zhang, Y., Xu, H., Tempier, A., Li,
X., & Li, X-M. (In Press). Beneficial Effects of Quetiapine in a Transgenic Mouse Model of
Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging.
Li, X-M. and Xu, H. (2007). Evidence for neuroprotective effects of antipsychotic drugs:
Implications for the pathophysiology and treatment of schizophrenia. International Review of
Neurobiology, 77:107-142.
McClement, S., Hack, T., Chochinov, H.M., Hassard, T., Kristjanson, L., & Harlos, M.
(2007) Dignity Therapy: Family Member Perspectives. Journal of Palliative Medicine,
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McWilliams, L., Clara, I.P., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Associations between
arthritis and a broad range of psychiatric disorders: Findings from a nationally representative
sample. Journal of Pain.
Mota, N., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., Calhoun, L., & Sareen, J. (In Press). The
Relationship Between Mental Disorders, Quality of Life, and Pregnancy: Findings from a
Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Affective Disorders.
Norton, P.J., Zvolensky, M.J., Bonn-Miller, M.O., Cox, B.J., & Norton, G. R. (In Press).
Use of the PAQ-IV to Assess Nonclinical Panic Attacks and Limited Symptom Panic Attacks in
Student and Community Samples. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Pagura, J., Cox, B.J., Sareen, J., & Enns, M.W. (In Press). Factors Associated with
Multiple versus Single Episode Suicide Attempts in the 1990 – 1992 and 2001 – 2003 US
National Comorbidity Surveys. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Ratcliffe, G., Enns, M.W., Belik, S.L., & Sareen J. (In Press). Chronic Pain Conditions
and Suicidal Behavior: An Epidemiological Perspective. Clinical Journal of Pain.
Rasic, D.T., Belik, S.L., Bolton, J.M., Chochinov, H.M., & Sareen, J. (In Press).
Cancer, Mental Disorders, and Suicide in a Large Community Sample. PsychoOncology
Reiss, J.P., Campbell, D.W., Leslie, W.D., Paulus, M.P., Polimeni, J., Ryner, L.N., &
Sareen, J. (2007). Connectivity Analysis of Emotional Faces Processing in Schizophrenia: An
fMRI Study. Biological Psychiatry, 61: 1S-266S, 219S.
Sareen, J., Campbell, D.W., Leslie, W.D., Malisza, K., Stein, M.B., Paulus, M.P.,
Kravetsky, L.B., Kjernisted, K.D., Walker, J.R., & Reiss, J.P. (2007). Striatal Function in
Generalized Social Phobia: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Biological
Psychiatry, 61:396-404.
Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., Afifi, T.O., Stein, M.B., Belik, S.L., Meadows, G., & Asmundson,
G.J.G. (2007). Combat and Peacekeeping Operations in Relation to Prevalence of Mental
Disorders and Perceived Need for Mental Health Care in a Large Representative Sample of
Military Personnel. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64, 843-852.
Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., Stein, M.B., Afifi, T.O., Fleet, C., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (2007).
Physical and Mental Comorbidity, Disability, and Suicidal Behavior Associated with
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in a Large Community Sample. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69,
Sareen, J., Jagdeo, A., Cox, B.J., ten-Have, M., Clara, I.P., de Graff, R., Belik, S.L., &
Stein, M.B. (2007). Perceived Barriers Toward Mental Health Service Utilization: A Comparison
of the United States, Ontario and the Netherlands. Psychiatric Services, 58, 357-364.
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Stein, M.B., Goin, M.K., Pollack, M.H., Roy-Byrne, P., Sareen, J., Simon, N.M., &
Campbell-Sills, L. (In Press). Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Panic
Disorder, Second Edition. American Journal of Psychiatry.
Taylor, S., Zvolensky, M. J., Cox, B. J., Deacon, B., Heimberg, R. G., Ledley, D. R.,
Abramowitz, J. S., Holaway, R. M., Sandin, B., Stewart, S. H., Coles, M., Eng, W., Daly, E. S.,
Arrindell, W. A., Bouvard, M., & Cardenas, S. J. (2007). Robust Dimensions of Anxiety
Sensitivity: Development and Initial Validation of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3.
Psychological Assessment, 19(2), 176-188.
Wang, J.L., Afifi, T.O., Cox, B. J., & Sareen, J. (2007). Work/Family Conflict and
Mental Disorders in the United States: Findings from the National Comorbidity Replication
Survey. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 50, 143-149.
Wiebe, T., Sigurdson, E., Katz, L.Y. (In Press) Angel’s Trumpet Ingestion’s: A Case
Series. Pediatrics and Child Health.
Wilson, K., Chochinov, H.M., McPherson, C., Skirko, M., Allard, P., Chary, S., Gagnon,
P., Macmillan, K., DeLuca, M., O'Shea, F., Kuhl, D., Fainsinger, R., Karan, A., & Clinch, J.
(2007). Desire for Euthanasia or Physician-Assisted Suicide in Palliative Cancer Care. Health
Psychology. 26(3):314-323.
Wilson, K., Chochinov, H.M., McPherson, C., LeMay, K., Allard, P., Chary, S.,
Gagnon, P., Macmillan, K., De Luca, M., O'Shea, F., Kuhl, D., & Fainsinger, R. (2007).
Suffering with Advanced Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 25(13):1691-7.
Wilson, K., Chochinov, H.M., Graham, M., Allard, P., Chary, S., Gagnon, P.R.,
Macmillan, K., DeLuca, M., O'Shea, F., Kuhl, D., Fainsinger, R.L., & Clinch. J.J. (2007)
Depression and Anxiety Disorders in Palliative Cancer Care. Journal of Pain and Symptom
Management. 33(2):118-129.
Xiao, L., Xu, H., Zhang, Y., Wei, Z., Dyck, L., Devon, R.M., He, J., Jiang, W., & Li, X.M. (In Press). Quetiapine Facilitates Oligodendrocyte Development and Prevents Mice from
Myelin Breakdown and Behavioral Changes. Molecular Psychiatry.
Yan, B., Bi, X., He, J., Zhang, Y., Thakur, S., Xu, H., Gendron, A., Kong, J., & Li, X.M. (2007).
Quetiapine Attenuates Spatial Memory Impairment and Hippocampal
Neurodegeneration Induced by Bilateral Common Carotid Artery Occlusion in Mice. Life
Sciences, 81(5):353-61.
Yan, B., He, J., Xu, H., Zhang, Y., Bi, X., Thakur, S., Gendron, A., Kong, J., & Li, X.M. (2007). Quetiapine Attenuates the Depressive and Anxiolytic-like Behavioural Changes
Induced by Global Cerebral Ischemia in Mice. Behavorial Brain Research, 182(1):36-41
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Zhang, Y., Xu, H., He, J., Yan, B., Jiang, W., Xiaokun L., & Li, X.-M. (2007).
Quetiapine reverses altered locomotor activity and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in rat
caudate putamen following long-term haloperidol treatment. Neuroscience Letters, 420(1):66-71.
Other Publications
Bolton, J.M. & Sareen, J. (2007). Anxiety Disorders and Risk for Suicidal Ideation and
Suicide Attempts. Directions in Psychiatry. 27(3):183-192.
Cox, B.J. (In Press). Book review and commentary on, “Shyness: How Normal Behavior
Became a Sickness.” New England Journal of Medicine.
Katz, L.Y., Cox, B.J., & Miller, A.L. (In Press) Suicidal Behaviour in Children and
Adolescents. Part 2: Treatment and Prevention (Letter). Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Reiss, J.P. & Sareen, J. (In Press). Psychosis and Progressive Left Temporal Lobe
Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis. Helix Review Series: Psychiatry
Papers, Symposiums, or Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences
Afifi, T.O., Enns M.W., Cox B.J., Asmundson G.J.G., Stein M.B., Sareen, J.
Population Attributable Fractions of Psychiatric Disorders Associated with Adverse Childhood
Events in the General Population. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Conference for the
Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Afifi, T.O., MacMillan H., Cox B.J., Asmundson G.J.G., Stein M.B., Sareen, J.
Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence in Marital Relationships in a Nationally Representative
Sample of Men and Women Victims. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Conference for the
Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Astorga, M.F., Mota, N., Fleisher, W., & Sareen, J. Prevalence of Mental Disorders in
Refugees in Comparison to Immigrants and U.S. Born Individuals in the National Comorbidity
Survey Replication. 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal
PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Belik, S.L., Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., O’Neil, J.D., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., Eni, R., Cook,
C., & Sareen, J. The American Indian Service Utilization, Psychiatric Epidemiology, Risk and
Protective Factors Project (AI-SUPER-PFP): Comparison of American Indian and General
Population Samples to Inform Suicide Prevention Strategies. Symposium: Developing
Partnerships to Create an Aboriginal Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba (Chair: Sareen J).
57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Montreal PQ, November 1518, 2007.
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Belik, S.L., Cox B.J., Asmundson G.J.G., Stein M.B., Sareen, J. Traumatic Events and
Suicidal Behavior: Findings from a Large Representative Sample of Canadian Military
Personnel. Symposium: Trauma, Resilience, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Canadian
Soldiers (Chair: Sareen J). 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association,
Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Bolton, J.M., Cox, B.J., Afifi, T.O., Asmundson G.J.G., & Sareen, J. Correlates of
Acute and Chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey
Replication. Symposium: Anxiety and Mood Disorders in the Community (Chair: Bolton J.M.).
57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ, November 1518, 2007.
Bolton, J.M., Metge C, Lix L, Prior H, Sareen, J., & Leslie, W.D. Selective Serotonin
Reuptake Inhibitors, Benzodiazepines, and Antipsychotics: Do They Increase the Risk of
Fractures? Symposium: Mind, Brain, and Body: Examining the Relationship Between Mental
and Physical Illness (Chair: Bolton J.M.). 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Bolton, J.M., Metge C, Lix L, Prior H, Sareen, J., & Leslie, W.D. Selective Serotonin
Reuptake Inhibitors, Benzodiazepines, and Antipsychotics: Do They Increase the Risk of
Fractures? Paper Presentation. Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology Annual
Scientific Symposium, Montreal, PQ, November 2007.
Casiano, H., Belik, S.L., Cox, B.J., Waldman, J., Sareen, J. Mental Disorder and
Threats Made Towards Others with Weapons in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication.
Poster presented at the 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association,
Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Cherland, E., Enyingi, J., & Reebye, P. The Practive of Infant Mental Health:
Vulnerable Starts in Vulnerable Situations. Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent
Psychiatry Conference. November 2007.
Chochinov, H.M. Dignity in Palliative Care - History and New Developments. Palliativ
Medicinsk Afdeling 10 ars Jubilaeums Symposium. Copenhagen, Denmark. 2007.
Chochinov, H.M. Dignity Therapy Symposium - Dying, Dignity and Quality of End-ofLife Care. CESPU. Porto, Portugal. 2007
Chochinov, H.M. Dying with Dignity – A contemporary Challenge in Palliative Cancer
Care. East-West Alliance Scientific Conference. University of Hong Kong, April 14-15, 2007.
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Chochinov, H.M. Panic Attacks in Patients Receiving Palliative Care for Cancer.
Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Assocation. Ottawa ON, June 2007
Clara, I.P., Cox, B.J., Grant, B., Enns, M.W., & Sareen, J. The Fundamental Structure
of Axis II Personality Disorders Assessed in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and
Related Conditions. Poster presented at the 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian
Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Clara, I.P., Cox, B. J., Stein, M. B., & Sareen, J. The Structure of Feared Social
Situations in Individuals with a Lifetime Diagnosis of Social Anxiety Disorder in Two Large
Nationally-Representative Mental Health Surveys in the United States and Canada. Poster
presented at the 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ,
November 15-18, 2007.
Cox B.J., Mota N., Stein M.B., Asmundson G.J.G., & Sareen, J. The Relationship
Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and its Symptom Factors and Disability: Results From
the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R). Symposium: New Advances in the
Study and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (Chair: Taylor S). Canadian Psychological
Association Annual Convention. Ottawa ON, June 2007.
Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., Belik, S.L., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., Cook, C., O’Neil, J., &
Sareen J. Qualitative Methodologies for Assessment of Risk and Protective Factors Associated
with Suicidal Behavior in Aboriginal Communities. Symposium: Developing Partnerships to
Create an Aboriginal Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba (Chair: Sareen J). 57th Annual
Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Montreal, PQ. November 15-18, 2007.
Elias, B., Belik, S.L., Sareen, J., Katz, L.Y., O’Neil, J., Cook, C., Enns, M.W., & Cox,
B.J. Locating theory into multilevel population approaches to understand correlates of resilience
and suicidal behaviour in First Nations communities. Symposium: Developing Partnerships to
Create an Aboriginal Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba (Chair: Sareen J). 57th Annual
Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Montreal, PQ. November 15-18, 2007.
Ellerby, L. Managing Stress, Burnout and Vicarious Trauma for Probation Officers.
Manitoba Justice Provincial Training for Probation Officers. Brandon, Manitoba. November
Ellerby, L. Cats and Dogs Living Together: A Multi-systemic Approach to Risk
Management. 26h Annual Research & Treatment Conference, Association for the Treatment of
Sexual Abusers. San Diego, California. October/November 2007.
Ellerby, L. Exposure to Sexual Pathology: Stressors, Impact, and Wellness. 26h Annual
Research & Treatment Conference, Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. San Diego,
California. October/November 2007.
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Ellerby, B. & Ellerby, L. Behavioural Profiling of Offenders. The Winnipeg Police
Service 5th Annual Police Women’s Network Conference. Women and Policing. Winnipeg,
Manitoba. October 2007
Ellerby, L. Understanding Sex Offenders for Risk Management in Residential Settings.
Prairie Region Halfway House Association Annual Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba. September
Ellerby, L. Healing Communities Members and Managing Risk. A Community CircleWorkshop. Sagkeen 1st Nation, Sagnkeen, Manitoba (May 2007)
Ellerby, L. Understanding Offender Profiles, Mental Disorder and Crime Scene Data for
Criminal Analysis and Psychological Profiling. Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System
(ViCLAS) Specialist Training Course. Canadian Police College. Ottawa, Ontario. March 2007
Ellerby, L. Striving Towards Wellness: The Blending of Contemporary Treatment And
Spiritual Healing for Aboriginal Offenders. 4th Annual Forensic Psychiatry Conference Mental
Health and the Justice System Across the Life span. Victoria, British Columbia. March 2007
Eni, R., Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., Belik, S.L., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., Cook, C., O’Neil,
J.D., & Sareen, J. Qualitative Methodologies for Assessment of Risk and Protective Factors
Associated with Suicidal Behavior in Aboriginal Communities. Symposium: Developing
Partnerships to Create an Aboriginal Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba (Chair: Sareen J).
57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Montreal PQ. November 1518, 2007.
He, J., Luo, H., Yan, B., Yu, Y., Wang, H., Wei, Z., Zhang, Y., & Li, X-M. Beneficial
Effects of Quetiapine on a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. The 3rd CINP Asia
Pacific Regional Meeting, Neuro-Psychopharmacology: Challenging for Better Research and
Health. Bangkok, Thailand. March 2007
Katz L.Y., Elias B., Enns M.W., Cook C., Belik, S.L., Cox B.J., Eni R., O’Neil J., &
Sareen, J. Consideration and Feasibility of Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies for
Aboriginal Suicidal Behavior. Symposium: Developing Partnerships to Create an Aboriginal
Suicide Prevention Team in Manitoba (Chair: Sareen J). 57th Annual Conference for the
Canadian Psychiatric Association. Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Katz, L.Y., Kozyrskyi, A., Prior, H., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J.
Antidepressant Prescribing in the Province of Manitoba: The Impact of the Health Canada
Warnings. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Kinley, D.J., Cox, B.J., Clara, I.P., Goodwin, R., & Sareen, J. Panic attacks and quality
of life in Canadians. Poster presented at Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology Annual
Scientific Symposium, Montreal, PQ, November 2007
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Mather, A.A., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Sareen, J. Association Between Obesity and
Personality Disorders in a Nationally Representative Sample. Paper presented at the 57th Annual
Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Mather, A.A., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Sareen, J. Association Between Obesity and
Psychiatric Disorders and Suicidal Behaviours in the Canadian Population. Symposium: Anxiety
and Mood Disorders in the Community (Chair: Bolton J). 57th Annual Conference for the
Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Mather, A.A., Cox, B.J., Pagura, J., & Sareen, J. Association of Comorbid Anxiety
Disorders with Depression-specific Disability in a Nationally Representative Sample. Canadian
Psychological Association Annual Convention, Ottawa ON, June 7-9, 2007.
McMillan, K., Enns, M., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. Comorbidity of Axis I and II Mental
Disorders with Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders: Findings from a Nationally
Representative Sample. 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association,
Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Mota, N., Cox, B.J., Katz, L.Y., & Sareen, J. The Relationship Between Mental
Disorders and Risky Sexual Behaviour: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey.
Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology Annual Scientific Symposium, Montreal PQ.
(November 2007)
Mota, N., Cox, B.J., Clara, I.P., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Sareen, J. The Symptom
Structure of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey
Replication. 68th Annual Convention for the Canadian Psychological Association. Ottawa,
Ontario. June 2007.
Mota, N., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., Calhoun, L., & Sareen, J. Prevalence of Mental
Disorders in Pregnant and Postpartum Women in Comparison to Non-Pregnant Women: Results
from a Nationally Representative Survey. 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Mota, N., Stein, M.B., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. How Does Axis I Comorbidity Impact
Quality of Life in Personality Disorders? Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample.
57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ, November 1518, 2007.
Oleski, J., Mota, N., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. Help-Seeking, Perceived Need for Care,
and Perceived Barriers to Care for Alcohol Use Disorders in a Large Nationally Representative
Sample. Poster presented at the 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Pagura, J., Cox, B. J., Stein, M. B., & Sareen, J. The Relationship between Generalized
Social Phobia and Avoidant Personality Disorder in a National Mental Health Survey. Poster
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 14 of 28
presented at the 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ,
November 15-18, 2007.
Pagura, J., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Sareen, J. Factors associated with multiple versus
single episodes of suicide attempts in the 1990-1992 and 2001-2003 U.S. National Comorbidity
Surveys. Poster presented at the 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Polimeni, J., & Reiss, J.P. Is Religion an Exaptation Succeeding Humor? Presentation
at the 19th Annual Conference of the Human Behaviour & Evolution Society, Williamsburg,
Virginia, May, 2007.
Poppito, S., Pitrelli, K., Berg, A., Breitbart, W., & Chochinov, H.M. (2007) In Good
Hands: Dignity Therapy and a Mother's Legacy in End-of-Life Cancer Care. American
Psychosocial Oncology Society 4th Annual Conference.
Rasic, D.T., Belik, S.L., Bolton, J.M., Chochinov, H.M., & Sareen, J. Cancer, Mental
Disorders, and Suicide in a Large Community Sample. Symposium: Mind, Brain, and Body:
Examining the Relationship Between Mental and Physical Illness (Chair: Bolton JM). 57th
Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18,
Rasic, D.T., Pagura, J., Belik, S.L., Chochinov, H.M., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. The
Psychological Impact of Cancer on Patients and Their Relatives: Findings from the US National
Comorbidity Survey-Replication. Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology. Montreal,
PQ. November 14, 2007.
Ratcliffe, G., Enns, M.W., Belik, S.L., & Sareen, J. Chronic Pain Conditions and
Suicidal Behaviour: An Epidemiological Perspective. Symposium: Mind, Brain, and Body:
Examining the Relationship Between Mental and Physical Illness (Chair: Bolton JM). 57th
Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ, November 15-18,
Reiss, J.P., Campbell, D.W., Leslie, W.D., Paulus, M.P., Polimeni, J., Ryner L.N., &
Sareen, J. Connectivity Analysis of Emotional Face Processing in Schizophrenia: an fMRI
Study. Poster presented at the 62nd Annual Scientific Convention & Meeting of the Society of
Biological Psychiatry, San Diego, California, May, 2007.
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Campbell, D.W., Sareen, J., Paulus, M.P., Ryner, L.N &
Bolster, R.B. Word Association in Schizophrenia: An fMRI study. Presented at the 57th Annual
Meeting of Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal, Quebec, November 2007.
Robinson, J., Bolton, J.M., & Cox, B.J. (2007). A Comparison of the Use of Drugs
Versus Alcohol to Self-Medicate for Anxiety. 68th Annual Convention for the Canadian
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 15 of 28
Psychological Association. Ottawa, Ontario.
Robinson, J., Cox, B.J., Sareen, J., & Bolton, J.M. Self-Medication of Anxiety
Disorders with Alcohol and Drugs: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol
and Related Conditions. Symposium: Anxiety and Mood Disorders in the Community (Chair:
Bolton J). 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal PQ,
November 15-18, 2007.
Robinson, J., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Grant, B.F. Correlates of Comorbid Major
Depression and Cluster C personality Disorder in the NESARC. Poster presented at the 2007
Annual Meeting for the Canadian Association of Psychiatric Epidemiology in Montreal, Quebec,
November 14, 2007.
Sareen, J., Elias, B., Katz, L.Y., Enns, M.W., Belik, S.L., Cox, B.J., & O’Neil, J.D.
From Risk Factors to Culturally-Sensitive Interventions: A Programmatic Approach to
Aboriginal Suicide: Symposium: Developing Partnerships to Create an Aboriginal Suicide
Prevention Team in Manitoba (Chair: Sareen J). 57th Annual Conference for the Canadian
Psychiatric Association. Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Sareen, J., Belik, S.L., Afifi, T.O., Asmundson, G.J.G., Cox, B.J., & Stein, M.B.
Population Attributable Fractions of Psychiatric Disorders and Mental Health Service Use
Associated with Deployment-Related Traumatic Events. Symposium: Trauma, Resilience, and
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Canadian Soldiers (Chair: Sareen J). 57th Annual Conference
for the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Montreal PQ, November 15-18, 2007.
Schwartz, L., Fleisher, W., & Sigurdson, E. Psychotherapy with Terminally Ill
Children. Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology 22nd Annual Conference, Winnipeg,
MB, May 11th, 2007.
Schwartz, L., Fleisher, W., & Sigurdson, E. Psychotherapy with Terminally Ill
Children (Workshop). Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 27th Annual
Conference, Montreal, PQ, November 13th, 2007.
Sigurdson, E. The Biopsychosocial Understanding of Chronic Daily Headache in
Children. Poster presented at the 4th National Headache Forum. Rancho Mirage, California,
February 2007.
Sigurdson, E. A 10 Year Review of Chronic Headache in Children at the Consultation
Liaison Service at Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. British Pain Society, Glasgow. April 2007.
Fifth Annual Faculty Research Forum
October 2, 2007
Department of Psychiatry
University of Manitoba
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 16 of 28
Bolton, J.M., Fracture Risk from Psychotropic Medications: A Population-Based
Campbell, D.W., Sareen, J. & Reiss, J.P. Individual and Neural Differences in how
Negative Faces are Judged.
Cox, B.J., The Relationship Between Generalized Social Phobia and Avoidant
Personality Disorder in a National Mental Health Survey.
Fleisher, W., Kilgour, A., Chudley, A., & Prober, M. Training in Mentorship:
Measuring Changes in Attitude.
Hendren, R. (Visiting Professor Address). Neurodevelopmental Formulation of
Katz, L., The Relationship Between Antidepressant Utilization and Suicide Attempts: A
Canadian Replication Study.
Li, X-M., Neuroprotective Effects of Atypical Antipsychotics: Therapeutic Potential
Against Neurodegenerative Conditions.
Polimeni, J., Science with a Capital S.
Reiss, J.P., Campbell, D.W., & Sareen J. Making the Implicit Explicit: Progression of
a line of research in implicit learning in schizophrenia.
Sala, T., Anxiety Disorders and Physical Illness: An Overview.
Sareen J., Campbell, D.W., & Reiss, J.P. Striatal Function in Social Phobia.
Sigurdson, E., Angel Trumpet (Datura Stramonium) Poisioning and Deirium of
Adolescents in Winnipeg, Manitoba: Summer 2006
Invited Addresses (Including Grand Rounds)
Chochinov, H.M.
(February 2007)
(March 2007)
(April 2007)
14th Hospice Palliative Care Workshop. Peace House Hospice, Tokyo,
American Association of Hospice and Palliative Care, Salt Lake City,
Canadian ICU Collaborative, Montreal, Quebec.
Walking, Gawking and Talking: Communication and End of Life Care.
CancerCare Manitoba, CCPN, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 17 of 28
(May 2007)
Dignity in Palliative Care – History and new Developments. Department
of Palliative Medicine. Tenth Anniversary Celebration. Bispebjerg
Hospital. Copenhagen, Denmark.
(September 2007)
Stephen E. and Catherine Pappas Annual Grand Rounds Lecture in
Paediatrics Palliative Care. Boston, MA.
Dana Farber Cancer Institute Ethics Grand Rounds, Boston, MA.
Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds.
Boston, MA.
3rd Annual Chicago Supportive Oncology Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
Oncology Grand Rounds. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital, Kingston, Ontario.
Integrating Wellness into Cancer Care Conference. University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario.
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds Robert C. Dickson Lecture,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
School of Public Administration, Degelberg Lecture Series, Dalhousie
University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Providence Care. St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital, Kingston, Ontario.
University Health Network. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds,
Toronto, Ontario
Deans’ Hour Lecture. University of North Dakota School of Medicine
and Health Sciences, Grand Forks, North Dakota.
Altru Health System. University of North Dakota, Department of
Medicine Grand Rounds, Grand Forks, North Dakota.
A Space Between. Hospice of the Highlands, Inverness, Scotland.
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology Grand Rounds, Rochester,
2007 John Taylor Family Foundation Visiting Artist. Rochester,
(October 2007)
(November 2007)
(December 2007)
Fleisher, W.
(January 2007)
(April 2007)
(September 2007)
Katz, L.Y.
(January 2007)
The Physician Assistant Education Program. Manitoba Medical
Association Executive.
Mentorship: Boundaries, Ethics and Allegiances Workshop. WRHA and
Faculty of Medicine.
Living Well, Working Well – A Workshop for Program Administrators.
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Annual Conference.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The Role of Behavioural Analysis in Choice of Pharmacotherapy.
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. University of Manitoba.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. Department of Psychology. University of
Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 18 of 28
(April 2007)
(May 2007)
(May/June 2007)
(September 2007)
Li, X-M.
(March 2007)
(December 2007)
Reiss, J.P.
(March 2007)
(December 2007)
Sareen, J.
(January 2007)
(October 2007)
(November 2007)
Skakum, K.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Suicidal Adolescents. Ministry of
Children and Families, Kelowna, British Columbia
Self-Harm. Adolescent Patent Interagency Network – APIN 2007
Antidepressant Prescribing Trends in the Province of Manitoba.
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. University of Manitoba.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. Ministry of Children and Families.
Vancouver, British Columbia
From Risk Factors to Culturally-Sensitive Intervention Strategies: A
Programmatic Approach to Aboriginal Suicide. Department of
Community Health Sciences. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg,
Therapeutic Strategies of Neurodegenerative Diseases.
International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease. Hong Kong, China.
Neuroprotective Effects of Psychotropics
3rd CINP Asia Pacific Regional Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand.
Neuroprotective Effects of Atypical Antipsychotics: Implications to the
Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders.
Beijing Capital Medial University. Beijing, China.
Therapeutic Strategies for Neurodegenerative Diseases.
Union Hospital, Beijing, China.
Global Trends in Drug Development.
College of Pharmacy, Jilin University, China.
The Academic Physician – University Medical Group. Faculty of
Medicine, “Advance” 2007. University of Manitoba. Gimli, Manitoba.
It’s Not Just Christmas That Comes at the End of December: Recording
MOC Credits and Developing a Personal CPD Plan for the Next Year.
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. University of Manitoba.
The Emotional Costs of Waging War. Colloquium,
Department of Community Health Sciences. University of Manitoba.
A Program of Research on Mental Health of Soldiers and Aboriginal
Suicide. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Neuroscience
and Mental Health Annual Board Meeting. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Combat and Peacekeeping Operations in Relation to Mental Disorders and
Perceived Need for Care: Findings from a Representative Sample of
Active Military Personnel. NATO Advanced Research Workshop.
Wounds of War. Klopeiner See, Austria.
Developing Partnerships to Create a First Nations and University Suicide
Prevention Team in Manitoba. Colloquium and Grand Rounds,
Department of Community Health Sciences. University of Manitoba.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 19 of 28
(December 2007)
Sigurdson, E.
(February 2007)
It’s Not Just Christmas That Comes at the End of December: Recording
MOC Credits and Developing a Personal CPD Plan for the Next Year.
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. University of Manitoba.
The Biopsychosocial Understand of Chronic Daily Headache in Children.
Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of Manitoba.
External Funding (Peer-Reviewed)
Asmundson, G.J.G., Taylor, S., Katz, J., Stein, M., Cox, B.J., & Jang, K. (2003-2008).
“Understanding Risk Factors, Comorbidity, and Global Health Issues in PTSD: Laying the
Foundation for Early Identification in At-Risk Populations and Improving Preventive and
Treatment Strategies for All Canadians”. New Emerging Team Program. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research. ($1.1 million).
Bolton J.M., Sareen J., & Cox B.J. (2007-2008) “Use of Alcohol and Drugs to SelfMedicate Affective and Anxiety Disorders in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and
Related Conditions”. Health Sciences Centre Research Foundation. ($30,745).
Campbell, D.W., Reiss, J.P., Sareen, J., & Paulus, M.P. (2006-2007). “The Neural
Basis of Social-Emotional Responses: Development and Evaluation of New Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Paradigms Operating Grant”. Health Sciences Centre Foundation.
Campbell, D.W., Reiss, J.P., Sareen, J. & Paulus, M.P. (2006-2007). “The Neural
Basis of Social-Emotional Responses: Development and Evaluation of New Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Paradigms”. Health Sciences Centre Foundation Salary Support
Campbell, D.W., Reiss, J.P., & Sareen, J. (2007-2008) “Research Grants Program for:
An fMRI study of PTSD, Emotional Processing, and Psychotherapy, Pilot Study” University of
Manitoba ($7,258)
Chochinov, H.M. (2003-2010). “Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care (Tier I)”.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,400,000).
Chochinov, H.M., Breitbart, W., Kristjanson, L., Hack, T., McClement, S., Hassard, T.,
& Harlos, M. (2004-2008). “Dignity Intervention for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients”. National
Institute of Health. ($2,070,293 US dollars). (Principal Investigator).
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 20 of 28
Chochinov, H.M., Steinstra, D., Kaufert, J.M., & Lutfiyya, Z.M. (2004-2009).
“Vulnerable Populations in End of Life Care”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
($1,395,000). (Principal Investigator).
Cox, B.J. (2007-2008). “Depression in Relation to Problem Gambling. A CommunityBased Study”. Ruth Hurd Memorial Fund. ($5,000).
Cox. B.J., Sareen, J., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Enns, M.W. (2006-2008). “Longitudinal
Study of Psychological Determinants of Trauma-Related Emotional Distress in a Representative
Community-Based Sample”. Social Sciences and Health Research Council. ($117,826).
Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Sareen, J. (2006-2008). “Psychosocial Determinants of
Anxiety Disorders and Depression in the 10 Year Follow-Up of the National Comorbidity
Survey”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($101,212).
Cox, B.J. (2006-2011). “Canada Research Chair in Mood and Anxiety Disorders”.
Government of Canada. ($500,000).
Elias, B., O’Neil, J.D., Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., & Mignone, J. (2006-2011). “The Social
Environment and Health of First Nations Women and Men”. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research. ($419,745).
Gagnon, P., Aubin, M., Chochinov, H.M., Dumont, S., Fillion, L., & Pereira, J. L.
(2004-2009). “Developing, Evaluating and Implementing New Interventions in Palliative Care”.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,395,000). (Co-Investigator).
Katz, L.Y., Kozyrskyj, A.L.., Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., & Enns, M.W. (2006-2008).
“Antidepressant Prescribing to Children and Adolescents in Manitoba: The Impact of Health
Canada Warnings”. Health Sciences Centre Foundation. ($34,815).
Li, X-M. (2006-2007) “Synergistic Effects of Antidepressants and Atypical
Antipsychotics”. Canadian Institute of Health Research, Research and Development Health
Program. ($90,000).
McClement, S., Chochinov, H.M., Dean, R., & Lobchuk, M. (2007-2008) A
Phenomenological Study of Health Care Aides' "Experiences of the Ethical" in Caring for
Dying Patients in a Personal Care Home', Canadian Institutes of Health Research,
Mills, R.S., Hastings, P.D., Serbin, L.A., Abela, J.R., Coplan, R.A., & Cox, B.J., et al.
(2005-2010). “Harnessing and Extending Canadian Developmental Trajectories Research on
Early Emerging Internalizing Problems”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($742,000).
Polimeni, J., Reiss, J.P., & Campbell, D.W. (2007-2008) “Enhanced Cognitive
Performance in Schizophrenia using Tailored Visual-Cognitive and Audio-Cognitive
Paradigms”. Health Sciences Centre Foundation. ($25,355)
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 21 of 28
Sareen, J., Asmundson, G.J.G., Cox, B.J., & Stein, M.B. (2005-2008). “Mental Health
Sequelae of Peacekeeping Operations and Correlates of Perceived Need for Mental Health
Services in a Large Population-Based Survey Sample of Canadian Military Personnel”.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($75,000).
Sareen, J., (2006-2011). “Mental Health Sequelae of Peacekeeping Operations and
Correlates of Perceived Need for Mental Health Services in a Large Population-Based Survey of
Canadian Military Personnel”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. New Investigator
Award. ($275,000).
Sareen, J. Mental Health Sequelae of Peacekeeping Operations. Research Allowance.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 2006-2007. $25,506.
Sareen, J., Elias,B., Katz, L.Y., O’Neil, J., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Cook, C. (20072012). “From Risk Factors to Culturally-Sensitive Interventions: A Programmatic Approach to
Aboriginal Suicide”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($ 1,222,141).
Wang, J, Patten, S, Smailes, E, Fick, G, & Sareen, J. (2007-2011) “A Population-Based
Longitudinal Study of Work and Health”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($572,410).
External Funding (Other Sources)
Chochinov, H.M. (2006-2007). “Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit Infrastructure
Support”. CancerCare Manitoba Foundation. ($48,000).
Chochinov, H.M. (2005-2007). Manitoba Energy, Science and Technology, Canadian
Virtual Hospice. ($331,000)
Chochinov, H.M. (2005-Present), Ongoing Operating Requirements, Canadian Virtual
Hospice, Manitoba Health ($225,000/Year).
Chochinov, H.M. (2004-2010) Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit Infrastructure
Funding, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, ($50,000).
Li, X-M., (2007-2011) “Depression and Anxiety Disorders Research Program
Partnership”. University of Saskatchewan, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Institute of
Neurosciences (Mental Health and Addiction), Royal University of Hospital Foundation,
Saskatchewan Schizophrenia Research Foundation Inc., AstraZeneca Canada. ($780,000).
Li, X-M. (2006-2008) “Synergistic Effects of Antidepressants and Atypical
Antipsychotics in Chronically Stressed Rats: Implications for the Treatment of Psychiatric
Disorders”. AstraZeneca Canada ($350,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 22 of 28
Li, X-M. (2005-2007) “Effects of Atypical Antipsychotics on Cuprizone-Induced Deand Re-Myelination of Oligodendrocytes”. Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation.
Li, X-M. (2002-2007) I.J. Small Indiana Professorship in Biological Psychiatry.
Reiss, J.P., Chudasama, S., Polimeni, J., Simm, J., & Zimmer, K. (2007) “A
Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group Comparative Study of Flexibly Dosed Paliperidone
Palmitate (25, 50, 75 or 100 mg eq.) Administered Every 4 Weeks and Flexibly Dosed
RISPERDAL *CONSTA* (25, 37.5, or 50 mg) Administered Every 2 Weeks in Subjects With
Schizophrenia” (Phase III). Janssen-Ortho. ($182,784)
Reiss, J.P., Globerman, D., Balachandra, B., Chudasama, S., Eleff, M., Polimeni, J.,
Simm, J. & Zimmer, K. (2005-2007) “Open-Label, Parallel, Randomized, Dose
Proportionality Pharmacokinetic Study of Paliperidone After Intramuscular Injection of
Paliperidone Palmitate in the Deltoid or Gluteal Muscle in Subjects with Schizophrenia” (Phase
I). Janssen-Ortho. ($136,760)
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Simm, J., Zimmer, K., Eleff, M. & Chudasama, S. (20062007) “A Randomized, Open-Label Study Comparing the Effects of Olanzapine Pamoate Depot
with Oral Olanzapine on Treatment Outcomes with Schizophrenia” (Phase III). Eli Lilly.
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Simm, J., Zimmer, K., Eleff, M. & Chudasama, S. (20062007) “BMI Evaluation: Placebo and Active Comparator Trial of Olanzapine Zydis Pills Used
Sublingually (PLATYPUS)” (Phase IV). Eli Lilly. ($59,000).
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Simm, J., Zimmer, K., & Chudasama, S. (2007) “A MultiCentre, Open-Label, Parallel-Group, Randomized, Flexible Dose Study to Evaluate the Safety
and Tolerability of Switching from Existing Atypical Antipsychotics to Bifeprunox in Subjects
With Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder” (Phase III). Solvay. ($167,000).
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Simm, J., Zimmer, K., & Chudasama, S. (2007) “A MultiCentre Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Parallel Group, Phase IIb Proof of
Concept Study with 3 Oral Dose Groups of AZD3480 during 12 Weeks Treatment of Cognitive
Deficits in Patients with Schizophrenia” (Phase II). AstraZeneca. ($159,750).
Editorships, Guest Editor, Memberships
On Journal Editorial Boards
Chochinov, H.M.
Canadian Cancer Control Strategy
International Psycho-Oncology Society
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 23 of 28
Palliative and Supportive Care
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Journal of Palliative Care
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Supportive Cancer Therapy
Supportive Oncology
Cox, B.J.
Behavior Research and Therapy
Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Enns, M.W.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Katz, L.Y.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Reiss, J.P.
Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
Sareen, J.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Depression and Anxiety
Twelfth Annual Resident Research Day Presentations
June 7, 2007
Astorga, M., Fleisher W., & Sareen, J. “Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Refugees in
Comparison to Immigrants and U.S. Born Individuals in the National Comorbidity Survey
Replication”. University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Casiano, H., & Sareen, J. “Mental Disorder and Threats Made with Weapons in the
National Co-morbidity Survey Replication”. University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
de Amorim, G., & Fleisher, W. Adaptation of Psychotherapeutic Technique in Autism”
University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Jagdeo, A., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. “Perceived Barriers to Mental Health Service
Utilization in the United States, Ontario, and the Netherlands”. University of Manitoba,
Department of Psychiatry.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 24 of 28
Jenkins, K., Fleisher, W., & Staley, D. “A Review of the Sequelae of Child and
Adolescent Adverse Events”. University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Lambert, K., & Fleisher, W. “Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Seminars at the University
of Manitoba – A Needs Assessment”. University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
McFayden, R., Katz, L.Y., & Sareen, J. “Risk Factors and Suicide Prevention in
Aboriginal Populations: Examining Perspectives of Health Care Providers”. University of
Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Sacevich, T., Katz, L.Y., Cox, B.J., & Clara, I.P. “Substance Abuse versus Dependence
and the Structure of Common Mental Disorders”. University of Manitoba, Department of
Satyanarayana, S., & Enns M.W. “An Examination of the Prevalence and Correlates of
Chronic and Non-chronic Depression”. University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry.
Reviewing Activities for
Journals, Granting Councils, Conferences or Universities
Bolton, J.M.
Health Sciences Centre Foundation
Journal of Affective Disorders
Campbell, D.W.
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Chochinov, H.M.
Archives of General Psychiatry
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
British Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Psycho-Oncology
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of the American Medical Association
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Oxford University Press
Cox, B.J.
Child Abuse and Neglect
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 25 of 28
Depression and Anxiety
International Journal of Health Geographics
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Ryerson University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Ellerby, L.
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment
Wood ‘N’ Barnes Publishing
Enns, M.W.
Anxiety Stress and Coping
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Health Sciences Centre Foundation
Canadian Psychiatric Association 2007 General Meeting
Fleisher, W.
Faculty of Medicine CSCI Awards Committee
Faculty of Medicine/ Manitoba Medical School Foundation McLaughlin Award Committee
Katz, L.Y.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Applied & Preventive Psychology: Current Scientific Perspectives
Psychiatry Research
Li, X-M.
Canadian Institute of Health Research
Canadian Psychiatric Association
Clark Institute, Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation
Ontario Mental Health Sciences Centre Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
American Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of Neurochemistry
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Brain Research
Reiss, J.P.
American Journal of Psychiatry
Brain and Cognition
Canadian Psychiatric Association 2007 Annual Meeting
Open Women’s Health Journal
Psychiatry Research
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
Page 26 of 28
Sareen, J.
United States Army Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs- PTSD/TBI Concepts
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Gender Sex and Health Committee Reviewer
Women and Health
Journal of Women and Health
Psychiatry Research
American Journal of Kidney Disease
European Psychiatry
Psychosomatic Medicine
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Cochrane Review
Journal of Affective Disorders
Faculty Awards
Chochinov, H.M.
Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, Canada
Honorary Professorship in the School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Cox, B.J.
Clifford J. Robson Award for Outstanding Contributions to Education and Research in the
Behavioural Sciences. Manitoba Psychological Society
Reiss, J.P.
Fellowship status - Canadian Psychiatric Association
Best Research Poster Presentation Award - Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual
Meeting, Montreal, Quebec
Distinguished Fellowship - American Psychiatric Association
Skakum, K. – HSC Awardee
Staff Educator of the Year Award.
Omelan, C. – St. Boniface Awardee
Staff Educator of the Year Award.
Resident Awards
June 2007
Astorga, M.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
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Participation Award. “Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Refugees in Comparison to Immigrants
and U.S. Born Individuals in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication”. Supervisors:
Fleisher, W. & Sareen, J. Sponsored by Janssen-Ortho Inc.
Jagdeo, A.
Participation Award. “Perceived Barriers to Mental Health Service Utilization in the United
States, Ontario and the Netherlands”. Supervisors: Sareen, J. & Cox, B. Sponsored by Biovail
Sacevich, T.
Ruth Hurd Award. “Substance Abuse Versus Dependence and the structure of Common Mental
Disorders”. Supervisors: Katz, L. & Cox, B.
Lambert, K.
Best Education Paper. “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Seminars at the University of Manitoba
– A Needs Assessment”. Supervisor: Fleisher, W. Sponsored by Lundbeck Canada Inc.
de Amorim, G.
Gustavo Lage Award for Best Article on a Psychotherapeutic Topic. “Cognitive Reframing in
Psychotherapy With High-Functioning Autism: Strategies for Therapist’s Adaptation”.
Supervisor: Morier, G. Sponsored by the Gustavo Lage Fund
Jenkins, K.
MATC Award for Best Child & Adolescent Paper
McFayden, R.
Best Review Paper. “A Review of Risk Factors for Completed Suicide in Aboriginal
Populations and Perspectives of Health Care Providers on Suicide Prevention”. Supervisors:
Sareen, J. & Katz, L. Sponsored by Eli Lilly Canada Inc.
Casiano, H.
Best Research Paper. “Mental Disorder and Threats Made Towards Others with Weapons in the
National Comorbidity Survey Replication”. Supervisors: Cox, B., Waldman, J. & Sareen, J.
Sponsored by AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
Casiano, H.
Best Paper. “Mental Disorder and Threats Made Towards Others with Weapons in the National
Comorbidity Survey Replication”. Supervisors: Cox, B., Waldman, J. & Sareen, J. Sponsored by
AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
Satyanarayana, S.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2007
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Best Research Paper. “An Examination of the Prevalence and Correlates of Chronic and NonChronic Depression”. Supervisor: Enns, M. Sponsored by AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
McFayden, R.
Resident Educator of the Year Award. Sponsored by The Jack G. Sheps Fund.
Moody, J.
Award of Excellence for PGY5. Sponsored by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.
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