
Minutes Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board Meeting Vision

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Minutes Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board Meeting Vision
Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board Meeting Minutes
All students in Colorado will become educated and productive citizens
capable of succeeding in a global society, in the workforce, and in life.
Every student, every step of the way
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third grade
Start strong
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exceed standards
Date & Time:
1580 Logan St. Suite 310
Denver, CO 80203
September 16, 2014
1:00 p.m.
Capital Construction Assistance Board Members
Lyndon Burnett – Chair
David Tadlock – Vice Chair
Cyndi Wright
Tim Reed
Denise Pearson
Ken Haptonstall
Matt Throop
Karl Berg
Kathy Gebhardt
Due to the CCAB Chair’s absence, Scott Newell asked for a motion to elect an interim chair for the
September 16th, 2014 meeting
o Matt Throop moved to nominate Kathy Gebhardt
o David Tadlock 2nd the motion
o Motion to elect Kathy Gebhardt as interim chair for the September 16th, 2014 meeting carried
Call to order - 11:00 a.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call: Attendees: Karl Berg, Kathy Gebhardt, Denise Pearson, Tim Reed, Cyndi Wright, David
Tadlock, Matt Throop. CDE Staff Attendees: Scott Newell, Lola Underwood
Approve agenda
• The CCAB Chair asked for a motion to approve the agenda
o So moved by David Tadlock
o Discussion: Kathy Gebhardt asked to add several action items to the agenda. Kathy Gebhardt asked
that the CCAB revisit the issue of contracting a legislative liaison. Ms. Gebhardt clarified that the
liaison would not be a lobbyist. Ms. Gebhardt also wanted to investigate acquiring back payments for
revenues lost due to the one-time transfer loophole in the marijuana excise tax statute. Scott Newell
spoke for the CCAB Chair in his absence, explaining to the board that the Chair wished to address
securing additional revenue sources for the BEST program while COP proceeds were being paid down.
The CCAB Chair also wanted to address the possibility of refinancing the BEST program’s bonds.
Kathy Gebhardt moved to amend the agenda by adding five action items under section VI.
David Tadlock 2nd the motion
Motion to approve the agenda as amended carried unanimously.
Discussion Items
a) Discuss the Capital Construction Assistance Board’s legislative agenda for the coming legislative session –
Kathy Gebhardt inquired about the current status of the BEST program’s work with the Legislative Audit
Committee (LAC). Scott Newell discussed the Division’s statewide assessment proposal to the JBC, as a result
of their recent performance audit, and clarified the estimated cost of implementing the proposal.
Dan Schaller from the Colorado League of Charter Schools spoke to the CCAB about what the League feels are
unnecessary steps charter schools are required to take when applying for a BEST grant. The CCAB discussed
steps that are necessary for charter schools to take to apply for a BEST grant and statutory regulations that
determine these steps. The CCAB also identified and discussed issues with the grant application for charter
schools, namely the matching requirements for charter schools.
Mary Wickersham from Social Impact Solutions discussed the importance of the CCAB identifying their
legislative agenda. David Tadlock highlighted the importance of defining clear directives while Kathy Gebhardt
noted the need to connect with the Capitol. The CCAB discussed the involvement of the Attorney General and
the next steps towards potentially contracting a legislative liaison.
Action Items
The CCAB voted unanimously to instruct the Division to investigate the action items outlined below.
a) The CCAB instructs the Division to investigate acquiring a legislative liaison – Per their discussion about the
board’s legislative agenda, the CCAB directed Scott Newell to talk to Attorney General Heidi Dineen about
acquiring a legislative liaison before the September 24th CCAB meeting.
b) The CCAB instructs the Division to investigate refinancing the BEST program’s bonds – Kathy Gebhardt
asked Mary Wickersham to explain the process for refinancing bonds to the CCAB. Ms. Wickersham
discussed the process with the CCAB and explained possible avenues the board could pursue regarding
Cyndi Wright joined the meeting at 1:51 p.m.
The CCAB discussed the possible effects of refinancing The CCAB instructed the Division to discuss refinancing
the BEST program’s lease-purchase bonds with Brett Johnson at the State Treasurer’s Office.
Tim Reed joined the meeting at 1:52 p.m.
c) The CCAB instructs the Division to investigate additional revenue sources for the BEST program - Mary
Wickersham asked the CCAB about possible additional revenue sources. The CCAB discussed their
limitations surrounding additional funding sources. David Tadlock discussed funding for higher education.
The CCAB discussed their current sources of funding, including marijuana revenues and excise tax, as well
as State Land Trust revenue, and the potential for increased funding through those sources.
d) The CCAB instructs the Division to investigate raising the COP cap – The CCAB discussed raising the COP cap
and potential obstacle with doing so.
e) The CCAB instructs the Division to investigate the transfer fee loophole in the marijuana excise tax statute
The CCAB revisited the topic of refinancing the BEST program’s bonds, discussing the current bond model. The
CCAB discussed how to make BEST a sustainable program, Amendment 68, and continued outreach on behalf
of BEST to BOCES, individual districts, the rural caucus, and the Pikes Peak Consortium.
Scott Newell informed the CCAB that the November meeting has been cancelled. Mr. Newell explained that the
updated BEST rules and revised construction guidelines redlines would be presented at the December meeting.
Mr. Newell informed the CCAB that the December meeting will take place on December 5th, 2014 in
conjunction with the CASB conference.
Public comment
Mary Wickersham from Social Impact Solutions, Jeani Frickey Saito from JFS Public Affairs on behalf of the
Colorado Charter Schools Institute, Dan Schaller from the Colorado League of Charter Schools, and Michelle
Murphy with the Colorado Association of School Boards all contributed to the discussion at various points
throughout the meeting.
• The CCAB Chair called for a motion to adjourn;
o So moved by David Tadlock;
o Cyndi Wright 2nd the motion;
o Motion to adjourn carried unanimously;
o Meeting adjourned 2:54 p.m.
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