
Early Literacy Assessment Tool (ELAT) Guide to Managing Data in Amplify

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Early Literacy Assessment Tool (ELAT) Guide to Managing Data in Amplify
Early Literacy Assessment Tool
Guide to Managing Data in Amplify
For use in the 2015-2016 school year
This guide was created in collaboration between the
Colorado Department of Education and Amplify for
the 2015-2016 school year.
Table of Contents
ELAT Calendar………………………………………………………………………
mCLASS DIBELS Next Administration……………………………………………
Enrollment Data in the mCLASS System…………………………………………
Features Added to mCLASS for 2015-2016……………………………………...
ELAT Calendar
Beginning of the Year
Middle of the Year
End of the Year
ELAT students need to be
assessed within the first
30 instructional days of
school. You may choose
to use 60 instructional
days with kindergarten.
Each district needs to
pick a 2-week window.
Each district needs to
pick a 2-week window.
Please pick either
December 7, 2015 –
December 18, 2015
Please pick 2 weeks
April 25, 2016 – May 13,
January 4, 2016 –
January 15, 2016
Selecting Benchmark Dates:
BOY Benchmark – within the first 30 instructional days of your school year
(see note above regarding kindergarten). CDE does recommend that
benchmark periods are contained to a 2-week window whenever possible.
MOY Benchmark – December 7th – 18th or January 4th – 15th.
EOY Benchmark – April 25th – May 13th.
Preparing to Assess with the Amplify System:
 Record your benchmark assessment windows with Amplify at Benchmark
Dates. Please complete this step by August 28, 2015. This is an
important step to assure that the correct assessments are displayed for
your teachers.
 Prior to your first day of assessing, the district will need to update
student rosters in the Amplify system (see page 6 for more information on
how to complete this task). Please note that all students in the system
from 2014-2015 have been graduated up to the next grade level.
mCLASS:DIBELS Next Administration
When to administer different components of the assessment:
1 (BOY)
1 (MOY)
1 (EOY)
2 (BOY)
2 (MOY)
2 (EOY)
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Progress Monitoring of Students Using mCLASS:DIBELS Next should be
administered as follows:
1. Students scoring at Well Below Benchmark (intensive support): at least
once every 7-10 days
2. Students scoring at Below Benchmark (strategic support): at least once
every 10-12 days
Online Resources:
1. ELAT Website:
2. ELAT Resources and Documents:
3. ELAT Training Registration Information:
4. ELAT Webinars: http://www.cde.state.co.us/coloradoliteracy/elatwebinars
5. ELAT Newsletters:
Professional Development Resource:
All schools are welcome to register for multiple on-line DN training modules. Please
see directions below.
Amplify created this course to prepare you to successfully administer and interpret
data from mCLASS:DIBELS Next. It is delivered to you in an online format for your
greatest convenience. You may access your course anytime and work at your own
To Enroll
1. Link to http://mclasshome.cecreditsonline.org/
2. Select “Enroll Now”
3. Follow the prompts. Enter your Enrollment Code (wgcol-2) where prompted.
Once you have completed the enrollment process, you have access to the
course. (NOTE: Remember your username and password, as you will need it
to log into the course.)
4. Note: You MUST create your username and password prior to June 30, 2016.
The enrollment
code expires after June 30, and will no longer allow you to
create your username and password. However, once you create your
username and password, you will have access to the online course in
To Access the Course
1. Whenever you wish to access your course, go to
2. Log in with your username and password.
Beginning Your Course
1. Review the Orientation, Navigation Tips, FAQs, and Help Sections on your
Student Homepage before getting started.
2. Once you click the “start” button, you will be able to begin your course.
CE Credits Online delivers this course and they will provide you customer
service and technical support. The quickest way to get help is to email your
question or concern at [email protected].
Enrollment Data in the mCLASS System
Important: The ability for the CDE to compile accurate assessment data for your
district and school is directly impacted by the accuracy of your data.
If you have any questions regarding the following procedures, please contact the
Amplify Insight Customer Care Center (800.823.1969 extension 3;
[email protected]). Additionally, by accessing the Support and Resource center at
www.mclasshome.com, you can view video tutorials by clicking ‘Find Answers Now’
under the Customer Care Knowledge Base.
Required demographics for each student:
1. Gender
2. Race
3. Special Education
4. ESL: Please note the change – in the past, this demographic has been
English Proficiency.
Optional Custom Demographics
Amplify has created custom demographics so districts/schools can view aggregate
data by different demographics when working in the Reporting and Analysis Suite.
We believe this will allow you to better understand your different sub-populations’
growth and needs. Please note that it is not a requirement for you to use this feature,
but is here for your convenience of monitoring data.
Optional custom demographics for students that has been set up for all ELAT
1. Read Plan – Yes, No
2. Summer School – Yes, No
3. Kindergarten – Full, Half
To create additional custom demographic categories for your district (up to 7 more),
please contact Customer Care at 800.823.1969, extension 3; [email protected].
Self-Service Enrollment:
You may manually add/delete/edit student records (per instructions below); you may
want to consider using our self-service enrollment system. This system allows you to
upload spreadsheets to keep your rosters up to date. You can find more information
about this system at www.mclasshome.com, logging in and going to the
Administrative Page.
Five-minute video to assist you
with using a batch enrollment.
mCLASS® Enrollment:
Auto Self-Service Enrollment
Auto Self-Service Enrollment (Auto SSE) is an Amplify service that automatically
sends enrollment data from your computer to mCLASS® using our Secure Landing
Zone service. Any district that uses mCLASS products can use Auto SSE to update
enrollment information.
Unlike manual enrollment and the Self-Service Enrollment (SSE) tools, which require
your presence during the upload, Auto SSE can be scheduled and run without your
intervention. Auto SSE reports success or any issues by email and on screen, in
standard output. The Secure Landing Zone incorporates both authentication and
authorization to keep file transfer secure. You must have a verified mCLASS account
with a user name and password, your account and district must be authorized by
mCLASS to initiate a transfer and access the Secure Landing Zone, and you must be
a root-level user. As with manual enrollment and SSE, there is no fee or charge when
you run Auto SSE. You are encouraged to run this service to process your enrollment
records as often as necessary. Please contact Customer Care at 800-823-1969,
option 3 if you would like to set up this process.
Features added to mCLASS for 15-16
Pathways of Progress (PoP)
 Pathways of Progress provides an evaluation of individual student growth or
improvement over time, compared to other students with the same level of initial
 When combined with the DIBELS Next benchmark goals and DIBELS Next
Composite Score, PoP provides teachers with a frame of reference for
examining where their students are, specifying where they need to get to, and
evaluating whether they are making adequate progress.
 Amplify released the goal-setting tool and display of rate of progress next to
EOY Composite scores on Class Summary reports in July 2015.
 Fall/Winter of 2015, Amplify will deliver the rest of the Pathways enhancements,
which include pathway indicators on progress monitoring graphs and rates of
progress next to individual DIBELS Next measures.
 Current information from the authors can be found here:
 In addition, you can find more information when you log into mCLASS Home
and then clicking on your DIBELS Next Tab.
Lexile Levels
Beginning Fall of 2015, Educators are able to see each student’s Lexile score next to
the DIBELS Next composite score in the Class Summary Overview page. The Lexile
column can be toggled on and off by clicking the Lexile button on the top right of the
Retained Students
Historically, teachers could not view previous and current year results for retained
students on the Student Summary page. Starting Fall, 2015, Teachers will be able to
view previous year and current year scores (side-by-side) for retained students.
Schools will no longer need to contact Customer Care to have their retained students'
previous year data soft-deleted from the web reports.
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