
2004 Research Report The University of Manitoba

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2004 Research Report The University of Manitoba
The University of Manitoba
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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University of Manitoba Department of Psychiatry Research Report
This year’s Departmental Research Report is the seventh annual Research Report
since its re-introduction in 1998. Highlights of the Department’s research activity this
year include forty one peer-reviewed papers (published or in press), seven scholarly book
chapters, and the Second Annual Faculty Research Forum. Peer-reviewed funding from
National (and International) agencies is at an all-time high level this year primarily as a
result of large research grants awarded to Dr. H. M. Chochinov (Palliative Care Research
Group) and Dr. Brian Cox (Mood and Anxiety Disorders Research Group).
Murray W. Enns, MD, FRCPC.
Director of Research and
Professor of Psychiatry
March, 2005
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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Table of Contents
Chapters in Books ..........................................................................................4
Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals ................................................4
Other Publications..........................................................................................8
Papers, Symposia, and Posters.......................................................................9
Faculty Research Forum ................................................................................12
Invited Addresses (including Grand Rounds)................................................13
Resident Research Day Presentations............................................................15
External Funding Peer-Reviewed ..................................................................16
External Funding (Other Sources) .................................................................18
Editorships, Memberships..............................................................................20
On Journal Editorial Boards
Reviewing Activities for Journals,.................................................................20
Granting Councils, Conferences or Universities
Awards ...........................................................................................................22
Resident Awards ............................................................................................22
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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Chapters in Books
Borger, S.C., Cox, B.J., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (In Press). PTSD and Other Mental
Health Problems in Adults Who Report Histories of Severe Physical Abuse and Neglect. In F.
Columbus (Ed.). Progress in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Research. Novascience
Breitbart, W., Gibson, C. & Chochinov, H.M. (2004). Psychiatric Issues in End of Life
Care. In J. Levenson (Ed.) Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine. American Psychiatric
Publishing Inc.
Ganzini, L., Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Psychiatry at the End of Life. Comprehensive
Review of Psychiatry, 3rd Edition. American Psychiatric Association Press.
McClement, S.E. & Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Dignity in Palliative Care. In: E.
Bruera, I. Higginson, C. Ripamonti, & C. Von Gunten (Eds.) Palliative Medicine. London:
Hodder Arnold.
Polimeni, J. & Reiss, J.P. (In Press). Evolution in Schizophrenia. In: Progress in
Schizophrenia Research. Novascience Publishers.
Skakum, K., Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Depression and Anxiety. In N. MacDonald
(Ed.) Palliative Care Case Based Manual, 2nd Edition.
Skakum, K., Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Delirium. Education for Physicians on
Palliative Care. (EPEC) Oncology Curriculum.
Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Afifi, T.O., Cox, B.J., & Sareen, J. (In Press). Perceived Need and Help-Seeking for
Mental Health Problems Among Canadian Provinces and Territories. Canadian Journal of
Community Mental Health.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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Bernstein, A., Zvolensky, M.J., Kotov, R., Arrindell, W.A., Taylor, S., Sandin, B., Cox,
B.J., Stewart, S.H., Bouvard, M., Cardenas, S.J., Eifert, G.H., & Schmidt, N.B. (In Press).
Taxonicity of Anxiety Sensitivity: A Multi-National Analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Chochinov, H.M. (2004). Dignity and the Eye of the Beholder. Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 22: 1336-40.
Chochinov, H.M. & Cann, B. (In Press). Interventions to Enhance the Spiritual Aspects
of Dying. Journal of Palliative Medicine.
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Hassard, T., Kristjanson, L., McClement, S., & Harlos, M.
(In Press). Understanding Will to Live in Patients Nearing Death. Psychosomatics.
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Hassard, T., Kristjanson, L., McClement, S., & Harlos, M.
(2004). Dignity and Psychotherapeutic Considerations in End of Life Care. Journal of
Palliative Care, 20: 134-142.
Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Clara, I. (2004). Psychological Dimensions Associated With
Suicidal Ideation and Attempts in the National Comorbidity Survey. Suicide and Life
Threatening Behavior, 34, 209-219.
Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W. & Michaud, V. (2004). Comparisons Between the South Oaks
Gambling Screen and a DSM-IV Based Interview in a Community Survey of Problem Gambling.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 49, 258-264.
Cox, B.J., Fleet, C., & Stein, M.B. (2004). Self-Criticism and Social Phobia in the U.S.
National Comorbidity Survey. Journal of Affective Disorders, 82, 227-234.
Cox, B.J., MacPherson, P. & Enns, M.W. (In Press). Psychiatric Correlates of
Childhood Shyness in a Nationally Representative Sample. Behaviour Research and Therapy.
Cox, B.J., MacPherson, P., Enns, M.W. & McWilliams, L.A. (2004). Neuroticism and
Self-Criticism Associated With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Nationally Representative
Sample. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42, 105-114.
Cox, B.J.., McWilliams, L.A., Enns, M.W., & Clara, I.P. (2004). Broad and Specific
Personality Dimensions Associated With Major Depression in a Nationally Representative
Sample. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 45, 246-254.
Cox, B.J., Yu, N., Afifi, T.O. & Ladouceur, R. (In Press). A National Survey of
Gambling Problems in Canada. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Enns, M.W. & Cox, B.J. (In Press). Psychosocial and Clinical Predictors of Symptom
Persistence Versus Remission in Major Depressive Disorder. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
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Enns, M.W. & Cox, B.J. (In Press). Perfectionism, Stressful Life Events and the OneYear Outcome of Depression. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J. & Clara, I.P. (In Press). Perfectionism and Neuroticism: A
Longitudinal Study of Specific Vulnerability and Diathesis-Stress Models. Cognitive Therapy
and Research.
Foa, E.B., Liebowitz, M.R., Kozak, M.J., Davies, S., Campeas, R., Franklin, M.E.,
Huppert, J.D., Kjernisted, K., Rowan, V., Schmidt, A.B., Simpson, H.B. & Tu, X. (2005).
Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Exposure and Ritual Prevention, Clomipramine, and
Their Combination in the Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. American Journal of
Psychiatry, 162, 151-161.
Hack, T., Chochinov, H.M., Hassard, H., Kristjanson, L., McClement, S. & Harlos, M.
(2004). Dignity in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients: A Factor-Analytic Approach. PsychoOncology, 13, 700-708.
Hills, A.H., Cox, B.J., McWilliams, L.W. & Sareen, J. (In Press). Suicide Attempts
and Externalizing Psychopathology in a Nationally Representative Sample. Comprehensive
Katz, L.Y., Cox, B.J., Gunasekara, S. & Miller, A.L. (2004). Feasibility of Dialectical
Behavior Therapy for Suicidal Adolescent Inpatients. Journal of American Academy Child
Adolescent Psychiatry, 43, 276-282.
Kjernisted, K.D. & Bleau, P. (2004). Long-Term Goals in the Management of Acute
and Chronic Anxiety Disorders. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 49 (3 Suppl 1), 51S-63S.
Kocovski, N.L., Cox, B.J., Endler, N.S. & Swinson, R.P. (2004). The Differential
Assessment of State-Trait Anxiety and Depression in a Clinically Anxious Sample. Journal of
Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 26, 165-172.
McClement, S.E., Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T.F., Kristjanson, L.J. & Harlos, M.S.
(2004). Dignity Conserving Care: Application of Research Findings to Practice. International
Journal of Palliative Nursing, 49, 347-349.
McWilliams, L.A., Cox, B.J. & Asmundson, G.J.G. (In Press). Symptom Structure of
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Anxiety
McWilliams, L.A., Goodwin, R.D. & Cox, B.J. (2004). Depression and Anxiety
Disorders Associated With Three Pain Conditions: An Examination in a Nationally
Representative Sample. Pain, 111, 77-83.
Michalak, E., Tam, E.M., Munjanath, C.V., Solomons, K., Levitt, A.J., Levitan, R.,
Enns, M.W., Morehouse, R., Yatham, L.N. & Lam, R.W. (2004). Generic and Health Related
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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Quality of Life in Patients With Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Depression. Psychiatry Research,
128, 245-251.
Remy, F., Mirrashed, F., Campbell, B., Richter, W. (In Press). Verbal Episodic Memory
Impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Combined Structural and Functional MRI Study.
Reiss, J.P., Sareen, J. & Sam, D.L. (In Press). Psychosis in Multiple Sclerosis
Associated with Left Temporal Lobe Lesions on Serial MRI Scans. Journal of Clinical
Robertson, R. G., Yaren, S. & Globerman, D. (2004). Assessing Risk for Violence: A
Retrospective Analysis From a Forensic Service. American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 25,
Sareen, J., Chartier, M., Paulus, M.P. & Stein, M.B. (In Press). Illicit Drug Use and
Anxiety Disorders: Findings From Two Community Surveys. Psychiatry Research.
Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., Afifi, T.O., Yu, B.N., & Stein, M.B. (In Press). Mental Health
Service Utilization in Canada. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., Goodwin, R.D. & Asmundson, G.J.G. (In Press). Co-Occurrence
of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder With Positive Psychotic Symptoms. Journal of Traumatic
Sareen, J., Fleisher, W., Cox, B.J., Hassard, S. & Stein, M.B. (In Press). Childhood
Adversity and Perceived Need for Mental Health Care: Findings From a Canadian Community
Sample. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Sareen, J., Houlahan, T., Cox, B.J. & Asmundson, G.J.G. (In Press). Anxiety Disorders
Associated With Suicidal Ideation and Attempts in the National Comorbidity Survey. Journal of
Nervous Mental Disease.
Sareen, J., Kirshner, A., Lander, M., Kjernisted, K.D., Eleff, M.K., & Reiss, J.P.
(2004). Do Atypical Antipsychotics Ameliorate or Exacerbate Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Symptoms? A Systematic Review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 82:167-174.
Sareen, J., McWilliams, L.A., Cox, B.J. & Stein, M.B. (2004). Does a U-Shaped
Relationship Exist Between Alcohol Use and DSM-III-R Mood and Anxiety Disorders? Journal
of Affective Disorders, 82, 113-118.
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Campbell, D.W., Hassard, T. & Menec, V. (In Press). The
Relationship Between Perceived Need for Mental Health Treatment, DSM Diagnosis and Quality
of Life: A Canadian Population-Based Survey. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Department of Psychiatry
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Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Cox, B.J. & Hassard, S. (2004). Comorbidity of Anxiety
Disorders and Antisocial Behavior: Findings From Two Independent Community Surveys.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 192, 178-186.
Simpson, H.B., Liebowitz, M.R., Foa, E.B., Kozak, M.J., Schmidt, A.B., Rowan, V.,
Petkova, E., Kjernisted, K.D., Huppert, J.D., Franklin, M.E., Davies, S.O., Campeas, R. (In
Press). Post-Treatment Effects of Exposure Therapy and Clomipramine in Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder. Depression and Anxiety.
Torgrud, L.J., Walker, J.R., Murray, L., Cox, B.J., Chartier, M. & Kjernisted, K.D.
(2004). Deficits in Perceived Social Support Associated With Generalized Social Phobia.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 33, 87-96.
Wiebe, J.M.D., & Cox, B.J. (In Press). Problem and Probable Pathological Gambling
Among Older Adults Assessed by the SOGS-R. Journal of Gambling Studies.
Other Publications
Chochinov, H.M. (2004). Palliative Care: An Opportunity for Mental Health
Professionals. (Editorial) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 49: 347-349.
Chochinov, H.M. (2004). Defending Dignity. (Editorial) Journal of Supportive and
Palliative Care, 1: 307-308.
Chochinov, H.M. & Stern, A. (2004). Canadian Virtual Hospice: www.virtual
hospice.ca. (Editorial) Journal of Palliative Care, 20(1): 5-6.
Menzies, H., Chochinov, H.M. & Breitbart. (In Press). Cytokines, Cancer and
Depression: Connecting the Dots. (Letter). Journal of Supportive Oncology.
Reiss, J. (2004). Guidelines for Monitoring Patients on Atypical Antipsychotics.
Guideline Paper of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Mental Health Program; Chair and
Principal Author.
Sareen, J., Enns, M.W. & Cox, B.J. (2004). Potential for Misuse of Sedatives.
Evidence From Community Surveys. (Letter). American Journal of Psychiatry, 161:1722-1723.
Sareen, J. & Skakum, K. (In Press). Managing Transference in Cognitive Behavior
Therapy. (Letter). American Journal of Psychiatry.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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Simpson, H.B., Liebowitz, M.R., Foa, E.B., Lozak, M.J., Schmidt, A.B., Rowan, V.,
Petknova, E., Kjernisted, K.D., Huppert, J.D., Franklin, M.E, Davies, S.O. & Campeas, R. (In
Press). Post-Treatment Effects of Exposure Therapy and Clomipramine in ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder. Depression and Anxiety.
Wilson, K.G., Chochinov, H.M., Graham, M., Allard, P., Chary, S., DeLuca, M.,
Gagnon, P.R., Kuhl, D., MacMillian, K., O’Shea, F. & Fainsinger, R. (2004). Depression and
Anxiety Disorders in Palliative Cancer Care. Journal of Palliative Care, 20: 260.
Papers, Symposia, and Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences
Afifi, T., Cox, B.J. & Katz, L. (November 2004). Co-Occurrence of Self-Harm and
Risky Behavior Among Young Adolescents. Poster presented at the Association for
Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Afifi, T., Sareen, J., Cox, B.J. & Asmundson, G.J.G. (November 2004). Comorbidity
and Impairment Among Individuals Exposed to Traumatic Events: An Examination of
Subthreshold PTSD. 38th Annual Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy
Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Asmundson, G.J.G., Cox, B.J., Jang, K., Katz, J., Stein, M.B., Taylor, S., Brundin, P.,
Sareen, J., Shercliffe, R., Thordarson, D., Stapleton, J. & Wald, J. (2004). The Traumatic
Stress Group. Poster presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Neurosciences,
Mental Health and Addictions, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Ottawa, Ontario.
Bolton, J., Sareen, J. & Cox, B.J. (March 2004). Self Medication of Phobic Disorders
in the National Comorbidity Survey. Anxiety Disorders Association of America Meeting.
Miami, Florida.
Bourgeois-Law, G. & Fleisher, W. (April 2004). Development of an Assessment
Program for Foreign-Trained Specialists. Association of Canadian Medical Colleges Annual
Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Bourgeois-Law, G. & Fleisher, W. (June 2004). Development of an Assessment
Program for Foreign-Trained Specialists. Alymer 5 Conference. Saskatoon, Sask.
Campbell, D.W., Sareen, J., Paulus, M.P., Goldin, P.R., Stein, M.B. & Reiss, J.P. (June
2004). Repetition-Related Changes in the Neural Processing of Fear; An fMRI Study of
Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder and Healthy Matched Controls. Poster presented at the
Canadian Student Health Research Forum. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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Clara, I.P., Cox, B.J. & Enns, M.W. (November 2004). Assessment of Perfectionism
Dimensions by Brief Telephone Interview. Poster Presentation. Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Clara, I., Cox, B., Stein, M. Walker, J. & Yu, N. (November 2004). Social Phobia and
Related Comorbidity in the Canadian Community Health Survey. In A. Przeworski (Chair),
Causes and Effects of Comorbidity in Principal Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia:
A Lifespan Approach. Symposium presented at the Association for Advancement of Behavior
Therapy Annual Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Cox, B.J., Afifi, T., Stein, M.B., Walker, J. & Yu, N. (November 2004). Social Phobia
and Related Comorbidity in the Canadian Community Health Survey. Association for
Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ellerby, L. (Oct 2004). Managing High Risk/Dangerous Sexual Offenders: Public
Policy Legislation and Clinical Responses: Canadian Experience, Risk Management Strategies
for High Risk Sexual Offenders on Judicial Restraint Orders. Directing Decisions: Assessment,
Disposition, Treatment and Outcome. 23rd Annual Research & Treatment Conference,
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Ellerby, L. (Oct 2004). Providing Clinical Services to Sexual Offenders: Therapist
Impact Issues. Sex Offending is Everybody’s Business. 8th International Conference of the
International Association for Treatment of Sexual Offenders. Athens, Greece.
Ellerby, L. (Oct 2004). Treatment and Risk Management Approaches With Sexual Sadist
and Murders. Sex Offending is Everybody’s Business. 8th International Conference of the
International Association for Treatment of Sexual Offenders). Athens, Greece.
Ellerby, L. (Oct 2004). Lessons From Indigenous Knowledge: The Role of Spirituality
and Healing in Risk Management. Sex Offending is Everybody’s Business. 8th International
Conference of the International Association for Treatment of Sexual Offenders. Athens, Greece.
Ellerby, L. (Apr 2004). Understanding the Mentally Disordered Offender: Attending to
Risk and Need. Community Protection Conference. (Sponsored by the HSHS Division of
Developmental Disabilities). Seattle, Washington.
Enns, M.W. & Cox, B.J. (October 2004). Perfectionism, Stressful Life Events and the
One-Year Outcome of Depression. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychiatric Association
Annual Convention. Montreal, Canada.
Enns, M.W. & Cox, B.J. (October 2004). Personality, Coping Style, and Life Events in
the Persistence of Major Depressive Disorder. Symposium presentation entitled: Personality
Dimensions, Disorders and Depression: Treating the Complex Patient. (S. Kennedy,
Symposium Chair). Presented at the Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting.
Montreal, Canada.
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Fleet, C, Cox, B.J. & Enns, M.W. (November 2004). Elevated Distress in the General
Population: Analogue or Artificial Depression? Poster presented at the Association for
Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Fleet, C., Cox, B.J., McWilliams, L.A. & Goodwin, R. (November 2004). Smoking,
Panic and Neuroticism in a Nationally Representative Sample. Association for Advancement of
Behavior Therapy Annual convention. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Houlahan, T., Sareen, J., Cox, B.J. & Asmundson, G.J.G. (March 2004). Anxiety
Disorders Associated With Suicidal Ideation and Attempts. Anxiety Disorders Association of
America Meeting. Miami, Florida.
Jagdeo, A. Sareen, J. & Cox, B.J. (November 2004). Negative Attitudes and Perceived
Barriers Toward Mental Health Service Use in Two Population-Based Surveys. Canadian
Family Medicine Forum. Toronto, Ontario.
Kjernisted, K. (Oct 2004). Molecular Neurobiology of Anxiety Disorders. Canadian
Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec.
Lam, R., Levitt, A., Levitan, R.D., Enns, M.W. & Morehouse, R.L. (October 2004).
The CAN-SAD Study: A Canadian Multi-Centre Randomized Controlled Trial of Light Versus
Fluoxetine Treatment in Seasonal Affective Disorder. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual
Meeting. Montreal, Quebec.
Levitt, A.J., Chaput, Y., Lam, R.W. & Enns, M.W. (June 2004). Risperidone vs.
Olanzapine as Add-On Treatment in Treatment Resistant Depression. Collegium Internationale
Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum (CINP) Annual Congress. Paris, France.
Levitt, A.J., Chaput, Y., Lam, R.W. & Enns, M.W. (October 2004). Double-Blind AddOn of Risperidone or Olanzapine in Treatment Resistant Depression. Canadian Psychiatric
Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec.
McWilliams, L.A., Goodwin, R.D. & Cox, B.J. (May 2004). Depression and Anxiety
Disorders Associated With Three Pain Conditions: An Examination in a Nationally
Representative Sample. Poster presented at the International Pain Social Annual Conference.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., Afifi, T. & Yu, B.N. (October 2004). Prevalence and Correlates
of Perceived Need for Mental Health Treatment in the Canadian Community Health Survey
Cycle 1.2. Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology. Montreal, Canada.
Sareen, J., Cox, B.J. & Asmundson, G.J.G. (November 2004). Comorbidity of anxiety
Disorders With Physical Health Conditions in the U.S. National Comorbidity Survey. 38th
Annual Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Conference. New Orleans,
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Sareen, J., Cox, B.J. & Asmundson, G.J.G. (November 2004). Co-Occurrence of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder With Positive Psychotic Symptoms. 38th Annual Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Satyanarayana, S., Enns, M.W. & Cox, B.J. (October 2004). The Mood Disorder
Questionnaire in Unipolar Depression: Soft Bipolarity or Personality Based Mood
Dysregulation? Poster Presentation. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting.
Montreal, Canada.
Sinclair, J., Ellerby, L. (May 2004). What Motivates Aboriginal Offenders to Succeed?
What Works… in Custody and Reintegration of Aboriginal Peoples. A Public Safety and
Preparedness Canada Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Schultz, E., Felder, W., Fleishhaker, C., van der Gaag, J., Katz, L.Y. (August 2004).
Borderline Disorders in Children and Adolescents. International Association of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatrist and Allied Professionals – World Congress. Berline, Germany.
Simm, J. (October 2004). Substance-Induced Psychosis. Canadian Society of
Addiction Medicine. 16th Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada.
Yu, N., Czyczko, T., Cox, B.J. & Enns, M. (August 2004). Gender Differences in
Psychological Profiles in Obese and Normal Weight Adolescents: A Canadian Population-Based
Study. Poster presented at the International Congress of Psychology. Beijing.
2nd Annual Faculty Research Forum
June 15, 2004
Department of Psychiatry
University of Manitoba
Chochinov, H.M. Psychiatric Epidemiology and End of Life Care.
Enns, M.W. Psychosocial and Clinical Factors in the Outcome of Patients With Major
Depressive Disorder.
Katz, L. Associations of Suicidality and Health Risk Behaviors in the National
Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth.
Kjernisted, K.D. A Novel Approach to the Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome.
Reiss, J. Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research Update.
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Sareen, J. The Co-Occurrence of PTSD With Positive Psychotic Symptoms in a
Nationally Representative Sample.
Sigurdson, E. Towards an Understanding of the Risk Factors for an Eating Disorder in
Young Patients With Type I Diabetes.
Invited Addresses (including Grand Rounds)
Chochinov, H.M. – Presentations on “End of Life Care”
(Feb 2004)
(Feb 2004)
(Mar 2004)
(Mar 2004)
(Apr 2004)
(Apr 2004)
(Apr 2004)
(May 2004)
(May 2004)
(May 2004)
(June 2004)
(June 2004)
(June 2004)
(Sept 2004)
(Sept 2004)
(Oct 2004)
(Nov 2004)
(Nov 2004)
(Nov 2004)
(Dec 2004)
Beth Israel Medical Centre. New York, New York.
North Shore – Long Island Jewish Health System. Hillside Hospital. Glen Oaks,
New York.
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. Los Vegas, Nevada.
Cicley Saunders Foundation Scientific Advisory Committee. Symposium.
London, England.
The Palliative Care Service of the Hawkesbury & District General Hospital.
Kawkesbury, Ontario.
Lung Cancer Symposium. University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky.
St. Mary’s Hospital. Montreal, Quebec.
Women’s Canadian Club of Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Nordisk Forening for Palliativ Vard. Aarhus, Denmark.
Danish Cancer Society. Aarhus, Denmark.
Human Dignity, Narrative Integrity and Ethical Decision-Making at the End of
Life: An International, Interdisciplinary Symposium. St. Johns, Newfoundland.
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Winnipeg, Canada.
Jocelyn House Annual General Meeting Guest Speaker. Winnipeg, Canada.
Manitoba Hospice and Palliative Care Association Annual Meeting. Winnipeg,
15th International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill. Montreal, Quebec.
Provincial Palliative Care Association Meeting. Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg,
Portuguese Palliative Care Association. Lisbon, Portugal.
Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine (Research Award Recipient). Fort Myers,
National Institute of Health State of the Science Conference. “Improving Care at
the End of Life”. Washington, D.C.
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Enns, M.W.
(Sept 2004)
New Vistas in Treatment Resistant Depression. University of Saskatchewan
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds.
Fleisher, W.
(Aug 2004)
(Oct 2004)
(Nov 2004)
Welcoming Address to the Med Class of 2008, The Physician Accommodation
Syndrome. Inaugural Exercises. Faculty of Medicine.
Visiting Faculty. Issues in Law and Bio-Medical Ethics Seminar Series (for 3rd
year law students). Faculty of Law. University of Manitoba.
Presentation, Roots and Wings –Midnight Musings on Mentoring Residents’
Reseach and Academic Work. 10th Annual Residents Research Day. Department
of Psychiatry. University of Manitoba.
Katz, L.Y.
(Feb 2004)
(Apr 2004)
(Apr 2004)
(June 2004)
(Sept 2004)
Introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder.
University of Manitoba Department of Psychiatry. George Sisler Institute on
Psychotherapy. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Antidepressants for Depressed Children and Adolescents. University of Manitoba
Department of Child Health (Grand Rounds).
Antidepressants for Depressed Children and Adolescents, Poison or Panacea?
University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry (Grand Rounds).
Introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder.
College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses. Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Mental Health Program, St.
Joseph’s and London Health Sciences Centre. Regional Mental Health Care.
London, Ontario.
Kjernisted, K.D.
(Jan 2004)
(Jan 2004)
(Mar 2004)
(Apr 2004)
Comorbid Bipolar and Anxiety Disorder: A Case Presentation. Annual
Psychiatry Update, Department of Psychiatry, University of Manitoba.
Anxiety and the Cinema. Ontario Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting.
Toronto, Ontario.
Anxiety and the Cinema. Alberta Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting.
Banff, Alberta.
Neurobiology of Mood Disorders. Saskatchewan Psychiatric Association Annual
Meeting. Regina, Saskatchewan.
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Reiss, J.
(Feb 2004)
(Feb 2004)
(Sept 2004)
(Nov 2004)
Review of Local Pharmacological and Neuroimaging Research on Schizophrenia.
Invited presentation to the Schizophrenia Treatment and Education Program,
Health Sciences Centre (Winnipeg).
Review of Local Pharmacological and Neuroimaging Research on Schizophrenia.
Invited presentation to the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Service
(EPPIS). Child & Adolescent and Adult Mental Health Programs. Winnipeg
Regional Health Authority.
Early Life Trauma and Neurobiological Predictors of Depression. Invited.
Presentation to Community Psychiatry group (Winnipeg).
The Evolutionary Mechanism of Group Selection in Psychiatric Disorders.
University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, with Dr. J.
Sareen, J.
(Mar 2004)
The Role of Medications in Treating Anxiety Disorders. Anxiety Disorders
Association of Manitoba Public Forum.
Resident Research Day Presentations
November, 2004
Department of Psychiatry
University of Manitoba
Balchand, K. “Complementary and Alternative Medicine Utilization in Individuals with
Major Depression.” Supervisors: Sareen, J. & Cox, B.J
Bolton, J. “Self Medication of Anxiety Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey.”
Supervisors: Sareen, J. & Cox, B.J.
Fotti, S. “Associations Between Peer and Parental Relationships and Suicidal Behaviours
in Early Adolescence.” Supervisors: Katz, L. & Cox, B.J.
Satyanarayana, S. “I.M. Olanzapine – A Consumer Satisfaction Survey.” Supervisor:
Eleff, M.
Trepel, S. “Implicit Learning In Schizophrenia and Social Anxiety Disorder as Measured
by the Serial Reaction Test.” Supervisor: Reiss, J.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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External Funding (Peer-Reviewed)
Asmundson, G., Taylor, S., Katz, J., Stein, M., Cox, B.J. & Jang, K. (2003-2008).
“Understanding Risk Factors, Comorbidity and Global Health Issues in PTSD: Laying the
Foundation for Early Identification in At-Risk Populations and Improving Preventive and
Treatment Strategies for all Canadians”. New Emerging Team Program. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research. ($1.1 million).
Bolton, J., Sareen, J. & Lander, M. (2003-2005). “Mirtazapine Augmentation of
Refractory Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Trial”.
Resident Research Grant, Health Sciences Centre Department of Psychiatry. ($9,000).
Chochinov, H.M. (2004-2010). “Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit Infrastructure
Funding”. Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. ($50,000).
Chochinov, H.M. (2004-2005). “Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit”. Operating
Budget Grant. CancerCare Manitoba Foundation. ($78,000).
Chochinov, H.M., Breitbart, W., Kristjanson, L., Hack, T., McClement, S., Hassard, T.
& Harlos, M. (2004-2008) “Dignity Intervention for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients”. National
Institute of Health. ($1,607,121 U.S.).
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., McClement, S., Harlos, M. & Kristjanson, L. (2000-2004).
“The Palliative Care Dignity Inventory”. National Cancer Institute of Canada/Canadian Nurses
Foundation (CNF). ($139,209).
Chochinov, H.M., Kristjanson, L. & Kuhl, D. (2001-2004). “Dignity Psychotherapy:
An Intervention for Suffering in the Terminally Ill”. American Foundation of Suicide
Prevention. ($100,000 U.S.).
Chochinov, H.M., Stern, A., Fassbender, K., Jadad, A., Librach, S.L., Lynch, J. &
Pereira, J.L. (2003-2006). “Canadian Virtual Hospice Pilot Project”. Western Economic
Diversification Fund. ($500,000).
Chochinov, H.M., Stern, A., Fassbender, K., Jadad, A., Librach, S.L., Lynch, J. &
Pereira, J.L. (2002-2006). “Canadian Virtual Hospice”. Riverview Health Centre Foundation.
Chochinov, H.M. (2003-2010). “Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care (Tier I)”.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($200,000 per year).
Chochinov, H.M. (2003-2004). “Palliative Care Research Unit”. Canadian Foundation
for Innovation. ($305,881).
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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Chochinov, H.M., Steinstra, D., Kaufert, J.M. & Lutfiyya, Z.M. (2004-2009). “New
Emerging Team (NET Grant). Vulnerable Populations in End of Life care”. Canadian Institutes
of Health Research. ($279,000 per year).
Chochinov, H.M. (2004-2006). Health Sciences Centre Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Funding ($38,000 per year).
Cox, B.J. (2004-2006). Health Sciences Centre Post-Doctoral Fellowship Funding
($38,000 per year).
Cox, B.J. (2001-2006). “Canada Research Chair in Mood and Anxiety Disorders”.
Government of Canada Salary, Benefits and Other Research Support. ($100,000 per year).
Cox, B.J. (2003-2006). “Population-Based Approaches to Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, New Emerging Team Sub-Grant.
Cox, B.J., Enns, M. & Taylor, S. (2002-2005). “Longitudinal Study of Psychological
Vulnerabilities to Emotional Distress in Representative, Community-Based Samples”. Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. ($97,221).
Cox, B.J., Stein, M., Walker, J., Ladouceur, R., Wiebe, J. & Yu, N. (2003-2004). “Two
Population-Based Mental Health Studies Using the Canadian Community Health Survey (cycle
1.2): Social Phobia and Problem Gambling”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research/Statistics
Canada. ($40,000).
Cox, B.J., Enns, M. & Sareen, J. (2003-2005). “Psychosocial Investigations in Anxiety
Disorders and Depression Using a Nationally Representative Sample”. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research – Regional Partnerships Program. ($116,712).
Cox, B.J., Sareen, J. & Enns, M. (2004-2005). “Substance Abuse Associated With
Anxiety Disorders and Depression in a Nationally Representative Sample”. Ruth Hurd
Memorial Fund for Substance Abuse Research. ($5,000).
Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J. & MacQueen, G.M. (2003-2004). “Memory Complaints in
Patients Receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder”. Health Sciences
Centre Foundation. ($24,900).
Gagnon, P., Aubin, M., Chochinov, H.M., Dumont, S., Fillion, L. & Pereira, J.L. 20042009). “New Emerging Team (NET Grant): Developing, Evaluating and Implementing New
Interventions in Palliative Care”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($279,000 per year).
Groenvold, M., Chochinov, H.M. & Kristjanson, L. (2005-2006). “A Danish Language
Feasibility Study of Dignity Therapy”. Danish Cancer Society. ($110,000 U.S.).
Department of Psychiatry
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Kristjanson, L.J., Toye, C., Chochinov, H.M., Almeida, O., Oldham, L. & Hassard, T.
(2004). “A Study to Pilot a Clinical Trial to Test Dignity Psychotherapy for the Frail Elderly”.
National Health Medical Research Council (Australia). ($25,000).
McClement, S.E., Woodgate, R. & Chochinov, H.M. (2004-2005). “Involuntary
Weight Loss in Advanced Cancer: Patient and Family Perspectives”. Cancer Care Manitoba
Foundation. ($14,335).
Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., & Yu, B.N. (2003-2005). “Correlates of Mental Health Services
Utilization and Distress in the Canadian Community Health Survey”. Manitoba Health Research
Council. ($29,478).
Sareen, J. (2003-2006). “Population Based Approaches to Mental Health Services
Utilization and Psychiatric Comorbidity”. Establishment Grant, Manitoba Health Research
Council. ($29,478 per year).
Sareen, J., Cox, B.J. & Yu, B.N. (2004). “Correlates of Mental Health Services
Utilization and Emotional Wellbeing: Analysis of the Canadian Community Health Survey”.
Canadian Institute of Health Research. ($35,125).
Walker, J., Cox, B.J., Hiebert-Murphy, D. & Feldgaier, S. (2003-2005). “Coaching for
Confidence: Pilot Study of a Community-Based Prevention Program for the Parents of Anxious
Kindergarten-Age Children”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Regional Partnerships
Program. ($30,000).
Wong, S., Enns, M.W., Sareen, J., Rempel, J., & Cox, B.J. (2005-2006). “Predictors
of the Onset of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms During Pegylated Interferon Plus Ribavirin
Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C: A Prospective Study”. University Research Grants Program.
External Funding (Other Sources)
Altman, G., Hall, A. (2004). Open Label Trial of Atomoxetine Hydrochloride in
Children Eight to Eleven Years Old with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Lilly
Enns, M.W. & Lander, M. (2003-2004). “A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo
Controlled Study of Ro67-5930 in Major Depressive Disorder (Phase II)”. Hoffman La Roche.
Fleisher, W., Altman, G., Jocelyn, L. & Shady, G. (1999-2004). “Efficacy and Safety
of Risperidone in the Treatment of Children With Autistic Disorder and Other Pervasive
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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Developmental Disorders: A Canadian, Multicentre, Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Study.
Phase III”. Janssen-Ortho Foundation.
Reiss, J.P. (1999-2004) “National Outcome Measurement in Schizophrenia”. JanssenOrtho. ($19,500).
Reiss, J.P., Coodin, S., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D.,
Eleff, M., Vattheuer, F., Simm, J., & Chudasama, S. (1999-2004) “Risperidone depot
(microspheres) in the treatment of subjects with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder - an
open label follow up trial of RIS-INT-57 and RIS-INT-61 (Phase III)”. Janssen-Ortho.
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm, J., Eleff,
M., & Chudasama, S. (2002-2004) “Open Extension Study Evaluating the Safety and
Tolerability of Oral Ziprasidone in the Treatment of Patients who have Successfully Completed a
Previous Ziprasidone Study (Phase III)”. Pfizer. ($250,653).
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm, J.,
Eleff, M. & Chudasama, S. (2003-2004) “A 52-Week, Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind,
Multi-Centre Study of Relapse Following Transition From Oral Antipsychotic Medication to
Two Different Doses (25 or 50 mg given every two weeks) of Risperidone Long-Acting
Microspheres (Risperdol CONSTA TM) in Adults With Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective
Disorder (Phase III)”. Janssen-Ortho. ($199,602).
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm, J.,
Eleff, M. & Chudasama, S. (2003-2004) “A Canadian, Multicentre, Double-Blind,
Randomized, Parallel-Group Study of the Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Treatment with
Higher Doses of Quetiapine Fumarate (Seroquel) Greater Than 800 mg/day in Schizophrenic or
Schizoaffective Subject (Phase III)”. Astra Zeneca. ($172,000).
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm, J.,
Eleff, M., Sareen, J., Lander, M. & Chudasama, S. (2003-2004) “A Phase III, Randomized,
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Outpatient, Safety And Efficacy Study of TAK-375 in
Elderly Subjects with Chronic Insomnia (Phase III)”. Takeda. ($348,000).
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm, J.,
Eleff, M. & Chudasama, S. (2003-2004) “A Study of Galantamine HBr as an Adjunctive
Treatment to Risperdal in Male Outpatients with Schizophrenia and Associated Cognitive
Deficits (Phase II)”. Janssen-Ortho. ($42,053).
Reiss, J.P., Balachandra, B., Chudasama, S., Polimeni, J., Pirzada, M., Simm, J.,
Zimmer K., Globerman, G. & Eleff, M. (2004) “A Multicentre, Randomized, Double-Blind,
Parallel Group Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of a Flexible Dose of Lamotrigine
Compared to Placebo as an Adjunctive Therapy to an Atypical Antipsychotic Agent(s) in
Subjects with Schizophrenia (Phase III)”. GlaxoSmithKline. ($111,300).
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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Editorships, Memberships
On Journal Editorial Boards
Chochinov, H.M.
Journal of Palliative Care (Editorial Board)
Journal of Palliative Medicine (Editorial Board)
Palliative and Supportive Care (Co-Editor)
Supportive Cancer Therapy (Editorial Board)
Supportive Oncology (Editorial Board)
Cox, B.J.
Behaviour Research and Therapy (Editorial Board)
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science (Editorial Board)
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice (Editorial Board)
Katz, L.Y.
Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry (Editorial Board)
Reiss, J.
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. (Editorial Board)
Journal of Sexual & Reproductive Medicine. (Editorial Board)
Reviewing Activities for
Journals, Granting Councils, Conferences or Universities
Chochinov, H.M.
Ad Hoc Reviewer for:
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
British Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal
Journal of the American Medical Association
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of Psycho-Oncology
Oxford University Press
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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College of Reviewers for the New Opportunities Fund (CFI)
Guest Editor for Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2004, 49 (6) – Palliative Care.
Cox, B.J.
Ad Hoc Reviewer for:
Addictive Behaviors
Canadian Journal on Aging
Clinical Psychology Review
Cognition and Emotion
Enns, M.W.
Ad Hoc Reviewer for:
British Journal of Clinical Psychology
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Cognitive Therapy and Research
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting (abstracts)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (External Reviewer)
Fleisher, W.
Ad Hoc Reviewer for:
Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Samuel McLaughlin Awards Committee (Faculty of Medicine, U of M)
Reiss, J.
Ad Hoc Reviewer for:
American Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting (abstracts)
Sareen, J.
Ad Hoc Reviewer for:
Depression and Anxiety
Psychiatry Research
Journal of Psychiatry Research
Archives of General Psychiatry
Psychosomatic Medicine
Health Sciences Centre Research Foundation (Review Committee Member)
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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Awards 2004
Chochinov, H.M.
Order of Manitoba
Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine – Research Award
Katz, L.
Staff Educator of the Year Award – Health Sciences Centre Site.
McWilliams, L.A.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Brain Star Award. For the publication: McWilliams,
L.A., Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W. “Mood and Anxiety Disorders Associated With Chronic Pain: An
Examination in a Nationally Representative Sample,” Pain, 106.
O’Keeffe, K.
Staff Educator of the Year Award – St. Boniface Hospital Site
Reiss, J.
Manitoba Science and Technology Certificate of Achievement Award, Manitoba Network for
Science and Technology.
Resident Awards 2004
Anderson, R.
Junior Resident Educator of the Year Award. Sponsored by Astra Zeneca Canada Inc.
Balchand, K.
Best Innovative Research Paper (Resident Research Day). “Complementary and Alternative
Medicine Utilization in Individuals With Major Depression.” Sponsored by Pfizer Canada Inc.
Balchand, K.
Senior Resident Educator of the Year Award. Sponsored by AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
Bolton, J.
Best Research Paper (Resident Research Day). “Self Medication of Anxiety Disorders in the
National Comorbidity Survey.” Sponsored by Akzo Nobel Organon Canada Ltd.
Bolton, J.
Manitoba Psychiatric Association Award for Best Presentation (Resident Research Day). “Self
Medication of Anxiety Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey.”
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2004
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Fotti, S.
Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre Award (Resident Research Day). “Associations Between
Peer and Parental Relationships and Suicidal Behaviours in Early Adolescence.”
Fotti, S.
Best Overall Research Paper (Resident Research Day). “Associations Between Peer and
Parental Relationships and Suicidal Behaviors in Early Adolescence.” Sponsored by Eli Lilly
Canada Inc.
Fotti, S.
Award of Excellence – Senior Resident. Sponsored by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.
Satyanarayana, S.
Best Literature Review (Resident Research Day). “IM Olanzapine – A Consumer Satisfaction
Survey.” Sponsored by The Jack G. Sheps Fund, University of Manitoba.
Trepel, S.
Participation Award (Resident Research Day). “Implicit Learning in Schizophrenia and Social
Anxiety Disorder as Measured by the Serial Reaction Task.” Sponsored by Lundbeck Canada.
Fly UP