
Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board Meeting Agenda Vision

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Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board Meeting Agenda Vision
Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board Meeting Agenda
All students in Colorado will become educated and productive citizens
capable of succeeding in a global society, in the workforce, and in life.
Every student, every step of the way
Start strong
Read by
third grade
Date & Time:
May 20 & 21, 2014
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Lyndon Burnett – Chair
John Conklin
Kathy Gebhardt
Meet or
exceed standards
Adams 12 Conference Center
1500 E. 128th Ave., Thornton, CO 80241
Capital Construction Assistance Board Members
Pete Hall – Vice-Chair
Ken Haptonstall
Denise Pearson
Tim Reed
David Tadlock
Matt Throop
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Approve agenda
Action Item
a) Review and adopt the updated Conflict of Interest Disclosure form;
b) Utilizing unspent lease-purchase financing proceeds;
Discussion Items
a) Review the FY2014-15 BEST grant application selection process and board evaluation sheets;
b) Discuss conflicts of interest for CCAB members;
c) Review of the FY2014-15 BEST grant applications to recommend to the State Board of Education for award;
d) Future agenda topics:
• School District and BOCES minimum match calculation;
• Methodology for determining grant reserves;
• Updating the Public School Facility Construction Guidelines;
Board Report
Directors Report
a) BEST Project Updates;
b) Legislative Update;
Action Items (cont.)
a) Approve previous minutes from the April 23, 2014 meeting;
b) Review and approve FY2015-16 BEST grant timeline per 22-43.7-109(2)(a) C.R.S.;
c) Approve the final list of BEST Grant applications to recommend to the State Board of Education for award;
Future meetings
• June 25, 2014 - 1:00 p.m. Location: 201 E. Colfax Avenue, Room 101, Denver, CO 80203
• July 23, 2014 - 1:00 p.m. Location: 201 E. Colfax Avenue, Room 101, Denver, CO 80203
• August 27, 2014 - 1:00 p.m. Location: 201 E. Colfax Avenue, Room 101, Denver, CO 80203
• September 24, 2014 - 1:00 p.m. Location: 201 E. Colfax Avenue, Room 101, Denver, CO 80203
Public comment
May 20-21, 2014
Review and adopt the updated Conflict of Interest Disclosure form
Action X
BACKGROUND (Include any statutory authority):
Recommendation 4 of the audit stated that the Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board
(Assistance Board) should maximize the safeguards in place to prevent the appearance of, or actual conflicts
of interest.
Looking specifically at disclosing conflict of interest the audit recommends documenting Assistance Board
member disclosures of conflicts of interest, including the date of the disclosure, the Assistance Board member
involved, and the nature of the conflict. Documentation should be retained and made available at all
Assistance Board meetings in which evaluations of applications or voting occurs to ensure that Assistance
Board members comply with rules to recuse themselves from voting on a project if they have prior
involvement with the applicant or project.
BEST Board Response:
The Assistance Board will document and retain conflict of interest disclosures and make those disclosures
available at Assistance Board meetings to ensure that Assistance Board members recuse themselves
appropriately and do not vote on action items related to projects in which the members have a real or
apparent conflict of interest. The Assistance Board will immediately begin documenting and publicizing
conflict of interest disclosures on the Capital Construction Assistance website and will subsequently develop a
formal disclosure statement.
The BEST Attorney General has updated the Conflict of Interest Disclosure form to include employees of
school districts who may have a potential conflict.
Review the updated the Conflict of Interest Disclosure form and adopt as presented.
STAFF RECOMMENDED MOTION (If this is an action item)
I move to adopt the Capital Construction Assistance Board’s Conflict of Interest Disclosure form as presented.
Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board’s Conflict of Interest Disclosure form
Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure FormIn accordance with Section 3.1 of the Building Excellent Schools Today Grant Program, Rules 1 CCR 303-3,
and the Colorado Code of Ethics, C.R.S. § 24-18-108.5, Capital Construction Assistance Board members
must exercise caution and notify the Division when potential conflict of interest situations arise.
On ___________ (date) _____________________ (Board Member name) disclosed at a public capital
construction assistance board meeting their involvement with the ______________________ (school name
& project) which has a real or apparent conflict of interest with their role as a Capital Construction
Assistance Board member. The Capital Construction Assistance Board member will recuse themselves
appropriately and will not provide specific advice to the applicant concerning their application for a BEST
grant or the Board process for reviewing applications or participate in the evaluation nor vote on actions
items related to the project from this day forward. This document will be retained in the Division office
along with any other supporting documentation.
Please check all that apply
Pursuant to 1 CCR 303-3 section, no board member shall participate in the board’s
evaluation process, including voting, for any application when the board member’s firm has had
prior contact with the applicant directly related to the project or application. The Board Member
has disclosed the following prior contact with the applicant concerning their application for a BEST
Pursuant to the Colorado Code of Ethics, C.R.S. § 24-18-108.5, no Board Member shall participate in
the board’s evaluation process or vote on any application when the board member has a direct or
indirect financial interest in the application, such as an employee of the applicant or an ownership
interest in a vendor that may financially benefit from the award of a grant to the applicant. The
Board Member has disclosed the following financial interest in the applicant:
Pursuant to 1 CCR 303-3 section 3.1.4, in cases where a board member or a board member’s firm
has not consulted with an applicant prior to the evaluation and voting process, and a board
member votes on an application, if the application is approved by the state board the board
member or board member’s firm may respond to a competitive RFP or RFQ, or work on the project,
but must exercise caution to avoid conflicts of interest and/or appearance of impropriety, and he or
she should inform Division staff of the situation, then the CCAB. The Board Member has disclosed
the following consultation on behalf of a vendor with an applicant:
Any other conflict of interest that is either actual or gives the appearance of impropriety. Please
describe situation and actions that will be taken:
Rev. April 2014
Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form_____________________________________________
Assistance Board Member Signature
Assistance Board Chairman Signature
Division Director Signature
Rev. April 2014
May 20-21, 2014
Utilizing unspent lease-purchase financing proceeds
Action X
BACKGROUND (Include any statutory authority):
To-date, the program has accrued approximately $15 million dollars in unspent lease-purchase grant proceeds
(lease-purchase grants projects closing out with a State share balance) which can be used to fund a new school
or major addition/renovation project in the current grant cycle. Additionally, HB14-1387, the CDC’s cleanup
bill, passed which would allow the Ft. Morgan project to be funded in this grant cycle by utilizing the unspent
lease-purchase proceeds, additional lease-purchase financing and Ft. Morgan’s bond proceeds from their 2013
bond election.
Please note, this fund is separate from the $15 million in cash we are planning to award for the FY14-15 grant
cycle. Furthermore, any grant project awarded with the source of funds coming from unspent lease-purchase
proceeds will need to go through the same financing due diligence as a regular lease-purchase grant. This
includes real estate due diligence, ALTA surveying, a phase one environmental assessment, documentation
required for the sublease agreement and collateralization of assets.
Timeline for awarding a project using lease-purchase proceeds:
May – Capital Construction Assistance Board Recommendation
June – State Board Award
July – Capital Development Committee Approval
July – September - Timeframe for completing due diligence
Review the three options for utilizing unspent lease-purchase grant proceeds in the current grant cycle and
determine how the board would like to allocate those funds.
STAFF RECOMMENDED MOTION (If this is an action item)
Motion for option 1
The Capital Construction Assistance Board moves to remove the Ft. Morgan project from the cash projects list
and recommend the State Board and the Capital Development Committee award the project utilizing unspent
lease-purchase proceeds, subject to the availability of additional lease-purchase financing with the source of
match being a district matching monies bond.
Motion for option 2
The Capital Construction Assistance Board moves to evaluate the Ft. Morgan Re-3 – New MS, Swallows Charter
Academy – School Renovation/Addition and Edison 54 JT – Jr/Sr HS Addition/Renovation projects against each
other to utilize the balance of the unspent proceeds fund and make a recommendation to the State Board to
fund the project with the highest priority score.
Motion for option 3
The Board can make a motion to direct the Treasurer to use the excess proceeds to pay the next schedules
base rent payment, thereby increasing the cash balance in the Assistance Fund for future cash projects.
May 20-21, 2014
Review the FY2014-15 BEST grant application selection process and board evaluation
Information X
BACKGROUND (Include any statutory authority):
Day 1 - May 20th, 2014 – Start Time 8:30 a.m.
8:30 – 9:30 a.m. - Discuss the board business rules
Project Review
Applications will be reviewed alphabetically in the following order: County, Applicant, and Applicant
Priority Number. Applicant’s photos will be shown while each project is being discussed;
Applicants will be given the opportunity to present their project to the CCAB. Each applicant is allowed to
have two representatives available to address the CCAB and answer questions pertaining to their grant
• This is voluntary and the application will not be penalized for not having a representative
Individual Grant Application Review
1) Once a grant is up for review, the Director will ask the Division staff representative and the grant
applicant to approach the review tables;
2) The Director of the Division will introduce the project (applicant name, project title, and priority #),
then ask the applicants’ presenters to introduce themselves;
3) After the presenters have introduced themselves, they will be given a two-minute window to present
to the CCAB;
o The presentation should include any items the applicant wishes to address pertaining to the
proposed project. No visual materials will be allowed for the presentation;
4) Following the applicant’s presentation, the Board Chair will open the floor to any discussion/questions
the CCAB may have;
5) After the CCAB has reviewed the grant application and all questions have been answered, each CCAB
member will complete a grant application evaluation sheet;
6) If a waiver is requested as part of the application package, the CCAB will evaluate the waiver, ask any
questions and complete a waiver evaluation sheet;
• Statutory waivers will automatically be approved and a waiver evaluation will not be needed;
• The Board Chair will entertain a motion to approve the applicant’s waiver request;
o Applicants whose waiver request is denied are still eligible to receive a grant;
7) After all evaluation sheets are collected by Division staff, the next grant application will be reviewed;
8) This process will be repeated until all applications have been reviewed.
Day 2, May 21, 2014 – Start Time 8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m. – Conduct general board business followed by review the prioritized list of projects.
Review of Prioritized Grant Applications
• CCAB to conduct any board business items listed on the agenda;
• Once all board business is complete, Division staff will present the CCAB with the results of the grant
application evaluation sheets;
o First, the grant applications will be sorted by their identified statutory need (priority 1, 2, 3, or 4);
o Then, the sorted applications will be prioritized by their evaluation score, as determined by the
average overall CCAB score;
• The CCAB will review the prioritized list to and make any final discussion remarks;
• A funding line will be drawn at the set amount of available funding (State share), which the CCAB will
review and make their final motion to approve the list.
• The CCAB review will result in a prioritized list of projects to submit to the State Board for approval.
The prioritized list shall include the CCAB's recommendation as to the amount and type of financial
assistance to be provided and a statement of the source and amount of applicant matching moneys for
each recommended project, based upon information provided by the applicant.
• The State Board may approve, disapprove, or modify the provision of financial assistance for any
project recommended by the CCAB if the State Board concludes that the CCAB misapplied the
prioritization criteria in the statute. If the State Board concludes that the CCAB misapplied the
prioritization criteria in the statute, then the State Board shall specifically explain in writing its reasons
for finding that the CCAB misapplied the prioritization criteria.
Review the detailed process of how the meeting will be conducted and review the grant application evaluation
STAFF RECOMMENDED MOTION (If this is an action item)
Proposed Schedule of Events
Grant Application Evaluation Form
Proposed Schedule of Events for the Capital Construction
Assistance Board (CCAB) May 20th & 21st 2014
Each project will be thoroughly reviewed and discussed by the CCAB. This schedule is subject to change.
• Schedule
a) The meetings are planned to run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will be held at the Adams 12 Conference
Center – 1500 E. 128th Ave., Thornton, CO 80241 in the Dogwood and Piñon Pine Board Rooms;
b) It is the intent of the CCAB to conclude the meetings by lunch on day 2, May 21st, but it may extend
further if necessary;
• Breaks
a) Breaks will be limited to 15 minutes; one morning and one afternoon break each day;
a) There will be a 1 hour lunch break each day at a time that will remain flexible to stay on schedule;
a) The CCAB will be provided with two monitors per table; one to view grant application photos and one to
view the list of projects. There will be two board members per table;
b) Each CCAB member will have a microphone to address comments or ask questions;
c) The public will have two projection screens that will mirror the same information being presented to the
d) The applicants will be provided a presentation table with microphones to address the CCAB;
e) Wi-Fi is available at no cost;
a) The CCAB will have a continental breakfast, refreshments during the meeting, and lunch provided;
b) The facility has a coffee shop and a café in house for members of the public;
 There are also several restaurants nearby;
c) The facility has several restrooms and breakout areas;
a) For CCAB members and those participating in the meetings who are traveling, there are 9 hotels within 2
miles of the facility;
Board Business
a) The CCAB will discuss general board matters after all the applications have been reviewed;
b) While general board matters are being discussed the Division will compile the evaluation scores and
generate a prioritized list for discussion and finalization after general board matters conclude;
Proposed Schedule of Events for the Capital Construction
Assistance Board (CCAB) May 20th & 21st 2014
Project Review
Applications will be reviewed alphabetically in the following order: County, Applicant, and Applicant Priority
Number. Applicant’s photos will be shown while each project is being discussed;
Applicants will be given the opportunity to present their project to the CCAB. Each applicant is allowed to have two
representatives available to address the CCAB and answer questions pertaining to their grant application.
This is voluntary and the application will not be penalized for not having a representative present.
Individual Grant Application Review
1) Once a grant is up for review, the Director will ask the Division staff representative and the grant applicant to
approach the review tables;
2) The Director of the Division will introduce the project (applicant name, project title and priority #), then ask the
applicants’ presenters to introduce themselves;
3) After the presenters have introduced themselves, they will be given a two-minute window to present to the
The presentation should include any items the applicant wishes to address pertaining to the proposed
project. No visual materials will be allowed for the presentation;
4) Following the applicant’s presentation, the Board Chair will open the floor to any discussion / questions the
CCAB may have;
5) After the CCAB has reviewed the grant application and all questions have been answered, each CCAB member
will complete a grant application evaluation sheet;
6) If a waiver is requested as part of the application package, the CCAB will evaluate the waiver, ask any questions
and complete a waiver evaluation sheet;
Statutory waivers will automatically be approved and a waiver evaluation will not be needed;
The Board Chair will entertain a motion to approve the applicant’s waiver request;
Applicants whose waiver request is denied are still eligible to receive a grant;
7) After all evaluation sheets are collected by Division staff, the next grant application will be reviewed;
8) This process will be repeated until all applications have been reviewed.
Proposed Schedule of Events for the Capital Construction
Assistance Board (CCAB) May 20th & 21st 2014
Day 1 - May 20th, 2014 – Start Time 8:30 a.m.
8:30 – 9:30 a.m. - Discuss the board business rules
9:30 a.m. – Projects for review (7 minutes per grant)
Adams 12
Strasburg 31J
Westminster 50
Westminster 50
Westminster 50
Alamosa Re-11J
Alamosa Re-11J
Adams-Arapahoe 28-J
Adams-Arapahoe 28-J
~10:30 a.m. – 15-minute break
Adams-Arapahoe 28-J
Aurora Academy Charter School
Sheridan 2
Las Animas Re-1
Salida R-32
Sierra Grande R-30
Crowley Re-1-J
Caprock Academy
Ross Montessori Charter School
~12 – 1:00 p.m. – 1-hour lunch break
Edison 54 JT
Edison 54 JT
Harrison 2
The Classical Academy
Elizabeth C-1
Elizabeth C-1
Canon City Re-1
La Veta Re-2
Arriba-Flagler C-20
Lake R-1
Estes Park R-3
Thompson R-2J
Plateau Valley 50
MONTEZUMA Montezuma-Cortez Re-1
Montrose Re-1J
Montrose Re-1J
Brush Re-2(J)
~3:00 p.m. – 15-minute break
Ft. Morgan Re-3
East Otero R-1
East Otero R-1
STEM Partial Roof Replacement
HS Electrical Upgrades
Fairview ES Roof Replacement
Metz ES Roof Replacement
Hidden Lake HS Roof Replacement
Ortega MS Roof Replacement
Alamosa HS Partial Roof Replacement
Dartmouth ES Misc. Repairs
Aurora Central HS Partial Roof Replacement
Virginia Court ES Security Vestibule Renovations
Security Upgrades
Sheridan HS Water Line Replacement
JHS/HS Safety Upgrades
Salida MS HVAC
PK-12 Security Upgrades
Districtwide Security Upgrades
Site Work Improvements
Ross School Replacement
Jr/Sr HS Renovations
Jr/Sr HS Addition / Renovations
Replace MS Boilers
TCA HVAC and Electrical Upgrades
Elizabeth HS Roof Replacement
Singing Hills ES Roof Replacement
MS Fire Alarm Replacement
Jr/Sr HS Fire Escape / ADA Upgrades
PK-12 Roof Replacement and Repair
Lake MS Roof Replacement
MS Partial Roof Replacement
HS Partial Roof Replacement
PK-12 ACM Abatement / Carpet Replacement
Dolores Supplemental BEST Grant
HS Supplemental BEST Grant for Technology
Oak Grove ES Roof Replacement
Montrose HS HVAC Upgrades
MS & HS Boiler Replacement
MS Replacement
Primary School Kitchen / MEP Upgrades
Jr/Sr High School - Kitchen / MEP Upgrades / HS Pool
Roof Replacement
Proposed Schedule of Events for the Capital Construction
Assistance Board (CCAB) May 20th & 21st 2014
East Otero R-1
Chavez Huerta Preparatory Academy
Pueblo Rural 70
Pueblo Rural 70
Pueblo Rural 70
Swallows Charter Academy
Woodland Park Re-2
Pawnee Re-12
~4:30 p.m. End of Day 1 (all grants have been reviewed)
East School - Fire Alarm Upgrade / Partial Roof
Misc. Renovations / Upgrades
Pueblo County HS Fire Protection / Safety Upgrades
Rye HS Fire Protection
West HS Fire Protection / Safety Upgrades
School Renovation / Addition
Districtwide Boiler Replacements / Control Upgrades
Phone System Replacement
Day 2, May 21, 2014 – Start Time 8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m. – Conduct any board business on the agenda and then review the prioritized list of projects.
Review of Prioritized Grant Applications
CCAB to conduct any board business items listed on the agenda;
Once all board business is complete, Division staff will present the CCAB with the results of the grant application
evaluation sheets;
First, the grant applications will be sorted by their identified statutory need (priority 1, 2, 3, or 4);
Then, the sorted applications will be prioritized by their evaluation score, as determined by the average
overall CCAB score;
The CCAB will review the prioritized list to and make any final discussion remarks;
A funding line will be drawn at the set amount of available funding (State share), which the CCAB will review and
make their final motion to approve the list.
The CCAB review will result in a prioritized list of projects to submit to the State Board for approval. The
prioritized list shall include the CCAB's recommendation as to the amount and type of financial assistance to be
provided and a statement of the source and amount of applicant matching moneys for each recommended
project, based upon information provided by the applicant.
The State Board may approve, disapprove, or modify the provision of financial assistance for any project
recommended by the CCAB if the State Board concludes that the CCAB misapplied the prioritization criteria in
the statute. If the State Board concludes that the CCAB misapplied the prioritization criteria in the statute, then
the State Board shall specifically explain in writing, its reasons for finding that the CCAB misapplied the
prioritization criteria.
The forgoing is only intended to be a general outline of the process. The CCAB’s recommendations will be made
in accordance with applicable statutes and rules.
Applicant: Project Name: Board Member: Key: Strongly Disagree:
Strongly Agree:
1 10
Statutory Need ‐ Pursuant to 22‐43.7‐109(5) C.R.S., the board shall prioritize applications that describe public school facility capital construction projects deemed eligible for financial assistance based on the following criteria, in descending order of importance: *Please select the highest priority that pertains to the project. Projects that will address safety hazards or health concerns at existing public school facilities, including Priority 1 concerns relating to public school facility security. Projects that will relieve overcrowding in public school facilities, including but not limited to projects that Priority 2 will allow students to move from temporary instructional facilities into permanent facilities. Priority 3 Projects that are designed to incorporate technology into the educational environment. Priority 4 All other projects. (Optional Comments & Notes) Priority Selected: Conditions of the Entire Public School Facility The FCI supports the scope of the proposed project. The CFI supports the scope of the proposed project. The facility assessment supports the scope of the project. Total out of 30:
Score 1‐10 for Each (Optional Comments & Notes) Financial Capacity The applicant is providing the minimum required match contribution or meets the minimum waiver requirements. The applicant has less than three financial warning indicators. The applicant is contributing to a capital reserve type fund. Total out of 30:
(Optional Comments & Notes) Score 1 ‐ 10 for Each Score 1‐10 for Each Project Proposal The application clearly states the deficiencies associated with the facility. The solution resolves all deficiencies noted within the application. The scope of work proposed appears to be reasonable and well planned. The deficiencies are urgent in nature. Total out of 40:
(Optional Comments & Notes) Score 1‐10 for Each Other Application Considerations The project complies with the BEST Construction Guidelines. The cost, cost per SF, and/or cost per pupil seem appropriate and supportable. The SF of the project and/or SF per pupil seem reasonable and supportable. The applicant is willing to pursue a fair, competitive, transparent selection process for contractors and consultants. Total out of 40:
(Optional Comments & Notes) Grand Total of All Scores:
Presentation & Discussion ‐ no score, information only (Optional Comments & Notes) Check one: ___ Recommended ___ Not Recommended Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board Meeting Minutes
All students in Colorado will become educated and productive citizens
capable of succeeding in a global society, in the workforce, and in life.
Every student, every step of the way
Start strong
Read by
third grade
Meet or
exceed standards
Date & Time:
April 23, 2014
1:00 p.m.
201 E. Colfax, Room 101
Denver, CO 80203
Capital Construction Assistance Board Members:
Lyndon Burnett – Chair
John Conklin
Kathy Gebhardt
Pete Hall – Vice-Chair
Ken Haptonstall
Denise Pearson
Tim Reed
David Tadlock
Matt Throop
Call to order – 1:02 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Attendees: Lyndon Burnett, Pete Hall, Kathy Gebhardt, Denise Pearson, Tim Reed, John Conklin, Ken
Absent: David Tadlock, Matt Throop
CDE Staff Attendees: Scott Newell, Kevin Huber,
Dustin Guerin, Cheryl Honigsberg, Lola Underwood
BEST Attorney General: Heidi Dineen
Approve agenda
• The CCAB Chair asked for a motion to approve the agenda;
o So moved by Ken Haptonstall;
o Tim Reed 2nd the motion;
o Motion to approve the agenda as presented carried unanimously.
Approve previous minutes from March 26, 2014 meeting
• The CCAB Chair asked for a motion to approve the March 26, 2014 meeting minutes as presented;
o So moved by Denise Pearson;
o Ken Haptonstall 2nd the motion;
o Motion to approve the March 26, 2014 minutes carried unanimously.
Board Report
• Lyndon Burnett and Kathy Gebhardt updated the CCAB on the Student Success Act bill. Kathy Gebhart told
the CCAB that the marijuana excise tax revenue was not as high as initially projected and that she was
trying to meet with the Department of Revenue to discuss how the revenues were being calculated.
Directors Report
• Scott Newell told the CCAB about the Capital Development Committee’s clean-up bill and that there was
language specific to Ft. Morgan’s BEST project that was approved last year, but not funded, to give the
CCAB an opportunity to fund the project. Scott Newell updated the CCAB on the other bills that affected
the BEST Program.
Scott Newell told the CCAB the Legislative Audit Committee follow up meeting was scheduled for June 3,
2014 at 10:00 a.m.
Scott Newell told the CCAB members whose terms were going to expire this year and what board
members needed to do if they wished to be reappointed.
CCAB Training
• Training from the Attorney General’s Office pertaining to conflicts of interest. Heidi Dineen with the
Attorney General’s Office introduced herself and told the CCAB about herself. Heidi Dineen gave a
presentation on conflicts of interest and suggested that CCAB should consider revising their rules or
strengthening their standard operating procedures.
Action Items
a) Review and approve a QZAB Application from Fremont School District RE-1. Scott Newell told the CCAB
about the application and what school district planned on using the funds for. Scott Newell told the CCAB
about the QZAB program’s provisions.
o So moved by Denise Pearson;
o Tim Reed 2nd the motion;
o Motion to approve a QZAB Application from Fremont School District RE-1 for $1,000,000 approved
Discussion Items
a) Discuss the process for the new match requirements for school districts, BOCES and the CSDB. Scott
Newell told the CCAB about the new bill that took effect in March and noted the new match criteria. Scott
Newell told the CCAB that the match percent for this grant cycle would not be revised, but that the new
data points would be incorporated into the following grant cycle. Scott Newell recommended the CCAB
create a subcommittee to incorporate the new criteria into a new match formula. The CCAB agreed.
b) Present the FY2014-15 BEST Grant Application Summary & Supplemental Books and discuss the grant
application review process & schedule for the May grant selection meetings. Scott Newell briefly reviewed
the books and evaluation sheets with the CCAB. Scott Newell also went over the proposed schedule and
review process with the CCAB.
c) Discuss available funds for the FY2014-15 BEST Grant recommendation meetings. Scott Newell told the
CCAB about future projections the assistance fund is expected to receive and recommended the CCAB
fund $15 million in state share grants this cycle. The CCAB agreed and agreed to be slightly flexible with
the amount to award.
Public Comment
• The CCAB Chair asked if there was anyone signed up to speak from the public, there were none.
• The CCAB Chair asked for a motion to adjourn;
o So moved by Denise Pearson;
o Ken Haptonstall 2nd the motion;
o Motion to adjourn carried unanimously;
o Meeting adjourned 2:52 p.m.
May 20-21, 2014
Review and approve FY2015-16 BEST grant timeline per 22-43.7-109(2)(a) C.R.S.
Action X
BACKGROUND (Include any statutory authority):
Pursuant to 22-43.7-109(2)(a) C.R.S. the CCAB is responsible for establishing a timeline for applicants who
wish to apply for a BEST grant. The BEST grant timeline is a tool used to show key dates pertaining to the BEST
Program. Important dates include: last date for charter schools to notify authorizer, when the BEST Grant
application opens, time needed for summary review, when the summary book will be distributed, and the
meeting dates for the grant application approval from the CCAB and State Board of Education.
Review the FY2015-16 BEST grant timeline, make any changes if necessary and approve.
STAFF RECOMMENDED MOTION (If this is an action item)
I move to approve the FY2015-16 BEST grant timeline as presented.
FY2015-16 BEST grant timeline
BEST Financial Assistance Cycle Timeline FY2015-16
BEST Regional Program Managers provide technical support by conducting site visits to help identify & prioritize needs, define project scope, recommend delivery methods, contact
vendors to help with planning and help create a balanced project for the district or school. Notifications sent out for upcoming Facility Assessment Report review.
September - December 2014
BEST Division sends out notifications for upcoming grant cycle,
performs webinars and outreach to needy districts and school.
New minimum reuired match percents are calculated and
January 5 - March 13, 2015
Application for financial assistance is
open to applicants
March 16 - May 26, 2015
Division reviews and summarizes
grant application requests and
evaluates all assessment report
May 27 - June
22, 2015
CCAB reviews
summary book
May 27, 2015
November 14, 2014
Final date for charter
schools to notify
CDE - Division of Capital Construction
The summarized
applications are
put into a
summary book
and distributed
to the CCAB
June 23-25, 2015
CCAB meetings
to make
to the State Board
for award
August 2015
State Board meeting
to approve
the CCAB's
May 20-21, 2014
Approve the final list of BEST Grant applications to recommend to the State Board of
Education for award
Action X
BACKGROUND (Include any statutory authority):
There are three different motions that may be used at the grant selection meeting. One for waivers, one for
cash grant recommendations and possibly one for lease-purchase grant recommendations.
Review the motions below and read verbatim when requesting an approval for waivers and grants.
STAFF RECOMMENDED MOTION (If this is an action item)
To approve a waiver
“I move to approve (applicants name)’s waiver request.”
Final Approval for BEST Cash Grant Recommendations:
“I move to direct Division staff to submit the prioritized list of (#) BEST Cash grant projects to the State Board
based on the eligibility recommendations presented on the chart, subject to the availability of funds and
financing and any other noted conditions, with any adjustments to the grant amount and match amount as
may be imposed by C.R.S. 22-43.7-109(10)(a).”
Final Approval for BEST Lease-Purchase Grant Recommendations:
“I move to direct Division staff to submit the prioritized list of (#) BEST Lease-Purchase grant projects to the
State Board and the Capital Development Committee based on the eligibility recommendations presented on
the chart, subject to the availability of funds and financing and any other noted conditions, with any
adjustments to the grant amount and match amount as may be imposed by C.R.S. 22-43.7-109(10)(a).”
Fly UP