
September 28 , 2012 Meeting Objectives

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September 28 , 2012 Meeting Objectives
September 28th, 2012
Meeting Objectives
 State Council for Educator Effectiveness (SCEE) will understand the process and
recommendations of the Other Licensed Personnel (OLP) work group;
 SCEE will review, provide feedback on and confirm proposed standards for OLP;
 SCEE will review and provide feedback on a process for finalizing elements for OLP; and
 SCEE will review and provide feedback on the Colorado Department of Education’s
(CDE) reporting structure.
Background Information:
Teacher Quality Standards were developed and promulgated in 2011 for evaluating teachers
under the new evaluation system. The standards for OLP align to the five of six professional
practice standards for teachers.
The Council made the following recommendations:
1. Revise OLP Standards:
 Insert name of each distinct profession in each standard (instead of OLP)
 Adopt common language for standards 2, 4 & 5
 Evaluate language of standards 1 & 3 looking for opportunities for common
language but accepting / reviewing distinctions as needed
o Distinct language makes standard more effective & relevant
o All language represents philosophical intent of standard
1. Revise Elements:
a. Elements could remain distinct to each professional group.
b. Workgroup would re-convene and scrub for elements that were missing.
2. Revise OLP Title:
a. Specialized service / student providers
b. Wording needs to support professional development
Next Steps for Council:
1. Provide recommendations to SCEE OLP Work Group
2. Form Data Workgroup
3. Schedule webinar to dive into CDE pilot findings
4. Invite Senator Johnston to the next SCEE meeting to engage in a discussion regarding
the 4 point rubric mini-study, student growth and timeline of implementation
5. Develop work plans for making policy recommendations in the 2013 vs 2014 legislative session
Comments or questions may be submitted to Angela Baber at [email protected]
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