
Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Gifted Education Program Plan 2012 – 2016

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Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Gifted Education Program Plan 2012 – 2016
Colorado Department of Education (CDE)
Gifted Education Program Plan
2012 – 2016
Administrative Unit’s Name:
Mapleton Public Schools
Name of Gifted Education Director/
Susie Daniels
Director’s e-mail
Director’s Address:
Zip 80229
[email protected]
591East 80th Avenue
City: Denver
Director’s phone number
Name of Superintendent/BOCES
Charlotte Ciancio
Superintendent’s Signature
The BOCES consolidated signature page is the last page of the template. It
is also available on the CDE web page. Copy and mail with signatures from
the BOCES’ superintendents.
Section II:
Elements of the Program Plan
Section II is completed by every administrative unit (AU) – A Program Plan includes
all elements and describes the gifted program and priorities based upon district and
community resources. The guidance document for completing the Program Plan is
at http://www.cde.state.co.us/gt/index.htm.
Write the administrative unit’s description and targets for each element in the
blank, white, space provided in the template (include district level descriptions and
targets, if appropriate, in multiple district administrative units). An explanation of
each element in the guidance document provides details for the description. The
description may be in paragraph form and align with the numbered criteria within
each of the elements as outlined in the guidance document.
It is not uncommon in a multi-district AU for districts to be in different stages of
development towards addressing the elements of the Program Plan. A multi-district
AU may include both a general AU description and targets along with unique district
level descriptors and/or targets. The format for multiple district AUs descriptions in
any applicable section is: General AU description, AU targets, District description,
District target/s.
State Performance Plan indicators relevant to communication.
100% of administrative units will implement methods to provide all stakeholders with
access to current information about identification process and programming for gifted
students; and, methods for parental engagement in identification and programming.
AU Description:
Mapleton Public Schools will communicate with parents and families about Gifted
and Talented services through:
District website
Parent letters in English and Spanish (2nd Grade screening, referral, BOE
review results, gifted determination)
Flyers for after school enrichment and summer programming opportunities
Gifted And Talented Education Services (GATES) Parent Handbook and
brochure that describes program services available in Mapleton Public
ALP Conferences
End of Year survey for families of students receiving GATES services
Mapleton Public Schools will communicate with educators about GATES services
Presentations to each school staff in the fall by teacher representatives of the
GATES program
Consultation with staff to complete referral checklists and evidence
District website
End of Year survey for teacher representatives of the GATES program
Future steps include:
Housing all district GATES policies, procedures and information on the district
Teacher representatives will be trained to guide the RTI process for gifted
students at each school.
AU Target/s: By September 2016, each school in Mapleton Public Schools will
implement the above methods to provide all stakeholders with information and
input in English and Spanish about the identification process and programming for
GATES students.
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
Directions: Write the administrative unit’s definition for gifted students that aligns
with the State’s definition. If the definition is the same as the State’s definition
merely mark the box and do not rewrite the definition.
Check the box if the administrative unit uses the State definition for gifted
State Performance Plan indicators relevant to identification.
100% of administrative units will increase the identification of gifted students from traditionally
under-represented population if indicated as a need by local data.
100% of administrative units will implement procedures to identify gifted students in all categories
of giftedness.
AU Description:
3% of the district population is currently identified as gifted. Of those currently
identified students, 51% are Hispanic; 40% are White. The remaining 9% are
distributed among these ethnicities: American Indian (1%), Black (2%), 2 or more
races (6%). Proportionate to district demographics, the district has identified
fewer Hispanics than Whites as gifted. There is a need to identify more Hispanic
students as gifted.
The identification/referral process begins in one of two ways:
A referral is made by a teacher, parent or student.
A referral is made through a district-wide screening tool, The Cognitive
Ability Test, (CogAT) in grade 2.
Following a referral, the identification of a student as gifted follows these steps:
1. A referral form is completed by teachers, representatives for the GATES
program and parents. The Renzulli Scales for Rating the Behavioral
Characteristics of Superior Students is included in the referral form.
2. A Body of Evidence (BOE) that includes academic performance, work samples,
and observational checklists is completed to provide evidence of exceptionality
in academics, problem solving, leadership, or creativity.
3. The student is given the Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT).
4. A GATES review team comprised of teacher representatives of the GATES
program, the Coordinator of the GATES program, and Director of the GATES
Program meets to review the Body of Evidence and make a determination
based on documentation of exceptionality in three areas. Exceptionality is
based on an advanced level of performance.
5. Parents and classroom teachers are notified of CogAT results, BOE review and
results of the determination by letter and are contacted by the school
representative of the GATES program to invite them to a meeting to develop an
Advanced Learning Plan (ALP).
6. A similar identification process is used to identify students for early access.
Essential components of the Early Access Plan are:
A referral meeting with parents to identify observable student behaviors
and current performance data.
A review of available data with school personnel, preschool personnel
and parents results in an assessment plan for the student. The
assessment plan includes assessments of cognitive ability, academic
achievement, developmental growth and social emotional competency.
Upon completion of assessments the identification team reconvenes to
review the results. This team includes parents, school psychologist,
school principal and the district GATES Director. A decision is made and
if the student is identified as highly gifted, an Advanced Learning Plan
(ALP) is written by parents, teacher, the school representative of the
GATES program, and the district Coordinator or Director of the GATES
program. A transition plan is included in the ALP document.
Mapleton Public Schools Early Access Addendum is filed with CDE.
Future steps include:
Use of the CELA Growth model to identify students who are learning a
second language at an increased pace.
Incorporation of Thinking Creatively with Pictures by Paul Torrance to
ensure equal access to identification for all students.
Identification procedures will be available to all stakeholders on the
district web site.
Explore identification procedures for students in all areas of giftedness as
the state definition of gifted and talented evolves.
AU Target/s: By September 2016, Mapleton Public Schools will increase the
identification of gifted Hispanic students from 51% to 56%.
By September 2016, Mapleton Public Schools will increase the total percent of
students identified as Gifted and Talented from 3% to 7%.
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
State Performance Plan indicators relevant to programming.
100% of administrative units will declare and could implement at least one method
of Tier II and Tier III programming to serve each category of giftedness as
appropriate for individual gifted students.
100% of AUs will implement ALPs in high schools by fall 2014 either as a blended
plan with the ICAP or as a separate individual ALP.
Colorado will have a policy or guidelines for acceleration.
AU Description:
Curriculum and Instruction: In Mapleton Public Schools, students may select any
school model that meets their needs. Choices include Montessori, Expeditionary
Learning, International Baccalaureate, Global Leadership, STEM, and Early College.
All schools follow a Small by Design approach where students experience a
personalized approach to learning.
Services offered during the regular school day include the following:
Differentiated Instruction: Differentiated instruction is the core instructional
strategy. Differentiation includes both cross age and flexible grouping,
independent learning centers, content acceleration, choice menus, project
learning and presentations of learning.
Social Emotional Guidance and Post Secondary Workforce Readiness
Planning: All 7th grade students, including gifted students, begin post
secondary workforce readiness planning by logging in to College in Colorado
to begin their ICAP.
8th Grade students continue to develop their ICAP as well as take the Explore
Assessment. At the end of the 8th grade, students participate in a summer
camp that runs in conjunction with summer programming for elementary
gifted students. The purpose of the camp is to develop each student’s
understanding of post secondary college options and how to access them.
10th Grade students take the PLAN Assessment. At each juncture, students
are supported by a variety of school and community personnel such as Post
Secondary Options Coaches, mentors, advisory teachers, crew leaders and
the Mapleton Education Foundation.
Concurrent Enrollment: All 11th and 12th grade students in GATES receive
scholarship tuition for one class per year at Front Range Community College.
Additional tuition supports are available at each school.
Transition procedures are included in each student’s ALP. All ALPs and
academic records are available electronically in Alpine Achievement. This
ensures that student information is available to systematically plan
instructional decisions for gifted students as well as annual reviews of ALPs.
Extended day services include:
After school enrichment opportunities at all levels
Annual summer camp at the elementary
Mentoring and internships at the secondary level
Participation in performing arts programs and after school clubs
ALP/ICAP: Currently, secondary gifted students have both plans. Future work
includes working with post secondary coaches and secondary staff to explore the
possibility of merging them.
AU Target/s: By September 2014 Mapleton Public Schools will have a plan to blend
ICAP and ALPs for secondary gifted students.
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
State Performance Plan indicators relevant to accountability.
100% of administrative units will be successful in identifying and moving towards gifted
student achievement/growth targets.
100% of administrative units will accomplish priorities set through the Colorado Gifted
Education Review (C-GER).
Student Accountability and Accreditation
Insert SMART Goals for Student Achievement
Growth Targets
1. 100% of students gifted in Language Arts will demonstrate a median growth
percentile above 60 on the TCAP Reading Assessment.
2. 100% of students gifted in Language Arts will demonstrate a medial growth
percentile above 60 on the TCAP Writing Assessment.
3. 100% of students gifted in Mathematics will demonstrate a median growth
percentile above 60 on the TCAP Math Assessment.
Achievement Targets
1. Students gifted in Language Arts performing at the Advanced level on TCAP
Reading will increase from 24% to 44% by 2016.
2. Students gifted in Language Arts performing at the Advanced level on TCAP
Writing will increase from 30% to 50% by 2016.
3. Students gifted in Mathematics performing at the Advanced level on TCAP
Math will increase from 59% to 79% by 2016.
Optional Individual District Goals:
Student Accountability and Program Evaluation
AU Description:
The achievement of students in the GATES program is measured through these
summative assessments:
PALS individual reading assessments is given 3 times per year in grades K-3
CSAP/TCAP assessments are given in grades 3-10 annually
CELA assessments are given to students learning a second language in
Kindergarten through grade 12 annually
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) are given in grades 2-10 three times
per year to assess Reading Language Use and Math
Explore test is given annually in grade 8
PLAN test is given annually in grade 10
ACT is given annually in grade 11
Each school has a data analysis process for staff to disaggregate and analyze the
data from the above assessments. Additionally, MAP and/or TCAP growth targets
will be set for each gifted student in the fall of each year and included in the ALP.
These formative assessments are also used to inform instruction for students in the
GATES program:
Reading fluency and target assessments are given every three weeks.
Everyday Math assessments are given at the end of each unit and in January
and May.
University of Chicago School Math Program assessments are given at the end
of each unit and in January and May.
Evaluation of the Gifted Education Program: The Gifted and Talented End of Year
Report provides CDE with annual student achievement and program data. Parents
and representatives of the GATES program at each school complete surveys to
evaluate the GATES program in the spring of each year. These surveys inform the
GATES programming for the next year. Results are shared with all stakeholders.
AU Target/s: By September, 2016 Mapleton Public Schools will accomplish
priorities set through the 2010 C-GER to improve student achievement of gifted
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
AU Description: The GATES education team in Mapleton Public Schools includes the
A district central administrator is the Director of the Gifted and Talented
Education Services Program.
A teacher coordinator assists with management and professional
development planning.
23 school representatives from 14 schools coordinate the GATES program at
each school.
The district Director of Gifted and Talented Education Services is responsible for
collaborating with the teacher coordinator to provide management and
professional development for the school representatives. School representatives
are responsible for coordinating the GATES program at each school. This includes
the referral and identification process, writing ALPs in conjunction with parents,
teachers and students, providing Professional Development to classroom teachers
about appropriate differentiation strategies and structures to support increased
academic growth and achievement and participating in monthly district
professional development meetings. The GATES school representatives also seek
out enrichment opportunities, contests and parent involvement opportunities to
learn more about gifted education.
Teachers responsible for the instruction of gifted students in core academic areas
meet the federal requirements for highly qualified personnel.
AU Target/s: All of the personnel involved with gifted education in Mapleton Public
Schools will consult and communicate effectively with teachers, administrators and
parents about the educational needs of the gifted students through the ALP
development process.
The district will provide professional development for Gifted and Talented
Representatives to work with teachers to differentiate and enhance the core
curriculum to meet the needs of gifted students.
The district will provide professional development in progress monitoring the ALP
goals for all gifted students.
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
AU Description: A collaborative process is used to develop the Gifted Education
Plan for Mapleton Public Schools. Stakeholders include gifted school
representatives, the district Learning Services team, and the Assistant
Superintendent. The proposed budget supports the plan for 2012-13.
State and Local funds support the salary for the District Gifted Director, CogAT
screening for 2nd grade students and academic, performing and visual arts events
to support enrichment for gifted students.
State Gifted funds support stipends for gifted school representatives, professional
development and conference fees, supplies and materials to support professional
development, substitutes to attend conferences and provide support to teachers to
implement ALPs, after school and summer enrichment opportunities for students
and tuition to support college classes for secondary students as identified on their
AU Target/s:
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
Budget: Form
Complete and e-mail a budget page available at:
http://www.cde.state.co.us/gt/index.htm with the Program Plan template.
The proposed budget includes a projection of state funds and contributing funds
from the administrative unit. (State finance/accounting regulations require
reporting of all expenditures (general funds and state grant funds) related to
programs supported through state categorical funds. The program code for gifted
education is 3150.)
State gifted funds may be used for:
1) Salaries for appropriately certified, endorsed or licensed personnel serving gifted
students (gifted education directors, resource teachers, teachers of gifted student
classrooms and counselors for gifted students);
Professional development related to gifted education;
Programming options specific to gifted students and outlined on advanced learning
Supplies and materials used in instructional programming for gifted education; and,
Technology and equipment necessary for the education of gifted students, not to
exceed twenty-five percent of the total amount of the annual state allocation.
Record Keeping
AU Description: A master file of all gifted student identification information is kept
in the central administration building. ALPs are stored electronically in Alpine
Achievement. Signed original ALP documents are kept in each student’s cum file.
AU Target/s: Maintain compliance with state requirements.
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
Early Access
Early access provisions are optional. Mark the box pertaining to the individual AU.
Submit the early access addendum with the program plan as an attachment when
emailing the administrative unit’s documents. If there are no changes to an early
access addendum already on file with CDE, then mark in this section that an early
access addendum is on file. The early access addendum will be posted on the CDE
Web along with the AU’s program plan. The early access addendum and guidance
checklist are at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/gt/resources.htm
An early access plan is on file with CDE. No changes.
An early access plan will be attached to the email for Program Plan submission.
The AU does not have an early access plan.
Dispute Resolution
AU Description: Parents may file a written challenge if they disagree with the
identification decision or programming for their student. A district review
committee will be formed to hear both the parent and school perspective. The
review committee will make a written recommendation. If either party is not
satisfied with the recommendation, they may appeal to the Superintendent.
AU Target/s:
Optional for multiple-district AUs
District Name and Description:
District Name and Target/s:
Additional Administrative Unit Information
Directions: Optional
Attach or U.S. mail documents that further describe the administrative unit’s gifted
education program design; unique elements of addressing the instructional and
affective needs of gifted students; advanced learning plan form/procedures;
handbooks; and/or provisions for family engagement.
In the space below, list the title/s of the document/s and/or web-links submitted to
Colorado Department of Education.
The administrative unit’s program plan is due April 30, 2012.
E-mail the completed program plan, budget page, and other documents to
Katherine Keck, [email protected]. Use the administrative unit’s name in
the subject line of the e-mail. Label document files according to the following
examples, starting with the name of the administrative unit:
File Name Examples:
County_Early Access_12-16
E-mail the Program Plan to
Katherine Keck, Program Assistant
[email protected]
CDE Mailing Address:
Gifted Education
Colorado Department of Education
Gifted Education Unit
1560 Broadway, Suite 1175
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 866-6652
Fax: (303) 866-6767
CDE Contact Persons:
Jacquelin Medina, Director, Gifted Education
Colorado Department of Education
Gifted Education Unit
1560 Broadway, Suite 1175
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 866-6652
Fax: (303) 866-6767
Katherine Keck, Program Assistant II
Colorado Department of Education
Gifted Education Unit
1560 Broadway, Suite 1175
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 866-6794
Fax: (303) 866-6767
Gifted Education Regional Consultants (GERCs) are also
available for assistance in writing the Program Plan.
Gifted students’ learning and growth
ensured by needed provisions and advocacy
Typical/Eligible Expenditures of State Gifted
and Talented Education Funds
I. Licensed, endorsed personnel working with
gifted students
Suggested/Detailed Chart of Accounts
Subsitute Teachers
Additional Earnings/Stipends
Program: 0070, Object: 0110, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0120, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0200, Grant: 3150
State Gifted
Administrative Unit's
Contributing Funds
Other (e.g.
Federal or
local grant)
Sub-total of I.
II. Professional Development for educators
of gifted students
Consultant Fees
Contracted Services
Workshop Fees: Travel, Registration and
Substitute Teachers
Additional Earnings/Stipends
Sub-total of II.
III. Activities associated with instruction for
gifted students
Contracted Services
Additional Earnings/Stipends
Fees for Content Extensions
Field Trips: Contracted
Field Trips: If District Provided
Transportation - Rental of Buses
Sub-total of III.
IV. Instructional Materials
Supplies & Materials
Sub-total of IV.
V. *Instructional Equipment
Non-Capital Equipment (not a Fixed asset)
Equipment which is a Fixed Asset
Attach completed equipment sheet to plan
Sub-total of V.
Program: 2212, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0580, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0120, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 2540, Object: 0550, Grant: 3150
Object: 0390, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0513, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0851
Program: 0070 & Object: 0444
Program: 0070, Object: 0550, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0390, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0610, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0735, Grant:
Program: 0070, Object: 0735, Grant:
* Equipment purchased from state funds may not exceed 25% of the total request from the state.
Equipment must be maintained on an inventory list throughout the useful life of the equipment.
** The AU's request is projected using last year's allocation. The final AU allocation is posted on the CDE WEB page during summer months
after the legislative session and approval of the State Board of Education.
Gifted Education Program Plan
2012 – 2016
Multiple Districts Administrative Unit - Consolidated Signature Page 1
Administrative Unit’s Name:
BOCES Executive Director Signature:
Date: ____________________________
Number of Districts within
Administrative Unit:
List the name of each district
within the administrative unit
List the name of the
district’s superintendent
Signature of the district’s
superintendent reviewing
the Program Plan:
Multiple Districts Administrative Unit - Consolidated Signature Page 2
List the name of each district
within the administrative unit
List the name of the
district’s superintendent
Signature of the district’s
superintendent reviewing
the Program Plan:
Copy, complete signatures and mail to:
Gifted Education
Colorado Department of Education
Gifted Education Unit
1560 Broadway, Suite 1175
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 866-6652
Fax: (303) 866-6767
Typical/Eligible Expenditures of State Gifted and
Talented Education Funds
State Gifted
Education Funds
Suggested/Detailed Chart of Accounts Codes
I. Licensed, endorsed personnel working with gifted
Subsitute Teachers
Additional Earnings/Stipends
AU's Resources
Program: 0070, Object: 0110, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0120, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0200, Grant: 3150
Workshop Fees: Travel, Registration and Entrance
Substitute Teachers
Additional Earnings/Stipends
Sub-total of II.
III. Activities associated with instruction for gifted
Contracted Services
Additional Earnings/Stipends
Fees for Content Extensions
Field Trips: Contracted
Field Trips: If District Provided Transportation
Transportation - Rental of Buses
Other: tuition for college classes
Sub-total of III.
IV. Instructional Materials
Supplies & Materials
Other (e.g.
Federal or
local grant)
Sub-total of I.
II. Professional Development for educators of gifted
Consultant Fees
Contracted Services
Administrative Unit's
Contributing Funds
Program: 2212, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0580, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0120, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 2540, Object: 0550, Grant: 3150
Object: 0390, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0513, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0851
Program: 0070 & Object: 0444
Program: 0070, Object: 0550, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0390, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0610, Grant: 3150
Sub-total of IV.
V. *Instructional Equipment
Non-Capital Equipment (not a Fixed asset)
Program: 0070, Object: 0735, Grant: 31050
Equipment which is a Fixed Asset
Program: 0070, Object: 0735, Grant: 31050
Attach completed equipment sheet to plan
Sub-total of V.
* Equipment purchased from state funds may not exceed 25% of the total request from the state.
Equipment must
on ang inventory
list throughout the useful life of the equipment.
q be maintained
p j
session and approval of the State Board of Education.
p g
Typical/Eligible Expenditures of State Gifted and
Talented Education Funds
State Gifted
Education Funds
Suggested/Detailed Chart of Accounts Codes
I. Licensed, endorsed personnel working with gifted
Subsitute Teachers
Additional Earnings/Stipends
AU's Resources
Program: 0070, Object: 0110, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0120, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0200, Grant: 3150
Workshop Fees: Travel, Registration and Entrance
Substitute Teachers
Additional Earnings/Stipends
Sub-total of II.
III. Activities associated with instruction for gifted
Contracted Services
Additional Earnings/Stipends
Fees for Content Extensions
Field Trips: Contracted
Field Trips: If District Provided Transportation
Transportation - Rental of Buses
Other: tuition for college classes
Sub-total of III.
IV. Instructional Materials
Supplies & Materials
Other (e.g.
Federal or
local grant)
Sub-total of I.
II. Professional Development for educators of gifted
Consultant Fees
Contracted Services
Administrative Unit's
Contributing Funds
Program: 2212, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0580, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0120, Grant: 3150
Program: 2212, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 2540, Object: 0550, Grant: 3150
Object: 0390, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0150, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0320, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0513, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0851
Program: 0070 & Object: 0444
Program: 0070, Object: 0550, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0390, Grant: 3150
Program: 0070, Object: 0610, Grant: 3150
Sub-total of IV.
V. *Instructional Equipment
Non-Capital Equipment (not a Fixed asset)
Program: 0070, Object: 0735, Grant: 31050
Equipment which is a Fixed Asset
Program: 0070, Object: 0735, Grant: 31050
Attach completed equipment sheet to plan
Sub-total of V.
* Equipment purchased from state funds may not exceed 25% of the total request from the state.
Equipment must
on ang inventory
list throughout the useful life of the equipment.
q be maintained
p j
session and approval of the State Board of Education.
p g
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