
ESSU Data Management System Guidance Document

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ESSU Data Management System Guidance Document
Management System
Guidance Document
VIS IO N 2020
G i f t e d E duc a t i o n
January 2016
Revised 2/2016
The Colorado Office of Gifted Education welcomes you to the ESSU Data Management System
(DMS). This system was created to assist administrative units around the state in the
organization and management of the various documents essential to gifted education. The
goal is to have a system that will become an asset to your work.
There are many resources to make learning this system easier. This guide is provided to
support you on your adventure into the use of the various components. Step-by-step
instructions called job aids are included to walk you through the various DMS components. A
tutorial webinar is available for reviewing procedures for sign-on, navigating the DMS tabs and
accessing documents. This will be located on the CDE gifted website in professional
In addition, your gifted education regional consultant (GERC) is available for questions and
guidance support.
When you begin to explore and use this system, we invite you to send any questions, issues or
suggestions to us using the suggestion/question/ form. As with anything new, there are
bound to be issues to solve and additional elements to add. We want to collaborate with you
to make this a useful, dynamic, and always improving system.
The Advanced Learning Plan Interchange is under development for future access and selfevaluation of local ALPs. Administrative Units will be notified when available and trained in its
Table of Contents
Welcome ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Roles and permissions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Questions for Initial Users and Implementation …………………………………………………………………….
Getting Started ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
o The Pattern …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Job aids ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
o Log in …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
o Index …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
o Attachments …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Communication/Emails …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Profile Tab
 Comprehensive Program Plan ………………………………………………………………………………….
 Early Access Addendum …………………………………………………………………………………………..
 Programming details………………………………………………………… …………………………………
 Annual profile review ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
o Monitoring Tab
 ALP review ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
 AU Self-Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Fiscal Tab
 Annual Budget Review …………………………………………………………………………………………….
 Budget templates …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
• Proposed
• Adjusted
• Expended
 BOCES & Multi-district working budget template …………………………………………………….
 Universal Screening and Personnel Grant ………………………………………………………………..
o Family E & C Tab
 Family E & C review ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
o Performance Tab
 Performance Review …………………………………….………………………………………………………..
o Improvement Tab
 Improvement timeline …………………………………………………………………………………………….
 Improvement timeline results ………………………………………………………………………………..
o Summary Tab
 Summary reports …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
o FAQ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Technical Specifications ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Gifted Education Terminology ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
o Development Timeline ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
o Preparing for 2015-2016 C-GER ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Roles and Permissions
In a multi-district AU or BOCES roles are assigned by the lead gifted education director or coordinator. The
director/coordinator may consider gifted education staff in member districts to have roles in the DMS (e.g., AU
coordinator/manager, AU family engagement, AU record review team).
AU Gifted Ed Director
Gifted and Special Ed Director
AU Coordinator/Manager
AU Fiscal
This role is intended for AU
This role is intended for AU Gifted
Ed Directors that are also Special Ed
This role is intended for people who
serve as essential support to the AU
This role is intended for AU
personnel who can upload budget
and other fiscal information.
AU Family Engagement
This role is intended for staff
assigned to facilitate feedback and
review of the gifted program.
AU Gifted Ed Record Review Team
This role is intended for staff that
the AU Director assigns to help with
the ALP record reviews only. This
role will not be active until the ALP
interchange system is fully
• Access to all data and functions for
their AU
• Access to both the gifted and
special education sides of the data
management system
• Access to all data for their AU
• Access to all data and functions for
their AU excluding closing of
• Access only to fiscal tab where they
o Add communication
entries; view, edit and close
budget submissions; upload
and view attachments
• Access only to Family Engagement
and Communication tab where they
o Add & view communication
entries; view and edit
submission records; upload
and view attachments
• Access only to Monitoring tab
where they can:
o View and edit submission
records; provide documents
(ALP); view and send/add
communication entries and
emails; upload and view
Questions for Initial Users and Implementation
The following questions are provided to guide initial users on areas that need to be considered when implementing the
Leading with Vision and Action
What are outcomes you would like to see as a result of using the DMS?
What are steps you will need to take for a successful DMS?
What are possible barriers to implementation? What are strategies to prevent barriers?
In what ways will DMS professional learning be introduced, supported, and sustained?
Developing Self
What is my role?
What are my main responsibilities?
What might I need to learn?
In what ways will I contribute to improvement of the data management system?
Developing Others – Team
Who will be involved in DMS roles?
Who will be the gifted education LAM (local access manager)?
What understandings of confidentiality are important for DMS users?
What expectations need to be set?
In what ways will team leadership and professional learning be supported?
Organization and Work Processes
What systems need to be in place for an effective and efficient DMS?
What systems must be in place to communicate changes, updates, and revisions to the DMS, including
personnel changes and responsibilities?
In what ways will data be collected from the administrative units’ schools or districts when aggregating for AU
In what ways will your Office of Gifted Education interact with other district offices for access to data (e.g.,
personnel, fiscal)?
How might the DMS be used to develop stakeholder reports and communicate gifted program elements?
Getting Started
Use “questions for initial users and implementation” to begin determining specific administrative unit
actions and timeline.
Work with your gifted education LAM (Local Access Manager) to create gifted education roles in the
data management system.
o Determine what staff will have roles and permissions in the DMS for gifted education.
 See “roles and permissions” in this document to help guide your decisions about who
this will be.
Log in and begin exploring the various sections.
o There is a log-in job aid included in this document to get you underway.
As a starting point, use the Self-Evaluation in the Monitoring tab to prepare for your Comprehensive
Program Plan due Oct. 15, 2016. This document can be used in any year to provide a self-reflection on
all components of your gifted program.
o There is a job aid for completing the Comprehensive Program Plan.
There are additional job aids for all interactions with the data management system. You will want to
explore these as you are becoming familiar with the system.
Take advantage of webinars for interaction with the Office of Gifted Education. The dates for these are
located on the CDE gifted education website.
Practicing with components of the system while teaching others on a need-to-know basis will help you
familiarize yourself with the system and deepen your knowledge within each field.
The Pattern for Accessing Documents
You will notice in the following job aids there is a similar routine/pattern to access and interact with documents on each
of the tabs.
Log in with
user name
and password
Select tab
Edit record;
Choose item;
Job Aids
Job aids are documents that walk users of the DMS through a task. They are helpful when first learning the various
components in the system as well as a resource for routines that may be forgotten when not used frequently.
Mini-table of contents:
Job aids ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
o Log in …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
o Index …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
o Attachments …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Communication/Emails …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Profile Tab
 Comprehensive Program Plan ………………………………………………………………………………….
 Early Access Addendum …………………………………………………………………………………………..
 Programming details………………………………………………………… …………………………………
 Annual profile review ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
o Monitoring Tab
 ALP review ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
 AU Self-Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Fiscal Tab
 Annual Budget Review …………………………………………………………………………………………….
 Budget templates …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
• Proposed
• Adjusted
• Expended
 BOCES & Multi-district working budget template …………………………………………………….
 Universal Screening and Personnel Grant ………………………………………………………………..
o Family E & C Tab
 Family E & C review ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
o Performance Tab
 Performance Review …………………………………….………………………………………………………..
o Improvement Tab
 Improvement timeline …………………………………………………………………………………………….
 Improvement timeline results ………………………………………………………………………………..
o Summary Tab
 Summary reports …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
o FAQ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Technical Specifications ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
o Gifted Education Terminology ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
o Development Timeline ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Log In Job Aid
1. Navigate to : http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
Enter your username and password.
3. Click on View Monitoring Overview and then area you wish to view (e.g., Profile, Monitoring, Fiscal, Family
E & C, Performance or Improvement) next to the district
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. In that case,
just click on the
area you would
like to view.
4. You now have access to all documents located on that tab.
5. In order to fill in any of the available form templates, click on which one you would like to work on.
6. Then click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select “Assign to Me” if you are the one responsible
for the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t assign”.
8. To review a document you can click on it under the Documents header on
the left navigation column. You can also print your document from here. It
will always be listed as “draft” until the document is officially submitted to
CDE when complete.
9. When you have completed your work for the day, click Close in the bottom
right corner of the screen.
FYI for FUTURE interactions
1. The next time you wish to work on this document, you will repeat the above steps.
2. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission.” At the top of the page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to CDE
that you have submitted a finished document.
3. Enter your submission date and click Save.
4. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed.
Index Job Aid
This purpose of this job aid is to define the components of the data management system. This is found on the landing
page when you first sign in.
Manage Record Sets: Upload record sets of documents that should be reviewed or viewed (on ALP Review
View Reports: View reports designed by the CDE and created by Excent.
Monitoring Overview: The location of links to each AU and their Data Management tabs.
These are the tabs you will see upon opening the View Monitoring Overview link.
Profile: Answer Profile Review questions about demographic data as displayed on the Summary tab and fill out
the Comprehensive Program Plan and Early Access Addendum (for whom this is applicable).
Monitoring: Answer the AU Self-Evaluation to analyze district/AU Gifted Education Program and use the
Advanced Learning Plan – AU Review to review ALP documents.
Fiscal: Fill out a Budget Review concerning budget practices and the Budget Annual Checklist, where dollar
amounts for budget categories are entered for proposed, adjusted and expended budgets.
Family E&C: Fill out a Family Engagement & Communication Review. Program Evaluation Survey questions are
available for the AU to use to gather stakeholder input.
Performance: Performance Review questions about performance data as displayed on the Summary tab.
Improvement: Improvement Timeline form and also Improvement Timeline Results.
Summary: AU-specific and state summary data are displayed – both demographic data and performance data.
Enrich Lifesavers: A visual display of form entry data.
Communications Log: Internal and external communications can be documented. This is also a space in which
one can send emails from within the application to CDE representatives and AU specific contacts concerning
form content and processes.
Attachments: Upload attachments to lend information to AU process and content.
Attachment Job Aid
Navigate to : http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
Enter your username and password.
Click on View Monitoring Overview and then area you wish to view (e.g., Profile, Monitoring, Fiscal, Family
E & C, Performance or Improvement) next to the district.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. In that case,
just click on the
area you would
like to view.
In order to add an attachment, click +Upload.
Click Choose File to upload an attachment. The naming protocol for all CGER document labels is: Year_CGER_ [name of
document]. e.g., 2016_CGER_ParentHandbook. For all other attachments, the naming protocol is Year_Month_[Name
of document]. e.g., 2016_September_File Q
Note: One can choose to make the attachment confidential or visible to AU members based on what security level
checkbox is selected.
Click Save.
5. You may view your attachment/s on the tab homepage. You may also see attachments by clicking on View All.
6. To edit an Attachments entry, click Edit on the right side of the table. To delete an attachment, click the X on the
left side of the table.
Communication/Email Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password.
3. Click on View Monitoring Overview and then area you wish to view (e.g., Profile, Monitoring, Fiscal, Family
E & C, Performance or Improvement) next to the district.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. In that case,
just click on the
area you would
like to view.
4. In order to add a Communication Log entry, click +Add.
5. Enter the date of the communication, the topic, the person contacted, and a description of the contact. Click
Note: One can choose to make the Communication Log entry confidential or visible to AU members based on what
security level checkbox is selected.
In order to send an email from within the Communication Log, click Email.
7. Select recipients from the list provided. This list is based upon AU-specific contacts recorded within the ESSU
Data Management System. One may also add additional email addresses for contacts that are not recorded
within the system. Enter the email subject line and the email content. Click Send Email.
Note: One can choose to make the Email Communication Log entry confidential or visible to AU members based on
selecting or un-selecting the Allow AU Access? checkbox.
8. You may view your Communication Log entry/ies on the tab homepage. You may also see entries by clicking on
View All.
9. To edit a Communication Log entry, click Open on the right side of the table. To delete a Communication Log
entry, click the X on the left side of the table.
Comprehensive Program Plan Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
3. Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Profile.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
View Profile.
Select Comprehensive Program Plan
Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign only if you are responsible for
completion of the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process. On the CDE website you will be able to
find the most current Comprehensive Program Plan Guidance document.
10. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. At the top of the page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to CDE
that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
12. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed.
Early Access Addendum Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
3. Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Profile.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
View Profile.
Select Early Access Addendum.
Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign if you are responsible for completion of
the document. If
you are not the one responsible for submitting the
documents select
“don’t assign”.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process. On the CDE website you will be able to
find the most current Early Access Guidance document.
10. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. Within your submission page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to
CDE that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
12. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed
Programming Details Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
3. Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Profile.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
View Profile.
Select Programming Details
Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign if you are responsible for completion of
the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t assign”.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process.
10. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. Within your submission page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to
CDE that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
12. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed.
Annual Profile Review Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
3. Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Profile.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
View Profile.
Select Annual Profile Review
Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign if you are responsible for completion of
the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t assign”.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process.
10. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. Within your submission page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to
CDE that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
12. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed.
ALP Review Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
This job aid will be
completed when the
ALP Interchange is
3. Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Monitoring.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
View Monitoring.
AU Self-Evaluation Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Monitoring.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
Select AU Self-Evaluation
Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign if you are responsible for completion of
the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t assign”.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process. The AU Self-evaluation is an important
tool that guides discussion about program strengths, progress and areas for improvement. Results should be
used when writing the UIP addendum and Comprehensive Program Plan. An AU Self-Evaluation guidance
document is available to assist with its completion.
10. Review your print document by clicking on AU Self Evaluation Draft under the Documents header on the left
navigation column.
11. When your work session is complete, click Close in the bottom right corner of the screen.
12. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. Within your submission page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to
CDE that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
12. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed
Annual Budget Review Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Fiscal.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
View Fiscal.
Select Annual Budget Review.
Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign if you are responsible for completion of
the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t assign”.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process.
10. Review your print document by clicking on Annual Budget Review under the Documents header on the left
navigation column.
11. When your work session is complete, click Close in the bottom right corner of the screen.
12. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. Within your submission page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to
CDE that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
12. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed.
Budget Templates Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Fiscal.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
View Fiscal.
Select the correct budget template.
Proposed: The proposed budget is due April 15. It is based on what the district projects will be spent to assist
the administrative unit’s support of gifted education. This budget should reflect district contributions, support of
UIP action plans, their comprehensive program plan and any C-GER improvement plan.
Adjusted: Proposed budgets may need to be adjusted due to final numbers approved in the current legislative
session once final allocations are announced. Adjusted budgets are due September 30.
Expended: Grant funds may not be carried over; thus, budgets should be zeroed out at the end of each fiscal
year. The expended budget shows actual expenditures for the previous year and is due September 30.
Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign if you are responsible for completion of
the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t assign”.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process. As you complete this template, you may
have areas where funds are not allocated. When this is the case, just select “no” to answer “funds are used
If funds are used for that area, upon selecting “yes”, additional boxes will be revealed to provide dollar amounts
for both grant funds and district contributions as well as a place for a specific description of the expenditure.
10. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. Within your submission page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to
CDE that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
12. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed.
BOCES & Multi-district Working Budget Worksheets Job Aid
These optional worksheets are available for use by BOCES and multi-districts to collect individual district data for their
own compilation. If you would like to have districts complete these on the DMS, please follow this procedure:
1. Contact Melanie Isenhour ([email protected]) with an email and request number of budget
worksheets that you would like to be added to your fiscal tab. She will create sequentially dated documents
(e.g., 2/1/2016, 2/2/2016, 2/3/2016, etc.). Requests should allow 2 week turn-around.
a. In the email designate if request is for “proposed” budget collection (for April 15 report) or “expended
budget collection” (for Sept. 30 report).
2. An email will be sent to you when they have been created on your fiscal tab.
3. You will need to have your LAM set up permissions for designated person in each district. This role is called AU
Fiscal (GF). Note: This will give them access to entire DMS fiscal tab. You will want to establish internal protocols
and expectations to keep users from accidentally tampering with other documents.
4. Communicate with your individual districts
a. Instructions for logging into the DMS (use login job aid) and their login username and password
b. How you have assigned documents to each district (e.g. District A will complete 2/1/2016, District B will
complete 2/2/2016, etc.)
c. Additional instructions for any specifics on completing the budget worksheet. Narrative details on how
the funds are proposed to be spent are critical.
d. Date for completion
5. You will then have these documents to compile before you complete and submit your fiscal budget(s) to the
state on the DMS.
The following instructions are targeted for new user audience. This job aid may be useful for gifted director’s to
give to districts who will be completing a worksheet.
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Fiscal.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
View Fiscal.
You have been assigned a worksheet by “date”. Select that BOCES and multi-district AU Working Budgets with
your assigned date.
5. Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form
template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you
would like to assign a
submitter, select Assign as you
are responsible for completion
of the document.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process. Your AU Gifted Director will let you know
the date they are requesting for them to be returned so they can compile for state reporting.
10. At the beginning of the worksheet it asks for you to “type in the names of districts, separated with commas”.
INSTEAD, since this is a working document to later be compiled with other districts, please just type in the single
name of your district.
11. Now you
will be able to complete the form according to CDE
As you complete this template, you may have areas
funds are not allocated. When this is the case, just
“no” to answer “funds are used to…”
If funds are used for that area, upon selecting “yes”, additional boxes will be revealed to provide dollar amounts
for both grant funds and district contributions as well as a place for a specific description of the expenditure.
12. The form auto saves. When you are finished just click on “close” at the bottom right.
Universal Screening and Personnel Grant Job Aid
This is to report the use of funds received from the Universal Screening and Personnel Grant, not to apply for the grant.
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
3. Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Fiscal.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
View Fiscal.
4. Select Universal Screening and Qualified Personnel Grant.
5. Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign if you are responsible for completion of
the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t assign”.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process. The final report for the Gifted Education
Universal Screening and Qualified Personnel Grant is due no later than September 1.
If you used more than one test, there is the option to add additional tests on the template. Just click “add”.
Total grant expenditures should equal total grant dollars awarded. There is no carryover for this grant.
10. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. Within your submission page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to
CDE that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
12. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed.
Family Engagement and Communication Review Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Family E & C.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
View Family E &
Select Family Engagement and Communication Review
Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign if you are responsible for completion of
the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t assign”.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process.
10. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. Within your submission page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to
CDE that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
12. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed.
Performance Review Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Performance.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
Select Performance Review
Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign if you are responsible for completion of
the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t assign”.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process.
10. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. Within your submission page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to
CDE that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
12. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed.
Improvement Timeline Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Improvement.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
Select Improvement Timeline.
Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign if you are responsible for completion of
the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t assign”.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process. The Improvement Timeline is associated
with the Colorado Gifted Education Review (C-GER) report. It is due 6 weeks after the C-GER report has been
received unless otherwise stated in the report.
Administrative Units will receive 1-3 target areas for improvement. To complete this template, select only those
1-3 areas as specified at the beginning of the C-GER report. For these areas you will mark a “yes” on the
template. You will then be given additional boxes to complete for measurable objective, actions, resources,
personnel responsible, and evidence of change.
If the area was not part of the requested areas for focused improvement then just select “no.”
10. At the end of the template you will be asked to select 3 review dates (4 months, 8 months and one year after
completion of the timeline). These dates will be times when both you and your Gifted Education Regional
Consultant (GERC) will receive email ticklers to remind you it is time to connect, review progress and receive
additional support as needed.
11. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. Within your submission page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to
CDE that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
13. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed.
Improvement Timeline Results Job Aid
This form is to record results after the year of the Improvement Timeline action plan.
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Improvement.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
4. Select Improvement Timeline Results.
Click on Choose Items.
Items have been preselected by CDE. Confirm that required items are checked. Click Save.
7. In order to fill in form template, click on Edit Record.
When asked whether you would like to assign a submitter, select Assign if you are responsible for completion of
the document. If you are not the one responsible for submitting the documents select “don’t assign”.
9. Now you will be able to complete the form according to CDE process. The Improvement Timeline Results
document is a reflection on success towards Improvement Timeline actions. The template will be completed at
the end of the one-year timeline.
To complete this template, select the 1-3 areas chosen previously on the timeline by selecting “yes.” Narratives
on measurable objectives and an informative explanation of evidence of change will be requested.
Just as before, if the area was not part of your improvement plan select “no.”
10. When the document is totally finished (you have no more editing or sections to complete) you will need to
“close the submission”. Within your submission page, click on Close Submissions. This will send notification to
CDE that you have submitted a finished document.
Enter your submission date and click Save.
12. You will be brought back to the tab home page. Your submission has been completed.
Summary Reports Job Aid
1. Navigate to http://cde.excentcolorado.com Note: Do not save as “bookmark” or “favorite” until AFTER you
complete step 2 and are logged onto the system the initial time.
2. Enter your username and password. Note: when typing in your password, do not include a space at the end of
the password
This job aid will be
completed when the
Summary Reports are
Click on View Monitoring Overview and then Summary.
Or, depending
on your screen, it
may look like
this. Click on
View Summary.
Data Management System FAQ
The ESSU Data Management System is an organized efficient place that will sustain documents over time, can be
referenced from archived to new, and is a resource to support directors in their job. Along with documents and reviews,
it will provide a common place for connections and communications between AUs and CDE. It is meant to help sustain
programs with a goal to provide support and continuity over time.
How is someone trained to use the system?
It will be the responsibility of the gifted education director to train anyone with access to use the system. Instructional
job aids have been created to assist. Gifted Education Regional Consultants (GERCs) can answer questions as well as the
project director and manager.
Recorded webinars will be available for some job roles as tutorials.
Who has access to the system?
The AU gifted education director assigns roles to personnel. With these roles come specific “permissions” that give
various access levels for individuals.
The Gifted LAM (Local Access Manager) will assign user names and passwords for these individuals. Access due to
changes in personnel over time will need to be updated by the Gifted LAM.
How are signatures on the budget sheets to be submitted?
Signatures will continue to be collected by the AU and then added to the system via attachment upload.
Is there a search function in the attachment area?
At this time the best way to search for a specific attachment is to use the FIND function of your computer. To do this,
select “view all”, then Ctrl F which will open a search field for the current page. In this field, enter a key word to search
for the title of the document.
What are the ‘‘lifesavers’’ and what do the colors mean?
The lifesavers are created based on items in the review form. There is a section header lifesaver. Then if you click to
open that header, you can see individual items within that section. To see what the lifesaver is comprised of, you can
hover over it and it will show you the number of "met" answers, "not met" answers and also blanks or "n/a"
responses. The results are an easy-to-understand visual display of form entry data.
Note: Requests for assistance. If “no” is marked, a green lifesaver will be created. If “yes” is marked, a red lifesaver will
be created and an email to notify your GERC that you need assistance will be sent.
Is there an ability to upload old documents and put them into an archive
You may wish to start collecting an archive folder of documents (e.g., 2012-2016 AU Program Plan) for future upload
into the system. Currently a folder system is not active. All documents will begin with the 2015-2016 school year.
Can Word and/or Excel documents be pasted into the system?
It will depend on the formatting that is on the document being copied. The best advice is to try it. You may need to rearrange a bit once copied. This usually happens when tables or graphs have been included.
Tip: Try pasting your content into a notepad file first. This will strip off any formatting before placing into the system
text box.
Workstation configuration
Enrich users use their web browser to access the Enrich web application. The workstation (web
client) requirements are below:
Hardware Requirements
Minimum: 1024 × 768px resolution monitor with at
least 16-bit color
Recommended: 4 GB
Minimum: 2 GB
Network Requirements
Network Connection
Enrich Web Server Access
Recommended: 10 Mbps network connectivity
Minimum: Low-end cable modem/DSL connection
(1 megabit)
Client machines must be able to connect to the
Enrich web server. If access is desired from
outside of the district firewall configuration may be
Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
Internet Explorer 9, 10 (Traditional only), 11 (Traditional only)
Latest three major versions of Mozilla Firefox
Latest three major versions of Google Chrome
Safari 5.1.7 (currently this will only run on Windows 7 or below)
Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, and 10.10
Safari 5, 6, 7, and 8
Latest three major versions of Mozilla Firefox
Latest three major versions of Google Chrome
Additional Software
If the web browser does not have a built-in PDF viewer then Adobe Acrobat Reader is
required for viewing and printing PDF files. The latest versions of Chrome and Firefox have
built-in PDF viewers.
Other Consideration
Some browsers are not supported in all operating systems. Please refer to the manufacturer’s
website for more details pertaining to browsers and versions that are compatibility with specific
operating systems.
Gifted Education Terminology
ESSU Data Management
Administrative Unit (AU)
ALP Interchange
Annual Review
AU Access
Budget: Proposed/Actual
Job Aides
Exceptional Student Services Unit (ESSU) Data Management System
(DMS) - This is an electronic system for AU submissions, reporting,
monitoring activities, and a functionality to send and monitor ESSU
This was formerly called the AU Checklist. The new title reflects change to
an electronic submission format and the provisions established in rules
passed in March 2015. AUs may use this at any time for program dialogue
or improvements. The Self-Evaluation is still required for the review
process as information and indicators of evidence presented for the desk
This refers to ALP record reviews. AUs will be notified when this feature of
the data management system is open. Both Enrich and non-Enrich ALP
users will be able to use this feature of the DMS.
Each tab has a feature of annual review to ask questions about ongoing
program assurances and evidence of program evaluation. The annual
review is intended to be self-reflective and to inform AUs about important
provisions of gifted programs.
Documents may be uploaded into an area by AU roles that have
permission to upload attachments. Example: The AU director role uploads
attachments under the monitoring tab when sharing AU documents with
the review team.
This title is within the Communication feature located on each tab. When
checked, it permits AU personnel with Communication permission to see
the note or email being sent. When unmarked, the message is not for all
AU communication readers.
Proposed budget is the projected use of gifted education state funds and
the amount contributed by the AU for the gifted program estimated for
the upcoming fiscal year and submitted to CDE by April 15.
Actual budget is a report of expenditures
These are step by step instructions to guide users through the various
tabs and associated documents located on the data management system.
Local Access Manager (LAM) has the role to maintain identity
management in the AU. The AU gifted education director will need to
work with the AU special education LAM who will initially create the LAM
for gifted education. The LAM creates gifted education user accounts
within the CDE’s Identity Management System. Set-up may take up to
two days until the process is completely automated.
This is a DMS title for the drop-down document selections in a particular
tab. Example: In Profile there are three modes: Comprehensive Plan, Early
Access Addendum, and Profile Review. The user selects the mode or
document that he/she wishes to use at the time.
Users of the ESSU data management system for gifted education are
assigned roles with specific permissions that allow for access, ability to
Single sign-on
Family Engagement and
View Reports
complete submissions, communication, and other activities within the
DMS. See Role descriptions in this document.
Users of the ESSU Data Management system use this method to sign into
the ESSU interchange or data management system. See
https://cdeapps.cde.state.co.us/index.html . Single Sign-On is an
automated system whereby AU local access managers register users,
conduct approval and password reset processes; the system has the
ability to maintain users via a Delegated Administration model. The LAM
for gifted education sets up the gifted education users.
Information contained in each of the following tabs includes, but is not
exclusive of other attachments and resources:
• Comprehensive Program Plan
• Early Access Addendum
• Programming Details/ programming details worksheet
• Annual Profile Review
• AU Self-Evaluation
• Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) Record Review
• Proposed budget template
• Adjusted budget template
• Expended budget template
• BOCES & multi-district working budgets
• Annual Budget Review
• Universal Screening & Personnel Grant
Family Engagement and Communication
• Family E & C Review
• Performance Reflection
• Improvement Timeline
• Improvement Timeline Results
• Future development will include a summary of data collections
that will inform state and AU program and instructional
This is a title displayed on the gifted education director and the
coordinator roles home page whereby they may see reports generated
for state and/or AU reporting. Reports will be initiated in the next phase
of DMS development.
Development Time Line
August - September
Gifted Education Data Management System Overview
and AU Directors’ Practice using a “sandbox”
Notice sent to special education LAMs about the
inclusion of gifted education in the ESSU Data
Management System: two sides both using CDE’s Single
Sign-on method for creating users
Notification sent to the AU Director/Coordinator that the
Gifted Education DMS is in “production”
Administrative units determine gifted education LAM
(local access manager)
Administrative units create users for the roles in gifted
Administrative units provide training for AU users – ask
for assistance as needed
Guidance document available for basic review of
navigating the DMS for gifted education
DMS open
Users understand the Single Sign-On system and the
critical nature of confidentiality
Network meeting standing agenda and practice
January – February
March – June
The 2016-2020
Comprehensive Program Plan
is due October 15, 2016.
All AUs begin using the data management system
Comprehensive Program Plan
C-GER applications in the DMS
Network meeting support
Feedback on initial use collected from Forum
AUs complete reports and plans by April 15 using the
DMS (i.e., Profile review, Fiscal review, Proposed Budget,
C-GER Improvement Timeline as applicable)
Network meeting support
Contact Persons:
Jacquelin Medina [email protected]
Melanie Isenhour [email protected]
Gifted Education Regional Consultant list
2015-2016 Colorado Gifted Education Review (C-GER)
Preparation for Site Visit
For Directors preparing for 2015-2016 Colorado Gifted Education Review (C-GER) detailed guidance is provided
in the AU C-GER Guide. A brief summary of documents to complete in the DMS and/or upload as attachments
is included in the table below.
Administrative Units will complete on DMS
Comprehensive Program Plan (Oct. 15, 2016)
Early Access Addendum (Oct. 15, 2016)
Programming details
AU Self-evaluation
Family Engagement & Communication Review
Family E & C
Administrative Units (AU) will
need to upload the following
items as attachments using
correct naming protocols*
• Demographics of gifted
student enrollment
• 2012-2016 Comprehensive
Program Plan
• Upload most recent UIP
addendum for gifted
• For 2015-2016 C-GERs AU
may wish to complete AU
self-evaluation via paper
and upload as attachment
on this file.
• The ALP interchange is not
active yet, so ALP samples
as described by C-GER lead
will need to be available to
C-GER site visit team.
• Procedures for
• Professional development
• Misc. documents as
referenced on AU selfevaluation (handbook,
brochure, etc.)
CDE will upload current AU
• Survey or feedback data
from stakeholders (if
Administrative Units will complete on DMS
Improvement •
Performance Review
C-GER Improvement Timeline and Evidence of
completing Priority Improvements forms (These
templates will be uploaded into the system for
AUs after the C-GER visit as needed.)
Administrative Units (AU) will
need to upload the following
items as attachments using
correct naming protocols*
• Gifted student performance
• C-GER Improvement
Timeline and Evidence of
completing Priority
Improvements forms have
been attached from the
previous C-GER as available.
AUs should upload these
documents as if not yet
submitted through the DMS.
*Note regarding naming protocols for uploading attachments. The naming protocol for attachments is as follows:
CGER documents should be labeled: Year_CGER_ [name of document]. e.g., 2016_CGER_ParentHandbook.
For all other attachments, the naming protocol is Year_Month_[Name of document]. e.g.,
2016_September_File Q
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