
2002 Research Report The University of Manitoba

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2002 Research Report The University of Manitoba
The University of Manitoba
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
University of Manitoba Department of Psychiatry Research Report
This year’s departmental research report is the 5th annual research report since its reintroduction in 1998. Our department has witnessed a steady growth in research
productivity over these four years. As this document demonstrates, numerous and
diverse topics of psychiatric research are being pursued by members of the department.
Examples include end of life care, psychiatric epidemiology, psychological and social
risk factors for mental disorders, studies of pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic
treatment and functional neuro-imaging. A total of 29 peer reviewed papers (published
or in press), a prestigious Canada Research Chair in Mood and Anxiety Disorders
awarded to Dr. Brian Cox, and numerous sources of research funding including national
and regional peer reviewed grants and industry sponsored clinical trials are among the
highlights of the present report.
Murray W. Enns, MD, FRCPC.
Director of Research and
Professor of Psychiatry
May, 2003
Brian Cox, Ph.D., C. Psych
Canada Research Chair
Associate Director of Research and
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Table of Content
Chapters in Books ................................................................................................... 1
Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals ......................................................... 2
Other Publications................................................................................................... 4
Papers, Symposiums, or Posters Presented at......................................................... 5
Scientific Conferences
Invited Addresses (including Grand Rounds)......................................................... 9
Resident Research Day Presentations.................................................................. 12
External Funding Peer-Reviewed ........................................................................ 13
External Funding (Other Sources) ....................................................................... 14
Editorships, Guest Editor, Memberships .............................................................. 16
On Journal Editorial Boards
Reviewing Activities for Journals,........................................................................ 17
Granting Councils, Conferences or Universities
Awards .................................................................................................................. 18
Resident Awards ................................................................................................... 18
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 1
Chapters in Books
Breitbart, W., Chochinov, H.M. & Passik, S. (In Press). Psychiatric Aspects of
Palliative Care. In: Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine (Doyle, D., Hanks, G. Eds).
3rd Edition. Oxford University Press. New York, New York.
Chochinov, H.M. (2002). Depression in the Terminally Ill: Prevalence and
Measurement Issues. In: Issues in Palliative Care Research. Editors: Portenoy, R.K.,
Bruera, E. Oxford University Press, 189-202.
Chochinov, H.M., Lander, M. & Breitbart, W. (In Press). Treating Depression
and Anxiety in the Terminally Ill. In: Dunlop, R., Portenoy, R., Coyle, N., Davis, C.
(Eds.) Concise Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care.
Cox, B.J. & Taylor, S. (2002). Behavioral Group Therapy. In: Hersen, M. &
Sledge, W. (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy. New York: Academic Press.
Enns, M.W. & Cox, B.J. (2002). The Nature and Assessment of Perfectionism:
A Critical Analysis. In: Flett, G. & Hewitt, P. (Eds.). Perfectionism: Theory, Research,
and Treatment. D.C.: American Psychological Association, 33-62.
Ganzini, L, & Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Psychiatry at the End of Life. In: 3rd
Edition of the Comprehensive Review of Psychiatry. American Psychiatric Association
Sareen, J. & Stein, M.B. (In Press). Quality of Life in Social Anxiety Disorder.
In: Pollack M: Social Anxiety Disorder.
Schwartz, L. & Chochinov, H.M. (2002). Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted
Suicide: Psychiatric Considerations. In: An Essential Guide to Geriatric Practice (Eds).
Ratnaike, R.N. McGraw-Hill Australia, 890-901.
Schwartz, L. & Chochinov, H.M. (2002). Depression and the Will to Live in
Terminally Ill Patients. In: The Case Against Assisted Suicide (Eds) Hendin, H., Foley,
K.). Johns Hopkins Press, 261-277.
Taylor, S., Bouchard, S., Cox, B., & Gauthier, J. (2002). Anxiety Disorders. In:
Marshall, W.L. & Firestone, P. (Eds.). Abnormal Psychology: Perspectives (2nd
Edition). Prentice Hall, 151-180.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 2
Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Chakrabarti, A., Fleisher, W., Staley, D. & Calhoun, L. (In Press). Staff
Resident Interactions With the Pharmaceutical Industry. A Survey of Training Program
Policies. Annals of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Chochinov, H.M. (2002). Dignity Conserving Care : A New Model for
Palliative Care. JAMA, 287(17):2253-2260.
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Hassard, T., Kristjanson, L., McClement, S. &
Harlos, M. (2002). Dignity in the Terminally Ill: A Cross Sectional Cohort Study.
Lancet, 360:2026-2030.
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., McClement, S., Harlos, M. & Kristjanson, L.
(2002). Dignity in the Terminally Ill: An Empirical Model. Social Sciences and
Medicine, 54(3):433-443.
Clara, I.P., Cox, B.J. & Enns, M.W. (In Press). Hierarchical Models of
Personality and Psychopathology: The Case of Self-Criticism, Neuroticism, and
Depression. Personality and Individual Differences.
Cohen, L.M., Halls, K.C., Morris, J.E., Pekow, P.S. & Chochinov, H.M. (2002).
Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Patients Who Discontinue the Life-Support
Treatment of Dialysis. Psychosomatic Medicine, 360:2026-2030.
Cox, B.J., Clara, I.P., & Enns, M.W. (2002). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
and the Structure of Common Mental Disorders. Depression and Anxiety, 15:168-171.
Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Clara, I.P. (2002). The Multidimensional Structure of
Perfectionism in Clinically Depressed and College Student Samples. Psychological
Assessment, 14:365-373.
Cox, B.J., McWilliams, L.A., Clara, I.P., & Stein, M.B. (2002). The Structure of
Feared Situations in a Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Anxiety Disorders,
Cox, B.J., & Swinson, R.P. (2002). An Instrument to Assess Depersonalizationderealization in Panic Disorder. Depression and Anxiety. 15:172-175.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
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Cox, B.J., Walker, J.R., Enns, M.W., & Karpinski, D.C. (2002). Self-Criticism
in Generalized Social Phobia and Response to Cognitve-Behavioral Treatment. Behavior
Therapy, 479-492.
Cox, B.J., & Enns, M.W. (In Press). Relative Stability of Dimensions of
Perfectionism in Depression. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.
Ellerby, L. (2002). Treatment/Healing for Sexual Offending Behavior Among
Aboriginal Men: Setting Direction Based on Client Characteristics. Forum on
Corrections Research. Vol.14(3):32-26.
Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., & Clara, I.P. (2002). Parental Bonding and Adult
Psychopathology: Results from the U.S. National Comorbidity Survey. Psychological
Medicine, 32:997-1008.
Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J. & Clara, I.P. (2002). Adaptive and Maladaptive
Perfectionism: Developmental Origins and Association with Depression Proness.
Personality and Individual Differences, 33:921-935.
Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., & Pidlubny, S.R. (2002). Group Cognitive Behaviour
Therapy for Residual Depression: Effectiveness and Predictors of Response. Cognitive
Behavior Therapy, 31:1-10.
Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., & Inayatulla, M. (In Press). Personality Predictors of
Treatment Outcome for Adolescents Hospitalized for Suicide Ideation. Journal of the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Fleisher, W., Staley, D., Krawetz, P., Pillay, N., Arnett, J & Maher, J.
(2002). Trauma-Related Phenomena in Patients with Pseudoseizures and
Epilepsy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 159(4): 660-3.
Fleisher, W. & Schwartz, L. (In Press). Mental Health Sequelae of Bullying: A
Review and Case Report. The Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review.
Katz, L.Y., & Cox, B.J. (2002). Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Suicidal
Adolescent Inpatients: A Case study. Clinical Case Studies, 1:81-92.
Kjernisted, K.D., Enns, M.W. & Lander, M. (2002). An Open-Label Clinical
Trial of Nefazodone in Hypochondriasis. Psychosomatics, 43:290-294.
McWilliams, L.A., Cox, B.J. & Enns, M.W. (In Press). Psychometric
Properties of an Index of Emotional Distress in the U.S. National Comorbidity Survey.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
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Polimeni, J., & Reiss, J.P. (2002). How Shamanism and Group Selection may
Reveal the Origins of Schizophrenia. Medical Hypotheses, 58(3):244-248.
Polimeni, J., & Reiss, J.P. (In Press). Evolutionary Perspectives on
Schizophrenia. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Parker, Z., Steele, M., Junek, W., Morin, L., Davidson, S., Fleisher, W.,
Macleod, R., Sande, T., White, H. & Yates, T. (In Press). Child Psychiatry in Canada:
Physician Resources. The Canadian Child Psychiatry Review.
Polimeni, J., & Reiss, J.P. (In Press). Humour Perception in Schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia Research.
Sareen, J., McWilliams, L.A., Cox, B.J. & Stein, M.B. (In Press). Does a UShaped Relationship Exist Between Alcohol Use and DSM-III-R Mood and Anxiety
Disorders? Journal of Affective Disorders.
Sareen, J. (In Press). Behavior Therapy for Dizziness. Canadian Journal of
Schwartz, L., Lander, M. & Chochinov, H.M. (2002). Current Management of
Depression in Cancer Patients. Oncology, 16:1102-1110.
Stein, M.B., Goldin, P.R., Sareen, J., Zorrilla, L.T.E., & Brown, G.G. (2002).
Increased Amygdala Activation to Angry and Contemptuous Faces in Generalized Social
Phobia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 59:1027-1034.
Stip, E., Remington, G., Dursun, S.M., Reiss, J.P., Rotstein, E., MacEwan, G.W.,
Chokka, P.R., Jones, B. & Dickson, R.A. and the Canadian Switch Study Group. (In
Press). A Canadian Multi-Center Trial Assessing Memory and Executive Functions in
Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders Treated with Olanzapine. Journal of
Clinical Psychiatry.
Tataryn, D. & Chochinov, H.M. (2002). Predicting the Trajectory of Will to
Live in the Terminally Ill. Psychosomatics, 43:370-7.
Other Publications
Chochinov, H.M. (2002).
Palliative Care. JAMA, 288.
Dignity Conserving Care:
A New Model for
Chochinov, H.M. (2002). The Canadian Virtual Hospice. Newsletter of the Canadian
Society of Palliative Care Physicians. Winter Edition.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 5
Chochinov, H.M. (2002). Thinking Outside the Box: Depression, Hope and
Meaning at the End of Life. Innovations in End-of-Life Care, 4(6):www.edc.org/lastacts
Ellerby, L. & Ellerby, B. (2002). Specialized Sex Offender Assessments : What
Child Welfare Workers Should Know. Envision: The Manitoba Journal of Child
Welfare. Volume 1,1:1-12.
Ellerby, L. & MacPherson. (2002). Exploring the Profiles of Aboriginal Sexual
Offenders: Contrasting Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Sexual Offenders to Determine
Unique Client Characteristics and Potential Implications for Sex Offender Assessment
and Treatment Strategies. Research Report. Research Branch, Corporate Development
Correctional Services of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario.
Kjernisted, K.D. (In Press). PTSD: Diagnosis, Patient Management and
Therapeutic Considerations. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis.
Matas, M., Fleisher, W., Steinberg, R., Vickar, E., & Reiss, J.P. (Guideline In
Press). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults. College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba.
Papers, Symposia, or Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences
Anderson, D., Akavack, P., Harper, P., Hilts, E., & Ellerby, L. (October 2002).
Striving Towards Best Practices with Canadian Indigenous Peoples: Native and Inuit
Sex Offenders. Best Practices: Clinical and Research Collaborations 21st Annual
Research & Treatment Conference. Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.
Montreal, Quebec.
Chartier, M., Cox, B.J., & Enns, M.W. (March 2002). Childhood Adversity,
Personality Factors and Adult Social Phobia in a Nationally Representative Sample.
Poster presented at the Anxiety Disorders Association of America annual conference.
Austin, Texas.
Clara, I.P., Cox, B.J., & Enns, M.W. (June 2002). The Role of Perceived Social
Support as a Mediator of Negative Life Events on Depression. Poster presented at the
Canadian Psychological Association annual convention. Vancouver, B.C.
Cox, B.J. (May 2002). Chair. Fear and Anxiety in Relation to Chronic Pain.
Invited symposium, Canadian Pain Society annual convention. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Cox, B.J. (June 2002). Chair. Problem Gambling in the Canadian Context:
Nature and Treatment. Invited Symposium, Clinical Section, Canadian Psychological
Association annual convention. Vancouver, B.C.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
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Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Michaud, V. (June 2002). A Community Survey of
Problem Gambling: Comparisons Between the South Oaks Gambling Screen and DSMIV Based Approaches to Assessment. Paper presented in B. Cox (Chair), Problem
Gambling in the Canadian Context: Nature and Treatment. Invited symposium, Clinical
section, Canadian Psychological Association annual convention. Vancouver, B.C.
Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J., & Inayatulla, M. (November 2002). The Impact of
Personality Dimensions on the Acute Treatment Outcome and One-Year Re-Admission
Rates of Adolescents Hospitalized for Suicidal Ideation. Canadian Psychiatric
Association Annual Meeting. Banff, Alberta.
Enns, M.W. & Cox, B.J. (November 2002). Personality, Life Events and
Emotional Distress in Medical Students: A Longitudinal Investigation. Canadian
Psychiatric Association Meeting. Banff, Alberta.
Ellerby, L. (February 2002). A White Guys Thoughts on Aboriginal
Programming. National Health Conference, Correctional Services of Canada. Ottawa,
Ellerby, L, & McKenzie, K. (December 2002). Community Risk Management of
High Risk Mentally Disordered Offenders. Community Notification and Managing High
Risk Offenders Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Ellerby, L. & Nicholiachuk, T. (December 2002). Treatment of High Risk
Offenders in Correctional Institutes. Community Notification and Managing High Risk
Offenders Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Fleet, C., Cox, B.J., & Enns, M.W. (June 2002). Self-Criticism and Social
Phobia in a Nationally Representative Sample. Poster presented at the Canadian
Psychological Association. Vancouver, B.C.
Fleisher, W., Chakrabarti, A., Staley, D. & Leichner, P. (2002). Psychiatry
Resident Interaction With and Training About the Pharmaceutical Industry: A National
Survey. 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Banff,
Kjernisted, K.D. & Chartier, M. (2002). The Interface Between Anxiety
Disorders and Bipolar Disorder in a Community Sample. Poster presented at the Anxiety
Disorders Association of America 23rd National Conference. Austin, Texas.
Kjernisted, K.D. & Medina, F. (2002). The Worry-3 Development and
Validation of a New Measure for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Poster presented at the
Anxiety Disorders Association of America 23rd National Conference. Austin, Texas.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 7
Kristjanson, C., Bourgeois-Law, G., Fleisher, W & Magwood, B. (2002).
Assessment of Moral Reasoning Skills of Medical Students and Residents. Association of
Canadian Medical Colleges Annual Meeting. Calgary, Alberta.
Kristjanson, C., Bourgeois-Law, G., Fleisher, W. & Magwood, B. (2002).
Assessment of Moral Reasoning Skills of Medical Students and Residents. 14th Annual
Canadian Bioethics Society Conference. Victoria, B.C.
Lander, M., McWilliams, L.A., Fleet, C., Lander, S. & Cox, B.J. (2002).
Bipolar Disorder and the Five-Factor Model of Personality. Poster presented at the
annual conference of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Banff, Alberta.
Macpherson, P.S.R., Cox, B.J., & McWilliams, L.A. (June 2002). Neuroticism
and the Development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Poster presented at the
Canadian Psychological Association annual convention. Vancouver, B.C.
Macpherson, P.S.R., Cox, B.J. & McWilliams, L.A. (June 2002). Neuroticism
and the Development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Poster presented at the Faculty
of Medicine Research Day, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
McWilliams, L.A. & Cox, B.J. (May 2002). Mood and Anxiety Disorders in
Relation to Chronic Pain: Evidence from the National Comorbidity Survey. In: B. Cox
(Chair), Fear and Anxiety in Relation to Chronic Pain. Invited symposium, Canadian
Pain Society annual convention. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Michalak, E., Lam, R., Levitt, A., Enns, M.W., Levitan, R., Morehouse, R. &
Tam, E. (November 2002). Generic and Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with
Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Depression. Canadian Psychiatric Association
Annual Meeting. Banff, Alberta.
Polimeni, J. & Reiss, J. (April 2003). Humor Perception Deficits in
Schizophrenia. Poster Presentation at the International Congress on Schizophrenia
Research. Colorado Springs.
Polimeni, J., Reiss, J. & Sareen, J. (October 2002). Anthropological
Perspectives in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Poster Presentation at the Canadian
Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. Banff, Alberta.
Preaulx, J., & Ellerby, L. (October 2002). Sexual Murders: Empirical and
Clinical Issues. Best Practices: Clinical and Research Collaborations 21st Annual
Research & Treatment Conference, Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.
Montreal, Quebec.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
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Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Sareen, J. (October 2002). Overview of Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Poster presented at Resident Research Day. University of
Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Sareen, J., Chartier, M., Paulus, M. & Stein, M.B. (March 2002). Substance Use
in Anxiety Disorders: Findings from Two Community Serveys. Anxiety Disorders
Association of America Conference. Austin, Texas.
Sareen, J., McWilliams, L., Cox, B.J., & Stein, M.B. (March 2002). Moderate
Drinking Does Not Reduce the Risk for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Findings from Two
Large Epidemiologic Surveys. Poster presented at the Anxiety Disorders Association of
America annual conference. Austin, Texas.
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Campbell, D.W., Hassard, T. & Menec, V. (November,
2002). Perceived Need for Care Correlates with Poor Quality of Life and Family
Dysfunction in Adults with Mental Disorders. Canadian Psychiatric Association 52nd
Annual Scientific Meeting. Banff, Alberta.
Sareen, J. (November 2002). Behavior Therapy for Intractable Dizziness: A
Case Presentation of Limited Symptom Panic Disorder. Canadian Psychiatry
Association 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting. Banff, Alberta.
Stern, A., Chochinov, H.M., Fassbender, K., Jadad, A., Librach, S.L., Lynch, J.,
Pereira, J.L., Weaver, L. & Weir, R. (2002). The Canadian Virtual Hospice.
International Congress of Care of the Terminally Ill. Montreal, Quebec.
Stip, E., Remington, G.J., Durson, S.M., Reiss, J.P., MacEwan, G.W., Chokka,
P.R., Dickson, R.A. & Jones, B. (June 2002). Canadian Multi-Center Trial
AssessingMemory and Executive Function in Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum
Disorders Treated with Olanzapine. Poster presented at Collegium Internationale NeuroPsychopharmacologium (CINP) Congress. Montreal, Quebec.
Trevethan, S., Ellerby, L. & Hamilton, E. (November 2002). Healing Among
Aboriginal Offenders: Paths to Wellness. Aboriginal Policy Conference. Indian and
Northern Affairs. Ottawa, Ontario.
Walker, J.R., Tataryn, D., Yu, M., Enns, M., & Cox, B. (November 2002).
Psychosocial Predictors of New Episodes of Depression. Poster presented at the Annual
Convention of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Banff, Alberta.
Wilson, K.G., Chochinov, H.M., Allard, P., Chary, S., De Luca, Gagnon, P.R.,
O’Shea, F., Macmillan, KI., Fainsinger, R. & Kuhl, D. (2002). National Palliative Care
Survey. International Congress of Care of the Terminally Ill. Montreal, Quebec.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 9
Invited Addresses (including Grand Rounds)
Chochinov, H.M. Invited Addresses (End-of-Life Care)
(March 2002). Edmonton Palliative Care Program. Alberta Cancer Board.
Edmonton, Alberta.
(April 2002). King’s College Dept. Palliative Care and Policy. London,
(April 2002). The Palliative Care Congress. Sheffield, England.
(May 2002). Ottawa Palliative Care Meeting. Ottawa, Ontario.
(May 2002). Canadian Pain Society Meeting. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
(May 2002). British Columbia Hospice and Palliative Care Society Meeting.
Vancouver, B.C.
(May 2002). Calgary Palliative Care Meeting. Calgary, Alberta.
(June 2002). Psychiatric Research Consortium on End of Life Care. University
of Birmingham, Alabama.
(June 2002). Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. University of Manitoba.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
(July 2002). Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
(July 2002). Hospice Palliative Care Association of PEI. Charlottetown, Prince
Edward Island.
(July 2002). Palliative Care Association of Nova Scotia. Sydney, Nova Scotia.
(September 2002). Thunder Bay Regional Palliative Care Program. Thunder
Bay, Ontario.
(September 2002). Canadian Association of Nursing Oncology Annual Meeting.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
(September 2002). Manitoba Hospice and Palliative Care Association.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
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(October 2002). 14th International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill.
Montreal, Quebec.
(October 2002). Academy of Psychosomatics. Visiting Professorship. Quebec
City, Quebec.
(October 2002). Centre de recherché de I’Hốtel-Dieu de Quệbec. Quebec City,
(October 2002). Confệrence du centre-jour de la Maison Michel Sarrazin.
Quebec City, Quebec.
(October 2002). Confệrence des mercredis d’oncologie, I’Hốtel-Dieu de Quệbec.
Quebec City, Quebec.
(October 2002). Universitệ Laval Robert-Giffard. Quebec City, Quebec.
(October 2002). Keynote Address, Canadian Psychiatric Association. Banff,
(December 2002). University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky.
Chochinov, H.M. (February 2002). American Society of Clinical Oncology
Symptom Management Symposium. Tampa, Florida.
Chochinov, H.M. (April 2002). Enhancing End of Life Care in the WHRA
Program. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Chochinov, H.M. (May 2002). Workshop on Suicide and Physical Illness.
National Institute of Mental Health. Bethesda, Maryland.
Cox, B.J. (January 18, 2002). Psychological Vulnerabilities in Depression and
Anxiety Disorders. Department of Pharmacology Research Colloquium. University of
Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Cox, B.J., Clara, I., & McWilliams, L. (March 1, 2002). Personality and
Psychopathology in a Nationally Representative Sample. Department of Community
Health Sciences Colloquium. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., Clara, I., & McWilliams, L. (March 19, 2002). Grand
Rounds, Department of Psychiatry. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Cox, B. (November 2002). From $9,500 MHRC Operating Grant to $500,000
Canada Research Chair: A Case Study in the Multiplier Effect. Presentation given on
the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Manitoba Health Research Council.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
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Enns, M. (January 2002). The Use of Electroconvulsive Therapy in the
Treatment of Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders. Presented at: Update on the
Management of Psychosis. Sponsored by the Manitoba Psychiatric Association.
Fleisher, W. (December 2002). An Information Evening on Suicide and
Depression for S.P.E.A.K. Suicide Prevention Education Awareness Knowledge).
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Kjernisted, K.D. (April 2002). Treatment Refractory OCD. Quebec City.
Kjernisted, K.D. (April 2002). PTSD. Saskatchewan Psychiatric Association
Annual Meeting. Saskatchewan.
Kjernisted, K.D. (April 2002). Interface Between Anxiety Disorders and
Bipolar Disorder. Grand Rounds Presentation. Department of Psychiatry, McGill
Kjernisted, K.D. (April 2002). Interface Between Anxiety Disorders and
Bipolar Disorder. Grand Rounds Presentation. Department of Psychiatry, University of
Lander, M. (April 2002). What is a Mood Stabilizer”. Speaker at Case
Manager Symposia Update on the Management of Psychosis.
Lander, M. (October 2002). Psycho Logical Impact of OCD on the Family”.
Speaker at Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Educational Conference. Sponsored by the
Obsessive Compulsive Information and Support Center, Inc.
Polimeni, J. (May 2002). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. University of
Manitoba Case Management Symposium.
Reiss, J.P. (March 2002). Use of Atypical Antipsychotics in an Emergency
Setting. Invited presentation at Moving Mountains III. Victoria, B.C.
Sareen, J. (May 2002). Ten Myths of Anxiety Disorders. Brandon Regional
Health Centre Continuing Medical Education for Family Physicians.
Sareen, J. (October 2002). Research in OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Public Forum. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Sareen, J. (December 2002). Medicating the Amygdala: Pharmacotherapy of
Anxiety Disorders. Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba Workshop.
Sareen, J. (May 2002). Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Anxiety Disorders
Association of Manitoba. Public Forum.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
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Silverstein, P., Katzman, M., Bakish, D., Kjernisted, K.D. (November 2002).
Soothing the Buzz: the Treatment of Chronic Anxiety Disorders. Presented at the
Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. Banff, Alberta.
Waldman, J., & Ellerby, L. (November 2002). This Ain’t Mr. Rodgers
Neighbourhood: Managing High Risk Sexual Murders in the Community. Grand
Rounds. University of Manitoba. Health Sciences Centre. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Resident Research Day Presentations
October, 2002
Department of Psychiatry
University of Manitoba
de Amorim, G. Molecular Approach to the Genetic Basis of Autism. Supervisor:
Fleisher, W.
Bolton, J. Mirtazapine as an Augmentation Agent in Treatment-Resistant
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover
Study”. Supervisors: Sareen, J., Lander, M. & Kjernisted, K.
Chakrabarti, A. Psychiatry Residents’ Interactions With and Training about the
Pharmaceutical Industry: A National Survey. Supervisor: Fleisher, W.
Drabkin, R. Differential Therapeutics in Suicidal Adolescent Inpatients.
Supervisors: Katz, L. & Fleisher, W.
Drabkin, R. Anorgasmia and Withdrawal Syndrome in a Woman Taking
Gabapentin: Case Report. Supervisor: Calhoun, L.
Kirshner, A. Neuroleptics in the Treatment of Refractory OCD. Supervisors:
Sareen, J., Lander, M. & Kjernisted, K.
Schwartz, L Hallucinatory Phenomena in Children and Adolescents: A Review
and Case Report. Supervisors: Fleisher, W. & Vickar, E.
Waldman, J. Antipsychotics and Glycemia: A Case Report and Review of the
Literature. Supervisor: Yaren, S.
Waldman, J. The Impact of Legal Decisions on the Practice of Psychiatry.
Supervisor: Yaren, S.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
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External Funding (Peer-Reviewed)
Bolton, J., Sareen, J., Lander, M. & Hassard, T. (September 2002 - 2003).
“Mirtazapine as an Augmentation Agent in Treatment-Resistant Obsessive-Compulsive
Disorder: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study”.
Medical Staff Council Fellowship Fund. (2,000).
Office of the Dean of Medicine. ($2,000).
Resident Research Grant. Health Sciences Centre. ($2000).
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Kristjanson, L. & Harlos, M. (1997-2002).
“Explicating the Construct of Dignity in the Terminally Ill”. National Cancer Institute of
Canada. ($147,599).
Chochinov, H.M. (1999-2004). “Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Investigator (RPP)”. ($70,000).
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., McClement, S., Harlos, M. & Kristjanson, L.
(2000-2003). “The Palliative Dignity Inventory”. National Cancer Institute of
Canada/Canadian Nurses Foundation (CNF). ($139,209).
Chochinov, H.M., Kristjanson, L. & Kuhl, D. (2001-2003). "Dignity
Psychotherapy : An Intervention for Suffering in the Terminally Ill”. American
Foundation of Suicide Prevention. ($100,000) U.S.
Cohen, R., Chochinov, H.M. & Deschamps, M. (1999-2002). “Improving
Quality of Life and Informing Social Policy in Palliative Care”. Sociobehavioral Cancer
Research Network Team, Centre for Behavioral Research and Program Evaluation,
Canadian Cancer Society/National Cancer Institutes of Canada. ($180,000).
Cox, B.J., & Enns, M. (1999-2002). “Dimensions of Perfectionism and
Emotional Distress: Three Prospective Studies”. Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada. ($78,094).
Cox, B. & Enns, M. (2001-2002). “Psychosocial Factors in Depression and
Anxiety Disorders in a Representative Community-Based Sample”. Canadian Institutes
of Health Research. ($17,440).
Cox, B. (2001-2006). “Canada Research Chair in Mood and Anxiety Disorders”.
Government of Canada. ($100,000) per annum.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 14
Cox, B. (2002-2003). “A Computer Lab for the Analysis and Storage of Mental
Health Databases”. Canada Foundation for Innovation. (86,589).
Cox, B.J., Enns, M., & Taylor, S. (2002-2005). “Longitudinal Study of
Psychological Vulnerabilities to Emotional Distress in Representative, Community-Based
Samples”. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. ($97,221).
Cox, B.J. & Enns, M. (2002-2003). “Further Examination of Psychological
Individual Difference Variables and Their Mental Health Implications in a Nationally
Representative Sample”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($20,134).
Enns, M.W., (Site Principal Investigator) Lander, M. (2002-2003). “A
Controlled Trial of Medication and Light Therapy in Seasonal Affective Disorder”.
(Lam, R., Principal Investigator). Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($66,000).
Lander, M. (2002-2005). (Principal Investigator). “Atypical Antipsychotics for
Continuation and Maintenance Treatment After an Acute Manic Episode”. Canadian
Institute of Health Research Grant to Canadian Bipolar Consortium.
Reiss, J.P., Leslie, W.D., Sareen, J., Kjernisted, K.D. & Walker, J. (20012002/Current). “Functional Neuroimaging in Psychiatric Disorder”. St. Boniface
Hospital and Research Foundation. Grant #2114. ($65,000).
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Hassard, T. & Menec, V. (July 2001 – December 2002).
“Self Reported Barriers to Care in Psychiatric Disorders: An Investigation of a Canadian
Community Sample. Paul Thorlakson Funds. ($7,000).
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B. & Cox, B.J. (September 2002 – August 2003).
“Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorders in Two Large Community Samples”. Health
Sciences Centre Foundation. ($10,000).
Wilson, K. & Chochinov, H.M. (Co-Principal Investigators), Graham, I.D., Viola, R.,
Vigano, A., Chary, S., O’Shea, F., Gagnon, P.R., Kuhl, D.R., De Luca, M., Clinch, J.J.
(2001-2003). “National Palliative Care Survey”. Canadian Institutes for Health
Research. ($613,338).
External Funding (Other Sources)
Chochinov, H.M., Stern, A., Fassbender, K., Jadad, A., Librach, S.L., Lynch, J.&
Pereira, J.L. (2002-2006). "Canadian Virtual Hospice". Riverview Health Centre
Foundation. (150,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 15
Enns, M.W. & Lander, M. (2002-2003). “A Double Blind Pilot Trial to
Evaluate Efficacy Trends and Safety of Risperidone and Olanzapine as Add-On Therapy
in Subjects With Treatment Resistant Depression”. (Levitt, A., Principal Investigator).
Janssen-Ortho. ($70,000).
Degner, L. & Chochinov, H.M. (2000-2003). Satellite Research Centre,
National Cancer Institute of Canada. ($45,000).
Fassbender, K., Fainsinger, R., Baracos, V., Chochinov, H.M., Bruera E.,
Brenneis, C., Braun, T., Hagan, N., Lapointe, B., Dumont, S., Dorgan, M., Davison, S. &
Johnston, W. (2002-2003). “Integration of Care at End of Life: Synthesis of Evidence”.
Agency: Health Canada. (199,990).
Fleisher, W. (Principal Investigator), Altman, G., Jocelyn, L. & Shady, G.
(1999-2002). Éfficacy and Safety of Risperidone in the Treatment of Children with
Autistic Disorders and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders: A Canadian MultiCentre, Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Study. (RIS-CAN-23) (Phase III). JanssenOrtho Foundation.
Kjernisted, K.W.. (2002). “Eight Week Randomized Placebo Trial for Major
Depression”. Phase II. GW597599B. GSK. ($60,000)
Kjernisted, K.W. (2002). “Placebo Controlled Intermittent Dosing Trial for
PMDD”. Paxil CR. GSK. (50,000).
Lander, M. (2002). “Efficacy and Safery of Agomelatine (25mg with potential
adjustment to 50mg) Given Orally Once a Day for 6 Weeks in Patients with Moderate to
Severe Major Depressive Disorder”. Servier Canada Ltd.
Lander, M. (2000-2002). (Principal Investigator). “A Multicentre Study of the
Efficacy and Safety of Agomelatine in the Treatment of Major Depression”. Servier
Canada Ltd.
Lander, M. (2000-2002). (Principal Investigator). “A Multicentre Study of the
Safety Tolerability of Fluoxetine and Olanzapine in the Treatment of Major Depression”.
Eli-Lilly Ltd.
Reiss, J.P. (1999-2002). “National Outcome Measurement in Schizophrenia”.
Janssen-Ortho. ($19,500).
Reiss, J.P., Coodin, S., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B.,
Globerman, D., Eleff, M., Vattheuer, F., Simm, J. & Chudasama, S. (1999-2002).
“Risperidone Depot (microspheres) in the Treatment of Subjects with Schizophrenia or
Schizoaffective Disorder – an Open Label Follow-Up Trial of RIS-INT-57 and RIS-INT61 (Phase III)”. Janssen-Ortho. ($216,938).
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 16
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm,
J., Eleff, M., Coodin, S., & Chudasama, S. (2000-2002). “A One Year Open-Label
Study Comparing Patient Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Treatment Initiation with
Oral Ziprasidone Hydrochloride Versus Treatment Initiation with Oral Olanzapine in
Patients with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder (Phase III)”. Pfizer. ($243,100).
Reiss, J.P., Gill, E., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman,
D., Coodin, S., Simm, J., & Chudasama, S. (2001-2002). “A Multicenter, DoubleBlind, Randomized Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Sustained Released
Formulation Quetiapine Fumarate (Seroquel TM) and Placebo in the Treatment of Patients
with Schizophrenia (Phase III)”. AstraZeneca. ($173,200).
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm,
J., Eleff, M., & Chudasama, S. (2002). “Open Extension Study Evaluating the Safety
and Tolerability of Oral Ziprasidone in the Treatment of Patients who have Successfully
Completed a Previous Ziprasidone Study (Phase III)”. Pfizer. ($91,611).
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Sareen, J.,
Globerman, D., Simm, J., Lander, M., & Chudasama, S. (2002). “ A 6 ½ Month,
Multicentre, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Comparison of 300
mg/dayof Extended – Release Bupropion Hydrochloride and Placebo for the Prevention
of Seasonal Affective Disorder in Subjects with a History of Seasonal Affective Disorder
(Phase III)”. GlaxoSmithKline. (64,838).
Stern, A., Chochinov, H.M. & Weir, R. (2001-2002). “Canadian Virtual
Hospice. Knowledge Development and Support in Palliative Care”. Office of Health
and Information Highways. ($100,000).
Editorships, Guest Editor, Memberships
On Journal Editorial Boards
Cox, B.J.
Behaviour Research and Therapy (Editorial Board)
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science (Editorial Board)
Chochinov, H.M.
Journal of Palliative Medicine (Editorial Board)
Palliative and Supportive Care (Co-Editor)
Supportive Cancer Therapy (Editorial Board)
Supportive Oncology (Editorial Board)
Fleisher, W.
The Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review (Editorial Board)
The Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review (Journal File Editor)
The Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Scientific Conference (Member)
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 17
Reiss, J.P.
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality (Editorial Board)
Journal of Sexual & Reproductive Medicine (Editorial Board)
Reviewing Activities for
Journals, Granting Councils, Conferences or Universities
Bolton, J.
Ad Hoc Reviewer for:
Depression and Anxiety
CNS Drugs
Cox, B.J
Ad Hoc Reviewer for:
Anxiety, Stress, and Coping
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Canadian Psychology
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Depression and Anxiety
European Journal of Psychological Assessment
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
Psychological Assessment
Chochinov, H.M.
Ad Hoc Reviewer for :
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
British Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal
Journal of the American Medical Association
Journal of Palliative Care
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of Psycho-Oncology
Oxford University Press
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Enns, M.W.
Biomedical Research Ethics Board, Faculty of Medicine – Member
Canadian Institutes of Health Research – External Reviewer
Ontario Mental Health Foundation – External Reviewer
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 18
Ad Hoc Reviewer for:
European Journal of Psychiatry
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry
Personality and Individual Differences
Sareen, J.
Health Sciences Centre Foundation 2001-Present.
BSc Medicine Committee, Faculty of Medicine University of Manitoba 2000-Present.
Ad Hoc Reviewer for:
Journal of Psychiatry Research
Balachandra, B. (2002). Staff Educator of the Year Award. Health Sciences Centre.
Sponsored by Janssen Ortho Inc.
Ellerby, L. (2002). National Crime Prevention Award. Presented to the Forensic
Behavioral Management Clinic by the Canadian Criminal Justice Association. Halifax,
Nova. Scotia.
Enns, M.W. & Cox, B.J. (2002) Personality Life Events and Emotional Distress in
Medical Students: A Longitudinal Investigation. R.O. Jones Award for Best Poster
Presentation. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual General Meeting. Banff,
Sareen, J. (2002). Staff Educator of the Year Award. St. Boniface Hospital.
Sponsored by Janssen Ortho Inc.
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Campbell, D.W., Hassard, T. & Menec. V. (2002). Perceived
Need for Care, An Optimal Criterion for Delineating the Burden of Mental Disorders in
the Community. R.O. Jones Best Paper Award. Canadian Psychiatric Association
Annual General Meeting. Banff, Alberta.
Resident Awards 2002
Bolton, J.
Best Paper/Research Project.
Mirtazapine as an Augmentation Agent in Treatment-Resistant Obsessive-Compulsive
Disorder : A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study. Co-Sponsored by
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals and the Sheps Fund. Supervisors : Sareen, J., Lander, M. &
Kjernisted, K.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 19
Chakrabarti, A.
MPA Award.
Psychiatry Residents’ Interactions With and Training About the Pharmaceutical
Industry: A National Survey. Presenter: Dr. Laura Calhoun. Supervisor: Fleisher, W.
Award of Excellence.
Sponsored by Wyeth-Ayerst Canada Inc.
de Amorim, G.
MATC Award.
Molecular Approach to the Genetic Basis of Autism. Presenter: Choptiany, T.
Supervisor: Fleisher, W.
Drabkin, R.
Participation Award.
Anorgasmia and Withdrawal Syndrome in a Woman Taking Gabapentin. Sponsored by
AstraZeneca. Supervisor: Calhoun, J.
Drabkin, R.
Participation Award.
Differential Therapeutics in Suicidal Adolescent Inpatients: A Literature Review and
Research Proposal. Sponsored by AstraZeneca. Supervisors: Katz, L. & Fleisher, W.
Katz, P.
George Sisler Award.
Sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry.
Kirshner, A.
Best Review Paper.
Neuroleptics in the Treatment of Refractory OCD. Sponsored by Eli Lilly Canada Inc.
Supervisors: Sareen, J., Lander, M. & Kjernisted, K.
Kirshner, A.
Best Presentation.
Sponsored by the Sheps Fund.
Waldman, J.
Norman Bethune Award.
The Impact of Legal Decisions on the Practice of Psychiatry. Sponsored by some
Department Faculty. Supervisor: Yaren, S.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2002
Page 20
Case Report Award.
Atypical Antipsychotics and Glycemia: A Case Report. Sponsored by Lundbeck Canada
Inc. Supervisor: Yaren, S.
Schwartz, L.
Participation Award.
Hallucinatory Phenomena in Children and Adolescents: A Review and Case Report.
Sponsored by the Sheps Fund. Supervisors: Fleisher, W. & Vickar, E.
Fly UP